My honest opinion on MegaUpload being taken down - Off-topic

MHO the whole SOPA thing and americans' crackdown on piracy aint gonna stop it. Its up to the people themselves to decide whether they pirate or support. No matter how much effort or money the US or other governments waste on trying to stop piracy, its not going to stop. The online community has unlimited possibilites and there's always gonna be somebody that's gonna make a workaround, if you understand what i mean. All SOPA's gonna do is cause unnecessary inconvenience in the online world.
MegaUpload... hmm... i thought at first that it was a stupid move, I mean, there are loads of different file-hosting sites out there, why only take down MegaUpload? I mean sites like FileSonic and others that pay uploaders money for downloads are way more prone to illegitimate uses.
Alright so I read MegaUpload CEO's Kim Dotcom's bio, he does have quite an interesting history... A dual German and Finland citizen, holds permanent residency in both New Zealand and Hong Kong. He has multiple criminal records and has been charged more than twice or so for criminal offenses such as selling hacked telephone cards, credit card fraud, insider trading and embezzlement... in general, being a total smart arse:
WIKIPEDIA: In 2001, Schmitz (Kim) purchased $375,000 worth of shares of the nearly bankrupt company and subsequently announced his intention to invest EUR 50 million in the company. Unknown to others, Schmitz did not have the funds available to invest, although the announcement caused the share value of to jump by nearly 300%.Schmitz quickly sold the shares and profited $1.5 million as a result.
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In other words, he was a dirty business man with a bad reputation. I guess his criminal records would be the main reason why he was taken down first. I'm quite confident there are more coming.
As to how it affects me, it does a lot. I have quite a few files I need on MU... I don't have a premium account and would never buy one off them or anyone else, because I don't need it. I sure feel sorry for those who have a prem though...
^^ Again, this is my honest opinion.

Megaupload being taken down really sucks
Sent from my X10a using xda premium

negrobembon said:
Megaupload being taken down really sucks
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Couldn't agree more!

Yeah, it really sucks. Let's hope other file sharing sites don't get the same fate. Rapidshare etc. Not as good as Mega though... Here's my latest post on facebook lol
"Megaupload taken down by the Federal Government. ****ing ridiculous. The company was not EVEN BASED in the US. Is the US government now policing the rest of the world. They got the New Zealand police to arrest the founders, and the company base is in Hong Kong. How can they bring people from another part of the world, not even US citizens, and have them arrested... just adds to the bull**** with SOPA and PIPA. We are going to have a censored internet just like North Korea. **** THE US GOVERNMENT. DAMN. They need to get their priorities straight. Giving people years of jailtime for downloading music or small crimes, yet when someone murders someone you might get a year or two if your lucky. Something I saw someone post, download a Michael Jackson song and get 5 years prison, be the Dr. killing him and you get 1-2. smh.."

The megaupload. Being taken down doesnt surprise me personally. Its like limewire, it was a really blatant piracy hub. There was legitimate business on the site but it was mostly a hotbed for stolen data.
There are plenty of other oprions. Rapidshare, filehippo, dropbox

- Removed -

LordManhattan said:
Here you go: fake link removed
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Please stop posting that IP around. It's not real. The owners of the real MegaUpload have nothing to do with these "New MegaUpload" sites. Now for being stupid I hope you get a virus and have your bank account zeroed.
But seriously, do you really think they would put it back up right after it was closed? Someone just took a cached version to have the layout, put the text in there, and now they are thinking how to infect your computer and steal your money.
(yes, I am copy and pasting that whenever I see those numbers)

Yeah, just saw your reply in the other thread.
You should edit the quote out of your post

We don't need two MU threads....
Well, I don't anyway
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.......


The Ultimate truth about Piracy whether you like it or not opinions wanted!!

Read it and post your opinions on the matter.
I feel it covers ground and is fair to all sides.
2 spelling mistakes in the first sentence alone makes me think it's the gibbering of an idiot.
Didn't bother reading the rest.
To be honest, I don't think "the best article" on anything "to date" will ever appear on a blogspot site.
Moved as not software release.
elyl said:
2 spelling mistakes in the first sentence alone makes me think it's the gibbering of an idiot.
Didn't bother reading the rest.
To be honest, I don't think "the best article" on anything "to date" will ever appear on a blogspot site.
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it may not be the best but it may worth be reading.everybody is not fluent in english
elyl said:
2 spelling mistakes in the first sentence alone makes me think it's the gibbering of an idiot.
Didn't bother reading the rest.
To be honest, I don't think "the best article" on anything "to date" will ever appear on a blogspot site.
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What spelling mistakes? You dont even know english and your talking about me. Stupid mofo hahahaha
No need to throw insults about like that
EDIT: Just read it. The ultimate truth? No. I see A LOT of 'good' software that has been pirated, that has come from big developers and the little guy just starting out. They crack for fun/addiction/because they think they are rebels etc, whatever the reason they will do it because THEY CAN, not because there are ethics involved. Seriously, which major company went "Hey guys, our software got pirated on the first day and we didn't make any money from it, let's release something truly innovative so they won't pirate it." Sorry, that is NOT the 'ultimate truth'.
What a pointless article (IMO).
this is bull ****. there are lots of apps cracked that cost only like $10 made by some developer that only has this tiny simple but cool app that most find usefull. So this developer gets 1000 apps sold over 1.000.000 cracked downloads.
Now lets just steel that new Toyota car because it's only a little design change from the last model and some minor changes to the breaks system.
zarpy said:
What spelling mistakes? You dont even know english and your talking about me. Stupid +++ hahahaha
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Please refrain from using bad lenguage and insulting your fellow members
the response
1) If you read the whole summary of the truth about piracy Iam not saying piracy is good on a whole level. But if there was no piracy , the games made would be old rehashed garbage. Look at Gameloft games for windows mobile. They basically make the same game over and over with different graphics. That to me is theft selling us non-sense with pretty package.
I know people from both sides of this war. Developers from xda-developers,ppc geeks, and pirates like ppcwarez . Iam not going to sit here and say lets take the developers side on all issues. Thats non-sense , Iam a freeware developer myself , with commercial software too. One-sided thinking will just continue the war. I do support the independent developers , for they make truely innovative original software.
As far as the insult...the man called me out 1st...I just responded.
zarpy said:
1) If you read the whole summary of the truth about piracy Iam not saying piracy is good on a whole level. But if there was no piracy , the games made would be old rehashed garbage. Look at Gameloft games for windows mobile. They basically make the same game over and over with different graphics. That to me is theft selling us non-sense with pretty package.
I know people from both sides of this war. Developers from xda-developers,ppc geeks, and pirates like ppcwarez . Iam not going to sit here and say lets take the developers side on all issues. Thats non-sense , Iam a freeware developer myself , with commercial software too. One-sided thinking will just continue the war. I do support the independent developers , for they make truely innovative original software.
As far as the insult...the man called me out 1st...I just responded.
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Very interesting
Just make donateware
I immediately think that you're trying to get traffic to your own website rather than discuss the matter here. So rather than go there and read it, I'll discuss it here at XDA, where I'd rather keep my attention and loyalty.
Any law that basically says making a mixed tape for someone else is illegal is complete garbage and media companies can take it and shove it up their a**.
Any law that says I cannot "loan" a movie to someone else, even a complete stranger, and that I have to be responsible for the actions of the person I loaned it to is complete garbage and media companies can take it and shove it up their a**.
Any law that says I'm responsible for what happens to something I loaned someone else is complete garbage and media companies can take that law and shove it up their a**.
Any law that tells me what I can or cannot do with my own property is complete garbage and media companies can take it and shove it up their a**.
Stop enforcing 100-year-old copyright law for media medium that doesn't fit into the law.
Donate to the EFF
Ok rorymeadows
1) The link i provided is not to my website but to my blog. All you do is read blogs not join them. My website is and I didnt direct anyone there
2) You blame me saying Iam redirecting people and your loyal to xda-developers? If your so loyal to xda , why are you posting a redirect and telling people to donate to another website? Before you call someone out, check yourself.
Everything else you said , I agree with.
zarpy said:
Ok rorymeadows
1) The link i provided is not to my website but to my blog. All you do is read blogs not join them. My website is and I didnt direct anyone there
2) You blame me saying Iam redirecting people and your loyal to xda-developers? If your so loyal to xda , why are you posting a redirect and telling people to donate to another website? Before you call someone out, check yourself.
Everything else you said , I agree with.
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EFF is a professional organization. Yours is a shameless plug for a teen online journal. Please stay on topic.
OP's blog said:
Its you who forces companies to make better and innovative software hoping if they make great software, then people will buy them.
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Sorry, but that makes no sense whatsoever. By the same reasoning, stealing televisions should force the manufacturers to make better ones. That is simply wrong.
Not to offend, but to be clear, I find your arguments blinkered and naive. Piracy has very little to do with sticking it to big companies. 99% of the time it's about getting something for free.
johncmolyneux said:
Sorry, but that makes no sense whatsoever. By the same reasoning, stealing televisions should force the manufacturers to make better ones. That is simply wrong.
Not to offend, but to be clear, I find your arguments blinkered and naive. Piracy has very little to do with sticking it to big companies. 99% of the time it's about getting something for free.
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I agree. It's not about sticking it to big companies. It should be about revolution with digital media and laws, and electronic freedom.
So judging by the comments so far , both of you believe hacking and cracking software only hurt companies and developers. Also you believe is there was no more software pirates, that would benefit the consumer. The major companies say the same , cracked software leads to high priced games.
1)False= cracked software does not lead to high priced games. I remember super nintendo was charging $40-$60 a game. So that is false statement.
2)Facted= Cracked and pirated software has been around since early 80's,90's . People were happy around that time period with quality of thier software, so people didnt look for free downloads or cracked software. This isnt just about games Iam including the industry as a whole. This includes movies,music,and video games.
Opinion= I believe once those 3 industries started to make rehashed and low quality products, people started looking toward pirated software. If this isnt true, then this issue would have come up a long time ago.
Now to rorymeadows , no Iam not a teen and I dont sound or act like one.
I have absolutely no idea how you got any of what you said from my post, but you're wrong. That's not what I'm saying at all. You're just assuming things.
I wonder what this post will be about!
Incidentally, you should look at the technological and social changes that have taken place over the last 30 years and factor that into your opinions. Piracy is a bigger issue now simply because it's in your face, in your living room, on the internet and on your PC. 30 years ago it was kids copying tapes with games on them, but no mass forums to make it publicly available. Music was copied, but it was time consuming so not done as quickly as it is today - the same goes for movies (tape-to-tape VHS recorders for example). Times have changed, but the essence of piracy hasn't. Lots of people like stuff that costs nothing. That is the only fact you can state.
Well there's another thing going on, too.
I was browsing the Microsoft Mobile Marketplace last night. One of the programs I found up there was Resco Photo Manager. $60. $60!!!!!!! For THAT?!?!?! A program that I'd probably use 10 times a year is $60??!?!?!?!
I used to work at the college dining hall back in undergrad. People used to steal and steal, pocking pop-tarts, walking out with drinks and subs without paying. It drove the price up more. Yes, stealing jumps the overhead and makes things costlier. But did that stop the stealing? No, in fact, it made it much worse.
johncmolyneux and rorytmeadows both are correct.
/end thread.

[INFO] Megaupload has been shut down and the founders arrested

Thread closed. There is already many threads about this. ~TRM
In case anyone is noticing that megaupload links aren't responding.
Megaupload finished: Feds shut down file-sharing giant without SOPA
MegaUpload Shut Down by the Feds, Founder Arrested
Here's the actual indictment filed in an Alexandria, Virginia, US court;
It doesn't look like the service will back anytime soon, so folks may want to consider utilizing other services for uploads, etc.
Good Luck..
Deleted the reference to SOPA/PIPA in my subject heading because this action has nothing to do with those laws. SOPA/PIPA are designed to implement measures so that "suspected" "piracy" sites can have their DNS entries blocked from US internet users which will frustrate efforts to access those sites, and to take away revenue by stopping credit card companies from doing business with them. IOW these are laws targeting the so-called "end users".
This action against Megaupload was a straight up site takedown and arrest of the founders, which was obviously coordinated with multiple law enforcement agencies from multiple countries. (At least the US and New Zealand were involved). This was action targeting the so-called "suppliers".
Having said that, if you're a US voter you should make sure you let your US Congress representatives know how you feel about SOPA/PIPA. Even if phase one of the web protests are over for now.
Horrible day for humanity....
****ing bull****
If I have helped or contributed in*ANY*way please hit the*THANKS*button. It is very much appreciated!!
Current-*Samsung Galaxy S2 (stock)*|*Htc Sensation (rooted w/ XE Dr. Dre Beats Technology)*|*Samsung Galaxy Vibrant (rooted w/ cm7)*|*Mytouch 4g (stock)*|*Mytouch Slide (stock)*|*Htc G1 (stock)
They charged people to see copyrighted content. screw them
messed up, 2012 will be a crazy year, millions of websites will get shutdown, with or without sopa =/
Anonymous is striking back.
this getting out of hand.. The gov needs to chill out ... If we continue down this path we will end up like north Korea .. No offense btw
1984 g.o.
I use icefilms to watch all mt TV and ice uses all MU links...
I had a 2 year sub for MU too...
Their download speeds were the best!
HRodMusic said:
messed up, 2012 will be a crazy year, millions of websites will get shutdown, with or without sopa =/
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Theyre really showing ppl how SOPA/PIPA can hurt him. If this is what they can do WITHOUT it, im afraid to think what kind of rampage theyll go on after.
Im glad there is nothing else wrong with the country, that the goverment has this kind of thing to focus on.
Wow is all i can say.
GreggoryD502 said:
Im glad there is nothing else wrong with the country, that the goverment has this kind of thing to focus on.
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Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Edited OP.
Megaupload should be taken down
and this is a good example that the current laws in the book are good enough if they just enforce them. There is no need for SOPA/PIPA.
Megauploads business model asks for money to see others copyrighted content.
Torrent sites on the other hand dont make any money and are much more complicated legally yet those got taken down before Megaupload. Megaupload should of been the first.
And so began the WAR...
MU business model is unethical. As so many, many copy cats out there such as filesonic, 4shared. It's only matter of time before they get taken down. Megaupload is just an example.
jim93 said:
Megaupload should be taken down
and this is a good example that the current laws in the book are good enough if they just enforce them. There is no need for SOPA/PIPA.
Megauploads business model asks for money to see others copyrighted content.
Torrent sites on the other hand dont make any money and are much more complicated legally yet those got taken down before Megaupload. Megaupload should of been the first.
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Either you're ignorant or your just stupid. MU did not promote copyright material at all, it took down anything that was flagged as infringing. Many many people use MU, doctors sharing cancer cures. Scientists sharing data, teachers sharing work for data, the list goes on. They only charges for premium access which only gave you unlimited download speeds and no limits. With or without you could download copyright material.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
President Obama has taken a stance against SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), a bill that would allow the justice department to force Internet providers and search engines to block all sites accused of copyright infringement.
For now, it appears that President Obama has stalled the controversial legislation. Read the details according to
“The growing anti-SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) support that has swept through the gaming and Internet community found a very big ally today. With websites like Reddit and Wikipedia and gaming organizations like Major League Gaming prepared for a blackout on January 18th – the same day that the House Judiciary Committee hearing on HR 3261was scheduled in Washington, D.C. – President Barack Obama has stepped in and said he would not support the bill.
SOPA has been delayed, for now. The House has agreed to revisit the issue next month, but they now know the White House will veto any bill that’s not more narrowly focused.
Much to the chagrin of Hollywood, the Entertainment Software Association (which has been a backer of the bill from early on), and Internet domain company (which lost many accounts as a result of its support for the bill); SOPA has been shelved. The Motion Picture Association of America, one of the bill’s largest sponsors, is expected to regroup.”
I foresee prohibition-style shakedowns and takedowns. This issue is going to explode as the two sides engage in strikes and counterstrikes, but I do hope cooler heads prevail.
All respect to other opinions voiced here, but megaupload facilitated a great deal of sketchy shenanigans and did not appear to police its site effectively enough. Of course, a task like that is gargantuan.
I wonder, though, if the g-men will also shut down YouTube and arrest its principals as well? I suspect there is more pirated intellectual property there than on most of the rest of the internet combined. What would make YouTube exempt, and would such an exemption be fair?
"Soup" or no soup, the coming months will prove historic in the life of the internet, an internet that will be forced to grow up beyond the walled garden of its adolescence and thence to play by the rules of the rest of society. You heard it here, folks: The age of internet innocence is over, and sopa/pipa are just early, clumsy practice shots as the media industry and legislators gauge public opinion before launching a more calculated assault.
This is why the retaliatory actions of Anonymous and others cause me great concern. I think they will turn public sentiment against the internet community, paint all opponents of sopa and pipa and similar bad legislation as wildeyed bandits, and thus embolden the powers that be to insist on draconian measures that will force the internet to mature too quickly, severely undermining its usefulness in the process.

[PLEASE SHARE] ACTA is signed.

ACTA Signed by 8 of 11 Countries - Now What?
ACTA Will Be Signed Saturday, US and Japan Say
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What is ACTA actually... just Google for it... or read bellow
ACTA - nothing more than LAW (or act) which when signed will limit right of free speech, it will affect your privacy, all of us reading this will be monitored 24/7. There will be no more torrents, no more uploads lyrics songs to Youtube, no more movies no more nothing.... it's the end of internet that we know.
Under ACTA at airports, borders etc... your iPods, iPads, MP3 players, cellphones, smartphones, notebooks, hard drives can BE searched without your permission to look for a file that has no confirmation that you bought it, that it is your property.
Global fascism slowly takes over. All this is being prepared for a couple of years, and I hope that all those who did not see the problem in Google, Facebook and similar services will see that the problem is them.
Many have said I do not care if someone is spying on me and I have nothing to hide, but it comes a time when we all dance how they tell us. Sit dog, sit.
WE NEED TO DO AT LEAST SOMETHING SO Re-Post this... or provide even more info..
Why make duplicate threads? I've just asked a mod to move the one in the S2 forum and now I see one in off-topic. Have you made any more of the same thing?
Edit: I just looked at your post history. There isn't a "rolleyes" emoticon big enough for how I feel right now. As I told the mods when I reported this, while I agree with your plight, I don't agree with your technique.
I'm glad at least one of the ten threads you created are in the right place...
jesus like I killed someone... .!.
oh, point was... more people will see...
If you want to spread the word then do it on lots of different sites, not many times on 1.
This site is the largest I know.. so xda is .. like 10 sites @ once...
Besides... I did that shared on facebook, youtube, and others forums too
Try tweeting @ relevant people that have lots of followers. If they retweet it you could get it viral. Unlikely, but worth a shot.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
i dont have tweeter ..xd
Sent from my E15i using XDA App
In our contry ACTA is hold down. THey just can realize they are scared
Dare-Devil Inside said:
i dont have tweeter ..xd
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so, we're basically screwed =D
Told you it would be back and signed by executive order. What better time than Superbowl weekend? Ill take my mini SD card and swallow it before they raid my personal data.
Ill have to learn to ween myself off of the internet. Take up fishing, camping and maybe get back into producing/composing music. It might be a good thing for me.

US Estate Laws for a Canadian; long-lost bio father died

OK, I know this is kinda weird, but I live mostly on XDA these days, so thought I'd ask here in OT.
And I see the forum doesn't want me to ask a question in a non Q&A forum, but I see a "Boxers or Briefs ?" question, and this is supposed to be an OT forum, so...
I'm looking for tips or references to websites or lawyers etc.
I check the Social Security Death Index on the net every so often, and just found out my "estranged, biological" father died in November.
No need for consolations as I never knew him. I showed up on his doorstep 11 years ago to meet him for the first time. And he's a jerk for never even bothering to write to me once.
I believe he had some assets, but likely not too, too much in the grand scheme of things. Likely less than a house is worth. Perhaps.
But for all I know, he may have had a will, or there was next to nothing left. I'm sure I can find plenty of local (Canada) lawyers ready to take hundreds of dollars an hour from me, but if anyone has any tips or references to websites or whatever I'm open to suggestions. I'm happy to learn things on my own, but my app and lots of other things need my time too.
For reference, I think he likely died in or near Arizona but most of his assets may have been with a Bank of America branch in the LA, California area. I had some very helpful telephone contact with Bank of America in the past, so I guess I'll call them tomorrow. And he was a veteran of WW II.
And my situation could be complicated by the facts that I was born in the US, and lived there my first year of life, but have been in Canada since then and now have both citizenships.
I hate that the US and the IRS likely still sees me as a potentially taxpaying American. I gave up over a grand worth of with-holding taxes once to avoid getting involved with the IRS. But perhaps this will force my hand...
Any thoughts welcome. No condolences please, other than any mild commiserations offered for the millions of us who were raised in the challenging circumstances of a single parent house-hold.
I would call the SSA or maybe consult a lawyer. (actually, DEFINITELY consult a lawyer) I know you don't wanna do that but estate/inheritance law, is well....extremely complicated.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
i seriously doubt you'll get anything worthwhile
specially when he didn't even give a damn about contacting you
in the even he did make a step bro or sis over there, chances are all whatever little is left has gone to them, If any
remember, you are dealing wit US of A, the IRS are like vultures whenever there's a death, and no will or immediate US of A family member to take care of his business
a chunk of it would probably have gone to taxes and collectors if he had any outstanding debt, the house if any might possibly still be on a mortgage and has landed on default to the bank, heck it might have even been double mortgaged considering how the cost of living is in the US of A
also any medical fees would have probably also come out of it
dude, you have a hard up hill battle to fight to get anything worthwhile back.
good luck on your endeavours
Babydoll25 said:
I would call the SSA or maybe consult a lawyer. (actually, DEFINITELY consult a lawyer) I know you don't wanna do that but estate/inheritance law, is well....extremely complicated.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
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Yeah, I hadn't thought of the Social Security Administration. I'm not sure exactly what they could do for me though.
Today I sent some questions to the Veterans Administration via their web form.
I also had a nice 12 minute chat with somebody in the Bank of America "estate" department, or whatever they call it. They will be sending me some sort of package, perhaps once they figure out what happened with his account.
Yeah, I know the advice is always to get or ask a lawyer. But I'm happy to get the ball rolling myself. I don't need somebody charging me $200+ an hour for making simple phone calls or emails.
As I say, there might have been a will and I'm not a beneficiary, or there may be no assets left to claim, which could easily mean $1,000 spent on a lawyer for nothing, and I can't afford that. But I'll see what I can find out from a lawyer or 2 before I sign any lawyer contract.
AllGamer said:
i seriously doubt you'll get anything worthwhile
in the even he did make a step bro or sis over there, chances are all whatever little is left has gone to them, If any
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Thanks, yes, I doubt it too, but I figure it's worth it to spend at least a bit of time trying to find out. In the event of a step-sibling and no will, I presume I should be entitled to a share, but that could require a legal fight, and I don't think I'd start such a fight, unless the assets were worth it and I had a good chance.
I think he didn't own any property, he rented and physical assets were likely a few old cars. But that 68 Camaro he had at one point was worth a few bucks...
Yeah, medical fees, but as a WW II veteran I'd guess he had VA coverage, but I don't know how that works.
AllGamer said:
dude, you have a hard up hill battle to fight to get anything worthwhile back.
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Yeah, I likely won't start any fight, but I'm not going to ignore the possibility that I might have a few hundred grand (at most I'm sure) coming to me. He was a "penny pincher" and many such people can have a surprising amount tucked away.

sign this petition for the price of Nexus 4 is the same for everyone

Good afternoon.
would it be possible to sign this petition by most member possible? so if pouriez seen the move in a location where it would be visible by the more members as possible, thank you for all of us
alessa said:
Good afternoon.
would it be possible to sign this petition by most member possible? so if pouriez seen the move in a location where it would be visible by the more members as possible, thank you for all of us
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This will not do alot unless you target the Governments that are making it cost more. Not something you can really do anything about.
zelendel said:
This will not do alot unless you target the Governments that are making it cost more. Not something you can really do anything about.
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of course it is the fault of LG! proof with asus and the price of the Nexus 7 which is the same as the shop either on the playstore.
Things cost different amounts in different countries. Get over it
ap3604 said:
Things cost different amounts in different countries. Get over it
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That is not the reason why the prices are different
If Google wish to subsidise the phone to get people to use their store, that's upto them.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Frankly, these petitions are getting out of hand! Its supposed to be a powerful tool to gather the masses for things that really matter. Open source, more support, freedom, things that are important. LG or any other manufacturer for that matter won't reduce their prices just because someone who does not know half the things going behind pricing decisions, asks them to. Don't like the pricing, don't buy.
This needs to be stopped, or even the petitions which would have had an impact otherwise will start looking like someone throwing a tantrum.
anirudh412 said:
Frankly, these petitions are getting out of hand! Its supposed to be a powerful tool to gather the masses for things that really matter. Open source, more support, freedom, things that are important. LG or any other manufacturer for that matter won't reduce their prices just because someone who does not know half the things going behind pricing decisions, asks them to. Don't like the pricing, don't buy.
This needs to be stopped, or even the petitions which would have had an impact otherwise will start looking like someone throwing a tantrum.
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Sent from my A510 using Tapatalk 2
anirudh412 said:
Frankly, these petitions are getting out of hand! Its supposed to be a powerful tool to gather the masses for things that really matter. Open source, more support, freedom, things that are important. LG or any other manufacturer for that matter won't reduce their prices just because someone who does not know half the things going behind pricing decisions, asks them to. Don't like the pricing, don't buy.
This needs to be stopped, or even the petitions which would have had an impact otherwise will start looking like someone throwing a tantrum.
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Exactly this :highfive:
I sure hope a google employee isn't on this forum reading these threads. Google comes out with a phone that is much less expensive than anything else of comparable specs and yet we still have people trying to stir up the masses against them?
Should I start a petition against toyota that my car costs a different amount than in other countries? How about any manufacturer of anything I start a petition against?
Everyone stop acting as company CEO's, your beloved item you want isn't the price you want, DONT BUY IT. You can even go ahead and hate the company, that's not how vusiness is conducted. Company choose prices and then consumers decide if they buy or not. And then, guess on who's wallet it is if they didn't choose the optimal price? THE COMPANY, so shut up and swallow the pill or start your own phone making business.
There are much more important things that you guys could create a petition for.
I went ahead and reported this thread to the mods to lock / delete.
Austrian here. If anyone from Germany would be kind enough to send me a nexus 4 from Germany please pm me. We can talk about shipping price and extras via private messages. Thank you in advance
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
So the nexus 7 is the same price in store and on the play store but the nexus 4 isn't?
I've signed the petition bro and wish you guys all the best in Italy.
Good luck.
Ace42 said:
There are much more important things that you guys could create a petition for.
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Then why don't you take some action and try do something about it?
I think, and I want to believe that this reaction from your part at all, and due to a misunderstanding of the fact. know that the problem is producing not only for Italy, but for all of Europe and probably even for the usa! LG has decided to sell its nexus € 4590 / $, then it is available to 350 € / $ on google playstore. but the real concern is that some countries are not entitled to google playstore, and even if this is not the fault of LG, were it even really penalizes countries that are in the story! ! In addition to that, how can sell LG mobile google, which declare his mobile trying to sell € 350 / $ because it is mobile prices too expensive! So yes, it is true that the petition is based are made for much more serious problem than the price of a smartphone, but at the same time, this is the only way that works for a multinational company has to understand that we sum does not agree with his political advantage against all odds!
ap3604 said:
I went ahead and reported this thread to the mods to lock / delete.
Anyone else reading this please do the same :good:
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under your username sense, I would like you to remember that we are civilized and free people to express these feelings WITHOUT SANSURE! so if you disagree with my point of view, which is your right after all, its not a reason to ask for a closing thread is NOT offensive to anyone, OR trigger hatred !
OK guys cool down. The mods already know about this thread. And while I think it is pointed in the wrong direction it is not hurting anyone. If it gets out of hand I will close it.
Now as for the "without censor" that is not the case. This thread will be censored if it gets out of hand.
Sent from Arkham
alessa said:
under your username sense, I would like you to remember that we are civilized and free people to express these feelings WITHOUT SANSURE! so if you disagree with my point of view, which is your right after all, its not a reason to ask for a closing thread is NOT offensive to anyone, OR trigger hatred !
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You think you should be able to post anything on a privately owned forum with no controls from the moderators?
As for the thread being locked / deleted, that's because these sort of petition threads don't do anything good for the forum and always turn into flamewars. You can see the same thing happening in the "petition for microsd card slot" thread below this one.
alessa said:
I think, and I want to believe that this reaction from your part at all, and due to a misunderstanding of the fact. know that the problem is producing not only for Italy, but for all of Europe and probably even for the usa! LG has decided to sell its nexus € 4590 / $, then it is available to 350 € / $ on google playstore. but the real concern is that some countries are not entitled to google playstore, and even if this is not the fault of LG, were it even really penalizes countries that are in the story! ! In addition to that, how can sell LG mobile google, which declare his mobile trying to sell € 350 / $ because it is mobile prices too expensive! So yes, it is true that the petition is based are made for much more serious problem than the price of a smartphone, but at the same time, this is the only way that works for a multinational company has to understand that we sum does not agree with his political advantage against all odds!
under your username sense, I would like you to remember that we are civilized and free people to express these feelings WITHOUT SANSURE! so if you disagree with my point of view, which is your right after all, its not a reason to ask for a closing thread is NOT offensive to anyone, OR trigger hatred !
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We should sansur your right to speak with such grammar.
I'm really grieve but I'm a Belgian of Italian origin who does not understand English very well but uses google translation because I have a passion. please excuse my vocabulary. I do not want nothing to create a polemic, just that my intention is to collect a max of person who will want to join my cause. thank you kindly let live thread and will give him a chance.
I wan to start a petition to stop the useless petitions in this forum.

