So I posted a thread about how my 3G wasn't working, and it's still not working. So after talking with Sprint for about 2 hours yesterday, I'm getting a refurbished phone. They told me when I get the refurb, to send back the one I have now, which is rooted. So I need to completely unroot the phone I have now. Is there a tutorial online that will show me how to completely unroot my phone?
EDIT: Will this do it? If I just run this file with my phone connected to the computer?
Yes, the RUU completely restores the phone back to factory, unrooted stock condition, just like if it were fresh out of the box.
chromiumleaf said:
Yes, the RUU completely restores the phone back to factory, unrooted stock condition, just like if it were fresh out of the box.
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Nice, also, I saw what you posted in my other 3G thread. I'm gonna give that a shot. The update profile thing I tried a few times (a few times myself as well as with the Sprint rep), but I never tried the airplane mode. Thanks for the info.
EDIT: Thanks, but it didn't help..still the same thing. I don't get what could be wrong though, I literally tried everything. I even factory reset my phone twice, still no go..I wonder if it's a hardware error, I don't know what else it could be at this point.
Okay so I'm trying to flash the originial RUU that I posted in my OP, but for some reason, when I start it up, it says "Waiting for Bootloader..." and it does that for about a minute, and then an error comes up saying that the phone couldn't be updated and to try again.. I did it twice and I'm getting the same error. Does anyone know how to get past this?
spatel9114 said:
Okay so I'm trying to flash the originial RUU that I posted in my OP, but for some reason, when I start it up, it says "Waiting for Bootloader..." and it does that for about a minute, and then an error comes up saying that the phone couldn't be updated and to try again.. I did it twice and I'm getting the same error. Does anyone know how to get past this?
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Make sure your battery is charged pretty well (at least past 50% or so). Turn off your phone and turn it back on. Does it get stuck at the black HTC screen? Or the white one?
If so, leave it this way, plug your USB into the phone and computer, then try re-running the RUU with the phone stuck like that. Sometimes this works for people who get these types of errors.
Also check out this thread, some of that may be helpful:
This one is similar:
chromiumleaf said:
Make sure your battery is charged pretty well (at least past 50% or so). Turn off your phone and turn it back on. Does it get stuck at the black HTC screen? Or the white one?
If so, leave it this way, plug your USB into the phone and computer, then try re-running the RUU with the phone stuck like that. Sometimes this works for people who get these types of errors.
Also check out this thread, some of that may be helpful:
This one is similar:
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Wow, you are just helping out left and right today, aren't ya, lol
Thanks, the first post on the first link you posted did the trick, thanks again.
Im really really hoping that someone can help me here
It started this morning around 10:00 or so - I took my phone out to check my messages, everything is working fine. I lock the phone and put it standby (power button) and *surprise*, it locks up and wont come out of standby
So i just re-set it (like im forced to do 20 times a day) and instead of booting it went straight to this red/green/blue screen. At the bottom of the screen it just says "Serial" but doesn't actually give a serial.
I instantly thought it was bricked, so i removed the battery and left it out for a few mins. Then i put the batt back in, and it booted normally. I used it throughout the day with no problems.
Fast forward a few hours and it does it again but now it wont boot at all (ive reset the thing like 100000 times in the last hour ive been working on it).
WTF is going on?? Im really really hoping that it isnt too screwed to fix
The last program I installed was the SPB pack, but that was over a month ago, and i use the phone every day, multiple times a day.
Oh, and to make things worse i was planning on relying on my TomTom tomorrow
and the text on that screen says:
And at the bottom it just says "Serial" but none is given.
This blows
Have you recently tried to flash your phone? Have you ever? If you never have flashed it or attempted to use Olipof's app, then take it to the store and demand a new one.
Do you see "USB" instead of "Serial" if you connect your sync cable to your phone when in the bootloader?
If so, I would download the latest carrier-branded rom and flash it to your device. As long as the rom is designed for your device, then you do not need to do anything special prior to running the file from your PC.
grandpareza said:
Have you recently tried to flash your phone? Have you ever? If you never have flashed it or attempted to use Olipof's app, then take it to the store and demand a new one.
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I have never flashed it but i have spilled water near it (on the counter, the phone got wet but that was months ago and has no relation to this).
Can they check if it has been wet before?
When i plug it into my computer it says USB instead of serial. Should I try to re-flash with an updated rom and see if it fixes it or just take it in?
If you find me on MSN IM ([email protected]) we can run a diagnostic & see what the problem is.
GSLEON3 said:
If you find me on MSN IM ([email protected]) we can run a diagnostic & see what the problem is.
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Thanks, ill give you a buzz.
I need to finish and email a few things first (shouldnt take more than 30mins).
Actually, ill just message you tomorrow or something.
Ive been really busy this week.
well did you get it fixed? what did you do?
Yikes, that happened to a friend of mine, but he flashed his and then had to reflash it. I think there is a place on the back under the battery that they use to tell if it's been wet. I would take it back, even if flashing it fixes it, you don't want it to happen again.
oh and it doesn't mean serial like a serial number, it is a serial connection.
I havent been able to get it fixed.
I think ill try to flash it this weekend and see if that fixes it
You'll only make problems worse if you reflash. I've analyzed the MTTY output you've sent me & you have a bad NAND storage blocks.
You need to follow the directions I sent to your email account via MSN IM.
this happened to me and someone else in XDA a while back. I saw his thread (link below) and then PMed him. I will copy / paste our PMs:
jackjohnson said:
dockular said:
jackjohnson said:
dockular said:
Sup Jack, my Tilt is doing the
problem that you had talked about. I read that huge thread, lots of great info in there. Although its unfortunate what happened to you, I'm really grateful of all the troubleshooting that you've done before me, so I know what works and what doesn't. Interesting to note that I have had the Tilt since the day it came out, and never cooked/ flashed my rom. I have been using the Tilt rom the whole time with no problems. Otherwise I'm a huge power user and have a ridiculous amt of software installed.
So after everything was all said and done, did you end up just replacing the device? Thanks again man
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Yea I went ahead and replaced it. No matter what I did to reflash the original bootloader, and flash the original rom, I always ended up with that same problem. Did you notice that if you can't get it out of the bootloader, but you connect it to your computer, and while it's connect, you soft reset, that it boots? Just curious. that's what happened to me. Either that or I would have to yank the sim and battery, then try.
My tilt was working fine for about a month with a flashed rom, up until I started installing gobs of software on it. Just a thought. If I were you, I would get the device replaced. Especially if you've never flashed a new rom on it - it definitely should not be doing that.
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My computer has been broken for a month or two. To answer your question - I haven't been connecting it to anything other than an AC outlet. Anything installed in the last couple months was installed OTA... I usually just obtain a CAB by downloading it directly onto my device.
Also, its weird but sometimes after I drain the batter with the RGB screen then recharge it (this process takes about a day) then hit the reset button, it will actually boot correctly. I am on the third time this has happened. It was bricked for a couple days, then after a combination of charging / depleting got it to boot into windows. Then it happened again, then again.
As long as I don't restart the phone it will stay in windows... If I restart then I lose it for a day or so. Interesting to note that since this has happened, phone calls connect, but I can't hear the other party and they can't hear me.
Also, I use the mini usb out to a 3.5mm stereo jack to stream shoutcast into my car stereo while driving. Last week (at the onset of my problem) the music was playing from the Tilt's speakerphone, and not going through the headphone jack as it normally would. A restart fixed this, but when it happened again a day or so later, the next restart is what got me to that boot screen for the first time.
One of us should post this in the forum...
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And just an update, I never sent back my phone or did anything as far as bad blocks go. I just let the battery drain and booted it right up and now it works perfect. I have since installed a few cooked rooms and radios and have had no issues since. This RGB screen was isolated to just those few days that we were talking about in the PMs.
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dockular said:
this happened to me and someone else in XDA a while back. I saw his thread (link below) and then PMed him. I will copy / paste our PMs:
jackjohnson said:
And just an update, I never sent back my phone or did anything as far as bad blocks go. I just let the battery drain and booted it right up and now it works perfect. I have since installed a few cooked rooms and radios and have had no issues since. This RGB screen was isolated to just those few days that we were talking about in the PMs.
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Umm... GOOD FOR YOU!!!
I had him perform a diagnostic & it reported HE HAS A BAD BLOCK! So unless you're psychic or can be sure that every problem with Boot Loader is the same as the one you had, I suggest sticking to what you know.
BTW, search the CURRENT threads, in the KAISER forum, & you'll see I've helped a few dozen people with this & similar issues.
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dude i wasn't telling him to not follow your advice. was just letting him know my story. as a matter of fact, after reading your original post I have decided to check for bad blocks on my phone.
[B said:
Umm... GOOD FOR YOU!!![/B]
I had him perform a diagnostic & it reported HE HAS A BAD BLOCK! So unless you're psychic or can be sure that every problem with Boot Loader is the same as the one you had, I suggest sticking to what you know.
BTW, search the CURRENT threads, in the KAISER forum, & you'll see I've helped a few dozen people with this & similar issues.
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Well, this has happened to one of our phones. Can you just post the fix here instead of requiring the email/IM rotuine?
Earlier today I tried the OTA update and failed. When I got home from work. I used odin to go back to stock without root, and it let me run the upgrade again. This time it failed again and now my phone won't even boot up. It acts like it is getting no power.
Any suggestions?
batt pull?
Ive tried everything. It won't even let me get into download or recovery mode. How strange.
same here, canceled the download to turn on wifi, went back to download then update and now it's totally bricked...
on the phone now with ATT waiting to speak with tech support.
hmmm....let me know what happens! im scared now :/
dabuddha said:
same here, canceled the download to turn on wifi, went back to download then update and now it's totally bricked...
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plug your phone into your computer and let me know if a strange file appears on your desktop.
plugged it in and nothing happened, attempted to get to download mode and still failed, gonna call in tonight when I have time
dabuddha said:
plugged it in and nothing happened, attempted to get to download mode and still failed, gonna call in tonight when I have time
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Not sure if its related but I found a file saying this on my desktop.
"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Happened to a few of us. Nothing works. The phone is completely dead.
I found out that if you even pause the download, it will make your phone become inoperable. This came straight from ATT tech support. They said once it starts the update you pretty much can't touch the screen or do anything with the phone. Once it because inoperable there isn't anything you can do to get it back in working order. You pretty much are left with a pretty paper weight.
jmahaffey said:
I found out that if you even pause the download, it will make your phone become inoperable. This came straight from ATT tech support. They said once it starts the update you pretty much can't touch the screen or do anything with the phone. Once it because inoperable there isn't anything you can do to get it back in working order. You pretty much are left with a pretty paper weight.
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Yep. I had to go exchange mine yesterday. They looked at the phone like 'how did that happen...?'. Told them the FW update cancelled in the middle but still tried to apply and now we have a nice paperweight. He just looked at me like 'wow, that sucks...' and set me up a new Captivate.
It really doesn't make sense though. The resume button is there but it doesn't resume the D/L. How can you code a FW update to apply a partial file....
qwertyaas said:
Yep. I had to go exchange mine yesterday. They looked at the phone like 'how did that happen...?'. Told them the FW update cancelled in the middle but still tried to apply and now we have a nice paperweight. He just looked at me like 'wow, that sucks...' and set me up a new Captivate.
It really doesn't make sense though. The resume button is there but it doesn't resume the D/L. How can you code a FW update to apply a partial file....
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Yeah it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I got my new captivate in the mail today. They over nighted it to me. The strange part is my battery was completely dead when I put it in the new captivate. I'm trying to charge it now but its going up very very slow. I had a full charge when I started to update yesterday. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
To be honest I'm almost afraid to try and use any OTA updates anymore.
to be honest, im tempted to try this just to see what happens.
mdsannihilation said:
to be honest, im tempted to try this just to see what happens.
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Curiosity kills the cat Captivate...?
Got my Captivate exchanged yesterday and it of course didn't work well. Got a new one today, GPS does not work what-so-ever...
I'm thinking of just returning this phone and that's it. What's sad is the phone that bricked worked perfectly.
jmahaffey said:
Yeah it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I got my new captivate in the mail today. They over nighted it to me. The strange part is my battery was completely dead when I put it in the new captivate. I'm trying to charge it now but its going up very very slow. I had a full charge when I started to update yesterday. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
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SAME HERE!!! I made sure mine was fully charged before I started the update. Update failed, phone wouldn't turn on, got a new one this morning and my battery was critically low.
qwertyaas said:
Got my Captivate exchanged yesterday and it of course didn't work well. Got a new one today, GPS does not work what-so-ever...
I'm thinking of just returning this phone and that's it. What's sad is the phone that bricked worked perfectly.
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I had to re-adjust the settings in Lbs test mode to get the gps to work again.
majinzen said:
I had to re-adjust the settings in Lbs test mode to get the gps to work again.
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I tried both and and non work. I'm having more issues in the last 20 hours than I had in 3 1/2 weeks with my first Captivate. AT&T rep just told me to go exchange the phone again and not to leave the store until I get a fully functional phone - and wrote that in special instructions to the store on my account notes.
i just went thru a problem with a broken power button. long story short i claimed my warranty and got a refurb. the refurb had 2.2 on it. like a jerk i thought it would be fine to use this guide ( ) just like i did with my previous phone to get miui back on my phone. i had to downgrade to 2.1 on my old phone but for some reason i thought it would be fine to use the 'safe froyo base' with my already froyo phone...
anyways i got as far as odin saying it was setting partition and it would go any further. no option but to unplug and try again. before trying i tried to boot and take a look at kies. the phone wouldnt boot. just a black screen. so.. i went ahead and tried odin again since i could still get into download mode. it still hung at the same spot. pulled the plug again and put it into download mode and got the great idea of using 1-click to go back to 2.1 stock. then it hung after, i think the 3rd message that it spits out in the log. cant remember what it said but it was a normal msg. so i pulled the plug and tried to put it into download mode again. NO LUCK. and still doesnt boot.
SO, i have a non-booting, non-download mode, non-recovery mode, no signs of life captivate...
is it a refurbished turd or is there hope with a jig or something else?
i know, long story short
those instructions were for i9000 not captivate...
odin sometimes gets stuck on set partition and i wipes the params.lfs partition where the download mode image is stored.
ill bet you 100 bucks if you restart odin. take out your battery, put back in, hold both volume buttons and plug in usb, THE SCREEN WILL NOT come on, BUT odin WILL turn YELLOW in the first box and windows will beep that it found the device.
Odin will flash with a black screen. when the flash starts, you will see a blue bar on the black screen.
use the one click stock roms in the XDA CAPTIVATE development section.
use XDA. period.
so you're saying use the same method again? or use an odin 1-click stock. 2.1, 2.2, or does it even matter? cuz im pretty sure in my rage of panic i tried both one click and full another time and nothing happened. ive got nothing to lose by trying again tho. thanks for the reply.
edit: just tried what you said with the one click i have and no go. ran odin as administrator. dont have time til after work for the full method or a different one click. but i will definatley try.
FYI, regarding your question about a jig, I just had a similar problem (thread I tried every option on this board and many others to get into download mode without success. The jig worked (thankfully!). might be worth trying it before giving up. as for me, no more flashing until I get Outler's Unbrickable Mod.
befreewv said:
FYI, regarding your question about a jig, I just had a similar problem (thread I tried every option on this board and many others to get into download mode without success. The jig worked (thankfully!). might be worth trying it before giving up. as for me, no more flashing until I get Outler's Unbrickable Mod.
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thanks for the reply. im gonna give it a few more tries before attempting the jig. my power has been out for the last 11 hours so i havent been able to use my pc... or anything really. lost all my food in refrigerator and freezer too .
im gonna mess with this thing a bit more to see if i can make a pearl out of swine poop.
maybe someone can answer me this:
considering what i did to get the phone into this state, if i try to exchange it and tell at&t that i just powered off and it simpy wouldnt power back on is there any way for them tell if it was because of what i did?
anyone? still searching and trying to get dl mode or at least my pc/odin to recognize the device. nothing has worked yet. im downloading sdk now to try adb. i have a feeling that if adb doesnt work then AdamOutler will be $30 richer . and i have an even bigger feeling that adb will not work.
nawlage, PM sent.
4-2ndtwin said:
nawlage, PM sent.
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thanks, just read it. the thing is, the phone has no signs of life. pbl or sbl seems to be borked but not possitive. ive heard that what i did shouldnt brick it like it has been bricked.
just tried using adb. couldnt even get to it after downloading sdk. there was a read me where adb normally is and said it was moved in the version i have. i tried to install it and it just said nothing was done. could create the directory. i gotta go to work now so i cant try anything else til i get home.
looks like im gonna try for another warranty claim on the grounds that i was putting my saved data from my old phone onto my replacement with kies when the power went out and my phone froze. pulled battery and wouldnt turn back on. if im denied then ill prolly pay for the unbrickable mod. might get the mod even if i get the warranty refurb. seems like a good investment. ill post the results. thanks to those who gave ideas.
EDIT 11/25: i ended up telling them that it worked fine when i went to bed and woke up 4 hours later and it was off and wouldnt turn on. the rep tried all the things i already tried while i snickered to myself and he said 'yeah its dead'. i got another refurb stock uckb2.
Hello everyone. Im having this really odd issue where the phone wont power off. I press and hold the power button down, and choose "POWER OFF" and it does the animation of powering off, then it goes dark....then in about 2-3 seconds it powers back on. Now i do have Fast Boot unchecked. Im also rooted and running the Dev edition of the HTC One. If i boot into recovery and choose the option to shutdown, it still reboots on its own. Very odd. Anyone care to help me out? Thanks
seems like cache error. try to clear cache in recovery.. if nothing happens .. clear data .. . yup then you will lose all data. but u will get into system atleast
jags_the1 said:
seems like cache error. try to clear cache in recovery.. if nothing happens .. clear data .. . yup then you will lose all data. but u will get into system atleast
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I did all that as well. Same thing. I even wiped the phone and am now reverting back to stock to see if i can get it to power off correctly.
serialtoon said:
I did all that as well. Same thing. I even wiped the phone and am now reverting back to stock to see if i can get it to power off correctly.
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Strange. Good luck. Does reverting back to stock mean you are running the RUU?
nugzo said:
Strange. Good luck. Does reverting back to stock mean you are running the RUU?
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Yea. But im having a bit of an issue even with that. I consider myself a seasoned vet at this kind of stuff, but seem to be having a hard time with it. I tried to flash the RUU and it failed about 25% thru it, and now im at an HTC logo with exclamation signs on each corner. Kind of at a loss...but ill keep in screwing with it.
ok, so i reverted back to stock using the RUU and it STILL DOESNT TURN OFF!! I dont know what to do anymore. Faulty hardware? Kind of weird when everything else works fine.
serialtoon said:
ok, so i reverted back to stock using the RUU and it STILL DOESNT TURN OFF!! I dont know what to do anymore. Faulty hardware? Kind of weird when everything else works fine.
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Nothng else you can do on your end. You've done it all. Tell them you installed the ruu and that didnt work. If its from a carrier, ATT, t-mobile.. Just take it to a corporate store, they should replace it. If its a Dev edition, gotta send it in. For me it wouldnt be much of an issue because i never turn my phones off.. But if you do turn them off, this is a major issue lol. They should replace it no problem.
nugzo said:
Nothng else you can do on your end. You've done it all. Tell them you installed the ruu and that didnt work. If its from a carrier, ATT, t-mobile.. Just take it to a corporate store, they should replace it. If its a Dev edition, gotta send it in. For me it wouldnt be much of an issue because i never turn my phones off.. But if you do turn them off, this is a major issue lol. They should replace it no problem.
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Yea it is a developer edition phone. Ive done evrerything i can think of and i think i may need to send it in. What sucks is that i have already added my zagg on the back and added an SGP screen protector and i would hate to waste them. I also normally dont turn my phone off (if ever) but i dont want to end up with more hardware issues down the line. Im contemplating sending it back to HTC and ordering the Google edition when that is available..but im kind of happy with it as is. I have HTC on the phone now...lets see what they say. At this point im kind of curious as to why its doing this.
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone is able to help me out with my HTC one M7. My phone has been out of commission since Monday night and I'm all out of options on what to do, I've even tried doing a factory reset as a last resort but that didn't seem to work as it looked like the process just stalled.
Here's a bit of background of what happened: Monday night I charged my phone through the wall outlet and went to have dinner, I came back to check on the phone and it was off. I thought that was odd so when I tried turning it back on I would only ever be able to get to the white HTC logo screen. I'm able to get into fastboot and recovery but after googling solutions and trying the options people have mentioned, it still isn't working. I'm not very tech oriented so I wouldn't know how to flash ROMs or anything like that...soooo, I'm hoping someone is able to explain steps in I'm able to understandr. I don't even know flashing ROMs is possible at this point since whenever I plug it into my PC, the drivers aren't recognized by Windows and says 'failed to install drivers'.
Any help is very much appreciated!! (I signed up to the forum in order to write this and seek help lol)
I haven't done ANY customization to the phone everything is all stock from my service provider so I'm really baffled at how this sudden fail could have happened. There was no OTA update either.
rina__anir said:
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone is able to help me out with my HTC one M7. My phone has been out of commission since Monday night and I'm all out of options on what to do, I've even tried doing a factory reset as a last resort but that didn't seem to work as it looked like the process just stalled.
Here's a bit of background of what happened: Monday night I charged my phone through the wall outlet and went to have dinner, I came back to check on the phone and it was off. I thought that was odd so when I tried turning it back on I would only ever be able to get to the white HTC logo screen. I'm able to get into fastboot and recovery but after googling solutions and trying the options people have mentioned, it still isn't working. I'm not very tech oriented so I wouldn't know how to flash ROMs or anything like that...soooo, I'm hoping someone is able to explain steps in I'm able to understandr. I don't even know flashing ROMs is possible at this point since whenever I plug it into my PC, the drivers aren't recognized by Windows and says 'failed to install drivers'.
Any help is very much appreciated!! (I signed up to the forum in order to write this and seek help lol)
I haven't done ANY customization to the phone everything is all stock from my service provider so I'm really baffled at how this sudden fail could have happened. There was no OTA update either.
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If your warranty is still valid take it to service
donkeykong1 said:
If your warranty is still valid take it to service
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Unfortunately it's not, I've had the phone for a little over 2 years now. Seriously contemplating just using a loaner phone in the meantime while I wait for the new Nexus ...
rina__anir said:
Unfortunately it's not, I've had the phone for a little over 2 years now. Seriously contemplating just using a loaner phone in the meantime while I wait for the new Nexus ...
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Did you try factory reset from bootloader?
donkeykong1 said:
Did you try factory reset from bootloader?
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Yes, I did. It flashed to the screen with 2 green arrows in a circle and 1 downward green arrow with a progress bar at the bottom but nothing happens during this period. I left the phone like that for about 30 mins just to see if anything would happen and nothing did.