I have galaxy S I9000 froyo 2.2 official. Orange rom.
I currently use Z4ROOT with RyanZA OCLF version 2.2.8. Benchmark score is around 1800.
I read somwehre that the VOODOO lag fix is better.
Can it work with froyo 2.2? Do I need to root my phone with other application? (uninstall Z4ROOT)?
I'm asking this since the phone is still laggy in some parts, like waiting for it to load the contact list.
You usualy get lower benchmark scores but better real life performance with Voodoo.
It does work with Froyo, but you have to flash it via Odin. Remove oclf first though. And pretty sure you can keep z4root, but if you remove it, it's easy to root using Voodoo.
Edit: You could also get better performance by debranding your phone. Operator bloatware just slows it down.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Bess833 said:
You usualy get lower benchmark scores but better real life performance with Voodoo.
It does work with Froyo, but you have to flash it via Odin. Remove oclf first though. And pretty sure you can keep z4root, but if you remove it, it's easy to root using Voodoo.
Edit: You could also get better performance by debranding your phone. Operator bloatware just slows it down.
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What does it mean better life performance? In what way? Is it smoother and faster?
And what id Odin? I'm kinda noob at this. I got my phone last week. My first android.
It means that while OCLF provides better benchmark scores, Voodoo provides better user experience - it's snappier, faster, smoother, generally better (for most, anyways). Not by a huge groundbreaking margin though.
Odin is a tool you use to flash firmwares/kernels/etc to your phone using your PC.
If you want to flash Voodoo, I suggest you remove OCLF (you can remove z4root too, but you shouldn't have to) and then read this.
You do not need to root for voodoo to work so if the only reason you rooted was to put OCLF on you can use Z4root and unroot. other wise just remove Remove all the OCLF fixes made and uninstall it. then follow the tutorial that was nicely provided above.
Thanks. I'll try that.
does it take up 1GB from the internal ram as well? the link is not working.
can someone make a tutorial video how to install the voodoo lagfix on the phone!!!! or make it step by step instruction clearly!!!!!pleaaasseeee
nazrazr said:
can someone make a tutorial video how to install the voodoo lagfix on the phone!!!! or make it step by step instruction clearly!!!!!pleaaasseeee
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Just click the link I posted above and read it? It says everything you have to do.
Here is the link again. Of course this is if you have Froyo.
wow this is really complicated. This is way technical.
where do I find galaxy drivers and how can I backup my info?
Is there a simpler guide? something that has every tool to help through the process?
Where is /efs folder? can't find it.
Its not complicated at all, just load the file via odin, press a few buttons on the phone click on Flash and then it works
It really isn't complicated. Assuming you connected your PC with your phone already, you have drivers. Make sure you close KIES before proceeding though. So all you have to do is:
1. Remove any other lagfixes that you may have
2. Go to Download mode
3. In odin, put the VooDoo file as PDA and do nothing else in there
4. Plug your phone in, wait for Odin to find and recognize it, maybe install drivers if that's the first time you work with it
5. Hit Start
ok I've done it. I don't really see any improvement. but benchmark shows 1500.
is there another indication for the phone being fast?
The only indication is you. How does it feel - faster, smoother, less laggy, etc. You are the judge of that really, no benchmark scores..
I also just finished apply the Voodoo 5 by following the link given..
the step is so easy.. perfect..
but before im doing this.. i already factory reset it.. mean it look new
so.. how do I knw that the Voodoo is perfectly installed?
but I noticed there's already superuser there is that all?
Is there a folder Voodoo with folder logs in it on your int. SD card? If so it should be installed correctly. Also check Quadrant scores. Should be obvious that it's snappy too.
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Bess833 said:
Is there a folder Voodoo with folder logs in it on your int. SD card? If so it should be installed correctly. Also check Quadrant scores. Should be obvious that it's snappy too.
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just check it.. yes there's Voodoo folder in my SD..
lazy to check the Quadrant.. will start to install apps & games again
thanks ^_^
You can also check by going to settings and then "about phone" and u should see [email protected]#6 as the kernel.
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Is there any battery drainage issue with this version?
Chuckle75 said:
Is there any battery drainage issue with this version?
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Nope none.
I have just flashed a lag fix onto my phone, and tested it using Quadrant, only to find that it's around over 800 less than what I was getting before.
I had Eclair on my phone, with a lagfix, and qudrant gave me well over 2000 for a score, now with Froyo and a lagfix, I only get 1200..
How could there be such a big difference? I used SpeedMod Froyo for the lagfix on the Froyo version, but I don't know what the name was for the Eclair version..
Is this common? That froyo would be slower than eclair with a lagfix?
SpeedMod is the kernel, not lagfix (if i'm not mistaken).
Lagfix refers to universal lagfix by sztupy or voodoo by supercurio.
I might be wrong
Oh right.. Am I able to install a lag fix as well then?? There is talk about lag fixing in the SpeedMod thread, so that's why I assumed it was a lag fixer..
yes you can, For supercurio's Voodoo,
For Sztupy's Universal Lagfix, you need to refer to the post in xda. Mine comes with Doc's custom rom.
Oh wow, so if I'm getting 1200 without a lag fix, then it should go pretty damn nice when I do apply one. However there were options for a lag fix in the boot menu, and I have applied those already...
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denno020 said:
Oh right.. Am I able to install a lag fix as well then?? There is talk about lag fixing in the SpeedMod thread, so that's why I assumed it was a lag fixer..
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You need to activate the lagfix in SpeedMod kernel. Reboot to recovery, go to lagfix option (or something similar) and choose your lagfix schemes. I recommend the "No-RFS EXT4". Try not to use JFS lagfix since it is known to be quite unstable.
After enabling it, reboot your phone, it will then prompt you with multiple backup options.
I recommend you doing a "backup and restore" if you have important apps in your phone.
I did already go through the boot menu, but to be honest, I had no idea what I was choosing. I can't remember the exact one I went for though, but it did have something like ext in the name.
So that would mean this is as fast as my phone will get?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
will this help?
denno020 said:
I did already go through the boot menu, but to be honest, I had no idea what I was choosing. I can't remember the exact one I went for though, but it did have something like ext in the name.
So that would mean this is as fast as my phone will get?
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Yes, it would mean that your phone would be more responsive at the expense of battery life.
However, some lagfix options are rather unstable and could lead to crashes/force closes...
So I'd recommend you using the "No-RFS Ext4"
Thanks for the youtube video, confirms what I did what the right way lol.
But to be honest, I'm a little disappointed with how fast my phone is with the lagfix...
Although it is better than stock, so I guess I can't complain too much.
Sorry to sound like a complete noob in advance!
I have a new Samsung Captivate I896 on Rogers in Canada. I have ryans OCLF lagfix installed atm but i'm really interested in flashing this rom (will be my first one) and am wondering if it will work on this phone.
Also, is it just a backround fix? Will I still be able to use launcher pro, and will my phone still look the same with Froyo 2.2?
thanks in advance!
backdownup said:
but i'm really interested in flashing this rom (will be my first one)
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Speedmod is not a ROM, but a kernel.
As to your other questions, you have a LOT of reading left to do.
Sent from my Captivate.
MikeyMike01 said:
Speedmod is not a ROM, but a kernel.
As to your other questions, you have a LOT of reading left to do.
Sent from my Captivate.
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Agreed. Just to be save do alot of reading before attempting anything really lol. There are stickies in the Development section start there.
Ok so I did a little more reading. I896 and I897 are essentially the same. I'm not flashing a rom, just a kernel, so there should be no issue with the 3G problem mentioned in the wiki.
It won't change my rom or anything about the device other then how the filesystem works.
backdownup said:
Sorry to sound like a complete noob in advance!
I have a new Samsung Captivate I896 on Rogers in Canada. I have ryans OCLF lagfix installed atm but i'm really interested in flashing this rom (will be my first one) and am wondering if it will work on this phone.
Also, is it just a backround fix? Will I still be able to use launcher pro, and will my phone still look the same with Froyo 2.2?
thanks in advance!
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Hi, I'm pretty new here too, and I have to tell you that know one will give you a straight answer. There's a lot of' tribal knowledge', and it seems that people would rather teach you how to unbrick your phone than to flash it without issue.
First of all, hook up to Samsung Kies and update your phone to Froyo. If you are on Rogers it's an official update, don't worry about flashing any other roms yet.
Next, Use the option in the OLCF to unlagfix.
Next, you will need to root your phone. OCLF is practically obsolete, as the developer does not update anymore. Your best bet is Superoneclick. Read all instructions first. It is very easy and effective.
After you have the phone rooted, you can now install Titanium Backup. This will save all of your apps, contact info, settings, virtually everything on the phone, it will save them to a folder on your external SD. drop and drag this folder to your desktop in case anything goes wrong. I never had a problem.
You should backup your kernel. I used Neldar's SGS Kernel Flasher. It will save your kernel as an 'update.zip' in your root folder. Drag this to your desktop and put it into a folder called 'i897 orig kernel' or what have you, in case something goes wrong. I never had a problem.
Now you can flash SpeedMod. The developer's website, which is linked to in the thread's first post, will walk you though it. You will first need to install ODIN. The SpeedMod developer has a step-by-step on how to flash SpeedMod using ODIN on the developer's page. Make sure you choose a Speedmod Kernel that is intended for the Captivate, not the I9000, and that you chose the one for ODIN, not the ClockWorkMod version. Follow the steps in the Developer's page.
When you have done that, reboot into recovery mode and you should see Green Text. From here you can enable the lagfix and other tweaks. use the volume keys to select the option you want and the power button to select. under the options, it will show you which tweaks you have enabled or disabled.
Remember to select the most stable SpeedMod release, the one that is posted in the Forum (K12U-T4) is a TEST VERSION, hence the 'T'. The latest stable version as of this writing was K12T, as posted in the developer's page. I have had great results with this one.
You may find that you don't need to flash a custom ROM, I have found this setup very satisfying.
Good Luck!
Thank you so much clemmie! That's was succinct and very helpful, especially the part about the proper way to back up my stuff.
I uninstalled OCLF just now, and it seems my phone runs at the same speed (aka fast) as it did with the lag fix installed!
Going to flash this kernel tonight or tomorrow, I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks again!
Good to hear. There would be a lot less smoke and mirrors if people would just be straightforward and post step by step instructions with links, to give people what they want. I hope what worked for me will work for you, and I encourage you to share what you learn as well.
Kernel flash done! Screen is initially very different looking thanks to the amoled mod. Success! Backed up, thanks for all the help.
hey clemmie,
i heard that there's some issues with voice quality due to the Speedmod kernel being initially i9000-based and that it's recommended to flash a i9000-based modem. Are you having any issues with using a stock i896 modem or do you recommend something else?
Yeah, that is true, but I haven't had any problems with the stock modem. The phone works as well in-call as any other I've owned. I wonder if there is a difference between the AT&T build vs. the Rogers build. It seems that it's the AT&T folks that have issues.
I've been wanting to do this but I'm a bit wary if this will put the ATT splash screen on boot as well. Also, I like how my phone looks like now with ADW launcher and beautiful widgets installed, I'm just wondering if installing this mod would change my appearance settings too.
olwe said:
I've been wanting to do this but I'm a bit wary if this will put the ATT splash screen on boot as well. Also, I like how my phone looks like now with ADW launcher and beautiful widgets installed, I'm just wondering if installing this mod would change my appearance settings too.
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Are you on Rogers? Earlier versions of the SpeedMod kernel had the AT&T splash screen, but newer versions have a simple black screen similar to the stock Samsung boot logo.
Installing the SpeedMod kernel will not change the configuration, apps, or settings of your apps. There are some settings that you can tweak in recovery mode but they are mostly file system tweaks. You will however notice that screen resolution is sharper. Your phone will run smoother and more efficiently with better battery life. You can still flash any custom or stock ROM with SpeedMod or without SpeedMod.
Yes I am on Rogers. However, I can't seem to find the stable version K12T that you mentioned on your instructions from the developer's page.
If you click on the hotlinked 'SpeedMod' in my 'tutorial' post, it will take you to the XDA page dedicated to the SpeedMod revisions. Right now there is a 13A Test version posted, but the latest stable version is now K12U. If you click where it says 'more info and downloads', it will take you to the developer's(Hardcore) blog, 'Tourist In Paradise'. The revisions are listed there. I would bookmark this page and check back frequently, as Hardcore is constantly updating. However, I'll link you to the latest stable release for ODIN, K12U:
Thanks for that! I just did this and although it didn't show the ATT boot screen, it shows the Galaxy S I 897 screen after the I 896 though. Thanks again!
Glad to hear you had success. Not so hard after all, eh?
After using this for a day or two:
I can't believe how fast my phone is. I thought it was fast before with (and then without) the oclf. I can barely keep up!
Battery life seems improved.
Screen is perfect. The lowest brightness setting is much better and more comfortable for low light usage.
I lost 1000 points off quadrant, but quadrant doesn't matter.
The only real downside is call quality took a hit. It's a bit static-y and echo-y.
I'll look into this though and see if I can find a solution, but if you have any tips let me know.
Looks like you are a candidate for a modem flash. Let me know if you find something that works, there is a lot of info on swapping modems for SpeedMod. Maybe I'll try one too!
Hey clemmie (or anyone), if I want to install voodoo lagfix - how abouts would I do that if the SpeedMod kernel already comes with / is based on sztupy's Universal Lagfix (enhanced) and if voodoo is a kernel itself (unless I'm wrong about this)?
If you flash the SpeedMod kernel, voodoo lagfix comes integrated with the kernel. It's a master of enabling it from the recovery menu.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I896 using XDA App
I have rooted my phone using the Onclick rooting software, that seems to have been a success.
However, I tried using teh OCLF from market to lagfix it but nothing seem to have happened in the 30mins I let it do its thing. THe progress bar goes full then start again, and does this repeatedly. And after reading around some people say that's now out dated and other lag fixes should be more suitable
So, now that my Samsung G S is rooted, what options for lagfixes do I have?
Hi, im asking the same questions
Hi, i am in uk running stock froyo 2.2, I have rooted my phone using Z4root, but I want to put a lagfix on, I have read that OCLF isnt very good anymore, and voodoo you have to install a new rom and im not brave enough to do anything like that so which is the best lagfix i can use and i have heard about overclocking what does that mean? thanks in advance
can anyone help us please
TheSippler said:
So, now that my Samsung G S is rooted, what options for lagfixes do I have?
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Besides the fact I dont know whats a Samsung G S and no idea what your ROM version is you could do what I did. But depends on your ROM and SGS version!!!
But its on all your risk. Read manuals and warnings to the kernel and the app. You have been warned (I have done this on 2 SGS mine and my friends till now , he has 2.2 stock rom and I 2.2.1 stock JPY too)
Took the neldar kernel flasher , backed up my stock kernel.
Then flashed the speedmod CWM version with the kernel flasher, kernel you can find in the speedmod kernel thread.
Applied the tweaks and lagfixes (ext4) from the recovery. done
and that was it. btw when you do this, try to run the rom WITHOUT the lagfixes, just with the new kernel so you can easily get back to your stock. If you want more, then go to the recovery ULK options and do the recommended tweaks from there. If you still need it, then apply the lagfixes (always backup and always on your own risk)
kezgez said:
and voodoo you have to install a new rom and im not brave enough to do anything like that so which is the best lagfix i can use and i have heard about overclocking what does that mean? thanks in advance
can anyone help us please
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Not sure you have to install another rom, but I do not know the the original voodoo kernel . Maybe you could try with the one I suggested up there.Btw there is more kernels to choose from, depends on your Galaxy Version and ROM.
Overclocking is nothing you should be concerned with yet I think there is a pretty big speed jump from stock to custom kernel, then from custom tweaks and also to lagfixes. If you are not satisfied then you can try that. OC should make the phone faster. In my opinion though the 1GHz is enough for the phone. With OC come some risks (heat, battery usage, stability)
Last night I managed to get the OCLF working on the phone and noticed improvements. Now that I have a lagfix working, will OCLF be alright to leave on there? Or do you still recommend going to somethign else? (I didn't quite understand why OCLF is being considered out dated anyway).
Install the new version (2.2.1) and lagfix is of no need anymore.
Completely satisfied with a smooth running Galaxy now.
TheSippler said:
Last night I managed to get the OCLF working on the phone and noticed improvements. Now that I have a lagfix working, will OCLF be alright to leave on there? Or do you still recommend going to somethign else? (I didn't quite understand why OCLF is being considered out dated anyway).
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Well keep the lagfix you have now. If you wanted try something else you would have to undo the changes you have done till now. If it works and you like it keep it..
To plexat: yes the 2.2.1 it's sufficient in speed.
In my case though I had to do already 2 factory reset once cuz the phone didn't start at all and in time even the 2.2.1 became slow. I installed the custom kernel though just for the sharpness fix but was surprised with the lower battery usage and speed. There is still a big speed jump from stock to custom
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
thankyou for your help, ive got the kernal flasher and kernal thread but can you just confirm for me what I have to do with the kernal thread sorry but ive not done this before and really dont want to damage my phone thanks again Karen
kezgez said:
thankyou for your help, ive got the kernal flasher and kernal thread but can you just confirm for me what I have to do with the kernal thread sorry but ive not done this before and really dont want to damage my phone thanks again Karen
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Ok man, first of all. You have stock 2.2 but which phone exactly?
In the kernel thread, is written for which phones it is and also for which ROM.
So if it fits yours. You can try what I wrote you somewhere up. Backup, flash the CWM version etc.
First make sure though if you have the correct kernel for your ROM and phone. AND you shouldn't have any other type lagfixes applied.
Thats kinda all. What you can do if you have root, without any trouble, is backup your kernel with the app. Then verify if other things fit. And you can try to flash a custom kernel.
EDIT: Why are you still on 2.2? I mean UK had as one of the first 2.2.1 and plexat is right. 2.2.1 is faster and smoother as 2.2 ? If you dont have any lagfixes or other custom things applied you should kinda update to 2.2.1
Hi Pagot, I checked I had the right kernel and stuff and YIPPEE ive done it, my heart was in my mouth but i took the plunge and it now says i have the kernel above, it does seem more responsive and quicker although the benchmark still says the same? the reason I have still got 2.2 is because I have a branded o2 phone and they havent released it yet for branded phones and i am scared to try and flash it to 2.2.1 is there anything i can now do to speed it up anymore ie lag fixes and things thanks for your help
Glad it worked for you
Well not sure about upgrading the rom with a custom kernel. Am new at this too . So dont flash a rom yet.
From what I asked in the speedmod kernel thread. It should be safe to put back the stock backup kernel you made with the app and then to update if its out. Thats just for 2.2.1 upgrade for you in the future. The condition is however no lagfixes applied!!! If you have them applied it can and will probably go bad on the update!!!
kezgez said:
does seem more responsive and quicker although the benchmark still says the same?
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Ok please dont look at the score. Mine is actually worse as on the stock kernel if you are talking about quadrant. They are irrelevant.
If your phone feels right, leave it as it is
If you want to tweak it little more. Get to the recovery and there are some tweaks,should be still safe to make. They are marked as recommended in the ULK options.
I wouldn't suggest yet to apply a lagfix. Try it how it feels now. If it starts getting bad and laggy etc. Then experiment with that. I had a lagfix but reverted back, for me the speed is sufficient how it is now
Since you have now CWM you can even backup your whole phone.
If you dont know how to go to the recovery the 3 button combo. There are many nice tools in the market for that. I personally use SGS toolbox/tools, in it is a shorcut with reboot to recovery.
When you are there. the BACK button is actually like OK so beware of that!!! You navigate with the volume button UP/DOWN and confirm with home or back.
Thanks again, been in and enabled tweeks, just so as I no, I noticed in recovery there is a lagfix option is this where i go to apply this and if I do it how do I disable it if I want to
Also you said I could backup my phone now how do I do this Thanks again
Wow my phone is really speedy now thanks for all the help I've now flashed kernel tweaked and applied lagfix and all is well I've backed up my phone as well
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
kezgez said:
Wow my phone is really speedy now thanks for all the help I've now flashed kernel tweaked and applied lagfix and all is well I've backed up my phone as well
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Ha seriously glad for you . One day you have no idea about anything, the next day you run a custom kernel with lagfixes and tweaks.
When you get to it, its kinda not so difficult. (It took me kinda a half year )
PAGOT said:
Ha seriously glad for you . One day you have no idea about anything, the next day you run a custom kernel with lagfixes and tweaks.
When you get to it, its kinda not so difficult. (It took me kinda a half year )
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How true. Just in case get familiar with Odin. Having fun with flashing by CWM can sometimes result in being stuck. Knowing how to use Odin and having all necessary files on your computer should give you some sense of security.
Today I decided to flash my rom and I have just chosen the new Cognition 4 to go with. My Captivate has the default 2.1 firmware, and the only thing I did was rooting and installing a lagfix. The problem is that I can't remember which lagfix it was and no matter what I try, I can't disable it.
It's probably not Voodoo since I there is no Voodoo folder (and creating one and putting the disable-lagfix folder in it does nothing) on my internal sd, and there's no app to allow me enable/disable it. The only thing that makes me sure I still have is the high Quadrant score I keep getting.
Can you guys help me out on this?
Under settings, my kernel version is:
jetaek.lee (at) sep-11 #2
Sorry if this is a silly or dumb question. But I have been trying for a couple hours.
Thanks a lot.
bardomudo said:
Today I decided to flash my rom and I have just chosen the new Cognition 4 to go with. My Captivate has the default 2.1 firmware, and the only thing I did was rooting and installing a lagfix. The problem is that I can't remember which lagfix it was and no matter what I try, I can't disable it.
It's probably not Voodoo since I there is no Voodoo folder (and creating one and putting the disable-lagfix folder in it does nothing) on my internal sd, and there's no app to allow me enable/disable it. The only thing that makes me sure I still have is the high Quadrant score I keep getting.
Can you guys help me out on this?
Under settings, my kernel version is:
jetaek.lee (at) sep-11 #2
Sorry if this is a silly or dumb question. But I have been trying for a couple hours.
Thanks a lot.
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The only way you are gonna be sure to remove it is by doing a master clear, and yes it will delete all data.
zelendel, thanks. But I can still use Titanium Backup to backup my apps, right?
bardomudo said:
zelendel, thanks. But I can still use Titanium Backup to backup my apps, right?
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Yep, otherwise it's a long day downloading one at a time.
Sent from my Craptivate with the leaky rom
bardomudo said:
zelendel, thanks. But I can still use Titanium Backup to backup my apps, right?
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Yes you can use it to back up user apps and data. Just dont back up system data as when it is restored system data tends to cause issues
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
bardomudo said:
Today I decided to flash my rom and I have just chosen the new Cognition 4 to go with. My Captivate has the default 2.1 firmware, and the only thing I did was rooting and installing a lagfix. The problem is that I can't remember which lagfix it was and no matter what I try, I can't disable it.
It's probably not Voodoo since I there is no Voodoo folder (and creating one and putting the disable-lagfix folder in it does nothing) on my internal sd, and there's no app to allow me enable/disable it. The only thing that makes me sure I still have is the high Quadrant score I keep getting.
Can you guys help me out on this?
Under settings, my kernel version is:
jetaek.lee (at) sep-11 #2
Sorry if this is a silly or dumb question. But I have been trying for a couple hours.
Thanks a lot.
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You can also flash back to stock with Odin (with a master clear after of course just for good measure). That will remove your lagfix too. Just be sure to save your titanium backup file to your EXTERNAL Sd before doing the master clear, or you will loose all your backups you just created.
Thanks a lot everyone. I did a master clear (didn't install odin, though, since I was already on 2.1 stock) and everything went great.
I'm kinda disappointed with the Cognition 4, though. The phone is only slightly faster and smoother, even my Quadrant score is lower (by about 600 points) than it used to be on Eclair. But hey, at least it's froyo.
With the official 2.2 out, should I bother updating or am I better with Cognition 4?
I was able to root my captivate, my specs are: 2.3.5- 1897UCKK4- kernel Gingerbread. Downloaded ROM manager and it doesn't list captivate when I try to flash clockworkmod, why? Also have OCLF and when I try to lagfix it says I don't have playlogos file. Can some help me out here. I am fairly new to this, but I think it has something to do with EXT2 not being EXT4?
Don't use ROM manager. You need to flash a kernel that has CWM baked in. You can find one in the dev section. Also, I'm pretty sure lagfix is not really used anymore
Sent from my CM9 ICS i897 Captivate
Thank, I used Odin and the kk4 kernel you recommended, seems to work good, but I was wondering how I can make my phone faster. I only get a 1240 with quadrant
Quadrant means nothing... Those scores are able to be manipulated by a single line of code.
root 2.3.5 CKK4
I was able to root my captivate, my specs are: 2.3.5- 1897UCKK4- kernel Gingerbread.
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gj23, Thanks for listing the fw versions of your phone, I'm interested in how you were able to root your stock 2.3.5 Captivate. I have tried three the following root methods and all have failed.
1) Super1Click, freezes during su from file system errors in logs.
2) update.zip to sdcard, fails with file signature not recognized.
3) rageagainstthecage.zip, fails to reconnect to PC after adb disconnects; or terminal emulator freezes up.
So I'm wondering if AT&T didn't make this build harder to root.
Is there a rooted mod compatible with this phone build?
If so, Can I use a rooted mod and flash it without being rooted first to get root permission?
I have searched and read so hopefully I'm not wasting anyones time. These are my phone specs.
Model Samsung Captivate SGH-I897
Firmware 2.3.5
Baseband I897UCKK4
Rooting kk4 is cake.
Odin flash mtcarey's Corn Kernel version 7.0a and reboot into Recovery. There is an option to Root.
U can find the Corn Kernel thread in the Captivate Development forum.
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worked like a charm
Thanks for the info, I was afraid of compatibility issues with modem/kernel/bootloaders but this worked flawlessly!
Im trying to run 2.3.5 stock with lagfix
This is the only forum that comes close to my question.
what i am trying to do:
Run 2.3.5 Gingerbread stock (i have to official kies mini release)
apply a lagfix
but i always get a random reboot effect.
i took a look into the Fasty Rom but the DL links are dead.
since this was the only rom that seemed to appeal to me right now.
I wouldnt Mind a Deodexed rom. but i want to keep it as much of a stock as possible.
I am still learning the captivate ways since this was given to me and i use it as a tablet.
the stuff i use.
CornKernel_UCKK4_v706.tar (v705 also causes reboots)
my potential problems are
CWM (kernel)
and debloating (have gotten cases where the reboots dont start till after i debloat.)
any information might help since ive searched google and the androidforums website.
but the lagfix seems to be intended for 2.2 and 2.1
ima be trying this in the mean time.
4-2ndtwin said:
Odin flash mtcarey's Corn Kernel version 7.0a and reboot into Recovery. There is an option to Root.
U can find the Corn Kernel thread in the Captivate Development forum.
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so far its working wonders for me. ran through a whole tutorial of a game on an emulator.
im gonna fresh install and debloat.
1stRarewolf said:
This is the only forum that comes close to my question.
what i am trying to do:
Run 2.3.5 Gingerbread stock (i have to official kies mini release)
apply a lagfix
but i always get a random reboot effect.
i took a look into the Fasty Rom but the DL links are dead.
since this was the only rom that seemed to appeal to me right now.
I wouldnt Mind a Deodexed rom. but i want to keep it as much of a stock as possible.
I am still learning the captivate ways since this was given to me and i use it as a tablet.
the stuff i use.
CornKernel_UCKK4_v706.tar (v705 also causes reboots)
my potential problems are
CWM (kernel)
and debloating (have gotten cases where the reboots dont start till after i debloat.)
any information might help since ive searched google and the androidforums website.
but the lagfix seems to be intended for 2.2 and 2.1
ima be trying this in the mean time.
so far its working wonders for me. ran through a whole tutorial of a game on an emulator.
im gonna fresh install and debloat.
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As you probably noticed, Corn is probably your best answer for what you wanna run.
If you're looking into something with better performance, I'd suggest a JB ROM. That being said, this device will only go so far which the hardware it has.
Any recommendations?
BWolf56 said:
As you probably noticed, Corn is probably your best answer for what you wanna run.
If you're looking into something with better performance, I'd suggest a JB ROM. That being said, this device will only go so far which the hardware it has.
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if this is true about the performance, how noticeable would it be?
and what Jellybean Rom Would you suggest that could give me a balance of performance and battery life?
which is something im going for right now.
so far the specs i have are running great but if there really is a way to boost my performance by more then 30% it would be a welcoming sight.
1stRarewolf said:
if this is true about the performance, how noticeable would it be?
and what Jellybean Rom Would you suggest that could give me a balance of performance and battery life?
which is something im going for right now.
so far the specs i have are running great but if there really is a way to boost my performance by more then 30% it would be a welcoming sight.
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You won't get much more than what you're getting atm cause like I said, the hardware can only go so far.
As for ROM, we don't make suggestion (to avoid flaming). If you really wanna take on a JB ROM, look them up and choose the one that suits your style the best.
i see then...`
BWolf56 said:
You won't get much more than what you're getting atm cause like I said, the hardware can only go so far.
As for ROM, we don't make suggestion (to avoid flaming). If you really wanna take on a JB ROM, look them up and choose the one that suits your style the best.
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oh, i see.
its hard to find all of them since theres so many threads with ROMs.
ill try and take a look. but it seems like it would be just more time spent on it then it would actually be beneficial.