lag fix question - Galaxy S I9000 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

what if i convert internal sd from fat32 to ext? or it is impossible to do so?


[Q] SGS Storages types summary?

RAM 512Mb but you only have aprox 326 Mb for yourself, the rest are used by the OS and System Services.
Internal SD, can come in 8GB models or 16GB models
External SD, is whatever SDHC micro SD card you want to insert into it, supports up to 32GB micro SD cards
the Internal SD is split in 2 GB for System OS Apps, and whatever is left over is yours to use.
the Internal SD is aprox a Class 4 SD card
Amd what about system types on internal sd? What is reason for so slow stock i/o? FS type? LagFix i choosed store data on same chip...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
exactly because of that the internal SD is split into 2 active partitions, by having the swap file on another SD card, then it lessen the access time
AllGamer said:
exactly because of that the internal SD is split into 2 active partitions, by having the swap file on another SD card, then it lessen the access time
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Ok! But..... CFLagFix-1.70 moves files to internal SD, not external.
It was in internal, and became also internal. So what's the difference?
Ok, maybe another partition, but same storage! May by file system structure, heard about some journals??? or what else??

[Q] Question about external/internal SD card

Do I need to format those cards to ext4? I'm seeing that these cards are still fat32....
it is not needed ...
Is there a reason why it shouldn't be?

[Q] i897 Partition / Unpartition sd card

First off I have a Galaxy S Captivate and I'm a noob when it comes to the mods on this phone. It is rooted. I bought a 32gb sd card and wanted to partition into two partitions. I did some searching and found this link It worked great, but it didn't modify the ext sd card. It partitioned the internal card instead. Now instead of seeing the 16gb internal I'm seeing 13gb.
Question is, is there an easy way to 'undo' this without loosing everything and actually partition the external card?
Thanks in advance,
The internal /sdcard partition should only have around 13gb. The entire phone has 16gb this includes all the system partitions and a 2gb partition in /data for user apps.
Okay so it repartitioned the internal storage. Is there a way to point it to the external to partition it? I'm wanting to move the apps to the sd to free up space. Sorry for the dumb questions...
You can't install an app in an external sd.
You can move apps from /data/app, which has the 2gb capacity, to a folder in /sdcard with native froyo software.
Settings>applications> manage applications>"the app you want"> move to sd.

Internal memory/sdcard ?

Hi..I have 8gb i9000, my problem is, my phone is using 1.85gb as internal memory, and 5.64gb as (internal) sdcard, is there a way to give more memory to sdcard?
btw, I don't have an external sd card.
dont think so

Linkd2SD and SD card format

I installed Link2SD to move apps from internal to SD storage. I wouldn't work unless both partitions on SD card were FAT32. Does anyone else have this experience? Or does anyone else have it working with NTFS or ext4? What exact combinations of formats do you use?

