Remember kids - - Off-topic

Know what? Do whatever.

it ain't that bad, you know?

i surely would like to have a family someday =)

Personally, I really am looking forward to my wedding next year
Whats up g1?

That was my thought for some time (that I will never married) but it happened. There is some time in your life where you get the "signs" (right girl, environment...been a little bit more mature -what happened to me LoL- and other factors...where you say...what the heck...let's do it .
At the end, it ain't that bad (as egz said) but it's not that good also since your life change from what it used to be in certain ways. The only fun that you will get is hangin around in xda (just kidding).
Enjoy your youth, I remember that when I had 14 those where my favorite years... Now I'm a grumpy old man..

Statement taking back, Go with your heart little one speak out of ignorance now
There will be one day where the right girl will show up and literaly destroy your whole world just to make it hers by then and before you know it you'll wake up with a ring on your left hand and at least two bundles of joy
PS: If I ever find out you got someone pregnant before getting married and before having a career.....I'll find you in Chicago or wherever you are and slap some sense in to you!! You've been warned

A kid´s comment for sure

Changed my last remark, Now don't be afraid of the unknown by unknown ( commitment)

M_T_M said: little one speak out of ignorance now
There will be one day where the right girl will show up and literaly destroy your whole world just to make it hers by then and before you know it you'll wake up with a ring on your left hand and at least two bundles of joy
PS: If I ever find out you got someone pregnant before getting married and before having a career.....I'll find you in Chicago or wherever you are and slap some sense in to you!! You've been warned
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They told you to get married before having sex. They never said who you have to do it with after you're married! xDxDxDxDxD!

Let´s see if you think same way when you get to 30 YO

Apperently this Thread has offended some people so if some one could close it for me that be cool?

What do you mean? I see no posts pointing this out....

PurpleSmurfLlama said:
What do you mean? I see no posts pointing this out....
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Most likely the fact that he pointed fingers at specific people in the first post ...
Nothing really wrong with this thread other than that, it is a childish notion, but to each their own ...

the future of America folks...

nrfitchett4 said:
the future of America folks...
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Isn't that true? Kids who can Root phones at the age of 14 and do more to it then most adults their age. America, congrats =]

Thank God this forum is not only America continent
We have ppl from all around the globe and that is what makes it so cool!

orb3000 said:
Thank God this forum is not only America continent
We have ppl from all around the globe and that is what makes it so cool!
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very true. If it wasn't for the global pop on here, I wouldn't have anybody to talk to at this hour. And congrats to all of y'all that english isn't your first language. Y'all do a great job of making it work on here.

Get out of my Thread. Go kiss up to someone not on here.


I am deeply sorry

Last weekend, while i was at a batchelors party my roomate found it funny to use my user name to create posts. This ended up in me being banned for 7 days and the vulgarity used was very disrespectful to me and this community. He is/was pissed of at me because he hasnt chippd in on rent in about 2 1/2 months so i told him last friday he needed to move. So as i was at the party he used my user name (because cookies enabled im always logged in) and created a new user name using a diffrent broswer. I hope you members can accept my apologie, as im deeply sorry. This was extremely embarrasing to me. And now i have kicked this mother out of my home. again i am deeply sorry for the actions last weekend, and once again i hope you all can forgive the situation. And for reference here is a link to the post i was talking about (CLICK AT YOUR OWN RISK)
And again im so so sorry.
don't sweat it man. we all run into people like that who are supposedly our friend's, but reality speak they are nothing more than a bunch of losers.
glad to see u got ur act reinstated.
That was not a good enough punishment. I think you should have to give me your Kasier/tilt/whatever, and that would be a suitable punishment.
thesire said:
don't sweat it man. we all run into people like that who are supposedly our friend's, but reality speak they are nothing more than a bunch of losers.
glad to see u got ur act reinstated.
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i concurr. . pick and choose them wisely.. hopefully this will be an eye opener!
As I previously stated in those threads, I didn't think that was you anyway. Just seemed really out of character to me. Almost child like I thought. No hard feelings here as I didn't think it was you anyway. I couldn't explain the IP similiarities but you just did so in my opinion its the past and there is no need to dwell in the past.
Welcome back.
I really appreciate the support, bad thing is this guy has been a really good friend since college. And ever since he moved in with me its been a nightmare. Well now he had moved in with his parents. I am also filing suit in small claim's to get back rent and utilites that he never paid.
So no tilt for me?
KD8DNS said:
I really appreciate the support, bad thing is this guy has been a really good friend since college. And ever since he moved in with me its been a nightmare. Well now he had moved in with his parents. I am also filing suit in small claim's to get back rent and utilites that he never paid.
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Sometimes its just better to cut your losses and move on.
I too thought it was a little strange to see Banned under your name. I had never seen any wild posts on your part that would have caused it...
Now take that SOB to People's Court so we can all watch him look like a jackass in front of Judge Marilyn Milian.
ChumleyEX said:
That was not a good enough punishment. I think you should have to give me your Kasier/tilt/whatever, and that would be a suitable punishment.
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Yea sure, I work for att so i can hook you up with a tilt (A dummy display)!! ha ha ha ha
Dude!! I was in the same exact situation. I kicked this one guy out, not because of rent, but because of disrespect. He would bring his gf at night and you know what when I was trying to get sleep. I gave the guy consideration to have the place to himself for a few hours. What I did was told him to watch a movie with him and his girlfriend as well as me adn my girlfriend. The movie was called You Me and Dupree (if I got it right) He got the point I was trying to make and at the end of the movie we got in an argument. I won. Yay!
Is it too soon to laugh at this? (Or am I just a bit twisted?).
Still, sorry to here that happen to you mate. Seen it happen on a Wiki I go on and it really pi$$es people off.
Once a vandal created a login of an admin with an i instead of an l in the username, everyone thought the admin had gone nuts. Very funny.
KD8DNS said:
Yea sure, I work for att so i can hook you up with a tilt (A dummy display)!! ha ha ha ha
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Hmm something to drop infront of a crowed to make them think I broke my preciouseses.. Sounds good to me.
ChumleyEX said:
Hmm something to drop infront of a crowed to make them think I broke my preciouseses.. Sounds good to me.
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p.m. your address to me and ill se what i can do
It all clicks into place now. Yeah I thought the same as P1Tater. You never really attacked the community, but the newbs. Then that day, you got more and more wacky and disrepectful. I thought you had gone off your meds.
BTW, Never become roomates with your buddies, they are always more of a slacker than you expect.
Anyhow, welcome back man.
JimmyMcGee said:
It all clicks into place now. Yeah I thought the same as P1Tater. You never really attacked the community, but the newbs. Then that day, you got more and more wacky and disrepectful. I thought you had gone off your meds.
BTW, Never become roomates with your buddies, they are always more of a slacker than you expect.
Anyhow, welcome back man.
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noo, i still taken my crazy pills, i think anyway. (listen do you hear that) what did you say. huh, your freakin me out. Ohhh what was i talking about
I think its decent of you to respond the way you did to the community. Given what life throws at us from time to time, it makes things like rubbish video drivers on the Kaiser rather a petty complaint (gritted teeth - gimme decent drivers HTC damn it!).
Bankside said:
I think its decent of you to respond the way you did to the community. Given what life throws at us from time to time, it makes things like rubbish video drivers on the Kaiser rather a petty complaint (gritted teeth - gimme decent drivers HTC damn it!).
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Calm down now Buudy. Take it from me, you are going to get ulcers if you worry about the Video Driver issue. My phone works great. Video could be better but, I live stress free not worrying about it.
Thank you
Just wanted to say thanks to all that realized that the disrespectful posts were not me but a immature arse hole x-roommate. (And today is the day i sue his ass in court) i have printed off the posts he created to use in court to justify his character. Anyway thanks much FRIENDS.

[Q] Me and my girl had a fight

So we had another fight about me spending too much time playing with and talking about android and phones. As long as cellphones don't come up in conversation we were the happiest couple in the world. But I finally broke up with her because I couldn't even think about android without her getting mad at me. And I figured I would just find a girl that shared my interest. But I just realized that there are ZERO females(at least in the state of alabama) that even know what android is. Should I quit looking now? Does anyone have any advice to find them(if they exist that is)?
I lol'ed so hard.
if this isnt a troll , ur a noob for not being able to control urself not to talk about ur fone
sounded like my wife ...picking a fight because too much time on xda and phones.... Well, you can move from your state
souljaboy said:
if this isnt a troll , ur a noob for not being able to control urself not to talk about ur fone
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Sorry you think I'm a noob, but I can control myself enough to not talk about it, but WHY should I? I'm going to look for a girl with common interest, and if I don't find anyone I will suppress my techie talk. But until I know that she doesn't exist, why would I change the kind of woman I would like to date?
So next time your off just supermanning hoes think about what a relationship should be about.
This is what I get for asking for girl advice on xda
LMAOO! If your serious, I really think you messed up BIG time! Call her now, apologize, and get off of XDA.
sorry to hear it bro. my wife also gets pissy when im on modding/hacking forums too much, but she'll get used to it eventually
I somewhat agree with Original Android.... if you usually get along, apologize and try to consider some of her interests. some people just dont get our devotion(addiction) to such things
as far as quitting XDA..... bad idea. maybe just set a specific time for this great site.
its all about compromise homey..... i hate you for making me think serious!! j/k
Had a fight here too for this very same reason...
Mr. Clown said:
sounded like my wife ...picking a fight because too much time on xda and phones.... Well, you can move from your state
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orb3000 said:
Had a fight here too for this very same reason...
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Well my friend, it's time to negotiate . I did this with my wife, I agreed with her that I will spend some hours a week to be on the web and xda of course (while she's around). So both of us are happy since I comply with the terms when she's around ....but she's not always around you know.
Yes, time is not equal my girl says...
Anyway we should re negotiate a new way if possible
She's the one, I'm pretty sure of it
Original Android <3ers! said:
LMAOO! If your serious, I really think you messed up BIG time! Call her now, apologize, and get off of XDA.
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Ok first off, hope you are LOVING highschool and football still. And yes I messed up big time, she's truely a wonderful person. But I didn't have to call her, she called me and we came to a compromise. She said if I would buy her that "nexus thingy" and actually "teach" her what I was talking about, she thinks she would really enjoy learning about it. And in my mind it wasn't a compromise, I got exactly what I wanted..... oh wait I just spent $500 on an N1
griffincash said:
Ok first off, hope you are LOVING highschool and football still. And yes I messed up big time, she's truely a wonderful person. But I didn't have to call her, she called me and we came to a compromise. She said if I would buy her that "nexus thingy" and actually "teach" her what I was talking about, she thinks she would really enjoy learning about it. And in my mind it wasn't a compromise, I got exactly what I wanted..... oh wait I just spent $500 on an N1
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I'm going to be frank. Return that N1. The relationship is now headed in the wrong direction for the wrong reasons.
In your future relationships, if you're with your girl, be with your girl. Learn to compromise. Your partner's reaction to the particular behavior (i.e., dealing/talking Android) is ultimately just a natural reaction towards the frequency in which you exhibited it (i.e., excessively). Imagine if your partner asked you to accompany them to go shopping every day of the week for at least 3 hours each day. While you guys are shopping, she'll talk to you about every brand, and fashion, etc. Should she leave you because you aren't interested in her interests?
Your Android fetish is a hobby. There are more important things in life that you should be paying attention to. I'm not saying this girl is -the- one you'll be with for the rest of your life, but things like growing and improving social skills should take greater precedence than learning and keeping what's up with the latest and greatest on Cyanogen mods.
Take my advice for what it's worth to you. Just remember, at the end of the day, it's just a phone.
Im not returning the N1. I shouldn't have ever posted this thread. I know exactly what important things are in my life(what exactly did you even mean by that??). I'm going to stop this now because people don't and can't know every detail about our relationship and it is now being misinterpreted.
And it's not about roms or tweaks it's about the future of technology, which I think everyone can agree is rather important
well this is funny... you are trying to find a girlfriend on XDA ?
cupcake2301 said:
well this is funny... you are trying to find a girlfriend on XDA ?
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LOL, I lol'd big time.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
PaulForde said:
LOL, I lol'd big time.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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So did I mate ! The OP should go to some dating fora or something why on XDA ! LOL !
fk, i had something like this too once, since then i didnt talk about phones that much anymore xD..
well but she knows now that this is like a hobby for me, and its not that bad when i talk about it from time to time...
hell we are techjunkies, but even we need to hold back with our tech **** when talking to a girl xD
(i knew that before, but, for example, i couldnt live with it, if my gf would buy an iphone.................XD)
griffincash said:
Im not returning the N1. I shouldn't have ever posted this thread. I know exactly what important things are in my life(what exactly did you even mean by that??). I'm going to stop this now because people don't and can't know every detail about our relationship and it is now being misinterpreted.
And it's not about roms or tweaks it's about the future of technology, which I think everyone can agree is rather important
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You telling me that it's not about ROM or tweaks and that it is actually about the future of technology is really a bad attempt at justifying your hobby. This is even illustrated by the following clause when you feel the need to garner further support of your hobby by amassing the opinions of your fellow XDA members.
But nevermind that, good luck with the relationship. I do hope that things work out in the end.
I usually dont talk about phones when Im with my girl... hell I've even visited xda less, since Im in a normal relations (not those in which I have to be responsible for everyf**king thing.. - had one of those about a year and a half ago)
anyways - just find something to talk about that is interesting for both of you + keeps your mind off the phones...
or if you can't you can get yourself off the xda, or you can always ask someone to ban you.. just kidding
so basically she had the bravery to say : $500 fone or no sammiches
and ur happy about it

[Q] Please Help me out - i really like someone

hi everyone,
i really really love someone in my year but dont know how to talk to her, ive never really talked to any girls. We are friends on facebook and i was going to talk to her today but shyed off. its half term now so wont see her for a week should i just tell her that i love her on facebook as i dont think i can hold it in for a week, im missing her already
any help is appreciated
Don't tell her you love her straight away dude... That could get creepy
I take it you're from the UK if you broke up today? And I take it you found this site because you googled relationship advice and came across Alan's threads thinking this was a dating advice site
Some nice deducctions here eh?
You might want to start with saying "Hi", everything else will follow after that.. I suppose you know how to talk right, so that won't be a problem. You've got to learn to step over your shyness anyway, this seems like a nice way to start
How 'bout practise on some other girls too first
how do you love her if u never talked to her? how old are u ?
MacaronyMax said:
Don't tell her you love her straight away dude... That could get creepy
I take it you're from the UK if you broke up today? And I take it you found this site because you googled relationship advice and came across Alan's threads thinking this was a dating advice site
Some nice deducctions here eh?
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Ok i won't, nd yeah im in UK, however i go on this site quite a lot coz i have an HTC HD2 and am always looking for good custom roms xda rules
I think one of my friends kinda told her but heck im gonna try to talk to her after half term
GoldenFalcon said:
Ok i won't, nd yeah im in UK, however i go on this site quite a lot coz i have an HTC HD2 and am always looking for good custom roms xda rules
I think one of my friends kinda told her but heck im gonna try to talk to her after half term
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Haha Okay Just saw the one post
Okay Awesome! Good luck
souljaboy said:
how do you love her if u never talked to her? how old are u ?
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im 16, i dunno i just really seem to like her nd shes always in my head (not in a sexual way) and i cant exactly go 5 minutes without thinking of her
well im sorry to tell ya since itll be your first few times ull prolly mess up and the one after and after and after ... ull get it sooner or later but dont give up its the only way ull ever have one
[email protected] said:
You might want to start with saying "Hi", everything else will follow after that.. I suppose you know how to talk right, so that won't be a problem. You've got to learn to step over your shyness anyway, this seems like a nice way to start
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yeah i tried to overcome it today, will try again when school starts cheers
Maybe he is a natural in seducing woman
Ask her if she wants sex. If she answers 'no', ask her if she minds laying still while you have it.
all in your hands
LOL @ nerdy interwebz kids thinking about love at 1st sight. hahahaha if you dont know how to talk to girls and cant socialize with them maybe its time to go outside or attempt to talk to people in your school, assuming your young and still in school or at least i hope so or else this whole thread is complete utter hilarity...
i think you should go on facebook and tell her you love her... see what happens next !
WarBird87 said:
LOL @ nerdy interwebz kids thinking about love at 1st sight. hahahaha if you dont know how to talk to girls and cant socialize with them maybe its time to go outside or attempt to talk to people in your school, assuming your young and still in school or at least i hope so or else this whole thread is complete utter hilarity...
i think you should go on facebook and tell her you love her... see what happens next !
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Actually can i just say that i spend most of my time outside:
I am Top in year for badminton, captain of 1st XI Hockey Team and 1st XI of Cricket Team and have around 5 matches every week so im not nerdy and i only get back home at around 8pm - 9pm everyday so yeah i pretty much stay outside the house
GoldenFalcon said:
Actually can i just say that i spend most of my time outside:
I am Top in year for badminton, captain of 1st XI Hockey Team and 1st XI of Cricket Team and have around 5 matches every week so im not nerdy and i only get back home at around 8pm - 9pm everyday so yeah i pretty much stay outside the house
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thats a good start... but how are your social skills... are you nervous to talk to all girls or just this one in general?
and badminton? srsly? LOL
Badminton is baller as f*uck actually
Goat_For_Sale said:
Badminton is baller as f*uck actually
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haha nothing like smakin a birdie around i guess lol
WarBird87 said:
haha nothing like smakin a birdie around i guess lol
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Its actually extremely tiring when you play against county champions, nd my main sport is hockey followed by cricket then badminton
WarBird87 said:
thats a good start... but how are your social skills... are you nervous to talk to all girls or just this one in general?
and badminton? srsly? LOL
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Hi, I am fine talking to girls in my classes but am nervous when talking to those who are not in my classes, its mainly just this one girl though

Whats your reason for living?

I was asked this today (not a suicide topic) and all I could come up with was "i want to be a great teacher one day" . The person told me thats all? I said yep then got looked at like I was crazy.
So I ask you all whats your reason to live every day?
I use swype so expect bad grammar and errors
Mine is to make an impact in the field of health medicine.
I was did some molecular biology study with a professor in cancer research and so far the results look promising. So yeah, that's me lol
Sent from my X10i TripNMiUI using XDA App
My work is not done.
Don't have one. Just waiting to die tbh.
DirkGently1 said:
Don't have one. Just waiting to die tbh.
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I don't have one either (that I know of?). Kinda sucks lol. I can't exactly say that I'm waiting to die though. I mean, I'm only 19 . But... It'll be a new experience, depending on your belief system.
Sent from my Droid Incredible running CM7.0.3.
C'mon guys... a little more motivation?
DirkGently1 said:
Don't have one. Just waiting to die tbh.
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You're joking, right?
To me it's just to live and enjoy life, to see the beauty in life and to have a family one day. (I'm only 18 lol)
Skellyyy said:
You're joking, right?
To me it's just to live and enjoy life, to see the beauty in life and to have a family one day. (I'm only 18 lol)
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I'm glad you and others enjoy it. I wouldn't deny anyone their right to a happy life. For me, it's just killing time until it's over.
Not trying to harsh anyones buzz.
DirkGently1 said:
I'm glad you and others enjoy it. I wouldn't deny anyone their right to a happy life. For me, it's just killing time until it's over.
Not trying to harsh anyones buzz.
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This made me laugh hard
I use swype so expect bad grammar and errors
DirkGently1 said:
I'm glad you and others enjoy it. I wouldn't deny anyone their right to a happy life. For me, it's just killing time until it's over.
Not trying to harsh anyones buzz.
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............ having a bad week lol
sakai4eva said:
C'mon guys... a little more motivation?
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I think what he meant was to be a little bit more motivating, therefore my reason to live is to answer the question, why live?
Edit: For those fortunate enough, i want to hear more about what they will be doing with their lives. It's what the OP wanted, after all. One of you could well go on to be a leader of their nation or the head of a big tech company. Exciting times!
DirkGently1 said:
Edit: For those fortunate enough, i want to hear more about what they will be doing with their lives. It's what the OP wanted, after all. One of you could well go on to be a leader of their nation or the head of a big tech company. Exciting times!
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Or for some, they might end up being supreme ruler of the world! In which case, remember me
Seriously though: I want to teach elementary school because I think that our educational system has lost alot of essentials that I had back in my elementary school days. I recently went back to a Middle School and some of the things I heard from teachers is that the students are not as focused or bright as they used to be. Tech savy yes, mentally strong, no.
I don't have anything in mind. If something needs do happen, it does, else, it don't. I don't see much in life at the moment.
allanemartinez said:
Or for some, they might end up being supreme ruler of the world! In which case, remember me
Seriously though: I want to teach elementary school because I think that our educational system has lost alot of essentials that I had back in my elementary school days. I recently went back to a Middle School and some of the things I heard from teachers is that the students are not as focused or bright as they used to be. Tech savy yes, mentally strong, no.
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I can't begin to imagine how hard it is for teachers these days. It must be like trying to herd cats. Honerable profession though and i appreciate your sentiments. It's good to see people wanting to be a help to society rather than leeching from it. kids.
I live find a nice job so i can relax and do the one thing i love most ... Android development so that one day i can become as good as our boos man neopeek over at ...
Ps im only 14 ...
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA App
knightrocker said:
I live find a nice job so i can relax and do the one thing i love most ... Android development so that one day i can become as good as our boos man neopeek over at ...
Ps im only 14 ...
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA App
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For only being 14, you have goals I never even thought of. And that's good!
@DirkGently1: You have no idea. I was shocked by everyrthing. I wish kids would just do as we did back in our school time.
to stay alive for the rest of the day
I stay alive cause it hurts to die

Has the word THANKS and SORRY become to cheap?

Do you think that, too?
Quite the opposite, i reckon they're still not used enough. Of course it's become easier to do online but people are still reserved and reticent to be polite to strangers. Natural reaction i guess. Perhaps the fact that people are being polite online may carry over to real life eventually?
Personally i've always found myself being awkward in real life social situations and heartfelt stuff just makes it worse. Gotta be drunk for that stuff! No such problem saying Thanks, please, sorry etc on here though.
I don't think the mods will like that. A "thank you" is a thing you'll have to deserve.
I will however 'Thank' any currently serving, or previously serving, member of any of the Armed Services on principal.
Should the OP decide to enlist and serve his Queen and Country i will be the first to hit that button!
Luckily for you, i am the queen Now, let's get f-ed up gentlemen!
I hate Justin bayber, will you thank me?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
WTS thanks hitting. 1$ each. pm me
(kidding don't ban me)
But that doesn't help when you secretly have a crush on Rebecca Black. So no, i can't thank you yet.
BazookaAce said:
Luckily for you, i am the queen Now, let's get f-ed up gentlemen!
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Hear, hear!
Edit: Can i borrow a couple of your commonwealth countries for the weekend? Nothing important...perhaps Canada & Australia? I promise to return them in good condition!
If you have kids then you know what Im talking about.. Sorry loses its meaning very VERY fast... lol
Shift_Lock said:
If you have kids then you know what Im talking about.. Sorry loses its meaning very VERY fast... lol
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Lulz! So you feel like you're being played? Kids are masters at manipulation and will stop at nothing! The two 'angels' that i share a house with know exactly how to wrap me in knots.
Bless 'em. (They're not mine so i only have to digest them in bite sized chunks).
When i was younger i had terrible trouble admitting when i was wrong. I would defend my argument long after it had stopped being logical. I think that's common too. It stings the pride. I'm glad i'm not like that any more.
LOL! The 4 year old is the worst.. she runs her mom. her brother and her sister.. I try to keep it together... but damn... she knows all the tricks!
Shift_Lock said:
LOL! The 4 year old is the worst.. she runs her mom. her brother and her sister.. I try to keep it together... but damn... she knows all the tricks!
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The ones here are 4 (boy) and 5 (girl) and boy does she think she's the boss! My landlord is the most patient people person i've ever known, and is far too kind to be a disciplinarian, (he took me in after all), but she takes every advantage of the fact.
"Daughter of mine, you're going to bed soon so turn off that computer and go brush your teeth".
"No daddy, we don't go to bed at this time and i will play this some more, and then i will watch television for a while...", in the sweetest voice imaginable, as if she's explaining the way things are to a total idiot.
I love it! She always does what i ask her though.
They could be the most important words ever spoken to a person
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