How long is nebenezer banned? - Off-topic

I have bail money
I am not trying to start anything, I just want to know. He is the OP of a pretty significant theme aggregate thread I would like to know when we can expect him back to continue to update the catalog or if we are going to need to do it all over again.
I hope it is the former. I'm pleeding for his life, judge! Don't take my boy!

lol Why did he get banned?

Here comes the drama..
And OP, I'm not sure.

threadrape, though i believe its a political smear campaign. he knows NO means NO but some have convincing false evidence. if the sig don't fit you must acquit.

Hopefully not for too long. Even if you don't agree with how he's handled the whole fixxxer situation, he's funny and contributes a lot.
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what?!! Horrible news! WE LOVE YOU NEB!! The mods have been going gnarly lately. I'm not liking it. I kinda like our free-for-all method that we had before they organized our subforum. The grass is always greener....

alexthearmo said:
The mods have been going gnarly lately.
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Which why I would recommend taking it easy and make sure threads like this don't get out of control.

I think they let the power go to their heads....................

Yes, the miss have totally letter power get to their heads and they can't categorize worth a **** either so yeah... that's why I have decided to stop contributing ideas that everyone can take credit for and leave me in the dust. I'll still post, but bot with innovative ideas.
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I am not trying to start drama, not trying to criticize decisions. Just respectfully asking for one piece of information. Not that I am entitled. Just askin'
(did I cover all of my bases)
OH and I am not responsible if your phone is bricked.

grego442 said:
I am not trying to start drama, not trying to criticize decisions. Just respectfully asking for one piece of information. Not that I am entitled. Just askin'
(did I cover all of my bases)
OH and I am not responsible if your phone is bricked.
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My guess us 3 day. That's what tejas, kcarpenter and I were threatened with. And I followed the instructions you posted in the op about removing the battery and I think you caused my phone to be bricked. I deem you responsible
Edit got my phone working you had failed to provide instructions on reinserting the battery

my two cents on everything is simple.
before we got the first port of 2.1-dec 09, thanks to flipz. there was NO DRAMA. it was all development.
i know i joined in january but i watched everyone and everything. there were never any developers leaving because someone posted warez, or people pointing fingers at someone. or even someone degrading mods.
mods are mods for a reason. they use their power to keep pointless **** from starting up. this thread needs to close. XDA is for development/help of phones. not to degrade people. we are on the internet. we dont know eachother personally. which is how it needs to be.
so please keep these issues to a minimal. we finally get our own general and dev threads and its being shot to hell.
as for the op's questions. alot of the bans are a week to a month. there was obviously a reason. its no ones business except neb and the mods.
no offense to anyone. i just want issues to be DROPPED and lets continue to help and develop.

Its a real shame to see a great forum ruined by censorship. I belong to several dozen forums covering things from pc components, to video games, car forums to home improvement and on and on and never have I seen a forum so poorly handled. You let people openly admit to criminal activity and actually encourage it, while on the other hand, you ban people for standing up to them and calling them out. You play favorites by banning people you don't like and letting your "pals" do what they want. Worst of all, now you delete threads for no legitimate reason other than not liking it or not agreeing with it. This forum wasn't great before the "organization", but now its turning into something even worse. Maybe you guys are having a bad day, I don't know, but I hope you get your act together and go back to doing what your supposed to do, that is moderate, not police and censor.
Have a good night and thanks to the devs and their hard work................

its all good

Oh look, bans are worthless here too. Mods aren't even smart enough to find the forum plugin to block an ip address. This place is truly depressing, and I will take the time now to personally thank flips for ****ing the community that this place once was. All because he had a burr up his ass one day.
That's my five bucks worth. Screw two cents.
Also. How much you wanna bet that fixers new id doesn't get banned? Childish **** right there, make a new account after you lost your first one due to stupidity.
Sent from your mom!

And to re post what fixer wrote before he edited his post right above my previous one, he said his account got banned too so its all good, it was worth it in the end.
Sent from your mom!

EDIT: Nevermind, I don't think I want to know or be part of whatever this bs is....obviously i'm not up to speed and I think I would rather stay that way.
What Does flipz have to do with this?
jerry43812 said:
Oh look, bans are worthless here too. Mods aren't even smart enough to find the forum plugin to block an ip address. This place is truly depressing, and I will take the time now to personally thank flips for ****ing the community that this place once was. All because he had a burr up his ass one day.
That's my five bucks worth. Screw two cents.
Also. How much you wanna bet that fixers new id doesn't get banned? Childish **** right there, make a new account after you lost your first one due to stupidity.
Sent from your mom!
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The baby mama drama didn't get so extreme till his actions a month or so ago when he leaked a file that was supposed to be held private at the time. Do some research.
What Does flipz have to do with this?
Oh look, bans are worthless here too. Mods aren't even smart enough to find the forum plugin to block an ip address. This place is truly depressing, a
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Sent from your mom!

fixxxer2OO8 said:
its all good
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hahaha i like the "OO" instead of "00"

Didn't realize he was the one who leaked it.....Thanks for the harsh reply to a honest question.
jerry43812 said:
The baby mama drama didn't get so extreme till his actions a month or so ago when he leaked a file that was supposed to be held private at the time. Do some research.
Sent from your mom!
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Who Do You Trust

Who do you trust with your phone???? This is not meant to BASH anyone. The purpose of this thread is for all of us to contribute in a way that will give users of this site an opportunity to see others RESPECTFUL opinions and experiences as it relates to the "devs" putting out roms. Who Do YOU Trust??
Get the **** out of here with these stupid threads - its a waste of space, man.
Fail thread is Fail
jabbawalkee said:
Get the **** out of here with these stupid threads - its a waste of space, man.
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[email protected] said:
Fail thread is Fail
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hey jerkkkkks. report it, contribute, or shut up
jabbawalkee said:
Get the **** out of here with these stupid threads - its a waste of space, man.
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Agreed this coming from the guy who reports every thead I have seen of his.
honestly, there is nothing wrong with this thread on xda, but please never post this useless crap in the dev forum
PsychoKilla666 said:
honestly, there is nothing wrong with this thread on xda, but please never post this useless crap in the dev forum
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i understand what you mean, but i put this here because this is where the roms are located. People come to this forum to find roms, and info about them. thanks to all those that have voted so far!
guess i will be seeing this over in Q&A or gen real quickly
Ok, lets see where this leads to
thanks mikey for moving this
jaaronmoody said:
I know this will probably be moved, BUT let's give it a shot. This is not meant to BASH anyone. The purpose of this thread is for all of us to contribute in a way that will give users of this site an opportunity to see others RESPECTFUL opinions and experiences as it relates to the "devs" putting out roms. Who Do YOU Trust??
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Kinda subjective... Obvious choice is Cyanogen. Why even ask?
hey i was right, as soon as i posted my post it was move
who do i trust me, myself and i
who do i distrust everyone
but i support the works of cy, twisted, jac, maxisma and all the honest devs around here
i distrust drizzy though and will never touch anything of his now
Cyanogen is winning the vote, but this isn't to make one out to be better than the other, because they all do different stuff. But there is something to be said about how it is done. In a free market, everyone chooses based upon their own set of criteria.
I trust me and that creepy guy that keeps looking at me when im not looking...
<--- Yeah thats him right there.
This thread is stupid. You said this thread isnt meant to bash on the devs, but your basically doing that with the polls. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the devs mentioned above sees the result and decides to leave xda for good because of crap like this. I seriously see no point in this thread except to put these people in the spotlight. Come on folks, common sense is your friend when it comes to trust.
Lets make a thread about Jaaronpardy or w/e the OP name is, lets put up a poll to see who thinks this guy thread is garbage or not. Seriously tho, who gives a F**K? if the devs above contributes and makes nice roms then hooray!the community is happy, but what the f**k trust got to do with anything? Fail thread is FAIL!
[email protected] said:
This thread is stupid.
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man do i want to smoke
twistedumbrella said:
Kinda subjective... Obvious choice is Cyanogen. Why even ask?
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Yeah, its a question based on opinion of individuals... AKA ...subjective lol, and he asked just so that the community can have a reference for new members, etc, w/e... and no cyanogen may not be obvious to all..
that all aside, lol, i trust cyanogen (myself only for cupcake/donut of course) and kingklick for hero, but MLIGN and maxisma and drizzy all make contributions of what they personally like in a phone also, so really, the best thing for everyone to do would be to make individual custom roms like moto modding is with monster packs lol
jaaronmoody said:
man do i want to smoke
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seriously man, its getting up to here --- lol i could use some "stress" relief (oh and, btw i like this thread , just an fyi lmao)
a good thread to be up right now.
Today, I saw some of the most ridiculous, immature, stupid asinine talk from people that are supposed to have I.Q's above their pants sizes that I have ever seen.
Using ebonics to try and explain how they arent stupid..... calling people names while having NO CLUE what they are talking about.
A guy who thought it was funny because he tried to rip some kids phone off and got caught.
How much attention does one guy need to beg for?
I came here thinking that there would be at least a tiny bit more respect for people then places like PSP and Xbox mod sites where retarded kids run rampant, then I see that all this place mostly is, is people stealing others work and taking credit.. then blaming the persons wok they took.
The first rom I ever used was Drizzys blur....... After seeing the way he talks to people, the way he treats people... hell just the way he types has made me loose any respect I may have had.
I have no clue how roms are made. I would never attempt to make one. But, being as how NO DEVELOPER here actually makes any of these roms makes it the more ridiculous.
You take an image from a phone, and change things around and name it. All these guys do is take someone elses work and slap crap all over it, change some stuff up and call it their own. How about I take windows XP, make 1 wallpaper, change the page file settings and put a bunch of crappy icons and name it "windows crypy xtreme". Sounds retarded doesnt it? Well thats all these guys do.
Ive seen some of the dumbest arguments I have ever seen in my 28 years, on this site between people who are supposed to have half a brain.
There is only so many times I can see "er'ything, dis, dat"... I mean, is it that hard to add that extra correct letter into your english when trying to prove your intelligence? how can you argue with someone when you didnt even make it far enough through school to know how to talk to other humans?
Oh well.... Ive learned enough here in my few weeks to now know what im doing when searching for a rom. I dont care about whos name is on it.
All these roms were leaked, stolen or dumped at some point in time to where anyone with the right knowledge can make their own. Its just sad when some "kids" are some full of themselves they just beg for the attention they can get whether it be good or extremely bad.That shows me that maybe mommy and daddy dont love them very much.... or are just dumber then dirt with crap in it.
After the arguments I saw here today, trying to justify ripping people off for having trust, whining about who stole what first and who is better at altering said stolen content... I think this place is a joke.
It may have been good at 1 point in time, but when you get a bunch of attention starved idiots into a room together, of which some have serious personality issues, it just turns into a big heaping steaming pile of poo.
HEll, I dont even know who deserves credit for what now because this place is so full of BS.
I... Just... its insane really.
Sorry for this rant, but after hours of reading complete and utter retardation all day today and loosing many an I.Q point for reading, I thought this was the only appropriate thread for said rant.
The real question here is, all these guys use STOLEN software, how can you trust any of them?
I dont trust anyone I dont know personally, and Ive made it this far in life. Some of you that are still under 20, trying to act like you are god because you slap a bunch of files together is just... well DUMB.
I mean really.... some of you are supposed to be smart software wise..... How did you get so stupid in every other aspect of life?
[email protected] said:
This thread is stupid. You said this thread isnt meant to bash on the devs, but your basically doing that with the polls.
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no more back and forth, after this, the only one who is bashing anyone is you. I have not voted, nor offered a critical opinion. get over it

[Q] Suggestions for improving Forum Etiquette

This is my reply to the mess of a thread located at:
I hope my suggestions are taken in the very helpful spirit that they were typed.
Thanks folks.
I'm gonna be all trolly here and what not. Is there not a way to simply FORCE people to read? As in, you can't post for 3 weeks after you join? It wouldn't stop people from being stupid, but it would help train them to Search & Read in the 3 weeks that they desperately wait for a Rom to drop.
This thread has the train wreck effect... I couldn't not read the whole damn thing. (I am actually very interested in getting the originally mentioned feature, btw.) And yes my post is Off-Topic, yet ridiculously relevant. I have quietly been a member of this forum for years and haven't seen this kind of wasted space ever. Maybe I should stop recommending people "Go check out xda developers online..." I am partially responsible for getting these people here. But, I believe a strong, open community is the best way to get results. Perhaps, all new members trying to post new threads outside of the General/Q&A forums get redirected to the Advanced Search page unless verified by a mod as a legitimate dev contributor? I am sure that would require coding a module for the forums... And since I don't know how to do any of that I will end my trolliness now. Oh wait, maybe a simpler solution - A "Wrong forum button" where if enough people vote the post gets moved. Seems simple enough and the mods can get the help they need without have the more - zealous - members of our community take matters into their own hands.
Thanks for your time and attention to my suggestions. I will now look for an appropriate place to post this in the main forum.
See that's why I voted "against" xda samsung section, you'll see it will be even worse when we get an lg and istick sections
This place is becoming just like other places only flaming and "your problems are stupid because this is alright for me". Luckily there are still a lot of decent people around here which make me stay.
poll looks pretty inconclusive to me
Very umm, intellectual thread read that was.
But you know when inviting a couple of close friends over turns into a full blown Hizouse Partaaay a couple of fights are gonna break out...
Actions as such in that thread aren't very rampant but can make for an interesting read. But comparing contributions, join date and or post count in any situation is pretty moronic.
Has there ever been a thread where it ended happy and all party's posted:
Like, man I'm sorry man I was drunk.
Oh no man it's cool, man my wife was gettin on me about the garbage and kids were nagging.
So are we cool?
Yeah man. Can I invite you as a friend?
Oh totally!
That would be awesome to see...
good day.
I have seen many happy ending threads actually.
And honestly, I didn't really understand your ideas on what is being discussed. I think that if the actions were rampant then this site would be dying as many have before. XDA has a very long legacy, and it should be protected BEFORE it becomes a problem. Just how telling a 15 y/o that suddenly his backtalk is not acceptable would have no effect, telling the new influx of users being drawn by the boom in mobility that they have to behave in the forums when everything they see is "" would be ineffective. Needs to be taken care of early. Prevent the problem. Don't waste tons of resources trying to fix it.
And just to be clear were you at all trying to be offensive, snarky, or sarcastic? Just curious.
- Memo
souljaboy said:
poll looks pretty inconclusive to me
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It's a wealth of information! Perhaps we need to stick people into the Brain Training room from Lost. ...I'll go look for my lab coat.
memorito said:
And honestly, I didn't really understand your ideas on what is being discussed.
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Actually just noticed the [Q] on the thread title, your post didn't really reference adding on to your suggestions. So my bad for not seeing the [Q]. Wrong forum button does have some potential. But the experienced xda user should know who his forum mod is and send a pm outlining any gripe with link to thread before turning it into a public chest puffing competition where in the end all who participated look like morons.
Is it feasible to have an ethics moderating committee that would monitor the content and actions of the first 15 posts of a new member? But it all still comes down to an individual showing that they have the utmost respect for xda and its users. Members involved in your example are not spring chickens and should be a little ashamed. Because a new user might think that is the norm for the forum.
memorito said:
And just to be clear were you at all trying to be offensive, snarky, or sarcastic?
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No. The house party statement does hold a lot truth though. Even 3 years ago the "smart phone" was seen as a business tool. Even you brought up the influx of new users as result of the mobile boom. I'm 36 now and didn't even get a cell phone till I was 23. Now I see children with devices that I would die to have or be able to afford. The age demographic of this site has changed so dramatically over the last couple of years. And as elder members we can only protect the image of xda by policing our own actions and utilizing the forum mods for what they are intended for.
Since it is off topic I still feel like I need to have a little fun.
Boobs....... o.k. I'm done.
good day.
a good start would be requiring everyone to add a nice greeting to the end of their posts according to the time of the day
ive talked to the mods about this in the past and they liked the idea, but havent added it yet:
requiring a signature to be set up upon first signing up to xda including current phone/s, rom, recovery, hboot, kernel...
having set up so that registering could not continue without filling out these fields (of course there would have to be a "how-to" option to help those that dont know what those are or how to find out what they have)
this would stop the
"can someone help me please! my phone wont boot"
"what phone do you have?"
"what rom are you running?"
"stock 1.6"
"what hboot?"
exchanges which take up half the posts in a lot of threads
souljaboy said:
a good start would be requiring everyone to add a nice greeting to the end of their posts according to the time of the day
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tnpapadakos said:
requiring a signature to be set up upon first signing up
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This would also help create that pause for reflection and research that I think would really help the new members get oriented. Right from the start they learn they have to provide as much info as possible, if they are ever to get a response.
chopper the dog said:
Actually just noticed the [Q] ...
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Actually, I should have restructured the post. I just straight copy/pasted from a related thread where the info would have been read in context.
chopper the dog said:
Is it feasible to have an ethics moderating committee that would monitor the content and actions of the first 15 posts of a new member?... Members involved in your example are not spring chickens and should be a little ashamed. ...
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I don't know that it would be feasible. I was even thinking of perhaps a Volunteer Buddy Moderation, where you have to submit your first 5 posts for approval from a mentor. The mentor would be in charge of making sure the protocol was followed - Search And Read, Label subject line correctly, and provide full info... I just don't know that anyone is willing to work on the actual Forum Coding... And adding more work to the mods wouldn't be a good idea. If they had the time to constantly be vigil, they would kill the problem posts as soon as they are noticed.
chopper the dog said:
The age demographic of this site has changed so dramatically over the last couple of years. And as elder members we can only protect the image of xda by policing our own actions and utilizing the forum mods for what they are intended for.
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I guess it can be expected from the youngins, but how do you get the grumpy, reactionary elders to nod feed the flames?
chopper the dog said:
Since it is off topic I still feel like I need to have a little fun.
Boobs....... o.k. I'm done.
good day.
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Good day to you too, sir.
Happy Ending. Don't see many of these. HERE
good day.
chopper the dog said:
Happy Ending. Don't see many of these. HERE
good day.
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That did work out rather nice... But they weren't being completely nasty to each other.
Not like these guys...
Some people have every intent of being offensive. Don't really get the point but hey.
Kids will be kids
What i see is a lot of kids (15-30) in this forum tend to think since they know...... you should too. Forums should encourage newbies to get involved and once they are communicating then, reroute them to the right forum etc. this kind of considerate rational act would improve and make this forum WAY better, but then, I digress.
Requiring the signature probably would be helpful, but I think the moderator being vigilant and remind the sarcastic, inconsiderate they once were Newbies may be just as effective. People need to remember that not all here are devs, programmers or really techies. A lot are here for the education..... but wife always said i was too much an idealist
WOW hit a new level HERE.
good day.

[Q] Me and my girl had a fight

So we had another fight about me spending too much time playing with and talking about android and phones. As long as cellphones don't come up in conversation we were the happiest couple in the world. But I finally broke up with her because I couldn't even think about android without her getting mad at me. And I figured I would just find a girl that shared my interest. But I just realized that there are ZERO females(at least in the state of alabama) that even know what android is. Should I quit looking now? Does anyone have any advice to find them(if they exist that is)?
I lol'ed so hard.
if this isnt a troll , ur a noob for not being able to control urself not to talk about ur fone
sounded like my wife ...picking a fight because too much time on xda and phones.... Well, you can move from your state
souljaboy said:
if this isnt a troll , ur a noob for not being able to control urself not to talk about ur fone
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Sorry you think I'm a noob, but I can control myself enough to not talk about it, but WHY should I? I'm going to look for a girl with common interest, and if I don't find anyone I will suppress my techie talk. But until I know that she doesn't exist, why would I change the kind of woman I would like to date?
So next time your off just supermanning hoes think about what a relationship should be about.
This is what I get for asking for girl advice on xda
LMAOO! If your serious, I really think you messed up BIG time! Call her now, apologize, and get off of XDA.
sorry to hear it bro. my wife also gets pissy when im on modding/hacking forums too much, but she'll get used to it eventually
I somewhat agree with Original Android.... if you usually get along, apologize and try to consider some of her interests. some people just dont get our devotion(addiction) to such things
as far as quitting XDA..... bad idea. maybe just set a specific time for this great site.
its all about compromise homey..... i hate you for making me think serious!! j/k
Had a fight here too for this very same reason...
Mr. Clown said:
sounded like my wife ...picking a fight because too much time on xda and phones.... Well, you can move from your state
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orb3000 said:
Had a fight here too for this very same reason...
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Well my friend, it's time to negotiate . I did this with my wife, I agreed with her that I will spend some hours a week to be on the web and xda of course (while she's around). So both of us are happy since I comply with the terms when she's around ....but she's not always around you know.
Yes, time is not equal my girl says...
Anyway we should re negotiate a new way if possible
She's the one, I'm pretty sure of it
Original Android <3ers! said:
LMAOO! If your serious, I really think you messed up BIG time! Call her now, apologize, and get off of XDA.
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Ok first off, hope you are LOVING highschool and football still. And yes I messed up big time, she's truely a wonderful person. But I didn't have to call her, she called me and we came to a compromise. She said if I would buy her that "nexus thingy" and actually "teach" her what I was talking about, she thinks she would really enjoy learning about it. And in my mind it wasn't a compromise, I got exactly what I wanted..... oh wait I just spent $500 on an N1
griffincash said:
Ok first off, hope you are LOVING highschool and football still. And yes I messed up big time, she's truely a wonderful person. But I didn't have to call her, she called me and we came to a compromise. She said if I would buy her that "nexus thingy" and actually "teach" her what I was talking about, she thinks she would really enjoy learning about it. And in my mind it wasn't a compromise, I got exactly what I wanted..... oh wait I just spent $500 on an N1
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I'm going to be frank. Return that N1. The relationship is now headed in the wrong direction for the wrong reasons.
In your future relationships, if you're with your girl, be with your girl. Learn to compromise. Your partner's reaction to the particular behavior (i.e., dealing/talking Android) is ultimately just a natural reaction towards the frequency in which you exhibited it (i.e., excessively). Imagine if your partner asked you to accompany them to go shopping every day of the week for at least 3 hours each day. While you guys are shopping, she'll talk to you about every brand, and fashion, etc. Should she leave you because you aren't interested in her interests?
Your Android fetish is a hobby. There are more important things in life that you should be paying attention to. I'm not saying this girl is -the- one you'll be with for the rest of your life, but things like growing and improving social skills should take greater precedence than learning and keeping what's up with the latest and greatest on Cyanogen mods.
Take my advice for what it's worth to you. Just remember, at the end of the day, it's just a phone.
Im not returning the N1. I shouldn't have ever posted this thread. I know exactly what important things are in my life(what exactly did you even mean by that??). I'm going to stop this now because people don't and can't know every detail about our relationship and it is now being misinterpreted.
And it's not about roms or tweaks it's about the future of technology, which I think everyone can agree is rather important
well this is funny... you are trying to find a girlfriend on XDA ?
cupcake2301 said:
well this is funny... you are trying to find a girlfriend on XDA ?
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LOL, I lol'd big time.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
PaulForde said:
LOL, I lol'd big time.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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So did I mate ! The OP should go to some dating fora or something why on XDA ! LOL !
fk, i had something like this too once, since then i didnt talk about phones that much anymore xD..
well but she knows now that this is like a hobby for me, and its not that bad when i talk about it from time to time...
hell we are techjunkies, but even we need to hold back with our tech **** when talking to a girl xD
(i knew that before, but, for example, i couldnt live with it, if my gf would buy an iphone.................XD)
griffincash said:
Im not returning the N1. I shouldn't have ever posted this thread. I know exactly what important things are in my life(what exactly did you even mean by that??). I'm going to stop this now because people don't and can't know every detail about our relationship and it is now being misinterpreted.
And it's not about roms or tweaks it's about the future of technology, which I think everyone can agree is rather important
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You telling me that it's not about ROM or tweaks and that it is actually about the future of technology is really a bad attempt at justifying your hobby. This is even illustrated by the following clause when you feel the need to garner further support of your hobby by amassing the opinions of your fellow XDA members.
But nevermind that, good luck with the relationship. I do hope that things work out in the end.
I usually dont talk about phones when Im with my girl... hell I've even visited xda less, since Im in a normal relations (not those in which I have to be responsible for everyf**king thing.. - had one of those about a year and a half ago)
anyways - just find something to talk about that is interesting for both of you + keeps your mind off the phones...
or if you can't you can get yourself off the xda, or you can always ask someone to ban you.. just kidding
so basically she had the bravery to say : $500 fone or no sammiches
and ur happy about it

PS3 Development

Hello all, I'm new here. Don't you just love seeing those 5 words?
Anyways, I own a PS3 and was wondering if anyone has or heard of a program that enables you to copy movies and games to the internal hard drive?
Basically giving you the ability to get rid of those cumbersome discs. I'm a moron, so please go easy on me. I've heard of one for the PS2. But that only enables games to be copied. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Wise man say, "never pay full price for late pizza. "
Its people like you, yes you, that put game devs and companies out of freaking business. PEOPLE LIKE YOU are the reason i cant play dead rising 2 with my friends because PSN is down. Its people like you that try to cheat everybody out of whats thiers. There are websites FOR the specific question youre asking. NOT XDA-Developers. We do NOT associate with warez, nor illegal copyright infringment. People like you that want everything but dont wanna fuc*** pay for it make me sick.
//end rant.
Sent from my ADR6300 with the power of BUNGHOLIO!!!!!!!
Take a chill pill watt. I know where you're coming from.
@OP: Sorry, this is XDA, not, so, er...
Really guys, be nice to him. It was a question. Thats all.
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Look. I do apoligize. But piriating and sh*t has gone way to far. Im sorry. The whole GeoHotz thing, custom firmwares, psn hacked, its got me strung out cause i had credit card info on there. Sorry OP, just piriating/copy infringment pisses me off.
Sent from my ADR6300 with the power of BUNGHOLIO!!!!!!!
watt9493 said:
Look. I do apoligize. But piriating and sh*t has gone way to far. Im sorry. The whole GeoHotz thing, custom firmwares, psn hacked, its got me strung out cause i had credit card info on there. Sorry OP, just piriating/copy infringment pisses me off.
Sent from my ADR6300 with the power of BUNGHOLIO!!!!!!!
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It pisses me off too. Just chill, man. No need to get overworked over anything
watt9493 said:
Look. I do apoligize. But piriating and sh*t has gone way to far. Im sorry. The whole GeoHotz thing, custom firmwares, psn hacked, its got me strung out cause i had credit card info on there. Sorry OP, just piriating/copy infringment pisses me off.
Sent from my ADR6300 with the power of BUNGHOLIO!!!!!!!
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Wow... hit a nerve did I? I'm not interested in pirating anything.
I pay for my movies and games. I have also donated to several devs on this forum for their work and contributions.
I simply would like to take all of my discs and install them on my hard drive. I'm getting irritated with the wall of dvd boxes, and tired of the discs getting scratched and dirty.
To much maintenance if you ask me.
Even putting them in a disc logic binder is still negating the purpose.
However, I do agree... people that pirate cause all of the problems, and because of them the majority pays for their crimes.
I apologize for any misunderstanding. If I posted this on the wrong forum, delete it. I just thought, with the wealth of experience and knowledge, here would be a good spot to ask my question.
Wise man say, "never pay full price for late pizza. "
lncoln said:
Wow... hit a nerve did I? I'm not interested in pirating anything.
I pay for my movies and games. I have also donated to several devs on this forum for their work and contributions.
I simply would like to take all of my discs and install them on my hard drive. I'm getting irritated with the wall of dvd boxes, and tired of the discs getting scratched and dirty.
To much maintenance if you ask me.
Even putting them in a disc logic binder is still negating the purpose.
However, I do agree... people that pirate cause all of the problems, and because of them the majority pays for their crimes.
I apologize for any misunderstanding. If I posted this on the wrong forum, delete it. I just thought, with the wealth of experience and knowledge, here would be a good spot to ask my question.
Wise man say, "never pay full price for late pizza. "
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This is the right section. Off topic. A Ps3 site might be better able to help you though. Youre not going to get much response from the guys here. Just not the "thing" anyway, i apoligize for my first post, its just that when people come, asking to do something VERY sketchy, that is in the news and were having problems with, it raises a red flag. Sorry for any misunderstanding.
Sent from my ADR6300 with the power of BUNGHOLIO!!!!!!!
watt9493 said:
This is the right section. Off topic. A Ps3 site might be better able to help you though. Youre not going to get much response from the guys here. Just not the "thing" anyway, i apoligize for my first post, its just that when people come, asking to do something VERY sketchy, that is in the news and were having problems with, it raises a red flag. Sorry for any misunderstanding.
Sent from my ADR6300 with the power of BUNGHOLIO!!!!!!!
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Nice to see you two kiss and make up. Now go get a room.
Back on topic (or off topic, let's not go there, shall we?), piracy is a major problem for a lot of people. I can't get access to cheap games, especially when a game could cost up to half a week's wage for me, and that's not even taking into account my living expenses.
You know the funny thing is, I had no idea about the PSN hack until 15 mins ago. One of the first stories on the news.
Why can't people just leave sh*t alone? Stop with the bs.
I understand that without hackers, we wouldn't have some of the stuff that we have. But come on! There's a line that people just shouldn't cross.
Wise man say, "never pay full price for late pizza. "
lncoln said:
You know the funny thing is, I had no idea about the PSN hack until 15 mins ago. One of the first stories on the news.
Why can't people just leave sh*t alone? Stop with the bs.
I understand that without hackers, we wouldn't have some of the stuff that we have. But come on! There's a line that people just shouldn't cross.
Wise man say, "never pay full price for late pizza. "
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Sony crossed that line first.
sakai4eva said:
Sony crossed that line first.
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So true. Doesn't mean you have to ruin it for millions.
Sent from my ADR6300 with the power of BUNGHOLIO!!!!!!!
Dudes you just reminded me my card details are on PSN too Can you access PSN from website?
MacaronyMax said:
Dudes you just reminded me my card details are on PSN too Can you access PSN from website?
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I have no idea. I'd anything does come out, its going right back in, or Sony will hear a lotta stuff from a lotta people
Sent from my ADR6300 with the power of BUNGHOLIO!!!!!!!
watt9493 said:
Look. I do apoligize. But piriating and sh*t has gone way to far. Im sorry. The whole GeoHotz thing, custom firmwares, psn hacked, its got me strung out cause i had credit card info on there. Sorry OP, just piriating/copy infringment pisses me off.
Sent from my ADR6300 with the power of BUNGHOLIO!!!!!!!
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Actually I would blame Sony for all of this before GeoHot, if their security division would've been doing their jobs that I'm sure they're getting paid six figure salaries for, none of this would've happened, or at least the extremity of it. If Sony is offering a service that requires ppl credit card info, its their jobs to make damn sure the server where all this sensitive info is kept is 100% secure.
EVO on Tapatalk
piscesjoey said:
Actually I would blame Sony for all of this before GeoHot, if their security division would've been doing their jobs that I'm sure they're getting paid six figure salaries for, none of this would've happened, or at least the extremity of it. If Sony is offering a service that requires ppl credit card info, its their jobs to make damn sure the server where all this sensitive info is kept is 100% secure.
EVO on Tapatalk
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You blame sony for this!?! People make security systems. People arent perfect. Therefore neither are the security systems. Sony went after GeoHotz after he hacked the ps3 and made it possible to copy movies/games to the HD. This isnt sonys fault. Its the pricks that think they should get something for nothing.
Sent from my ADR6300 with the power of BUNGHOLIO!!!!!!!
watt9493 said:
You blame sony for this!?! People make security systems. People arent perfect. Therefore neither are the security systems. Sony went after GeoHotz after he hacked the ps3 and made it possible to copy movies/games to the HD. This isnt sonys fault. Its the pricks that think they should get something for nothing.
Sent from my ADR6300 with the power of BUNGHOLIO!!!!!!!
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Oh I hold GeoHot and Anonymous responsible in ways too, but Sony isn't a saint in this either.
EVO on Tapatalk
piscesjoey said:
Actually I would blame Sony for all of this before GeoHot, if their security division would've been doing their jobs that I'm sure they're getting paid six figure salaries for, none of this would've happened, or at least the extremity of it. If Sony is offering a service that requires ppl credit card info, its their jobs to make damn sure the server where all this sensitive info is kept is 100% secure.
EVO on Tapatalk
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You can't possibly be serious, that's like saying "Oh, I can break into your car so if I do it's your fault for not making the car indestructible." You can't blame Sony because their security isn't air tight. No one's security is air tight, there will almost always be a loophole.
-10 post limit for off-topic!-
yeah but sony's suing graf_chocolo as well! he did nothing related to piracy, he only wanted to restore a feature that was unrightfully taken from us: the other os feature. one of the two reasons I bought my ps3 was this feature, and sony just removes it "for security concerns?" furthermore, graf also stated that he would only turn it into a devs' thing or something, something that wouldn't be able to be used as an exploit for cfw whatsoever. i am against sony all the way - especially now that i know that they attempted to view our ip adresses for watching hotz's and graf's videos.....
Its not that hard to do and it doesnt take a special program, remember Google is your friend.

[REQUEST]Apple vs. All timeline?

Hey all,
Recently I have been researching the big hub-bub going on where Apple is suing everyone in sight (my poor attempt at humor). Next thing you know, the guy that invented the Slinky will be getting a subpoena to testify for Apple. I have been VERY busy with the crazed thing I call a life and need a little help here. I am not very delved deep into this massive debate going on between Apple and Google, Samsung, HTC. The thing I request is a "timeline" to loosely term it. Don't automatically discount me as some "lazy" person. I just need the expertise of someone with their nose in this doggy doodoo pile, so to speak. I don't really ask for much, but I haven't followed the battle since the start so my ability to effectively chronologically order the major lawsuits and actions taken by all sides is next to nil. I don't need anything fancy, hell a text file written with Notepad will do, as long as the information is FACTUAL and ordered correctly. If you feel like composing a flashy Powerpoint then by all means do so, but it's not needed. The major points will be elaborated upon and condensed in a 15-20 page Powerpoint by me. Anyways, back to work since my professors getting on my a** about being on XDA.
Thanks, worldindo1.
Edit: Actually, I'll let you find out for yourself
There's this cool website that has all this information.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Here is a link that should help you.
Archer said:
Edit: Actually, I'll let you find out for yourself
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Wow! I'm surprised this thread survived, or was a Mod actually hoping for a mini flame war to break out
Simon.TS.HTC said:
Wow! I'm surprised this thread survived, or was a Mod actually hoping for a mini flame war to break out
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Mods have a "thread closing quota" and I'm nearing my TCQ for the week. I have to slow down or I won't be able to close the really important ones
85gallon said:
Here is a link that should help you.
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And from this we get:
MissionImprobable said:
And from this we get:
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There's way more than that, way way more
Well of course, but that thing is a pretty good overview for those who are too lazy to compile on their own.
That might be the suits in the state of Georgia. I know for sure it's not worldwide.
Well since the OP hasn't come back to see if any donkeys would do his work for him, I'll post my original response.
Me said:
So, basically, you're asking someone to do your homework for you and you'd prefer a nice flashy presentation if that's possible.
Would you like fries with that?
Sorry - Google and research. That's why they call it research. (I'm also doing you a favour because this thread has troll-bait smeared all over it!!)
Thread closed.
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