Facebook posting problem on 3G - HTC Salsa

To be ignored. I have no idea why but removing sim card and putting it back again solved the issue. It's a tech miracle.


sim card missing

Hey guys,
I just bought a Tilt and have this 'sim card missing' problem. At times I've been able to get the sim card working but after a reset the problem is there again and no way to fix it.
I've tried putting a piece of paper there and everything but it just doesn't work. Any suggestions?
Using radio and HD_III_Omnia_WWE with a 3.29 SPL....
It's driving me nuts fellas. Please help...
Also a picture of how to place the piece of paper would be appreciated as I have no other solution. Cheers guys
You should have posted this in the older thread.
I'm pretty desperate here mate. All the other threads have a solution which involved putting a piece of paper in there.
I'd like to know where to put the piece of paper(maybe I'm going wrong?) and also whether there are some other possible solutions.
Well then maybe post your question in the thread that has discussed it.
So, some updates.
I've gotten my network to work(which confirms it isn't a hardware issue)...but as soon as I soft-reset it it will say "sim card missing" again....it might be on the 1st reset or on the 3rd etc.
Using L26v12 FULL rom and I've tried 3 radios so far and all have the same problem.
Is it the L26 ROM causing the problem or...?
I don't know if this might help, it's more of a marginal remark to your problem:
When i got my kaiser, stock rom didn't read my sim at all - reason for it was the sim card was older then 2004 (or so).
I got a new one from my provider and it worked perfectly (fairly simple/fast/cheap procedure, at least concerning my provider)
Dunno, but maybe the SIM architecture has issues with different roms, similar to this issue of mine.
Okay, this has been resolved. Today I bought a new SIM card from my provider for $4 and that solved the problem.
You were right brokenlute, it's a compatibility issue between the device and the SIM card. What amazes me though, is why it worked periodically at all?!?!?!
This has been resolved!
I feel much better now
bornwild said:
Okay, this has been resolved. Today I bought a new SIM card from my provider for $4 and that solved the problem.
You were right brokenlute, it's a compatibility issue between the device and the SIM card. What amazes me though, is why it worked periodically at all?!?!?!
This has been resolved!
I feel much better now
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is why AT&T will make everyone replace their SIM card if they try to do an equipment upgrade with a SIM older then 24 months.
Probably, no AT&T in Australia though

Kaiser Not Recognizing SIM All Of A Sudden

Can't figure out why. It's unlocked and I just took it back to factory settings.
For some reason it just stopped recognizing my SIM. Anything I can try? I would hate to assume it's broken.
Assuming you've searched the forum...
does the sim work on other phones? does another sim work in your kaiser or it doesn't recognize ANY sim?
have you tried cleaning the sim bay? (i dunno whats the recommended way to clean that area or even if cleaning it will make any difference)
and one more time...search this forum...i remember seeing quite a few threads about sims not getting recognized all of a sudden
My SIM works in other phones, but nothing works in this one.
I did search, but only found issues with the phone not reading it after flashing to a cooked ROM, not official ones. It didn't recognize it before or after I flashed to back to factory.
** I saw where apparently tmobile sims require a little more pressure, but that hasn't worked.
I've tried three different SIMS, one on tmo and one on att
So no one else?
similar issue !!
similar issue with gene(HTC 3400i)....
sending it for a replace tomorrow, but i will be thankful if somebody can advise a solution for this issue.
Have a look at this thread for a few ideas:
try cleaning your sim card with medical alcohol it help in some cases
ask for sim replacement from your network provided (from experience and reading - kiaser is very sensitive to sims)
Someone posted about this last month and his solution solved my problem.
Slide a piece of paper between the top of the SIM card and the top metal clip to push it down harder onto the contacts.
In my case some SIMs would not work, but this has cured it.

"The Sim Card Is Missing..."

Alright, new to the forums so please bare with me! Here goes:
A little while ago I started getting the "Sim Card Is Missing" error on my Kaiser. I've done many things to remedy the problem and still to no avail, the problem remains. What I'm looking for is any advice or any other ideas that someone might be able to give me on this problem. Here's a list of what I've already done.
-Replaced SIM with a brand new SIM from ATT Dealer.
-Dissassembled phone and cleaned SIM contacts as well as SIM socket connector.
-Soft reset, and soft reset, and soft reset......you get the idea.
-Wedged a piece of paper, then cardboard on top of SIM to make more pressure
-Disabled 3G network, run solo on EDGE/GPRS, as well as used outdated SIM to see if that would solve the problem.
There have been a few other "everything else's" that I've probably tried, but nothing worth mentioning.
All of these different things I've done have all solved the problem for a small amount of time (1 minute-a full day), but the problem keeps coming back. Typically after taking the SIM out and restarting my phone, the phone does work for about 15 minutes, and then ceases to live.
If anyone, anyone at all has any insight or suggestiong, please post back in this thread, your help is much appreiciated. I've already taken the phone to a repair shop and got ripped off $160, so I'm at my last rope here. Thanks all!
Dig Life!
the sim card is missing probably the best solution
i have had this problem before on a wizard and a kaiser too what i found out on both phones one bought off ebay and the other i bought 2nd user from the local paper is that one of the phones was reported stolen (not saying that yours is) and that is what comes up when the imei has been switched off the network and the wizard i found out had an imei which had been changed. the solution i found is when i used the wizard service tool to change the imei on the phone with one on an old phone what i had to see iuf that would work, the sim card missing error disappeared and that fixed the problem so i do reckon that has something to do with your problem.
p.s. changed the imei number back to what it was as its sort of illegal to change imei`s lol
hacka 1010
The Kaiser (at&t tilt version at least) is notorious for having a loose fitting Sim socket. If your SIM has any age to it the contacts are worn.
Put a piece of tape (or two on the back to thicken it) then reinsert it. If this fixes your problem get a new SIM from your carrier.

[Q] Sim Card Not Found

I have a Developers Edition, using an AT&T sim. I just got the sim about a month ago, as my previous phone had a normal sim instead of a micro. I'm running Android Revolution 8.1.
Intermittently, about once every two weeks, I lose all connectivity and it says sim card not found in the status bar. I reboot the phone and everything is fine. I've tried removing and re-installing the sim card twice now.
Has anyone else had this issue or know the cause?
I had that happen to my DE for this first time this morning. A reboot solved it (for now). If I'm not mistaken, this happened on the HTC One X and a number of people got new SIMs only to have the problem resurface. I guess we'll have to wait and see how many others are affected or if it's limited to only a handful of devices. I doubt if there's anything wrong with your SIM card, but AT&T will give you a replacement if you want to go that route and see.
I used to have the problem one my one x, it was caused by a poorly fitting sim tray combined with the body and back not being completely rigid (it was the same underlying problem which caused the screen flex and wifi problems on the one x). I solved the sim problem with a new sim tray but the underlying problem always remained of course...
I am with international HTC One and I have already had this issue twice. But for me, rebooting the mobile does not solve the issue. The first time, after having switching 10 times with some other cards I had, it suddenly worked when I put the card from an Iphone.
This night, same issue again ! Up to now, even with changing with the same card, it does not work !
**** ! I don't know what to do......
Any ideas ?
i have had same issue with my ex One X . Went to service and replaced mobo.btw while all process service guys scrached the body,lost bluetooth sensivity,lost wifi sensivity,green-orange led became bigger light.
i hope something wrong with your Sim.or store can replace with new one . otherwise bad days waiting for your One.
Found this solution in another forum. Sounds like it might work.

[REPAIR] "Sim Missing" Error

Sim Card Missing Error - Repair
Hi all, Im posting this just in case its useful to anyone experiencing the same issues i had. Almost every other day i would have no signal and the error "Sim card missing" in the notification bar. A soft reboot or removing & re-installing the sim card would temporarily correct the error message and enable signal, but did not prevent it from re-occuring. I tried many different settings with the radio via the *# code on the dialer, and disabling power saving etc etc in the menu. Contacted vodafone and had two new sim cards installed in the vodafone store, All to no avail. Finally after a bit of trawling through xda i found a similar fault with another handset.
(Now i know some of you may say send it back but to be honest, i dont want to be without the phone for a week or more. Im a tinkerer by nature and happy to have a go for better or worse )
The posters solution was to remove the sim card and tray,fix one layer of electrical insulation tape to the back of the sim card only, and re-insert card and tray. So far ive had more than a week without any further issues
Dont hold me responsible if you cause any damage to your phone. I accepted the risk myself freely.As i said, this is just putting some feedback on here for anyone who may be suffering the same frustrations as myself.

