[REQUEST]Apple vs. All timeline? - Off-topic

Hey all,
Recently I have been researching the big hub-bub going on where Apple is suing everyone in sight (my poor attempt at humor). Next thing you know, the guy that invented the Slinky will be getting a subpoena to testify for Apple. I have been VERY busy with the crazed thing I call a life and need a little help here. I am not very delved deep into this massive debate going on between Apple and Google, Samsung, HTC. The thing I request is a "timeline" to loosely term it. Don't automatically discount me as some "lazy" person. I just need the expertise of someone with their nose in this doggy doodoo pile, so to speak. I don't really ask for much, but I haven't followed the battle since the start so my ability to effectively chronologically order the major lawsuits and actions taken by all sides is next to nil. I don't need anything fancy, hell a text file written with Notepad will do, as long as the information is FACTUAL and ordered correctly. If you feel like composing a flashy Powerpoint then by all means do so, but it's not needed. The major points will be elaborated upon and condensed in a 15-20 page Powerpoint by me. Anyways, back to work since my professors getting on my a** about being on XDA.
Thanks, worldindo1.

Edit: Actually, I'll let you find out for yourself

There's this cool website that has all this information.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Here is a link that should help you.

Archer said:
Edit: Actually, I'll let you find out for yourself
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Wow! I'm surprised this thread survived, or was a Mod actually hoping for a mini flame war to break out

Simon.TS.HTC said:
Wow! I'm surprised this thread survived, or was a Mod actually hoping for a mini flame war to break out
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Mods have a "thread closing quota" and I'm nearing my TCQ for the week. I have to slow down or I won't be able to close the really important ones

85gallon said:
Here is a link that should help you.
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And from this we get:

MissionImprobable said:
And from this we get:
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There's way more than that, way way more

Well of course, but that thing is a pretty good overview for those who are too lazy to compile on their own.

That might be the suits in the state of Georgia. I know for sure it's not worldwide.

Well since the OP hasn't come back to see if any donkeys would do his work for him, I'll post my original response.
Me said:
So, basically, you're asking someone to do your homework for you and you'd prefer a nice flashy presentation if that's possible.
Would you like fries with that?
Sorry - Google and research. That's why they call it research. (I'm also doing you a favour because this thread has troll-bait smeared all over it!!)
Thread closed.
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I'm on xda-devs too much

Thought i'd celebrate. This is my 700th post.
I think i'm on XDA-devs way too much.
fzzyrn said:
Thought i'd celebrate. This is my 700th post.
I think i'm on XDA-devs way too much.
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Yeah, same here, I'm here all the time, but I'm catching up !
dang dude...
you joined in feb of this year?
i basically handle all the tech support in the herald forums as well as spam policing.
i guess the elf forums need more help?
fzzyrn said:
dang dude...
you joined in feb of this year?
i basically handle all the tech support in the herald forums as well as spam policing.
i guess the elf forums need more help?
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LOL! I know, when I think about it, I wonder how I managed to post so much in a few months, but I go through a bunch of sections each night and it's only 4 posts a day average! I think it's due to the increase of juniors and the off the wall questions, and of course, the serious users looking for help/answers. The problem is as soon as I set everything up I want to change it, so then I'm back to another round of posting. Sigh.....I need a beer .
exactly. If you'll notice, i've expanded my tech support tyranny into the elf and artemis forums. I can't let you beat me now...!!
you think youre on too much?
i wake up in the morninng.
turn on my computer.
go eat while it loads up.
finsh eating and go to my computer.
open up internet. what? xda-devs: new posts
i am on there til i go to sleep (around 2-3)
I do that too, actually
but xda-devs has to share with engadget, gizmodo, facebook, diabolo.ca, deviantart, gmail, ER, wjf forums, and actual juggling and diabolo.
kidnamedAlbert said:
you think youre on too much?
i wake up in the morninng.
turn on my computer.
go eat while it loads up.
finsh eating and go to my computer.
open up internet. what? xda-devs: new posts
i am on there til i go to sleep (around 2-3)
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I have those days, there the ones that make me look like I've been up for 3 days straight!
ha. thats EVERYDAY for me.
well at least during summer.
but during school its just 5-10
HaHa, you Xda-Dev monsters!
Im a n00b, and low-poster, just because i have to work, and have not so much time
If not, i would spam here-n-there!
Have a nice day, folks, see ya on Xda-Dev!
I love xda-developers. I'm Singaporean and I'm going to Vegas for a convention - what recommendations does anyone have for me (a first-timer in USA) that isn't politically correct on Google?
I wish I was cool enough to be geekified and smart. Alas, I am only good enough to be interested in gadgets but not knowing anything about them.
krystalchoo said:
I love xda-developers. I'm Singaporean and I'm going to Vegas for a convention - what recommendations does anyone have for me (a first-timer in USA) that isn't politically correct on Google?
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Hi, I live in exciting non-stop LV...you will have a lot of fun. PM me any specific things to do questions.
If you're female...
get married, get pregnant, get a divorce, stick the guy up for alimony and child support
and all it takes is one night. Only in vegas.
fzzyrn said:
If you're female...
get married, get pregnant, get a divorce, stick the guy up for alimony and child support
and all it takes is one night. Only in vegas.
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Your making us Americans look bad.
TheChampJT said:
Your making us Americans look bad.
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too bad that its true :/
TheCopacabanaMan said:
HaHa, you Xda-Dev monsters!
Im a n00b, and low-poster, just because i have to work, and have not so much time
If not, i would spam here-n-there!
Have a nice day, folks, see ya on Xda-Dev!
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what's your doctor opinion 'bout it...
did he.. CRY?
my doctor is actually on the forums. I've forgotten his screenname, but i'd know it when i see it.
he has an ATT tilt, in case you were wondering
all this make me look so bad
my doctor is actually on the forums.
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hhhehh..i should know
we all are addicts, then..
fzzyrn said:
my doctor is actually on the forums. I've forgotten his screenname, but i'd know it when i see it.
he has an ATT tilt, in case you were wondering
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I'd be nervous trusting my life in the hands of an xda user, depending on how much he is on!

Wow (possible NSFW)

So I'm working on a sextoy for guys. It utilizes haptic technology. Strange where life takes us sometimes!
Are you after beta testers?
Um... wow. I have a great sex toy already, and it also cooks and cleans... A little too emotional sometimes, but I'm pretty sure it ****s better than any inanimate object you'll throw together. Hey guys....
Wow, talk about off-topic.
robinsonsam said:
Are you after beta testers?
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LOL perhaps. You will be the first to know! Well I used to joke about it before it came in house, but now I am a bit of believer. Yes a real life girl is the best option, but this comes in a close second!
burgertime said:
LOL perhaps. You will be the first to know! Well I used to joke about it before it came in house, but now I am a bit of believer. Yes a real life girl is the best option, but this comes in a close second!
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says the boy who has never felt vagina...
HAHA just kidding, just kidding. This thread just leaves you open to so many burns I don't know where to start. ;-)
P1Tater said:
Wow, talk about off-topic.
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LOL! This is about as off topic as you can get in a PPC forum.
Why in the hell would you even post this?
It's a little odd.......
burgertime said:
So I'm working on a sextoy for guys. It utilizes haptic technology. Strange where life takes us sometimes!
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Haptic feedback eh? I think that's already been developed LOL. It's called:
Vibrating ring condom + GF = Haptic feedback lmao.
Kraize92 said:
Haptic feedback eh? I think that's already been developed LOL. It's called:
Vibrating ring condom + GF = Haptic feedback lmao.
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Wow, For a young'en your pretty knowledgable.
Edited myself, I forgot mods have a soft spot for comments made between Kraize and I. It was said with good intentions, I promise.
JimmyMcGee said:
Wow, For a young'en your pretty knowledgable.
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Why thank you. Yes, today's generation is more perverse and they tend to have sex at a much younger age then you'd think so.
Kraize92 said:
Why thank you. Yes, today's generation is more perverse and they tend to have sex at a much younger age then you'd think so.
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Well then. With that said, anybody in here that's an over protected parent? if so, go check on your daughter!
kidnamedAlbert said:
Well then. With that said, anybody in here that's an over protected parent? if so, go check on your daughter!
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I'd agree. You may think your daughter is innocent, but unless you know her every move which is kinda scary, but if you do, then you have nothing to be afraid of. I mean I'm not a man whore who goes around sleeping with all the women I can find. I stick to one But it would be nice if parents started to talk about this to their kids. (Mind you, I come from a place where they would never discuss or have a sex talk EVER)
No child over the age of 16 is innocent. You just have to hope they aren't death penalty guilty..in context to your morals as a parent of course.
Ha, yes it is off topic. Is it anymore off topic then the bible or if your Muslim compared to mobile phones? No. Just thought I would post on it as it is very bizarre.
burgertime said:
No child over the age of 16 is innocent. You just have to hope they aren't death penalty guilty..in context to your morals as a parent of course.
Ha, yes it is off topic. Is it anymore off topic then the bible or if your Muslim compared to mobile phones? No. Just thought I would post on it as it is very bizarre.
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Wait wait. Was that directed at me? lol? I'm not muslim btw
Lol no I was not implying that you were Muslim, just that it's no more off topic then those topics.
Any update? lol
I have a comment; however, I think I should keep this to myself as I don't want to offend anyone. There are other forums on the net where you can talk more freely about these things and where it is more appropriate. I really don't think that it is appropriate for older adults to be discussing these things with minors anyways. Especially where it looks like this discussion will be heading.
hotrod101 said:
I have a comment; however, I think I should keep this to myself as I don't want to offend anyone. There are other forums on the net where you can talk more freely about these things and where it is more appropriate. I really don't think that it is appropriate for older adults to be discussing these things with minors anyways. Especially where it looks like this discussion will be heading.
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*Cough* *Cough*
Discussions are totally fine as long as it doesn't lead to any revealing photos, videos, etc. I mean kids can now go to Wal-Mart and buy condoms. No one will stop you. You just have to get used to it. I understand many might be uncomfortable with that idea, but still. It's the generation gap you could say.
mikechannon said:
I know you guys know where to draw the line.
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I certainly do, but does everyone else?

How long is nebenezer banned?

I have bail money
I am not trying to start anything, I just want to know. He is the OP of a pretty significant theme aggregate thread I would like to know when we can expect him back to continue to update the catalog or if we are going to need to do it all over again.
I hope it is the former. I'm pleeding for his life, judge! Don't take my boy!
lol Why did he get banned?
Here comes the drama..
And OP, I'm not sure.
threadrape, though i believe its a political smear campaign. he knows NO means NO but some have convincing false evidence. if the sig don't fit you must acquit.
Hopefully not for too long. Even if you don't agree with how he's handled the whole fixxxer situation, he's funny and contributes a lot.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
what?!! Horrible news! WE LOVE YOU NEB!! The mods have been going gnarly lately. I'm not liking it. I kinda like our free-for-all method that we had before they organized our subforum. The grass is always greener....
alexthearmo said:
The mods have been going gnarly lately.
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Which why I would recommend taking it easy and make sure threads like this don't get out of control.
I think they let the power go to their heads....................
Yes, the miss have totally letter power get to their heads and they can't categorize worth a **** either so yeah... that's why I have decided to stop contributing ideas that everyone can take credit for and leave me in the dust. I'll still post, but bot with innovative ideas.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
I am not trying to start drama, not trying to criticize decisions. Just respectfully asking for one piece of information. Not that I am entitled. Just askin'
(did I cover all of my bases)
OH and I am not responsible if your phone is bricked.
grego442 said:
I am not trying to start drama, not trying to criticize decisions. Just respectfully asking for one piece of information. Not that I am entitled. Just askin'
(did I cover all of my bases)
OH and I am not responsible if your phone is bricked.
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My guess us 3 day. That's what tejas, kcarpenter and I were threatened with. And I followed the instructions you posted in the op about removing the battery and I think you caused my phone to be bricked. I deem you responsible
Edit got my phone working you had failed to provide instructions on reinserting the battery
my two cents on everything is simple.
before we got the first port of 2.1-dec 09, thanks to flipz. there was NO DRAMA. it was all development.
i know i joined in january but i watched everyone and everything. there were never any developers leaving because someone posted warez, or people pointing fingers at someone. or even someone degrading mods.
mods are mods for a reason. they use their power to keep pointless **** from starting up. this thread needs to close. XDA is for development/help of phones. not to degrade people. we are on the internet. we dont know eachother personally. which is how it needs to be.
so please keep these issues to a minimal. we finally get our own general and dev threads and its being shot to hell.
as for the op's questions. alot of the bans are a week to a month. there was obviously a reason. its no ones business except neb and the mods.
no offense to anyone. i just want issues to be DROPPED and lets continue to help and develop.
Its a real shame to see a great forum ruined by censorship. I belong to several dozen forums covering things from pc components, to video games, car forums to home improvement and on and on and never have I seen a forum so poorly handled. You let people openly admit to criminal activity and actually encourage it, while on the other hand, you ban people for standing up to them and calling them out. You play favorites by banning people you don't like and letting your "pals" do what they want. Worst of all, now you delete threads for no legitimate reason other than not liking it or not agreeing with it. This forum wasn't great before the "organization", but now its turning into something even worse. Maybe you guys are having a bad day, I don't know, but I hope you get your act together and go back to doing what your supposed to do, that is moderate, not police and censor.
Have a good night and thanks to the devs and their hard work................
its all good
Oh look, bans are worthless here too. Mods aren't even smart enough to find the forum plugin to block an ip address. This place is truly depressing, and I will take the time now to personally thank flips for ****ing the community that this place once was. All because he had a burr up his ass one day.
That's my five bucks worth. Screw two cents.
Also. How much you wanna bet that fixers new id doesn't get banned? Childish **** right there, make a new account after you lost your first one due to stupidity.
Sent from your mom!
And to re post what fixer wrote before he edited his post right above my previous one, he said his account got banned too so its all good, it was worth it in the end.
Sent from your mom!
EDIT: Nevermind, I don't think I want to know or be part of whatever this bs is....obviously i'm not up to speed and I think I would rather stay that way.
What Does flipz have to do with this?
jerry43812 said:
Oh look, bans are worthless here too. Mods aren't even smart enough to find the forum plugin to block an ip address. This place is truly depressing, and I will take the time now to personally thank flips for ****ing the community that this place once was. All because he had a burr up his ass one day.
That's my five bucks worth. Screw two cents.
Also. How much you wanna bet that fixers new id doesn't get banned? Childish **** right there, make a new account after you lost your first one due to stupidity.
Sent from your mom!
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The baby mama drama didn't get so extreme till his actions a month or so ago when he leaked a file that was supposed to be held private at the time. Do some research.
What Does flipz have to do with this?
Oh look, bans are worthless here too. Mods aren't even smart enough to find the forum plugin to block an ip address. This place is truly depressing, a
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Sent from your mom!
fixxxer2OO8 said:
its all good
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hahaha i like the "OO" instead of "00"
Didn't realize he was the one who leaked it.....Thanks for the harsh reply to a honest question.
jerry43812 said:
The baby mama drama didn't get so extreme till his actions a month or so ago when he leaked a file that was supposed to be held private at the time. Do some research.
Sent from your mom!
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First day of practice.

The first day of practice was fun.
1) I fell while we were working on back peddling. Who knew that you needed to keep a forward stance lmaoo!
2) I messed up positioning like CRAZY! I didn't know where to stand or what to do.
3) I got tackled... a lot. It didn't hurt. Maybe once because I tried to tackle the kid and I did it wrong. (He's one of the annoying ones.)
4) I got to do the school chant thingy yeah and I built up dramatic effect so everyones laughing at me now.
5) I didn't get to play in practices.
6) I failed epically. We did some conditioning and I was the last person to cross.
Over all it was a bad day, but I tried hard and hopefully this'll help me get better. =]
I think an original android "hardknocks thread" is in order. Be nice to see a chronicle of your whole expirence. Game scores, stories, etc.
Keep at it !!...
good day.
chopper the dog said:
I think an original android "hardknocks thread" is in order. Be nice to see a chronicle of your whole expirence. Game scores, stories, etc.
Keep at it !!...
good day.
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why don't you but "good day." in your sig it would save you typing it out each time you post!
zacsanter said:
why don't you but "good day." in your sig it would save you typing it out each time you post!
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Wow, must have struck a nerve for you to say something? With my mad typing skills it really is no bother, at least to me. I'll spare you my opinion of sigs since we have already taken a left turn in this tread. But I shall remain sigless.
Thank you for your concern and our management staff will be looking really hard into this situation. And hopefully in the future we can come to a resolution.
good day.
Original Android <3ers! said:
The first day of practice was fun.
1) I fell while we were working on back peddling. Who knew that you needed to keep a forward stance lmaoo!
2) I messed up positioning like CRAZY! I didn't know where to stand or what to do.
3) I got tackled... a lot. It didn't hurt. Maybe once because I tried to tackle the kid and I did it wrong. (He's one of the annoying ones.)
4) I got to do the school chant thingy yeah and I built up dramatic effect so everyones laughing at me now.
5) I didn't get to play in practices.
6) I failed epically. We did some conditioning and I was the last person to cross.
Over all it was a bad day, but I tried hard and hopefully this'll help me get better. =]
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Youtube your next practice.....I feel like laughing...not at you but with you little one
chopper the dog said:
Wow, must have struck a nerve for you to say something? With my mad typing skills it really is no bother, at least to me. I'll spare you my opinion of sigs since we have already taken a left turn in this tread. But I shall remain sigless.
Thank you for your concern and our management staff will be looking really hard into this situation. And hopefully in the future we can come to a resolution.
good day.
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You are the most hilarious members I know.........and I don't know that many
chopper the dog said:
our management staff will be looking really hard into this situation.
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That's what she said.
good day.
chopper the dog said:
Wow, must have struck a nerve for you to say something? With my mad typing skills it really is no bother, at least to me. I'll spare you my opinion of sigs since we have already taken a left turn in this tread. But I shall remain sigless.
Thank you for your concern and our management staff will be looking really hard into this situation. And hopefully in the future we can come to a resolution.
good day.
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That was great!

Personal issues ever since bringing my Galaxy S3 home...

Okay, humor is a great way to make an entrance, so I will post a short story I wrote. Loving the forum so far, and have learned so much!
Anyway, before getting the Galaxy S3, I talked it over with my iPhone and Siri, and they said it was okay if I brought someone new into the household and relationship. Anyway, I brought the Galaxy S3 home to meet the "gang".
At first they were okay with it, and then jealousy reared it's head. I ended up fighting daily with my iPhone and Siri, and at one point, I was sleeping on the balcony.
I was like WTF?? This is *MY* house. Why am *I* sleeping on the balcony? To make a long story brief, I took back my place and made Siri sleep in the toaster for a night to show her who was boss. (she's watching me type BTW. Silly Siri. Hi Siri, daddy still loves you!)
Anyway, things seem to be back on track, but last night I couldn't sleep cuz S Voice and Siri were bloody arguing over which pizza place was closest to me. Always competing. They're so cute.
Anyway, I have to get going, S Voice wants to go out for a walk and she told me to leave Siri home. BBL
+++ Jason
Dump that siri bi...
BTW welcome to XDA
sleepijs_ said:
Dump that siri bi...
BTW welcome to XDA
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Thank you! I have been lurking without an account for about a month and I have learned so much, I felt I should sign up and say hello. :cyclops:
DelphinusMinor said:
Thank you! I have been lurking without an account for about a month and I have learned so much, I felt I should sign up and say hello. :cyclops:
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Welcome, but you could, and should, have said 'Hello' in this thread - stickied for people to 'Say Hi' in
P.S. Try not starting an iPhone vs Android war with your first posting in OT as well - Archer frowns on that sort of thing
SimonTS said:
Welcome, but you could, and should, have said 'Hello' in this thread - stickied for people to 'Say Hi' in
P.S. Try not starting an iPhone vs Android war with your first posting in OT as well - Archer frowns on that sort of thing
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That definitely is not my intention since I love and own products from both Samsung and Apple.
It's just something that appeared in my head a few days ago, so I put it to text.
I had to use two diff products in order to create the story.
And I did say hello in that thread before posting this. Thanks tho.
Anyway, take care.
- Jason
Now I feel like I need to defend myself and to be very clear I am not a troll, and far from.
Altho the definition for "troll" or "trolling" these days is so ambiguous and used so loosely, I am not sure anyone really know what the term even means anymore.
I want to add, I am a "retired" hacker/exploiter/phreaker. I love web forums(And now this one), and have been using them in one form or another for about 27 years, since 1985. I joke around alot and am very friendly/social.
I hope to continue to learn on this forum as Android OS is a new frontier for me.
Having said all of this, I will cut this off now. Take care my friend.
+++ Del (Jason)
DelphinusMinor said:
Now I feel like I need to defend myself and to be very clear I am not a troll, and far from.
Altho the definition for "troll" or "trolling" these days is so ambiguous and used so loosely, I am not sure anyone really know what the term even means anymore.
I want to add, I am a "retired" hacker/exploiter/phreaker. I love web forums(And now this one), and have been using them in one form or another for about 27 years, since 1985. I joke around alot and am very friendly/social.
I hope to continue to learn on this forum as Android OS is a new frontier for me.
Having said all of this, I will cut this off now. Take care my friend.
+++ Del (Jason)
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Welcome to OT. You'll fit right in.
I don't need a sig, but would love a cig.
boborone said:
Welcome to OT. You'll fit right in.
I don't need a sig, but would love a cig.
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Thank you...
/me hands you a sig.
I don't smoke, sorry, I can only offer you a sig. :cyclops:
DelphinusMinor said:
Thank you...
/me hands you a sig.
I don't smoke, sorry, I can only offer you a sig. :cyclops:
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Unacceptable. Do the honorable thing now and delete your account. Unheard of........a nerd who doesn't smoke
I don't need a sig, but would love a cig.
boborone said:
Unacceptable. Do the honorable thing now and delete your account. Unheard of........a nerd who doesn't smoke
I don't need a sig, but would love a cig.
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I know what you mean, I'm stuck in kind of a triangle as well. Google Now is my main partner and things are great, for the most part i couldn't ask for more. But then on Saturday when I'm drunk and I want to know when the SEC games are on, or what the score was.. I always give Siri the "talk of shame".
Ah Del nice to see you here...
I remember you from ifans giving me iPod help.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium
JaZart said:
Ah Del nice to see you here...
I remember you from ifans giving me iPod help.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium
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Wow... Hello there!
I posted this on iFans also. I have a weird sense of humor. Haha...

