Well I've just been wondering... why do other phones (usually GSM) need specific radios flashed to them in order for some ROMs to work? What's so special about our phone where we can flash any radio, and any ROM will work with it? I'm just curious about this
I have always wondered this as well *scratches head* I was helping a friend root a tmo g2 and certain roms could only be on certain radios as you said and when I had a tmo tp2 it was the same way. Its only with GSM so I'm glad to have cdma network cause that's too much radio flashing for me.
Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk
Yeah I helped a friend root and install CM6 on his T-Mobile MyTouch... it was so much more complicated than the Hero.
mrinehart93 said:
Yeah I helped a friend root and install CM6 on his T-Mobile MyTouch... it was so much more complicated than the Hero.
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i'm trying to root a mytouch 3g 1.2 (the one with the headphone jack) and been having a difficult time. Gold card creating, downgrading to 1.5 from 1.6, radios, sappimg blah blah blah... its got me at a standstill.
if by chance, do you have a good tutorial link or something to that effect as to how do i root this darn phone?
thanks in advanced
he just wants cm on it and we're still stuck on 1.6
i cant get passed making a goldcard..
cuezaireekaa said:
i'm trying to root a mytouch 3g 1.2 (the one with the headphone jack) and been having a difficult time. Gold card creating, downgrading to 1.5 from 1.6, radios, sappimg blah blah blah... its got me at a standstill.
if by chance, do you have a good tutorial link or something to that effect as to how do i root this darn phone?
thanks in advanced
he just wants cm on it and we're still stuck on 1.6
i cant get passed making a goldcard..
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You should try the mytouch 3g forum man you would get a way faster response and the help u need this thread is in the htc hero cdma section buddy
Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk
ok hey guys i was wondering, Once you root your phone and install a custom rom is there any way to go all the way back to the original rom and unroot? i also wanted to know how do we know if we need to update the radio? or does that only apply to gsm phones?
lockonaircombat said:
ok hey guys i was wondering, Once you root your phone and install a custom rom is there any way to go all the way back to the original rom and unroot? i also wanted to know how do we know if we need to update the radio? or does that only apply to gsm phones?
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The search button is there, so I would use it.
Thats not ONLY for unrooting, but it has the steps there to get back to 100% stock and unroot.
As far as I know, there isn't really a way of knowing if you NEED to flash an updated radio, but there's no harm in trying the ones available, and seeing if you notice any difference in them.
thanks. and yea your right i blanked out about the search bar. lol ok but about the radio, i can update it and everything will be fine?
Before updating your radio make sure it's for CDMA and not GSM. Before I knew what I was doing with my phone I applied a GSM radio update and bricked my phone.
If you are running a 1.5 based ROM there really isn't a need to update the radio.
does that also count if im going to install the pancake 2.1 rom?
pankcake 2.1 is a 2.1 ROM. Check the Baseband version under Setting->About Phone->Software Information to see what version you are running after you flash pancake 2.1. If you would like to upgrade check out "Radios" section on the CDMA Hero ROMs at
wiki . xda-developers . com / index . php ? pagename = CDMA %20 Hero %20 ROMs
(Had to split up URL since I'm a noob user on the forum.)
geekfor . me also has a nice radio section.
And as flipz states
Different radios work differently depending on where you are in the country. You may actually get better performance out of another radio. Test them out.
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oh wow. different radios =better signal! how cool! i am really worried about bricking my phone. I need my phone and i really want to but im scared. im trying to learn all i can befor i do it. can you un brick?
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
You can't unbrick all you can do is replace. I was able to get a replacement phone when I bricked my phone by applying a GSM radio update by mistake.
If you apply a CDMA radio update from the Radios section on the CDMA Hero ROMs wiki page then you should be good. Follow the instructions on the Geek For Me FAQ. Flipz knows his stuff.
As with any update I recommend doing a nandroid backup before you apply it just in case the update has undesired affects.
I'm currently running on Fresh 2.0d with no issue.
Good luck!
I've been hesitant to try my hand at flashing ROMs because I'm in Australia using an AT&T variant N1, my carrier uses 850Mhz as the 3G frequency (Telstra) which is same as AT&T.
I've read up on the general flashing instructions for cyanogen and feel comfortable to proceed (I have basic linux knowledge as well), but only sticking point is I'm a bit unclear as to whether there is any difference for me, being the 850 variant.
My best guess is that its the same process, same files/build etc., just don't flash the radio? Is that correct? Can someone whose done it on AT&T variant confirm? THat would be really really good
I'm going to follow the instructions here, on a side note, is amon or clockwork the better option?
There is absolutely no difference for you.
Radio frequencies aren't dependent on baseband (radio) build, they're a function of HW. You can flash everything, radios included.
Read the Wiki.
Yep, go right ahead and do whatever you want.
I've hacked mine to hell and back with no issues
ROMs, no, no difference. Basebands and radios are a bit of a different story, though...
MaximReapage said:
ROMs, no, no difference. Basebands and radios are a bit of a different story, though...
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They aren't in Nexus, and they are exactly the same thing generally. Baseband = radio = SW that runs on baseband CPU.
OK thanks all
do I NEED to flash the radio i.e. can I get away with not updating the radio component? Just super cautious as I don't want to be in the hunt for a replacement in case of bricking, with all the dual cores just round the corner as wlel
Jack_R1 said:
They aren't in Nexus, and they are exactly the same thing generally. Baseband = radio = SW that runs on baseband CPU.
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Good to know, I'll keep that in mind.
wintermute000 said:
do I NEED to flash the radio i.e. can I get away with not updating the radio component? Just super cautious as I don't want to be in the hunt for a replacement in case of bricking, with all the dual cores just round the corner as wlel
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If your radio is 4.06 or above, you don't need to flash it. If not - you do.
I'm on an att n1 on rogers and I've flashed everything from roms to radios and never had a problem that a lil nandroid couldn't fix.
Sent from my Google Phone
just don't flash the korean radio..
ChongoDroid said:
and never had a problem that a lil nandroid couldn't fix.
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nandroid ROCKS! big time.
saved my hd2 twice
Sent from my Nexus One
shreyas1122 said:
just don't flash the korean radio..
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Korean radio is fine. 5.08 was present on all the current Nexus One replacement phones, and 5.12 is present on Vodafone ones.
Any specific reason why you're avoiding it?
Jack_R1 said:
Korean radio is fine.
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oh no! really?
some one told me not to since it's korean..?
I mean why the 'korean' in it's name otherwise?
Sent from my Nexus One
It's called the Korean one because it first came about in a KT OTA. It's fine to use on any N1.
You don't have to worry at all about flashing radios. All the frequencies work with all radios. Note that you need at least 5.08 radio on cyanogen to be able to use the 720p video camera.
Cool I better read up on nanddroid then!!!!
wintermute000 said:
Cool I better read up on nanddroid then!!!!
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Thats the spirit, nandroid is the best diagnostic tool ever... The ability to fix virtually any problem without a pc is one of my number one reasons I love android
Sent from my Google Phone
2.3 out doh
Gah unfortunately now wiser to wait for stock 2.3 OTA then Cyanogen to stabilise.... though having said that at least now I've got the answer to my original question, thanks again all.
Might just get me over the hump until I can get a non bootloader locked, non motoblur polluted dual core droid.
wintermute000 said:
Gah unfortunately now wiser to wait for stock 2.3 OTA then Cyanogen to stabilise.... though having said that at least now I've got the answer to my original question, thanks again all.
Might just get me over the hump until I can get a non bootloader locked, non motoblur polluted dual core droid.
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Cm/ dev community are usually faster then the ota... Except for those who get it first
Sent from my Google Phone
True, i meant might as well see how OTA performs before taking the plunge, since my phone is currently stock standard
I am looking at rooting my phone. I have a few questions but I'm not sure where to post at because I'm new on this site. I read through some root instructions, but the creators were not specific on some areas.
Does it matter what carrier I have if I root my HTC Hero as long as it is CDMA? I have Alltel. The instructions I read for this were not specific as to carriers, they just said CDMA HTC Hero.
My other question is when you root your HTC Hero, is flashing a new ROM to the phone part of the rooting process or something different. The instructions I read also did not clarify this.
Any information will be greatly appreciated.
I don't know whether the carrier matters or not when rooting. You don't have to flash a ROM when rooting, but I would venture to say the the vast majority of folks are rooting to add a custom ROM. Especially with the Hero, due to it's limitations.
Edit: I found this post here. So I would research that a bit as far as carriers.
If you want to stay stock but remove bloatware, you can just root and remove with an app like root explorer. I would think about at least an overclocked kernel.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA Premium App
PwnHero said:
I am looking at rooting my phone. I have a few questions but I'm not sure where to post at because I'm new on this site. I read through some root instructions, but the creators were not specific on some areas.
Does it matter what carrier I have if I root my HTC Hero as long as it is CDMA? I have Alltel. The instructions I read for this were not specific as to carriers, they just said CDMA HTC Hero.
My other question is when you root your HTC Hero, is flashing a new ROM to the phone part of the rooting process or something different. The instructions I read also did not clarify this.
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i know there are people on here who rooted from Alltel, the only thing is the majority of people have sprint.. so most of the custom stuff will come with sprints banner on it.. there are ways to change them and none of it is too hard at all to do.. its not a bad idea to try out some custom roms even if they are just custom versions of the stock rom..
i would check out this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=674788 it gives a break down of everything you will need to know both with the site itself as well as rooting your hero in general.. a good thing to keep in mind before posting a lot of questions is google is your friend, a search of the forum will bring up most answers to anything.. a lot of people around here get really ticked if you post questions that have already been answered, or if you post it in the wrong section.. but check out the link, any other questions feel free to ask..
I found this blog on rooting. It doesn't say anything about carrier. Does anyone know? It just says CDMA, which is what my phone is.
PwnHero said:
I found this blog on rooting. It doesn't say anything about carrier. Does anyone know? It just says CDMA, which is what my phone is.
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you can root being alltel, rooting in general is not carrier specific.. if you flash certain roms it may change your provider banner to sprint because it is the most common, but even that can be changed back and it doesnt affect your radio or prl.. if its a CDMA hero the CDMA root process should work..
read the post that posted above yours, and check out the link.. literally tons of information about rooting..
check my hero rooting guide, it is NOT carrier specific and will work on Alltell. fast and simple way to root.
will unrevoked 3 give me nand unlock/ s off for cdma hero?
sent from my rooted evo, cm7 rc2
Stevos the Animos said:
will unrevoked 3 give me nand unlock/ s off for cdma hero?
sent from my rooted evo, cm7 rc2
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last time i checked the unrevoked stuff, it wasnt really working for the hero.. if you search the hero development forum, there are at least 2 topics in there concerning s-off..
k thanx
sent from my rooted evo, cm7 rc2
Stevos the Animos said:
will unrevoked 3 give me nand unlock/ s off for cdma hero?
sent from my rooted evo, cm7 rc2
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Yes. Unrevoked forever does give s-off
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA Premium App
sweet! it worked on my evo and droid eris so i was hoping it would work on my hero too
sent from my rooted evo, cm7 rc2
Please Help
Since the HTC Hero was introduced to Sprint first it usually is based on Sprint.
But can someone please help. I'm trying to find a Sense Rom for the Hero with Alltel service so please help cuz my GF is gettin on my nerves saying that partial root made her phone run sluggish and ide like to overclock it so she'll be quiet. So if you posted a link that would be grand
many thanks
it shouldnt matter the rom should work on any carrier as long as it was for the hero.
Bierce22 said:
it shouldnt matter the rom should work on any carrier as long as it was for the hero.
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So I can flash any rom for the hero? Just want to make sure cuz i dont want to mess up anything(even though I can nandroid backup or something)
yes as long as the rom was made for the cdma hero your fine.
Bierce22 said:
yes as long as the rom was made for the cdma hero your fine.
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Aight thanks, any roms that u would recommend?
emaninthenation said:
Aight thanks, any roms that u would recommend?
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Everyone's phones run differently on different roms, but try out a couple of the recent Gingerbread roms if you can do without "sense", you'll gain a lot of functionality from the phone. Deck's rom, CM7, & Jaybob's have always run good for me on the Hero and there's a couple of others (Evervolv & OMFGB) that I never had a chance to try before I gave the Hero to my son.
***EDIT*** If sense is that important to you, Liquid Sense & NFX seem to be the most popular.
Just like Bierce22 said... you should be able to Flash Any CDMA Rom for the Hero!
If only there was a Ginger-Sense Rom like they have in the Eris forums :/
emaninthenation said:
If only there was a Ginger-Sense Rom like they have in the Eris forums :/
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Have you looked in the hero development threads??
Locked & Loaded
for hero cdma try this one,
sensible salsa.
more stable is few post ahead from flashinglights. bt doesnt work, rest all thing is fine.
There are some more in few post ahead by kyle check it out.
btw, In mine case I am using verizon eris, But i am not in US. lol its working perfect.
laie1472 said:
Have you looked in the hero development threads??
Locked & Loaded
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yeah but I think I saw one but it had wayyy tooo many bugs
stevestone said:
for hero cdma try this one,
sensible salsa.
more stable is few post ahead from flashinglights. bt doesnt work, rest all thing is fine.
There are some more in few post ahead by kyle check it out.
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thanks man, I saw it b4 but I didnt bother to read the thread
Is there a running sticky or thread which lists the current PRL for the sprint CDMA HeroCs? I have been getting pretty bad signal lately and was thinking about updating it, but considering that is a bit of an ordeal (I just load a Sense ROM and update that way), I don't want to do it unless different.
Thanks to all.
Not that I know of. Oostah has a thread of PRL's. Current Sprint PRL for us the 60681
Sent from my HTC Hero making C.R.E.A.M.
I can definitely confirm that is what I got (PRL 60681). Sad I have to give up my 01115 one, but that was strange anyways.
mtnchkn said:
Is there a running sticky or thread which lists the current PRL for the sprint CDMA HeroCs? I have been getting pretty bad signal lately and was thinking about updating it, but considering that is a bit of an ordeal (I just load a Sense ROM and update that way), I don't want to do it unless different.
Thanks to all.
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I just did it 2 days ago using one of NFX's rom's and it is 60681. There was actually another update after 01115, it was 60680. Maybe that's why your signal changed. I tried to CWM a backup from an RUU and it wouldn't flash...just stuck on the green HTC screen. I hate that. I tried 2 recoveries as well ( Thanks Dastin and Thanks Koush), but no go.
mtnchkn said:
Is there a running sticky or thread which lists the current PRL for the sprint CDMA HeroCs? I have been getting pretty bad signal lately and was thinking about updating it, but considering that is a bit of an ordeal (I just load a Sense ROM and update that way), I don't want to do it unless different.
Thanks to all.
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Try Installing a Version of the Fresh Rom and then Update your PRL and Profile through Settings/AboutPhone!