Hello every one , i have a veryyyy big problem on my galaxy S i9000 GT , i have no idea how to fix it , and i have tried every possible solution.
I have very very weird browser lag on almost every rom i have flashed , JVP / JVQ and the rest , i tried flashing Darky's 10.2 Rom , the browser is still slow , laggy when it comes to scrolling and viewing videos on youtube and other websites
Shuffling through gallery's picture is slow , it needs about a second to move to the next photo , sometimes it freezes
the touch response time feels slow , but not always
the scrolling seems choppy and laggy the first 2 seconds when i scroll , then it goes fine ( ONLY IN CONTACTS ) rest remains laggy specially in browser !!
the weird one : Music player , sound quality is slightly lower and worse
when you switch the equalizer to ROCK , the sound is very thin and base is HORRIBLE it sounds like playing a very strong base on weak speakers , which isn't supposed to happen
i have tried flashing JVP/ JVQ , installing custom roms on clean install
cleared dalvik cash , cleared cash partition , data factory reset
tried almost every kernel available , they give the exact same results !
iam now on speedmod-kernel-k15h-t24-300hz
darky's 10.2 rom ( and will be removing it soon )
i need your help , this is something wayy beyond my thoughts !
we need to fix the CORE of the problem and all of these issues will die automatically
NOTE : converting to Ext4 doesn't seem to do anything special
iam on RFS
THx and waiting for your support ( i have been suffering for a month now )
and i flashed from 2.1 Eclair update 1 , to gingerbread 2.3.4 with a Gingerbread bootloader .
Are you getting this issue on both WiFi and 3G?...
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enigma575 said:
Hello every one , i have a veryyyy big problem on my galaxy S i9000 GT , i have no idea how to fix it , and i have tried every possible solution.
I have very very weird browser lag on almost every rom i have flashed , JVP / JVQ and the rest , i tried flashing Darky's 10.2 Rom , the browser is still slow , laggy when it comes to scrolling and viewing videos on youtube and other websites
Shuffling through gallery's picture is slow , it needs about a second to move to the next photo , sometimes it freezes
the touch response time feels slow , but not always
the scrolling seems choppy and laggy the first 2 seconds when i scroll , then it goes fine ( ONLY IN CONTACTS ) rest remains laggy specially in browser !!
the weird one : Music player , sound quality is slightly lower and worse
when you switch the equalizer to ROCK , the sound is very thin and base is HORRIBLE it sounds like playing a very strong base on weak speakers , which isn't supposed to happen
i have tried flashing JVP/ JVQ , installing custom roms on clean install
cleared dalvik cash , cleared cash partition , data factory reset
tried almost every kernel available , they give the exact same results !
iam now on speedmod-kernel-k15h-t24-300hz
darky's 10.2 rom ( and will be removing it soon )
i need your help , this is something wayy beyond my thoughts !
we need to fix the CORE of the problem and all of these issues will die automatically
NOTE : converting to Ext4 doesn't seem to do anything special
iam on RFS
THx and waiting for your support ( i have been suffering for a month now )
and i flashed from 2.1 Eclair update 1 , to gingerbread 2.3.4 with a Gingerbread bootloader .
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I had similiar problems some time ago. I have downoaded stock JVQ rom and flash it with ODIN. Than I have downloaded Darky 10.2 rom or you can go for F1 rom (it requers JVP) Please use lagfix. RFS file system is way too slow and thus makes your phone sluggish. Make a clean flash with odin try galaxyan's kernel. Be careful what kind of programs you download cause some of them are really nasty in way that they use too much ram. For instance SKYPE is never down
Make repartition of your SD card the internal one.
Hope to help! If didn't please write a message!
ccrows said:
Are you getting this issue on both WiFi and 3G?...
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i haven't tried from 3g but iam sure it's the same..
and yes iam always on wifi and the browser is laggy , not the internet speed
Hristov1 said:
I had similiar problems some time ago. I have downoaded stock JVQ rom and flash it with ODIN. Than I have downloaded Darky 10.2 rom or you can go for F1 rom (it requers JVP) Please use lagfix. RFS file system is way too slow and thus makes your phone sluggish. Make a clean flash with odin try galaxyan's kernel. Be careful what kind of programs you download cause some of them are really nasty in way that they use too much ram. For instance SKYPE is never down
Make repartition of your SD card the internal one.
Hope to help! If didn't please write a message!
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iam already on Darky's 10.2 and i don't like it at all , takes alot of time to boot up and i can't really see any difference in speed from my old F1 Gs2 V6 ( i switched from it because it had lags ) and i don't have any programs to lagg me , every thing on stock and i get these weird problems
i have all the following except Lag fix and re partition ( as i did it a few weeks ago ) i will try with lagfix now and let you know the results
Use quickpic, much faster,better than gallery, use opera mobile for speedy browser, use kernel with voodoo sound and get voodoo app to get wicked music quality, wipe dalvik and normal cache, fix permissions and reboot
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gsw5700 said:
Use quickpic, much faster,better than gallery, use opera mobile for speedy browser, use kernel with voodoo sound and get voodoo app to get wicked music quality, wipe dalvik and normal cache, fix permissions and reboot
Sent using geek power
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Quickpick isn't that faster either , i have tried it , it's only better in shuffling through pictures ONLY , rest is slower than the stock gallery which i like more
opera mobile, firefox , dolphine HD , google chrome
THEY all give really bad results, they are soooooo laggy all of them ,above the normal lag !
and iam already on a kerenl with voodo and iam using vooodoo sound , and i like how it enhance the base , but it doesn't fix the Equalizer problem , thx tho
Have you consider a hardware problem?
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Kthulhu_ESP said:
Have you consider a hardware problem?
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i have ! , but i can't find a reason for it
all i did was flash from 2.1 eclair update 1 , to a gingerbread 2.3.4 , and all these weird stuff appeared , so it's not really a hardware problem , i would likely say , too much cash files or browser history or any thing , because i have been using 2.1 for a year before i considered updating
and yes i cleared all cash and factory reset my phone , also wiped every thing including internal SD
My only 2 cents: Have you wiped fully, cache cleared, formated internal SD for old junk, then flashed with a repartition (try a Darky RE for odin)?
Do you still have the issues if you try to downgrade to a froyo rom (rem to downgrade the bootloader)?
gfacer said:
My only 2 cents: Have you wiped fully, cache cleared, formated internal SD for old junk, then flashed with a repartition (try a Darky RE for odin)?
Do you still have the issues if you try to downgrade to a froyo rom (rem to downgrade the bootloader)?
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i wiped yes, internal SD , cash partitions , dalvik ( if that's fully wipe then yes i wiped all )
then flashed a JVP with repartition 512 , and tried alot of roms ( like f1 gs2 v6 ,darky's rom 10.2 , Crsikilo's or w/e named , Juwe's roms )
they alllll give the same results man , i tried almost every kernel
galaxian , speedmod, darkcore , semaphore , stock kernels
but i didn't try going to previous bootloader and for somereason i think that would solve it , but i have no clue how to flash a bootloader and TBH iam too scared to mess with that as i can brick my phone i have Gingerbread Bootloader atm
Iam still up for help
Use ezboot in dev to swap between gb bootloader and froyo bootloader
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Also for me, I have this problem in the stock gallery:
when I shoot pictures and preview is shown, the picture is ok but when I try to view it on the stock browser, the picture is damage or broken? WTF is this suppose to happen?
I'm on 10.2 final touchwiz 4 BTW, just flashed this from 2 days ago
The problems I see that's very serious is the wifi, the booting time(boot animation), the laggy gallery, need urgent help ASAP!
Hi guys , it's the time to start rooting and applying lagg fixes for me , i SUFFERED with the no market problem but i finally fixed everything and everything is perfect so far , the only thing iam missing is ( lagg fixes / ROMS / updates ) btw iam NEW to android or to "rooting , fixing ,customizing
iam running Stock Eclair 2.1 with no roms or any thing
i have been reading alot about Lag fixes , most popular two are Rynza's Lag fix and voodoo lag fix
what i need to know is
1-what should i do BEFORE i try and install any of them ?
2-Which one is better voodoo rynza's ( btw i don't know where to get the vododo one from )
3- what's the worst thing that could happen ?
4-why do people keep saying Uninstall lag fix before flashing ?
5-if i don't like or i want to return every thing to stock is it Reversible ? ( the root and the lag fix ) ??
Thanks so much for people who care to help others appreciate it
note: I have no 3 botton combo download mood so if I f#ck up I will brick my phone lol
Any one can answer me please kindly post a reply :}
There's a lot of useful information in the threads about Doc Froyo ROM and SpeedMod Kernel. Maybe you could try reading into that.
Personally, I am really liking Doc Froyo, which has the latest SpeedMod Kernel built in.
enigma575 said:
Hi guys , it's the time to start rooting and applying lagg fixes for me , i SUFFERED with the no market problem but i finally fixed everything and everything is perfect so far , the only thing iam missing is ( lagg fixes / ROMS / updates ) btw iam NEW to android or to "rooting , fixing ,customizing
iam running Stock Eclair 2.1 with no roms or any thing
i have been reading alot about Lag fixes , most popular two are Rynza's Lag fix and voodoo lag fix
what i need to know is
1-what should i do BEFORE i try and install any of them ?
2-Which one is better voodoo rynza's ( btw i don't know where to get the vododo one from )
3- what's the worst thing that could happen ?
4-why do people keep saying Uninstall lag fix before flashing ?
5-if i don't like or i want to return every thing to stock is it Reversible ? ( the root and the lag fix ) ??
Thanks so much for people who care to help others appreciate it
note: I have no 3 botton combo download mood so if I f#ck up I will brick my phone lol
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1. Not really
2. Voodoo for eclair is awesome. Really improves all forms of lag.
3. Possible brick if you can't get into download mode?
4. If you don't remove lag fix's before flashing you can run into numerous problems, and you may brick your device.
5. Yes, use Odin and reflash back to stock firmware.
I hope this answers your questions....
Thanks alot guys i will read more about this
too bad i dn't know how to add a custom rom , lol but i will try figure it out
enigma575 said:
what i need to know is
1-what should i do BEFORE i try and install any of them ?
2-Which one is better voodoo rynza's ( btw i don't know where to get the vododo one from )
3- what's the worst thing that could happen ?
4-why do people keep saying Uninstall lag fix before flashing ?
5-if i don't like or i want to return every thing to stock is it Reversible ? ( the root and the lag fix ) ??
Thanks so much for people who care to help others appreciate it
note: I have no 3 botton combo download mood so if I f#ck up I will brick my phone lol
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Glad to be of help
1. Make sure you DO have 3 button combo download mode... Now, I always have problems getting into download mode. Most of the time, it takes me 3-4 tries with Vol-down, Home, Power, releasing Power button at various moments. I find that its also important to press the Voldown-Home-Power buttons in that order, and release the power button first (soem say, when the big S shows, others say no sooner then when the digging Android puppet is shown). So, are you sure you don't have 3-button download?
2. I have nothing but positive experience with VooDoo Lagfix, following the instructions mentioned at project-voodoo.org (you need 3-button download mode...)
3. Your Galaxy doesn't start anymore, and you cant get into download mode to flash something new
4. At least for Voodoo: Voodoo changes the file system to ext4, AND flashes you ROM so it can read and write ext4. If you flash a new ROM without uninstalling lagfix, you install a ROM that understands RFS filesystem onto a device with a ext4 partition. Your ROM wont be able to read the apps and data partition... Compare it to flashing a FAT32 capable OS to a NTFS partition. What uninstalling Voodoo does is reformatting ext4 back to RFS
5. Voodoo is easely reverted (put one file on your SD card and reboot, voila.)
BTW, if i where you i'd first upgrade to Froyo 2.2 via a normal way (Kies), then its quite safe to install Voodoo. In theory, this can be done even without 3-button combo, by issuing the adb command Reboot Download. But as always: at your own risk...
enigma575 said:
Hi guys , it's the time to start rooting and applying lagg fixes for me , i SUFFERED with the no market problem but i finally fixed everything and everything is perfect so far , the only thing iam missing is ( lagg fixes / ROMS / updates ) btw iam NEW to android or to "rooting , fixing ,customizing
iam running Stock Eclair 2.1 with no roms or any thing
i have been reading alot about Lag fixes , most popular two are Rynza's Lag fix and voodoo lag fix
what i need to know is
1-what should i do BEFORE i try and install any of them ?
2-Which one is better voodoo rynza's ( btw i don't know where to get the vododo one from )
3- what's the worst thing that could happen ?
4-why do people keep saying Uninstall lag fix before flashing ?
5-if i don't like or i want to return every thing to stock is it Reversible ? ( the root and the lag fix ) ??
Thanks so much for people who care to help others appreciate it
note: I have no 3 botton combo download mood so if I f#ck up I will brick my phone lol
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- Make sure your phone is charged
- Read as much as you can here. Go to the voodoo threads and the rynza OCLF threads and read what others experienced. It can be helpful.
- Rynza's one click lag fix is probably the easiest to apply if you are not confident to fiddle around with the phone.
i want to install official froyo i have disabled the voodoo lag fix on my rooted phone.my firmware is jg4 and kernel in 2.6.29 [email protected]#voodoo lagfix.if i update my firmware thru kies will my kernel revert to stock kernel or whether i have to first flash stock jg4 using odin then upgrade thru kies please help could not find the reply anywhere pl note voodoo lagfix is disabled in my device but not completely uninstalled and its rooted also
Hi everyone,
I have an i9000 and ive tried out many different roms, never even soft bricked it, i have experience with odin etc so i pretty much know what im doing and am not a n00b. i was on darky v10 rc6 and when i upgraded to the stable 10.1 everything seemed fine, but i the impossible game starting lagging really badly, when it never had before, however the rest of the phone functioned perfectly. i tried enabling and disabling the lagfixes. i went over to gingerreal, back to a froyo ROM from docs kitchen, and finally just flashed back to unrooted gingerbread from samfirmware. each time, i wiped the data and the cache, and installed nothing but a fresh copy of the impossible game from the market, and made sure no other tasks were running, but every time, the only issue i could find was that the impossible game lagged. when i got back to stock, i thought i had solved it as it played fine for a few minutes, but the next time i loaded it up it started lagging again. note: i am not this anal about the impossible game, im just worried its symptomatic of a bigger problem with the phone. do you have any suggestions of how i can fix this issue? thanks so much for you help.
I know it's a pain but maybe try connecting your phone to your PC and formatting the phones SD before flashing, could be clogged up with old files? Just a suggestion I could be wrong
I always format the SD through windows before a new ROM as doing it through CWM doesn't seem to remove a lot of the android folders + files - Could be slowing it down, as I said though, I'm no expert
try hard reset may be?
Update: I formatted the internal SD, external SD, took out the sim and external SD, wiped all data, reflashed stock then flashed 10.1 darky resurrection (odin package) this was all while fully charged. without putting back in the sim or external SD i did nothing but redownload the impossible game, and just like before, it started off fine but after 1-2 plays the lag came back. any ideas at all? this is so weird.
did ur proplem got soulved yet ?? if yes can u tell me how ? because im having the same proplem i guess
i flashed alots of darky rom
games are lagging alot on darky roms i guess darky roms isnt for games
had proplems like lag with nova 2 hd and order and chaos online lags and glitch with darky's rom
so going back to stock to try the games if they will lag
all the users i have asked who is using stock those 2 games isnt lagging for them so i guess darky roms isnt for games ...
going to try stock 2.3.4 JVQ and let u know
did u full wipe from cwm ?like clear cache ..etc ?
did u go fro cwm and go advance then clear devalik cache ?
Hey everyone,
I'm testing Onecosmic's (outstanding) rom since about two weeks and discovered a bug which i can't report because of the 10 posts barrier so i'm going to put it in a Question:
How can i fix that the keyboard interface disappears while i am writing any kind of text?
To describe the problem:
Everytime i'm writing something (no matter if in the browser or sms or google maps or soemthing else) i have the problem that the whole keyboard interface just disappears after a few letters or words (that differs). Furthermore i am unable to reopen the keyboard for ~ 30 seconds.
I am on Galaxy S I9000 with Onecosmic's Rom RC3 but i already had the same problem with 2.11.
Everything else works pretty fine for me.
Sorry for bumping but i really need an answer to this. It is a major problem for me as not beeing able to write text messages really would make this rom unusable.
try to put htc keyboard and see if it works
Just flashed RC3.1 and wiped the cache afterward and now it works just fine. Don't know if the cache wipe or the new RC did the trick.
Wuggel said:
Just flashed RC3.1 and wiped the cache afterward and now it works just fine. Don't know if the cache wipe or the new RC did the trick.
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Me too I have the same problem like yours, but the thing is .. Did you come up from the darky rom as well? Or from Cm7?
mine the problem still persist.. any solution anyone?
I came from a stock 2.2 and then used a rooted kernel to install stock 2.3.6. Then i installed CWM and used it to flash Onecosmic's RC2.11 with glitch kernel at first, while later flashing RC3 and now RC3.1. Did everything like it is explained in the developers thread.
Perhaps you should just try to reflash RC3.1 and then wipe cache again.
rwintouk said:
Me too I have the same problem like yours, but the thing is .. Did you come up from the darky rom as well? Or from Cm7?
mine the problem still persist.. any solution anyone?
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Are you coming from DarkyROM? On ics.samsung-updates.com it says that there are some known issues coming from darky core kernel.
---------- Post added at 11:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ----------
perhaps if you were in DarkyROM, flash a kernel other than darky core (maybe semaphore or fugumod), then flash onecosmic, it might work better.
Wuggel said:
I came from a stock 2.2 and then used a rooted kernel to install stock 2.3.6. Then i installed CWM and used it to flash Onecosmic's RC2.11 with glitch kernel at first, while later flashing RC3 and now RC3.1. Did everything like it is explained in the developers thread.
Perhaps you should just try to reflash RC3.1 and then wipe cache again.
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It works...install and wipe cache and format data...
May be is a bug...did u have problem with the cams when u would like to change to the smaller resolution? It suddenly force close.
did u have problem with the cams when u would like to change to the smaller resolution? It suddenly force close.
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Same issue here, but i think it will just need some more work by the dev's to fix it. I think it isn't that bad as you still can take pictures/video in high resolution.
You just have to live with it until it is fixed.
Hi wuggel,
Thx for the comment,,do find any battery issue on ur phone? I saw the other discussion having jvk modem could last more than 2 days with wifi always on..mine barely can last 24 hours with mild usage of cell,wifi and browsing
and it is back ... after 3 wonderful days of smooth typing the keyboard again disappears...
my battery is also empty after ~ 24h but this hasn't changed since stock 2.2
Obviously everytime the keyboard bug appears you have to wipe cache ...
Hello everyone , i have had this problem since forever , i can't get a normal google play store
first , the ( APPS ) homepage of the store doesn't update it self meaning that it gives me recommendations once and forever
2nd , i can't access the homepage of the market by clicking the top left google play store icon ( it's just not clickable ) , iam running the latest triamislim rom on ICS and i have the latest GAPPS installed :s
i have had this problem on JB as well , i tried marketunlocker / market enabler . but they don't seem to do much but show me the payed apps
Try this steps :
1- go to CWM and >> wipe data/cache/dalvik ;;;
2 - format system .
3- install any Gingerbread rom using odin.
4- open google play and install any app.
5- done.... you can flash any rom without problems now !
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tabnnaj said:
Try this steps :
1- go to CWM and >> wipe data/cache/dalvik ;;;
2 - format system .
3- install any Gingerbread rom using odin.
4- open google play and install any app.
5- done.... you can flash any rom without problems now !
Sent from my GT-I9001 using xda app-developers app
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thx for reply , but i already wiped data/cash/dalvik and formated system , and i already came from GINGERBREAD
any other solutions ?
Reinstall a GAPPS package for your rom, might work.
boringfrog said:
Reinstall a GAPPS package for your rom, might work.
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Already got the latest GAPPS installed
Go back 2 GB and install x-bean http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1829256
It got gapps included
enigma575 said:
thx for reply , but i already wiped data/cash/dalvik and formated system , and i already came from GINGERBREAD
any other solutions ?
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You must install the Gingerbread using odin !
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tabnnaj said:
You must install the Gingerbread using odin !
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i did install it via ODIN
Donovan662 said:
Go back 2 GB and install x-bean http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1829256
It got gapps included
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Can you explain the Mechanism behind going back to ginger bread then flashing X-bean ?
enigma575 said:
Can you explain the Mechanism behind going back to ginger bread then flashing X-bean ?
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Best & simpelst is to come fresh from stock so when u encounter problems during process its easier to help so we dont have to ask what changed, when it occured (we dont know all the changes that have been made in the past) & come with solutions that"ll fix it or **** it up more & ull be more frustated. Just say the easy "factor". Plus I know in most cases it will be running without problems afterwards & ull be satisfied with x-bean or whatever rom u prefer. Just start over from "scratch" starting with flashing 3 file stock rom via odin.
Here odin & pits use 512 tick repartition: http://db.tt/yHvd2Brm
JVU rom: http://db.tt/z0WBjcFk
Flash it
When done flash
Cf root: http://db.tt/2Qre1j2k
Now u rooted go into recovery, do a full wipe (data, cache, dalvik), flash custom rom of your choice. U may have to flash custom 2 or 3 times. I recommend x-bean cuz its Running smooth & stable here. Hope u like it 2.
My tip is make a nandroid backup when custom rom is just installed & running fine. And make some more at several points of satisfaction when personalizing your rom
If you make changes afterwards & problems occure & cant fix it or find a good solution, u can just restore with the nandroid backup so u dont have to start from scratch again. It just saves u time in the future.
Donovan662 said:
Best & simpelst is to come fresh from stock so when u encounter problems during process its easier to help so we dont have to ask what changed, when it occured (we dont know all the changes that have been made in the past) & come with solutions that"ll fix it or **** it up more & ull be more frustated. Just say the easy "factor". Plus I know in most cases it will be running without problems afterwards & ull be satisfied with x-bean or whatever rom u prefer. Just start over from "scratch" starting with flashing 3 file stock rom via odin.
Here odin & pits use 512 tick repartition: http://db.tt/yHvd2Brm
JVU rom: http://db.tt/z0WBjcFk
Flash it
When done flash
Cf root: http://db.tt/2Qre1j2k
Now u rooted go into recovery, do a full wipe (data, cache, dalvik), flash custom rom of your choice. U may have to flash custom 2 or 3 times. I recommend x-bean cuz its Running smooth & stable here. Hope u like it 2.
My tip is make a nandroid backup when custom rom is just installed & running fine. And make some more at several points of satisfaction when personalizing your rom
If you make changes afterwards & problems occure & cant fix it or find a good solution, u can just restore with the nandroid backup so u dont have to start from scratch again. It just saves u time in the future.
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Thx bro ! i will give it a shot ( ALTHOUGH iam now on TriamiSLIM coming from STOCK GB flashed via odin )
what do u think about X-bean i have had some bad comments about it regarding multitasking and battery life ?
any more JB suggestions ?
Donovan662 said:
Best & simpelst is to come fresh from stock so when u encounter problems during process its easier to help so we dont have to ask what changed, when it occured (we dont know all the changes that have been made in the past) & come with solutions that"ll fix it or **** it up more & ull be more frustated. Just say the easy "factor". Plus I know in most cases it will be running without problems afterwards & ull be satisfied with x-bean or whatever rom u prefer. Just start over from "scratch" starting with flashing 3 file stock rom via odin.
Here odin & pits use 512 tick repartition: http://db.tt/yHvd2Brm
JVU rom: http://db.tt/z0WBjcFk
Flash it
When done flash
Cf root: http://db.tt/2Qre1j2k
Now u rooted go into recovery, do a full wipe (data, cache, dalvik), flash custom rom of your choice. U may have to flash custom 2 or 3 times. I recommend x-bean cuz its Running smooth & stable here. Hope u like it 2.
My tip is make a nandroid backup when custom rom is just installed & running fine. And make some more at several points of satisfaction when personalizing your rom
If you make changes afterwards & problems occure & cant fix it or find a good solution, u can just restore with the nandroid backup so u dont have to start from scratch again. It just saves u time in the future.
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although i came from GB via odin to Jellybean but i had really bad problems with market , my market is not like everyone's market
i have had bad comments about x-bean regarding battery life and multitasking , what do you think and do you have other recommendations ?
enigma575 said:
although i came from GB via odin to Jellybean but i had really bad problems with market , my market is not like everyone's market
i have had bad comments about x-bean regarding battery life and multitasking , what do you think and do you have other recommendations ?
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Did the problems also occure in GB? Or did it start when u were on jb? Either way try JVU like i mentioned in previous post, see if it makes a difference in gb. & maybe the gapps u flashed werent suitable for the jb rom u chose. X-bean has it included by the way.
About x-bean I would give it a try. Experiences are just opinions. There are always complains about every rom. But for me I dont have problems multitasking, battery life i can manage a working day, average i think between 4 or 5 hours screen on time at lowest brightness. When I go 2 sleep & wake up (mostly 8 hours) battery draining between a 2/5 %. I keep wifi on.
My settings LiveOc 120, big mem 404, ondemand ui, noop/sio, rasd 1024. Still satisfied Running smooth & stable
But at the end its on u to try it out.just flash a couple different roms, experience it & make a choice. The beauty of it is, if u dont like (anymore) flash another one till u find ur "dreamgirl"
Hi Seniors,
This became like a mystery for me..please help me to solve it.
Issue is like this if I install any custom or stock Gingerbread ROMS by phone works like a butter, no issue at all I can say.
But when I install any ICS or JellyBean ROM's it starts creating pain in my neck.
If I am using my phone it never restarts itself but when I lock my phone screen and keep it my pocket M finding that my phone is restarting into recovery mode itself.
Now here comes the strange part...If I play music using any music player and lock my screen it works fine,its not restarting itself ...but once I stop that music player and lock my handset screen in idle mode it goes to recovery in few secs
This only happens if I upgrade to ICS or JellyBean ROM's
One more issue...my wifi works fine If am having GingerBread install on my phone but when I install ICS/JB I cant even start it.
Have tried a lot to get it fixed....but
.....Even I want to taste ICS/JB Rom's like u guys...Please Help Your Rookie.
Thanks & Regards
D.J XactiX
Proud owner of Samsung Galaxy S i9000
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Which ICS Rom did you try, and what guide did you use to follow?
The more detail you give the better we all can help you
EwOkie said:
Which ICS Rom did you try, and what guide did you use to follow?
The more detail you give the better we all can help you
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Hey EwOkie,
Thanks for your courtesy mate...really appreciate it,
So here we go,
I had stock GB 2.3.6 ROM installed on my phone ;ie GT-I9000_XEU_I9000XXJW4_I9000OXAJW4_I9000XXJW4.zip,
after that I rooted my phone using CF-Root-XX_OXA_JW4-v4.4-CWM3RFS,
then I did factory reset,wipe cache and dalvik cashe and installed GamerzRom v11.0 which is a GB ROM,
so far no issue...wifi is working fine,phone is not at all giving me any auto restart issue...its was working like a charm,
then I found ICS_F4k_MOD_v4.0.4_I9000_r3.zip which is an ICS ROM,
I did factory reset,wipe cache and dalvik cache,the I installed ICS_F4k_MOD_v4.0.4_I9000_r3.zip using CWM Recovery console,
it was booted fine to home screen...later on I tried connecting my phone using my wifi router I found that WiFi was not switching on at all,
I locked my phone using lock button then after few secs I am finding my phone is restarting itself in recovery mode,
restarted my back to normal and again the same issue,
I ignored it,
Then I downloaded C-RoM Mix v7 Latest 4.2.1.zip in which had a wifi bug fix,
I did factory reset,wipe cache and dalvik cache,
I flashed it using clockworkmod recovery and had eactly that same issue which I had on ICS ROM,
for WIFI issue I tried flashing wififix.zip and found no resolution,
my phone went into boot loop of Samsung Logo,
then I flashed it back to original stock rom GB 2.3.6 and my phone started working like the way it should be.
This is the whole story
I moved from GB to ICS and then to JB.
Seriously brother I have no idea why its causing this weird issue...this is why I am looking for help from AndroidXperts on XDA site
Kindly help me to sort it out.
Thanks & Regards
D.J XactiX
Ok first up thanks for the info....
When doing a complete wipe before installing another rom make sure you wipe all 4 :
Data / Factory Reset
Cache Partition
Dalvik Cache
Battery Stats
Unless the Developer for the Rom States otherwise.
I know that there are a few ICS Roms that have a lot of bugs please check Info on them before Downloading
Should tell you whats working and whats notto save hassle
As I really only use GB Roms (my own preference)
Might help to try different Modems for your Romas this can help signal/network strength, where do you stay?
Yeah flashing back to 2.3.6 will work all the time as its basically stock.
No matter what Custom Rom I try I always flash JVU 2.3.6 then Root it > then the Custom Rom I want
I never just overwrite it with another Rom...
Hopefully someone with the same Rom as yourself may help as I dont want to give wrong info ....
Or Ask on the Rom site the issue your having with it
If you do need my help ... just ask
EwOkie said:
Ok first up thanks for the info....
When doing a complete wipe before installing another rom make sure you wipe all 4 :
Data / Factory Reset
Cache Partition
Dalvik Cache
Battery Stats
Unless the Developer for the Rom States otherwise.
I know that there are a few ICS Roms that have a lot of bugs please check Info on them before Downloading
Should tell you whats working and whats notto save hassle
As I really only use GB Roms (my own preference)
Might help to try different Modems for your Romas this can help signal/network strength, where do you stay?
Yeah flashing back to 2.3.6 will work all the time as its basically stock.
No matter what Custom Rom I try I always flash JVU 2.3.6 then Root it > then the Custom Rom I want
I never just overwrite it with another Rom...
Hopefully someone with the same Rom as yourself may help as I dont want to give wrong info ....
Or Ask on the Rom site the issue your having with it
If you do need my help ... just ask
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Hi EwOkie,
Thanks for sharing your experience.
I am followed everything what u just mentioned in ur reply allready...but no go
Me & my GF we both have i9000 and I have followed same installation process on both the phones...her phones works like a charm but mine is like an incomplete soul.
One more thing mate,I really dont understand this ......can you tell me what difference it makes to have JVU 2.3.6 or some other version...how exactly its works....u know what I mean to say.
No idea why we use 2.3.6 JVU with CF Root (Kernel for Recovery) we just do ,, suppose its the best to start with before flashing a Custom Rom
So your partners phone works ok and yours doesnt.. did you try using the PIT File and re-partition?
Check my signature at bottom its a HOW TO Guide incase you get lost
As I says I dont have a lot of experience with ICS or JB Roms as the ones i flashed in the past werent as stable and had some bugs in them
Thats why i stuck with GB Roms
plz help me
today i install a custom rom lollipop in sony xperia c3 dual
but now my phone refused to start even same issue recovery mode... now my phone completely death.. when i try to start it red +green blink but fast mode work easily .. & when i connect my phone to charger it restart it self again & again ... its show only sony logo and its restart again ..plz help me