Anybody get a pre? I've seen one really great review of it and one kind of crummy review, very curious about getting this phone for my wife. Any recommendations on a good site (the XDA-Dev's for PalmPre)?? Thanks!!
not sure, but i dont believe HTC is manufacturing the pre
XDA = HTC phones.
again, not sure, if it is manufactured by HTC there would probably already be a section on the forum devoted to the pre.
I have heard a lot of good things about the phone.
only 2 cons so far: small keyboard, and programs lag a little.
other then that, Its a great looking phone, with new innovative GUI
I don't think I would be able to use the small keyboard. I can barely use the one on the Treo Pro, and the one on the Centro is too small for me... and I have relatively small hands!
Yeah, I know there won't be a section here as it is most definitely NOT an HTC device, hence my posting in off-topic. I was jut wondering if anyone knew what the best Palm forum is.
I've heard from another member of the forums here who has one that there are some hardware probs with the phone, dead pixels and bad overheating problems. First run Blackstones had similar issues so we'll see if this doesn't get straightened out in the next shipment. I'm not too worried about the small keyboard as my wife has doll hands and long nails anyway ;-)
Best bet is
Its not nearly as robust as XDA in regards to the manipulating and hacking of the device (possibly cause its just brand new) but its probably the biggest Pre / WebOS focused message board at the moment.
Yep i have red this is a crap
A piece of crap... is the way that many people has referred about the new PALM Pre.. why? i dont know, but I think its not powerfull than other device from PALM or HTC, but, does this palm have WinMo? maybe this feature can make it a little stronger.
I saw a few videos and i cant remember about it, cause it doesnt matters to me... Palm doesnt matter for who is a HTC user, you know...
BTW that litle qwerty seems to be for a kid... they are very happy cause the edge of the device is soft... what an amazing development!!!!
Well let us know if anyone has a little toy like that.
There should be a Pre section on this site...I dont see why now. There's 2 for the Palm Treo's:
I might be getting one after some of the initial updates and bugs are worked out. 2 of my friends have one and they seem to like it so far comparted to their HTC TP.
zeo2k said:
There should be a Pre section on this site...I dont see why now. There's 2 for the Palm Treo's:
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That´s because that models were manufactured by HTC and Pre won´t so it won´t have it´s section on this forum
orb3000 said:
That´s because that models were manufactured by HTC and Pre won´t so it won´t have it´s section on this forum
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Makes sense...Thanks
I played around withh it for a bit an the keyboard is soft and hard, but maybe your wife's doll hands will be fine lol
The web browsing is great. And I like that it's slim. Other than that, I like my Pro. And I don't know of any other issues. though. Good luck!
I do have to say that the Pre UI is pretty sweet. I hope the Android team takes not and realizes that the built in apps can also look good. As noted a few posts back, the Pre does have a bit of lag when you launch new apps, but the card manager works great for switching once they are open.
I have to say that I love the hardware design of the thing. reminds me a lot of the HTC Touch Dual. I hope HTC brings back the Duals form factor in a new Android handset.
I played with one today at the Sprint store...
The keyboard is better than I expected, better than the Treo Pro, much better than the Centro...
There is a "slight" lag when opening applications, but it doesn't seem to be with all applications.
The card interface is really cool and works great!
I have a Pre, so I would know stuff:
The in-store Pre's are running demo software, so they will have more lag than the real model
There is no file explorer - This is a huge change from what were used to on Windows Mobile, lol, but you don't necessarily need it.
Multitasking is AMAZING! Nothing can match it. Using Turn-by-Turn GPS while streaming Pandora in the car is seamless and works just as you'd expect.
The app store, well, give it time!
EXCHANGE: If you're exchange server doesn't use a SSL connection, then you're screwed. Palm has to release an update before this will ever work. Trust me, there's no other solution.
Synergy - I wouldn't know how well this works because I can't connect my Exchange server, which pretty much defeats the purpose.
Overall, I'd say that for your wife, the Pre would be perfect. It's like an iPhone, but you can do wayy more. It's not Windows Mobile though, so don't expect a bunch of functionality. But this phone works perfectly for what you want it for. Everything just works the way you would expect, like how the phone wont lock the screen unless you put it in your pocket (brilliant!)
But watch this video: It's an Opera Mini vs Palm Pre browser comparison video. Opera Mini smokes the Pre, lol.
So I would say, get the Pre for your wife. Everything is soo seamless on the Pre and works so nicely. If you want to be an advanced user, then WinMo (or Android maybe) is for you.
ace10134 said:
I have a Pre, so I would know stuff:
The in-store Pre's are running demo software, so they will have more lag than the real model
There is no file explorer - This is a huge change from what were used to on Windows Mobile, lol, but you don't necessarily need it.
Multitasking is AMAZING! Nothing can match it. Using Turn-by-Turn GPS while streaming Pandora in the car is seamless and works just as you'd expect.
The app store, well, give it time!
EXCHANGE: If you're exchange server doesn't use a SSL connection, then you're screwed. Palm has to release an update before this will ever work. Trust me, there's no other solution.
Synergy - I wouldn't know how well this works because I can't connect my Exchange server, which pretty much defeats the purpose.
Overall, I'd say that for your wife, the Pre would be perfect. It's like an iPhone, but you can do wayy more. It's not Windows Mobile though, so don't expect a bunch of functionality. But this phone works perfectly for what you want it for. Everything just works the way you would expect, like how the phone wont lock the screen unless you put it in your pocket (brilliant!)
But watch this video: It's an Opera Mini vs Palm Pre browser comparison video. Opera Mini smokes the Pre, lol.
So I would say, get the Pre for your wife. Everything is soo seamless on the Pre and works so nicely. If you want to be an advanced user, then WinMo (or Android maybe) is for you.
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I didn't know about the lock in the pocket things, that's really cool
My sever is SSL, so I'm fine there.
And, of course Opera Mini wins, the Pre is doing all the work itself...
HTC did make PALMpre...i remember when it was announce back in january...i have to say it is a very solid and good device and i love winmo phone, current xperia, touch pro, and HTC HD user. Palmpre WEBos impressed me i would pick one up when a gsm version release. I believe this device took whats good with winmo and iphone and combined it together very well and have lots of room to improve as thing i notice about it that is bad is the battery...make sure you read up on the tweaks n so on so you can conserve battery but most people say it dies out very quickly i dunno if its the way they using it or not but i used a unit for 2 days and still have 50 percent battery...i say your wife would love this device and make a fan out of u
They support non-SSL exchange now
derekwilkinson said:
They support non-SSL exchange now
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No they don't. Did they release an update?? Or is there a link to a thread that hacked it? Cuz last time I checked, they didn't update it and that was the only way.
ace10134 said:
No they don't. Did they release an update?? Or is there a link to a thread that hacked it? Cuz last time I checked, they didn't update it and that was the only way.
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Umm. Yes.
...Non-SSL Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) mail servers are now supported....
derekwilkinson said:
Umm. Yes.
...Non-SSL Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) mail servers are now supported....
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Thanks! I'm gonna check for updates now! (Next time, it'd be nice if you described your post a little more, but thanks soo much!)
Exchange Works On Pre Without SSL Now!! Yay!
Just wondering whether any users can answer those questions for me?
NZtechfreak said:
Just wondering whether any users can answer those questions for me?
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I've just tested the WiiMote, and I can tell you - no, they don't work. Damn manufacturers modifying their BT stacks to left and right... :-(
Will probably root my phone and test that other WiiMote app that requires root. I'm hopeful for it working. Our phones is the perfect "gaming console" for retro gaming if so ;-)
Oh, what is the Root-requiring app? I've not come accross it...
*off to Google to find out*
EDIT: Ah, found it, still doesn't offer HTC/Samsung support. Shame.
Correction: Lg‘s screwed their bt stack so hard that third party software can‘t use it. its barely usable with sony ericsson liveview
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
so... when (im in no doubt) we get say Cm or modaco rom could we use a wii mote or bt keyboard or will it still be " locked down"??
It'll work with CM, but I don't think Paul's Modaco ROMS usually change the BT stack, so I wouldn't expect it to work there.
Call lg support regarding this they said that they hadnt heard of the issue yet. The more of us that alert them of this ****ty nonstandard bluetooth the more likely they are too fix it. When i told them how other phones with the same broadcom chip had been "fixed" with third party roms they escalated my ticket. Also please remind them that the hardware is capable of usb on the go and software that supports it is an edge in the market in theese hd days.
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
I've sent them an email regarding this problem. I'll call them tomorrow too...
We need proper BT drivers!
both bluez ime and gamepro in combination with a zeemote bluetooth controller work fine.
so it's not entirely impossible to work with the optimus 2x bluetooth.
The problem is that the drivers deny low level access to the hw
Btw nice to know other people keep telling lg to fix this
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
a newb question I guess but I havent got an Android phone yet, this phone will be in my ownage in a couple of weeks :happypanda:
wont this work with this rom?
@hobs0n: No, won't work
After talking to LG it doesn't really sound they care...
Ah shabby So the only ones that can change the BT stack/drivers are the manufacturer for the phone? like LG, HTC and so on? Does the WII controllers work for other Android phones??
Does anyone have a BGP100-gamepad and knows if that works on our Optimus 2x? As Wiimotes don't work, maybe that gamepad would be usefull... at least with a SNES-gamepad mod it would be perfect for the SNES emu.
Not the BGP-100, but the Zeemote BT Gamepad.
Both are running only with GamePro driver.
The driver freezed while trying to connect with the gamepad.
Even my BT mini keyboard doesn‘t work.
Both were running fine with the Galaxy S.
So at this time there is no way to connect gaming hardware.
And if anyone is thinking about PS3 controller. No it doesn‘t work.
The new GamePro driver is working fine with Zeemote JS1
And has support for further Gamepads:
- iControlPad
- Act Labs Gamepad
The iControlPad is to expensive, but does anyone know the Act Lab Gamepad ?
This is just sad.. !
So there is now way we can hack in a proper USB driver? or do we have to w8 for LG to release one?
I really doubt that LG will release it. After talking to them it doesn't seem they care about the problem at all...
Is this something that might be different on the more stock G2x?
bradsh1 said:
Is this something that might be different on the more stock G2x?
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Man I hope so. Im going to order mine on the 15th
I would like to know to owner who have DHD and O2X..which one is your most favourite smartphone? and why you choose it?
I had both phone, and i get confusing which one is better. My O2X is better in term of speed, but i dislike its interface software, i prefer more on htc sense.
so what do you think?
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
of curse the 2X
i rooted the device and deleted the lg software - using Lauchner Pro and its more than smooth...
i prefer the 2X display, 'cause it is not so big and much better/more beautiful !
only the battery drain makes the angry i got a bug - app '0' causes the drain... hope lg will fix it in the next update
all in all the 2X is the best device for me, currently
Compared the 2 today, the screen on the O2X is way better, and although the dhd has a very nice unibody, both phones feel very sturdy. I don't really like sense but it's definitely better than the lg UI. Personally i always install adw/ launcherpro. Where the O2X really shines though is gaming, it just destroys the dhd. One thing i really like about the dhd is the music player, not sure if you can install it on the O2X..
Sent from my Optimus 2X using XDA App. Follow me @activeshizzle on twitter
Pros of the O2X vs DHD
*The screen is so much more colorful.
*Battery life is just as good or better.
*Touch screen is better(Try slowly drawing a straight line fron the upper right corner to the lower left corner on DHD. You cant, it will be wavy).
*No that still doesnt work after 6 month!!(This would be a minus if it had worked).
*Gestures! Instead of those silly arrows in the bottom of the HTC stock keyboard, the tapping on the side of the O2X works great, without taking up keyboard space. Great for curser moving if you want it to be accurate.
*The curved edges of the glass screen.
*Speed in the every day use neither phones lag. Games run more smooth though. Never experienced frame drops on O2X as I sometimes did on DHD.
*Front Camera: For when ever skype comes out with video chat for android..
Better on DHD:
*Weather widget and better widgets(didnt know the setup widgets was from HTC, but LG doesnt have it)
*Disable mobile view funtion in browser settings
*Previous/next page function in browser
*Notification/Charging LED
*Native flashlight/torch app!
*15 minutes delay on the password screen(Have to do it EVERY time on the LG, or none at all).
*Very good "Auto" brightness setting on the screen!(O2X is just like the Desire, too bright when its dark).
*OTA Updated via Mobile Data also(not just wifi like O2X)
I went back and read my initial reactions from when I just got it, and they are listed here too. A funny thing that I just noticed after reading through my post is that most of the stuff I like about my O2X is hardware, and most of the stuff I miss from my DHD is software related(and most of them can be solved by downloading free apps/widgets from the market).
Im not going to count software bugs and stuff, while in the daily day life the DHD was more "stable", never worked and sometimes I lost ALL my text messages, so it wasnt that perfect. Between HTC and LG´s software I would reccomend HTC to newbies and people that dont like messing around with settings, trying out new apps and such.
Oh and any user interface(Sense or whatever) is inferior to Go Launcher EX imo(and other launchers). That is why I only count widgets and menu points as something that adds value. Before I tried anything else than Sense, I thought the UI was good, but in reality is not all that.
Maybe i already get use to DHD after 6 month use it and not familier to ui of lg. Anyway, thank you guys for all your review. Keep it coming.
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
Forgot one more thing.. the gallery browser on O2X is Great! The one in DHD is slow and it takes a long time to find a particular image if you have many..
Sent from my LG-P990 using Tapatalk
ravn1 said:
Forgot one more thing.. the gallery browser on O2X is Great! The one in DHD is slow and it takes a long time to find a particular image if you have many..
Sent from my LG-P990 using Tapatalk
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Yeah you were right on this one, im started to love my 2X all over again lol
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
most things you find better on the dhd can also be changed or made working on the o2x
allthough the software widgets made by htc are native on the phone when you buy it there are lots of good alternatives for people that dont have a htc like there is a free backlight led app in the market, and beatiful widgets has the same clock/weather widget htc has if you find a propper skin for it.
the browser issue can be fixed with a 3rd party browser(dolphin w/e) allthough native non mobile page viewing would be really nice to have in the stock browser...
there isa custom made notification light for the o2x now which can be downloaded from somehwere here aswell.
the lockscreen can be changed with 3rd party software and there is a feature to change the pw refresh rate with this aswell.
so most of the things that were better on the dhd can be good on the o2x aswell but you just need to digg around a bit and it doesnt come native once you open the freshly bought phone but it can be tuned and tweaked to have the best of 2 worlds
just like to add that my previous phone was a dhd and i made the move to the o2x the second it came out and i never missed my htc since i got my o2x.
dazzle999 said:
most things you find better on the dhd can also be changed or made working on the o2x
allthough the software widgets made by htc are native on the phone when you buy it there are lots of good alternatives for people that dont have a htc like there is a free backlight led app in the market, and beatiful widgets has the same clock/weather widget htc has if you find a propper skin for it.
the browser issue can be fixed with a 3rd party browser(dolphin w/e) allthough native non mobile page viewing would be really nice to have in the stock browser...
there isa custom made notification light for the o2x now which can be downloaded from somehwere here aswell.
the lockscreen can be changed with 3rd party software and there is a feature to change the pw refresh rate with this aswell.
so most of the things that were better on the dhd can be good on the o2x aswell but you just need to digg around a bit and it doesnt come native once you open the freshly bought phone but it can be tuned and tweaked to have the best of 2 worlds
just like to add that my previous phone was a dhd and i made the move to the o2x the second it came out and i never missed my htc since i got my o2x.
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Roger on that!! guys you made my
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
Well, we can safely say that the IPS screen beats the Super Lcd, and hardware wise the O2x wins as well, in design too, but not in software though.
IMO: Desire HD's screen was ghosting, and it was too heavy and big.
Also i didn't like holding the O2x, badly designed by LG.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
i like the way the phone is in my hands ...
untill i get sweaty hands
the dhd metal feel feels like a tank but it's big ... like a tank
the lg feels like it's made for humans untill it gets hot and sweaty .. unlike a tank
arielext said:
i like the way the phone is in my hands ...
untill i get sweaty hands
the dhd metal feel feels like a tank but it's big ... like a tank
the lg feels like it's made for humans untill it gets hot and sweaty .. unlike a tank
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Different to me. I liked more on the tank feeling..its like an expensive smartphone to me. But some time i do feel the burden when put it inside me
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
dario3040 said:
Well, we can safely say that the IPS screen beats the Super Lcd, and hardware wise the O2x wins as well, in design too, but not in software though.
IMO: Desire HD's screen was ghosting, and it was too heavy and big.
Also i didn't like holding the O2x, badly designed by LG.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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Yes, you were right my friend, interm of display O2X way better than DHD. I like DHD size 4.3“. Oh why oh why lg did not apply using 4.3“ screen. IPS screen 4.3“. WOW!!
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
Here a few point why i dislike my LGO2X..
1) its sms font is too big, difficult for me to see one long sms in single page. Its sms ui also too fancy to me..not suitable for corporate person like me.
2) its weather can not set update freq and location. I have to go to setting to update manually get current location.
3) its does not have restart option. Although many software in market, but all required to root. I dont want to root my phone since i dont want to lost my warranty, especially with reboot problem i face on O2X.
4) its camera sound during taking picture is ugly same like my old N95 phone (cheap phone).
5) its dont have data connection short cut. I have to go to
setting to activate it manually. There is software from market, but i already try all and it sometime function and not. I check setting, but data connection nothing change either i activate or deactivate the shortcut software download from market. Its look like its over write or something.
6) OTA update only available through wifi. Not mobile connection. How about if i dont have wifi in my house? But i have mobile connection data plan with my provider. Meaning this data plan is useless!! No meaning i pay my bil monthly to my provider if i can not use it to the limit!!
Thats all until now..i will edit more when i found others thing that i though. ;P
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
naimmkassim said:
Here a few point why i dislike my LGO2X..
1) its sms font is too big, difficult for me to see one long sms in single page. Its sms ui also too fancy to me..not suitable for corporate person like me.
2) its weather can not set update freq and location. I have to go to setting to update manually get current location.
3) its does not have restart option. Although many software in market, but all required to root. I dont want to root my phone since i dont want to lost my warranty, especially with reboot problem i face on O2X.
4) its camera sound during taking picture is ugly same like my old N95 phone (cheap phone).
5) its dont have data connection short cut. I have to go to
setting to activate it manually. There is software from market, but i already try all and it sometime function and not. I check setting, but data connection nothing change either i activate or deactivate the shortcut software download from market. Its look like its over write or something.
6) OTA update only available through wifi. Not mobile connection. How about if i dont have wifi in my house? But i have mobile connection data plan with my provider. Meaning this data plan is useless!! No meaning i pay my bil monthly to my provider if i can not use it to the limit!!
Thats all until now..i will edit more when i found others thing that i though. ;P
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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1) Just use another SMS program then, I use handcent on all my android devices anyway.
2) I agree
3) I use LG 2X recovery boot from the market to reboot my phone.
4) just goto settings/shutter sound and CHANGE it for one you like then.
5)I use apn droid to turn on/off my data.
6)OTA update is working over the air for some networks, this is just network dependent not device dependent.
My mate has the DHD and is a bit of a noob, so when I have to use his phone to find things on the web for hime I actually cringe at the speed or should I say the slowwwwwnessss of the web surfing on it. We tried miren that I use on my O2X on his DHD but it was still as slow as hell, and thats even before flash sites kick in.
Hello, a couple months ago i bought this wonderful phone, i used it for some time and is the first cellphone that i really liked from day 0, i also have a Nokia N900, wich is an amazing machine, quite deprecated even with it's 32GB of internal storage and wonderful 5Mpix camera but this one took me some months to stop not wanting to throw it to the wall.
The Samsung galaxy Ace 2 i think is also a bit crappy compared with the LG 2x if we let battery life on a side. (3~4 days) And took me about 3 or 4 months plus several rom flashings to get it to work correctly and not annoy me with odd behavior..
Sadly a friend of mine lost his phone and as he liked the LG, really diskiiked the N900 and the Ace 2 was working really really bad i gave him this wonder of technology.
After about a month he bought another one for his wife, so now they both have an LG 2x and i am stuck with the Galaxy and a Nokia N900 photo/video camera.
I have not bought again an LG 2x because of this two issues that i think are really really important.
If i can't use HDMI, i really don't care to have the 1080p video recording capability, and if the bluetooth is not working i'm really not interested in go out listening music with a hanging cable around my neck and body.
So, i really like the idea to have EVERYTHING on one place and leave the Galaxy and the N900 inside a drawer at home.
I know if i stick to ICS i could get all working, but i'm now used to 4.2 and would'nt like to go back...
I know that these two things must be very complicated to fix, otherwise, someone would figure it out already.
But my question is... ¿Is there any chance that somewhere in time someone could fix this?
What's needed to fix them?
My dear friend
I fully appreciate your point....infact everyone does....everyone agrees that we should have everything for what we pay for
But just a small are not a newbie here...Have seen you have a reasonable number of posts....please ask the moderators to shift this to a relevant section.
I am sure we will get to the points which you are concerned about in the near future....until then we have to wait
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda premium
Hi there,
I'm not quite sure, for HDMI , developers are unable to fix it without something that's from nvidia,
For Bluetooth, I heard it is ..forgot what it is called, toolchain? The newer ones cause Bluetooth not working correctly on our o2x, need a lot of work to fix it. Our o2x is too old for now.
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda app-developers app
About HDMI... you can use ICS stock to have the HDMI rotation or you can use Ultimate app rotation to force the rotation screen on your device.
Bluetooth.. like others devices after the change by google from BleuZ stack to bluedroid a lots of problems have been found.
If you need bluetooth and HDMI use ICS rom
My dear friend
I fully appreciate your point....infact everyone does....everyone agrees that we should have everything for what we pay for
But just a small are not a newbie here...Have seen you have a reasonable number of posts....please ask the moderators to shift this to a relevant section.
I am sure we will get to the points which you are concerned about in the near future....until then we have to wait
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda premium
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Sorry for the mistake...
Hi there, i kinda need your help with this one here.
I'm looking for a not to expensive USB-DAC for the Xperia-Z that works out of the Box with the Walkman-App.
Usally i have my "Audioquest Dragonfly" at hand, but its kinda annoying to have to be using proprietary Software to get it to work (USB Audio Player Pro, a great app, but not as straight forward as the Walkman-App).
So I would highly appreciate suggestions on which DAC to get, as far as i know the XperiaZ should be able to use SOME USB-Dacs ootb and the Dragonfly is sadly just an exception as far as i know.
BTW. even better would be a USB-DAC with the possibility to SOMEHOW take calls with it, but its BY NO MEANS(!) a necessity and would be just a little nice to have extra.
(In Short: An ootb working USB-DAC with an inbuilt Mic a button to take calls? I personally don't think something like this exists)
So guys and girls with an ootb working DAC on the XperiaZ, please share your knowledge :highfive::good: