[Q] problem with daylight saving time - Touch Diamond2, Pure Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i have a htc td2 running wm6.5
this morning when i woke up i saw that my clock was 1 hour ahead of time,
in my country daylight saving time goes into affect next week and i suppose that htc/microsoft had the date set for today. is there a way i can manually disable dst until next friday and then manually enable it again??
i use multiple timezones and when i manually set my local clock back an hour, all my other clocks also changed.
is there a way to fix this or should i just add another time zone which is one hour behind my "local time" for the week??

I have the same problem with my Windows Mobile 6.1. You are most likely in Israel and DST patch from Microsoft KB977014 obviously has a bug. I temporarily fixed this by setting the time to be updated manually and changing the location to Amman.
Amman moves to DST April 1st at midnight whereas Jerusalem moves 2 hours later at 2:00 am. Next Friday morning I will change the location back to Jerusalem.


Automatic time zone change = acting like a beta

Hi all,
did anyone had a chance to try this new WM6 feature more than once ?
it looks like they quickly added this to the kaiser while it's not working properly yet :
I change country several times a day (airline pilot) and this automatic adjustment worked (almost!) only ONCE (the first time it entered a new country).
here is what happenned the first time this automatic adjustement almost worked :
Time in niamey is UTC+1 = same as time in dublin.
Arriving at niamey, automatic switching occurs and pda time is automatically set to utc+1 and a time zone of dublin (good!). Dublin has the same time of niamey right now because of its dst. So until now everything looks satisfactory.
The problem: Looking closer, i see my appointments times are on UTC time despite the pda time being set correctly (automatically) to utc+1 !
switching manually my time zone to another one,pressing ok button, and coming back to dublin time zone again (but this time manually) gives me the correct time in niamey (same as dublin) as did the automatic adjustment did, but now at least the appointments times on pda are also on utc+1 (niamey time ).
Since then , the pda (kaiser) never changed the time zone again, despite the automatic features being turned ON... it does looks as if i select manually a time zone in the clock setting. the automatic time zone adjustment won't "work" anymore, no matter if it's checked on or not... ("work" in quotation marks because it didn't work satisfactorily even once yet).
Anybody experiences this bug ?
One thing
You do know that when you change the time zone, appointment times automatically shift so that the actual time of the event in the new time zone matches the actual time in old time zone? In other words absolute appointment times are a function of the current time zone setting. If you want to enter an appointment for an event that will occur in another time zone you should switch that time zone first and then enter the appointment in the local time zone and time and then switch the time zone back to your current time zone. You will see that the time of the appointment is listed in your current time zone such that is will occur at the time you set if for IN THE OTHER time zone (and these two numbers representing the time are not the same!). Seems a bit odd but makes sense after some thought. There is really no way for the device to know what time zone an event is scheduled for.
BTW there has been some software written to alter this default behavior of WM but I am not sure it really helps. Just another convention. More info on google...
Your other problem sounds like it may be WM not recognizing a whether or not a particular region is on dst. Just speculation on this though. I have not traveled far with my device yet nor crossed a local dst date. Here are details on the recent changes to the dst system in the US and the MS patch for this: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/daylightsaving/default.mspx#connectto_exchange_server
I think it is a bug in WM6. I have had the same type of problem in Sydney, where instead of automatically recognising Sydney(Australia), it changes to Vladivostok....and like your example causes the appointments to move incorrectly.
Either the Radio ROM is not getting the timezone correctly off the network (unlikely because my Hermes which has different radio had same problem) - or more like, WM6 doesn't interpret the data it gets from the Radio correctly.
swamp2 said:
You do know that when you change the time zone, appointment times automatically shift so that the actual time of the event in the new time zone matches the actual time in old time zone?
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Click to collapse
Yes I do know that, and it is very logical. I use pda around the world for a few years now so i know that
Maybe i didn't explain myself clearly, so i wil try again :
I'm in Paris and it's now 12am (noon) i have an appointment at 2pm (so appointment is IN TWO hours) with a reminder 1 hour before (1pm).
I suddenly got teleported (in less than a second ) to a country where the time is one hour less than in Paris. so in paris it's now still 12 am and in this new place : 11 am.
Well, what happened is that the Kaiser time is now showing 11 am (that s good),
but, You agree that the appointment time should be showing now 1pm (new time zone) with a reminder at noon.
BUT this is not what happened. The appointments got changed to noon, with the reminder at 11am (=now!, and that how i noticed the bug... the reminder displayed on the kaiser while it was supposed to do so only IN one hour).
in brief : the kaiser time changed correctly, but the appointments timing didn't follow and got changed to another time zone (displayed pda time + appointment timing are supposed to shift together to the same time zone as usual, but it didn't). Appointment was supposed to be in 2 hours, and after the automatic time zone change appointment is hapenning in 1 hour.
a manual reverting to paris time zone then back MANUALLY to this new time zone set correctly both the time AND the appointment time.
Hope it's clear now... i know all this stuff can be confusing

Daylight Savings Time BUG FINALLY Identified - Am I the ONLY one with this problem?

Shortly after DST went off, I realized that I had a problem, because all recurring and all-day appts were one hour off (making the all-day appts span 2 days), during March-October 2008, when DST will go back into effect.
After finding no answers anywhere, I discovered that UNCHECKING the TIMEZONE setting ("automatic change time zone and clock") under PHONE options, fixed the problem.
However, I LIKE the idea that my clock will adjust automatically based on the time zone I am in. When I was with Verizon, I hated that the phone wouldn't change automatically.
I can't be the ONLY one with this issue, can I?
Please suggest how to have my cake and eat it, too!
Is EVERYONE keeping the TIME ZONE option unchecked? Or does no one have any recurring/all day appts already set for April of '08? Would really appreciate some help with this.
P.S. Even though we have wm6 on the phone, I did the DST fix from Microsoft, as well as the "extra steps" (which involves going to the clock setting, change the time zone, exit out, go back in and change to correct time zone and exit out), which does take care of the issue...for a little while. I can have the TIME ZONE option checked and it works fine...but only for a little while. Always after a soft re-set, it loses the time zone reading and sometimes it just loses it after the phone sits idle for a while.
I was under the impression that we weren't supposed to apply the DST fix at all on WM6 for the Tilt/Kaiser. I applied it way back and had all sorts of issues.
I removed it and it's been fine ever since the DST switch.
After applying the "fix" and it not changing anything, I did a hard reset and left it alone.
Do you have the Time Zone option checked in Phone settings to automatically set the time zone and clock?
If you have the Time Zone option checked, would you do an experiment?
Make a weekly recurring timed event that starts BEFORE March 1 and ends AFTER November 15, 2008. Then, do a soft reset. Then, go to your calendar and see if the events after the 2nd Sunday in March and before the 1st Sunday in November are an hour off? That's what's happening with my calendar.
And post your results here? Thanks.
I found that the auto time zone setting in Phone settings causes more problems, Activesync auto launches constantly with this setting enabled as well as occasional time jumps (eg. from PST to Mountain Time for no reason).
With the time zone setting un-checked everything is very stable BUT my stock Kaiser did not change DST correctly. I have since applied the DST patch and will wait for the next time change to see what happens.

Help! Today's appointment times & future times are off by -1 hour!

I was checking my phone today to see what time I was working OT and it said 10:30-7 when I knew it was really 11:30-8. So, I double-checked Outlook and sure enough it was 11:30-8! However, my Tilt now displays any appointments from 3/2/2008 and on with a -1 hour time different! I even made some appointments in the past on both 2/29/2008 and 3/1/2008 and the time shows up fine and matches Outlook! What gives!? Also, I searched a little and found that new DST patch (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...5c-8ac1-4821-81fe-3f4ada831fe0&DisplayLang=en) was issued on 2/15/2008 and I installed that but it did absolutely nothing... still shows appointments from today & going forward with a -1 hour time difference.
I have already made sure my phone's timezone matches my PCs. They're both GMT-8 Pacific and the clocks match up and they are both on standard time, not daylight savings.
And I have always had the "Automatic change time zone and clock" setting DISABLED on my phone. The timezone & clock are manually configured.
I am using the latest AT&T ROM release and only have a few apps installed:
Microsoft Live Search
Microsoft Live
SlingPlayer Mobile
Google Maps
...and I left all of the AT&T bloatware on.
If anyone can help shed some light on this I'd be extremely thankful!
same problem here - I switched time zones
I was able to switch Time Zone from "Eastern - 5" over to "Eastern (Indiana) - 5". For some stupid reason I think Indiana doesn't subscribe to the new changes in DST and it made my appts go back to normal.
Then I just manually changed the hour ahead on my clock again.
Not sure if there's a similar time zone that would work for you - Arizona is messed up too but they would probably be going in the wrong direction?
This is clearly stupid and I had the exact same problem last year on my WM5 phone and my mind is boggled at how simple this is and can't be fixed. Both times I installed this so-called patch and nothing. ARRGGGH!!!
And I worship at the house of Gates, so it's really hard for me to be mad at my Microsoft buddies.
if you guys look just 8-10 posts below this one, you can see this thread.

Phone keeps changing time

Wow, just let me start off by saying that sometimes I just feel like grabbing this phone and smashing it against a wall
Pheww, now that this is off my chest, here is my question :
My phone is set to time zone EST. Every other time, when it feels like it, it decides to switch the time to GMT London, Dublin - a good 4 hour difference.
I use my phone as an alarm clock and as some of you can imagine that can keep me in bed and miss work - not good. And no I don't want a real alarm clock
I'm currently using swtos' ROM and I had 1.93 also. Still the same problem.
I tried doing a search and came up with wrong timings only for received text message, which is also an issue I had but fixed.
Any ideas?
I am not sure what you experienced are same as mine or not. For my problem, every time i synchronise my devise with my laptop using activesync, it will automatically sync to my laptop time. My laptop time is 10 minutes faster. I have to manually change it back to the actual time after remove charging from my laptop.
I know when I first got my phone the time kept changing to Sydney time (daylight savings) where I'm in Brisbane.
This fixed it for me, don't know if this is the same issue though..
Settings > Phone > Time Zones > Untick "Automatic change time zones and clock"
upm15 said:
I am not sure what you experienced are same as mine or not. For my problem, every time i synchronise my devise with my laptop using activesync, it will automatically sync to my laptop time. My laptop time is 10 minutes faster. I have to manually change it back to the actual time after remove charging from my laptop.
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Click to collapse
No, this is not related to active sync, it just seem to switch out to a different time zone. I just switched out ROMS and issue is still there.
IanKay said:
I know when I first got my phone the time kept changing to Sydney time (daylight savings) where I'm in Brisbane.
This fixed it for me, don't know if this is the same issue though..
Settings > Phone > Time Zones > Untick "Automatic change time zones and clock"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I really hope this is the issue. Because it just did it again
I just switched daylight saving off - will report in a day or two. Thanks for the tio.
Well after switching off automatic time zone, the clock just reset itself back to London, Dublin time.
It seems to be switching only after 6PM - Any other ideas?
I have the same problem. I am on GMT+2 (Athens, Istanbul), and I choose this time zone. Pressing OK, and then again entering Time Zone Settings, it is changed to GMT+2 Windhoek. This is not the main problem (probably my provider did not set their settings, and sends me new settings).
Sometime (once in a 2 week period), time changes but not in full hour increment/decrement, but hours and minutes. This very morning, the alarm started at 7:15 (as it should). Few minutes later, I got up, switched on the phone and saw the right time: 7:23, but a second later it changed to 23:52 previous day. The time zone remained the same GMT+2 Windhoek.
This IS pretty annoying. Luckily, my wife has some old Nokia which works as supposed.
So I went into my IGO8 settings and I found that the time in there was set to London, Dublin time.
Not sure if this is the issue but I have now adjusted it to ET. I will report back in a while to give an update.
I used to have the same problem with my Hermes. I found that if I set the home and visiting time zones to the same time zone, it stopped changing.
I really hope this the solution as my IGO8 settings didn't do the trick.

Time keep rolling back for 1 hour

I searched the forum, but I don't see any answer to my question.
I am on Fido (i.e. roaming on Rogers)
My X1 keep synchronizing with the tower's clock everyday....... and since rogers doesn't change their tower time during summer for daylight saving.... i have to adjust my clock 1 hour faster everyday (as it will delay one hour again tomorrow)..... which is really annoying as i use my phone to wake me up in the morning... and even worse..... it changes all my schedules by 1 hour earlier...
My question is...... is there any way i can fix this 1 hour delay problem? or is there anyway i can disable the time sync function?
Thanks in advance.
I'm with Rogers, and I'm not getting this time bug you are talking about. There is a setting to disable Automatic time change. Settings -> Phone -> Timezone.
I've had a related time bug on my XPERIA where my text messages were showing up as the wrong time received. Had to add a value to the registry to fix it.

