I'm just wondering why we have to wait for Kies ROM that is available to other regions when we can flash our i9000 with the available i9000XXJP6 Rom with Odin now?
traiviet said:
I'm just wondering why we have to wait for Kies ROM that is available to other regions when we can flash our i9000 with the available i9000XXJP6 Rom with Odin now?
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People like me, would prefer the Release meant specifically for me region as the RADIO is different
but if you happen to be compatible with the current release
you can just do the KIES hack and flash it
doing the KIES hack is the same as using Odin to flash
So i wanted to know if i flash via Odin, can i still update to Froyo via Kies normally and can i get official firmware releases in the future?
if you can do Odin, might as well stay with Odin
but yes, you can use Kies to flash Froyo when it comes out officially
Just need to do the registry hack
Sorry i ment that can i upgrade to the official Froyo when it comes out. Not those leaked ones. My bad.
yes, even for the official one you'll probably have to do the KIES registry hack for it to load the official Froyo, if you happen to be in any other non official ROM
Ok thanks mate!
If i flash to JF3 and upgrade from JF3 to JM2 via Kies officially. Will that work?
So to explain this clearly. I want to flash JF3, but i want to know can i upgrade in Kies for JM2 after that and can i upgrade to Froyo in the future without any registry editing and stuff.
JM2 is a legit ROM from Kies, so yes, you should get 2.2 when it comes out from Kies without registry change
I have Samsung Galaxy S I9000 running FROYO 2.2
I just wanted to know if there's an official update to 2.3 from Samsung. If it is out there, how can I install it on my phone? is it better for now to stay with the 2.2 or better to upgrade?
Thank you.
You can upgrade to 2.2.1, but there isn't 2.3 yet. CyanogenMod working on it, we don't know anything about official upgrade...
I'm runing 2.2 froyo and 2.2.1 is official or not? Or its just depends on the regions where we live?
Mileris said:
I'm runing 2.2 froyo and 2.2.1 is official or not? Or its just depends on the regions where we live?
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2.2.1 is available officially from samsung for specific regions. Although it's not out for north america, I'm running it now.
OK, thank you. Is there a way to return back to my current version if anything goes wrong trying to upgrade? How can I back up the current version?
Mileris said:
I'm runing 2.2 froyo and 2.2.1 is official or not? Or its just depends on the regions where we live?
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you can just flash the android 2.2.1 using Odin or Heimdall...
oggy059 said:
you can just flash the android 2.2.1 using Odin or Heimdall...
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how i know if i can put 2.2.1 over froyo 2.2 without lost digital tv for my country? (chile)
It's posible to flash using Kies?
Mileris said:
It's posible to flash using Kies?
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No you cannot flash using KIES you can download and install the firmware via the Samsung server to upgrade your phone if your network has an upgrade with KIES .
ODIN required to flash .
Dependant upon what you mean by flash .
Usual term flash is to install firmware on the phone that may be customized or non standard via a non standard method .
Where update means update your phones firmware via Kies to your networks released firmware standard customer update service .
JJEgan said:
No you cannot flash using KIES you can download and install the firmware via the Samsung server to upgrade your phone if your network has an upgrade with KIES .
ODIN required to flash .
Dependant upon what you mean by flash .
Usual term flash is to install firmware on the phone that may be customized or non standard via a non standard method .
Where update means update your phones firmware via Kies to your networks released firmware standard customer update service .
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If I install android using a non standard method then i can't use KIES? Is ther - using odin? And how I can root my device back.
Kies = official firmware for your phones product code
Odin = Samsung generic firmware not adapted by your network phone provider .
Samsung generic firmware is the firmware built by Samsung before it has been passed to the different network providers who often add their own stuff .
probably will not update via Kies .
But will update to 2.3 via Odin when 2.3 is released and well before your network supply's the update .
JJEgan said:
Kies = official firmware for your phones product code
Odin = Samsung generic firmware not adapted by your network phone provider .
Samsung generic firmware is the firmware built by Samsung before it has been passed to the different network providers who often add their own stuff .
probably will not update via Kies .
But will update to 2.3 via Odin when 2.3 is released and well before your network supply's the update .
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So its better to use ODI? And it updates to official 2.2.1? And where i can finde how to update via ODIN and download firmware ? And how I can ensure that my downloaded wersion of android 2.2.1 is samsung official ?
Start bt reading the FAQs do nothing until you understand .
The risk of bricking your phone is your choice .
This method my be your best path for update .
If you dont understand do nothing a bricked phone though recoverable involves a lot of pain .
Euro Tab
Just installed the Gingerbread official firmware from forums but Kies will still not show current firmware, when I installed a ROM before it changed the format.
Is there a way to put the Tab back to stock firmware so that it works with Kies again now that we have an official release rather than using Odin
Thanks in advance
Vrati ga u nas samsung servis i kazi im da ti urade official stock.
n2ikola said:
Vrati ga u nas samsung servis i kazi im da ti urade official stock.
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English in the English forums please.....Whatever THAT language is it does not belong here.
Still no answer is this not possible?
Just want to put tab back to out of the box state by re-flashing the tab using Kies.
I have done it using Odin and now have gingerbread but want it to sync with Kies for downloads again.
Well I did it.
I flashed Rotohammer v4 and used bootloader patch to see if there is a protected one. But as far as I know GB doesn't have protected bootloaders.
Then I flashed the P1000XWJJ4 firmware. Works for me. If this doesn't work try P1000XXJK5.
After that KIES recognizes your tab and offers you updates again.
Gtab DOES have protected boot loaders... They are generally loaded on from those official updates you seem to like... Be careful if you decide to put custom firmware on after reflashing stock as you might find you have a brick...
Can you clarify a bit more as I have flashed the official Gingerbread from Italy onto the device and it working fine apart from Kies does not show any firmware info.
Do I just need to flash the stock UK firmware including bootloaders when it is made avalible and then it should work again?
Tab states the following version info:
Firmware 2.3.3
Baseband P1000XXJPZ
Kernal [email protected] #2
OK just tested again in Kies and it updated Kies to version 2
It now states:
This verision of the device can not be updated
Current firmware version: PDA:JQ1 / PHONE:JPZ / CSC:JQ1 (XEU)
Hopefully this means that when the UK update is released it will allow a force flash or something.
Okey, first of all, I'm a complete noob when it comes to this, so I need some help.
After long browsing I was able to root my Samsung Galaxy.
Now I want to update my Galaxy from 2.2 to Gingerbread.
Since I rooted my Galaxy it won't connect to Kies anymore, so I guess Kies won't work.
I have an Samsung Galaxy S I9000,
Kernel Version
Is it possible to update, if yes, how?
anyone? :l
Go to samfirmwares.com for the latest firmware
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
so I just have to update firmware and I'll have Gingerbread?
Xooley said:
so I just have to update firmware and I'll have Gingerbread?
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Download a FW from Samfirmware, the latest is I9000XXJVR (Its 2.3.4), then via Odin you flash a 3 file's, its CODE, MODEM and CSC, and pit file and tick re-partition
I'm new on the forums so cant post any links but if you search for "how to use Odin" then it's really not that difficult.
The biggest decision you have is whether to stick with a "stock" copy of firmware i.e released by the manufacturer or install one of the modded versions from the hard working developers on XDA.
if you have a rooted phone then this wouldn't normally prevent KIES from working, so it might be that your carrier (orange?) hasn't release a Gingerbread version yet.
You can get most stock roms from samfirmwares as stated above. If you've never installed a rom before, make sure you read about it (checked youtube) to see if there are any problems with the one that you have chosen.
best of luck
Dear folks
When Samsung released their ICS update I was so exited but it wouldn't update mine since mine has csc lux so I had to wait till they released it for my country.
So the German version came online and I used PC Odin to get my phone to ICS with the German release. (So I flashed it? New to this)
Now I'm assuming that ICS is out for my country OTA or with Kies. So I want to use one of both to upgrade my phone so I have the stock and don't risk anything.
So you've probably seen the question coming, how do I get back to stock GB so I can update it afterwards with Kies or OTA.
Please take note that I'm a complete newb in this.
Thanks in advance!
You will have to use PC Odin to go back to stock Gingerbread.
Go here to find your stock rom for your country and download it:
You probably had to Odin to the ICS version you are on now, so if you remember how you did that, it's the same thing in Odin.
After you have that stock Gingerbread you should be able to check for updates and get your official OTA or Kies ICS.
andreww88 said:
You will have to use PC Odin to go back to stock Gingerbread.
Go here to find your stock rom for your country and download it:
You probably had to Odin to the ICS version you are on now, so if you remember how you did that, it's the same thing in Odin.
After you have that stock Gingerbread you should be able to check for updates and get your official OTA or Kies ICS.
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i'm tired of waiting and with the new asian builds i just wanna update but coming from ios (just had my note for 2 weeks) i don't wanna mess up.so just download stock india rom for example use pc odin to flash and follow dr ketan tutorial to root?how about the modem (baseband), kernel and my unlock?do i have to worry about losing the unlock?thanks
So country is what my csc says right? Cause I bought it in Belgium (where I live) but my csc says lux
You *must* flash a safe kernel first, reboot the phone again into download mode then you can flash your old GB ROM.
If you don't do that, you can trigger the emmc bug in your current ICS kernel and fry the internal memory, unless you're using a CM9-based kernel then you're safe.
life.eq.null said:
You *must* flash a safe kernel first, reboot the phone again into download mode then you can flash your old GB ROM.
If you don't do that, you can trigger the emmc bug in your current ICS kernel and fry the internal memory, unless you're using a CM9-based kernel then you're safe.
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Could you translate to noob friendly language? With a safe kernel you mean a safe rom or? I googled DL mode so got this and the last part to but the other piece of text is unclear
Can i Just flash s stock GB?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA