I just bought a used verizon tab without any verizon service. I think its currently on 2.2. Any way to upgrade it to gingerbread manually? I dont care about rooting, just want to upgrade to gingerbread.
Here is the info on my device:
Hardware ver I800.0.3
Model SCH-I800
Firmware 2.2
Baseband ver S:I800.0.3V.DL21
Kernel ver root (at) SEI-28 #3
Build num SCH-I800.EC02
I have tried Kies and that does not recognize my tab.
Ok I think SCH-I800.EC02 might be gingerbread. Im still confused though because gingerbread is supposed to be "2.3" but the firmware shows up as "2.2".
EC02 is not Gingerbread, it's still Froyo (Android 2.2). There hasn't been an official release of Gingerbread for the Samsung Galaxy Tab SCI-I800 (Verizon model). I'm getting very, very impatient and annoyed by it too, especially not that the Sprint model (VERY similar to ours) has already gotten that upgrade and we're still waiting without any details about when to expect it to come to us. VERY annoyed.
Guys read in the development section Verizon users have been able to flash the sprint rooted update and it works
Sent from my SPH-P100 using XDA App
Hi, it's my tab cant upgrade to gingerbread? Even the when the official firmware available in malaysia?
Coz my fren using galaxy ace, is show diff from me
"This version of device is the latest version"
"This version of device cannot be updated"
Current firmware version: PDA:KM3 / PHONE:KM1 / CSC:KM2 (XME)
You have to manually flash gingerbread. It may not officially be available in your country yet, but you can still get gingerbread. Search tab development thread for gingerbread rom.
Hit thanks if i have helped.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
But I'm confused tat, if when my country available the firmware update, i still cant upgrade it?
I'm scared tat i cant upgrade the official firmware, cos mine still under warranty so plan to upgrade the official if can.
I get the info from some others chinese forum, some of the version cannot be upgrade to gingerbread. It's true?
The case may be that the country/region server does not yet recognize the
current firmware version (PDA:KM3 / PHONE:KM1 / CSC:KM2 (XME)) that you have. i also get that notice when i tried KM3_KM1_KM2 on my tab. i'm from the philippines and as per experience the only firmware that my kies recognizes for is the one that came with my tab when i bought it which is p1000dxjk2.
hopefully, when they "officially" roll it out for SE Asia, we will be able to update through kies. but for now i'm enjoying the stock gingerbread + CF-Root by chainfire.
Hi guys,
After messing around with kernels and getting a non responding P1000, I managed to install from Samfirmware, what i believe is stock Gingerbread (Europe).
Everything looks and works fine, but I just want some reassurance that I've downloaded/installed it correctly.
My system details are:
Firmware version: 2.3.3
Baseband version: P1000XXJPZ
Kernel version: [email protected] #2
The only reason I want reassurance is when I connect the tab to Kies, the message "this version cannot be updated" displays.
Is it the fact that this is the latest firmware, and therefore no more updates is available?
Thank you in advance and would be much appreciated and reassuring to get an answer for all you kind people.
If you have a tab that was bought throughg a specific carrier then Kies might not be able to update the firmware.
I have a GTab from Telstra in Australia and using the stock firmware I also get this message. All flashing must be done by either ODIN or HEIMDALL. CWM works so long as I don't need to restock anything....
If you do decide to change roms, make sure you check to see if the bootloaders aren't locked as some of the firmware from samfirmware were found to be resulting in problems...
I had exactly the same message from Kies when I tried to revert back to a stock Gingerbread rom. It seems that there isn't an official Samsung release of GB for Tab P1000 in the UK (if that's where you are) so it doesn't recognise it.
Only way I could get it to detect an official release was with a Froyo ROM.
The JQ1 was released not to Europe, but to Italy.
JibbaJoy said:
I had exactly the same message from Kies when I tried to revert back to a stock Gingerbread rom. It seems that there isn't an official Samsung release of GB for Tab P1000 in the UK (if that's where you are) so it doesn't recognise it.
Only way I could get it to detect an official release was with a Froyo ROM.
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Yes that's right. Im in the UK. So from what i understand, only way to fully revert back and install Official gingerbread is by reverting than earlier froyo firmware and then connecting Kies thks way, then have it detect and install the newly released gingerbread?
rangercaptain said:
The JQ1 was released not to Europe, but to Italy.
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Hi there, yeah i kinda thought the firmware i installed was the Italian release, as the date in Firmware was May, not July when the.official gingerbread was released.
Yep, that's how I understand it. However I probably will not even bother with Samsungs UK GB release as there are much better 3rd party GB options out there already. I'm running BOCA 1.5 and it is so fast - it dosn't have any Samsung apps or TouchWiz, but I haven't missed them.
JibbaJoy said:
Yep, that's how I understand it. However I probably will not even bother with Samsungs UK GB release as there are much better 3rd party GB options out there already. I'm running BOCA 1.5 and it is so fast - it dosn't have any Samsung apps or TouchWiz, but I haven't missed them.
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Ha! Just found the XDA app, makes posting and browsing on here so much easier.
Yeah i would have thought 3rd party options would be better running as they'll omit all the bloatware that comes with the official release. I was just thinking more about the option for the future should i have any reason at all to revert back to legit stock.
There's so many recommendation on which custom Rom to install, i think I'll have to spend some time going through the forums to understand which one will be best for me.
For now, Im gonna stick with this working GB (albeit Italy release) as for now it works and I've not had any problems with doing what i want out of it.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
The lastest gb released isn't UK, its for Orange Spain.
Just got my bell gt yesterday and upgrade to gingerbread right away and it is working great. And then Learned that i can enable phone on this thing. I am wondering if it is still possible to follow the guide to enable phone after upgrading to gingerbread.
carrier bell
Baseband version
Modem number
firmware version: PDA:KF6 / PHONE:KF6 / CSC:KF6 (BMC)
Sent from my GT-P1000M using XDA App
me too
i have a rogers one and like to know my self with the new gingerbread
I have the SCH-I800. It has the latest software on it. 2.3.6 Is it possible to get it rooted? I tried many online tutorials. SuperOne click didn't work.
Please help,
Thank you,
Chuck Wilson
Are you using the Verizon Tablet? Im trying to do the same thing and i've been trying to figure out which version of these roots will work on mine. Though im on 2.3.5 my build number on mine is i800.0.3
I came into the same problem with my verizon tab with 2.3.6. I had to flash with heimdall to get it rooted.
Hi all
My daughter has a galaxy mini, originally on Tesco mobile, that i would like to up grade for her. I think it is currently running with 2.2.1 (FROYO)
Any suggestions for the best upgrade to go for (via ODIN)? Gingerbread 2.3.6 seems to be on here as a tutorial but as it was from May i was wondering if any of the newer firmware releases are suitable?
Many thanks
markbar said:
Hi all
My daughter has a galaxy mini, originally on Tesco mobile, that i would like to up grade for her. I think it is currently running with 2.2.1 (FROYO)
Any suggestions for the best upgrade to go for (via ODIN)? Gingerbread 2.3.6 seems to be on here as a tutorial but as it was from May i was wondering if any of the newer firmware releases are suitable?
Many thanks
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100% safe to boot with no bootloader at all (which means breaking it is near impossible)
i'd recommend 2.3.4 or 2.3.5