Bring Pirate Ghost Back Donation Thread - HTC Vivid, Raider, Velocity

I am starting this thread because I am sick and tired of losing developers for a phone that desperately needs them. First it was the WC and BC fiasco that damn near put us out and now some person with no sense of flashing and a lack of understanding when it comes to reading directions has driven away one of our most helpful and successful developers. (WHEN YOU ARE TOLD NOT TO FLASH UNLESS YOU FULLY AND COMPLETELY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING THEN DONT FLIPPING FLASH IT)
To make it worth while I am starting a donation thread, to reward one of the people who have busted their ass (can I say that in the forums?) to help us and give us the phone we know the VIVID should be. I realize more then just PG has done a lot for us and I hope I am not offending anyone.
To put it simple I am starting out with a personal $100 donation. It is not much but it is what I have right now. If anyone wants to flame about what I am doing here do me a favor and don't. MODS, if this turns into a bashing war I would hope for some regulation and the ultimate closure of the thread if problems arise, I am not here to make enemies.

I'll give 10, I know it's measly, but its all I can give without my wife noticing ; ) saving for Ireland

At this point in time I cannot donate, but I hope to soon.
PirateGhost, please, keep doing what you do. I personally enjoy your ROMs, they're absolutely Amazing.
Thanks, and I hope you reconsider.

I will contribute $20 if he decides to come back. I was very close to flashing his Ice Cream Float before the drama happened, and I want to help showing that there are some people out there who do read, listen to directions, and THINK before going on a forum.

I was and am planning on donating to PG and some of the others as well. I know PG was responsible for a lot of the good work here. The irony is that his RUU might be the one thing that actually could have saved my phone, (At least may have been.) and now it's gone, along with another talented developer. Win, lose or draw, I will donate to this cause after I get some sleep and calm down a little bit.

What others did TO THEIR OWN PHONE and blamed PG was just plain stupid. I'll be donating.
There was a fair warning from the very beginning..

I'll donate. I just need to transfer some funds to my PayPal first.

PG and the other devs left for different reasons but I can pretty surely say that money is not the problem. They did all this developing from free will, not for donations. If PG does come back, he'll just get hit with the same bull**** he's been having to deal with these past few days. I'm just not sure raising money is the right way to go.
We (as in the Vivid forum) were not ready for an ICS release. Based on the huge number of people with bricked phones or bootloops, you can all see how many people jumped in without knowing ANYTHING and for lack of a better term, winged it...which led to their problems. These members didn't wait for an RUU, didn't read any of the stickys, didn't read any of the answers PG already posted in his 20 page threads and on top of that, a couple even went as far as to blame their own failures on, as well as make crazy accusations towards PG. For that, the rest of us suffer and that's how it is.

I love the support so far, please keep it going. Hopefully word gets out

penguinfishies said:
PG and the other devs left for different reasons but I can pretty surely say that money is not the problem. They did all this developing from free will, not for donations. If PG does come back, he'll just get hit with the same bull**** he's been having to deal with these past few days. I'm just not sure raising money is the right way to go.
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I totally agree, but I feel that pledging to donate to him is a show of good faith that there are a number of us who enjoy his roms respectfully. I think it's time for the minority of users with good experiences to overshadow the stupid noobs who have ruined it for the rest of us.

I would for sure donate to the cause...
I myself have been known to ask stupid noobish questions, so I can only imagine how many posts, repeat questions and PMs he must have gotten after releasing this. I was amazed how many people blamed him for their own mistakes, I too bricked my phone but never once blamed him as after I did so I read everything again and again and then realized what I did wrong.
I do hope he comes back after maybe taking a little time away, but there has to be a way for him to have some protection from people, their questions and comments...
P.S.- A semi unrelated but somewhat related statement (and I don't want to start a firestorm) but I do wish in some of these DEV threads the fluff and worthless posts (mine included sometimes) would be erased to keep threads small and more full of worth while information.

I think people got their phone bricked cuz this update was for ATT Stock not any other carriers. So if they tried to flash, it's their own risk. Not to blame all the good devs out there give us better phone than stock.

I would donate too.
I myself asked a question in that very thread that got closed. I wanted to know if that ROM was for my phone because I didn't find any reference to "Velocity". Although people say Vivid and Velocity are interchangeable, I thought I'd ask. And I'm glad I did, otherwise I would have a bricked phone too.
Just one or two IDIOTS spoiling the party for everyone.
PG - can you start a private share so that you can control who has access to your zips and we can still download them?

ststeve123 said:
Just one or two IDIOTS spoiling the party for everyone.
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And this is precisely why we can't have nice things.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA Premium App

I leave for a few hours to go to dinner with some friends and this is what I come back to?
What happened?

I've read 99% of all the posts in the Vivid section, including PG's. Can't belive how much patience and time he put in those replies. I, for one I wouldn't even bother to answer most of them. Unfortunately people don't always appreciate it from obvious reasons (have no idea what developing is). Hope he comes back, it's nor fair to leave us for one or two mindless posters. Is not the noobs, or only the Vivid owners, is the whole Android community that needs him.
Sent from my HTC Vivid via Tapatalk

thecubed said:
I leave for a few hours to go to dinner with some friends and this is what I come back to?
What happened?
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That is where I was at last night... Some Galaxy nexus moron didnt read instructions and bricked his wifes Vivid from what I caught on to. Then he blames it on PG. See General thread First Rom Flash Rum Float Beta for exact details.
I agree with everyone here. When I was told HTC flashing on the vivid was different from other phones and older HTC phones I listened. I waited 48 hours to flash until I made sure I knew everything. Even then I sat in the IRC and continued asking new stupid questions. I was never chewed out, never driven off. I was answered, had my own laughs for stupidity and ended up with ICS.
When someone flashes a rom its like accepting a TOS agreement that comes with software. You agree that it is your own fault if the flash fails, especially if it was successful for so many others.
I am sure PG doesnt care about the money, but its an attempt to show him that just because some people are morons doesnt mean no one supports him and appreciates what he does.

I still haven't flashed ics and won't until I have the time to do it correctly and the knowledge. I have reread how to do it many times. I want to understand how it works before I put it on my phone. It would be awesome to have the newest thing but not at the expense of my phone for not following instructions. I wish I had time to develop but I work two jobs and have a baby coming in a few months.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA

I'm not sure that he is taking donations at this point. I donated $10 earlier today and he refunded it?!?

I appreciate the gesture but I cannot bring myself back.
Jazz, I refunded your donation partly because of the way you handled yourself with WC, and partly because I want no expectations from any of this.
I refunded Uberamd because sending me a donation does not give you the right to say whatever you like. It's not a free pass to talk ****.
Sent from my HTC PH39100


Cacheinjection leaving the Android Theming world

Hello everyone..
This I thought was something important that I decided to put in the theme thread since the above mentioned developer has had such an impact in the theming world.
So I was talking to cacheinjection just a few minutes ago on gtalk, and he unfortunately told me to let the xda community know that he will be leaving the android theming for a while.
He gave the reason as he was getting very busy with his job, and so does not have that much time right now(which i'm sure is true for most android developers since we can't be on xda all day every day), and also he expressed his discontent at people's lack of appreciation for all that he did/has been doing. He has been quite a revolutionary themer and most people would agree with me that the new things that he brought to the android scene, along with the help of other great developers: freekyfrogy and djosiah, made us love our g1's/mytouch 3g's all over again. With my time being on xda, I have seen this too many times where some ppl on xda actually end up pushing developers away because they do not realize that all developers have lives apart from the work they do for free for the xda community. I think it goes without saying that we as an xda community should show our appreciation to developers, as our way of saying thank you for taking time out of their day.
Excerpts from Conversation:
Cacheinjection: I feel pretty s*** about Android atm...People always want stuff, and never give anything back, not even thanks really. So I think I might give it up. I had a good run.
Cacheinjection: I think it might be very soon cos I don't see people caring anymore.
Cacheinjection: All people do is moan cos I haven't [done a specific thing]. F*** it. I'll just make my own fone pretty.
Cacheinjection: I have a pretty awesome job, I just like people to appreciate that I put my heart and soul into the stuff
Cacheinjection: It seems to me that if you need to tell people to appreciate what you do, they don't appreciate it
Cacheinjection: Let ppl know that I am taking a bit of time off of theme development. Things will get updated as and when..and I'll continue my work with Super D with Ben.
So there it is guys. If I were you, I would go over to his page, and to the pages of as many developers as you can find, and let them know how much you appreciate them. A donation never hurts either, if they have it on their page. So that's it. Just letting people know. Don't let any more developers make this decision also. Let them know you care. Thanks.
Shouldn't be to much of a surprise though, the things he say are pretty true though.
Ace42 said:
Shouldn't be to much of a surprise though, the things he say are pretty true though.
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Very true. Also, I feel even worse for the Devs, they aren't that much more appreciated either! They make wonderful Roms and include awesome instructions yet people ask questions that are already answered and demand more and more and more. I don't know how some of them (including themers) put up with everything. Reading the posts people make in Rom threads make me go They want this, that, etc etc etc!
If only people took some more effort into doing some stuff themselves or even learning the basics, it would probably reduce a lot of these issues. I love when I see a theme release and people just ask for different stuff when they can do it themselves lol, I wonder if they even know how much time this stuff takes. I also don't think most of the people understand or know a thing about the Roms, other then flashing it! Which leads to more demands and devs that have to deal with it!
Just another example of a great developer being pushed away by unappreciative idiots on this forum. It's kind of sad really, alot of people have nothing better to do but to refresh the page every 5 seconds waiting for a new update (usually for a minor bug) even though an update was released just a few days prior. Better yet, the same people will b*tch and moan if a Dev hasn't put anything out for a week, while completely disregarding the fact that people like Cache work for free despite the fact they have actual lives outside of xda. This applies for ROMS and themes.
Xda should be a pay site and I'm serious. Either subscription based or download based. If not then this site will slowly die, do you think devs will continually put up with this crap over and over again? I have no problem paying a mandatory fee for an amazing theme or ROM. Nothing major, just a few dollars but at least the devs will get some guaranteed compensation.
Hope to see you back here Cache because despite the idiots, I do know there are alot of posters that appreciate your work.
jasrups said:
Just another example of a great developer being pushed away by unappreciative idiots on this forum. It's kind of sad really, alot of people have nothing better to do but to refresh the page every 5 seconds waiting for a new update (usually for a minor bug) even though an update was released just a few days prior. Better yet, the same people will b*tch and moan if a Dev hasn't put anything out for a week, while completely disregarding the fact that people like Cache work for free despite the fact they have actual lives outside of xda. This applies for ROMS and themes.
Xda should be a pay site and I'm serious. Either subscription based or download based. If not then this site will slowly die, do you think devs will continually put up with this crap over and over again? I have no problem paying a mandatory fee for an amazing theme or ROM. Nothing major, just a few dollars but at least the devs will get some guaranteed compensation.
Hope to see you back here Cache because despite the idiots, I do know there are alot of posters that appreciate your work.
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Something like the membership @ modaco. People get angry when a new update doesn't come out which is ridiculous.
Cacheinjection Keep Your Head Up And I Also Want You To Know That You Are Appreciated By Me. Take As Much Time As You Need. Your Themes Are The Best And Will Always And Forever Be. Your A Tremendous Developer. Continue On Doing What You Do And Trust Me: You Will Be Missed A LOT!
Until Then...Keep Up The Marvelous Work
It seems people want things on there schedule and how they want it.. A dev developes for him/herself and then share with the community.. We shouldn't expect anything from them we should be happy that they took there time to make something for us (community)....
Appreciate you and your revolutionary designs for the Android Community... You will be missed a lot
Ace42 said:
Something like the membership @ modaco. People get angry when a new update doesn't come out which is ridiculous.
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Ah I'd be totally down for some kind of membership/subscription here (As long as it isn't too much! Just some membership thing would be nice)
And now that you guys mention people constantly wanting updates, that reminds me of how ppl appear to go crazy when Cyanogen doesn't release an update and think he's left the project to die cause of nexus one lmao. I personally think most of us will just keep wanting updates (flashaholics!), even at the point where updates are almost no longer possible!
It's terrible how all the complainers ruin it for all the people who truly do appreciate the devs work. The lurkers like me far outnumber the haters but the fact that we lurk is probably part of the problem. We'll miss him cache's work has definitely been some of the best.....the Darkstar theme is the best thing on any cellular device to date imho.
Sorry to see him leave, he will be missed.
eessel said:
F*** it. I'll just make my own fone pretty.
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this made me laugh lol...
but that fact aside...
u do amazing work...
ive been part of the android community since day 1 of the g1 being released...
i wasnt a linux geek or themeing master but i patiently waited...learned the tricks and began helping others...
it was fun to give people tips and tricks on how to do things
help run their roms on their phone when they cant anymore...
and i feel what ur saying
its hard to keep up with a community thats so young and wants everything quick...some people just dont realize the time that goes into it...
well i hope u do come back and if u keep ur themes for a select few i understand that...for peopel who donate and what not i would be more than willing to pitch in...everyone deserves payment for their work...nothing in this world is free
Sad, sad, sad...
Hope HE will be fine. It doesn't matter those people whose won't be getting his stuff, only HE matters.
So, if HE is allright, i'll be fine!
Good luck Mr.Cacheinjection!
damn this guy was my partner in crime lol. to be honest without cache here updates for elegance and darkstar will be very slow. he was the one who mostly updated these themes. its sad to see him go because he has taught me a lot and if it wasnt for his initial darkstar concept i wouldnt have gotten into themeing. hopefully he will be back sooner than we think.
@shadowch31 syaing that he 'bit off more then he chew' isnt a very fair statement to make. he chose to try and do all these things to help the community and when the community dont show appreciation they are just throwing it back in his face. im not having a go at you or anything, just thought it needed to be said.
I feel sorry about it, but I understand him, everyone who make themes/roms, would understand it too. Actually people, who never made anything, don't realize how hard is it, and how many hours we expend on it.
I also hate when people post negative comments like: "you should post concepts, or w.i.p, ...
I hope he doesn't leave forever, or even long, becuase we need him. He's one of the best, and always a good help for people like me.
I just want to thank him for everything he has made so far.
shadowch31 said:
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I would say though, shadowch31, that from all the conversations that i've had with cache, money is not his main thing for theming. The guy has a love for theming and he seems he just has a heart to share the ideas with people. Just to clear that up. What's wrong with donations anyway? More so to him? The guy has really been revolutionary with bringing new ideas to the table, and you're right..not everyone can donate, but those who can, it never hurts to send a dev some monetary thank yous. i've done so myself when i could cuz i know the time and effort it takes to make anything, from the smallest thing to the grandest. but yeah..i was just letting you know that that's not what cache is about here.
eessel said:
I would say though, shadowch31, that from all the conversations that i've had with cache, money is not his main thing for theming. The guy has a love for theming and he seems he just has a heart to share the ideas with people. Just to clear that up. What's wrong with donations anyway? More so to him? The guy has really been revolutionary with bringing new ideas to the table, and you're right..not everyone can donate, but those who can, it never hurts to send a dev some monetary thank yous. i've done so myself when i could cuz i know the time and effort it takes to make anything, from the smallest thing to the grandest. but yeah..i was just letting you know that that's not what cache is about here.
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I agree, developers can sell their software in the market, themers share it here. Donations is a good way to push creators to keep working and creating.
And I think 1$ is not a big deal for anybody here, but together, it would be a nice reward for every developer.
But it's just my opinion
hey guys,
im just gonna chime in quick,
first off i wana say to shadowch31 none of this is aimed at you, you are awsome, and i dont think i would have done as much good worth without your enthusiasm.
And yeah i totaly love your british sense of humor, gtalk em if ya wana chat
yeah, this is most definitely not about money, I have a job, and that keeps me in beer and a roof over the head, in fact i was a little hesitant about adding donate links, cos i dont want people to give if they dont wana. its just about people appreciating work, also people letting us know they are still interested with what were doing, helps us know if we should continue to work on it for the comunity.
Anyway thanks for all the support, and i will be back, just having a breather.
Thanks for coming in Cache and clearing things up, I understand your words of enthusiasm a lot more than 'appreciated' but see how the two tie in.
Your right the community had somwhat abandonded Darkstar besides me and my motivational nagging and Elegance was getting the same besides the odd 'Can we have...' brigade. Gonna be sad to see you go fella but it is a well deserved break and one I understand, just looking at getting into theming myself and know it ain't gonna be a walk in the park and is gonna take a lot of time and effort. Was just gutted and upset to see such an asset to the themeing community leave and for what seemed like weak excuses but now you have explained I fully understand your decision.
I, like everyone else will miss ya fella and look forward to the day you feel like coming back and treating us all to your amazing work. Thanks for everything Cache, been a hell of a ride.
I too would like to say thanks Cache for what you've done for the community, and of course especially DarkStar.
To this date I still haven't abandoned the last update of DS that had Stericson's lockscreen lol. In fact, I'm actually keeping the theme for quite some time since SD 1.8 is stable and fast enough.
But yeah have fun with your break dude, and I look forward to your return.

People bricking thier phones and tablets

I must say to the people who brick thier phones and tablets... shame on you!
You dont read or follow full directions before doing something, or you really arent techincal minded and cant admit you shouldnt be doing these things to your phones/tablets. and then go and brick them.
Now this isnt the problem I have (i fell bad for those who have).
My problem is with the people who then lie and call up the maker of the phone and make up some bull to get a new one, or return it to the store and lie to get a new one.
YOu people are the reason why more equipment makers wont lower thier prices and wont open thier systems up to people who accually know what they are doing.
You make it more expensive on everyone. I read post after post of people who return thier phones/tablets they have bricked for new ones. post after post of people just buying every tablet in site to "TRY IT OUT" and then return them before the dead line.
YOU people are why these things are so exspensive.
MY local best buy I kid you not had more tablets and ipads as open box buys then they had new ones. salesman told me all people are doing is buying screwing with them for a few days and then returning. then no one wants the open box ones because you dont know what people did to them.
Grow up if you break something its your fault not the manufactures why should they replace it? if you dont want something DONT BUY IT!!! dont buy it with the intention of playing with it then returning it thats just wrong.
You are one hundred per cent correct.
I'll use your thread as a bit of a chance to vent, this is not directed at you and apologies in advance
I am sick and tired of God-damn kiddies popping up here, loading software onto their phones, cocking it up because they haven't done the reading or just have no f*cking idea, then demanding a f*cking walkthrough on how to pull themselves out of the sh*t step-by-step, or as you stated (and worse) returning their devices to get a new one, driving up prices and promoting manufacturers to lock their devices up tighter and tighter. It's an absolute disgrace.
So many users these days seem to have a God complex, an over-bundance of self-righteousness and an expectation that they deserve everything on a bloody silver platter.
Never ceases to amaze me that these idiots are willing to try everything posted here at the drop of a hat without waiting for bugs to pop up or even seeing if it bricks a device. Everyone wants the best right now, and then wants top-notch support to go with it. Just because it f*cking looks pretty.
Motorola have the right idea. Lock everything up tight, offer the option of unlocking, and void the warranty immediately. That's a damn good business practice. Keeps Developers happy (they can start work immediately without all the unlocking/S-OFF bullsh*t), and, you would think, would make people think twice about what they're doing before they unlock their bootloaders. Still doesn't seem to work this way though, hey?
It's for this reason I have absolutely no problem with manufacturers locking their devices. It's a dickhead deterrent. Doesn't phase a good Developer, but the idiots and general masses (myself included) are stuck, and they don't have to replace our phones because we didn't read or didn't understand, or wanted the best without doing anything to deserve it.
Noone wants to take responsibility for their own actions. If a Dev's ROM doesn't work for someone, all of a sudden it's the Devs fault. Nevermind they didn't read the instructions, FAQs and whatever else may have been there. Christ I saw someone create a thread to demand a step-by-step walkthrough and download of ADB just before. What the f*ck? More importantly, what the f*ck are you doing here without doing any reading or research at all?
Again mate, my apologies. I just agree with you, and I like the fact you've got 20-odd posts and 4 thanks already. You can have another one for your troubles!
The biggest issue I have is when a dev. writes an unlock code for a newer phone and it gets released to the public, freeing that phone from being locked down, but also opening it up to a whole slew of idiots that should't be allowed to have a miniUSB cable in their home.
I can honestly say that I have NEVER bricked a phone. I will say I have had issues come up, but never enough to consider the phone an expensive paperweight.
Currently I am working on porting the Android 1.6 rom from the Dream G1 to the HTC Raphael, a perfect example of software being the main contributor to sales volume.
The Dream has less RAM and NAND memory, less keys on the keyboard and a lower resolution screen than the Raphael, but since it has Android installed it sold quite a bit more than the more feature-laden Raphael.
If I brick the Raphael there's no big loss, It was a free phone...
I tend to cover every aspect when looking into cooking or building roms and anroid installs, unlike most who will flash their phone with something completely wrong for their device.
To any of the "kiddies" reading this, RESEARCH your device, RESEARCH the phone you're about to flash it to and RESEARCH known problems after install so you don't post flames to the OP of the ROM/build! Most good cooks will post known problems with their ROMs' and even tell you if you need to flash a different radio or not.
I hate seeing 300+ replies to a ROM posting... Most of the info is in the FIRST or SECOND post, unless otherwize stated by the OP.
(I needed to rant... sorry if I offended anyone)
PoXFreak said:
The biggest issue I have is when a dev. writes an unlock code for a newer phone and it gets released to the public, freeing that phone from being locked down, but also opening it up to a whole slew of idiots that should't be allowed to have a miniUSB cable in their home.
I can honestly say that I have NEVER bricked a phone. I will say I have had issues come up, but never enough to consider the phone an expensive paperweight.
Currently I am working on porting the Android 1.6 rom from the Dream G1 to the HTC Raphael, a perfect example of software being the main contributor to sales volume.
The Dream has less RAM and NAND memory, less keys on the keyboard and a lower resolution screen than the Raphael, but since it has Android installed it sold quite a bit more than the more feature-laden Raphael.
If I brick the Raphael there's no big loss, It was a free phone...
I tend to cover every aspect when looking into cooking or building roms and anroid installs, unlike most who will flash their phone with something completely wrong for their device.
To any of the "kiddies" reading this, RESEARCH your device, RESEARCH the phone you're about to flash it to and RESEARCH known problems after install so you don't post flames to the OP of the ROM/build! Most good cooks will post known problems with their ROMs' and even tell you if you need to flash a different radio or not.
I hate seeing 300+ replies to a ROM posting... Most of the info is in the FIRST or SECOND post, unless otherwize stated by the OP.
(I needed to rant... sorry if I offended anyone)
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Firstly, good luck with your project. I have an old Raphael here so if I can be of help testing or whatever, let me know.
Second, you're exactly right. If you do the research, the issues you run into generally aren't overwhelming, and because you've read you already know what to do if you run into them. It's the kids that come in with their new toy, try and flash **** and **** it up, then expect the whole forum to bend over backwards to provide everything they need to fix their f*ck up. If they'd done what they should have done in the first place, we wouldn't be having this conversation!
First off let me say thanks for the support on my forum topic. I was a "noob" as well at one time. Heck we are all "noobs" with each new rom,tablet,sdk,phone,o.s. that hits the streets as each one has its own set of issues and work arounds.
For example when I went to root my dell streak 7 I read up on it, I read about all the options and how they worked , looked for what problems others had, if it was even a good option for me at the time. Then i took what seemed the most popular option and what seemed to work best for others. and while reading up on the process i came across the adb stuff as mentioned before.
I was like holy crap whats all that I have to do. Well at least I have a back ground in modding and computer repaires going back years so I have the means to understand what i am reading.
But like mentioned before most of these people have no idea what adb is or how to set it up or even use it, they just jump right in with the first half ass'd wrote tutorial that useually leaves a set out and bingo they brick thier device.
Then go and return or send it in for replacement jacking up the cost for everyone else.
All I can say is read read read read read read read oh and READ some more before you go and think your a hacker and mess with your 500 dollar phone or tablet. then go cry and want a free replacement when YOU screw it up.
IM not perfect I bricked the hell out of a nook color BUT If you calm down go on the net and look chances are someone else has done the same thing and the information is out there to undo it just like i found and now my nook is all happy.
IT is very rare that these devices are UNFIXABLE almost 98% of any thing you do to it can be undone if you dont have the knowledge to undo what you have done then you should not be messing with it in the first place period.
and if you have screwed it up dont go run to the store or the warrenty hot line with a bag full of lies. Cowboy up and take the blame dont expect others to bail you out and put even more ecnomic hardships and tighter lock downs on the rest of us becasue that is all your doing.
On the lighter side LOL please excuse my grammer,puctuation,spelling and so forth I get so into my posts sometimes I dont pay any attention lol. Then when I se the post I go wow I look like an idiot but a lazy one I dont bother to fix it .
sorry, but you are completely wrong. This is absolutely not how market works.
The price is not calculated and is not at all based on how many of devices get broken - which is how they are classified.
If all, then on contrary, the price may be reduced to reflect percentage of returned pieces. But again there is no dependence here.
Moreover, those devices will get reused, and will add on statistics to show problem with flashing, based on which they may try to make flashing more easy and foolproof. Yes maybe they'll decide to close some holes and make it more difficult to customize, but they might also decide to loose security here a little.
Look at HTC, you probably would agree they know about custom rom reflashing and I would say they even pulled some ropes to make it possible or easier.
It's market again, people who put custom ROM in their phone are more like pda freaks, specialist and their friends know them as such and when buying a phone asks them for opinion. So it's good for them to keep us, pda freaks, happy and allow us to tamper with their phones to be so.
Agree 110% that users should read, read, read and ask questions to be sure they fully understand what they are doing and the consequences before trying modifications. They should be held responsible for their actions. Hard-working developers waste far too much time bailing out fools from their own foolishness.
There should be far more posts like in this thread all over the internet.
papo said:
sorry, but you are completely wrong. This is absolutely not how market works.
The price is not calculated and is not at all based on how many of devices get broken - which is how they are classified.
If all, then on contrary, the price may be reduced to reflect percentage of returned pieces. But again there is no dependence here.
Moreover, those devices will get reused, and will add on statistics to show problem with flashing, based on which they may try to make flashing more easy and foolproof. Yes maybe they'll decide to close some holes and make it more difficult to customize, but they might also decide to loose security here a little.
Look at HTC, you probably would agree they know about custom rom reflashing and I would say they even pulled some ropes to make it possible or easier.
It's market again, people who put custom ROM in their phone are more like pda freaks, specialist and their friends know them as such and when buying a phone asks them for opinion. So it's good for them to keep us, pda freaks, happy and allow us to tamper with their phones to be so.
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Hum ... maybe you are right but maybe you are wrong. let me tell you my opinion of why I think you are wrong.
You say that all these returned devices that people jack up dont affect the market but somehow help the numbers?
OK I myself and most other people I know, if you go into a best buy lets say for the sake of argument and they have 2 tablets on the self One is brand new never been owned sealed up at 299.99. and the other is 10% off (I thinkthat is thier standard drop for open box) open box buy. what one are you gonna chose? knowing what people do with these things I dont know about you but to me the 30 bucks savings isnt worth the hassle of returning it when it doesnt work or to find out someone monkeyed with it. And i feel i am not alone and why there are so many open box buys sitting around on shelves.
Walmart doesnt restock returned tablets or phones doesnt matter if they are working or not they return everything to the manufacturer.
Manufacturers by law cannot resell a used item as new it has to be listed as refurbished.
so where do all these refurbished tablets go??? I dont see them. does anyone here have one? No they go to sleasy civic center electronics shows for resell at nearkly full retail and who buys them? no one at that pric people would rather have a new one. not to mention by the time the refubished junk makes its rounds to be resold its outdated and everyone wants the new thing.
Dont believe me there are stil factory refubished sega dreamcasts for sale on the internet... thats like form what 12 years ago.
all this material sitting arund DOES affect the prices we pay manufactures cant have 300 million in feurbished items sitting arund unsold with out it affecting its bottom line. so who pays for it... we do with higher prices.
also with that many items comming in defective they know which ones were hacked and messed up and which ones where manufacturing defects. when you get 100's of millions in loses do to people messing around with and screwing up your product YES you will lock it down more to make it harder.
Lets put this into a laymans terms.. lets say you own and run a chair store yes all you make are chairs. this month you made 100 chairs. well lets say 50 of them came back for refunds because people used them as something to stand on and broke them. so now your company is running at a greater then 60% loss. not only are you out the retail money for the chairs, your out the labor, the material, and the cost of now doing something with all the broken chairs. whicj included fixing them and then resellig them on a secondary market for less then the original retail. at this point your out a wad of cash and no body wants to buy your once broken chairs.
OK so now how do you go about correcting the problem you have keep people from breaking your chairs so you get less returns and there fore have a better bottom line so now you have to buy stornger wood, stronger glue, and make a more robust chair that people cant break.
all of this drives your costs up and profits down so what do you do?? Thats right you increase the cost of the chair.
You maybe right I dont think I have any idea how a market works.
i agree, just like real life, things come with inscructions for a reason.
i mean, if you buy a peice of furniture from ikea...well, good luck even with the inscructions (i flipping hate ikea, to many parts to assemble)
but the point is, they are there to show you what do to, i managed to read them, and i got my skyraider (i want to flash to a 2.3 rom, but, due to bugs and reading alot of them are glitchy, gonna hold off on that for a while.
I'm not gonna lie, I bricked my first Android phone, However.. HTC Replaced the internals Not everyone that does this is a noob, it only takes 1 mistake or 1 panic to they do something and it breaks Mine bricked flashing a radio (I had read no instructions) I saw the phone with a triangle on when it rebooted and was like ahh?! Have I broke it and ripped the battery out.. Which did infact break it However rooting etc. where to even download the tools needed you have to read through very simple step by step instructions which are HARD not to do exactly as said Then maybe I don't see how people end up breaking them
I have issues with these noobs wanting one click, exploits for everything and then when you.. (okay, I) suggest maybe, they actually learn, how to do it by long the "long way"...I get told to "get with the times" and "I, don't need too"....No?, well don't come crying to, me when something goes, wrong....I'll be too busy playing around on MY device....THAT ACTUALLY WORKS....
Sent using two tin cans and some string.....
Babydoll25 said:
I have issues with these noobs wanting one click, exploits for everything and then when you.. (okay, I) suggest maybe, they actually learn, how to do it by long the "long way"...I get told to "get with the times" and "I, don't need too"....No?, well don't come crying to, me when something goes, wrong....I'll be too busy playing around on MY device....THAT ACTUALLY WORKS....
Sent using two tin cans and some string.....
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Damn right. You tell someone to go and do the 'hard' work themselves, all of a sudden these pr*cks step up and have the nerve to call you out. I'm sorry, but this place needs assholes, and lots of them. Kiddies will never learn if they're spoon-fed everything. Nothing teaches you something quicker than a smack on the ass.
I don't see anything at all wrong with calling out n00bs and serving a few idiots, provided it's done civilly. You'll always upset some people, but you can't be all things to all people, and I'd much rather be thought of as an asshole here and do my bit to cut down the bullsh*t, than sit idly by and watch this place die.
I can see it over in the desire hd forums too(and i bet it's the same situaion on other forums too). There are more and more people who are too stupid to read one of the guides in the dev section. We have dozens of threads on how to downgrade/ s-off. And these aren't just for the lulz.
It seems that they haven't even clicked one single time on the Dev-section before creating a new thread about a bootloop or anything else.
And last but no least: the search button.
It's the same story again. The forum is full of questions that were answered like a billion times in the past.
Guys, when will you realise it? It takes some effort to make our phones working as we want them to. And the most important thing to do is reading. Read the guides some users put a lot of effort in. Read them to understand your device better and read them just to hit the Thanks Button on the bottom of the guide.
Sent out of my Free Candy Van.
MacaronyMax said:
I'm not gonna lie, I bricked my first Android phone, However.. HTC Replaced the internals Not everyone that does this is a noob, it only takes 1 mistake or 1 panic to they do something and it breaks Mine bricked flashing a radio (I had read no instructions) I saw the phone with a triangle on when it rebooted and was like ahh?! Have I broke it and ripped the battery out.. Which did infact break it However rooting etc. where to even download the tools needed you have to read through very simple step by step instructions which are HARD not to do exactly as said Then maybe I don't see how people end up breaking them
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because noobs think they can do everything in one-shot and end up getting bit on the ass
plus one rom i had to go back and wipe it 4 times before it finally booted back the startup loop
so, trial and error and paitionce also is important.
Babydoll25 said:
I have issues with these noobs wanting one click, exploits for everything and then when you.. (okay, I) suggest maybe, they actually learn, how to do it by long the "long way"...I get told to "get with the times" and "I, don't need too"....No?, well don't come crying to, me when something goes, wrong....I'll be too busy playing around on MY device....THAT ACTUALLY WORKS....
Sent using two tin cans and some string.....
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no, those aren;'t noobs, those are lazy people. they think technology will be, sorry never will, people get new tv's and think that everything will be setup out of the box, sadly this is why they have techs who have to come out and set the thing up for you because you were too ****ing lazy to take 30 minutes to an hour and do it yourself and save a buttload of money.
and how I rooted and got my roms on there? i read inscructions.....and Cvbcbcmv's video :/
Oh you poor OP. When will you learn?
Everyone was born unique. Therefore, everyone who was born falls on a different spot on the normal IQ curve. For everyone who is smart, quiet, listens to instructions, and respectful, there will be one d1ckwad on the other end of the equation (stupid, noisy, jumps the gun, and douchey).
From my experience, I know that I can only pray for these people and get the heck out of the dev section unless I need a new ROM.
But, all said and done, don't be discouraged by these id10ts, and continue to believe in humanity, or at least in me. I have never bricked my Desire, and the one time I was >< this close to bricking it, I knew what I did wrong and was prepared to fully accept the price of my stupidity. I have also read the instruction manual that came with my phone end to end (barring the index pages, anyway).
sakai4eva said:
Oh you poor OP. When will you learn?
Everyone was born unique. Therefore, everyone who was born falls on a different spot on the normal IQ curve. For everyone who is smart, quiet, listens to instructions, and respectful, there will be one d1ckwad on the other end of the equation (stupid, noisy, jumps the gun, and douchey).
From my experience, I know that I can only pray for these people and get the heck out of the dev section unless I need a new ROM.
But, all said and done, don't be discouraged by these id10ts, and continue to believe in humanity, or at least in me. I have never bricked my Desire, and the one time I was >< this close to bricking it, I knew what I did wrong and was prepared to fully accept the price of my stupidity. I have also read the instruction manual that came with my phone end to end (barring the index pages, anyway).
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Correction. Three dickwads
juzz86 said:
Correction. Three dickwads
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If XDA have this button called "follow", I'd click on it right now.
sakai4eva said:
If XDA have this button called "follow", I'd click on it right now.
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Cheers mate.
Unfortunately, some clowns are even beyond prayers. Look at how many threads there are for the f*cking Photon 4G. You'd think someone would have a look first, hey?
I don't want to be a Senior Member anymore. I want my user tag to be 'Ban Hammer'. Then watch me go!
Juzz86 - Ban Hammer
EDIT: Nice t1ts
The quote is funnier when you finally get the innuendos.


This is gonna be a book post, so grab a drink, sit down & READ THE WHOLE THING!
Okay, I was a happily retired moderator with little time for babysitting & hand holding, but after nearly two decades of being involved with mobile development from Palm to the device & OS that really started this (Blue Angel PPC2002/PPC2003/PPC2003SE) I will be damned if I am going to let ANYONE ruin the major development repository for what is arguably the best device HTC has made to date. Yes, it was also the worst marketed & whomever handled the marketing plan for the Holiday Series should be selling used cars (Not that there's anything wrong with that, they were just obviously out of their league with the Vivid), however I digress.
I cook roms, I tweak things & talk & have help fix issues for more chef's than I can count. I don't do public releases & I stopped doing custom builds for Senior Members a long time ago. I am here purely for the advancement of mobile development, to learn & to help those that truly take the time to learn.
First things first, this is a development thread. If you are not a developer (I'm not, not really) you must realize that we are working with Alpha's, Beta's & sometime code & data from completely different device manufacturers. This means that there is a certain amount of inherent risk envolved, ALWAYS. This is evidenced & acknowledged by every single person that DECIDED to ignore the warnings issued by HTC as well as the developers here & agreed to the terms when they unlocked their device. "Unlocking your device is DANGEROUS & may VOID your warranty."
I own several devices, as do the former Dev's of this sub-forum. The reason we all are, or were, here is because we all agreed that despite HTC's fumble with the device, it is a fresh design from the rubberized slabs & plastic toys we've seen lately & the device is truly a powerhouse when configured correctly. None of us have to develop, not for the public, and for those that do, I can tell you it's not for the money nor the fame. If it was for fame the folks that left wouldn't be working from blog space & small sites. Sure, there are always glory hounds, but the Developers in Vivid are about the pursuit of perfection, nothing more. Roms are not made by a single person, many have a hand in adding or modifying portions of a rom. This means that when you slam or disrespect a chef or rom, you are telling six or more people that you do not appreciate their work. There will always be difference of opinion, but when that occurs, I expect you to handle it like a man (or woman) & use the Personal Message system this site offers. Even in those cases, I demand no less than respect & civility when communicating & you all agreed to that when you registered here at XDA. Failure to do so CAN & WILL BE GROUNDS FOR A BAN OF APPROPRIATE LENGTH.
Now, I am not a new Mod & XDA has seen fit to call me back to active duty as a Global Moderator, not a forum moderator, & that alone should tell you how frelled the vivid section has become. I am not here to power trip, don't want to ban anyone & hate cleaning useless posts from threads. But I have agreed to do just that until we can all become a happy family
I am working on getting all the dev's back here that left as well as getting some support from some of the more populated forum threads. This will be more & more important as fragmentation goes away & Android becomes more unified. ICS is a step in that direction, Android 5.0 will almost be there completely.
You may not know it yet, but HTC knows they built a great device in the Holiday line & we have already seen ICS release roms for the US AT&T variant. They went & integrated beats & discussion is taking place about a possible Sense 4.0 version for the Holiday. Not a kanged version, but a true to goodness OEM complete with source code & all. While most other devices are still working with leaked versions & test betas, we have an honest to goodness Release version of ICS with some already even getting OTA updates as well. The Vivid is one of a handful of devices that can more than adequately run the same software versions as the newly unveiled One Series, only the Vivid doesn't look like a Sensation mated with a Flyer. I know most of the developers that left, some more than others & I am working on bringing them back to the XDA table. You see, when a developer leaves we get fragmentation. We also usually lose a lot of work from other rom team members, themers, coders, tweakers, hackers, kernel builders, etc...
It would be rather simple for a good Sensation developer to get us a great recovery, provide us with pointers on things they have found with getting ICS to run smoothly as they have been working with api 15 for longer than most Vivid dev's. Unfortunately, they see the Vivid forum as the red headed bastard stepchild of XDA & right now we are. Winter is over & never before have I seen so many developers fky away like a flock heading back north. They all left or are on the fence about leaving. That says something. It's not one high maintenance chef whining & leaving. It is a whole group of Dev's & the supporting members from all over the world leaving. That tells me something is broken, seriously broken & that you as Vivid forum participants have failed the developers & the community. We are broken & need to fix ourselves & learn to police ourselves to become whole again. Do you like stock roms? are you 100% satisfied with whomevers rom you are using? I hope the answer is yes, because unless we pull together & make changes you are gonna be stuck with what you have. Sure, more cooks will emerge. But every rom team member is exceptional at certain things & without them future roms will be lacking in certain areas.
At any rate I digress. Many of you know me. I am honest & fair. I am here, & XDA agreed, as a Hail Mary, to properly support the forum & to try a save the Vivid section from failing. The number one rule here from now on is: Be courteous, respectful & honorable; and if you can't do that....I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance & furious anger those who would attempt to poison our developers & destroy my forum.
THIS IS YOUR WARNING: I am an American, so Baseball is my countries pastime, right? Just like baseball I am immediately instituting a three strikes policy. Each strike will incur penalty on a progressive scale ending with me petitioning to permanently ban you if needed. And be advise that if you post useless or negative to development threads, expect them to be deleted. Just be smart & always take a minute to think things thru before posting & doing irreparable damage. Words are like currency, you can always save them & they'll be there later if needed, but let them burn a hole in your pocket & spend them to soon...You're broke & there's no getting them back.
Now I am stickying this thread & will be leaving it open for a short while. I am doing this to give you a chance to kindly ask the dev's that left to come back & where appropriate make amends or apologize for any personal attacks that were made publicly. If you wrote it where everyone could read it, you should have the fortitude to make it right publicly. If not, then I again refer you to the Personal Message utility provided to you by XDA.
Nicely written.
+1 on bringing back the Devs
Please come back This forum wouldn't be anywhere near as inventive and informative if we didn't have our devs.
Excellent post as well
Im glad to see you stepping in and trying to help the other mods get a handle on things.
I love our phone just like most of the other users here, and have been dissapointed with the state of our forum for the last few weeks. I know the dev who left are still interested in our device as they took their roms elsewhere. Maybe with these current event they will consider coming back. We can only hope, XDA has been a great repository of roms and the help we might need with them. Lets not fragment our resources anymore then it already is.
All I can say is WOW that was greatly written!!
You know what really sucks I have been a member for what i consider to be a long time, I have flashed 1000s of rom's on I don't how many phones and read probably millions of posts! This site is my addiction I read it every day. And over the last couple of months it has just gotten horrible, ridiculous and childish on both sides the noobs and the Dev's! Now DONT GET ME WRONG!! I love and admire everyone who develops, cooks and contributes to the forum. I admit I could never deal with all crap that some noobs and some not so noobs! It is not only this forum it seems to be wide spread even down to the scamming going on at the market place!!! It has honestly made me not want to come to XDA which really sucks.I have all ways looked at XDA as one of the best community's/families i have ever worked with. Just think about how many country's, languages,class,s of life white collar,blue collar and every where in between!!! Just like any family/community you have problems and you find way's to work through the hard times and it makes you stronger so I just plead to all the Developers to try to work whit us. Even if you just post your work and then just have a question and answer sec. and let the community answer the questions. Im just saying there has to be a solution!!
Okay I'm done Rambling!! Thank You to the Mods to for trying to hold it all together!! OK now i'm done!
Wow, it's good to hear something positive around here. You might this sections savoir.
WOW! Great post, thank you very much!
I think we ALL want to run the latest and greatest Android version on the best possible ROM ever on our beloved Holiday. Most are anxious about it and, at the same time, do not want to brick their expensive phones. This being said, this shouldn't be a motivation for ANYONE to bash on the developers.
Like a lot of people, I bought my HTC Raider knowing that, at that time, the development wasn't too far. I was glad to see dev's coming in the Raider/Vivid/Holiday/Velocity family. I was friggin' happy when I saw the first ROM available for my phone! I also flashed at my own risk, knowing I was maybe scarifying my $600 CAD phone.
I, as a relatively new comer, learned from it: do not ask questions that you can easily find answers for by searching the forum. While this is not the (only) reason why so many devs have left, I would like to apologize for my few n00b questions that I may have asked previously. I learned from it and will now properly search before asking.
PLEASE, let's put these few problems aside and let's be a big nice community once again!
I hope we'll see devs back here once again!
This is my first HTC since buying my HTC Dream back in the infancy of android and I was saddened to see how things have turned on this board.
For every Samsung and LG device I have owned there has always been a thriving community of people who have an understanding and work together. However none have ever had the same feeling when I owned an HTC and was part of the community that made the Dream(G1) what it is, an icon. I so wish to be apart of something like that again with this, arguably the best HTC device, as GSLEON3 put it and would love to make it the next big thing.
I understand if the Devs don't come back but I certainly hope they do. There is a lot of work for us to get done and we really need all the amazing talented individuals we can get.
I agree and its getting old visting 20 sites
Xda should be a place where devs can release there work and the community can help each other out not bark at the devs and chase them out, a place where everyone can contribute in one way or another
come at me bro said:
I agree and its getting old visting 20 sites
Xda should be a place where devs can release there work and the community can help each other out not bark at the devs and chase them out, a place where everyone can contribute in one way or another
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I think That that should become our mission statement "a place where everyone can AND SHOULD contribute in one way or another"
This is nice,
well said GSLEON3, i'm happy to see this.
i've been around xda for a while and had my share of phones and not a single one wasn't modified in a way shape or form from xda so when i picked up a vivid 2 weeks ago, it was my first choice but i'm stuck with at&t for now and besides the inspire 4g it's the only other decent phone that fits my needs and wants and regardless of how heavy it is, it's worth it. I was so disappointed and sad, mainly so sad when i saw what was happening, and by tuesday night i was like this isn't gona work for me, i'm gona be stuck with the stock gb rom or stock ics which i can't stand, i just wanted a fully functioning runnymed port but i was disappointed that the bootloader can only be unlocked through htcdev which then voids my warranty while i didn't have that issue with all the previous phones so i never hesitated to root, flash recovery and the roms of my choice. titanium and nandroid backups were like my best non human friends lol. when all this started happening and pretty much everyone was gone, i was like this isn't gona work, saw a report in the portal for a sense port to the nexus s one for ics and one for gb that had almost everything working, so i figured let me see how much i can buy a nexus s for and found a really good deal so i bought it the next day and put my vivid up for sale, i havent sold it yet, and i've been coming around to see if anything has changed, and now that it has i might reconsider and keep it, sell the nexus s and hopefully things get rolling again and we can all have the vivid the way we want. so sorry for making this even longer than i anticipated but hopefully the devs will see this and do come back, and that we do get help from other devs and new ones, i mean having phones like the hd2, mytouch 4g inspire 4g, sensation, the forums on those are filled, even the nexus s i can't keep or find a rom that i like, there r just so many options left and right so i hope that the vivid will become like that soon and yeah i dunno call me crazy or something but like i said earlier, i would be very happy if bootloader can be unlocked without htcdev that is relockable with no trace and to have a fully working gb rom with sense 3.5 like the runnymed, i couldn't be happier with the phone like that. I know there is the holiraider and it looks pretty good but i just don't know if i'm ready to take the plunge for just 1 potential rom, so hope all goes well and things develop but this has so much potential so i think i'm gona hold on to the vivid for now and see this thing come back to normal and flourish
Thank you for the breath of fresh air of logic that has come back to this forum. Sadly, I have been hesitant to visit this forum because of all the drama that has occurred as of late about the development of a better rom for our devices.
As you said, there is a reason we all purchased this device over others and it's well clear that there needs to be more work done for it by those who have the skills to do so.
Well said, although this may have been posted a little to late.
I hope that the dev here does continue, but it is looking bleak!
Very nice write up / read, I'm new to XDA and android altogether. I think this a great device and the few ROMS I've flashed had little or no issues. The work the DEV's have put into these is incredible to say the least. I would love to see all this mess cleared and bring the Vivid development back on track to unleash the full potential that it really possesses.
Thank you for this post. I've been more of a xda lurker for the longest time (on other phone forums) and I was happy to be getting in on the sort of ground floor of development for the vivid.. I walked away for a month to take care of some life items and I came back hoping to see some big improvements, instead there is just a load of closed dev threads. It's sad to see that few people not acting civil put things where we are today.
I really hope you can help bring some sanity back to this sector and with that sanity maybe some of the devs will be back too.
superb article. thanks for the great post. something needed to be said!i would imagine that with 4,000,000+ users were gonna have trolls, so i hope the trolls migrate to your post
Thank You!
There is yet hope, Also as stated by the OP, We all did agree to treating people with respect. This is a huge community with all levels of users from Devs and folks that build awesome things to others just starting out with their 1st smartphone (Simple rule, think before you post). This device line could become great. Please let's all do what we can to help this along.
Excellent post, I appreciate the time you took to write it, I wish reading it were a requirement of joining the XDA site. I've been flashing roms since I had an HTC Touch Diamond. I confess to being a flashaholic and my worst fear is to lose access to XDA and it's excellent developers because of the rude and immature members that I see regularly. So many don't bother to read and feel they are entitled to the work that the devs do for free.
All I can say is this is awesome, nice to see someone taking the time to help the vivid dev section.
I so miss the help and work by Pirateghost and Wild Child, and whom ever else was contributing.
While i left for only 2 weeks to setup another phone to use, i still have my raider ready and free to help debug and test as needed. Please don't allow a few bad apples to ruin it for the rest of us.
And if I may, maybe we as xda members can share in the task of keeping the forum in check.
EX: see an inappropriate post, flag it for a moderator to address it.
As for GSLEON3, thanks for taking the time to address the forum. hats off to you.

Influx of new people and taking a deep breath

I am trying to figure out why there is suddenly a growing trend of new people on this site and XDA looking for help on the Dell Streak 7.
I am glad for the new flow of people, gives me a reason to keep working, helping others but its frustrating to me to have to explain things several times in the same thread about how to execute commands or what features are working or not work. Answering questions I already answered (4-10 times in a single thread) takes away time I can focus on my actual work.
I am really trying to be patient and help people out, after all they really don't know any better, but the modification community is for those who have some basic grasps on Android system, Linux, and how to execute commands. If you really don't know what somethings are, its sometimes best for you to not mess with it. I'm not trying to sound condescending but when I tell you to fastboot flash something, take the time to go look it up on Google. It has a wealth of knowledge.
75% of my Android ROM development is done through Google. Seriously. I look at others works (from Google searches), examine it, see how it would apply to our devices, and adapt any changes if I have to. The other 25% of my work is intuition, logic, and knowledge.
I'm going to try to remind everyone to be patient and understanding but if I get frustrated with you, please don't hold it against me. I have a lot on my plate right now in my life and I'm handling two projects, my family, school work and two jobs.
Oh yeah, stop asking me if a feature is working or not, or ETA's. Seriously.....I will punch you.
Oh, and I plan on making a new video series, hopefully with better image quality and clearer instructions on how to flash ROM's via fastboot, CWR/TWRP, and NVFlash.
giveen said:
Oh, and I plan on making a new video series, hopefully with better image quality and clearer instructions on how to flash ROM's via fastboot, CWR/TWRP, and NVFlash.
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Giveen, what if I create a post with links to a lot of the information and give you a break? All I need is permission from people to post links to the needed information and then have it stickied.
Sent from a Hacked, Modded and customized Streak 7
giveen said:
Oh yeah, stop asking me if a feature is working or not, or ETA's. Seriously.....I will punch you.
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you're welcome to start using my sig' to continue getting this point across if need be... it gets a bit frustrating when ROM development takes up an immense quantity of your free time, I currently only get about an hour a day to do anything I didnt fit into my routine and even then that is pushing it when you sometimes have to stay back at work due to a server crashing or something else of the likes, in which case it starts to take away sleep then it leads to deprivation of sleep (which doesnt help when you have a nagging family member as well as a nagging target audience).
so we ask the public please be lenient with devs, we have a lot of sh!t to put up with already without you putting more expectations and pressure on us, if you insult us that just makes us want to walk away from public releases (this has been the case with a few devs I know).
also further notes for the n00bs, watch the f***ing n00b video, read the forum rules and FFS use the search feature!
giveen said:
I am trying to figure out why there is suddenly a growing trend of new people on this site and XDA looking for help on the Dell Streak 7.
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It may be because the streak 7 has passed below the price point that means some of the larger bulk-buy discount internet outfits are pushing them out.
I bought one from one of these for my daughter on the grounds it was a good brand for a decent screen size under a hundred bucks.
Please bear with the noobs; yes, it's frustrating when people ask the same question over and over; but the reality is that that happens ALL over xda. In other threads, the devs typically leave answering the repetitive crap to the hacks (I.e., people - like me - who can read but either can't or don't develop) to avoid distraction and frustration.
Please also rest assured that, no matter how frustrated you are with them(/us), they(/we) are enormously thankful for the time, effort, and skill you donate, as they(/we) are keenly aware that they(/we) will benefit from your hard work. said:
It may be because the streak 7 has passed below the price point that means some of the larger bulk-buy discount internet outfits are pushing them out.
I bought one from one of these for my daughter on the grounds it was a good brand for a decent screen size under a hundred bucks.
Please bear with the noobs; yes, it's frustrating when people ask the same question over and over; but the reality is that that happens ALL over xda. In other threads, the devs typically leave answering the repetitive crap to the hacks (I.e., people - like me - who can read but either can't or don't develop) to avoid distraction and frustration.
Please also rest assured that, no matter how frustrated you are with them(/us), they(/we) are enormously thankful for the time, effort, and skill you donate, as they(/we) are keenly aware that they(/we) will benefit from your hard work.
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It is good to see others getting the the streak7. But there are a few threads that have the info people need. Noobs don't wanna read or use the the search at all. And they wanna jump into the dev threads. I know some things can be confusing but read ,search and even look at YouTube. But please read before posting
Sent from my Inspire 4G using xda premium
s14evil said:
It is good to see others getting the the streak7. But there are a few threads that have the info people need. Noobs don't wanna read or use the the search at all. And they wanna jump into the dev threads. I know some things can be confusing but read ,search and even look at YouTube. But please read before posting
Sent from my Inspire 4G using xda premium
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I'm not disagreeing with your observations, and I agree that people who ask without searching are frustrating and distracting; but really it comes down to a personal approach whether you accept that noobs will usually ask first or expect them to search.
We've all been there before, sometimes multiple times, but we tend to forget that being a noob can be pretty overwhelming; there's all this info, but much of it is confusing and full of jargon. Device-specific jargon, even. Yes, noobs must be willing to learn; but they need people to teach them, not scare them off.
Leaving a post for someone who has the energy to answer is much less frustrating (all round) than firing back "SEARCH FOR THE LOVE OF PETE, NOOB".
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

We are not easy to please

I only joined XDA in October. I use it a lot though due to an unswerving flash addiction.
I see this kind of message a lot in rom threads: 'Hello! I love your rom! It's by far the fastest I've used on XDA. The thing is, the clock is 0.0000000000000000000000000001% off center, and until this bug is sorted out I can't use your rom as my daily driver.'
Are we all getting too picky? It's a bit like saying 'well, thank you for the offer of a free Ferrari, but I don't like the color of the cigarette lighter so for now I'll carry on walking to work.'
Have you ever worked Retail before?
You get tons of people who like what you have to offer and appreciate it so they keep coming back, then you have the people who think the world should revolve around them. The people who believe you owe them something for no apparent reason and the people who like to complain just to complain. They are the ones who sometimes try to act nice but complain over the smallest things and try to pull a fast one on you.You really have to either have patience with them or just completely ignore them because they think you have nothing better to do than to serve their needs/wants. But don't let them take advantage of your hard work and dedication to what you do.
Don't let that evil person make you lose composure, just remain cool and remember all the other people who thanked you for your work and appreciate you doing it for them.
Those people who complain over the little things on a rom complain about everything in their life, and are never satisfied with the way things are going, and are too much of a hassle to please as all they will do is complain some more. Eventually they will just goto another rom and complain there as well.
kmx said:
Have you ever worked Retail before?
You get tons of people who like what you have to offer and appreciate it so they keep coming back, then you have the people who think the world should revolve around them. The people who believe you owe them something for no apparent reason and the people who like to complain just to complain. They are the ones who sometimes try to act nice but complain over the smallest things and try to pull a fast one on you.You really have to either have patience with them or just completely ignore them because they think you have nothing better to do than to serve their needs/wants. But don't let them take advantage of your hard work and dedication to what you do
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Nice analogy, especially has I've worked in retail most of my life. I sometimes feel that the ROM and kernel devs deserve a bit more than the demands they receive. Another favourite of mine is when I'll be reading a thread and someone will randomly say 'no good, no immersive' and nothing else.
Then again, I've barely been here 5 minutes!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
Paradelle said:
I see this kind of message a lot in rom threads: 'Hello! I love your rom! It's by far the fastest I've used on XDA. The thing is, the clock is 0.0000000000000000000000000001% off center, and until this bug is sorted out I can't use your rom as my daily driver.'
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But on the other hand they are using commercial software they have to pay for which is full of bugs and where they are used as beta-testers for the first releases...
But I have to confess, that Microsoft improved over the last couple of years compared to let's say, ehm, windows ME
It only gets worse from here. I hate to say this, and I don't mean to tar everyone with the same brush, but compared to iOS and WP users, Android users are some of the most egotistical, demanding, self-entitled, and utterly immature tech audiences out there, and a lot of users on XDA are even more-so. Most don't give a rat's ass how the development pattern goes, what XDA is for, or the fact that no one is being paid to contribute (there's also a special kind of full-retard XDA user that thinks donations are some sort of contractual payment).
You won't get anywhere trying to reason with these people, as they don't think they're doing anything wrong. It's a losing battle, let them be, and if you really want to, drop your favorite dev at least a thank-you note (if not a donation) in his XDA inbox, letting him/her know you personally appreciate the work being given to you at no cost on someone else's free time.
The longer you spend here, the more you'll be able to split the idiot users from the users who have true respect for this place.
That's another small reason I'm still on the stock ROM. I had to root and found a few tweaks to fix a few legit problems and awesome mods and I'm happy. But I really needed a stable well running phone and got one that I can easily tweak no problem.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
kmx said:
Have you ever worked Retail before?
You get tons of people who like what you have to offer and appreciate it so they keep coming back, then you have the people who think the world should revolve around them. The people who believe you owe them something for no apparent reason and the people who like to complain just to complain. They are the ones who sometimes try to act nice but complain over the smallest things and try to pull a fast one on you.You really have to either have patience with them or just completely ignore them because they think you have nothing better to do than to serve their needs/wants. But don't let them take advantage of your hard work and dedication to what you do.
Don't let that evil person make you lose composure, just remain cool and remember all the other people who thanked you for your work and appreciate you doing it for them.
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Why was I satisfied with the Samsung's Note battery series and disappointed with the Nexus line's?
Sent from my Nexus 5
dicecuber said:
Why was I satisfied with the Samsung's Note battery series and disappointed with the Nexus line's?
Sent from my Nexus 5
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OP, this is an example of a post to not bother responding to. All it takes is to look at his posting history; "dicecuber" spends most of his time either criticizing the Nexus 5, or posting completely irrelevant "questions" in threads that have nothing to do with them (i.e., he asked in the Nexus 5 Singapore thread "can you chew gum in Singapore").
People that respond to this sort of post only enable it to keep happening.
kmx said:
Have you ever worked Retail before?
You get tons of people who like what you have to offer and appreciate it so they keep coming back, then you have the people who think the world should revolve around them. The people who believe you owe them something for no apparent reason and the people who like to complain just to complain. They are the ones who sometimes try to act nice but complain over the smallest things and try to pull a fast one on you.You really have to either have patience with them or just completely ignore them because they think you have nothing better to do than to serve their needs/wants. But don't let them take advantage of your hard work and dedication to what you do.
Don't let that evil person make you lose composure, just remain cool and remember all the other people who thanked you for your work and appreciate you doing it for them.
Those people who complain over the little things on a rom complain about everything in their life, and are never satisfied with the way things are going, and are too much of a hassle to please as all they will do is complain some more. Eventually they will just goto another rom and complain there as well.
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And you complain about people who complain, if no one complained about anything what a terrible world it would be.
My motto is nothing happens if you don't ask. You don't have to be rude while asking, but if there is something bothering you, speak up. I don't see a problem with trying to perfect your experience. Say I use ROM X, but there's a certain feature in ROM Y that I love. Asking ROM X to include the feature from ROM Y isn't the end of the world. At the very least you'll get a no which may or may not come with an explanation as to why.
I don't believe never being satisfied is a negative. I believe it helps you strive for more which in turns helps you progress. I may be happy, but I'm not satisfied. For me, being satisfied means to accept things as they are and no longer push forward. I'm not saying being satisfied is a bad thing, rather I believe both being satisfied and not being satisfied are both good. Everyone ticks at their own pace, no need for us to all conform.
As for your example, everyone is different. Some people have OCD, through no fault of their own. Something as small as the clock being off centre can throw people off. As long as they aren't being rude, I see no problem in them pointing it out. Regardless of how insignificant the issue may be for you personally, the fact remains it is an issue. Bugs can't be fixed if no one reports them.
LiquidSolstice said:
OP, this is an example of a post to not bother responding to. All it takes is to look at his posting history; "dicecuber" spends most of his time either criticizing the Nexus 5, or posting completely irrelevant "questions" in threads that have nothing to do with them (i.e., he asked in the Nexus 5 Singapore thread "can you chew gum in Singapore").
People that respond to this sort of post only enable it to keep happening.
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i like you :highfive:
I just read on here some guy said he donated and what he was going to get for it. Like the dev owed him something.
jelle2503 said:
I just read on here some guy said he donated and what he was going to get for it. Like the dev owed him something.
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What's his name?
Anybody who's down for donating w/o knowing where his funds are going is someone I'd like to know.
welcome to xda.. things used to be different... long, long ago...
SOHKis said:
welcome to xda.. things used to be different... long, long ago...
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I agree. I don't know if people do this anymore but the bounty threads always end in drama. Users think a donation is more than that; a legal binding financial commitment. So when a dev doesn't come through they rage or threaten. They forget the definition of donations.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
Paradelle said:
I only joined XDA in October. I use it a lot though due to an unswerving flash addiction.
I see this kind of message a lot in rom threads: 'Hello! I love your rom! It's by far the fastest I've used on XDA. The thing is, the clock is 0.0000000000000000000000000001% off center, and until this bug is sorted out I can't use your rom as my daily driver.'
Are we all getting too picky? It's a bit like saying 'well, thank you for the offer of a free Ferrari, but I don't like the color of the cigarette lighter so for now I'll carry on walking to work.'
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You are not alone with those thoughts.
Over the years XDA has grown from a site made up of just developers, to a site comprised of more users than developers.
With the increase in users comes more non-development posts.
It is a balancing act to keep XDA focused on development and the non-development chatter to a minimum.
I am no going to close this thread.
If anyone has any questions or comments please PM me.
Thread closed

