Ok, I am a total noob and I only understand about half of what I have read, but I am addicted to this stuff. I have a hero with the latest sprint release (2.1) and then I rooted (thanks to Regaw) it and loaded a non OC'd version of Aloysius 2.1 and then moved to the PureHero 2.1.
However, I cannot run ANY overclocked ROM's, not one. I have tried other builds and other dev's and it just boot loops. I have the kernel for OC'ing, but it just won't boot when an OC'd ROM is flashed.
Am I out of luck with this device?
i assume your wiping?
hostileenviroment said:
i assume your wiping?
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Yes forgot that part. I have wiped EVERYTHING on the device and still nothing.
This is a known problem... some phones simply... can't handle overclocking. Sorry bud.
HeroMeng said:
This is a known problem... some phones simply... can't handle overclocking. Sorry bud.
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Figures. I want to try out a few other ROM's and can't. Figures.....oh well, at least Aloyisus 2.1 is a great ROM.
Edit: Weird thing happened, I flashed Blue Echo and got to it's boot screen, but then it boot looped.
Hey just wanted to update, thanks to D3fault and this link, I was able to OC my phone. I am running 710 on Aloysius 2.1 snow (768 froze my phone, thank heaven for Nandroid) via the OC widget on the market. My LWP is faster and my phone loads pages FAST. One thing though, I still cannot download OC'd ROM's.
Anyone have another suggestion?
smolck said:
Hey just wanted to update, thanks to D3fault and this link, I was able to OC my phone. I am running 710 on Aloysius 2.1 snow (768 froze my phone, thank heaven for Nandroid) via the OC widget on the market. My LWP is faster and my phone loads pages FAST. One thing though, I still cannot download OC'd ROM's.
Anyone have another suggestion?
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i saw a similar statement in anothr posting.
what is that zip file th link links to? is it just an oc'ed kernel? how do i use it; do i place on sdcard and flash from zip?
dsMA said:
i saw a similar statement in anothr posting.
what is that zip file th link links to? is it just an oc'ed kernel? how do i use it; do i place on sdcard and flash from zip?
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Yes, place on SD and flash. Once I did that I was able to grab the OC widget from the market and run aloysius 2.1 at 710. Makes a pretty significant difference BTW. Here is a link, http://forum.androidcentral.com/162759-post49.html
I just recently rooted and started loading ROMs that support SetCPU to overclock. I was wondering if there was a way to overclock the Sprint HTC Hero without running someone's rom (like Fresh Toast)? The only reason I rooted was to make my phone less laggy but I hate all these ROMs/Mods because most of them are broken/incomplete and hate how I always have to wipe my phone to update//change ROM.
Since lately I've been trying to do the exact same thing, I should be able to help.
You're going to have to root your phone (which you obviously already have done) and flash a kernel that allows OCing.
this is the only one I know of on this site: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=690238
However, that one did not work for me. (I was always stuck at the HTC boot screen). You should try it though, and if it doesn't work PM me and I'll PM you a link to another site that had a kernel that worked for me.. since I don't know if linking to other sites is allowed.
shamrock11 said:
I just recently rooted and started loading ROMs that support SetCPU to overclock. I was wondering if there was a way to overclock the Sprint HTC Hero without running someone's rom (like Fresh Toast)? The only reason I rooted was to make my phone less laggy but I hate all these ROMs/Mods because most of them are broken/incomplete and hate how I always have to wipe my phone to update//change ROM.
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Sadly, the stock rom cannot be overclocked (for pretty obvious reasons.) Give Fresh Toast a try. I am running it without any problems. Toast's custom kernel makes it super fast. I also recommend using overclock widget with these settings:
Screen on: min: 576000 max: 768000
Screen off: min and max: 245800
just be sure to check "use my frequencies" and hit "detect frequencies" so the kernel does its job.
sierpinski13 said:
Sadly, the stock rom cannot be overclocked (for pretty obvious reasons.) Give Fresh Toast a try. I am running it without any problems. Toast's custom kernel makes it super fast. I also recommend using overclock widget with these settings:
Screen on: min: 576000 max: 768000
Screen off: min and max: 245800
just be sure to check "use my frequencies" and hit "detect frequencies" so the kernel does its job.
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The stock ROM CAN be OCed if you flash a custom kernel that allows it.
sierpinski13 said:
Sadly, the stock rom cannot be overclocked (for pretty obvious reasons.) Give Fresh Toast a try. I am running it without any problems. Toast's custom kernel makes it super fast. I also recommend using overclock widget with these settings:
Screen on: min: 576000 max: 768000
Screen off: min and max: 245800
just be sure to check "use my frequencies" and hit "detect frequencies" so the kernel does its job.
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I am currently running Fresh Toast, but after about 2 days of using it with SetCPU at 768000 max and 19200 min, my phone starts to get as laggy as before. I dont really know how to use SetCPU maybe I'm using it wrong, I just tapped the option where it chooses for you. Let me know what settings I should have it on if these are wrong.
D3FAULT said:
The stock ROM CAN be OCed if you flash a custom kernel that allows it.
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How do I flash a custom kernel? What is a custom kernel? What is a kernel? Lol sorry, I am new to this.
shamrock11 said:
I am currently running Fresh Toast, but after about 2 days of using it with SetCPU at 768000 max and 19200 min, my phone starts to get as laggy as before. I dont really know how to use SetCPU maybe I'm using it wrong, I just tapped the option where it chooses for you. Let me know what settings I should have it on if these are wrong.
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Well that min. is way too low imo. I use 633600 as my min. and it's fine.
shamrock11 said:
How do I flash a custom kernel? What is a custom kernel? What is a kernel? Lol sorry, I am new to this.
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Well I'm new too so I can only help a little.. lol.
You flash it the same way you flash a ROM I believe. Use the "flash from zip" or whatever it's called in recovery. Put the zip in the root of your sd card. You're going to want to put stock 2.1 on it again first though I think, unless you want to keep your current ROM.
D3FAULT said:
Well I'm new too so I can only help a little.. lol.
You flash it the same way you flash a ROM I believe. Use the "flash from zip" or whatever it's called in recovery. Put the zip in the root of your sd card. You're going to want to put stock 2.1 on it again first though I think, unless you want to keep your current ROM.
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lol i know how to flash roms and where to put em and stuff but what exactly is a kernel?
ok so if i use one of these: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=684838 or http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=690238 I can use the stock Android 2.1 AND overclock?
a kernal is the foundation of an os. all the system values are stored there, its like...the engine of the phone;from a software perspective.
id highly recomend darchworks. by far the fastest, and i promise youll never need an oc tool. just hope you dont mind kissing sense goodbye
happy flashing
hostileenviroment said:
a kernal is the foundation of an os. all the system values are stored there, its like...the engine of the phone;from a software perspective.
id highly recomend darchworks. by far the fastest, and i promise youll never need an oc tool. just hope you dont mind kissing sense goodbye
happy flashing
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I loved his ROM but I love sense and just can't give it up :/
shamrock11 said:
I loved his ROM but I love sense and just can't give it up :/
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im happy you liked it, because its the best jk!
you should know that in most cases, if your experiencing lag, sense is usually to blame. why dont you give zens slide port a go? sense with a whole lost more options and its definatly overclocked...iht it was the fastest sense rom ive ever used.
Does one exist? I've done a lot of XDA searching and reading, and can't find one single rom that has all of these features..
I am looking for greater performance. I've gotten 3.0 MFLOPS with Linpack
I dont mind if the rom has sense or not.
Yes, I have practiced: rooted, nandroid BU, titanium backup, and have wiped and flashed multiple roms (DC, Aloysius, FreshToast, PureHero, Superhero, Darchdroid)
(I have flashed dconfig and the apps2sd on top of the roms and it undoes theming)
Should I just flash what I want on top of DC, or wait for new builds?
Looks like Buufed 2.0.1 or BlueEcho 2.1.6
Any other ideas?
40+ people looked at this... clearly they had the same question.
Most of the roms u saides u tried have all the things ur looking for purehero would be the fasest of those i'm guessing cause it's senseless and it has a2sd already in the rom and also has dconfig inculded and dd2.7 also has a2sd imcluded but it's more like the froyo a2sd as in the a2sd is controled in settings>manage apps>app name and both those are oc'ed and dd2.7 can be undercolted as well so I would try them agaim and linpack does work the best with our prosser so it will be hard to get more than 3mflops with amy rom till mayne froyo. But I have heard of giys getting around 5 with dd2.7
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Thanks, gobi. I didnt know that darchcroid had the .29 kernel
DD2.7 I was getting around 2.8 to 3.1 MFLOPS.
maybe it was A2SD in menu
The Darktremor A2SD/Apps2SD will work for just about any rom out there (if it doesn't work on a particular rom, let me know and I'll check it out). I currently run it on DarchDroid 2.7. Previously, I was running it on Buufed, Fresh, Blue Echo, modified stock rom, DamageControl, FreshToast...you can tell I switch roms a lot (have to test the program on various roms to make sure it works).
So, if you want the Darktremor Apps2SD, just pick a rom you want to use and download the 2.7 Update 3r1 or 2.7.5. Preview Fix 2.
2.7 Update 3r1: http://www.darktremor.info/files/a2sd/a2sd-2.7-update3r1-signed.zip
2.7.5 Preview Fix 2: http://www.darktremor.info/files/a2sd/dtapps2sd-2.7.5-pf2-signed.zip
DarkDroid 2.7 has the .34 kernel:
[email protected] #10
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mighty21 said:
Thanks, gobi. I didnt know that darchcroid had the .29 kernel
DD2.7 I was getting around 2.8 to 3.1 MFLOPS.
maybe it was A2SD in menu
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Oh my bad trikiton I thought it was his .29 cause he was still working on his .32 kernerl when j posted that
And if i'm running an aloyiosm based rom with dconfig is flashing ur a2sd going to break dconfig??
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
DarchDroid 2.7 for me is between 4.5 & 4.8 MFLOPS.
Hey, I want to listen to driving direction thru my bluetooth...Hero with plantronic pro any suggestions. Thanks
I too am hitting 4.5-4.8 MFLOPS on DarchDroid 2.7 with the UV/OC #15 kernel. Didn't realize it was .34 based until I read this thread. =)
The crazy thing to me is, I downloaded the Froyo build a few days ago, and I can't get above 2.5 MFLOPS with it. Was really shocking, and made it incredibly worth it to stick with DarchDroid 2.7. I'm missing the HTC phone (in-call, mainly) and contacts, but otherwise 2.7 is a dream come true!
Thanks to all of you...
Thanks, Ive found that Buufed was the smoothest.
I love the way PureHero Snowmaps looked, but in the end I think I'm going with DarchDroid.
tkirton thanks for your help.
Guys, thanks for your feedback on Darchdroid.
I cant find any info yet on the UV kernel. I look at that next.
Which version
Is there any notation on which version to use?
One for JIT, one for A2SD?
Do i flash both?
tkirton said:
The Darktremor A2SD/Apps2SD will work for just about any rom out there (if it doesn't work on a particular rom, let me know and I'll check it out). I currently run it on DarchDroid 2.7. Previously, I was running it on Buufed, Fresh, Blue Echo, modified stock rom, DamageControl, FreshToast...you can tell I switch roms a lot (have to test the program on various roms to make sure it works).
So, if you want the Darktremor Apps2SD, just pick a rom you want to use and download the 2.7 Update 3r1 or 2.7.5. Preview Fix 2.
2.7 Update 3r1: http://www.darktremor.info/files/a2sd/a2sd-2.7-update3r1-signed.zip
2.7.5 Preview Fix 2: http://www.darktremor.info/files/a2sd/dtapps2sd-2.7.5-pf2-signed.zip
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Hey gang,
I just bought a used HERO for my mother and would like to root it and load a custom rom. I will follow this guide to root it : Step By Step Way to root Using Flashrec(Updated 4/5)
I need some advice on a good clean rom though.
Below are my 'wanted features' in a rom.
Android 2.1
HTC Sense
stable (no need for constant reboots)
good battery life
NOT overclocked
NOT themed (she just wants what she sees in the commercials. Stock look and colors)
keyboard with voice input (she sucks at typing and just wants to "talk to text")
LWP (optional but she probably won't use)
I looked at the rom area... and got lost with all of the choices.
She will never change a single setting once it is configured for her.
she just wants an "Android".
Everything except that stupid Blue Echo Rom, that thing is horrible
Hi PapaSmurf
I don't follow you...
Please link me to a ROM that fits her needs (if that exists)
Try nfinitiefx45 stock 2.1 deodexed or damage control 2.09.01
Sorry I can't link from the xda app.
Also, if the phone already has 2.1 on it, there is a new rooting method. If it has 1.5, flashrec should work fine.
Sent from my froyo HERO200 using XDA App
Darchstar 2.8 !! My phone never ran so smooth I have very very little keyboard Lag.
Sooo, why not keep it bone stock since otherwise you'll void her warranty for nothing?
joehunni said:
Sooo, why not keep it bone stock since otherwise you'll void her warranty for nothing?
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I want Apps2SD so she doesn't run out of room so fast. I am sure she will add apps and not clean up after herself.
synaptyc said:
Hey gang,
I just bought a used HERO for my mother and would like to root it and load a custom rom. I will follow this guide to root it : Step By Step Way to root Using Flashrec(Updated 4/5)
I need some advice on a good clean rom though.
Below are my 'wanted features' in a rom.
Android 2.1
HTC Sense
stable (no need for constant reboots)
good battery life
NOT overclocked
NOT themed (she just wants what she sees in the commercials. Stock look and colors)
keyboard with voice input (she sucks at typing and just wants to "talk to text")
LWP (optional but she probably won't use)
I looked at the rom area... and got lost with all of the choices.
She will never change a single setting once it is configured for her.
she just wants an "Android".
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+1 for nfinitefx45's stock ROM. but get the odex version since you won't be using themes
Fresh is also a good option with slight visual tweaks (uses HTC Espresso launcher + vanilla lock screen)
of the 2 i'd guess the nfinitefx ROM is more stable since it's closer to stock, but I honestly haven't tried fresh.
Kcarpenter said:
Everything except that stupid Blue Echo Rom, that thing is horrible
Hi PapaSmurf
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Lmao cold bro just cold. That's OK I prefer my red dawn anyways. Lol
My sig says it all....
(although DD is on a new version now... and does not have sense, but with a few simple flashes, who needs it?)
(PS, LWP sux, will not work on most roms (ie, not sticking on standby), and a batt drain, and slows sys down. dont bother.)
(PPS, after re-reading your OP, I am wondering why you are looking for a custom rom at all? b-sides the lwp thang, stock has all that, no theme, stable. root is good for a few extra things and I recommend it, but perhaps use a stock rom for stability and consistency....?)
kingdazy said:
My sig says it all....
(although DD is on a new version now... and does not have sense, but with a few simple flashes, who needs it?)
(PS, LWP sux, will not work on most roms (ie, not sticking on standby), and a batt drain, and slows sys down. dont bother.)
(PPS, after re-reading your OP, I am wondering why you are looking for a custom rom at all? b-sides the lwp thang, stock has all that, no theme, stable. root is good for a few extra things and I recommend it, but perhaps use a stock rom for stability and consistency....?)
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Apps2SD. Don't i need a custom rom to get that working ?
synaptyc said:
Apps2SD. Don't i need a custom rom to get that working ?
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ah yes, unless you go for a cyan rom, or some other 2.2 build, which I dont recommend personally, yet.
and make sure you have a class 6 card at least for a2sd...
I think you just want another Hero to play with lol. If you really want a custom rom, the odex version of Nfinite's stock rom has gobs of internal memory and is snappier than any deodexed rom.
kingdazy said:
ah yes, unless you go for a cyan rom, or some other 2.2 build, which I dont recommend personally, yet.
and make sure you have a class 6 card at least for a2sd...
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Lmao um a2sd can be used on any class SD card. U need a class 4 card if u want to move dalvik cache over but even still it makes the phone unstable.
Go with odexed version of nifinite stock rom. It has a2sd plus is fast and what ur looking for
wouldnt fresh be good for him to flash?
sounds like what he needs
Papa Smurf151 said:
Lmao um a2sd can be used on any class SD card. U need a class 4 card if u want to move dalvik cache over but even still it makes the phone unstable.
Go with odexed version of nifinite stock rom. It has a2sd plus is fast and what ur looking for
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well, I have been told by countless ppl here that anything less than a C6 "does not work well", frankly not knowing what that exactly means, but apparently causes instability/data corruption? whateva.
guess you would know, right?
dont use it, dont care. just trying to be helpful.
+1 for odexed version of nifinite stock rom. i think that wold be perfect, and easiest to "suport" if needed.
Thank you all for the help!
Here is what I did.
Rooted using this 2.1 guide:
[GUIDE] How to Root Sprint 2.1 Release for CDMA Hero
Flashed the following ROM:
[ROM] Sprint 2.27.651.6 STOCK Deoxed w/A2SD 2.7.5_pf4a |7/31/2010|
(i have not tried JIT just yet...)
All seems perfect! I believe my Ma will love this. Who knows... maybe Pop will want one too =)
Thnx again!
I would suggest leaving jit alone for now, it is far too unstable in my experience.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
joehunni said:
I would suggest leaving jit alone for now, it is far too unstable in my experience.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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Then u haven't used the new jit. Cause the one nfinite and I are using is very stable and very fast. There will be an update out soon for it.
Might as well be the first...
I finall decided to install a new rom.
All fine but the cpu is at 1000MHz full time during charge, running really hot.
Happening to anybody else?
jvc73 said:
Might as well be the first...
I finall decided to install a new rom.
All fine but the cpu is at 1000MHz full time during charge, running really hot.
Happening to anybody else?
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did u see what is keeping it awake?
Will the Voice Dialer app work with the stock Captivate based rom like Pinnacle or only with the i9000 roms like Apex? I can not for the life of me get that app to work with any stock Captivate rom (official or dev.)
is there a way to make the KH3 kernel support init.d scripts? I like using scripts tht are only suppprted through init.d
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using xda premium
watsa said:
did u see what is keeping it awake?
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Not really. Found logcat at 14% in battery usage, no idea how it got activated.
Went ok after a few reboots but cpu is up again, logcat not there anymore.
Probably should master clear.
Can I go to apex from pinnacle?
I followed the procedure in the flasher readme.
edit: just went to apex
By the way, I'm sure I read somewhere (can't find it anymore!) that somebody had a similar issue!
For now I'll stay on the apex version, it's great!
I hope eventually sources for the Captivate version will be released!
MOving from Cog4
I am currently running Cognition 4.5.3 and looking to move up in the world, and was reading several suggestions that Pinnacle was a good upgrade.
What do I need to do to move from Cog to Pinnacle?
Gallery and Browser
Does this ROM have the Gallery black screen issue and browser FC issues like the newer leaked ROMs have?
mfdemicco said:
Does this ROM have the Gallery black screen issue and browser FC issues like the newer leaked ROMs have?
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No, I have not seen any of those problems on Pinnacle 1.3.
I just installed Pinnacle 1.3 yesterday (coming from KJ3 with the Samurai 1.2 kernel). What's the best kernel to use on Pinnacle? I'm on Boog's latest version. Tried Red Antares for a little bit (not sure why I switched). I like Samurai, and understand it works with Pinnacle, but it's based on KJ3 instead of KH3, so there might be some unknown incompatibilities.
I thought memory use would be less with this ROM? I'm using 329 MB of memory (same as under KJ3). Others have reported much less RAM usage with Pinnacle. Could it be the way KJ3 partitioned my ROM and Pinnacle didn't repartition when I flashed it over KJ3?
b-eock said:
is there a way to make the KH3 kernel support init.d scripts? I like using scripts tht are only suppprted through init.d
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using xda premium
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Boog claims to have init.d support in his kernel.
My quadrant score on my rooted stock V20q LG P990 is 1683, when it should be way higher. I've noticed it running sluggishly in general after being powered on for more than a day, and it's really snappy when I've just rebooted. Apps work perfectly all the time. Do you have any idea what the problem is?
unsilviu said:
My quadrant score on my rooted stock V20q LG P990 is 1683, when it should be way higher. I've noticed it running sluggishly in general after being powered on for more than a day, and it's really snappy when I've just rebooted. Apps work perfectly all the time. Do you have any idea what the problem is?
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forget about the stock ROM mate...just try to flash the DJ 1.5 RC1 one of the best GB ROMs ever available.you will see a world of difference.
see my signature....
generally, forget about the quadrant scores....u should feel it and not look at scores....its about feeling proud and happy about the device....:highfive:
hope it helps buddy
forget about the stock ROM mate...just try to flash the DJ 1.5 RC1 one of the best GB ROMs ever available.you will see a world of difference.
see my signature....
generally, forget about the quadrant scores....u should feel it and not look at scores....its about feeling proud and happy about the device....:highfive:
hope it helps buddy
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When installing a new ROM, will my apps/settings/launcher be saved, or will they be wiped and i'll have to restore from backup? I've done the nandroid backup and the titanium backup. I also have a custom camera kernel, will that have to be reinstalled as well?
Also, I can't seem to find links to the ROM you mentioned...
Just search Django Manouche's ROM on this forum. Sorry but I am too lazy to link it with my phone.
unsilviu said:
When installing a new ROM, will my apps/settings/launcher be saved, or will they be wiped and i'll have to restore from backup? I've done the nandroid backup and the titanium backup. I also have a custom camera kernel, will that have to be reinstalled as well?
Also, I can't seem to find links to the ROM you mentioned...
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it is suggested to make a complete wipe...wipe of user data, cache and dalvik...means a clean flash....so make a backup with TB and restore after the flash....
for the ROM you have to go to XDA Server and there you will find the DJ1.5RC1 and just put it in ur Ext SD card preferably, then wipe and then flash...configure after that...
you will see the magic then...got it?
HateBreeder_ said:
Just search Django Manouche's ROM on this forum. Sorry but I am too lazy to link it with my phone.
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I'm also running DM 1.5 RC2 and I've ran quadrant, and noticed a very low ~1700 score, while with stock ROM I've used to get about 2300. With Nova HD, I've got even more.
dark_sat said:
I'm also running DM 1.5 RC2 and I've ran quadrant, and noticed a very low ~1700 score, while with stock ROM I've used to get about 2300. With Nova HD, I've got even more.
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first the DJ is not RC2...still not in the planet except in Carburano's device maybe
second...it is never the score mate...it is about the feeling, the satisfaction and the goodness factor...who is going to see your score when you operate
third....ICS in the start has high scores and then starts sometimes to lag but there are several reports that it is still not very stable,some random reboots, thanks to LG H/W acc is not there ...so a few things missing....