so which one do you currently prefer any why?
phi303 said:
so which one do you currently prefer any why?
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I like Honeycomb on my Tablet because i have Cyanogen on my Phone.
My favorite option isn't listed.
Froyo gives you Flash and working DSP video, something no other option has.
phi303 said:
so which one do you currently prefer any why?
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If you look at the signatures of most Mods on Nook Color Forums, almost all of them are using Nookie Froyo - probably for the reasons mentioned by the poster just before me.
(In fact, it is rumored than B&N will release an update for the stock NC to Froyo at the end of March, and it will include Flash support.)
Does anyone know if there is still the problem with mounting your sd card in HC after installing internally? the reason i as is because the Nook app its self will not work unless a SD card is inserted and mounted. Making the whole original point to the nook color pointless... lol even though it does make an amazing android tab. with 3.0 it would be INCREDIBLE!!! I had 3.0 installed internally but i switched back to autonooter just because i couldn't read any books because of the sd card mount issue. wasn't sure if they had fixed this in Honeycomb V4 version 2 or not. I would love to know if they have.
If so, we know who will installing it tonight! I got a whoppin 1430 Quadrant score when HC was installed. pretty impressive, better than my Droid Inc. running gingerbread lol
livestrong2012 said:
Does anyone know if there is still the problem with mounting your sd card in HC after installing internally? the reason i as is because the Nook app its self will not work unless a SD card is inserted and mounted. Making the whole original point to the nook color pointless... lol even though it does make an amazing android tab. with 3.0 it would be INCREDIBLE!!! I had 3.0 installed internally but i switched back to autonooter just because i couldn't read any books because of the sd card mount issue. wasn't sure if they had fixed this in Honeycomb V4 version 2 or not. I would love to know if they have.
If so, we know who will installing it tonight! I got a whoppin 1430 Quadrant score when HC was installed. pretty impressive, better than my Droid Inc. running gingerbread lol
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i currently am using ver2 and internal memory and SD card both read/write fine =]
neidlinger said:
I like Honeycomb on my Tablet because i have Cyanogen on my Phone.
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same for me - i was just wondering what most people use
poofyhairguy said:
My favorite option isn't listed.
Froyo gives you Flash and working DSP video, something no other option has.
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hmmm thnx for the input - video and flash aren't important to me as i use the nook as a comic & magazine reader... very interesting results so far =P
Yeah FroYo if you want Flash and DSP video. Otherwise CM7 since it runs a little smoother than HC as of right now.
i liked honeycomb becuase of the easy way to switch btween stuff but i am enjoying cm7 most cause it runs really nice
Using CM7 on eMMC until HC AOSP comes out and gets a few releases (figuring there will likely be some annoying bugs in the first couple). I liked the HC interface much more, but it was not as responsive and too many apps didn't run properly. My fiancee and lots of other friends/family play Words with Friends constantly as well, and it doesn't work in HC properly, but it does work flawlessly in CM7 from my experience. I'm not a huge fan of the game, but it is one I would much rather not see broken.
has it been working pretty well for you then?!
phi303 said:
i currently am using ver2 and internal memory and SD card both read/write fine =]
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i like roms with lots of updates and currently that only includes cm7.
may switch back to froyo for awhile though... it was nice being able to watch movies.
snives said:
Using CM7 on eMMC until HC AOSP comes out and gets a few releases (figuring there will likely be some annoying bugs in the first couple). I liked the HC interface much more, but it was not as responsive and too many apps didn't run properly. My fiancee and lots of other friends/family play Words with Friends constantly as well, and it doesn't work in HC properly, but it does work flawlessly in CM7 from my experience. I'm not a huge fan of the game, but it is one I would much rather not see broken.
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Really? words with friends has never worked properly for me... It just does not scale properly on any ROM i've tried... ie the letter tabs are half-off the screen, and refuse to be dragged.
HoneyComb has a far superior UI, but CM7 has far fewer bugs. Eclair was never really stable for me, I've gone to flash Froyo a few times, but the page for the download is really pessimistic and turns me off.
I would really REALLY prefer a stable HoneyComb build. That would be amazing...
the tablet apps are so much better than the default. Plus CM7's notifications pull-down menu really annoys me and should go away. So much wasted screen space...
EDIT: and WHY are the back and menu buttons in the top right? really? pretty much EVERY app has a button right next to them. I try to hit the menu button, and the notification window pulls down. Either that or i push an app button by accident.
I love CM7, and I REALLY appreciate all the work that's been done, but these guys obviously aren't UI guys...
I have had my nook for all of 4 days, but i really like cm7, hc appeared to be too unresponsive for now. I fly a lot and videos are important however moboplayer and or rockplayer between them seem to handle anything i throw at them (divx etc) smoothly. I had an iPad (jailbreak hell) then a g tablet (screen sucks, heavy, cm7 was not nearly as stable as on nook, fast but i don't seem to see much difference browisng/scrolling etc with cm7 experience) and for some reason this nook is by far and away my favorite.
It seems that Honeycomb runs a bit slow on the sd card (haven't tried it running it from eMMC). Right now it seems that Froyo works the best. If they don't come up with a less sluggish HC, I might stick with Froyo.
I may be in the minority but I like the stock rom rooted. Primarily because of the control buttons B&N coded into the task bar, and I don't much care about flash anyway.
I like the Honeycomb UI. I tried the SD version and it's pretty remarkable how well they got that build running. If I were to replace the stock rom it'd be with some version of Honeycomb. Actually I would prefer if B&N just skipped froyo and gingerbread and went straight to Honeycomb for their upgrade (if they are indeed planning an upgrade at all).
poofyhairguy said:
My favorite option isn't listed.
Froyo gives you Flash and working DSP video, something no other option has.
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what rom you have installed? I had nokie froyo on internal memory and it was reaaally slow. Right now im on 1.1 stock rom and its noticeable much faster.
I prefer Cyanogen. I've read too much about issues with application compatibility with Honeycomb to load it right now. When the developers start pushing out ROMS based on the actual source, I'm sure I'll switch over and try it out.
Right now I have CM7 running with dalingrin's overclocked kernel and this thing FLIES. I'm actually trying to sell my ipad now as I would much prefer to use the nook as my tablet.
I like rooted stock. Was trying nookie froyo in my class 10 sd really smooth. After some customization I will be using NF if I can fix the wifi issue.
Hi there, my nc is running customized nookie froyo.68, with an old but wifi friendly oc kernel, I can run angry birds pretty well. But today I tried paly X Construction on it. it ran veeeery slow. I' not sure if it's only me or everyone gets the same. I was so surprised as it doesn't have too much animation in the game.
Sent from my Nook Color (zoom2) using Tapatalk
Did you end up getting it to run fast again?
I found X Construction lite worked fine on my Samsung Galaxy S (Froyo), so purchased the full game. But the full game runs extremely slow. Have un-installed and re-installed, no joy.
Anyone got any suggestions, besides sending an email to the dev (which I've done with no reply).
Im not new to loading ROM's for Android devices. I have an HD2 and have loaded about 50 ROMS on it in the last year I have had it! Recently, I got my wife a NC, and want to play around a little bit.
The big issue is this. My wife HATES my HD2 simply because every time she picks it up, its a new ROM! She really LOVES the NC, so there is no way she is going to let me really mod the thing like my phone.
There are a few small issues with the stock ROM, and I have been reading the post's for a few weeks now to see if there is something that fits what im looking for, but there are so many post's its really hard to dig even using the search! So please bare with me for asking questions im sure have been asked many many times.
#1, is there a ROM that will still run B&N books? Or will I just have to stick with stock ROM for that?
#2, can the stock rom be overclocked of the above is true? One of the biggest gripes is youtube playback. Will the OC help that?
#3, Has anyone gotten the Netflix player to play on a stock rooted NC?
Basically I want to let her watch Netflix on the NC and punch up the performance a little, and still keep the B&N software useable.
Any help would be great!
Gibbage said:
Im not new to loading ROM's for Android devices. I have an HD2 and have loaded about 50 ROMS on it in the last year I have had it! Recently, I got my wife a NC, and want to play around a little bit.
The big issue is this. My wife HATES my HD2 simply because every time she picks it up, its a new ROM! She really LOVES the NC, so there is no way she is going to let me really mod the thing like my phone.
There are a few small issues with the stock ROM, and I have been reading the post's for a few weeks now to see if there is something that fits what im looking for, but there are so many post's its really hard to dig even using the search! So please bare with me for asking questions im sure have been asked many many times.
#1, is there a ROM that will still run B&N books? Or will I just have to stick with stock ROM for that?
#2, can the stock rom be overclocked of the above is true? One of the biggest gripes is youtube playback. Will the OC help that?
#3, Has anyone gotten the Netflix player to play on a stock rooted NC?
Basically I want to let her watch Netflix on the NC and punch up the performance a little, and still keep the B&N software useable.
Any help would be great!
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1. FroYo and CM7 will run B&N books through the B&N Nook App. Children's books ("Read to me") are stock only (Android 2.1 Eclar).
3. Not sure about stock NC but CM7 works beautifully
Paul22000 said:
1. FroYo and CM7 will run B&N books through the B&N Nook App. Children's books ("Read to me") are stock only (Android 2.1 Eclar).
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Actually the latest stock upgrade puts it up to 2.2 - stock 1.1 and below were eclair. The books still work fine after rooting too.
Sent from my Droid Incredible 2 using XDA app
Can Nook run android apps with the stock nook ui? Not rooted or anything straight out the box?
kidcjay25 said:
Can Nook run android apps with the stock nook ui? Not rooted or anything straight out the box?
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Stock is still Android - the angry birds that b&n sells is Android. But without rooting you can only get whatever b&n sells you.
Sent from my Droid Incredible 2 using XDA app
#1. Also The stock nook color reader app can only be run on a rooted stock device. I am pretty sure no roms at all support it. ( I don't know why there is no froyo rom that is based on the stock build maybe it is not possible) The BN app in the market is a fairly different reading experience.
#2. stock rom can be overclocked just fine, You can find Kernels Here. I run 1.1Gz some times no problems, 1.2 was too much for my device. Usually though I leave the clock down at 800-900 because the boost is not needed. Also, Youtube works beautifully on my rooted 1.2 right now ( I dont remember if the last time i was watching youtube i was overclocked or not)
#3. I am one of the last people in the universe to not have netflix so can't really try this out.
If CM7 still has sleep issues stock will get better sleep battery life by about 10x so your wife wont have to live next to a power outlet.
kidcjay25 said:
Can Nook run android apps with the stock nook ui? Not rooted or anything straight out the box?
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For pure stock nook colors, Barnes and Noble has their own app store with just under 150 apps I think. Only a small selection of them are free because no ads are allowed. They do have pulse reader though, which is mine and a lot of peoples favorite news aggregator.
Just Install CM7 to a MicroSD. That way whenever your Wife uses the Nook it's Normal Stock, which she's probably fine with, but when you use the Nook you can Pop the Card in and it'll boot into CM7 instead allowing you to do anything you want. When your Wife wants to use the Nook just turn it off and take out the Card, turn it back on and it'll boot to Stock again.
I recommend this Thread for Installing CM7 to MicroSD:
[ROM][CM7] Size-agnostic SD Card image and CM7 installer for SD Cards. with updater
Sent from NookColor CM7 uSD using Tapatalk
I am currently in a market for a budget tablet that can allow me to do internet browsing and also play normal Android games like Angry Birds.
My impression is that Nook is only a book reader and may not sustain the casual gaming (it's for my mum). But how would a custom ROM like CM7 improve that? Do I get a true Gingerbread experience (i.e. just like all other phones who run CM7, but without phone capability only) when I flash CM7 or it's still stuck with a book reader mode? Any overclocking kernel for Nook?
I know about those hardware differences (bluetooth, camera etc.) but that's not too big an issue for me. Like I say, browsing and gaming is what I am looking for.
The other thing I am interested with the Nook is that there are better development than the Wifi Tab 7. Has there been stable Honeycomb release?
Sorry for all these questions, probably asked a lot before, but I tried the sticky and do not get something I want, seems like my questions are too basic to be kept in the forum?
as far as i know its complete gingerbread with cm7 and i think you can only overclock to 1.3 which is still really good if your the benchmark type of person i get close to 3k with my nook..better than my evo 3d.
Yeah, a little more digging in Google tells me everything about the CM7 and overclocking. Should have done that before posting it here.
Anyway, any idea about Honeycomb development?
there are honeycomb roms but i didnt like any of them they were laggy for me so im sticking with cm7 and launcher pro overclocked to 1ghz for some battery and everything is smooth so im happy.
Thanks for the information. Is there good support for external mic and webcam? I mean a stable kernel that will still allow me overclocking to 1GHz.
I'm sure you considered this, but because you wrote that it's for your mom: if she is not comfortable with tinkering with the nook the tab might in fact be the better choice.
I understand that you would do the rooting, but if your mom is not into this stuff she might be happier with a tablet that is a stock experience.
I once rooted my dad's mobile and regreted it for a long time (now he is happy again with a plain feature phone)
One additional thing: there are way more accessories available for the tab than for the nook (at least that's the case for Europe)
I'm talking docking stations, cute covers, etc. Might be not the case for the US, though.
That's really not against the nook per se: I really love my nooks (color and touch, both rooted) and for me it's perfect. But I am also a very geeky mom who does all the rooting/voiding warranties in the family
Sent from my NookColor/CM7 using XDA Premium App
Thanks for your comment.
I'll root it for her because CM7 will prove to be a much better tablet experience than the stock one I believe. I am looking for an inexpensive tablet, not an ebook reader.
Accessories might not matter too much. I am able to get screen protector and pouch (Tab's though) for all my need.
What's preventing me from getting the Tab WiFi is the lack of XDA support where most development is for the original 3G brother. And it does seem like it will be stuck on FroYo forever.
I am from Malaysia, getting the Nook Color is a bit difficult and a local promotion of the WiFi Tab makes them about the same price. But with overclocking enabled for Color and the same GPU both have, it feels like the ability to run Gingerbread (and even Honeycomb) can outrun the camera, mic and bluetooth capability on Tab.
It's a definite Color if I have confirmation for a stable kernel that supports USB webcam.
Im not exactly sure if a webcam would work it would have to be micro usb and im just not sure if it would work with android?
maybe a plan mic would work.
tanjinjack said:
Thanks for your comment.
I'll root it for her because CM7 will prove to be a much better tablet experience than the stock one I believe. I am looking for an inexpensive tablet, not an ebook reader.
Accessories might not matter too much. I am able to get screen protector and pouch (Tab's though) for all my need.
What's preventing me from getting the Tab WiFi is the lack of XDA support where most development is for the original 3G brother. And it does seem like it will be stuck on FroYo forever.
I am from Malaysia, getting the Nook Color is a bit difficult and a local promotion of the WiFi Tab makes them about the same price. But with overclocking enabled for Color and the same GPU both have, it feels like the ability to run Gingerbread (and even Honeycomb) can outrun the camera, mic and bluetooth capability on Tab.
It's a definite Color if I have confirmation for a stable kernel that supports USB webcam.
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Take a look here
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
Why would you bother with a NC if there are plenty of 7 galaxy tabs on ebay +- 50$ more then NC?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
pupochek said:
Why would you bother with a NC if there are plenty of 7 galaxy tabs on ebay +- 50$ more then NC?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
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It seems to me that the WiFi only Tab 7" is not well supported, either by Samsung or XDA. There is no custom ROM as far as I find out in the Tab forum.
Meanwhile, Nook Color has a stable Gingerbread CM7, and there are also developments on Honeycomb.
I meant not "Wifi Only" ones, but carrier supplied. Bought a T-Mobile one on EBay for 295$. Rooted, installed latest Overcome, that's it. Can't compare to NC...
If I were to buy an android tablet today, I would definitely go with the Acer Iconia Tab. It's only a bit more expensive, but seems a lot more future-proof. The Nook Color's advantage was all the development, but now the hardware is starting to look dated, as it will be to a much greater extent when ICS devices are available.
With that being said, there has been a lot of development for the Nook Color. Two Honeycomb Ports, a full CM7 rom, a MIUI port, Bluetooth working, Ubuntu, and USB host support. And more. The Nook Color is one of XDA's "sweetheart" devices, in that development has pushed the device way further than anyone thought it would ever go. Very few tablets and smartphones have continued development after 6 months. Thank all our amazing devs for all their work.
I hope I haven't muddled your choice. The Nook Color is an amazingly versatile device, with excellent battery life, stable software, and almost constant improvement, which will help your mum. It is a wonderful (budget) tablet, and will likely outlive all the other honeycomb tablets in software development.
Yeah there is a new Acer Iconia A100 7", but I saw that the battery is rather low capacity and so the Nook Color is probably going to run longer. (link) But that Tegra 2 in Iconia would dust the Nook Color and Android 3 is nice too.
My biggest problem with Nook Color is the OS. Which is a major issue lol. The slow unaccelerated web browser is pretty nasty and that's mainly what I use a tablet for. Opera Mobile is nice but has a ton of issues of its own. Otherwise with the Nook you also have to worry about apps breaking, such as the recent Google apps updates that are all flakey and causing people to come up with nasty hacks. And other apps breaking like N64oid which only currently works with CM7.0.3 or older for some reason.
A modded Nook is not well supported by people outside of Cyanogenmod because of its niche status. It's a fun hobbyist project though and that's what I was after.
swaaye said:
Yeah there is a new Acer Iconia A100 7", but I saw that the battery is rather low capacity and so the Nook Color is probably going to run longer. (link) But that Tegra 2 in Iconia would dust the Nook Color and Android 3 is nice too.
My biggest problem with Nook Color is the OS. Which is a major issue lol. The slow unaccelerated web browser is pretty nasty and that's mainly what I use a tablet for. Opera Mobile is nice but has a ton of issues of its own. Otherwise with the Nook you also have to worry about apps breaking, such as the recent Google apps updates that are all flakey and causing people to come up with nasty hacks. And other apps breaking like N64oid which only currently works with CM7.0.3 or older for some reason.
A modded Nook is not well supported by people outside of Cyanogenmod because of its niche status. It's a fun hobbyist project though and that's what I was after.
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The 7" acer battery life will kill that tab before it gets off the ground. As for slow browsers, what do you run? My nook runs very fast either with the stock browser or opera mobile. If you check the forums, the nook is not the only device having market trouble at this time. I currently have 79 apps on my nook and updated 13 this afternoon. Yes we had to find a workaround to get the market to behave but as I said, there are other tabs having the same issue both with google and the amazon market.
As for poor support, cyanogen, xda, android central, and all have thriving forums for the nook color.
Don't get me wrong, the Galaxy tab is a good product but I'll put my nook color up against almost any 7" tab on the market and leave most of them in the dust.
Current setup: CM7.1 nightly 160
Cpu set for 300,600,1000,1100,1200 mHz on demand profile
Bluetooth logitech keyboard
USB host mode set up with powered hub, 250GB passport external drive, flash drive and card reader support, logitech usb mouse.
Current quadrant score is 2995 with 14 apps running.
Any tablet or reader you purchase should fill a specific need and there are several choices out there. I currently have 4 tablets for different uses but the one I come back to as my goto tab is the nook.
I'll get off my soapbox now
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
wareagleben said:
If I were to buy an android tablet today, I would definitely go with the Acer Iconia Tab. It's only a bit more expensive, but seems a lot more future-proof. The Nook Color's advantage was all the development, but now the hardware is starting to look dated, as it will be to a much greater extent when ICS devices are available.
With that being said, there has been a lot of development for the Nook Color. Two Honeycomb Ports, a full CM7 rom, a MIUI port, Bluetooth working, Ubuntu, and USB host support. And more. The Nook Color is one of XDA's "sweetheart" devices, in that development has pushed the device way further than anyone thought it would ever go. Very few tablets and smartphones have continued development after 6 months. Thank all our amazing devs for all their work.
I hope I haven't muddled your choice. The Nook Color is an amazingly versatile device, with excellent battery life, stable software, and almost constant improvement, which will help your mum. It is a wonderful (budget) tablet, and will likely outlive all the other honeycomb tablets in software development.
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Lol I don't care how good the specs are, it has ΒΌ of the battery of the nook. Definently not worth it. The 2 things required for any good tablet is battery life and grwat screen. If you don't have that you have anything and the nook has both.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
Hi Guys,
I'm planning to install my first custom ROM on nook color. However, I am wondering how good is honeycomb port on nook. Ideally and I know the right answer is to try it out myself both and find out, but I don't have enough time to try out both since I have to give away the nook to someone.
I have honeycomb on my EEE transformer and really love it...that's why i'm favoring for HC but still if anyone can anyone details pros and cons for both HC and CM7, regarding stability, battery life and overall quirks, bugs and performance, it would be really helpful..
HC isn't really ready for the NC.. its very buggy and still has several issues running on the NC. cm7 is very stable and well running few problems at all. just my 2 cents
Since honeycomb isnt open source, the Nook port is made from the SDK rather than source. As such, its incredibly buggy and very slow. Dont get me wrong, its impressive that it works in the first place. But by no means is it a daily driver.
CM7 is the way to go unless you absolutely must have HC app compatibility. Even if you do, we'll have ICS in a few months.
Another vote for CM7. I tried an older release of the Honeycomb port and it was pretty bad -- very laggy and a lot of stuff didn't work. Several people have said that it's not really much better even now since we don't have an official release of HC's source. I ended up going back to stock for a long time until I tried CM7. They have done great work, and even though it's based on a "phone OS" (Gingerbread), it's adapted very well to the Nook.
Thanks for reply guys..
Actually I just saw some videos of NC running HC, so I got excited..didn't know it was that buggy..i'll put CM7 on it today
Mafioso said:
Thanks for reply guys..
Actually I just saw some videos of NC running HC, so I got excited..didn't know it was that buggy..i'll put CM7 on it today
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HC may be buggy, but some of the lag that a lot of people experience is because they install it to SD and their SD card is a low class giving it lower read speed. And the default launcher is terribly slow and buggy. If you decide to use it, use a lightweight launcher like zeam.
If you're still interested in trying it out, look into dual booting it and cm7. That's what I currently have set up.
I know this ROM was not included in your original question buy I highly recommend MIUI. I have found it to be incredibly stable and fast and the UI just looks great on the NC. I have tried CM7, Phiremod, and Honeycomb and to me the look and feel of MIUI just seems to fit the NC. Anyways, just my two cents : )
when i used to have my NC dual booted with Phiremod and Honeycomb i hated using the Honeycomb because it was glitchy and slow.. i went to using CM7 Nightly 150 and havent looked back.. it runs smooth as can be, is overclocked to 1.2 ghz, and battery life is with reading alot and searching the web ( 2-4 hrs of usage a day ) i can get a solid 4-5 days on one charge... if i only use it for an hour or so a day easily 9 days.. CM7 works great and you can theme it to look like honeycomb in alot of ways..
It's not even close. Honeycomb is pathetic. Go with CM7.
Sent from my LG Optimus V using Tapatalk
I have a Transformer too and would love to see Honeycomb on the Nook but I'd rather wait for ICS on both
I have a feeling that ICS will run better on the Nook than HC does but that is just speculation.
These developer at XDA rock so I have faith they'll make it happen as soon as Google releases the code. Yeah, I believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy
I have a feeling that ICS will run better on the Nook than HC does but that is just speculation.
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Of course it will as long as the source code is available.