I change the settings to vibrate, but when I receive call, it vibrates normally(vibracall), but when I get message(sms) it does not vibrate .... WHAT can be?
have tested this in ging.v17, CM7, FROYO2.2 ..... I am currently with the CM7 .....
Please help me, thanks.
You have to set the vibration from the settings of SMS app.
Sent from my fantastic X8
You need to settings it
you must setting.
Go to messaging>setting>notification setting>vibrate
set "ALWAYS"
hope can help you.
wlon said:
I change the settings to vibrate, but when I receive call, it vibrates normally(vibracall), but when I get message(sms) it does not vibrate .... WHAT can be?
have tested this in ging.v17, CM7, FROYO2.2 ..... I am currently with the CM7 .....
Please help me, thanks.
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Go to setting in the message..
Hi all the xda guru. Many people like me experienced a problem of HTC Diamond:
In standby mode, if a new SMS comes in. Diamond won't make any sound an vibration even THEY HAVE BEEN SET in the "Sounds & Configuration". I tried to disable the TouchFLO3D, and this problem won't happen again.
Is this a bug? Anyone is developing a fix to this problem?????
Yes I have the same problem. The phone won't ALWAYS...but SOMETIMES only vibrate when the screen is off. However, whenever I turn the screen on, it will vibrate and notify me. Just a minor glitch I suppose!
wait for the rom-upgrade. hope allthe problems will be solved..
ok. SMS wake up is disabled by default in registry. thats in HKLM\drivers\builtin\ril
as far as I am remeber. I will confirm soon. that needs to be enabled.
I see the reason for this though:
if you phone wakes up to SMS it shortens the battery life for you.
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL :
DisableSMSWakeUpEvent <-- set to "1" by default. meaning NO wake up to SMS message
Change this value to "0", soft reset you phone and verify that value is correct.
I hope it helps.
P.S. please add this to Diamond Tweaks thread
SecureGSM said:
ok. SMS wake up is disabled by default in registry. thats in HKLM\drivers\builtin\ril
as far as I am remeber. I will confirm soon. that needs to enabled.
I see the reason for this though:
if you phone wakes up to SMS it shortens the battery life for you.
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL :
DisableSMSWakeUpEvent <-- set to "1" by default. meaning NO wake up to SMS message
Change this value to "0", soft reset you phone and verify that value is correct.
I hope it helps.
P.S. please add this to Diamond Tweaks thread
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Thanks man! Is there one for email..or?
it supposed to FLASH LIGHT for you for 5 minutes by default instead of waking up phone to that.. that should be logically enough to alert you. If it does not, I would also add to that:
Settings-->Sound and notifications-->Notifications -->Messaging: New e-mail message:
1. Play sound (choose one) or even repeat as well.
2. Display message on Screen
I hope it helps.
Is there one for email..or?
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SMS wake up!!!!!
SecureGSM said:
ok. SMS wake up is disabled by default in registry. thats in HKLM\drivers\builtin\ril
as far as I am remeber. I will confirm soon. that needs to be enabled.
I see the reason for this though:
if you phone wakes up to SMS it shortens the battery life for you.
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL :
DisableSMSWakeUpEvent <-- set to "1" by default. meaning NO wake up to SMS message
Change this value to "0", soft reset you phone and verify that value is correct.
I hope it helps.
P.S. please add this to Diamond Tweaks thread
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May i know how can i get into the registry to change the setting?
keith83 said:
May i know how can i get into the registry to change the setting?
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Use a program called resco registry editor
Can download it from here:
Download the file...connect your phone to the pc and click on the downloaded file and it should install onto the phone.
SecureGSM said:
it supposed to FLASH LIGHT for you for 5 minutes by default instead of waking up phone to that.. that should be logically enough to alert you.[
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I can confirm this. On new email the light flashes. But now, for me, suddenly it doesn't, anymore (it flashes AFTER I turn it on which makes not too much sense). Can anybody help? I think I checked everything and also I didn't change a setting. Somehow it does not react to new email until I switch it on. Of course I only use standby and not turn it off completely with long push on the button.
frankmuel said:
I can confirm this. On new email the light flashes. But now, for me, suddenly it doesn't, anymore (it flashes AFTER I turn it on which makes not too much sense). Can anybody help? I think I checked everything and also I didn't change a setting. Somehow it does not react to new email until I switch it on. Of course I only use standby and not turn it off completely with long push on the button.
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Are there any fixes for this yet? Having to turn the phone on (out of sleep) to see if there are emails when it should alert you makes auto email retrieval kinda pointless.
Wake on e-mail!
Wakeup on e-mail.
Is there a way to wake-up the Diamond when i get an email message?
So far I have to check manually if there is email. No wake-up, no sound.
I hope there is a way...
KraFT_mk said:
Wakeup on e-mail.
Is there a way to wake-up the Diamond when i get an email message?
So far I have to check manually if there is email. No wake-up, no sound.
I hope there is a way...
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Bump (sorry for the old thread).
Is there a way to wake up the Diamond when it's in standby when you receive a new email (either push or via Windows Live)?
i posted this in another thread and it works for me.
mate hows ur phone?
Please, i have no idea how to do this, i had this activated a time ago using some tweak program, but now there is no tweak app that makes the phone vibrate when a sms has been sent. Can some1 help me?
please some1º
some1 knows?
i have the italian menu:
Go to start-settings-personal-sounds-notifications tab(?) then select Event and search new sms. Now you can see vibration option.
vanaedium said:
i have the italian menu:
Go to start-settings-personal-sounds-notifications tab(?) then select Event and search new sms. Now you can see vibration option.
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when has been SENT......not received
neonlite said:
when has been SENT......not received
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yeah, i mean SENT. I had it once, but i cant find it anymore
Well i think this is wht u r after if I understood u correctly:
You'll need to start up ur registry editor and goto:
there u need to "SMSNoSentMsg"="0" <--Change the value from "1" to "0"
Hope it helps....
ill try today.
Thank you.
SK Chema .
Hello all,
sorry for my bad english
Some how, my diamond doesnt makes alert sound when a new text message is recived. Every other event makes sounds perfectly.
I set it to make a sound and vibrate in the old winmo interface.
I found no option like this in diamond tweak or advanced config
(thos programs has only ringtone change option - and my diamond ring just fine. I used advanced config to set it to wake up when a new message arrives.
What can be the problem.
Same problem here, but with new MMS. SMS notification works normally.
MMS work with the new ROM.
But the MMS notification has no sound and no vibration, even if checked in the settings.
me again
I just found out that the same problem happens when I get a new Email message - the device makes lights but no sound even though I set it to at the events area in windows mobile settings. When I press the play buttin there it playes the sound perfectly.
Had the same problem, I managed to set an inbuilt ringtone. Maybe it is not as good as my own, but at least I can hear anything. Search for it.
Is the Wake up from new SMS enabled?
it is enabled
maurophp said:
Is the Wake up from new SMS enabled?
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yes it is, but it does not seem to be working.
when i get a nes sms or email the phone just lights its round button.
and i am using a builtin ringtone. it calles Alert-Glass2
maurophp said:
Is the Wake up from new SMS enabled?
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where can i enable wake up on new SMS?
murata said:
where can i enable wake up on new SMS?
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you need diamond tweak for that - but as i said, it doesnt seem to work
ididid said:
Hello all,
sorry for my bad english
Some how, my diamond doesnt makes alert sound when a new text message is recived. Every other event makes sounds perfectly.
I set it to make a sound and vibrate in the old winmo interface.
I found no option like this in diamond tweak or advanced config
(thos programs has only ringtone change option - and my diamond ring just fine. I used advanced config to set it to wake up when a new message arrives.
What can be the problem.
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Please Help ME...
ididid said:
Please Help ME...
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I had problems with AZTOR rom and now i using Vic rom and i have no more problems with SMS.
maybe you can also try it.
rom cahnge
Cant change rom. If ill do it i will lose my importer warranty.
ididid said:
Cant change rom. If ill do it i will lose my importer warranty.
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could you tell us wich rom version you are using at the moment
I am using Alarm4 if this does matter.
Tried my procedure?
kosherpig said:
1. Open TF3D Settings tab
2. Choose Sounds
3. Toggle last option two times (so it goes back to your current passing another)
4. Click More (right softkey)
5. Go to the second tab
6. Choose New SMS sound
7. Select some inbuild ringtone
8. Click OK
9. Repeat steps 4-8 skipping step 7
10. Test it.
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me again
murata said:
could you tell us wich rom version you are using at the moment
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ROM: 1.93.456.2 WWE
date: 7/10/08
ExtROM: 1.93.456.21
sorry for my bad english...
actually, i ever had this problem before, it is:
in the events area in windows mobile settings. if you press the play button, it playes the sound perfectly, but when a message is received, there is no alert sound...
that's because i changed the sms mode from "chat mode" to the traditional one (i just don't know how to express this, but i think you can understand) and when i change this back to normal, the sound comes back again
hope this can be helpful
Are these not working ringtones in MIDI format?
Just noticed setting a certain MIDI ringtone makes all MIDIs for this event fail.
(I switched to WMA and I am happier than with MID )
enable vibra
ididid said:
Hello all,
sorry for my bad english
Some how, my diamond doesnt makes alert sound when a new text message is recived. Every other event makes sounds perfectly.
I set it to make a sound and vibrate in the old winmo interface.
I found no option like this in diamond tweak or advanced config
(thos programs has only ringtone change option - and my diamond ring just fine. I used advanced config to set it to wake up when a new message arrives.
What can be the problem.
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TRY: settings --> sounds¬ifications --> notifications (tab) --> Event: Messaging: New text message and check the "Vibrate" checkbox. Worked for me after updating rom 1.97 to 2.03
New to this forum - hello everyone.
I'm sure you know what I'm talking about and I'm sure it's been tackled before on the Diamond forum - but search isn't helping me out here.
Basically i'm reffering to the issue where I get no SMS tone when the phone turns off the screen (powersaving/standby) - only the ring of light flashes.
Is there a know solution? I've already edited the registry (disablewakeon something??), and sms notifcation on screen! No luck!
Any help would be appreciated.
SniperZoz said:
New to this forum - hello everyone.
I'm sure you know what I'm talking about and I'm sure it's been tackled before on the Diamond forum - but search isn't helping me out here.
Basically i'm reffering to the issue where I get no SMS tone when the phone turns off the screen (powersaving/standby) - only the ring of light flashes.
Is there a know solution? I've already edited the registry (disablewakeon something??), and sms notifcation on screen! No luck!
Any help would be appreciated.
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have you tried Start->settings->Sounds&Notification->Notifications and then from drop down choose new SMS and set accordingly
i think you want to say that there is no notification on screen when the ph is in standby mode,but when u wake up ur ph or recieve a call then it shows the sms notification.....if thats ur problem then try downloading tweak pack available in the forum.....in that tweak pack there is an option to show notification whenever u recieve a sms,no matter if the ph is in stndby mode
Tried setting a ringtone to a waveform file (for example WAV, WMA or MP3)?
My TD refuses to work with MIDI so I just replaced them with WMAs.
majnnuu said:
i think you want to say that there is no notification on screen when the ph is in standby mode,but when u wake up ur ph or recieve a call then it shows the sms notification.....if thats ur problem then try downloading tweak pack available in the forum.....in that tweak pack there is an option to show notification whenever u recieve a sms,no matter if the ph is in stndby mode
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yeah - that what i was trying to say ... i've re-read my original post - not so clear was it!?
so tweak pack you say ... i'll look for that (link would be nice thou') - cheers
EDIT: are you reffering to the "Advanced Configuration Tool"? If so what setting am I looking for? If not - link to the tweak pack please?
kosherpig said:
Tried setting a ringtone to a waveform file (for example WAV, WMA or MP3)?
My TD refuses to work with MIDI so I just replaced them with WMAs.
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i'm actually playing a midi (the nokia sms tune) but it works fine when not in standby .... did yours do that too? (i.e. work when not it standby and vice versa!?)
I've also tried the registry fix:
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL : DisableSMSWakeUpEvent <-- set to "1" by default. Change value to "0"
This didn't really do much apart from truning the screen on - still no sms tone if the phone was on standby on recieving the sms.
If there's a specific know fix for this issue your help would be appreciated as would a link to it!.
i have a similar prob, i get no vibration if device is set to "vibrate" by recieving new sms. if i check "vibrate" in settings - sounds - notifications then it vibrates properly in vibration mode, but then it vibrates also in normal sound mode.. rom is stock 2.03 rom
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL : DisableSMSWakeUpEvent <-- set to "1" by default. Change value to "0"
Worked like a charm for me!
Changed the value and restarted the device.
Using a Htc Touch Pro 2 WM 6.5
I tried everything, but was not able to set the Caller Alert as:
Ring Once and then vibration every other 2 seconds without RINGING.
Thank you!
That's probably because the Diamond doesn't have that profile... you get what you see in the ringer options!
what other ring options did you find while trying everything else?
also, try VAlert and making a ring tone with the appropriate duration.
bluetiger521 said:
I tried everything, but was not able to set the Caller Alert as:
Ring Once and then vibration every other 2 seconds without RINGING.
Thank you!
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Here you go:
Ciao, Andrea
thank you all!
bluetiger521 said:
thank you all!
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could you copy the script to here once u have tested etc?
(guessing it will be "apw3v2w2r" ?)