First news article I've seen about rooting a NC - Nook Color General

By WSJ at that. This may boost sales a little.

Well, like they say publicity can run both ways. On the one hand the Nook Color get exposure as a reader and as a tablet. On the, other it may not be the way Barnes & Noble wants the device portrayed.
In my opinion Barnes & Noble should embrace the developer community, as it appears they have so far, and not worry about the small number of devices that end up as tablets. The vast majority will stay as readers and B&N will make money on the content they sell for them, but I love any chance to stab the Apple product line of over priced units that have the Steve Jobs dictated user experience.

This is good news, this may actually cause B&N to push out a Froyo, or even Gingerbread update to the NC. One can only dream.

I cannot believe I read a Wall Street Journal article with a reference to "rooting" in it.
I hope it does not backfire.

Pretty good article. Although, I wish XDA got some credit when it comes to community. You are definitely NOT on your own as the author believes if something "goes wrong." Although, rooting is not for everyone. It's nice to some some acknowledgement that rooting is legitimate. And being that this was a Wall Street Journal article, you can bet B&N are paying attention.
The Nook and Nook Color is the silver bullet for B&N.

I think it's interesting that rooting is becoming a common enough term that it's making it's way to the regular news.
That said, I hope B&N takes the approach that any publicity is good, even the unintended kind.

That's pretty cool. Too bad the author got his root instructions from ars technica. Xda could have gotten a shout-out
Sent from my DROID2

I just emailed the following to the author of the WSJ article.
"I think you need to post a correction or at the very least an addition to your article on the Nook Color and rooting. The article states you got your rooting instructions from Ars Technica but further investigation or your part would have allowed to you give credit where it is truly due. The original rooting process came from the user community on and xda-developers. If not for the talents of the users in these two communities there would be not root process for the Nook Color nor many other devices. In the interest of fairness, please give them the credit they deserve."

amstarshine said:
I think it's interesting that rooting is becoming a common enough term that it's making it's way to the regular news.
That said, I hope B&N takes the approach that any publicity is good, even the unintended kind.
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I was surprised when I went into the store to take a look at the NC before buying, and right at the kiosk with the NC they were selling a book (on prominent display), that has en entire chapter devoted to rooting your nook. It felt like a "*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* endorsement" to me...


HTC Kaiser Reviews (add yours!)

Lets help our campaign by writing a bad review of HTC Kaiser here:
HTC Kaiser at
And dont forget to click "Yes" on Was this review helpful to you?
Say that you own it (yes you are!) and how you dont like it due to the performance and drivers issue (and other issues like BT, etc.).
Note that you should be honest about the review.
If you think you like the Kaiser/Tilt the way it is now, then it is good for you (be happy!).
However, if you are not satisfied with the device (and/or HTC), you feel cheated by HTC, please put your voice out (write a review).
Dont tell lie, just express your feelings about it.
If you still dont get it, check HTCClassAction
Other reviews :
(Edit: replaced duplicate post with cross-link)
For some background on the purpose of this thread, read this post:
Good idea to get everyone to post bad reviews, but PLEASE make sure that the reviews are honest and can be substantiated. The last thing we want is for HTC to point out that we have been organising a slander campaign.
Thanks gogol for starting this thread. Remember everyone, it's not just the Kaiser that's suffering from this issue. Here's the complete list:
If you own any of these devices, you're entitled to share your experience with other potential buyers.
What are some other sites you've used to research tech devices, where we can add consumer reviews?
ach2 said:
Good idea to get everyone to post bad reviews, but PLEASE make sure that the reviews are honest and can be substantiated. The last thing we want is for HTC to point out that we have been organising a slander campaign.
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Absolutely. Thank you for mentioning that ach2. I've tried to also make that clear in every one of my comments. DO NOT POST false accusations or be unfair. And do not post about devices you don't own or haven't observed any issues with. Don't mark a post as Helpful unless you feel it is correct and helpful. (For example, I saw a negative review stating that WM6 is a bad OS. I do not personally feel that way, so I did not mark the review as helpful to me. Likewise, in my own review I did not mention Bluetooth or speakerphone issues because I have not had a bad experience with those aspects of my device.)
Simply put, if you write a review, be honest.
Couldn't agree more. Thats why I've kept my review simple and have referenced the website:
I suggest everyone else should do the same. If the website keeps popping up people will go and some may even read!!
Be warned that it can take from 1 - 6 days for the review to appear.
Other useful things are to rate 5 star reviews as "not helpful" and poor reviews as "helpful" to help dissuade people from this crippled platform.
Whats the point in this may I ask.
What exactly is the issue with the kaiser as I cannot see any issues with the one I have from vodafone. It does all I want it to do and it does it very well and quickly enough for me not to worry if its being slow.
The device is technically a PDA, it does email, office, internet, and a host of other things, its not a TV, or a portable dvd player or an ipod.
Whats the point in slating the device on amazon if this affects the way htc operates and affects its business.
I wonder if people writing these reviews have looked at the bigger picture.
I would suggest if you do not like the device and have issues with it, then maybe the device is not the most ideal device for you.
Tom Williams said:
I would suggest if you do not like the device and have issues with it, then maybe the device is not the most ideal device for you.
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I see your point Tom. However, if I have an issue with the way the device was marketed to me -- which is contrary to the way the device actually performs -- then I am also entitled to share my opinion with others. Because "if the device is not the most ideal device" for me, then it probably isn't for others either. I wish someone had told me about these problems before I signed a 2-year agreement. Therefore, I'm going to let others know so they can make a truly informed decision before they do the same. After all, isn't that the point of reviews, good or bad?
I would suggest that if you DO like the device, you offer a well-thought-out, positive review about the device. That's fair!
Tom Williams said:
What exactly is the issue with the kaiser as I cannot see any issues with the one I have from vodafone. It does all I want it to do and it does it very well and quickly enough for me not to worry if its being slow.
The device is technically a PDA, it does email, office, internet, and a host of other things, its not a TV, or a portable dvd player or an ipod.
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If you're completely satisfied with your device then don't go looking for faults. However, if you want understand the real issue (and I respectfully add that your comment about it being a media device suggests that you don't understand the real issue yet), then go to This lays out the real problem that people are upset with... and will probably change your opinion about your device. You've been warned.
lol, some of the 1 star reviews on amazon are just too funny.
"I also have not been able to figure out how to add a number to the address book? Menu> add new, would be my guess, but that's not it, and I haven't figured it out yet. (As an advanced IT guy, I should be able to figure out even something not apparent in a couple of minutes, but not so). "
I dont remember too well, but i think there's a "new" softkey right next to the "menu" softkey
This has been discussed and debated many times.
Just read over
If you dont agree with this move or campaign, then it is not for you.
So, please leave this thread.
Tom Williams said:
Whats the point in this may I ask.
What exactly is the issue with the kaiser as I cannot see any issues with the one I have from vodafone. It does all I want it to do and it does it very well and quickly enough for me not to worry if its being slow.
The device is technically a PDA, it does email, office, internet, and a host of other things, its not a TV, or a portable dvd player or an ipod.
Whats the point in slating the device on amazon if this affects the way htc operates and affects its business.
I wonder if people writing these reviews have looked at the bigger picture.
I would suggest if you do not like the device and have issues with it, then maybe the device is not the most ideal device for you.
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Tom Williams said:
Whats the point in this may I ask.
What exactly is the issue with the kaiser as I cannot see any issues with the one I have from vodafone. It does all I want it to do and it does it very well and quickly enough for me not to worry if its being slow.
The device is technically a PDA, it does email, office, internet, and a host of other things, its not a TV, or a portable dvd player or an ipod.
Whats the point in slating the device on amazon if this affects the way htc operates and affects its business.
I wonder if people writing these reviews have looked at the bigger picture.
I would suggest if you do not like the device and have issues with it, then maybe the device is not the most ideal device for you.
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For the newbies just joining the forum may i present Exhibit A, the above post, which I will mark "How to jump in without bothering to look at the issue"
FYI if i buy a car that is marketed with a turbo and then the car maker don't actually connect the turbo up (AND DON'T TELL YOU!) do I have the right to be annoyed? If I buy a computer with the latest gee whizz graphics and it then refuses to run in anything but safe mode should I be a tad peeved??
HTC have marketed this "PDA" as having a "rich multimedia experience" to quote one part of their advertising blurb. So I think it is not unreasonable for this device to fulfil these expectations.
Over here its called "false advertising".
With regards to "the big picture" I would respectfully point you to the previously mentioned website so you can perhaps educate and inform yourself. I will live in hope but I won't hold my breath.
Oh and the point of the amazon campaign is very simple - to stop people who want a gadget that does everything from spending their hard earned cash - god only knows we work damn hard for it and its not too much to expect a company that has made massive profits not to FLEECE US.
rant over.
getwilde said:
What are some other sites you've used to research tech devices, where we can add consumer reviews?
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Expansys UK is another site where users can leave reviews. Particularly good site to post a review on as their homepage has the TyTN 2 on it, with a "Most popular" sticker on it.
However, their reviews are moderated before posting and the review I submitted three weeks ago has yet to see the light of day - perhaps a little too honest for the censors (sorry, I mean moderators)
This move to orchestrate mass negative reviews on another site (Amazon)will be considered malicious and counter-productive in several ways:
It may be harmful to the class action moves because it shows an intent to damage sales on the as yet "unproven" case by organising the hijack of the Amazon site's review system that by all accounts has shown little but positive reviews by those who have "genuinely" purchased from that site.
It implicates XDA-Developers in conspiratorial manipulation of a third party site.
It defeats our purpose which is to persuade HTC by petition and class action to produce the drivers we would like. This action is a direct attack on sales that will be permanent - in as much as the reviews folk post on Amazon will remain there even if HTC respond to pressure and produce suitable drivers. It is not persuasive from HTC's point of view, if they continue to lose sales regardless of whether they produce the drivers or not.
I feel this kind of action falls below the standards of an honest campaign, as already started and now being reported elsewhere (other sites). The pressure is being put on by up-front means and is gaining support.
However, conspiring to manipulate product reviews elsewhere will not necessarily be looked on favorably be Amazon, HTC AT&T and other providers and if as I think likely the wider press begins to take notice of the campaign, this will be a shabby episode and ammunition for HTC.
My personal point of view - this kind of action is going in the wrong direction. Let's make our case for the drivers and make it well, we need to keep the moral high ground. If we are making a case that we have been "wronged" then we don't want to be seen scrabbling around in the muck of petty review rigging at Amazon.
mikechannon said:
This move to orchestrate mass negative reviews on another site (Amazon)will be considered malicious and counter-productive in several ways:
It may be harmful to the class action moves because it shows an intent to damage sales on the as yet "unproven" case by organising the hijack of the Amazon site's review system that by all accounts has shown little but positive reviews by those who have "genuinely" purchased from that site.
It implicates XDA-Developers in conspiratorial manipulation of a third party site.
It defeats our purpose which is to persuade HTC by petition and class action to produce the drivers we would like. This action is a direct attack on sales that will be permanent - in as much as the reviews folk post on Amazon will remain there even if HTC respond to pressure and produce suitable drivers. It is not persuasive from HTC's point of view, if they continue to lose sales regardless of whether they produce the drivers or not.
I feel this kind of action falls below the standards of an honest campaign, as already started and now being reported elsewhere (other sites). The pressure is being put on by up-front means and is gaining support.
However, conspiring to manipulate product reviews elsewhere will not necessarily be looked on favorably be Amazon, HTC AT&T and other providers and if as I think likely the wider press begins to take notice of the campaign, this will be a shabby episode and ammunition for HTC.
My personal point of view - this kind of action is going in the wrong direction. Let's make our case for the drivers and make it well, we need to keep the moral high ground. If we are making a case that we have been "wronged" then we don't want to be seen scrabbling around in the muck of petty review rigging at Amazon.
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If you go on and slander and make unsubstantiated claims that is one thing, however, as long as your factual and honest I see no harm in posting a review of the device. Most reviews on these sites are people justifying their expensive purchase by giving it 5 stars and writing about how its the best thing ever. The choppy video performance, touchscreen lags, etc are all facts and the consumer should be aware of these problems before purchasing. I wish some of these reviews were out there before I made my purchase.
mikechannon said:
This move to orchestrate mass negative reviews on another site (Amazon)will be considered malicious and counter-productive in several ways:
It may be harmful to the class action moves because it shows an intent to damage sales on the as yet "unproven" case by organising the hijack of the Amazon site's review system that by all accounts has shown little but positive reviews by those who have "genuinely" purchased from that site.
It implicates XDA-Developers in conspiratorial manipulation of a third party site.
It defeats our purpose which is to persuade HTC by petition and class action to produce the drivers we would like. This action is a direct attack on sales that will be permanent - in as much as the reviews folk post on Amazon will remain there even if HTC respond to pressure and produce suitable drivers. It is not persuasive from HTC's point of view, if they continue to lose sales regardless of whether they produce the drivers or not.
I feel this kind of action falls below the standards of an honest campaign, as already started and now being reported elsewhere (other sites). The pressure is being put on by up-front means and is gaining support.
However, conspiring to manipulate product reviews elsewhere will not necessarily be looked on favorably be Amazon, HTC AT&T and other providers and if as I think likely the wider press begins to take notice of the campaign, this will be a shabby episode and ammunition for HTC.
My personal point of view - this kind of action is going in the wrong direction. Let's make our case for the drivers and make it well, we need to keep the moral high ground. If we are making a case that we have been "wronged" then we don't want to be seen scrabbling around in the muck of petty review rigging at Amazon.
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I'm afraid I don't agree.
1) "Intent to damage sales". EVERYTHING that we have done could be interpreted as an intent to damage sales. By its very definition that is what negative publicity does.
2) How are we manipulating amazon? All we are doing is encouraging people with kaisers to publish a negative review of their under-performing product. It would be vote rigging/product manipulation if I got my friends who DONT own kaisers to post reviews. If and its a big IF we ever get these drivers I will be the first in line to ask for my review to be withdrawn on the grounds it is no longer accurate.
With regards to this so-called "honest campaign" what exactly does that mean?? We have started a website, we are posting our reviews of our device and referencing the htcclassaction website. How is this in any way dishonest?
At the end of the day some people have paid up to $700 for this "product" and they are entitled to be heard be it through htcclassaction or via the posting of a negative review. How is this any different to when a "reputable" website posts an negative review of a product??
We have made our case for the drivers and we have been told in no uncertain terms to **** off. This needs to be brought to the wider (Read: non-techie) public and one of the ways of doing this is the posting on more consumer orientated websites such as amazon.
I added a negative (but accurate) review on amazon a few days ago, which is showing up for the TYTN II.
I'm sorry mikechannon, but I disagree with you.
First of all, it is not "permanent", as you say. Your own review is editable. If HTC releases drivers, I will gladly change my review. I actually look forward to changing it. If they don't release drivers, my review stays negative.
Secondly, how is giving a perfectly honest and appropriate negative review any different than emailing weblogs like Engadget and Gizmodo to bring attention to it, or starting a website called "HTCClassAction", or having numerous threads going, regarding this issue, in the Kiaser forum here on XDA - arguably the biggest and most influential HTC community forum in the english language?
It is not any different. It is all bad publicity, and frankly, there needs to be more of it. HTC's press release basically said:
"Well, you caught us, we didn't support the included hardware, but we aren't going to fix it. If you want that functionality you are going to have to buy the next device we release."
Apparently they are not familiar with advertising laws in the US. And I quote from their HTC America website:
"Rich media experience with AT&T Mobile Music, Video, TV and games"
We can all agree the media experience is anything but "rich".
The only caution I would have for people giving negative reviews is to do so on the appropriate Amazon domain. If you are a UK or European customer, do it on Amazon UK. If you are in the US and on AT&T, do it on
If the review is an honest review, then I have to say then the more reviews the better.
I for one wish I had known about the driver issues prior to purchase and prior to signing up for a two year agreement with AT&T.
Isn't the point of these Amazon reviews to point out that a device may have problems?
Dont forget to write reviews on sites such as and that sell a LOT of these phones.
Guys, there's not much point in continuing to argue about mikechannon's post. He's shown himself to be an HTC fanboy with not much good sense in many of his recent posts. Best to just ignore him and move on. I've posted what I feel is a fairly impartial review on amazon and epinions. Don't forget to review the Tilt as well, since it's sold under that moniker a lot under Amazon.

An Open Letter to Barnes and Noble

Greetings all, hope the weekend is going smashing for everyone. As we all know, B&N has been very... lax (obvious) in their promises to update the NC with more user-friendly capabilities. For lack of a better phrase, I've had enough. Today, 2-26-11, I sent B&N a rather abrasive email in the hopes to start some form of open discussion, express my opinion, and inform them that they've got some 'splainin' to do.
Below is the email I sent, although I have edited my name and phone number that I included, for security purposes. As a note, if the email I receive in return uses the phrase "we are working on it as fast as we can," "please be patient," or some other pandering jargon, I do plan to resend this every Saturday until I either receive a response that has some weight behind it, or receive a Cease and Desist writ from them.
Why? For the simple fact that I want them to keep their promise and provide us, the user, with the better experience that we are requesting.
I will continue to update this thread with any following information that comes my way.
Hi, I'm curious as to when or, rather, if there is going to be an update to the Nook Color OS before the end of 2011 Q1. The reason why I'm asking is because if your company is having a hard time developing the update, there are people out there who have managed to make the NC more responsive, more usable, and give it a better feel than the overly simplistic, infantile-esque UI that it currently has. I'm also asking, because I purchased the NC for my wife and I under the assumption (as did many others, apparently) that your company would be prompt with updates, bringing more user capabilities, and a better experience, while keeping to the theme of "a reader, not an all-purpose tablet".
Honestly, while I know I can't return it to get my money back, I'm seriously considering selling it so I can get something that simply runs the Nook app, as it works better than the shoddily-thrown-together program running on the NC.
Make up your mind, please. Either show us some proof that you are planning on doing an update before the end of March, or just fess up already and let people stop getting their hopes up. After all, if visibly empty promises is what your company is good for, then why am I continuing to support you with my business?
~Trey Miller
(850) 555-5555
Avid student, reader, writer, and severely disgruntled customer
Saved for whatever happens later.
Wow... honestly i think that letter is the worst thing ive read. Honestly, i dont care that they havent updated it. Its rather a blessing how unlocked they left the device. Fact of the matter is that the Nook is a eReader, a highly over powered eReader, that they built and developed ontop of the android system for the ease of use and not having to build a entire custom OS.
Honestly the nook color is the best 250 ive spent in a long time. If i wanted a "tablet" i would have bought a gtab or galaxy. Its pretty common practice for companies nowadays to delay updating software. Honestly why update software when 1: it works.. pretty well too 2: technology is moving faster then software. why update a outdated device?
Its up to you and me and the android developers to keep old devices updated with new and fun software. Thats why so many developers do what they do without making a income off it while spending hours and hours on it. In the end, Barnes and Noble is a business that needs money and updating the nook is not going to bring in the big bucks, if any at all.
Sent from one of those missing Droids or Nook Color on HoneyComb
Your letter.
I assume in part you posted this here because you want feedback.
First, I am in no way affiliated with B&N. I am a user just like you.
I am extremely happy with the Nook.
I like it precisely because they made left it (probably unintentionaly) booting first to the SD.
This in turn has allowed the devs wide open to make bootable images that can be written to the sd.
I believe the company made some forward looking statements that said they wanted to do more with the device. So far in three months, they have released 3 builds. That's actually remarkable when you consider that unlike the developers here, they have to release rock solid well tested stable builds.
Nookie Froyo is really nice. No doubt CM7 and Honeycomb will soon be also...but in the end they both have more problems than an average user could reasonably accept.
Given that their system is so remarkably open, it is my opinion that there is really no better tablet in the ballpark of it on the price.
As a computer professional, I actualy recommended to my friends on facebook, thst they send B&N execs valentines heart candies expressing unending love.
At the end of the day, in my book, they need not hurry because they have given us the best of both worlds.
Take away the boot order....and I never would have bought it at all.
Meenwhile, at apple, they are taking the walled garden to a whole new level....which can only push up prices 30%....
You'll probably get the standard "Thank you for your email, we're working as has as we can email." Even if they were going to send a real email back, what are they going to respond to? Give specific examples of what your issues you have. "bringing more user capabilities, and a better experience, while keeping to the theme of "a reader, not an all-purpose tablet"", doesn't really mean anything.
Why does it matter how their UI is when you can put whatever UI on the thing when its rooted.
I took an hour and some odd time to drive to work and think about what I would say to the two of you in response to your statements.
For starters, Altimax, I'm sorry my grasp of the American English language disgusts you more than anything you have read (although I sincerely doubt that, due to your own grammatical mistakes). Upon reading your post, I realized that you had completely missed the point of my email, which was telling them to man up and do something, or revise the statement that NC spokespersons in the B&N stores tell people. As for why update an outdated device, gee, perhaps it's because they have repeatedly stated they were?
I fully respect the people here and everywhere else that have put so much time into making the device use more of its potential-- as you'll notice in my sig-line, I'm running a rooted NC-- but my entire point was, and still is, either they need to change their tune, or they need to provide something other than a "we'll be with you in a moment" statement.
Fattychance, I agree with you completely that it is a remarkable speed by which they are working. However, the people here on XDA have managed to, as you say, produce Nookie Froyo, are working on Honeycomb, etc etc, in the same time. If nothing else, the actual B&N dev team could take a page or thirty out of these lads' books and get some stuff done.
However, again, you have missed my point; both of you have.
I'm not looking for a tablet, or more "wow factor" or anything of that sort. They've got a rather infantile UI *thrown* on top of 2.1 as their reader software. Would it hurt to address that singular problem? Hell, as I mentioned, the nook apk runs smoother than their nook UI.
I admit, this looks like I'm simply whining about things I don't like. You know what? I don't care. I've seen more posts on these forums that focus on complaining to the dev teams here about how slow work is being done. I'm at least focusing on the people who get *paid* to do this, and asking "Where's the beef?" Where is the work you lot are promising is "just around the corner"?
Three months is more than enough for them to upgrade from eclair to froyo, give the device the few added things people were promised from day one. Am I asking too much? Hell no. I'm asking them to do their job.
why do you even care? with a little effort you can run pretty much anything on it. if others dont want to then so be it, thanks to the wonderful devs, the options are there. so why even waste your time writing letters and arguing with people on here. Barnes and Nobles did a great job with the NC. great hardware and an amazing cost. Dont harras them out of boredom.
madfatter said:
why do you even care? with a little effort you can run pretty much anything on it. if others dont want to then so be it, thanks to the wonderful devs, the options are there. so why even waste your time writing letters and arguing with people on here. Barnes and Nobles did a great job with the NC. great hardware and an amazing cost. Dont harras them out of boredom.
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Madfatter, why do I even care? Because my daddy always taught me that if you say something, you keep your word. Why should they (meaning B&N) be any different? Also, the nice thing about my job is that I've got this nifty thing called "free time" that comes along with the whole graveyard shift work, so I'm not even wasting my time. However, it's not just that, it's also the fact that, not everyone who owns an NC even comprehends what rooting means. I'm speaking for them, not for you and me and everyone else that is a techie.
I'm confused. You want something that runs the Nook app? So why don't you root it and run the Nook app on top of a normal Android ROM?
I have to agree with others here.. why do you care, I see you have rooted you Nook Color. Do you prefer (or are waiting on) that B&N deliver something better that what you can have? Get real,... is you rooted NC not enough? B&N does books, and quite well I might add, they don't do tablets. Although they do seem to have out done everyone else.
Product F(RED) said:
I'm confused. You want something that runs the Nook app? So why don't you root it and run the Nook app on top of a normal Android ROM?
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*sigh* Tell me, F(Red), what makes you think I haven't? Like I told madfatter, I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing this for every person out there that either doesn't have the knowledge of how to root, doesn't have the courage to take the chance at bricking their device, or simply wants to hold the company accountable for a promise they made.
I posted this here because, as a community, XDA is supposed to be not only here to push tech to its limits and beyond, but also to get the most out of the tech. Well, I'm trying to get the most out of the tech for people who aren't ever going to root.
Trey_Miller said:
I took an hour and some odd time to drive to work and think about what I would say to the two of you in response to your statements.
For starters, Altimax, I'm sorry my grasp of the American English language disgusts you more than anything you have read (although I sincerely doubt that, due to your own grammatical mistakes). Upon reading your post, I realized that you had completely missed the point of my email, which was telling them to man up and do something, or revise the statement that NC spokespersons in the B&N stores tell people. As for why update an outdated device, gee, perhaps it's because they have repeatedly stated they were?
I fully respect the people here and everywhere else that have put so much time into making the device use more of its potential-- as you'll notice in my sig-line, I'm running a rooted NC-- but my entire point was, and still is, either they need to change their tune, or they need to provide something other than a "we'll be with you in a moment" statement.
Fattychance, I agree with you completely that it is a remarkable speed by which they are working. However, the people here on XDA have managed to, as you say, produce Nookie Froyo, are working on Honeycomb, etc etc, in the same time. If nothing else, the actual B&N dev team could take a page or thirty out of these lads' books and get some stuff done.
However, again, you have missed my point; both of you have.
I'm not looking for a tablet, or more "wow factor" or anything of that sort. They've got a rather infantile UI *thrown* on top of 2.1 as their reader software. Would it hurt to address that singular problem? Hell, as I mentioned, the nook apk runs smoother than their nook UI.
I admit, this looks like I'm simply whining about things I don't like. You know what? I don't care. I've seen more posts on these forums that focus on complaining to the dev teams here about how slow work is being done. I'm at least focusing on the people who get *paid* to do this, and asking "Where's the beef?" Where is the work you lot are promising is "just around the corner"?
Three months is more than enough for them to upgrade from eclair to froyo, give the device the few added things people were promised from day one. Am I asking too much? Hell no. I'm asking them to do their job.
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they have a UI built for putting shortcuts to your books and magazines on your homescreens so you have easy access to your favorite books or favorite magazine, their reader UI is simple and easy to use and their music player although isnt the best music player out there it gets the job done. the average user wouldnt need any more than that and imo they did a pretty good job at turning android 2.1 into an ereader OS
Trey_Miller said:
Madfatter, why do I even care? Because my daddy always taught me that if you say something, you keep your word. Why should they (meaning B&N) be any different? Also, the nice thing about my job is that I've got this nifty thing called "free time" that comes along with the whole graveyard shift work, so I'm not even wasting my time. However, it's not just that, it's also the fact that, not everyone who owns an NC even comprehends what rooting means. I'm speaking for them, not for you and me and everyone else that is a techie.
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i agree with you in that aspect that they should keep their word but i also disagree with the fact they they should update it to froyo or add anything to the user experience
non techies dont need these features in an ereader if its anything they(meaning B&N) should just fix bugs in their system
if they update it to froyo they will be requested to include flash 10.1 and all other goodies froyo includes and that can actually degrade the user experience more than enhance it
flash although necessary for a full web browsing experience it isnt required for a good one
flash kills battery faster than anything else even on wifi(steve jobs got this one right) and it can slow down your device big time(although it might not happen it still is a possibility)
if you want to request a feature for the average user you should request a youtube app or something, non techies will love youtube capabilities on their ereader and the youtube app will not degrade the user experience one bit
and i apologize for my grammar but i really dont care about grammar because this is the internet and on the internet grammar doesnt matter
Trey_Miller said:
*sigh* Tell me, F(Red), what makes you think I haven't? Like I told madfatter, I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing this for every person out there that either doesn't have the knowledge of how to root, doesn't have the courage to take the chance at bricking their device, or simply wants to hold the company accountable for a promise they made.
I posted this here because, as a community, XDA is supposed to be not only here to push tech to its limits and beyond, but also to get the most out of the tech. Well, I'm trying to get the most out of the tech for people who aren't ever going to root.
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again to people who dont root, its an ereader NOT a tablet
compare the NC to the Nook or the kindle feature to feature and i can guarantee you that the nook color has the most features for the tech
it has alot of unnessary features for an ereader but it has them so it can be the best in its category(ereader)
if you look at some reviews of this device you will notice that they all say that this device is a great contender to an actual tablet
Like I said, I'm not doing this for me, but for those that either don't know how, or don't want to take the risk. Yes, Flash is a battery-waster, a youtube apk would work good, etc etc. I'm not asking them to go out and re-invent the wheel, I'm just asking them to do what they said they would do. If all they do is make the UI a little less glitchy, update where you can load your own books and files onto the main screen, and toss a youtube app on there, I'll be proud as punch, happy as a pig in slop, take your pick at sayings.
As for your grammar luigi, I have no problem with it. I was merely calling him on his statement of "worst thing ever read".
Trey_Miller said:
*sigh* Tell me, F(Red), what makes you think I haven't?
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The fact that I'm not a mind-reader. Also, the way you worded your original post implies that you haven't. You said you're not looking for a tablet, but rather a single-purpose device. But that's not the point. If you're not happy with it, sell it. Most people are. We like that it's open and can be turned into a cheap multi-purpose tablet. There's a fine line between showing dissatisfaction and insult. Typing up a grammatically correct email that insults the developers is not the way to go about it. I hope you realize that they still have your money, whether or not you decide to sell it. So you might as well make use of it.
Trey_Miller said:
Like I said, I'm not doing this for me, but for those that either don't know how, or don't want to take the risk. Yes, Flash is a battery-waster, a youtube apk would work good, etc etc. I'm not asking them to go out and re-invent the wheel, I'm just asking them to do what they said they would do. If all they do is make the UI a little less glitchy, update where you can load your own books and files onto the main screen, and toss a youtube app on there, I'll be proud as punch, happy as a pig in slop, take your pick at sayings.
As for your grammar luigi, I have no problem with it. I was merely calling him on his statement of "worst thing ever read".
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again i also agree that they should update their ui but not to really add features but to fix glitches and bugs(maybe add a youtube app but im running honeycomb so this doesnt affect me to much due to me already having youtube capabilities) and about the load your own books point
if they allowed a user to do that they will lose money
now i dont know if they are selling the nook at a negative or at a positive income but i do know that their intention is to sell B&N books to users using the nook color, and allowing people to side load books onto their device means that pirates can load free books on their nook and use the nook app to read a book B&N had no profit on(im not saying everyone is a pirate but this gives the people who are the freedom to do so) so from a business stand point that would be a bad idea
now i do understand why this would be a requested feature but even if you had kindle books you bought if you could side load them whats stopping you from just buying kindle books and using it on your nook instead of buying B&N books
Trey_Miller said:
For starters, Altimax, I'm sorry my grasp of the American English language disgusts you more than anything you have read (although I sincerely doubt that, due to your own grammatical mistakes). Upon reading your post, I realized that you had completely missed the point of my email, which was telling them to man up and do something, or revise the statement that NC spokespersons in the B&N stores tell people. As for why update an outdated device, gee, perhaps it's because they have repeatedly stated they were?
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I may have missed something, but I did go and re-read Alitmax98's reply to you, and didn't see anything mentioning your grasp of the English language. I believe he was referring to the content of your letter, not the grammar or formatting. That would be petty. On a related note, I didn't see anything grammatically wrong with his which would warrant your criticism either.
You seem overly sensitive. It's always nice when a company does what they say, but your letter does come across as if your Nook is an unusable paperweight with the potential to harm children. It's really not that bad.
I suggest you take a deep breath, download a nice book, and relax. If you really want to take someone to task, go buy a Samsung Moment from Sprint...then your rage will be justified.
Hexapus, *chuckle* I appreciate your response. I fully admit that my email was rather prickly and hostile, hell I admit it in the first post. As to the english language, I purposefully 'misunderstood' it, as I have a low threshold for people who claim that an email is worse than some pieces of sellable "fiction" (Twilight, anyone?). The fact of the matter is, everyone and their neighbor is blowing words of adoration up B&N's collective arse for the reader, and anyone who complains is told to either suck it up or shove off. The entire purpose for the email was to get them to know that there was at least one voice out there that was saying, "Okay, I see what you have, but you promised all this other stuff, too. So what the hell is up?"
Is it unusable? To some extent, yes. I'm not talking about how it won't do my paperwork, feed me, and tuck me in (I suppose it *could* do all those, but whoever created the apk would have to be shot), I'm talking about how, every once in a while, I'd like to have a piece of technology that *doesn't* require me to have to rewrite the system just to make it work up to spec.
Luigi, you bring up a very good point about sideloaded pirated books. Although let me put this to you, if you're concerned that a person is going to sideload a book onto an open device that is easily rooted so that you can run the kindle apk along side the nook apk, not to mention half a dozen other things, and whatever else you might throw on there, your line of logic is just a little, mmm, off kilter.
But hey, whatevs. I'm going radio silent until I get a response either way. If anyone else wants to criticize me for speaking up, that's your perogative. Just as it's my perogative to call you an ignorant greedy arse for not thinking about those people who won't or can't root.
Everyone has a right to their opinion but not everyone is right all the time.
The users that aren't ready to put Nookie on an SD card...need that dumbed down UI.
Even if when they open up an app store and move to honeycomb...they will probably keep the UI crippled.
They aren't telling lies and they made it nice for those of us with the skills to do something more with it. It's really such a rare thing to have happen.
I want the Nook held up as an example of openness that helps fuel creativity and progress.
Does the tab have Honeycomb yet? Gingerbread?
Trey_Miller said:
Hi, I'm curious as to when or, rather, if there is going to be an update to the Nook Color OS before the end of 2011 Q1. The reason why I'm asking is because if your company is having a hard time developing the update, there are people out there who have managed to make the NC more responsive, more usable, and give it a better feel than the overly simplistic, infantile-esque UI that it currently has. I'm also asking, because I purchased the NC for my wife and I under the assumption (as did many others, apparently) that your company would be prompt with updates, bringing more user capabilities, and a better experience, while keeping to the theme of "a reader, not an all-purpose tablet".
Honestly, while I know I can't return it to get my money back, I'm seriously considering selling it so I can get something that simply runs the Nook app, as it works better than the shoddily-thrown-together program running on the NC.
Make up your mind, please. Either show us some proof that you are planning on doing an update before the end of March, or just fess up already and let people stop getting their hopes up. After all, if visibly empty promises is what your company is good for, then why am I continuing to support you with my business?
~Trey Miller
(850) 555-5555
Avid student, reader, writer, and severely disgruntled customer
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For starter, the NC is an eReader, and it is just functioning fine. Their app is amazing and work as expected.
What you did after rooting it is your problem, not NC. If you complaint that it doesn't work like a true tablet, then I have news for you. It is NOT.
If you need a tablet that function like it is a tablet out of the package, then go get a Xoom.
Thanks for your post as it obviously got people thinking. The answers you seek are on the BN developer boards. I think they said June for the app store and software update. I know many non power users on Android and many of them hate it. The reason is, it does not function as well consistently as people expect it to. With the Nook, it does. This is important to many users and worth a wait in theirs and Barnes and Noble's mind. When the update comes, it will make the device smootther and give it more features. The froyo and Gingerbread ports here though wonderful, do not make it more stable. They have good devs, but I am not sure they are as good as the ones here. All this equates to more time for them to get it right. Our nagging will not speed up the process. You did buy a tablet from a company that makes books after all. If you want speedy updates, buy one from a computer company. Only, don't buy an Archos, they are notoriously slow with updates. On a lighter note, BN must have done something right. Look how much the interface of Honeycomb looks like the BN interface.

They were talking about the rooted nook color on!

So I was using the pulse news app to read the lastest happenings and come across a link about a possible " Market at risk for bubble?" article on the Wall Street Journal site. I was pleasantly surprised when a reporter showed off his rooted nook color in a section titled "Look, Ma I turned my e-book reader into a tablet." He explains it only cost $200 and really enjoys it. I felt proud! The part about the nook begins around the 4:15 minute mark!
Here is the link:
I wished he tried nookie froyo or even cm7. I need to send him an email with some links to tutorials.
God I love this community!
Keep up the good work revs and people don't forget to donate to help further development and support! Contributions benefit us all!
Go here to donate:
Nooking with Encore
Read something similar to this clip and has made me think about about how much a tablet should really cost.
The NC was always first and foremost an eReader so they could sell the hardware at a dirt cheap price and cover the costs through the books. I'm guessing they did not think too much about the margins on the hardware because of the book sales but it makes you think how much a tablet should really cost. Nothing in the market comes close to NC's cost at the moment.
I don't really buy into the component glut they are suggesting but I am guessing in the long run, tablets will become cheaper and cheaper which good for us all. I just remember the old episodes of Star Trek where the techies in the background all had tablets all busily working away in the background. The future is coming soon than we think
I hate how the barometer these days seems to be be...but does it have/run Angry Birds? He didn't even show any of the actual cool stuff you can do once rooted.

Microsoft buys in to NOOK

I thouht this might be of interest:
Good for B&N. I'm sad to say that my next tablet will not be a Nook. With all of the tablets on the horizon and the sweet Samsung 7" for $250, I will move on.
I hear that the deal with Microsoft is meant to boost the education division of B&N. Hopefully when my son is of middle school age, we will be done with carrying 10+ pounds of books.
And running some form of Windows 8, I suspect... Ah weel, we'll always have the old Nook Color (and Paris).
Yeah, this was a mistake and will be costing them customers in the long run. Worse, this looks like the embrace section of Microsoft's infamous embrace, extend, extinguish strategy.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
bornagainpenguin said:
Yeah, this was a mistake and will be costing them customers in the long run. Worse, this looks like the embrace section of Microsoft's infamous embrace, extend, extinguish strategy.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
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Don't be so pessimistic we don't know what will come of this. From what I read this may be education focused and could bring a lot to the table for educational books and readers which is sorely lacking. This does not appear to be a general tablet play and if it bolsters education resources I'm all for it
Just putting my 2 cents in so dont hate on me, but I think this may be a relatively good move for Microsoft since this will now give them a massive book market (which zune sorely lacks) and there is a SLIGHT (as in 10% or less) chance that we may see a Nook windows 8 tablet in the future.
J515OP said:
Don't be so pessimistic we don't know what will come of this. From what I read this may be education focused and could bring a lot to the table for educational books and readers which is sorely lacking. This does not appear to be a general tablet play and if it bolsters education resources I'm all for it
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Microsoft is still Microsoft. Their corporate culture leaves me with absolutely no optimism wherever they're involved somewhere, because it ensures they're going to mess things up for everyone else. Embrace, Extend, Extinguish--maybe you've heard of it? This is Microsoft's modus operandi in pretty much any market they enter. No sir, I do not feel any reason to be optimistic and many many reasons to be pessimistic.
Barnes and Noble were one of the few companies to see Microsoft's Android\Linux patent play for what it was and had nothing to lose in telling the patent troll to go bugger itself and to fight those patents in court. This move means that Barnes and Noble will shut up about the whole thing from this time forward, and Microsoft and resume their McCarthyistic extortion racket again.
Oh and for those saying that this doesn't change Barnes and Noble, maybe you might want to read this. A complaint. Singular. Probably from a small town in Washington state...
If Microsoft was smart they would get on the bandwagon and add support for android devices in windows. They are already making more on licensing fees on patents for android than windows phone, why not increase their profits even more. I hope Microsoft sees the advantage in making this work for the consumer, and not forcing BN to drop the SD slot and push people to their online services, which is how Microsoft has killed a lot of software. Sure in a perfect world online services would be great, but nothing is perfect and I have too much experience with Microsoft to trust their online services for anything important..
FloydF said:
If Microsoft was smart
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FloydF said:
I have too much experience with Microsoft to trust their online services for anything important..
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I think you answered your own question.
FloydF said:
I hope Microsoft sees the advantage in making this work for the consumer, and not forcing BN to drop the SD slot and push people to their online services, which is how Microsoft has killed a lot of software.
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You seem to think it is accidentally that these things happen, it isn't. Microsoft cares more about control than they do profit, because they know that with control comes the ability to name their own price. But first they need to kill off alternatives to set up their toll booth.
Sent from my LG-VM670 using Tapatalk
Both Nokia and Intel are readying Windows 8 tablets and HTC is probably waiting to unleash one later two. It's all part of the Microsoft global domination strategy. By 2016 tablets will overtake laptops. MS will have a big play in that. Having a captive E-book and media outlet like B&N makes good business sense. We shouldn't under-estimate the productivity clout that MS Windows brings to the market. If the hardware is good and reasonably priced, they will make a big splash in the tablet world.
This is probably a play into the digital textbook business more than anything else. According to the Economist ( the deal includes B&N's college textbook arm. I think Microsoft wants to have a ready supply of e-textbooks when they finally release Window 8 in a play to capture the student market away from Apple. This would mean having the textbooks, software, and hardware. This is a good play for all of those. What it means for a hack-able nook in the future.... well at least other tablets at our price point are getting better.
While I won't say that this is definitely a good thing for all B&N costumers (because this could be a grim glimplse of the shape of things to come) there is an upside to this. B&N and their Nook have been having trouble going against Amazon and Apple because both of those companies have much deeper pockets. This little cash injection might just keep either of those companies from squishing B&N, which, in turn, is good for the consumers. Their competition favors us, mostly. The rest . . . . well, we'll see.

Nook HD+ 9"

Nice to see more tablets hitting the 9" range! Maybe other major manufacturers will catch on and we'll have a plethora of 'ideal size' tablets to choose from! :fingers-crossed:
Interesting as came from a Nook Color a year ago which had the 7 inch form factor. I rooted and converted to cm7 pretty much immediately and served me well as a reader. Not sure if things have changed but B&N is more US centric than say Amazon which puts me off Nook. It will probably be rootable but just took a while to get the updates. Also not sure if camera is there for Skype but interesting.
8.9 is just the right size for me and waiting for ics or closest stable variant.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
In all honesty, this new line makes me want to get another B&N tablet.
However, it seems as though many developers pledged to stop developing for it.... If this is the case, I cannot make that purchase.
With all the stress that the developers go through for basically free support and work, I don't blame them. I hope that they realize that they are helping us immensely, especially with limited budget and options.
Again, the B&N line offers many options that I was specifically looking for on a device within my budget. It seems like Android, Windows, and Apple are all going the way of the "walled garden". Therefore, I hope that the developers can bring themselves to assist in the new B&N tablets as they have done in the past.
To those developers giving up on B&N, please remember that you are doing many of us a great service and giving options which we would otherwise never have, without the fat wallet. Also, be aware that the less you share and develop for us your grateful users, the more we will look towards the big names for further apps, questions, and solutions, and the less we will look towards your options... something that I'm sure we would all hate to do, but necessity requires us to. To limit work on these alternatives is to limit consumers dependency on your work, and similar developers work in this forum, forcing us to support the big names, their wallet, and their agendas.

