My Samsung Captivate was working fine a day ago when I was transferring video off of it to my PC. Now this comes up and I'm like WTH lol. I've never dropped my captivate or damaged it( to my knowledge).
I have read in other posts that the only way to fix this is to replace the mini usb port inside of the phone... If that is true could someone direct me to a site that sells it?
Or is It a battery issue? because It now has a problem with showing the charging battery symbol when its not charging now...
I also thought about going to At&T and letting them tell me what they think, only thing i'm afraid of is that without me being able to flash back to Official 2.1 Eclair they wont help me...
Any suggestions guys?
Bump T_T............
lol, make it totally bricked, att will not see if the phone cannot turn on.
Have you tried switching computers? My laptop stopped reading my phone, but my desktop picked it up just fine.
Try factory reseting and flashing to a new rom
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Well I would Flash it to stock, but how would I do that without the use of USB, because no computer can detect my phone as it is now.... the USB Port is damaged I believe.
As for Bricking it how can I do that because they told me I could replace it because I'm under warrenty, but they also told me that if its found out of warrenty that they may charge me upwards to 480 bucks for the replacement. The guy on the phone told me it only applied to cosmetic and liquid damage though, he didnt mention stuff like flashing the OS or modding.
This is strictly a Hardware Issue as it was working 2 days ago.
lol, you can easily brick your phone by doing the following:
1. download a rom;
2. go to recovery mode;
3. start flashing the rom and remove the battery during the process;
never help people like this ... i feel guilty ...
lol ikr? Never thought I'd ever ask that xD.
Can you plug your phone in to the wall charger and it charge. When you into.the PC are you getting a message about USB device not recognized. Are you using a.deshktop or a laptop what OS. If you are using a desktop are you using a port on the back preferrably the one closest to the motherboard. These are all things to take into account.
If when you plug it into the wall.or computer your phone will charge then most likely there is nothing wrong with your micro-usb on the phone. Instead its the computer. I had the same issue and had to fight with it for days but now it works everytime I plug [email protected]
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I am using windows on my laptop and Fedora linux on my netbook and I have tried to connect all of them to it and it failed and they all had the latest drivers and my usb development and all that stuff is as it should be.
like i said in the OP it was working 2 days ago perfectly and I did nothing to change it or damaged it in any way ( to my knowledge) maybe the usb port got messed up when i tried to charge it but I can still get a charge but the battery keeps showing its charging even when it is off of the charger.
Izurin said:
I am using windows on my laptop and Fedora linux on my netbook and I have tried to connect all of them to it and it failed and they all had the latest drivers and my usb development and all that stuff is as it should be.
like i said in the OP it was working 2 days ago perfectly and I did nothing to change it or damaged it in any way ( to my knowledge) maybe the usb port got messed up when i tried to charge it but I can still get a charge but the battery keeps showing its charging even when it is off of the charger.
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only way to really know is by flashing another rom... use your mobile browser not xda app, and go to xda, find a rom thread, and use the mobile browser to download the rom over 3g... reboot into recovery to install it, it will be in the download directory on your internal SD...
Well I would do that but Now I have another problem... it turned off and now it wont turn back on!!!! UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!
Izurin said:
Well I would do that but Now I have another problem... it turned off and now it wont turn back on!!!! UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!
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anything from the charger? might bee good that it finally died... the att service center should swap it out for you now that its dead...
Well I thought I should Follow up on my Question... Somehow I got my Samsung Captivate to magically connect to my PC and believe me it was very Wonky. And Soon as my PC detected it I hurried and Downloaded Odin for Stock 2.1 and Put my Captivate in download mode using Cognition's Download mode option in the hold button popup on screen.
Long story short I was finally able to get my captivate back to 2.1 and the reported problem still exists... I'm calling ATT right now for my replacement that should be here in 2 days ^_^
Thanks Again to all the people here at xda for your help, I deeply appreciate it!
place dg cf7 on sd card via another phone or use an alternate browser to download it also get clockwork mod and boot into recovery install from there, thats how I got back to stock after same problem as you,warranty phone.
worked for me
Edit: It looks like this is a hardware issue and I'll likely try to get it replaced via insurance since I cannot revert to stock using Odin. It is impossible to revert without using Odin right? Thanks to all who read!
To start, I just want to state that I've searched and searched for answers/information on this (not just on XDA forums either) and I haven't found a similar issue - my sincere apologies if I missed it.
Quick "this post is way too long to read" Summary:
1. Phone will not charge
2. Phone will recognize PC connection via USB but with no functionality
3. PC will not recognize phone
4. All details on what I've done so far below
Friday 3/4/11 - I used a USB car charger (link below) to charge my Captivate with a USB cable known to be working (had worked on my Captivate before, works on my brother's Captivate). If you're asking why I used that charger... well I got it for free with my E-71. I'll never use it again. Anyway later that night I tried to charge my phone on my official AT&T A/C charger but nothing happened - the phone acted like no USB was inserted.
Sorry for the bootleg link, this certainly isn't spam but I'm not allowed to post links yet.
Since that date, my Captivate won't charge via AC power cord. My PC won't recognize it either, but here's the weird part - my phone recognizes when it's connected to the PC via USB. For example, I can connect the phone to the PC and it will state "USB connected" on the Android pull-down (top) menu. Since I have mass storage chosen as the default, it will give me the option to send or receive files from the PC from the same menu. However, if I attempt to actually take that option, the pop-up menu which allows you to mount your memory cards does not come up. In addition, if I have the phone in USB debugging mode and I connect to my PC, the phone recognizes that as well. The PC does not recognize the phone in any capacity, at any time. No matter what I've done so far it will not charge via A/C.
Background: I've had my phone for a little over 6 months now, I've been running Cognition 2.1.6 since about 3 weeks after I got it - before this problem I haven't done any modifications whatsoever since the first load of Cognition. My PC is Windows 7 Ultimate 64. To rule out a bunch of other things, I've tried to use multiple USB cords that are known to work with a different Captivate and my Captivate prior to this problem (3 to be exact), I've uninstalled and reinstalled all Samsung's drivers on Windows, and I actually reinstalled Cognition using the three button recovery mode. To further rule out external problems, I just put Serendipity on my brother's Captivate using the same USB cord and PC that I'm attempting to use with my phone. He had been using the exact same version of Cognition I was.
I of course tried to revert the phone to stock using ODIN in order to fix the problem. I attempted to use the two button method (hold volume keys and insert data cable from PC with Odin running) but of course since the USB is not working properly that didn't work. It's worth noting that the described method worked perfectly for my brother's Captivate to revert to stock in preparation for installing Serendipity. I attempted to manually unmount and remount my memory cards several times, change USB modes between mass storage, Kies, modem, etc - nothing seems to work. The phone seems to be completely normal except for this USB issue. One last thing that's strange is if the phone is powered off and I have the USB A/C charger plugged into it, I cannot turn it on. When I hold the power button a relatively small spinning circle comes up after a second or two near the top of the screen. It disappears when I release power. If I remove the USB cable and hit power again it powers up completely normally.
Because of all of the above, I'm 99% certain that the issue is with my phone (not from any other external source). My only uncertainty is whether this is a USB hardware issue or a software issue where the phone is trapped in some sort of limbo due to being in a quasi-data mode which is causing it not to charge via A/C power and causing the PC not to recognize it. Has anyone had an issue remotely like this? I've come to terms with the sinking feeling that this is a hardware issue and that the only option I'm going to have is for my phone to be accidentally run over by a car (in order to pay my $125 and get a "new" phone under AT&T insurance). If anyone has any suggestions I'll be more than happy to try, maybe we can get this thing fixed!
If you made it this far I'll just say thanks for reading my wall of text and thanks in advance for any advice you have.
Were you able to get this issue resolved? It just started happening to my Captivate earlier today, and I was hoping that a solution had been found.
I haven't been able to get it resolved, I actually just sort of gave up on it and went back to my old phone for now. I have insurance so I'm not totally screwed, but it's not that cool obviously.
Were you able to get anything resolved on your end? If so I'd love to hear how. The one good solution would be a package to restore to stock that you could run through on a memory card, that isn't available yet is it?
i have this issue as well. I flashed Cognition 4.4 and it ran just fine for a couple weeks and then it began not even recognizing the micro plugged into any power source or the samsung dock! debugging on or off, battery saver apps removed, all that. multiple reboots. nothing. it takes a spell of, if i'm lucky, recognizing it after i eff with it for a few minutes and flukes a decent charge but at night, it usually has a loop cycle charging effect. I can hear the "boop beep" charger plugged in sound over and over throughout the night.
i use the phone in my cars and everywhere with the same problem.
no resolution! HELP!!!
I came across the same problem with USB on ARMANI I9010 after installing Cognition5. The most unpleasant is that i have bought it abroad and there is no possibility to return it
Does any body found the solution?
After much searching and work on fixing my bricked captivate, i broke down and bought a jig from It works perfectly as intended, except for the fact that my pc is not recognizing the phone after it enters download mode. As a side note, i may have royally screwed up when i did something in clockwork recovery, where now i cant even get past the ATT World phone boot screen. Im afraid i may have deleted anything that can mount the phone to the pc. I have already installed the proper drivers, I think. Anything i can do to fix this?
So it shows the world phone screen a bunch of times? Plug it into an outlet see if the green battery comes up, just wait for it, the Gray battery will do a short of loop a few times... Once its at the green battery try to turn the phone on, be patient too, if you get the phone on, go to settings> privacy then factory data reset, make sure you backup to external or computer first
Your welcome
Now you say/press thanks
Teaching manners one person at a time
Thats not gonna work... nothing i know of can be done to it. it doesn't move past the att screen. No animation, not sound. Just ATT World Phone. i can get into download mode, but cant connect to computer. Thats the problem right there.
Try restarting your computer? I've had similar issues on a yucky iPhone, and I've read about other Captivate users with it as well, and a restart helped resolve the problem.
Go under your drivers and uninstall them and reinstall them it helped when I finally had got mine "back to his construction job" (lol download mode) it should then work
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Ive already tried another PC and Uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers to no avail.
It just like the phone isn't even there. It will charge, but wont mount to the PC.
Not trying to insult your intelligence or anything (I might actually be insulting my own) but you have Odin open, right?
Just trying to think of anything lol
Yeah, but it wouldnt matter anyway if the computer doesnt know its there.
Try cleaning the mini usb port. Or switch the usb cord connector the samsung factory one tends to break the data + and -.
As for not getting past the at&t screen. The kernel you installed cannot read the system partition probably corrupted or the kernel you installed cannot read ext4.
If you cannot get it to be recognized send it back to your carrier for repair, should be under warranty.
Thats what im doing now. Thanks for the help, though.
Palen222 said:
After much searching and work on fixing my bricked captivate, i broke down and bought a jig from It works perfectly as intended, except for the fact that my pc is not recognizing the phone after it enters download mode. As a side note, i may have royally screwed up when i did something in clockwork recovery, where now i cant even get past the ATT World phone boot screen. Im afraid i may have deleted anything that can mount the phone to the pc. I have already installed the proper drivers, I think. Anything i can do to fix this?
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You sure you have the proper drivers installed for your phone? The links for them are on the odin forum in captivate development
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Stuck at "Samsung Galaxy" boot screen, cant get into bootloader, computer wont detect
Hey everyone this has been a huge hassle for me for the last few days and was hoping someone could help me. I have had to resort to using my HTC Legend...which I love but it doesnt have what I need.
I was in recovery the other day trying to load a custom rom through the CWM and I went through and accidentally hit "format system". I couldn't cancel the process so I knew something bad was going to happen....I reboot the phone and for the last 3 days I have had it plugged into the Usb charger with no luck of booting, it has been stuck at the "Samsung Galaxy S 19000M" boot screen and no further. I took the battery out and tried rebooting it after a few minutes. No luck with this either, still stuck at the Samsung screen. I CAN get into "DOWNLOAD MODE" but I CAN NOT get into recovery/bootloader (hold volume up/home button/power button).
I have put it into download mode and and plugged it into the computer (I am running Windows 7 64-bit) and it will not detect it. I have all of the correct drivers, I know this as I have a friend who owns the exact same phone and my computer detects it just fine. Odin nor ADB will detect that there is anything AT ALL plugged into the computer. It does not even come up as, "android device", or "storage", there is nothing, nota, it is as if the phone isn't even plugged in. It will not detect in "download mode" nor while its stuck at the "Samsung Galaxy S" screen, and yes I have tried a different USB cable, and still nothing..
I am quite capable with electronics but I cannot find anything on the internet as of what to do. Is there anything that I could load on an external SD card that would force the phone to flash a ROM with new kernal and modem? I think the phone is empty that is why it is not booting, as if there is nothing to load on the phone. Is there anything at all that anyone can think of??? I am completely stuck. I wanted this phone to last until the Samsung Galaxy S 2 was released here lol.
I'm with Virgin Mobile Canada. Thanks!
Cant you get it into Recovery mode?
Have you tried heimdall?
You will have to follow the instructions coming with it to the letter (about installing some custom USB-driver).
Herman76 said:
Cant you get it into Recovery mode?
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Hey herman, "I CAN get into "DOWNLOAD MODE" but I CAN NOT get into recovery/bootloader (hold volume up/home button/power button)."
profalbert said:
Have you tried heimdall?
You will have to follow the instructions coming with it to the letter (about installing some custom USB-driver).
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Hey, I will search for that right away and let you know how it turns out. Thank you!!
well if you have download mode then dont panic.
just flash a 3 file firmware along with pit file and re-partition and you will be fine
azzledazzle said:
well if you have download mode then dont panic.
just flash a 3 file firmware along with pit file and re-partition and you will be fine
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How can I flash any firmware if my PC will not detect the phone? When I plug the phone in there is nothing. Odin doesn't detect the phone, Keis doesn't detect the phone, ADB does not detect the phone, and I just tried Heindall, and it does not detect the phone..... Maybe the actual hardware for the USB plug in is faulty in its self, in which case I am screwed.
Galaxy19000M said:
How can I flash any firmware if my PC will not detect the phone? When I plug the phone in there is nothing. Odin doesn't detect the phone, Keis doesn't detect the phone, ADB does not detect the phone, and I just tried Heindall, and it does not detect the phone..... Maybe the actual hardware for the USB plug in is faulty in its self, in which case I am screwed.
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i see..... i only read the last 2 posts and im always telling people off for not reading properly
have you tried the obvious steps such as
Un-install - Re install Kies
Run Odin as administrator
Tried Alternative USB port - direct into the PC motherboard
Finally a different PC all together
hope you can get it workin hate to see another broken SGS
azzledazzle said:
i see..... i only read the last 2 posts and im always telling people off for not reading properly
have you tried the obvious steps such as
Un-install - Re install Kies
Run Odin as administrator
Tried Alternative USB port - direct into the PC motherboard
Finally a different PC all together
hope you can get it workin hate to see another broken SGS
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I have tried, uninstall-re install of kies, run odin as admin, alternate usb port, anddd I tried plugging it into my luck...this absolutely driving me nuts because I know the phone cant be bricked, if I can get into download mode I SHOULD be fine but for some strange reason the phone seems to be undetectable...ahhhhhhhhhhhh if only there was just some way to access the internal storage or a program that would force a flash through an external SD....
I am going to try loading Ubuntu on my computer on one of my HDD and see if it will detect the phone. I am assuming this is my last option and I have high hopes as Ubuntu detects almost anything...I will update...if it doesnt work I might be looking into taking apart the phone its self and intalling a new USB plug in on the phone motherboard...
im not sure of any other steps
last resort.... have you tried another USB cable ? like your friends cable that he uses for his phone ?
EDIT: if i was you i WOULD NOT take the phone apart.... if you do and it does not work, your warranty will be void,
at least if you cant get it working you can send it off for repair and blame kies, you will have a good chance of getting it fixed by samsung than you would yourself
azzledazzle said:
im not sure of any other steps
last resort.... have you tried another USB cable ? like your friends cable that he uses for his phone ?
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yeah lol like I said in the first post I tried a different USB cable all together.
I have two HTC Legends, tried both cables from them, plus the OEM cable that came with the SGS
azzledazzle said:
im not sure of any other steps
last resort.... have you tried another USB cable ? like your friends cable that he uses for his phone ?
EDIT: if i was you i WOULD NOT take the phone apart.... if you do and it does not work, your warranty will be void,
at least if you cant get it working you can send it off for repair and blame kies, you will have a good chance of getting it fixed by samsung than you would yourself
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I dont know if it has been opened already by someone else. I bought the phone for $180 CAD from a sort of "2nd turn" site. As in it was being sold as is. The phone problem reported by them was that the USB connectivity was not working. When I originally got the phone from them everything was working correctly, except the USB connectivity like it stated. It came ROOTED and loaded with the leaked version of Froyo before it was out so I automatically assumed that was causing the USB problems. I got around to changing the ROM with a reported working USB using CWM. But, still no luck with USB connectivity. I just dealt with the problem and flashed everything through CWM. Which led me to this...ugh
Is there supposed to be a warranty seal behind the battery cover? Over the screws like there usually is? Cause I see nothing..
thats not good news.
there is no warranty sticker, but samsung could find out if the phone has been opened.
It depends on the actual repair guy, to be honest, samsung will have 100's of phones to repair daily, the majority just get passed on - flashed - wiped - boxed and sent back to the owner.
however if some (P)Rick is having a bad day and wants to find out why the phone is in for repair, and he finds out its been opened up, or its had custom firmware, then he can refuse to fix the phone or send it back to you with a bill included lol.
so you have to have a good excuse incase the worst happens.
if you dont fancy your chances and you feel capable of replacing the USB yourself then hey go for it !!
azzledazzle said:
thats not good news.
there is no warranty sticker, but samsung could find out if the phone has been opened.
It depends on the actual repair guy, to be honest, samsung will have 100's of phones to repair daily, the majority just get passed on - flashed - wiped - boxed and sent back to the owner.
however if some (P)Rick is having a bad day and wants to find out why the phone is in for repair, and he finds out its been opened up, or its had custom firmware, then he can refuse to fix the phone or send it back to you with a bill included lol.
so you have to have a good excuse incase the worst happens.
if you dont fancy your chances and you feel capable of replacing the USB yourself then hey go for it !!
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Well thank you for all the help. I am going to try installing Ubuntu first and see what happens, I have never had any driver issues with that OS EVER so if its detectable, Ubuntu will be the one to detect it. If that doesn't work I might take my chances and send it in. And if like you said that one person decides to screw me over, they at least have to send it back to me, in which case I will just open it myself and change the USB plug in like I said. (which might not even be the problem...)
Is there anyway to tell on the out side without opening it if it has indeed been opened before???
erm..... i dont think so, but i dont know what measures samsung have took to find this out.
if it was me the obvious things i would look for is, damaged screw heads and scratches down the sides - where the casing has been prised open. other than that i would not know what to look for
either way, i hope u get it fixed
azzledazzle said:
erm..... i dont think so, but i dont know what measures samsung have took to find this out.
if it was me the obvious things i would look for is, damaged screw heads and scratches down the sides - where the casing has been prised open. other than that i would not know what to look for
either way, i hope u get it fixed
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Well I sent my phone in to Samsung last week and I just got it back today! I opened it up and I guess the problem with the phone was pretty bad lol they just gave me a new phone, I was thinking it was refurbed but it said right on the repair receipt "condition=NEW" I am extremely happy.
That aside, do you know if you can use the SGS II if it is unlocked in Canada?
Okay, so as far as I am able to find... This problem is pretty unique...
I'm running Cognition 4.5.3 with no software issues. I have had this problem since Cog 3...
Most people have trouble getting their phone to boot into download mode, but NOT ME!
My phone randomly (I can find absolutely no cause or trigger and I'm not really a novice at Android) will shut itself off. Now normally I would not have an issue with this, but when I go to turn the phone on... it boots straight to download mode, and no key combo or anything will avoid it. So I have been testing this out and I can reboot the phone from the enhanced power menu, I can boot into Recovery from enhanced power menu... But when the phone shuts off or when I shut it down, the ONLY way that I can get it to power on correctly, is to plug the phone in and wait for it to show that the phone is charging. Then I can power it on normally...
Now, this issue arose the same time that my phone began to refuse to be recognised when plugged into a computer via USB... and at times the USB debugging and USB connected notifications will remain in the notification bar until I reboot the phone...
Naturally, my first instinct was to try and restore to stock... But since no computer will recognize my phone (even with fresh drivers installed) I cannot use odin to flash to stock.
So to summarize my problems:
1. My phone will not be recognized by a computer. (USB device not recognized)
2. My phone randomly shuts itself off. (Not a big deal, I can live with that)
3. My phone ONLY boots into download mode unless plugged into the charger (Incredibly frustrating when I am not at home or I don't have my car charger)
4. USB debugging and USB connected notifications stick around until phone is rebooted. (Using enhanced power menu. Again, I can live with this minor annoyance)
have you tried reflashing that rom...or trying another?
it could be the random shutdown issue that some cappys have paired with a failing usb port.
try changing roms.
studacris said:
have you tried reflashing that rom...or trying another?
it could be the random shutdown issue that some cappys have paired with a failing usb port.
try changing roms.
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Hehe... I tried a different rom for two weeks and had similar and/or more problems...
Reflashing doesn't help either.
I've tried my best to troubleshoot this on my own, so I'm not shutting down your attempt to help. Just letting you know I have tried it.
I hadn't heard about a failing USB port problem... I'll read up on it.
Thanks for your help!
Atleast you dont have to worry about soft bricks if it auto boots into download mode
d34thp1ng said:
Atleast you dont have to worry about soft bricks if it auto boots into download mode
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Actually I do...because USB still won't interface...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
like i said could be a short or something in the usb port...or somewhere in the hardware. if you experience this problem across different software then it has to be a physical defect someplace. cause if it were software related it would fix once you flashed something different...
you can try for a warranty replacement, that requires a little loose morals. you will have to do something to cause it not to boot, or only boot to the at&t screen otherwise they will have proof of root and/or custom rom and void your warranty. once thats accomplished mention some crap about kies failing and they should replace it.
studacris said:
like i said could be a short or something in the usb port...or somewhere in the hardware. if you experience this problem across different software then it has to be a physical defect someplace. cause if it were software related it would fix once you flashed something different...
you can try for a warranty replacement, that requires a little loose morals. you will have to do something to cause it not to boot, or only boot to the at&t screen otherwise they will have proof of root and/or custom rom and void your warranty. once thats accomplished mention some crap about kies failing and they should replace it.
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Hmmm... a few months back my original USB/Charging cable broke and for a couple of days I was forced to use a generic MicroUSB cable to charge my phone... Could that have cause a short/damage to the port?
My phone does not have warranty as I bought it refurbished. :'(
(Plus my morals aren't that loose.)
Had a similar issue, eventually determined that it was a short in this usb port and did a warranty return. (Only when plugged in could I turn on, etc.)
If that isn't an option for you, you could try flashing CM. For some reason, the cyanogenmod build won't let the phone charge when off. ( Automatically powers back up once the juice flows.)
I flashed a nightly and somehow, magically, my phone would power back up normally ( but wouldn't turn off, unless plugged in without power. So strange!)
Even more weird? I flashed back to stock and the new powering and rebooting stuck. The short wasn't fixed, my phone simply seemed to reverse the problem.
Plus, you would be using cm.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
tbrass said:
Had a similar issue, eventually determined that it was a short in this usb port and did a warranty return. (Only when plugged in could I turn on, etc.)
If that isn't an option for you, you could try flashing CM. For some reason, the cyanogenmod build won't let the phone charge when off. ( Automatically powers back up once the juice flows.)
I flashed a nightly and somehow, magically, my phone would power back up normally ( but wouldn't turn off, unless plugged in without power. So strange!)
Even more weird? I flashed back to stock and the new powering and rebooting stuck. The short wasn't fixed, my phone simply seemed to reverse the problem.
Plus, you would be using cm.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Thanks! You guys have pretty much answered my questions...
I don't want to leave my nice DG Rom though.
Since I have determined that it is a hardware problem... I think I'm just going to live with it for a few more weeks until I can afford to go ahead and buy the newer build of the Cappy... (Might even wait until the SGSII comes out.)
You should be able to get warranty replacement, just make sure the device is in a stock condition when you take it in!
tbrass said:
You should be able to get warranty replacement, just make sure the device is in a stock condition when you take it in!
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Even though I purchased the device as a refurbished device?
The only problem is that I can't Odin back to stock...
Cease1 said:
Even though I purchased the device as a refurbished device?
The only problem is that I can't Odin back to stock...
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this will get you to stock then look in forums for how to change boot animation change that to stock boot logo and your good to go i did read some were you could do boot img all on phone i belive. i cant find thats up to u
Okay so I called them and let them know what the phone was doing and they tried to send me to samsung to have them repair the phone...
I now hold in my hands a shiny new 1102 build Cappy... Took it to my local device service center and explained the random shutdowns and the booting into download mode and they replaced it no questions asked!
Now to get Cog 5b2 on here.
I have a Samsung Captivate i897 for AT&T
Firmware version: 2.2 Froyo
Ok, so I had tried to foolishly upgrade my phone through Kies to 2.3 Gingerbread, knowing that I was
upgrading to the SIII in a few weeks anyway. Kies came back with a response that the upgrade
could not be finished, so I proceeded to follow the instructions and do an emergency recovery
of the phone, but after a while, that also failed.
After the recovery failure, I ended up with the "phone ! computer" screen (fromw what I've found, a
disconnect of the phone and computer). It took me several tries, but I found a forum somewhere
that showed me Odin (something I had never really played with for fear of bricking my firmware).
I followed the steps outlined in an xda forum by opening Odin and trying to flash the phone
back to stock.
But alas, my phone's screen turned red...which from some forums seems to be a problem with the
Odin installation. I had looked around a bit more on how to fix this issue, and eventually
arrived again at the Downloading... screen. This was promising at the very least,
but trying to connect to my computer started to fail. I would continually get "USB device
not recognizable" by Windows. I've tried multiple USB ports, reinstalling the phone drivers,
but could not get Kies or Odin to recognize it.
Now...the worst part. Someone somehwere suggested to restart the Download mode, which I did,
and now...the phone won't even return to the Downloading... or phone/computer screen. It's just blank.
Some have suggested that the USB cable or USB ports (more likely the computer) may be at fault
here as well. So I have ordered a cheap USB cable off of Amazon to maybe solve this issue.
The phone does not boot up to any screen, nor does it seem to charge (either in wall or
So my question is..., does anyone believe I have achieved an unsurmountable task in "bricking"
my Captivate, or is there hope yet that I can revive it from the dead. I plan on selling it online
for around $85 so that I can lower the price for the SIII, but a bricked phone won't get
too much.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to anyone who can enlighten me a bit here.
If u have zero signs of life, even when plugged into the wall charger, then u r hard bricked...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
What did you do before losing download mode/phone-!-computer? Did you flash boot loaders?
Sent from my SGH-I897 JellyBro
If you are interested in trying to save your phone instead of scrapping it for the S3 you might look into either making a jig or ordering one. There is a thread somewhere on here that shows you step by step how to make one and it will force the phone into download mode if it's not completely bricked.
I have made one myself and it worked flawlessly and provided you have an extra micro usb sync cable that you are willing to destroy in the process it will cost you less than $5 to make.
been there..and i fixed mine
can you still do the up+down volume and plug usb to download mode?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda app-developers app
Dont know if this method works but its still an option for you to try, might as well.
Install Odin3 One-Click Downloader [I897UCJF6-final-OCD-REV0.exe] mediafire /?0w2y31maz8mdom4 (I cant seem to post link because Im a new member)
Its basically a hard format.
-Unplug your Phone from USB
-Launch the application
-Take out your battery for about 30 seconds and place it back
-Press and hold Volume Up & Down buttons
-As you're holding the 2 buttons, plugin the USB
-If the application recognizes your phone, just click [START] button and it will wipe everything on your phone (And I MEAN EVERYTHING, so its a sacrifice of losing whatever you had on to fix your phone), and have your phone in factory mode.
I fixed my phone when it was bricked this way. I reinstalled all the mods and updaters.
Hope it works for you!