Hi guys,
I wonder if this is possible.. and forgive me if this has been asked before... but
can I install a custom kernel on my Note?
The Kernel version is DXLC2 and its not yet rooted.. Can I install, say Franco's kernel, or SpeedMod thru Recovery Mode ? (copying the zip kernel in the internal SD of my phone)
Would that be possible w/o root?
No. You should be rooted..................
Maybe you can try first and let us know the result. Like myth-buster, you know..
No, you cannot..
Not "you should be rooted", or "try it". You must be rooted. period.
In the first instance i suggest you spend some time reading threads about Android and rooting and flashing.
ok thanks.. much appreciated
No u cannot.....
Xperian using xda app
Well.. that answers it.. I appreciate all your answers guys... I thought I could just leave my warranty intact while flashing on a custom kernel.. but I guess, that's not the case then.. I really need to root my Note and then flash custom kernel away...
Guess you can't have the best of both worlds...
anyway.. again..thanks to all.....
I would say you can do that. I tried it before with my unrooted LA1. The problem is with unrooted phone you can't flash custom kernel with CWM or Mobile Odin because these require root. The only option you have is PC Odin. It WILL work, but it will invoke yellow triangle and increase custom binary counter.
You have to be rooted. Period !!
Also :-
Read the Stickies in the Development section and follow the methods there to the dot and you can save yourself from the yellow triangle and increasing the binary counter. And later anytime can restore it back to stock just in case the situation arises of sending you phone to samsung !!
Hit thanks if it helped!
Hi guys, I just bought a Galaxy Note and want to know about the flash counter.
I have a Galaxy S I9000 and flashed 100's of different ROMS via ODIN and never had any issues. But I have heard that Samsung keeps a track of it on SGS2 and on Note. Can somebody give me an explanation about the flash counter? Like how many attempts, how to reset, how it impacts the warranty, etc.?
Thanks & Regards,
P.S.: Happy New Year to all the members of XDA.
If you flash stock rom with kernel it won't raise conter. It raises wen you use odin to flash custome rom. With a single raise you will lost warranty. Also it gives yellow triangle on boot, whivh cam be removed with flashing cf root, but to reset counter you need a tool 'jig'. Which is available on marker or you can make it own.
To make it own you hav to just open ne micro usb pin of note, have to connect 4th n 5th pin with 301resistor.
Thank you so much Dr. Ketan for the reply. So I believe I can flash any stock ROM from sammobile.com without raising the counter, right?
For ex: I m currently on KL3 and if I flash KL7 or KL8 firmware by downloading it from sammobile.com, It wont raise the counter. Am I correct?
lifehijack said:
Thank you so much Dr. Ketan for the reply. So I believe I can flash any stock ROM from sammobile.com without raising the counter, right?
For ex: I m currently on KL3 and if I flash KL7 or KL8 firmware by downloading it from sammobile.com, It wont raise the counter. Am I correct?
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U r correct just note that kl7/8 can't root directly. Reamaining me rom u can get it
Read link in signature if u need to know in detail
Got it. Thank you for all the responses. I any ways wont root my GNote so I m going to update it to KL8. I remembered rooting I9000 so I can install custom ROMS with Voodoo lagfix. I dont think its needed anymore with devices like SGS2 and GNote.
What are the improvements between KL3 and KL7/8/9 ? Is it worth upgrading it manually or wait from Samsung officially?
Hey, i'v understand that lc1 kernel stock is unroot for now, how can i downgrade for rooting?
or should i just wait for someone to release root for lc1?
emmm next time use search button, it helps ^^ http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1331784
Thanks but look at this:
root didnt worked for me so whats wrong
Try http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1535025
Easiest to get root IMHO.
After that, install Mobile Odin to flash custom kernel and you will get CWM.
Ocean2k said:
Hey, i'v understand that lc1 kernel stock is unroot for now, how can i downgrade for rooting?
or should i just wait for someone to release root for lc1?
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Used odin to flash a kernel (speedmod 2.8) then install super user from play and etc (mobile odin and titanium backup)
when you use odin you will get yellow triangle and the flash counter will grow but i is no a problem coz' ICS is just around the corner, so you can eventually reset flash counter in ICS
Hope I helped
Have a look here too... Just flash using pc Odin.
It is a fair assumption that everything you need is in another thread..
If you have tried a method stated in another thread, then post in that thread if it failed... then your fix will be recorded for posterity and perhaps the thread OP changes the initial post to provide better/improved instructions for other users. This aspect is VERY important to the smooth running of the forum and the main reason why 50 individual threads on unroooting, the content of which are covered elsewhere, essentially render the search function useless.
if you just up and did something without guidance from another thread i suggest you go to square one and visit..
hi all, it s my first thread
i have a new samsung galaxy note never rooted, never updated, on gingerbread 2.3.5.
I want to know if i must root my device before doing this to update to ICS .
If you want stock ICS you can just flash the required files using ODIN, If you want a custom ICS ROM then you will either have to flash a safe kernel and cwm (some kernels have cwm built in) then update that way, You may also have to flash ICS through ODIN, then a kernel, then a rom. read the requirements in the OP
If you let me know which ROM you want i can try help you through the process.
tunisien14 said:
hi all, it s my first thread
i have a new samsung galaxy note never rooted, never updated, on gingerbread 2.3.5.
I want to know if i must root my device before doing this to update to ICS .
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There´s no need to root your phone in order to update, but if you flash it thru PC Odin you will get the yellow triangle and will raise the binary counter. Besides, with the hardbrick bug around maybe is not the best idea to update now. You should hold on a bit until Samsung releases the fix for the bug....
i want to install stock ics rom, so i do like in the guide without rooting my note on gingerbread (before updating) ?
I upgraded to stock ICS by just flashing it via ODIN, Dont worry about the binary count or yellow triangle if you get it, It can be removed. I have it but wont remove it till i need to send it back.
But as glevitan said, Its best to stay on GB if you feel anxious about upgrading, There isnt a huge difference between the 2 anyway.
If you dont care and you are a dare devil who laughs in the face of danger, Just be sure to read read read all the guides.
If in doubt..............ASK !
Hey guys;
very quick intro:
Ive had an X10 and GalaxyS and I have plenty of experience in rooting and flashing.
I got my Note through Crazy Johns, which is an Aussie operator. We are yet to get ICS and I imagine it will be a long time before we do.
My plan is to flash a rootable rom, root, CWM, flash, then upgrade to some non stock ICS distro. If I ever have an issue I cant fix myself, I will reflash the software back to some stock.
My problem is, I cant find my stock rom to download. They are all a little bit different. In XDA's experience, has the average mobile repairman ever checked? If I send it away, are they likely to void warranty because it isnt the original stock ROM? Is there a way I can backup my stock rom?
Also, will flashing to a stock GB rom remove CWM and the root? I had a bad experience with my X10 and they wouldnt repair it because I had loaded 2.1 before it came out in Aus.
Sorry that grew into a long post, but this is the only thing stopping me from rooting RIGHT NOW, haha.
Thanks XDA'ers.
VincentRC said:
Hey guys;
very quick intro:
Ive had an X10 and GalaxyS and I have plenty of experience in rooting and flashing.
I got my Note through Crazy Johns, which is an Aussie operator. We are yet to get ICS and I imagine it will be a long time before we do.
My plan is to flash a rootable rom, root, CWM, flash, then upgrade to some non stock ICS distro. If I ever have an issue I cant fix myself, I will reflash the software back to some stock.
My problem is, I cant find my stock rom to download. They are all a little bit different. In XDA's experience, has the average mobile repairman ever checked? If I send it away, are they likely to void warranty because it isnt the original stock ROM? Is there a way I can backup my stock rom?
Also, will flashing to a stock GB rom remove CWM and the root? I had a bad experience with my X10 and they wouldnt repair it because I had loaded 2.1 before it came out in Aus.
Sorry that grew into a long post, but this is the only thing stopping me from rooting RIGHT NOW, haha.
Thanks XDA'ers.
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Go to www.sammobile.com and download any rom you want. If you flash stock rom to your note your root and CMW will be removed.
Youre a gentleman and a scholar sir. Thanks. And I dont have to worry about the yellow triangle do I?
VincentRC said:
Youre a gentleman and a scholar sir. Thanks. And I dont have to worry about the yellow triangle do I?
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Pick the rom with letter K at the end of the line. K means kies its official rom it will not produced yellow triangle if you flash it. Use mobileodin from the google market for easy installation.
Would you recommend mobile odin over CWM or regular odin?
VincentRC said:
Would you recommend mobile odin over CWM or regular odin?
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I recommend mobileodin because you can flash anything from a custom kernel to non official rom and will not produced a yellow triangle. Mobile odin is for tar files and CWM is for zip files.
You can do all things in the comport of your phone. You dont need a computer to do it.
So, I guess if I flash custom firmware through CWM it will add to the triangle, then I triangleaway, then I flash back to stock with mobile odin, and I will have a completely fresh virgin system, correct?
Somehow this is still easier than flashing the PSP, but its giving me flashbacks. The X10 and Galaxy S was a lot easier than this, haha
VincentRC said:
So, I guess if I flash custom firmware through CWM it will add to the triangle, then I triangleaway, then I flash back to stock with mobile odin, and I will have a completely fresh virgin system, correct?
Somehow this is still easier than flashing the PSP, but its giving me flashbacks. The X10 and Galaxy S was a lot easier than this, haha
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If you flash custom rom through CWM recovery it will not produce yellow triangle. If you flash cf root to get CMW by using pc odin it will certainly produce a triangle but if you use mobileodin to flash cf root of course no triangle.
Going to sleep now its 11:00 pm here. Many work to do in the morning. Sorry.
hi guys,
as of now which is the best working scenario to use Triangle Away (1.51 0r 1.70 ) from ?
4.0.3/ 4.0.4, stock-rooted or custom rom and which ics kernel ?
ps- the app throws up so many warnings it scares the hell out of me !
oops sorry (should be in question/answer forum )
Latest is working with stock ICS
Install application - open it - it will ask to download some progrramme (flasher) - let it download - select to reset counter - it will reboot in special recovery and finish job.
PS : I recommend this tool shud be use as last resort, anything flash with PC odin(when other option available) is not a good habit. i have seen many time user brick device and didn't get chance to use TA, TA works only if your device is live.
thank you doctor ketan,
everyday the scene at the forum (or our understanding) of it changes.....
In the alliance rom thread they said no matter how high your counter is you have triangle away to reset on ics.
Pc odin is the safest way to flash.
people started doubting mobile odin !
its only now that again experts are saying the ics safe kernels are really safe
sorry for my confusion
rraaka said:
thank you doctor ketan,
everyday the scene at the forum (or our understanding) of it changes.....
In the alliance rom thread they said no matter how high your counter is you have triangle away to reset on ics.
Pc odin is the safest way to flash.
people started doubting mobile odin !
its only now that again experts are saying the ics safe kernels are really safe
sorry for my confusion
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Obviously Triangle away can reset any number of counter, but just i have shown you condition. If some procedure brick your device when your counter is already raised, then it really creates problem to you, as TA works only device is live.
Thats Y i said you should select alternate way(if any) which doesn't raise counter.
- PC odin is safest way to flash and this is for stock stuffs.
-Mobile odin also proven safe tool, but each tools having its own pron & cons, but i have not seen any case which shows mobile odin is unsafe.
-I dont understan this 'its only now that again experts are saying the ics safe kernels are really safe' - indeed experts since begining saying safe kernel are safer.
yes, doc, again thanks.
i picked up from criskelos thread and other posts we can safely use speedmod and notecore for flashing roms.....that we dont have to go back to gingerbread all the time or use abyss recovery...