Organizing Programs in the Program Launcher List - Nook Color General

I'm an android noob, so I was hoping that someone could tell me how to move/remove shortcuts from the program list. I'm using Zeam launcher and have a ton of picture books for my son. I'd like to create a folder in the programs list and move the shortcuts to the folder (freeing up some real estate). Also, I'd like to remove the shortcuts for places, twitter, voice, voice dialer, etc.
It was really simple to do this in WM, so I'm hoping it is something simple that I overlooked.


moving program from programs

I can't move some icons from Start->Programs
such as word, excel etc
any suggestions will be more than welcomed
rickyjune said:
I can't move some icons from Start->Programs
such as word, excel etc
any suggestions will be more than welcomed
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you cant move them. if you are trying to place them in a different location for easier access, what you do is create shortcuts and move the shortcuts to the locations you want. but you cannot physically move them or else you will mess up the program. plus some are built into the rom so they have to stay put.

application sorting? Help!

I've installed 50+ applications on my new HTC kaiser (which runs WM6.1 OS), its getting a little bit embarrassed because its very hard to pick a program up from the sea of icons.
Is there any way could possibly sort applications into different folders? (e.g. all gps applications go to a "gps" folder, all instant msg applications into a "IM" folder?)
btw, Is it possible to create a shortcut for the "green" application in the "programs" page(no installation needed, just run it in the file explorer) ?
thanks in advance!
jldiablo said:
I've installed 50+ applications on my new HTC kaiser (which runs WM6.1 OS), its getting a little bit embarrassed because its very hard to pick a program up from the sea of icons.
Is there any way could possibly sort applications into different folders? (e.g. all gps applications go to a "gps" folder, all instant msg applications into a "IM" folder?)
btw, Is it possible to create a shortcut for the "green" application in the "programs" page(no installation needed, just run it in the file explorer) ?
thanks in advance!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can add as many folders as you want. Just use a decent file explore & create as many new folders as you want in \windows\start menu\programs
Then cut & paste the shortcuts located in \windows\start menu\programs into the new folders...
I have many programs & my programs page has about 7 folders. You can even add custom folders & Icons by adding a resource file & a ?xxxxxx location direction command to the end of links....
For instance I have in my start menu a Phone & Messaging folder with all my phone & mressaging apps. Another for Multimedia.
got it!!!!!
Big thanks to *legendary* GSLEON3!
Legendary??? Well, ok, I guess in my own mind at least...
I'm nobody, Just a guy that can read & has been around long enough to know that you will learn more reading old Blue Angel & Hermes threads than you will anywhere else. Sure, most of the stuff won't work on Kaiser, but all of our tools & methods are adopted from there. The theory behind everything lies in those old threads.

[Q] Where is touchFlo 3d data held?

I was wondering where it is that touch flo 3d holds the files that control the info on the cities that are used under the weather tab.
Also, where the city database is, where the list of favorite contacts is held, and that's it.
I'm asking because I am configuring my Sashimi set up and would like to backup these files and any needed registry to make switching roms easier.
thank you.
"People tab" i do not know
but "weather" is in registries
current user-software-htc-manila
and a useful one is "program launcher"
local machine-software htc-manila

How i can add some progrs in today's element ?

In today's element i can find calendar, key block, tomtom, date and some other progrs.
But for example i can't find the album, the youtube and many other progrs.
What i need do to add some elements to today's element ?
Thansk a lot.
Not all programs have a today screen add-on, actually most do not.
If you want to add programs to your today screen, you need a today screen launcher. try searching it in google.
personally I recommend SPB Pocket Plus, good but it's not free.

[APP] Notepad v4.0

Name: Notepad
About the app:
The Office app is powerful, but its syncing features slow it down. Notepad by AppsForMe is a great app to choose if you just want to take plaintext notes without the wait. It’s also the only text editor that supports folder structures, and the look of the app makes it feel like a part of the operating system (animations included). You can also pin documents or directories to the Start screen and send documents as emails or text messages.
The app has 4.6/5 stars over 48 reviews.
“Amazing app and it does what it says without any problems. Easily the best Notepad app on the marketplace and the fastest” 5/5
“Superb. You can store email and SMS templates. It makes life a lot easier. Don't miss it.” 5/5
“Very, very, very well done. Thank you.” 5/5
Developer's notes:
I'm always looking for more feedback on Notepad. Unfortunately, I don't get a huge number of support emails, so I'm left up to my own devices to figure out what could be added or needs to be changed.
Please give the application a shot. If you like it, great! If you don't, let me know what's up (in the comments). Chances are I can do something about it. Thanks for reading!
Possible future features (not guaranteed in any way, and not listed in any particular order.)
+ change keyboard theme
+ password-protect
+ lists
+ quick folders (swipe in directory view)
+ "emtpy trash" button
+ scroll sideways on long filenames
+ "import all" to parse "backup all"/"export all"
+ "export all" -> skydrive
+ import from url (skydrive/dropbox)
+ "are you sure?" -> "ready to send?"
+ title of note title -> "document title"
+ custom-name "root"
I'll be watching this thread as well as my developer email, [email protected], for any questions, comments, complaints, or concerns. Thanks!
Some screenshots (attached).
Thank you!!!
Glad you like it!
Please let me know anything about it that seems weird or cool. I do things a lot differently than all of the other text editor applications, and I want to know what's good and what's not.
Wow really good Idea ! I have searched this for Quick Notes ( i use on the PC often the Editor ) and I would use a similiar App on the Phone ...
Thank you!!! i need this for school
simple and does what it says, good app
Notepad Suggestion
First, great Notepad app. I would just like to add a password to a note file.
It's good to see interest in the application! Notepad just hit 15,000 downloads today, and I'm always looking to make that number higher, so the more suggestions you guys have the better.
So far I'm seeing requests for:
(1) a new live tile, particularly for pinned documents/directories
(2) change the name of the "root" directory (to what, though, I wonder?)
(3) password-protect documents
(4) implement lists as well as documents
Anyone have any other suggestions, or want to plus-one a feature?
Guess you had missed our review. Skydrive Integration and ability to send notes as attachment.
Yes, I definitely saw your review! I actually did implement two of your suggestions (preview of content when pinned, ability to move folders).
Here's how I feel about your other requests:
First, the Windows Phone operating system prevents third-party developers (read: me) from sending email attachments. Same goes for speech-to-text.
Second, as soon as you want SkyDrive, you should just be using Office. The Office app supports either (a) local files without folders, or (b) SkyDrive files with SkyDrive folders. Goodness knows that I can never match the Office app for stability, integration, features, or UI. Plus, Notepad's other sell is that it's fast--loading notes, saving notes, navigating folders--implementing web functions would slow everything wayyyy down. I see the lack of SkyDrive as a selling point.
(Side note: Office supports sending documents as attachments. Two birds with one stone!)
Notepad for WP the best
I think the requests thus far are pretty much what is missing although it seems it's going to be an uphill battle due to OS restrictions. Installed the app last week on my Lumia and it's amazing, clean and easy to use. Keep up the good work.
I used to use this app, but it had this bug where i could not scroll to the bottom of the longer note. Has that been resloved in the meantime?
Also, I think skydrive sync is important (or even dropbox). When someone changes phones, how is he going to transfer notes?
thank you i need this apps
All the problems with long notes have been fixed.
I'm going to leave the auto-syncing between SkyDrive and the phone up to the native Office application--it does it better, faster, and more reliably than I ever could.
If you need to back up your documents, use the "backup all" feature to email yourself the text of the documents.
Hi Isaac,
Great app. I registered here just to say that, and thank you. I'm a note taking person but one that wants to keep them organize and your app is the only one that does it with ease. (I must of downloaded a dozen to try and removed..only one other did folders, the rest was just one giant list of notes).
If you're serious about taking users feedback, here are some of mine...all are minor little things that are mostly ui based and these are just my opinions. I think your application here is quite impressive so take these only to help out for those you agree with..
- replace 'root' with 'home' or 'my folders' perhaps?
- replace 'Remarks' when creating a new directory with 'Note: ' or remove the word entirely and place the remark note under the text field.
- titles of Directories and Notes become all lower-cased when viewing
- clicking the back button when in Search mode hides the keyboard only, so it requires clicking the back button again to exit the search function..this may be an OS thing I've seen and not something that can be changed unless you can find a way around this.
- add a Folders button at the bottom when in a non root directory to take you back, just like how it appears when in a note to take you back to its directory.
- when in a directory, can the word Notepad and the Directory name on top take you back to the folder list view or one folder out if in a subfolder?
- possible to allow user to choose which directory(ies) to list mango-syle to the right where they can swipe to the right and to go into that directory (sorry if this is unclear, I'm not too familiar with WP terminology yet)
- Button to empty trash when viewing trash directory. btw, how does the trash work..deletes automatically after so long?
- when viewing a file that has a long filename (and the feature is turned on), can it scroll?
- reduce space between documents filenames ..currently lists 5 before needing to scroll?
- backup feature. I would change 'Are you sure?' which sounds a little scary to something like 'Ready to Send?' btw, can you import back into Notepad? If note, perhaps call the feature 'email all' instead for now..
- when creating a new note it shows 'new document', the next screen where it ask for the file name it displays 'new note' ..just a consistence thing
- are all notes saved as txt files on the device? what if you remove the .txt? does it need to be displayed if it's automatically saving them as txt files.
- Can titles of notes and directories names be the system's accent color and turn black when choosing them? ..the reverse essentially.
- when adjusting toggle sliders in Settings, the phone wants to swipe to it's neighboring page a little too freely (btw, love all the settings you have here!)
- remove the larger 'root' when in the root directory list to gain some real estate back to see more directories and so it's not repeating perhaps?
And if you need any simple graphics help, I can help out.
I'd love to see Dropbox support with everything being saved to dropbox and loaded from dropbox. I'd even pay for a dropbox enabled version.
Can it handle long text file ?
Can it import text file from skydrive?
Can we Password lock the app or folder?
First: Thanks, Lumiame, for the excellent feedback. You've greatly extended the set of features I'm considering adding, and you've noted UI inconsistencies and confusions that I'll make sure to address in the next update.
To everyone who's commented so far: thanks for the good feedback. This quarter at my university is slower than my last quarter, so I should be able to get to work on the app.
Look for a good number of changes in the next updates.
thanks for sharing

