Hi guys
Will upgrading my IS via OTA remove S-OFF, root and CWM?
I'm on stock 2.3.3 and going to upgrade to 2.3.5 with sense 3.
Plz help!!!
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sharawy1 said:
Hi guys
Will upgrading my IS via OTA remove S-OFF, root and CWM?
I'm on stock 2.3.3 and going to upgrade to 2.3.5 with sense 3.
Plz help!!!
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk
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If you are S-OFF with CWM and you try to apply the Sense 3.0 OTA then it will fail. If you want Sense 3.0 then check out the Development section stickies. There are plenty of Sense 3.x ROMs to choose from. There is even a stock, rooted 2.3.5/Sense 3.0 ROM built from the official RUU/OTA.
You are better off keeping S-OFF at this point instead of trying to get the official OTA.
Thanks but could you give a link for the Rom you mentioned
P.S. I need a WWE one
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sharawy1 said:
Thanks but could you give a link for the Rom you mentioned
P.S. I need a WWE one
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk
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If you would go to the Development section you could have looked at this sticky thread and seen all of the different ROMs that are available:
Inside that thread is the ROM you are asking about:
Please be more considerate of the users of this forum and learn how to SEARCH.
Is it possible to root Rom version and remove the Vodafone branding?
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maybe in the future and you will find it here:
Possible !
check the thread.php?t=725430
sorry i can't post link cause of xda restrictions
Just checking did you get any more info on rooting Not sure if all the recent downgrading and rooting excitement can be applied to Vodafone branded legends. Ifnot, just have to wait for official froyo release. Which is crapbecause it'll take forever knowing Vodafone.
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speedy270685 said:
Is it possible to root Rom version and remove the Vodafone branding?
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I won't say but have you try this method for root your legend ??? :
And if it doesn't work a solution is maybe to upgrade in 2.1 and after downgrad in 1.31 for root
Has anybody tied ??
Yep, i did and it worked like a chram. I had 2.03xxx official ROM.
Apologies for my lack of knowledge here and sorry if I'm going over old ground. Just to be clear my legend is Vodafone branded and has most up to date software.
Firmware 2.1
Kernel 2.6.29-e 399360 [email protected]#1
Build no. CL155118 release-keys
Software no.
Browser vets. Website 3.1
Can I use Paul's root method straight off? If not do I need to upgrade before downgrade to use wag3slav3 method? If I need to upgrade, how is this done? Hope I'm making sense. Thanks for all your info so far. Cheers.
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I had turned my Incredible S to S off and rooted. Will I lose them if I upgrade to official 2.3.6?
bikermok said:
I had turned my Incredible S to S off and rooted. Will I lose them if I upgrade to official 2.3.6?
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1. This question should have been posted in the General section. This is not a development topic.
2. The latest upgrade is Android 2.3.5/Sense 3.0, not Android 2.3.6
3. How did you gain S-OFF on your IncS? Did you use the Revolutionary tool? If so then yes you will root if you attempt to apply the update.
Since you are S-OFF, why don't you just flash one of the custom Sense 3.0/3.5 ROMs?
Thanks very much. I do not remember how I root and S off it because I tried many ways and at one point it just did. Which rom you recomand?
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bikermok said:
Thanks very much. I do not remember how I root and S off it because I tried many ways and at one point it just did. Which rom you recomand?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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I don't use a custom ROM, so I won't recommend one. I am running the latest 2.3.5/Sense 3.0 rooted.
Gracias everyone ,
got my new phone, Raider 4G LTE x710e. some people said it's HTC Vidid while the other said it's HTC velocity.
after search and read on HTC vivid section, i still cannot get correct answer. i'm newbie's on android .
1. Can i Rooting, and Flashing CWM to X710e using same methode on HTC vivid ? such using slapshot30 methode
2. if there is a chance CWM installed on x710e, can i put VIVID ROM on it, i mean, does ROM wich build for VIVID/VELOCITY working like a charm on X710e/x710a ? coz i think they are using very similar hardware ^_^
3. where i can find STOCK / official ICS RUU for x710e, or maybe VIVID RUU can be installed on X710e ?
sorry for my bad english. thanks b4 for aswering my question.
prahasta said:
Gracias everyone ,
got my new phone, Raider 4G LTE x710e. some people said it's HTC Vidid while the other said it's HTC velocity.
after search and read on HTC vivid section, i still cannot get correct answer. i'm newbie's on android .
1. Can i Rooting, and Flashing CWM to X710e using same methode on HTC vivid ? such using slapshot30 methode
2. if there is a chance CWM installed on x710e, can i put VIVID ROM on it, i mean, does ROM wich build for VIVID/VELOCITY working like a charm on X710e/x710a ? coz i think they are using very similar hardware ^_^
3. where i can find STOCK / official ICS RUU for x710e, or maybe VIVID RUU can be installed on X710e ?
sorry for my bad english. thanks b4 for aswering my question.
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1. Yes rooting is the same
2. Yes you can use any rom except ones that are ice cream sandwich based. The X710e doesn't have the updated hboot version to run ICS.
3. The X710e doesn't have one yet nor can you use the one from the vivid.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
1. Yes, the same method applies to the HTC Raider. Please use the SuperGuide located here:
2. The SuperGuide will show you how to install CWM, and there are various ROM's available for the HTC Raider. Only Gingerbread ROM's are available for the Raider, ICS ROM's are incompatible with the Raider at the moment. A great Gingerbread ROM for the Raider can be found here:
3.The official ICS RUU for the x710e is not available.
i see, so the conclusion is, rooting, flashing, unlocking methode and ginger custom ROM from VIVID/Velocity can be done on X710e Raider. thanks for answering my phone
if there is no RUU ICS update so far for Raider, what about Ginger RUU. does Ginger RUU from velocity/vivid work on Raider...?
prahasta said:
i see, so the conclusion is, rooting, flashing, unlocking methode and ginger custom ROM from VIVID/Velocity can be done on X710e Raider. thanks for answering my phone
if there is no RUU ICS update so far for Raider, what about Ginger RUU. does Ginger RUU from velocity/vivid work on Raider...?
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RUUs are not interchangeable by model.
Aus_Azn said:
RUUs are not interchangeable by model.
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i see, so the only way to revert to STOK on my device if there's an issue with custom rom after flashing is Make a Backup of my STOCK before flash Custom ROM.
thankyou so much guys, now it's much clearer for me. ... time to learn again of development section.
So I've had my phone for over a year now, am s-off and flashed numerous ROMs, but not quite sure what the hboot is? I am s-off via alpha rev and currently running 4ext recovery touch. I have hboot 1.09.1000, but some new ROMs are saying I need blackrose to flash, especially tpblake's new ROMs. Is this the case as not really keen on changing my hboot, considering I don't even know what it is!
Thanks in advance from a rather sheepish member
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VaderXI said:
So I've had my phone for over a year now, am s-off and flashed numerous ROMs, but not quite sure what the hboot is? I am s-off via alpha rev and currently running 4ext recovery touch. I have hboot 1.09.1000, but some new ROMs are saying I need blackrose to flash, especially tpblake's new ROMs. Is this the case as not really keen on changing my hboot, considering I don't even know what it is!
Thanks in advance from a rather sheepish member
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In your case, the AlphaRevX HBOOT 1.09.1000 is what is allowing your phone to be S-OFF. Another term for HBOOT is the bootloader.
In your case, you are running a modified bootloader that has the SECURITY_FLAG turned OFF, thus the acronym S-OFF.
Can I flash with this or should I update to blackrose as you say in your ROM thread
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VaderXI said:
Can I flash with this or should I update to blackrose as you say in your ROM thread
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You can flash most of the custom ROMs with your current HBOOT just fine. You could easily upgrade to BlackRose just fine without losing anything. It is really up to you. What do you want to flash?
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tpbklake said:
You can flash most of the custom ROMs with your current HBOOT just fine. You could easily upgrade to BlackRose just fine without losing anything. It is really up to you. What do you want to flash?
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VaderXI said:
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Yes then you will need to upgrade your HBOOT to BlackRose in order to flash the stock, rooted ICS ROMs I have posted.
Go read the BlackRose link I posted on the stock, rooted ICS ROM thread.
tpbklake said:
Yes then you will need to upgrade your HBOOT to BlackRose in order to flash the stock, rooted ICS ROMs I have posted.
Go read the BlackRose link I posted on the stock, rooted ICS ROM thread.
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Yep all installing blackrose involves, provided that you have set up for it is for you to click on the .exe and it does it all for you. I for one was amazed by the simplicity when I finally flashed it yesterday. Not much to be scared of (I was a bit scared of playing with partitions and hboots)
Hi guys, I wanted to try the Google play edition ROM and I have between doing some research but I'm still a bit confused.. Is there any difference in using the RUU method (which looks much more complicated) and just flashing bigxie's GPE ROM? Which is easier and better? Hope u guys can answer my questions and thanks in advance..
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Dont accept OTA if you install a custom GPE rom, specially if you are S-ON.
On RUU you can install OTA
SaHiLzZ said:
Dont accept OTA if you install a custom GPE rom, specially if you are S-ON.
On RUU you can install OTA
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Isn't bigxie's Rom is totally stock GPE so it's ok to install OTA?
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No it is not. Custom roms are not meant for OTA>. You can update on your peril.