Firstly, apologies if this is already posts elsewhere, but I have tried looking for this with no joy (there's aloooot of threads n here lol)
I recently upgraded to the leaked official 2.3.3 using odin (sbl version).
However, I would like to flash with stock software now to get the official upgrade on my Galaxy S via Kies.
Can someone please help or point me to a guide on doing this and where i can download the correct version. I assume its not as straightforward as simply downloading a stock version of Froyo and flashing as I did to upgrade.
My Current phone version is showing as PDA:JVK / PHONE: JVK / CSC:JVK (CPW)
I should point out that this is the first time ive flashed software on my phone, so ideally a step by step guide, if there is one out there
Thanks for any advice you can give
Ok first of all what you need to do is download an older firmware, preferably in 3 files.
Look here: (you need to register, free)
or look here:
when you have your selected firmware, you need to download a software called 'Odin', this is what we use to flash firmwares to our devices. Look here for a tutorial
when you have 'Odin' and your 'Firmware' you may also need a 'PIT' file, this is explained in the above link. This will re-partition the device and restore the 'bad blocks' and remove any lagfix / altered file-systems ect ect.....
Because you are on Gingerbread at the moment, its possible that you have changed your boot loader, in order to restore this back to Froyo bootloader, i think the firmware you will need is JM1 ( you may need to search here / google for the correct answer)
anyway when the whole process is completed, you should be able to connect to KIES and flash the latest release.
Any problems just write back. im sure we can help get you going !!
azzledazzle said:
Ok first of all what you need to do is download an older firmware, preferably in 3 files.
Look here: (you need to register, free)
or look here:
when you have your selected firmware, you need to download a software called 'Odin', this is what we use to flash firmwares to our devices. Look here for a tutorial
when you have 'Odin' and your 'Firmware' you may also need a 'PIT' file, this is explained in the above link. This will re-partition the device and restore the 'bad blocks' and remove any lagfix / altered file-systems ect ect.....
Because you are on Gingerbread at the moment, its possible that you have changed your boot loader, in order to restore this back to Froyo bootloader, i think the firmware you will need is JM1 ( you may need to search here / google for the correct answer)
anyway when the whole process is completed, you should be able to connect to KIES and flash the latest release.
Any problems just write back. im sure we can help get you going !!
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I think that JM1 is eclair...
froyo works with the gingerbread bootloaders so you should just be able to flash a froyo rom i THINK.
Hi im also wanting to do the same looking at the samfirmware files would JS8 be ok to flash?
neoian1277 said:
Hi im also wanting to do the same looking at the samfirmware files would JS8 be ok to flash?
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Any froyo ROM is fine as long as it contains the bootloaders as gingerbread ROMs have different ones.
Download your ROM. Check inside the PDA (sometimes code) tar. If you can't see by clicking on it find instructions how to untar it.
There should be a boot.bin and an sbl.bin if there is you're good to go. If not flash another one that has.
You can always reflash with your preferred froyo ROM after the initial flash has downgraded the bootloaders
This link tells you all you need to know about flashing with Odin.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Ok, I tried flashing using the JPY firmware. The process seemed to go okay.
But only getting the 'S' logo for ages then the phone starts ocaasional quick vibrations and screen eventually goes black.
Have tried rebooting ans reseting.
Please help
First boot after a flash does take a long time and you may get the odd little vibration. The screen may go black for a little while. Be patient. If nothing happens after six or seven minutes pull battery try again. If still no good reflash.
You did check repartition in Odin? And use. 512 pit? You need the pit file for a reflash.
Maybe md5 your firmware to check you didn't get a corrupted download.
If you can still get download mode don't worry you will be able to sort it. Most people on xda brick their phones most weeks!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
well i reflashed the 2.3.3 leaked and its working for now, will try again tomorrow, getting a bit late.
Was wondering about whether I should try the JM1 instead of JPY. But, on the Sammyfirmware website they only had XW***JP1 which I understand is not for UK/Europe (mine is XX)?
But thanks everyone for your help so far, i may be back on in tears tomorrow
You can use any firmware - they were released with different codes in different regions but if you use a multi CsC like the one in the jpy ROM it doesn't matter because its the csc file that does the regional settings not the PDA file
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Hmmm well showing on Samsungs FB page that the ginerbread update has been pulled (by Google)
Guess i'm sticking with the leaked version for now
Sorry to muscle in on this thread but I'm trying to go back from GB 2.3.3 to Froyo 2.2.1. I've flashed JPY with Odin, used repartition, 512 pit and registry patch 1.82 to XEU, phone works fine. Well, Kies then recognises that there is a new firmware (JPY as it happens) and starts the upgrade process, I then get an error message saying that this version can't be updated
Any ideas??
maybe you will find some info in this post.....
Anybody tell me what is lagfix and why it is used for?
and why different kernels are used
Galaxy S XWJVB
richard2311 said:
maybe you will find some info in this post.....
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We now have two threads on the same subject but as this was started first I'll continue with this one.
Thanks for the suggestion, I flashed JPU but unable to connect to Kies so flashed the 1 file JPY but still got the same error message with Kies. Maybe I'll try reinstalling Kies and see what happens.
OK, I've reinstalled Kies, changed the product code in the phone with *#272*IMEI# to XEU and now Kies tells me that I have the latest firmware - great bring on the official version of GB.
can anyone give me a link of jpy firmware with bootloader?
the ones from are WITHOUT bootloader...
Okay, seems that Samsung have finally released Gingerbread.....again. So am gonna make another attempt at downgrading to Froyo so I can get the official Gingerbread update.
However, because of the issues I had with my last attempt, I would like to make sure I am doing it correct.
Current Phone Software
Model: GT-I9000
Firmware Ver: 2.3.3
Baseband Ver: I9000XXJVK
Kernal Ver: [email protected] #2
I believe the version I installed included the bootloader
The phone was purchased in the UK on T-Mobile but supplied through Carphone Warehouse
Downloaded: I9000XXJPY (single file) & 512.pit from Samfirmware (does this contain bootloader? If not, will it cause an issue in updating on Kies?)
Remove sim & memory card
Start phone in Download mode
Plug in USB
Open Odin v1.3
Select .tar file as PDA
Select 512.pit file
Re-Partition - Not Ticked
Auto Reboot & F.Reset Time - Ticked
Click Start
Wait for installation to complete and phone to restart
Hopefully i've provided all the info required, but if not, please post or PM me. If anyone could please check my steps above and let me know if i'm doing this correct or not before I go ahead.
Much appreciated
hi there,
as i know, to run a 2.3.3 rom on SGS , we need to flash a new bootloader right?
but what if i wanna roll back to 2.2.1? do i need to do somthing to re-install a bootloader for 2.2.1?
cuz in most tutor of installing a 2.2.1 rom did mention DO NOT touch the "Phone Bootloader Update" option of odin3
I have found a method to downgrade successfully and created a new post with the step by step guide
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
I'm trying to upgrade my firmware through Kies, as I've just connected and it's alerted me that I am now able to upgrade to PDA:JVN / PHONE:JV1 / CSC:JV5(OPS). I am currently on PDA:JP5 / PHONE:JP3 / CSC:JP4(OPS), but when I click on the upgrade, it will pop up with a window that looks like it's downloading the firmware, but they disappears as quickly as it appeared, and my phone then needs to re-connect to kies...
This appears to be an infinite loop, without ever really getting anyway. My phone is rooted if that matters, and I don't think I have any lag fixes applied? I know I have applied lag fixes before, but I think I've since flashed with the stock 2.2 firmware, so there shouldn't be any lag fixes going on... :/..
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong or how I can better debug this problem?
Thanks in advance
denno020 said:
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong
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Using Kies, may be
If you have the 3 buttons combo, prefer Odin...
Kies is Satan Tool, its a big cup of ....
if u want do upgrade use just and only ODIN
Thanks for the replies..
I would much prefer to use ODIN too, however I don't want to loose my installed apps and how I've got my home screens set up etc, so this is why I was trying to use Kies. I'm not familiar enough with ODIN to know if there is a way I can use it to upgrade without losing installed apps and home screen layouts etc??
Well i think if u backup ur apps then u can save them otherwise i dnt think they remain on ur phone while using the odin is simple.
just go to make an account and chk the firmware sec in toolbox and then select ur model and download the latest formware...JVR is the latest firmware on samfirmware download it and download odin extract that downloaded folder and u have 4 file 1 pit file 2 code 3 csc 4 modem.
Now open odin and put these file respectively ( dnt forget to close kies if u have even from running services on windows) now put ur phone in download mode and connect through odin and tick the repartition on leftside and then start odin...
Of all goes well u r on stock GB
wait phone to phone to boot
now choose any kernel to root ur phone and again turnoff ur phone and get in download mode and choose that kernel in pda option of odin and this time unchk the repartition and start odin
now ur rooted
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
thanks for the reply Ali Khalid... I'm looking on samfirmware, but I'm not able to find the Gingerbread firmware version for Australia? I downloaded I9000XWJVN ## under the 'America Australia Samsung I9000 Firmwares' heading, but that only had a tar file, with a heap of files I didn't recognize..
Any chance you could give me some more direct help? Like exactly which one I should download for Australia? Looking at the country letter code, which is DT for Aus, they only have firmwares for 2.1 and 2.2...
I'm really lost with this upgrading thing :/..
Can someone please help? I need to know which firmware I should download from samfirmware for an Australian I9000...
denno020 said:
Can someone please help? I need to know which firmware I should download from samfirmware for an Australian I9000...
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Is there a specific reason you need Australian version? You can flash any firmware you wish.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
There isn't a specific reason... I thought I would have to go with the Australian one to be sure that calls and stuff can connect to my phone through the network correctly? I'm completely lost with all this stuff to be honest...
If I don't have to get a specific Aussie one, which one should I download? As I mentioned earlier, I downloaded one called I9000XWJVN ## but it didn't have the pda files and pit files as expected.. they were all different things :/..
Im running JVS 2.3.5 (with JVR modem) I haven't bothered to flash an Australian/Optus csc but i guess you can if you wish. I did have to add APNs but that is no big deal.
After that you might want to flash a non-stock kernel for root, lagfix etc. I am running semaphore 1.7 and stock+ theming for extended power menu, %battery crt off etc.
Keep in mind if you are going down this route you will be voiding any warranty you have but ask anyone here it is worth it to make the most of your phone.
Do some reading around the forum and ask any questions you need so you know what you are doing.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Thankyou for your reply Mrlwik, but it's gone totally over my head. I really don't understand any of that.. I have flashed stuff to my phone before, but it was easy because I already had the 3 required files, and there was a step by step..
I guess I could just pop over to the custom roms sub-forum and download one from there and give it a go again..
Do I need to get a special modem or csc file or something to make sure it'll still work with Optus?
denno020 said:
Thankyou for your reply Mrlwik, but it's gone totally over my head. I really don't understand any of that.. I have flashed stuff to my phone before, but it was easy because I already had the 3 required files, and there was a step by step..
I guess I could just pop over to the custom roms sub-forum and download one from there and give it a go again..
Do I need to get a special modem or csc file or something to make sure it'll still work with Optus?
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Sorry I was really confused once too, I will do my best to break it down a little.
You don't need a specific modem for Optus although different modems will give different results depending on your location regarding signal, 3g, gps and battery (due to signal strength) its quick and easy to change modem and this can be done anytime (through CWM recovery) without any data loss.
CSC is a bit different, although you can use a CSC that is different to your location/carrier it basically denotes any specific apps and APNs. CSC can be changed with odin but will factory reset you phone and you will lose data.
-APN details can be found with a quick Google search and can be added no problem through settings>wireless and network>mobile network>access point and as I don't care for carrier specific apps (apart from "my account" but the .apk for that easy to find) I haven't bothered to change it. Others do find it important.
I know the stock 2.3.5 JVS from samfirmware will contain the 3 files (code, modem, csc) and the .pit file for flashing because it is what i flashed.
Or alternitavely there are a few custom roms that can be flashed through odin regardless of what firmware and bootloaders you are currently running.
Some firmwares/ROM only have one file and it can be flashed under PDA. There are guides for flashing on samfirmware(for stock), here and video guides on YouTube. Always stick to the guide.
Decide what direction you want to take (stock with non-stock kernel or custom rom) and read up on some of the topics in the general section about flashing and/or any topics relating to any ROM you want to flash.
Once you know what you want to do with your phone it will mean much less reading for you and others will be able to help you more as you will know what questions to ask.
There is lots of info here, its just a matter of knowing what info you need and how to find it.
Hope that helped a little..
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
denno020 said:
Thanks for the replies..
I would much prefer to use ODIN too, however I don't want to loose my installed apps and how I've got my home screens set up etc, so this is why I was trying to use Kies. I'm not familiar enough with ODIN to know if there is a way I can use it to upgrade without losing installed apps and home screen layouts etc??
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If you phone is rooted download titanium backup and backup all apps before flashing, then install it again after flashing and restore only apps.
Wow thankyou so much for that breakdown Mrlwik! That does actually help a little! I'm going to find a stock firmware from samfirmware instead of a custom rom.. But it's great to know that I can swap modems to try and find the one that best suits my needs, as I do have problems with reception in my house, so maybe a new modem could fix that?
Anyways, thankyou again, and great effort and writing all of that with your phone! It definitely helped
Well I finally took the plunge and flashed my phone. I used the JVS firmware, which worked seamlessly. Then I wasn't sure if I were still rooted or not.. so I downloaded Dark Core (or something), and flashed that in PDA using ODIN. Then I was definitely sure I was rooted . Now I've just got to figure out a 'lag fix', my quadrant score at the moment is ~1400, but I reckon I can get much better, so I'll try some overclocking apps from the market I think, see which works best for me.
The most painful thing is restoring all my apps using Titanium Backup.. I have to click install for everyone of them, it doesn't automate it, which is so very annoying, but I'll get there eventually :/... lol
Thanks for all your help Mrlwik, very greatly appreciated
I had a similar problem with KIES in South Africa.
I don't use KIES any longer, it doesn't even have the "connect to internet" option.
Since you've rooted your device, I'm sure you have Clockworkmod flashed...if not, flash that using Odin. After that, you can flash any ROM, custom or stock, using clockworkmod recovery, then you don't require Odin again...just copy the ROM or apps you want to flash to your phone, boot into recovery, flash, and restart. Can't be easier than that.
ali_khalid5518 said:
Well i think if u backup ur apps then u can save them otherwise i dnt think they remain on ur phone while using the odin is simple.
just go to make an account and chk the firmware sec in toolbox and then select ur model and download the latest formware...JVR is the latest firmware on samfirmware download it and download odin extract that downloaded folder and u have 4 file 1 pit file 2 code 3 csc 4 modem.
Now open odin and put these file respectively ( dnt forget to close kies if u have even from running services on windows) now put ur phone in download mode and connect through odin and tick the repartition on leftside and then start odin...
Of all goes well u r on stock GB
wait phone to phone to boot
now choose any kernel to root ur phone and again turnoff ur phone and get in download mode and choose that kernel in pda option of odin and this time unchk the repartition and start odin
now ur rooted
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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My question is, will this wipe out the device? I want to upgrade and keep my information and apps on my phone.
Hello all,
During my travels in China, I picked up a GT-I9228G galaxy note.
Back in the UK now, and hoping I could change the rom to the english varient of GT-N7000? I am assuming GT-I9228G and GT-N7000 is the same device, just different regional roms(?).
The boot screen is chinese. It has chinese apps on it which I cant remove and no app store amongst other things. Ideally, would like to make the phone all english. Is this possible?
Just a bit of background on me:
I used to own a HTC PDA which I swap roms from developers here and very familair with jail breaking on apple products. Andriod however is new to me. I am a quick learner, so any pointers would be great please guys/gals.
mrharrod said:
Hello all,
During my travels in China, I picked up a GT-I9228G galaxy note.
Back in the UK now, and hoping I could change the rom to the english varient of GT-N7000? I am assuming GT-I9228G and GT-N7000 is the same device, just different regional roms(?).
The boot screen is chinese. It has chinese apps on it which I cant remove and no app store amongst other things. Ideally, would like to make the phone all english. Is this possible?
Just a bit of background on me:
I used to own a HTC PDA which I swap roms from developers here and very familair with jail breaking on apple products. Andriod however is new to me. I am a quick learner, so any pointers would be great please guys/gals.
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I guess you could... Lots of other people bought their galaxy note from Hong Kong and also from china and they all changed their ROM for a same reason of yours.
Does not the 9220 using a snapdragons and not exynos? I not sure but I thing I have read it somewhere so carefully before flashing.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
So, potentially I could just change to the one below?
N7000XXKKA ## 2.3.6 2011 November N7000CPWKK3 United Kingdom (Carphone Warehouse) Download
The box says 1.4 + <insert chinese characters here>
From wiki -A dual-core 1.4Ghz Exynos processor or a 1.5 Ghz Snapdragon S3 processor (AT&T, SK Telecom, KT, LG U+)
So my guess is Exynos. Anyway to double check?
ok, so I have downloaded the above rom and Odin3 v1.83 from sammobile.
I have opened Odin3 and specified the PIT file (Q1_20110914_16GB)
I have also ticket re-partition, auto reboot and F.reset timer.
I have loaded the rom under PDA (N7000XXKKA_N7000CPWKK3_N7000XXKK5_HOME.tar), everything else is unticked.
I have the phone in download mode ready.
I just need to know if the above is ok or am I missing anything before I click START and brick my phone?
well I tried anyway.
That didnt work.
Now the phone says "software update fail"
I can still get into download mode, buts thats about it.
tried with and without the PIT file.
Anyone know what I should do now please?
I'd say you'll have to find a rom for that model
You might have bricked your phone by checking repartition in odin. You should not have. Now you probably need to find a pit file for your model.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
mrharrod said:
well I tried anyway.
That didnt work.
Now the phone says "software update fail"
I can still get into download mode, buts thats about it.
tried with and without the PIT file.
Anyone know what I should do now please?
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If you could enter download mode then try these steps
1. Open Odin and flash Pit file only and Re-partition ticked. (do not attach any ROM)
2. After this again flash ROM without pit file and re-partition un-ticked
This should work.
ranjan.alva said:
If you could enter download mode then try these steps
1. Open Odin and flash Pit file only and Re-partition ticked. (do not attach any ROM)
2. After this again flash ROM without pit file and re-partition un-ticked
This should work.
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The first part seemed to work ok, so then went onto flashing again without the PIT file. Failed
Back to square one (software update fail message).
Going to try the original ROM, but takes about 6 hours to download from china!.
Ideally, really dont want to use the original ROM though! I'm guessing the original ROM isnt going to work now anyway since ODIN3 has re-partitioned the device(?).
victorlht88 said:
god, you can't flash n7000 roms on the china note, you will surely brick your phone and good luck.
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You're wrong. Several have tried and it's working perfectly with n7000 roms on i9220 phones.
Sent from my superior GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
I am also doing this on a macbook via Boot camp (windows partion). Maybe it has a problem with that. Will try it on a normal PC too.
Any other suggestions before I head home from work and play later?
Oh, I forgot to mention. I read somewhere (forgot where) that I should root the device prior to changing the ROM. Is that true? If so, I dont think thats something I can do in current state
mrharrod said:
The first part seemed to work ok, so then went onto flashing again without the PIT file. Failed
Back to square one (software update fail message).
Going to try the original ROM, but takes about 6 hours to download from china!.
Ideally, really dont want to use the original ROM though! I'm guessing the original ROM isnt going to work now anyway since ODIN3 has re-partitioned the device(?).
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you can try flashing kernel with CWM in PC Odin, then flash any Custom ROM using CWM Recovery.
ranjan.alva said:
you can try flashing kernel with CWM in PC Odin, then flash any Custom ROM using CWM Recovery.
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CWM is clockworkmod right? Dont I need a rooted phone in order to install it?
Or do I follow something like this?
Yes... CWM recovery doesn't need root.
Didnt have the time to work out CWM, but was given a link to another rom which had three files for ODIN3 (
So, loaded the above and the phone is back in action on a N7000 rom. Wohoo. Just glad it's working again more then anything else lol!
This rom is prerooted apparently too. know idea what I should be able to do now. What does one usually do when they have a rooted device?
mrharrod said:
Didnt have the time to work out CWM, but was given a link to another rom which had three files for ODIN3 (
So, loaded the above and the phone is back in action on a N7000 rom. Wohoo. Just glad it's working again more then anything else lol!
This rom is prerooted apparently too. know idea what I should be able to do now. What does one usually do when they have a rooted device?
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Thread accidentaly revived :S
Hi everyone,
I am running on LPF ROM and I'm not satisified, especially with contacts not showing most of photos from facebook. So I would like to revert back to GB. I searched the forum and find the safest way is the using PC Odin with stock ROM
I am planning to use Open Europe N7000XXLC1. My question is
1-) When i installed LPF with PC Odin I used the bootloader filed file from the zip and now do I need a another bootloader to downgrade to GB?
2-) Should I check the re-partition box and find & insert a pit file to the corresponding slot?
I do not want to something wrong and brick my device in the process
DarthLuca said:
Hi everyone,
I am running on LPF ROM and I'm not satisified, especially with contacts not showing most of photos from facebook. So I would like to revert back to GB. I searched the forum and find the safest way is the using PC Odin with stock ROM
I am planning to use Open Europe N7000XXLC1. My question is
1-) When i installed LPF with PC Odin I used the bootloader filed file from the zip and now do I need a another bootloader to downgrade to GB?
2-) Should I check the re-partition box and find & insert a pit file to the corresponding slot?
I do not want to something wrong and brick my device in the process
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1. You don't need any other bootloader to go back to GB
2. No.
Try this to revert to GB:
And if you get a bootloop after flashing:
I'm no expert but why are you playing with the bootloader ? when i was on LPY i didn't play with my bootloader going back to GB and everything is fine
P.S. stay off recovery mode until you are on GB again
chasmodo said:
1. You don't need any other bootloader to go back to GB
2. No.
Try this to revert to GB:
And if you get a bootloop after flashing:
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Is it that simple? Just take a stock GingerBread version and use Odin? By GB version I mean that big file (600MB more or less) that is listed in Dr.Ketan post somewhere.
I'm also on LPF though.
DomeniquE80 said:
Is it that simple? Just take a stock GingerBread version and use Odin? By GB version I mean that big file (600MB more or less) that is listed in Dr.Ketan post somewhere.
I'm also on LPF though.
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Yes... Very simple...
Simply download Stock rom and flash it following Dr. Ketan's method.
I was done that 1 week ago.
every time i try to flash KK4 , KJ3 with bootloaders Odin One Click .. it bricks my phone [black screen]
and i can't restore KJ3 by original odin
the one click program stops in the first operation > re-partioning ...i tried a one without re-partioning but it also fails
what can i do ??
Master-ZizO said:
every time i try to flash KK4 , KJ3 with bootloaders Odin One Click .. it bricks my phone [black screen]
and i can't restore KJ3 by original odin
the one click program stops in the first operation > re-partioning ...i tried a one without re-partioning but it also fails
what can i do ??
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You mentioned in another thread that you already have GB 2.3.5 running on your phone. Why you're trying to flash GB with bootloaders again and again? You already have GB bootloaders! The only way to brick Captivate permanently is to mess the bootloaders. I did send you JB upgrade guide on PM, did you read it?
Val D. said:
You mentioned in another thread that you already have GB 2.3.5 running on your phone. Why you're trying to flash GB with bootloaders again and again? You already have GB bootloaders! The only way to brick Captivate permanently is to mess the bootloaders. I did send you JB upgrade guide on PM, did you read it?
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Ya Sorry i missed the MSG
But i read about GB Bootloaders that u can go to Download mode with 3 Button Combo
i can't go to download mode ... only i can with ADB Fastboot
Master-ZizO said:
Ya Sorry i missed the MSG
But i read about GB Bootloaders that u can go to Download mode with 3 Button Combo
i can't go to download mode ... only i can with ADB Fastboot
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OK, make sure you still can put your phone to Download Mode. Make sure your PC has correct drivers for Captivate and actually sees the phone. Use original Samsung USB cable only, not a cheap replacement. Flash KK4 without bootloaders (or any other GB stock ROM), you already have GB bootloaders. Test your phone after flashing and If everything looks good, follow the steps in JB upgrade guide.
Val D. said:
OK, make sure you still can put your phone to Download Mode. Make sure your PC has correct drivers for Captivate and actually sees the phone. Use original Samsung USB cable only, not a cheap replacement. Flash KK4 without bootloaders (or any other GB stock ROM), you already have GB bootloaders. Test your phone after flashing and If everything looks good, follow the steps in JB upgrade guide.
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i found a bootloader "galaxys-bootloader-JVB.tar.md5" 1.5 MB from JVB 2.3.3 Rom can i flash it ?
i will try ur solution but i am searching for a KK4 download link without odin one click .. do u have ?
Master-ZizO said:
i found a bootloader "galaxys-bootloader-JVB.tar.md5" 1.5 MB from JVB 2.3.3 Rom can i flash it ?
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I see you are desperately trying to kill your Captivate...
Again, please read the guide - all you need is there, including links to stock firmware, with and without bootloaders.
Idiot-Proof All-in-one Guide to Making Your Samsung Captivate Awesome
Val D. said:
I see you are desperately trying to kill your Captivate...
Again, please read the guide - all you need is there, including links to stock firmware, with and without bootloaders.
Idiot-Proof All-in-one Guide to Making Your Samsung Captivate Awesome
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i see u can't understand me ... the links in the guide is the same links in XDA Fourm
Odin One Click bricked my phone .. okay !
i will try heimdall .. but am asking for the KK4 pda Link only
and i got da link now >> Here
Master-ZizO said:
i see u can't understand me ... the links in the guide is the same links in XDA Fourm
Odin One Click bricked my phone .. okay !
i will try heimdall .. but am asking for the KK4 pda Link only
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Honestly, I can't understand you. First you said you are running GB 2.3.5, then on PM you told me you are on Slim6, then you told me you are on GB 2.3.5 again, now seems like you are trying to reflash stock ROM for some reason, you are flashing GB bootloaders over GB bootloaders you already have, you are asking me if it's OK to flash galaxy s bootloaders... I don't understand what is happening and what you are trying to do.
I had to go back to stock a few times and the packages are good. The issue you have is most likely somewhere around drivers/connection. Fix this and you are good. Careful with heimdal flashing, drivers must be installed for the specific USB port you are using. And please stop flashing those bootloaders, you are going to brick permanently your Captivate sooner or later. Read this guide too, very useful information.
i was on 2.3.5 KJ3 without bootloader and i go to download mode only with Fastboot ADB
now i downloaded Heimdall OneClick KK4 and got the Firmware files from "Temp"
i compared the bootloader "boot.bin, Sbl.bin" with the files in galaxys-bootloader-JVB.tar.md5
it has the same size in bytes and same MD5Hash !! oOo
i was write to flash this bootloader ... will try and tell u the result
They got the same bootloaders in this guide .... i make this topic cuz i need this guide thank u
Master-ZizO said:
i was on 2.3.5 KJ3 without bootloader...
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If you ever had GB running on your phone, you already have GB bootloaders. No need to flash bootloaders again and again.
Val D. said:
If you ever had GB running on your phone, you already have GB bootloaders. No need to flash bootloaders again and again.
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So how i can go to download mode with 3 Combo buttons ?
Master-ZizO said:
So how i can go to download mode with 3 Combo buttons ?
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It's 2 buttons + USB cable.