Booting ARM Ubuntu on Droid Bionic (BAD IDEA) - Motorola Droid Bionic

So to give a little history I have a Droid 1 rooted with CM6, that boots my custom made Ubuntu 10.04 ARM image from it's SD Micro. Well, I upgraded to a Droid Bionic this last week and decided to jump into root right away, which went very smoothly using petes root tools one click method. Then the hack came out for using the wifi hotspot, and that worked just fine, then I removed the bloatware, no issues... but then when trying to run the script to create a "chroot" environment for Ubuntu (, I found that the device does not support loopback devices out of the box, rooted or not. And when the device rebooted... it just hung on to the Moto Dual Core splash screen and refused to boot. No matter what I did I could not get the thing to boot back up, eventually after 2 hours of pulling the battery and trying to recover through the built in "recovery" with no luck... I sped down to my local verizon HQ and had them take a look... they were also unable to get the phone to boot and ultimately replaced my 6 day old Bionic.... Just a warning to those of you who may be looking to go this route, probably should wait for a full on custom recovery and rooted rom before trying to boot any ARM images.
My my old Bionic RIP....

edw00rd said:
So to give a little history I have a Droid 1 rooted with CM6, that boots my custom made Ubuntu 10.04 ARM image from it's SD Micro. Well, I upgraded to a Droid Bionic this last week and decided to jump into root right away, which went very smoothly using petes root tools one click method. Then the hack came out for using the wifi hotspot, and that worked just fine, then I removed the bloatware, no issues... but then when trying to run the script to create a "chroot" environment for Ubuntu (, I found that the device does not support loopback devices out of the box, rooted or not. And when the device rebooted... it just hung on to the Moto Dual Core splash screen and refused to boot. No matter what I did I could not get the thing to boot back up, eventually after 2 hours of pulling the battery and trying to recover through the built in "recovery" with no luck... I sped down to my local verizon HQ and had them take a look... they were also unable to get the phone to boot and ultimately replaced my 6 day old Bionic.... Just a warning to those of you who may be looking to go this route, probably should wait for a full on custom recovery and rooted rom before trying to boot any ARM images.
My my old Bionic RIP....
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Pretty dickheaded move in my opinion. I see that you mad no effort here to get support on getting your device to boot. Another fine example of how people suck. IMHO

I agree. You should have sought help here before returning to Verizon. You could have recovered your device. Its people like you that are driving up the price smart phones and making carriers and manufacturers lock down the phone. You get into doing stuff you don't know about and then when you screw up you make someone else eat the cost of your mistake. Thanks for bringing this to our attention but, most people know not to try and load custom software to a locked bootloader and stock recovery. Genius.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using xda premium

Brutal.... but funny.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using xda premium

This kind of **** gets tee squar's panties in a fraudulent bunch.

what is this asshattery?

Hmm well.... you must be one of thoze google advocating yuppies falling in line like all the other little lemmings out there not giving two $#1ts about your privacy or the fact that all your searches are archived and filed kindly and neatly under peoples desks YOU DONT KNOW and disseminated to other corporates for a proffit... not to mention profiling... sorry friends but im a free citizen in this B30tch and i have the right to do whatever the F i feel like with MY phone that i pay for insurance on, and ridiculous fees for other BS the ITU deems necesary that we pay for... I absolutely love the fact that u think i drove up the price of this smart phone by tinkering with it.... ya take a statistics class then go take a look at verizons market cap and while ur at it take a look at google and motorola. These companies are, no kidding arround, ruining america. So u guys do what u like and join that good ol trendy movement. I on the other hand believe in my rights and privacy.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App

You knowingly voided your warranty and then fraudulently used said warranty. You're a rationalizing ****. End of story. It's not even about cost or running a good thing, you just have no dignity.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

edw00rd said:
Hmm well.... you must be one of thoze google advocating yuppies falling in line like all the other little lemmings out there not giving two $#1ts about your privacy or the fact that all your searches are archived and filed kindly and neatly under peoples desks YOU DONT KNOW and disseminated to other corporates for a proffit... not to mention profiling... sorry friends but im a free citizen in this B30tch and i have the right to do whatever the F i feel like with MY phone that i pay for insurance on, and ridiculous fees for other BS the ITU deems necesary that we pay for... I absolutely love the fact that u think i drove up the price of this smart phone by tinkering with it.... ya take a statistics class then go take a look at verizons market cap and while ur at it take a look at google and motorola. These companies are, no kidding arround, ruining america. So u guys do what u like and join that good ol trendy movement. I on the other hand believe in my rights and privacy.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App
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You still are an idiot for screwing up your phone and not knowing how to fix it. Regardless if we are google sheep, you are part of the reason why you are ruining it for the rest of us.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

edw00rd said:
Hmm well.... you must be one of thoze google advocating yuppies falling in line like all the other little lemmings out there not giving two $#1ts about your privacy or the fact that all your searches are archived and filed kindly and neatly under peoples desks YOU DONT KNOW and disseminated to other corporates for a proffit... not to mention profiling... sorry friends but im a free citizen in this B30tch and i have the right to do whatever the F i feel like with MY phone that i pay for insurance on, and ridiculous fees for other BS the ITU deems necesary that we pay for... I absolutely love the fact that u think i drove up the price of this smart phone by tinkering with it.... ya take a statistics class then go take a look at verizons market cap and while ur at it take a look at google and motorola. These companies are, no kidding arround, ruining america. So u guys do what u like and join that good ol trendy movement. I on the other hand believe in my rights and privacy.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App
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I hope they end up charging you retail price for the replacement phone they gave you. By purchasing that phone and doing what you did, you voided your warranty. It was repairable by other means, but you acted without thinking and returned a bricked phone (your own fault) to Verizon for a working phone, so you could attempt to **** it up like the last one. Stay away from XDA, you make us look bad.

edw00rd said:
Hmm well.... you must be one of thoze google advocating yuppies falling in line like all the other little lemmings out there not giving two $#1ts about your privacy or the fact that all your searches are archived and filed kindly and neatly under peoples desks YOU DONT KNOW and disseminated to other corporates for a proffit... not to mention profiling... sorry friends but im a free citizen in this B30tch and i have the right to do whatever the F i feel like with MY phone that i pay for insurance on, and ridiculous fees for other BS the ITU deems necesary that we pay for... I absolutely love the fact that u think i drove up the price of this smart phone by tinkering with it.... ya take a statistics class then go take a look at verizons market cap and while ur at it take a look at google and motorola. These companies are, no kidding arround, ruining america. So u guys do what u like and join that good ol trendy movement. I on the other hand believe in my rights and privacy.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App
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So, did you pay a deductible or was the exchange free?

I'm not going to resort to name calling, nor will I wish any bad luck upon you, OP.
I will, however, ask you this: If you knew enough to come here to post, then why didn't you know enough to look in the subforum two below this one titled Droid Bionic Android Development, and specifically at this post which is hovering in the top 5 or so responded to posts -
I mean, reading the first post provides you with a link to which tells you in no terms that this is a good potential fix for
This Fastboot XML zip package could potentially assist bricked users with recovery back to the stock state. Motorola’s created a new file format for recovery that allows Bionic users to recover from a case of messed up software.
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The reason everyone here is attacking you is that you, who want to call us
one of thoze google advocating yuppies falling in line like all the other little lemmings out there not giving two $#1ts about your privacy or the fact that all your searches are archived and filed kindly and neatly under peoples desks YOU DONT KNOW and disseminated to other corporates for a proffit... not to mention profiling...
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- when you yourself explicitly stated that
So to give a little history I have a Droid 1 rooted with CM6
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- Well, last I checked, the Moto DROID original (I bought one on drop day back in Nov 2009, so I do have a little history with this device of my own) is also a Google Android device.
The reason everyone is getting angry with you is that you basically committed insurance fraud this way, and on top of that, you posted back as if you are entitled to commit said fraud. Those are the facts, and thus everyone is calling you names.
IMO, what you did was wrong, and lawfully, you should be prosecuted. But that is neither here nor there. If the VZW analysts . Moto analysts find enough evidence they may decide to do something - they may not. Who knows?
Next time, look around - this is a developer community, after all, and chances are you really haven't bricked your phone. These guys and gals eat, sleep, and breathe Android.
And they do it well.

"rationalised ****" lol OMG am i ever!!! I will own that!
Some of you actually make sense with the link between me and my "asshattery" and returning my droid. But most of you want to call names and well friends i was just honestly trying to help a community out with what i had suffered through. Ignorantly i have offended you... which was never intended. I assumed that most people are curious cats like myself. And for all of your info so i can put an end to this insurance fraud bs i bought the phone full price and got my second phone at an upgrade cost (had to use my wifes upgrade).... Not free. Hence the sad face in my first post. So all this prosecution crap... no. Voided warranty... yep! And knowingly so... Now some of you are going to retaliate "youre stupid for screwing up your phone and not check online to fix it" well short answer to that is i did check and was unable to find a cure and given some time i probably would have... but well the easy way to say this is hacking is an expensive hobby if it wasnt my phone itd be my comps processor for overclocking it too much (which ive done a number of times)... oh and someone posted about most people know not to try this on an encrypted bootloader... honest to god i didnt think it would effect it at all due to the fact that all i was doing was trying to boot an ARM image off an sd card... and have yet to find why that had any effect on the boot... Oh and another thing this was my very first post here... telling me to leave you guys alone cuz i make you look bad... that hurt :-(
Lol no not really... I love all of you xo...
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App

This post has now officially made the transition from comedy to farce. I'm not complaining. I enjoy low entertainment as well as high.

Immolate said:
This post has now officially made the transition from comedy to farce. I'm not complaining. I enjoy low entertainment as well as high.
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Lol i thank you for ur ability to have a sense of humor... i would laugh at this as well...
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App

The level of hypocracy and irony in this thread is astounding
This post started out about putting Ubuntu on a device. An operating system founded on community and sharing with open arms and friendliness. And the person who was attempting it was met with NOTHING but hate and persecution for how he went about resolving a very stressful and worry some situation.
Just cause someone does not handle a situation the way you see that they should, does not give you the right to throw insult after insult at them. Even if there is already a "hate filled band wagon" rolling by. In this community of developers who are presumably good hearted people, why is it not one person stepped up to make this into a real development thread???
I am not a developer and can barely write one line of code in Python. So I wouldn't be able to lend a hand. But as I am on the look out for a completely open device on the Verizon network, I am very interested in being able to put other operating systems on a phone. Especially as Ubuntu will be developing a dedicated phone OS in the next 2 years to go along with their computer and (soon to come) Smart TV OS line up.
Does anyone know of a thread that is honestly trying to get a Verizon phone unlocked to run other OS's?? This one is clearly resided to nothing but childish batter and remarks.
Good on the original poster for trying to keep his cool for the most part though.
**Edit: He did not commit insurance fraud, as I have paid fro the same insurance before and it specifically states that you will be guaranteed a new phone no matter what the issue. Even if it was your fault. It is justified by having to pay for it when you buy the phone, as well and needing to pay a deductible to receive a new phone. I actually put my D1 under the wheel of a car just to get a new phone. Cause I waited too long to learn about rooting and Verizon did an update that blocked root access. And the phone was getting to be sooo slow no matter how few processes I had running or few apps I had installed, that I couldn't take it anymore. Sometimes it would take 3 to 4 seconds just to move left or right on the home screen. I paid 50 dollars and got a Droid 2 Global as a replacement and rooted it with Z4 within 1 hour of getting the phone. Overclocked and tethered it within the first day. The only gripe I have with it is you can't put real custom Roms with custom kernels on this "Global" version cause the boot loader is still locked. Hence why I will not buy another phone that can not have the bootloader unlocked at all.

im pretty sure he didnt use the insurance but the warranty rather, insurance you pay for and pay when you get a replacement. I dont think he paid a dime after bricking his phone. that is where everyone is like wtf?

I did this as well.
I also tried to install ARM Ubuntu on my Bionic. It failed to install. I have not rebooted yet, do you have any suggestions that will save my device? I usually would have backed up the device, but I was so excited about Ubuntu that I forgot fo do so. I'm running .893, rooted (obviously). The only backup I have is from becore I rooted. Thanks.
This Fixes most soft Bricks and Makes your Phone the way it was out of the box. Stock and no root. its a fresh start. please read instructions carefully.

Woah.. no way!!!


People bricking thier phones and tablets

I must say to the people who brick thier phones and tablets... shame on you!
You dont read or follow full directions before doing something, or you really arent techincal minded and cant admit you shouldnt be doing these things to your phones/tablets. and then go and brick them.
Now this isnt the problem I have (i fell bad for those who have).
My problem is with the people who then lie and call up the maker of the phone and make up some bull to get a new one, or return it to the store and lie to get a new one.
YOu people are the reason why more equipment makers wont lower thier prices and wont open thier systems up to people who accually know what they are doing.
You make it more expensive on everyone. I read post after post of people who return thier phones/tablets they have bricked for new ones. post after post of people just buying every tablet in site to "TRY IT OUT" and then return them before the dead line.
YOU people are why these things are so exspensive.
MY local best buy I kid you not had more tablets and ipads as open box buys then they had new ones. salesman told me all people are doing is buying screwing with them for a few days and then returning. then no one wants the open box ones because you dont know what people did to them.
Grow up if you break something its your fault not the manufactures why should they replace it? if you dont want something DONT BUY IT!!! dont buy it with the intention of playing with it then returning it thats just wrong.
You are one hundred per cent correct.
I'll use your thread as a bit of a chance to vent, this is not directed at you and apologies in advance
I am sick and tired of God-damn kiddies popping up here, loading software onto their phones, cocking it up because they haven't done the reading or just have no f*cking idea, then demanding a f*cking walkthrough on how to pull themselves out of the sh*t step-by-step, or as you stated (and worse) returning their devices to get a new one, driving up prices and promoting manufacturers to lock their devices up tighter and tighter. It's an absolute disgrace.
So many users these days seem to have a God complex, an over-bundance of self-righteousness and an expectation that they deserve everything on a bloody silver platter.
Never ceases to amaze me that these idiots are willing to try everything posted here at the drop of a hat without waiting for bugs to pop up or even seeing if it bricks a device. Everyone wants the best right now, and then wants top-notch support to go with it. Just because it f*cking looks pretty.
Motorola have the right idea. Lock everything up tight, offer the option of unlocking, and void the warranty immediately. That's a damn good business practice. Keeps Developers happy (they can start work immediately without all the unlocking/S-OFF bullsh*t), and, you would think, would make people think twice about what they're doing before they unlock their bootloaders. Still doesn't seem to work this way though, hey?
It's for this reason I have absolutely no problem with manufacturers locking their devices. It's a dickhead deterrent. Doesn't phase a good Developer, but the idiots and general masses (myself included) are stuck, and they don't have to replace our phones because we didn't read or didn't understand, or wanted the best without doing anything to deserve it.
Noone wants to take responsibility for their own actions. If a Dev's ROM doesn't work for someone, all of a sudden it's the Devs fault. Nevermind they didn't read the instructions, FAQs and whatever else may have been there. Christ I saw someone create a thread to demand a step-by-step walkthrough and download of ADB just before. What the f*ck? More importantly, what the f*ck are you doing here without doing any reading or research at all?
Again mate, my apologies. I just agree with you, and I like the fact you've got 20-odd posts and 4 thanks already. You can have another one for your troubles!
The biggest issue I have is when a dev. writes an unlock code for a newer phone and it gets released to the public, freeing that phone from being locked down, but also opening it up to a whole slew of idiots that should't be allowed to have a miniUSB cable in their home.
I can honestly say that I have NEVER bricked a phone. I will say I have had issues come up, but never enough to consider the phone an expensive paperweight.
Currently I am working on porting the Android 1.6 rom from the Dream G1 to the HTC Raphael, a perfect example of software being the main contributor to sales volume.
The Dream has less RAM and NAND memory, less keys on the keyboard and a lower resolution screen than the Raphael, but since it has Android installed it sold quite a bit more than the more feature-laden Raphael.
If I brick the Raphael there's no big loss, It was a free phone...
I tend to cover every aspect when looking into cooking or building roms and anroid installs, unlike most who will flash their phone with something completely wrong for their device.
To any of the "kiddies" reading this, RESEARCH your device, RESEARCH the phone you're about to flash it to and RESEARCH known problems after install so you don't post flames to the OP of the ROM/build! Most good cooks will post known problems with their ROMs' and even tell you if you need to flash a different radio or not.
I hate seeing 300+ replies to a ROM posting... Most of the info is in the FIRST or SECOND post, unless otherwize stated by the OP.
(I needed to rant... sorry if I offended anyone)
PoXFreak said:
The biggest issue I have is when a dev. writes an unlock code for a newer phone and it gets released to the public, freeing that phone from being locked down, but also opening it up to a whole slew of idiots that should't be allowed to have a miniUSB cable in their home.
I can honestly say that I have NEVER bricked a phone. I will say I have had issues come up, but never enough to consider the phone an expensive paperweight.
Currently I am working on porting the Android 1.6 rom from the Dream G1 to the HTC Raphael, a perfect example of software being the main contributor to sales volume.
The Dream has less RAM and NAND memory, less keys on the keyboard and a lower resolution screen than the Raphael, but since it has Android installed it sold quite a bit more than the more feature-laden Raphael.
If I brick the Raphael there's no big loss, It was a free phone...
I tend to cover every aspect when looking into cooking or building roms and anroid installs, unlike most who will flash their phone with something completely wrong for their device.
To any of the "kiddies" reading this, RESEARCH your device, RESEARCH the phone you're about to flash it to and RESEARCH known problems after install so you don't post flames to the OP of the ROM/build! Most good cooks will post known problems with their ROMs' and even tell you if you need to flash a different radio or not.
I hate seeing 300+ replies to a ROM posting... Most of the info is in the FIRST or SECOND post, unless otherwize stated by the OP.
(I needed to rant... sorry if I offended anyone)
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Firstly, good luck with your project. I have an old Raphael here so if I can be of help testing or whatever, let me know.
Second, you're exactly right. If you do the research, the issues you run into generally aren't overwhelming, and because you've read you already know what to do if you run into them. It's the kids that come in with their new toy, try and flash **** and **** it up, then expect the whole forum to bend over backwards to provide everything they need to fix their f*ck up. If they'd done what they should have done in the first place, we wouldn't be having this conversation!
First off let me say thanks for the support on my forum topic. I was a "noob" as well at one time. Heck we are all "noobs" with each new rom,tablet,sdk,phone,o.s. that hits the streets as each one has its own set of issues and work arounds.
For example when I went to root my dell streak 7 I read up on it, I read about all the options and how they worked , looked for what problems others had, if it was even a good option for me at the time. Then i took what seemed the most popular option and what seemed to work best for others. and while reading up on the process i came across the adb stuff as mentioned before.
I was like holy crap whats all that I have to do. Well at least I have a back ground in modding and computer repaires going back years so I have the means to understand what i am reading.
But like mentioned before most of these people have no idea what adb is or how to set it up or even use it, they just jump right in with the first half ass'd wrote tutorial that useually leaves a set out and bingo they brick thier device.
Then go and return or send it in for replacement jacking up the cost for everyone else.
All I can say is read read read read read read read oh and READ some more before you go and think your a hacker and mess with your 500 dollar phone or tablet. then go cry and want a free replacement when YOU screw it up.
IM not perfect I bricked the hell out of a nook color BUT If you calm down go on the net and look chances are someone else has done the same thing and the information is out there to undo it just like i found and now my nook is all happy.
IT is very rare that these devices are UNFIXABLE almost 98% of any thing you do to it can be undone if you dont have the knowledge to undo what you have done then you should not be messing with it in the first place period.
and if you have screwed it up dont go run to the store or the warrenty hot line with a bag full of lies. Cowboy up and take the blame dont expect others to bail you out and put even more ecnomic hardships and tighter lock downs on the rest of us becasue that is all your doing.
On the lighter side LOL please excuse my grammer,puctuation,spelling and so forth I get so into my posts sometimes I dont pay any attention lol. Then when I se the post I go wow I look like an idiot but a lazy one I dont bother to fix it .
sorry, but you are completely wrong. This is absolutely not how market works.
The price is not calculated and is not at all based on how many of devices get broken - which is how they are classified.
If all, then on contrary, the price may be reduced to reflect percentage of returned pieces. But again there is no dependence here.
Moreover, those devices will get reused, and will add on statistics to show problem with flashing, based on which they may try to make flashing more easy and foolproof. Yes maybe they'll decide to close some holes and make it more difficult to customize, but they might also decide to loose security here a little.
Look at HTC, you probably would agree they know about custom rom reflashing and I would say they even pulled some ropes to make it possible or easier.
It's market again, people who put custom ROM in their phone are more like pda freaks, specialist and their friends know them as such and when buying a phone asks them for opinion. So it's good for them to keep us, pda freaks, happy and allow us to tamper with their phones to be so.
Agree 110% that users should read, read, read and ask questions to be sure they fully understand what they are doing and the consequences before trying modifications. They should be held responsible for their actions. Hard-working developers waste far too much time bailing out fools from their own foolishness.
There should be far more posts like in this thread all over the internet.
papo said:
sorry, but you are completely wrong. This is absolutely not how market works.
The price is not calculated and is not at all based on how many of devices get broken - which is how they are classified.
If all, then on contrary, the price may be reduced to reflect percentage of returned pieces. But again there is no dependence here.
Moreover, those devices will get reused, and will add on statistics to show problem with flashing, based on which they may try to make flashing more easy and foolproof. Yes maybe they'll decide to close some holes and make it more difficult to customize, but they might also decide to loose security here a little.
Look at HTC, you probably would agree they know about custom rom reflashing and I would say they even pulled some ropes to make it possible or easier.
It's market again, people who put custom ROM in their phone are more like pda freaks, specialist and their friends know them as such and when buying a phone asks them for opinion. So it's good for them to keep us, pda freaks, happy and allow us to tamper with their phones to be so.
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Hum ... maybe you are right but maybe you are wrong. let me tell you my opinion of why I think you are wrong.
You say that all these returned devices that people jack up dont affect the market but somehow help the numbers?
OK I myself and most other people I know, if you go into a best buy lets say for the sake of argument and they have 2 tablets on the self One is brand new never been owned sealed up at 299.99. and the other is 10% off (I thinkthat is thier standard drop for open box) open box buy. what one are you gonna chose? knowing what people do with these things I dont know about you but to me the 30 bucks savings isnt worth the hassle of returning it when it doesnt work or to find out someone monkeyed with it. And i feel i am not alone and why there are so many open box buys sitting around on shelves.
Walmart doesnt restock returned tablets or phones doesnt matter if they are working or not they return everything to the manufacturer.
Manufacturers by law cannot resell a used item as new it has to be listed as refurbished.
so where do all these refurbished tablets go??? I dont see them. does anyone here have one? No they go to sleasy civic center electronics shows for resell at nearkly full retail and who buys them? no one at that pric people would rather have a new one. not to mention by the time the refubished junk makes its rounds to be resold its outdated and everyone wants the new thing.
Dont believe me there are stil factory refubished sega dreamcasts for sale on the internet... thats like form what 12 years ago.
all this material sitting arund DOES affect the prices we pay manufactures cant have 300 million in feurbished items sitting arund unsold with out it affecting its bottom line. so who pays for it... we do with higher prices.
also with that many items comming in defective they know which ones were hacked and messed up and which ones where manufacturing defects. when you get 100's of millions in loses do to people messing around with and screwing up your product YES you will lock it down more to make it harder.
Lets put this into a laymans terms.. lets say you own and run a chair store yes all you make are chairs. this month you made 100 chairs. well lets say 50 of them came back for refunds because people used them as something to stand on and broke them. so now your company is running at a greater then 60% loss. not only are you out the retail money for the chairs, your out the labor, the material, and the cost of now doing something with all the broken chairs. whicj included fixing them and then resellig them on a secondary market for less then the original retail. at this point your out a wad of cash and no body wants to buy your once broken chairs.
OK so now how do you go about correcting the problem you have keep people from breaking your chairs so you get less returns and there fore have a better bottom line so now you have to buy stornger wood, stronger glue, and make a more robust chair that people cant break.
all of this drives your costs up and profits down so what do you do?? Thats right you increase the cost of the chair.
You maybe right I dont think I have any idea how a market works.
i agree, just like real life, things come with inscructions for a reason.
i mean, if you buy a peice of furniture from ikea...well, good luck even with the inscructions (i flipping hate ikea, to many parts to assemble)
but the point is, they are there to show you what do to, i managed to read them, and i got my skyraider (i want to flash to a 2.3 rom, but, due to bugs and reading alot of them are glitchy, gonna hold off on that for a while.
I'm not gonna lie, I bricked my first Android phone, However.. HTC Replaced the internals Not everyone that does this is a noob, it only takes 1 mistake or 1 panic to they do something and it breaks Mine bricked flashing a radio (I had read no instructions) I saw the phone with a triangle on when it rebooted and was like ahh?! Have I broke it and ripped the battery out.. Which did infact break it However rooting etc. where to even download the tools needed you have to read through very simple step by step instructions which are HARD not to do exactly as said Then maybe I don't see how people end up breaking them
I have issues with these noobs wanting one click, exploits for everything and then when you.. (okay, I) suggest maybe, they actually learn, how to do it by long the "long way"...I get told to "get with the times" and "I, don't need too"....No?, well don't come crying to, me when something goes, wrong....I'll be too busy playing around on MY device....THAT ACTUALLY WORKS....
Sent using two tin cans and some string.....
Babydoll25 said:
I have issues with these noobs wanting one click, exploits for everything and then when you.. (okay, I) suggest maybe, they actually learn, how to do it by long the "long way"...I get told to "get with the times" and "I, don't need too"....No?, well don't come crying to, me when something goes, wrong....I'll be too busy playing around on MY device....THAT ACTUALLY WORKS....
Sent using two tin cans and some string.....
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Damn right. You tell someone to go and do the 'hard' work themselves, all of a sudden these pr*cks step up and have the nerve to call you out. I'm sorry, but this place needs assholes, and lots of them. Kiddies will never learn if they're spoon-fed everything. Nothing teaches you something quicker than a smack on the ass.
I don't see anything at all wrong with calling out n00bs and serving a few idiots, provided it's done civilly. You'll always upset some people, but you can't be all things to all people, and I'd much rather be thought of as an asshole here and do my bit to cut down the bullsh*t, than sit idly by and watch this place die.
I can see it over in the desire hd forums too(and i bet it's the same situaion on other forums too). There are more and more people who are too stupid to read one of the guides in the dev section. We have dozens of threads on how to downgrade/ s-off. And these aren't just for the lulz.
It seems that they haven't even clicked one single time on the Dev-section before creating a new thread about a bootloop or anything else.
And last but no least: the search button.
It's the same story again. The forum is full of questions that were answered like a billion times in the past.
Guys, when will you realise it? It takes some effort to make our phones working as we want them to. And the most important thing to do is reading. Read the guides some users put a lot of effort in. Read them to understand your device better and read them just to hit the Thanks Button on the bottom of the guide.
Sent out of my Free Candy Van.
MacaronyMax said:
I'm not gonna lie, I bricked my first Android phone, However.. HTC Replaced the internals Not everyone that does this is a noob, it only takes 1 mistake or 1 panic to they do something and it breaks Mine bricked flashing a radio (I had read no instructions) I saw the phone with a triangle on when it rebooted and was like ahh?! Have I broke it and ripped the battery out.. Which did infact break it However rooting etc. where to even download the tools needed you have to read through very simple step by step instructions which are HARD not to do exactly as said Then maybe I don't see how people end up breaking them
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because noobs think they can do everything in one-shot and end up getting bit on the ass
plus one rom i had to go back and wipe it 4 times before it finally booted back the startup loop
so, trial and error and paitionce also is important.
Babydoll25 said:
I have issues with these noobs wanting one click, exploits for everything and then when you.. (okay, I) suggest maybe, they actually learn, how to do it by long the "long way"...I get told to "get with the times" and "I, don't need too"....No?, well don't come crying to, me when something goes, wrong....I'll be too busy playing around on MY device....THAT ACTUALLY WORKS....
Sent using two tin cans and some string.....
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no, those aren;'t noobs, those are lazy people. they think technology will be, sorry never will, people get new tv's and think that everything will be setup out of the box, sadly this is why they have techs who have to come out and set the thing up for you because you were too ****ing lazy to take 30 minutes to an hour and do it yourself and save a buttload of money.
and how I rooted and got my roms on there? i read inscructions.....and Cvbcbcmv's video :/
Oh you poor OP. When will you learn?
Everyone was born unique. Therefore, everyone who was born falls on a different spot on the normal IQ curve. For everyone who is smart, quiet, listens to instructions, and respectful, there will be one d1ckwad on the other end of the equation (stupid, noisy, jumps the gun, and douchey).
From my experience, I know that I can only pray for these people and get the heck out of the dev section unless I need a new ROM.
But, all said and done, don't be discouraged by these id10ts, and continue to believe in humanity, or at least in me. I have never bricked my Desire, and the one time I was >< this close to bricking it, I knew what I did wrong and was prepared to fully accept the price of my stupidity. I have also read the instruction manual that came with my phone end to end (barring the index pages, anyway).
sakai4eva said:
Oh you poor OP. When will you learn?
Everyone was born unique. Therefore, everyone who was born falls on a different spot on the normal IQ curve. For everyone who is smart, quiet, listens to instructions, and respectful, there will be one d1ckwad on the other end of the equation (stupid, noisy, jumps the gun, and douchey).
From my experience, I know that I can only pray for these people and get the heck out of the dev section unless I need a new ROM.
But, all said and done, don't be discouraged by these id10ts, and continue to believe in humanity, or at least in me. I have never bricked my Desire, and the one time I was >< this close to bricking it, I knew what I did wrong and was prepared to fully accept the price of my stupidity. I have also read the instruction manual that came with my phone end to end (barring the index pages, anyway).
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Correction. Three dickwads
juzz86 said:
Correction. Three dickwads
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If XDA have this button called "follow", I'd click on it right now.
sakai4eva said:
If XDA have this button called "follow", I'd click on it right now.
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Cheers mate.
Unfortunately, some clowns are even beyond prayers. Look at how many threads there are for the f*cking Photon 4G. You'd think someone would have a look first, hey?
I don't want to be a Senior Member anymore. I want my user tag to be 'Ban Hammer'. Then watch me go!
Juzz86 - Ban Hammer
EDIT: Nice t1ts
The quote is funnier when you finally get the innuendos.

Poll: Is AT&T losing you or have they already lost you?

Has AT&T lost your loyalty?
Yes, I have returned my phone
Yes, I plan on returning my phone
Yes, I am switching carriers
Yes, I am returning my phone, but staying with AT&T off contract
No. I am satisfied
No. I am not happy, but I will see what happens
I am here to support this cause
Where's the option for "I'm not going to use my upgrade and will continue off contract until this issue is taken care of."
racrguy said:
Where's the option for "I'm not going to use my upgrade and will continue off contract until this issue is taken care of."
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I didn't think of that :/ I guess that falls under supporting the cause for now..
I'm not really sure what I'm going to do. My Vivid is a work phone so I'm stuck on AT&T anyway. I could return it but there is no other phone that I really want. The new LG looks nice but it seems like development sucks for LGs even with an unlocked bootloader.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA App
id rather stay on att cause im not a fan of verizon. att has the same coverage in cincinnati ohio, but verizon cost a little more. my trouble is, which phone should i get on sunday when i return lol
pside15 said:
I'm not really sure what I'm going to do. My Vivid is a work phone so I'm stuck on AT&T anyway. I could return it but there is no other phone that I really want. The new LG looks nice but it seems like development sucks for LGs even with an unlocked bootloader.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA App
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My assumption considering the specs the LG is going to have is that it will probably get a decent reception here. At least I would hope. Time will tell.
racrguy said:
Where's the option for "I'm not going to use my upgrade and will continue off contract until this issue is taken care of."
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+ for this option. I am waiting on sideline until this issue is resolved. I am happy to keep my aria running latest cm7 nightly.
In spirit, AT&T lost me many years ago. The only reason why I'm still with them is because of my corporate policy and them not allowing me to switch to Verizon.
Believe me, if I could, I would in a heartbeat.
I will continue with AT&T.
Have you called their tech support lately? They fixed my tethering, visual cm and sms provisioning and called back the next day to ensure it was fixed.
CIQ doesn't bother me. This is a work phone. Work already has the right to monitor me. They purchased the phone and pay for the plan.
In general, I am a doer and not a whiner. If it works for me and helps me get things done and doesn't harm me, great!
sent from my HTC Vivid using XDA app premium
malickie said:
My assumption considering the specs the LG is going to have is that it will probably get a decent reception here. At least I would hope. Time will tell.
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You may be right. I'll probably give this phone another few weeks though. This is the phone I've wanted since the Holiday was first leaked.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA App
willgill said:
I will continue with AT&T.
Have you called their tech support lately? They fixed my tethering, visual cm and sms provisioning and called back the next day to ensure it was fixed.
CIQ doesn't bother me. This is a work phone. Work already has the right to monitor me. They purchased the phone and pay for the plan.
In general, I am a doer and not a whiner. If it works for me and helps me get things done and doesn't harm me, great!
sent from my HTC Vivid using XDA app premium
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You've got to be kidding me. You're calling us whiners and not doers? Have you even been following this forum at all? Of course we have called tech support!
And this all makes sense now. The reasons you're defending them. "CIQ doesn't bother me." "It works for me and doesn't harm me" You're just selfish. Do you realize how many people are affected by CIQ? Chances are someone you know or even a family member is affected. Your "you agreed to terms" argument doesn't apply here like you tried to use in another thread. CIQ is doing things without our consent or permission! This isn't about just what affects "ME". This is about all of us and how we're being affected. Everyone has a different lifestyle and most of us don't have "work Vivids".
You don't want to participate in what we're trying to do, then don't. Want to stay with AT&T? Cool. But what's the point of trolling here? As long as we know now that you've been exposed as a selfish troll, No one really cares what you have to say.
Reclaim said:
You've got to be kidding me. You're calling us whiners and not doers? Have you even been following this forum at all? Of course we have called tech support!
And this all makes sense now. The reasons you're defending them. "CIQ doesn't bother me." "It works for me and doesn't harm me" You're just selfish. Do you realize how many people are affected by CIQ? Chances are someone you know or even a family member is affected. Your "you agreed to terms" argument doesn't apply here like you tried to use in another thread. CIQ is doing things without our consent or permission! This isn't about just what affects "ME". This is about all of us and how we're being affected. Everyone has a different lifestyle and most of us don't have "work Vivids".
You don't want to participate in what we're trying to do, then don't. Want to stay with AT&T? Cool. But what's the point of trolling here? As long as we know now that you've been exposed as a selfish troll, No one really cares what you have to say.
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I am participating. It is just another view. I am not some occupy zombie. Talk about selfish...trying to silence another's opinion would be the epitome of selfishness.
Let me know how you have been affected by CIQ. Has something changed in your life. I am guessing not because you didn't know until someone pointed it out.
By "doing" and not whining I mean TRULY make a difference. Instead of flooding corporate sites with noise, help with investigation. Make a case. How does it affect you? What did you agree to? Have you done due diligence and reread your contract?
These things make a difference.
sent from my HTC Vivid using XDA app premium
willgill said:
I am participating. It is just another view. I am not some occupy zombie. Talk about selfish...trying to silence another's opinion would be the epitome of selfishness.
Let me know how you have been affected by CIQ. Has something changed in your life. I am guessing not because you didn't know until someone pointed it out.
By "doing" and not whining I mean TRULY make a difference. Instead of flooding corporate sites with noise, help with investigation. Make a case. How does it affect you? What did you agree to? Have you done due diligence and reread your contract?
These things make a difference.
sent from my HTC Vivid using XDA app premium
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We helped raise awareness. That's most certainly doing something. I would love to do whatever I could. How is this occupying anything? No one is camping outside AT&T offices trying to protest.
And that's the issue. We HAD to be told that we were being monitored. So before it causes any real damage, it needs to be stopped. Just think if someone figured out that the PSN had an exploit before the the attack went down. We have the opportunity to do things we couldn't in other situations.
Until they kick me off my unlimited plan I will stay loyal. This whole Vivid situation was perfect timing in my mind. Was able to get the phone for $25 no contract so I kept it a few weeks waiting out the locked bootloader issue. Seeing that it may take awhile I sold the Vivid for $300 and bought a Galaxy Nexus HSPA+ and couldn't be happier.
Everyone, step back. OP, don't ask for opinions then complain you don't like some of those opinions. WillGill, that's pretty rude calling folks trying to do something "whiners". Which is what you did.
I believe it's important for people to shout it out when Big Brother starts to over reach. I appreciate the efforts of many here to expose and Kill CarrierIQ.
We live in a society that is becoming increasingly corrupt. Congress has made many forms of bribery completely legal, so that they can try and pretend that they're still the good guys. For the first time in history, Congress has been completely bought and paid for by those wishing to bend the system to their own selfish concerns. At the same time, the Internet has made it possible--for the first time in history--for the masses to become fully informed and fight this attack on our society.
The occupy movement is a good example of people coming together to fight terrible changes in our society, and this movement is fueled by information available on the Internet. Unfortunately, Occupy has failed miserably. If they've done anything, they've helped those people they're trying to fight. It's really too bad, they could have had a major impact had they targeted those people that actually could change the system--Congress.
We no longer hold politicians accountable for their corruption and the damage they've done to the system. We blindly accept whatever they've got to say, as long as they support a few pet causes we hold dear. Liberals--by and large--support Democrats, regardless of how huge the bribes they take are. Look at Nancy Pelosi: almost universally adored among the liberals and yet crooked beyond belief. Oh, that's right, she's not crooked. Congress has made it legal for her to accept bribes so large that they're unprecedented in history. And don't be smug conservatives, the Republicans are no better. Both sides are laughing all the way to the bank, whilst we cling to a few small issues that we feel differentiates liberals and conservatives.
As you rail against CarrierIQ, please don't forget who's sitting back and doing nothing even though they're vested with the responsibility to defend our privacy and our freedom. It's time we held congress's feet to the fire, regardless if we consider ourselves liberal or conservative.When you vote, look past whether a candidate is liberal or conservative. If they're honest, it will all work itself out. Cry out for candidates who are honest, who will fight CarrierIQ and every such intrusion into our lives. Don't accept corruption.
Nakel, you may have missed my point. All this ranting and raving without fact checking and knowing legal rights is just whining. Instead, I recommend true action.
Occupiers, by definition, are just taking up space. They change nothing other than kill park grass, leave filth, not to mention the rapes, drug deaths and deficating on cop cars. And no... I'm not making that up. Google it. That's the wrong message.
Actually what I see missing is personal responsibility.
Expect only what you pay for but feel free to negotiate more.
Know what your rights, not what you feel is "right".
Know your facts before you speak. (Like 85% of millionaires didn't inherit it)
Contribute to a true difference, not a scene.
My apologies for getting a bit OT. I would just like to be a voice of caution. Let's be sure we know if and who the dragon is before trying to vanquish it.
willgill said:
Nakel, you may have missed my point. All this ranting and raving without fact checking and knowing legal rights is just whining. Instead, I recommend true action.
Occupiers, by definition, are just taking up space. They change nothing other than kill park grass, leave filth, not to mention the rapes, drug deaths and deficating on cop cars. And no... I'm not making that up. Google it. That's the wrong message.
Actually what I see missing is personal responsibility.
Expect only what you pay for but feel free to negotiate more.
Know what your rights, not what you feel is "right".
Know your facts before you speak. (Like 85% of millionaires didn't inherit it)
Contribute to a true difference, not a scene.
My apologies for getting a bit OT. I would just like to be a voice of caution. Let's be sure we know if and who the dragon is before trying to vanquish it.
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I am with you, willgill, though I have no desire to argue or reason with "grab your pitchforks and torches" mob. I do find it curious however, that this mob's anger is rather selective. They get all worked up over CIQ yet say absolutely nothing about legalized rape that is SMS fees. They worry about a cell phone watching their every step while they are already being watched and tracked, EVERYWHERE. Your ISP already monitors your web traffic. Your bank already monitors your transactions. Your supermarket, gas station, restaurant already watch you like a hawk. Your cable and satellite provides and TV networks already watch you watching TV. Every time you input a pin code in ATM, click on TV remote, write an email - you are being watched and recorded.
So relax and sleep well tonight, my fellow xda'ers. Big Brother is not only watching you; he's also watching over you. If you wish to stick with your fears and superstitions, be my guest, but please do wear a tinfoil hat while you're outside, so I can identify and avoid you.
Intriguing commentary and food for thought.
"IF" CIQ is logging your SMS, would the same people incensed by that also be livid if their cell company couldn't retrieve their texts logs for evidence in a court case?
I've seen several court cases where text message records were admitted as evidence. So people want texts archived if it benefits them but on the other hand NOT recorded?
sent from my HTC Vivid using XDA app premium

Anyone getting tired of people charging on craigslist to root/jailbreak?

I see this all the time and it really really bothers me. People that have done nothing other than read some forum posts that are readily available to anyone with an Internet connection are making money off of others hard work.
I just posted this to my local craigslist.
"Don't get scammed, all of the jailbreaking and rooting methods are available for FREE online.
The odds that someone willing to root or jailbreak your phone for cash and being the person that created the method are approximately 0.
I say this because the developers of these methods do it as a hobby and share with their community.
So please, before you spend money on something you can do easily and for free, do a quick Google search.
tags: iphone android HTC apple samsung LG Galaxy EVO Epic Touch root jailbreak repair t-mobile verizon sprint att at&t 4g 3g tablet iPad Xoom"
I'm working on getting a laptop so that I can host "Free ROOTing events" at local coffee shops.
If you're with me I implore you to do the same. If there's a good reason why I shouldn't have done this, please let me know what I'm missing.
The people doing this aren't selling drugs or snatching purses. Is there really something wrong with perusing a legal source of income?
Also, the more people out there with rooted devices the better.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
Some people are scared to and would rather let someone else do it as they're scared they'll go wrong, I would say it's okay if they state somewhere it can be done yourself for free
Do you also have a problem with car wahing services? I mean you can do it yourself for free but some people still pay to have it done. Or what about home renovations? Why pay when you can Do it yourself? If a person can google for Unlock/root phone and find the person charging for it surely they must have passed over hundreds of DIY instructions in the process.
hungry81 said:
Do you also have a problem with car wahing services? I mean you can do it yourself for free but some people still pay to have it done. Or what about home renovations? Why pay when you can Do it yourself?
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Lol great post. Add surgery, dental work and hair cuts to the list
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
jordanishere said:
Lol great post. Add surgery, dental work and hair cuts to the list
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
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I hope your kidding.
i think the op is right. theyre profiting off of someone elses work that is being used for profit UNKNOWINGLY
I don't mind them. I mean the people using these services are to stupid to do it themselves anyway, so they chose to pay. I repair computers, and have ads up, and usually you can do all of it yourself. I mean it's not that hard to do a fresh install of Windows.
jaszek said:
I don't mind them. I mean the people using these services are to stupid to do it themselves anyway, so they chose to pay. I repair computers, and have ads up, and usually you can do all of it yourself. I mean it's not that hard to do a fresh install of Windows.
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But exploits have to be found, hours, if not days of work put into a root method for just ONE phone. That's not like just reinstalling windows, any schlep can do that.
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-
watt9493 said:
But exploits have to be found, hours, if not days of work put into a root method for just ONE phone. That's not like just reinstalling windows, any schlep can do that.
-My life is a shooting range, people never change-
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BUt what we are talking about here is that it's ready to be done. Anyone can do it themselves with an internet connection. But they chose not to.
Thats the beauty of capitalism, if someone's willing to pay for a service, someone is willing to work and get paid to do that service.
Jordan is right, its the same as washing a car or installing windows. Plus we don't need more noob threads about how they botched the rooting process and bashing the devs because they didn't read the directions. Better to have someone who knows what their doing and get the job done right.
phatmanxxl said:
Thats the beauty of capitalism, if someone's willing to pay for a service, someone is willing to work and get paid to do that service.
Jordan is right, its the same as washing a car or installing windows. Plus we don't need more noob threads about how they botched the rooting process and bashing the devs because they didn't read the directions. Better to have someone who knows what their doing and get the job done right.
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Which is why if a customer first tries to fix something himself, and THEN calls me, I charge them more if they messed something up.
It's not a scam.... It's a service....
Scam = people paying money to jailbreak a phone for you that doesn't actually jailbreak the phone....
Service = people don't know how or are afraid to jailbreak their phone in fear of bricking their device, or that don't have the expertise to do it themselves.
Personal recomdation, if you use craigslist find someone local, don't send off your phone.

sign this thing guys

i dont know if this is already well known but i just came across it. here is a petition for motorola mobility to unlock the bootloaders. sign if you like, i just did.
This is very well known. Belongs in the general section, and there are already three other threads qwith this. And bout ten threads that turned into talks like this. All unlock talk has already discussed
Sent from my XT862 using Tapatalk
Sorry, just trying to help. My search turned up no threads like this, and theres really no reason to be a **** about it.
Sent from my DROID3 using XDA
Sign my butt. This isn't going to work. People have been complaining about locked bootloaders on a plethora of Moto phones for years, and an online petition won't make any sort of difference.
shobon said:
Sign my butt. This isn't going to work. People have been complaining about locked bootloaders on a plethora of Moto phones for years, and an online petition won't make any sort of difference.
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Not being a ****. Just blunt. There are so many and people have been told alot so its too much to write a nice letter each time.
Sent from my XT862 using Tapatalk
edit: hope i didnt offend you though. im really just a blunt person, no harm :]
We have been signing petitions since the OG Droid. Never worked.
Rocking with my M3 and XDA app
I don't have any issue with the concept of this, and I signed it, although I don't think moto cares given the size of the actual modding population. However, why do people throw around the word 'rights' so much? Really, it's a right? No it's a want... I know I'll prolly get derided for this but still... Right?
This convo has been had millions of times. really doesnt need to be repeated to the same effect where it changes nothin
Noble intentions, wasted time.
Either googlerolla will deliver or they won't.
Sent from my DROID3 using xda premium
shobon said:
Sign my butt. This isn't going to work. People have been complaining about locked bootloaders on a plethora of Moto phones for years, and an online petition won't make any sort of difference.
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I agree with you 100%.
I still signed.
That's how frustrated I feel at all this. I'm reminded of my time with the orginal milestone. Checking internet every day to see if someone fgured out how to shoehorn froyo onto the thing. For some reason I thought moto would change... maybe it was because they said they would.
Yeah its a long shot for this petition to do anything, I very sincerely doubt it will. But I would love to be wrong. It only takes two seconds to sign it.
Signed also
While I've signed the petition, I have a ready-made solution that nobody has seemed to mention yet... stop buying Motorola devices.
I've enjoyed Moto's offerings since the OG Droid days, mainly because of the superior build quality, but due to Moto's lock down on devices, and their lack of willingness to placate us, the way HTC has done, the D3 will be the last Motorola device I purchase. Let's face it, performance-wise, Moto doesn't build top-notch machines, the screen quality is sub par, and support is non-existent. Build quality is the ONLY thing they have going for them, and with Samsung making moves to improve their own build quality, I don't see any reason to stick around.
Motorola is not going to change their stance on this matter, and as such, the only way we can really make them listen, is by hitting them where it hurts...their wallets. I believe over 10,000 people have signed the petition (not a huge number, compared to global Moto sales), but 10,000 units at $150 each, equates to $1,500,000 in revenue. Again, that number may be small by comparison, but I'm sure a $1.5m decrease would get someone's attention.
My advice to anyone who's upset enough to sign this petition, is to move to a company with a better track record of being development friendly. Quad-core offerings are on the horizon, and a new Nexus device should be spotted around Christmas...I'll be saving my money, and WILL be jumping ship as soon as I can. The Moto journey has been "fun", but it's time to trade build quality for better performance and support. I'm done buying phones that are (essentially) dead on arrival, and obsolete within 3 months of release... I urge the rest of you to follow suit.
Sent from my XT862 using xda premium
I signed it but it will not work every phone i have gotten they stop suporting it and i have had my droid 3 for a few mouths and some keys are not working right i have to hit them 3 to 4 times when i get the money and its very unlikly im going with a new phone with a unlocked bootloader or one with one that can have a good work a round but the droid 3 is a good phone dont get me worng i just need a unlocked bootloader that way i will have custom kernels and working cm9
Sent from my DROID3 using XDA
I would if HTC or samsung had a proper high end QWERTY phone
DoubleYouPee said:
I would if HTC or samsung had a proper high end QWERTY phone
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i like HTC better than samsung, and being a fan of HTC since the S710 times...and having HTC dev around is pretty helpful.
so...their methods are not perfect at all
DoubleYouPee said:
I would if HTC or samsung had a proper high end QWERTY phone
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Yes! That's my main issue . However a soft keyboard is looking more and more possible as there won't be any other options...

No Kingroot Sheep here!

Thankd to Kingroot I lost the chance at making around 400$ yesterday....i mean why have full legit trustable root from Sir [email protected] ...all my respect real talk...why have that when you could just have someone remote into your PC Today!!Not sold yet? They are more knowladgable then our entire brotherhood they will install a virus...i mean a harmless program thats steals your IMIE ..i mean completly brings your phone to its knees ...i mean will root your phone with one click.....please by all means gain a fake ...i mean kingsu binary...its so legit and only to be used by professional freelance phone modders....they will click....i mean one trick your phone....screw it these kids know what they are doing.. they had to put hundreds upon hundreds of hours behind a Linux Machine learning commands then the same plus sweat and tears into studying the Androids complete orgins and capabilities I mean i just dualboot Linux and run it as my main OS so how did i know that Android running off a Linux kernel actually uses kingsu....i forgot that command to enter my root folders on my Ubuntu OS after a fresh install was Sudo Kingsu.....hmmmm i dont blame nobody but these kids...they got no respect...i just Odind back to stock and deleted the custom recovery a fellow brother made and I tested becausr it literally must not get any better right.....gotta love that backup with the stock recovery....i cant wait to flash some scripts er KingRoms.....oh jusr roms ....oh not done in one click. snapshot backup....i always hated inginuity behind TWRP . Made life to to just get rid of this 6 core Ryzen 1600x i have comming in the mail to build TWRPs ..port my own roms ....i just cant wait for Kingroot...ignorance and oblivion are going to be bliss!!!
I appreciate all you who do this for real and dont make money at it ....not my intentions either....only to bring other knowledge and the real deal..thats 100 ....withouth this community id probably of been one of those foolish customers and be smooth talked into lossing out on everything that is Droid and The Family and Community XDA is besides all the knowledge thats been struggled anf fought for so vigorously...So tonight I drink to you guys who fly true and i will be moving on to Computers and Website building with Php Sqlite Html5 and the rest...TO XDA FOREVER....NEVER SHEEP!!!!
Why you mad tho?
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
passport619 said:
Why you mad tho?
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Mainly all the Hours Everyone at this forum Pours in this forum and website and countless sleepless nights doing it right. Not to mention hours I have put in to Learning these tricks that I have tried to pass along to those who
A. Are misguided or informed
B.Will eventually uses this Forum
C. Somehow will owe this site a nod of thanks for everything both proprietary and intellectual that is tireless fought hard to be kept both growing and safe.
D. Are ignorant and could uses a helping hand.
E. The misinformed and misguided once again cant forget that we may or may not have been *That Guy or Gal*
F. Security Threatend
G. Cold need some privacy and or Freedom.
I digress tho its mainly to watch someone pay 5-20$ to a kid whom instead rather push one button of a mouse ...Lazily I might add either persuade a unknowing user to unknowingly temp root (i dont call it that..not the point.) and advertise it as geniune root. Or to have the blind leading the blind....idk if thats the buyer or the young person who illadvisedly or knowingly (whichever is worse is a matter of opinion.
So in hindsight I would say the ppl need this community just as I do...I feeling that just as much I do so they. That money could be in a developer,freelancer, specialist whom could teach them the tricks of the trade so openly given with no obligation at this sight.
That is why ....You tell me after a couple years being up night after night or just free time such as off days or spare time after school flipping from this site to your pc and then to yoyr smart phone repeadetly for whatever reasons or AndroPractices you may use.
Just to clarify I dont say that ive earned the right to any monetary or financial gain for any knowledge I may or may not have ....just a finders was saught as a Advising Freelancer fee to said knowledge gained and or leadership that towards what I believe this community stands in.
One might argue is in the end either helpful and or lifesaving to the health of their personal lives lived on a mobile device. Or just misuse ...idk yet ive only had the best of intentions to inform the potential or current user that there is a path well beaten...
My end goal is and always will be to enlighten or show the path to enlightenment that such informative information as how to port a rom a working recovery...unlock your bootloader ..or stuff maybe not regarded so highly but needed and sometimes daychangers and money savers like flashing to stock or usb tethering....even the stupid stuff like can you make me a rom for device 123H that ends up like nah ur bootloaders locked. Ive seen it transform into a full on discussion that sometimes meets goals that are like said example or they bring about some light that benefits the end user and reader in the end.
I guess I just apprecaite the small things in my life that could be entire careers work ( length and depth matters not)
* personal opinion only and a way to keep my intentions from being miscontrued preventing any offense I may or may not cause(d)*
Problems at home?
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I'm not sure who's selling what or where, but I'm going to end the ramblings here.
If someone is trying to sell a service on Xda, please report them with the report button on a relevant post or thread. Selling services is not allowed here.
If it's something that happened off of Xda, then please don't bring the drama here. :good:
And if I've mistaken the intend of this thread, my apologies. But it is definitely hard to follow.
Thread Closed.

