Is there any software that i configure a vibration time in my incoming calls?
mine is vibrating full time. when the xperia start the ringtone the vibration do not pause or stop till i answer the call
can someone help or suggest something?
In Sounds & Notifications you have the possibility to choose between ring only, vibrate only, ring and vibrate (it seems like you have chosen this setting) and the alternative of starting with vibration and ringing afterwards.
If this is not enough for you there is the possibility to adapt the sequence of the incoming call notification either in the registry (I don't know the keys though) or by using tweaking software such as SK Tools.
altae said:
In Sounds & Notifications you have the possibility to choose between ring only, vibrate only, ring and vibrate (it seems like you have chosen this setting) and the alternative of starting with vibration and ringing afterwards.
If this is not enough for you there is the possibility to adapt the sequence of the incoming call notification either in the registry (I don't know the keys though) or by using tweaking software such as SK Tools.
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Thank you! I did a long search about it and I found Vibro which is what i'm looking for
I found a program about it long long ago,but it not perfect
Is there a way to make the phone vibrate once instead of 3 times when an sms message is received?
Can anyone help with turning it off from SMS's ? I have a cooked rom with Voice Commander so I don't want it vibrating too. I have my Ring Type set to Ring although I sure someone will say that the ringer settings have nothing to do with SMS's
I think it's set to that considering that if a phone call is received it'll vibrate once and for a long time. Which to me, is useful to distinguish a call from a text.
I know of no software that could modify though...
It's OK, I found the option box in the Sounds and Notifications settings to have vibrate on or off for the New Text Notification
hi all,
is there a cab to change or set the interval of vibration during incoming call for kaiser? continuously vibrating bothered me. FYI,I have TYTN 2 with original Rom
I did some search, i found this registry hack for prophet, and did not dare to tried it-
anyone could confirm whether it is work on kaiser?
thanks in advance
here is the link for prophet:
Looping Ringtones Delay
Ring tone has a standard 3 seconds delay before repeating. You can set the delay from 0 second to how many second that you want.
Change 'Script' from 'av0pw3r' to 'av0pr' and you'll get 0 sec delay.
OR change it to
av0pw1r = wait for 1 sec
av0pw2r = wait for 2 sec
and so on...
Plus..heres the code
a - stands for display
r - repeat/replay the script again
c - sets the volume C50, c150, c100
f - means flash .. f1 flash for 1 second and f0 stands for flash continuously
p -means play ringtone
v- vibrate then incorporate with number to state how many seconds it will vibrate example. v3 vibrate for 3seconds or v - for continous
w - stands for wait or pause then specify how many seconds like w3(wait for 3 seconds)
heres the example
Flash - af1w60f0
Ring - apw3r
Ring Once - ap
Increasing Ring - c50apw3c150r
Vibrate Then Ring - v3w3apw3r
Vibrate - av3w3r
Short Vibrate - av1w3r
Vibrate Long Then Ring - v3w3v3w3apw3r
Vibrate And Ring - av0pw3r
Increasing Ring And Vibrate - c50apv3w3c150r
Fast Vibrate And Flash - af1v1w1f0r
Vibrate and Ring Continously without pausing - av0pr
I was trying to find a solution for this a month ago, but with no success. I think there is not a cab for this. Never tried that registry hack, but it could work.
Edit: ok, I tried to change the registry, it is working but I dont know what script to use when u want to play ringtone with a pulsating vibration.
Mikulec said:
Edit: ok, I tried to change the registry, it is working but I dont know what script to use when u want to play ringtone with a pulsating vibration.
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Apparently this tweak does the commands in a sequenced order and not simultaneously. If you have a long Ring Tone (such as a Song) it won't do other commands until the "P - Play Ringtone" finishes up.
If you have a short ringtone (such as a *beep*) you could do a "av1pr" for a pulse+beeping ringtone. It kinda sucks, I know =(
Jimmyy said:
If you have a short ringtone (such as a *beep*) you could do a "av1pr" for a pulse+beeping ringtone. It kinda sucks, I know =(
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I think that would be the worst ringtone ever.
Mikulec said:
I think that would be the worst ringtone ever.
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so i guess till somebody figured out the right cab or the correct tweak, i just have to be satisfied with the continuous vibrating
portos03 said:
so i guess till somebody figured out the right cab or the correct tweak, i just have to be satisfied with the continuous vibrating
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yes, that is exactly what I am doing. I remember that I had once a pulse vibration, but it was just with a special ringtone and I cant remember what ringtone it was.
Sorry, I just realize it was a short ringtone and it only looked like it was a pulsating vibration.
ha ..
i was trying to find a solution for this too...
But i allways came back to the information,
that it works like a batch, not at the same time.
If the ringtone is e.g. a long music file it will play
it to its end until the next vibration starts...
very annoying..
Does anyone think the default vibrate is a bit long?
I noticed you can create your own vibrate pattern (awesome feature), so I made a shorter one but it doesn't apply it!
Is that due to me being in vibrate mode only? But that doesn't make sense if so...
once you've created your pattern, make sure you recorded it (you are asked to give it a name for that).
then select it in the list of vibration patterns.
mfsieg said:
once you've created your pattern, make sure you recorded it (you are asked to give it a name for that).
then select it in the list of vibration patterns.
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Yep, did that. It appears it only works for the ring tone and doesn't change the vibrate when in silent vibrate mode...
is it possible to disable the vibration when u switch into silence mode?
for example i have the normal mode activated and then press volume down until i hit "vibration mode" it vibrates - is it possible to disable that?
i a using llama to automatically switch into silence modes etc, i always thing i get a text message when i enter my work -.-
Please is possible disable vibrate when is delivered message or I touch list of applications on my launcher ? I don´t like vibrate ... in setting is option for disable vibrate for ringtone but not for other. Do you have some idea ? Thanks
I never use vibrate
I have problems with not working ringtone profiles. They dosent work at all. When i want to change volume, I have to use side buttons. Its only way to switch volume. I have this problems on all official software versions.
and just what is it that you would you want your phone to do to have a working ringtone profile? you can assign a different ringtone to each contact, and a picture as well. if you can't specify the ringtone volume level for each contact it doesn't mean it is not working. it's just that phone software doesn't support that function, and i see no use for that since you can chose no ringtone at all for a desired contact. and what's wrong with using side buttons? you want on screen volume slider? is it really necessary?
I mean that when Im switching profiles (normal, vibrations or silent mode) nothing is changing and sound volume dosent change. I have to use side buttons to turn down volume, and some times it dosent work corretly (e-mail notifications are always loud)...
Next, I cant turn down email notifications... All ringtones are set down manualy but email notifications are loud and are driving me crazy at night...
I just want to know if there is anything I can do to separate notification volume from ringtone volume as I could not find anything on the internet that worked for me.
Try to use tile settings from play store, it has 3 sound modes in tile
HTCDevil said:
Try to use tile settings from play store, it has 3 sound modes in tile
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I don't think you understood my question. I don't want to switch between different modes, I want to set different volumes for ringtone and notification. I have tried Volume Butler, Precise Volume and other such apps but they decrease the ringtone volume along with the notification volume & vice - versa.
Piyush1149 said:
I don't think you understood my question. I don't want to switch between different modes, I want to set different volumes for ringtone and notification. I have tried Volume Butler, Precise Volume and other such apps but they decrease the ringtone volume along with the notification volume & vice - versa.
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Oh sorry, ok i understand now, i'll try to remember which app i have used in past for doing this and then reply.
Edit: found
I have used it one years ago, you should try it
HTCDevil said:
Oh sorry, ok i understand now, i'll try to remember which app i have used in past for doing this and then reply.
Edit: found
I have used it one years ago, you should try it
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Thanks for the link, but I have already figured out a way of my own. I am using macrodroid(Tasker's free alternative) to increase the volume while the phone is ringing and automatically decrease it after the call ends or I miss the call. ?
????? Thanks for trying to help me. ??????
Piyush1149 said:
Thanks for the link, but I have already figured out a way of my own. I am using macrodroid(Tasker's free alternative) to increase the volume while the phone is ringing and automatically decrease it after the call ends or I miss the call. ?
????? Thanks for trying to help me. ??????
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I am glad you resolved bro :fingers-crossed:
I don't find any solution for this problem! If I use apps to solve the problem they say that it didn't work of course the system set the ringtone and notifications twice. So is there any fix for that. I need a really loud ringtone sound for work outside. But if don't won't a really loud notification. I use C26 One Ui Android 10.
I hope that you can help me out!
Social_Work said:
I don't find any solution for this problem! If I use apps to solve the problem they say that it didn't work of course the system set the ringtone and notifications twice. So is there any fix for that. I need a really loud ringtone sound for work outside. But if don't won't a really loud notification. I use C26 One Ui Android 10.
I hope that you can help me out!
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Use tasker/automate/macrodroid or something similar to automatically increase volume while the phone is ringing and then decrease it after the call ends.
Can you give me an export file of your Macrodroid Macros. Of course I have problems with the settings.
Or can you tell me your correct settings for each macro.
I hope that this is possible for you!
Thx a lot.....
triggers: phone ringing, call ended, call missed
actions: if trigger fired (phone ringing)
increase ringtone volume to 100%
if trigger fired(call ended or call missed)
change ringtone volume to 30%
constrains: not dnd/vibrate/silent
Hope it helps
Not realy..... :laugh::laugh:
1) Phone ringing
triggers: phone ringing
actions: increase ringtone volume to 100%
condition 1: not in "do not disturb" - allow all
condition 2:sound on
2) Call ends
triggers 1: call ends
triggers 2: call missed
actions: increase ringtone volume to 30%
condition 1: not in "do not disturb" - allow all
condition 2:sound on
3) No sounds - only alarm
triggers 1: not in "do not disturb" - allow all
triggers 2: no sound
actions: increase all volume to 0% and Alarm to 40%
These are my macros. But I dont find the way for "only vibration" for my 3 Option.
And I am not sure if two macros are enough.And what means "allow all"? If this trigger is true - it allow the action?!
I put my macro export in the attachment.
If you have the time I would be happy if you put your export in the attachment of your next post
Thx a lot......
My Macros doesn't work. When call comes in it is under 30% or 30%. And the 3) is really wrong, after I get up today I'm in vibration mode and can't get out. I had to stop the macro 3).
So I hope you are rescue me with a export of your macro.
Grettings from Germany
Social_Work said:
My Macros doesn't work. When call comes in it is under 30% or 30%. And the 3) is really wrong, after I get up today I'm in vibration mode and can't get out. I had to stop the macro 3).
So I hope you are rescue me with a export of your macro.
Grettings from Germany
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Try this and change the settings according to your preference.
Social_Work said:
Not realy..... :laugh::laugh:
1) Phone ringing
triggers: phone ringing
actions: increase ringtone volume to 100%
condition 1: not in "do not disturb" - allow all
condition 2:sound on
2) Call ends
triggers 1: call ends
triggers 2: call missed
actions: increase ringtone volume to 30%
condition 1: not in "do not disturb" - allow all
condition 2:sound on
3) No sounds - only alarm
triggers 1: not in "do not disturb" - allow all
triggers 2: no sound
actions: increase all volume to 0% and Alarm to 40%
These are my macros. But I dont find the way for "only vibration" for my 3 Option.
And I am not sure if two macros are enough.And what means "allow all"? If this trigger is true - it allow the action?!
I put my macro export in the attachment.
If you have the time I would be happy if you put your export in the attachment of your next post
Thx a lot......
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Try removing "allow all" dnd condition first.
It may work then
I didn't check my mail that's why I didn't know that you were still facing problems.