Hello everyone. I know I'm a noob, but am hoping I can get some help anyway. Tried searching and not too many people are having the same problem, so I started a new thread.
Anyway, I used the one click root found in this thread:
( I tried to post in that thread, but can't since I don't have 10 posts )
I'm new to hacking and I'll be honest. I only wanted to root my phone so I could use wireless tether, and then use Titanium Backup to freeze a lot of the bloatware on the phone. I have no desire to install a different ROM. I'm happy with the one it has, and happy to take the updates Verizon pushes. Everything was good until the latest update came through. When it downloaded, and rebooted, instead of updating, it booted in clockwork mod recovery. No matter what I tried, I couldn't get the update to go through.
So I settled on never updating again and froze the updater to prevent my phone from trying to update and going to CMR at random times. About 4 days later, my bluetooth quit working. Couldn't figure out why. Thought I was going to have to send it in for warranty work, so I tried to undo all the mods. I unfroze everything, and then hit the one click unroot button. It said it worked. Problem is, superuser is still installed with no way to uninstall.
My first question is this: How do I get superuser gone so my phone can be back to factory so they'll never know it was rooted?
Next I tried to go ahead and get the update since the unrooting process was supposed to have reinstalled stock recovery. Well, it didn't. I still ended up booting up into CMR again. STILL can't update even after unrooting. Double checked, and wireless tether and Titanium backup both say "no root". On a whim, I try the blue tooth and guess what. It worked. May not need to send the phone off for warranty work after all.
So my second question is this: Would freezing the updater cause the blue tooth to stop working? If so, how can I either keep it working or stop the updates without freezing the updater? It's like I have to choose between having blue tooth or having my phone randomly boot into CMR whenever it tries to update.
Third question, pertaining specifically to the one click root I linked to above: How can I get rid of the CMR? Is it possible to root the phone without installing CMR? If I can get it unrooted back to factory ( without superuser or CMR ), how can I root it again so that it doesn't install CMR and keeps the stock one?
I know this is a lot of question and I'm a noob, but I'm a noob willing to learn. If this problem has been encountered before, I apologize in advnace for not finding the appropriate thread. I tried.
updater app
Yes freezing the software update app will cause your Bluetooth to stop working. I used a app called Gemini app manager to go change the permissions of the software update app so it did not have any permissions to do anything. I have not been bothered with update prompts since.
NewDroidXUser said:
My first question is this: How do I get superuser gone so my phone can be back to factory so they'll never know it was rooted?
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There's no need. MTMichaelson has come up with a easy way to keep your phone rooted during the upgrade from ZV7 to ZV8.
NewDroidXUser said:
So my second question is this: Would freezing the updater cause the blue tooth to stop working? If so, how can I either keep it working or stop the updates without freezing the updater? It's like I have to choose between having blue tooth or having my phone randomly boot into CMR whenever it tries to update.
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Yes it will. Several people have reported this in different threads. I'm not sure of a way around this, but I think others might have a way around it. If you follow MT's method to keep root during the upgrade, you want have to worry about it!
NewDroidXUser said:
Third question, pertaining specifically to the one click root I linked to above: How can I get rid of the CMR? Is it possible to root the phone without installing CMR? If I can get it unrooted back to factory ( without superuser or CMR ), how can I root it again so that it doesn't install CMR and keeps the stock one?
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There's no need to do this either since you can keep root and upgrade.
Here's what you need to do.
1) Go here and root your phone again.
2) Go here to upgrade to ZV8 while keeping root. There's also a method for reinstalling CWM as the upgrade will remove it.
This will: keep your root, get you upgraded, fix your bluetooth and keep CWM.
Good luck!
brad6360 said:
There's no need. MTMichaelson has come up with a easy way to keep your phone rooted during the upgrade from ZV7 to ZV8.
Yes it will. Several people have reported this in different threads. I'm not sure of a way around this, but I think others might have a way around it. If you follow MT's method to keep root during the upgrade, you want have to worry about it!
There's no need to do this either since you can keep root and upgrade.
Here's what you need to do.
1) Go here and root your phone again.
2) Go here to upgrade to ZV8 while keeping root. There's also a method for reinstalling CWM as the upgrade will remove it.
This will: keep your root, get you upgraded, fix your bluetooth and keep CWM.
Good luck!
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Ah, thanks. I'll post again to update how that went. Though, I'd like to keep the stock recovery. I'll try to do it without CWM.
latenighter49 said:
Yes freezing the software update app will cause your Bluetooth to stop working. I used a app called Gemini app manager to go change the permissions of the software update app so it did not have any permissions to do anything. I have not been bothered with update prompts since.
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How did you change permissions in Gemini? I turned off all the autorun features and was able to get Bluetooth working but I didn't see anything about permissions in the settings. I could have missed it though being at work and all. Will turning off all the autorun features of the Software Update app stop it from trying to download the update in the middle of the night when I'm not looking like it sounds like it should?
In gemeni select block app. It's the same as freezing in titanium backup.
Sent from my VS910 4G using XDA
The superuser update on my D2G seriously jacked up my phone. It would never install properly but I started having lots of problems after I tried to update. Even after I restored my phone from a backup, it was never the same.
I did UTFSE and I've read that some people can just go ahead and install and have no problems. While others are suggesting to download the 'superuser update fixer' along with a few tweeks in Root Explorer.
So what was the problem? Has it been fixed in this update? Or is the functionality of the update dependent on whatever you got going on with your phone?
ATM, im just running the stock root.
Its safe
Sent from my XT862 using Tapatalk
I decided to go ahead & root my S6 using the PingPong Root found here.
All went correctly, but when I go to open SuperSU I get the error 'There is no SU binary installed, and SuperSU cannot install it. This is a problem!'
Any ideas on how to go about installing the binary needed? Thank you!
Muscle Nerd said:
I decided to go ahead & root my S6 using the PingPong Root found here.
All went correctly, but when I go to open SuperSU I get the error 'There is no SU binary installed, and SuperSU cannot install it. This is a problem!'
Any ideas on how to go about installing the binary needed? Thank you!
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You are not rooted then. Try again.
12MaNy said:
You are not rooted then. Try again.
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Uninstalled both SuperSU & PingPong Root. Reinstalled and had got the same error as before.
This method is in beta, could the binary not be uploaded yet?
Muscle Nerd said:
Uninstalled both SuperSU & PingPong Root. Reinstalled and had got the same error as before.
This method is in beta, could the binary not be uploaded yet?
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What happens when you run get root on pingpong? Sounds like it's not rooting you. Either 1) you did not open supersu before you ran get root on ping pong. Or 2) it failed to get root (either it tells you failed or it reboots automatically due to kernel panic). If your not getting a pop up saying root was successful, reboot now is recommended, then your not rooted.
_Dennis_ said:
What happens when you run get root on pingpong? Sounds like it's not rooting you. Either 1) you did not open supersu before you ran get root on ping pong. Or 2) it failed to get root (either it tells you failed or it reboots automatically due to kernel panic). If your not getting a pop up saying root was successful, reboot now is recommended, then your not rooted.
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I don't get that pop up. But my device does reboot.
I tried opening SuperSU prior to PingPong, but it only has the original error 'no binary'. After you press okay, it prompts you to installing SuperSU once again? Odd... Once you install the 'new version' and open that, it'll automatically open PingPong. From there I select 'Download data' then 'Get Root!'. Which then tells me to wait with a popup, and that is when my S6 reboots.
Ok. Now leaving supersu and pingpong installed, reopen pingpong, cancel the install of supersu. Place the phone on a flat surface. Try just 'get root' again. Sometimes background processes can flip out when pingpong panics the kernel to elevate it's privlages. It's taken me 4 or 5 tries a few times I've used pingpong (others only 1 time, I've had to Odin my S6 about 30 times so far lol)
_Dennis_ said:
Ok. Now leaving supersu and pingpong installed, reopen pingpong, cancel the install of supersu. Place the phone on a flat surface. Try just 'get root' again. Sometimes background processes can flip out when pingpong panics the kernel to elevate it's privlages. It's taken me 4 or 5 tries a few times I've used pingpong (others only 1 time, I've had to Odin my S6 about 30 times so far lol)
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Thanks for the prompt response Dennis!
I opened PingPong, canceled the install of SuperSU, then selected 'Get Root!'. Says my device is not supported (Though it is in the thread for PingPong). I select download data, (Says Device updated, please try Get Root again.) then I select get root. Unfortunately it reboots my S6 after about 2-4 seconds. I'll keep trying!
Aye, do the same steps I said, but add the download data before get root. Try to do it after everything settles from boot but before starting anything else.
_Dennis_ said:
Aye, do the same steps I said, but add the download data before get root. Try to do it after everything settles from boot but before starting anything else.
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Will do! If this doesn't work after a few dozen tries I may just have to wait for a more stable release, eh?
Muscle Nerd said:
Will do! If this doesn't work after a few dozen tries I may just have to wait for a more stable release, eh?
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That reminds me, what version are you using? Beta 6 or a different one?
_Dennis_ said:
That reminds me, what version are you using? Beta 6 or a different one?
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Beta 6
Edit* Uninstalled both applications, and installed the 5.1 beta. When I select download data, it says to retry the Get Root as usual. Then I select Get Root, and it says 'Your device data is still not supported'.
Here's the quote from Idler in the thread. With option C. he says to possible do a factory reset? I have all of my contacts & photos backed up via my pc. Should I possible try and do a reset? Or do you think it's a waste of time.
Q: It just keeps rebooting, what can I do?
A: The exploit may panic the kernel and reboot your device. If the data is off, same could happen as well. When issue happens, try these:
a. Clean up background process before running root.
b. Turn on airplane mode after clicking "Download Data".
c. Backup your data and run factory reset.
d. Definitely avoid doing anything else when "wait!!!" appears.
If these doesn't help after 5 retries, there could be some issue, please collect the information in /proc/last_kmsg and send it to me.
Note: User reporting installing My Knox or enable other Knox feature (like enterprise provision or KNOX active protection) may cause reboot loop. Be cautious!
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Ok beta 5.1 does not have hot data then. What is your device? Check settings>about device>baseband
Also from the Q&A in pingpong root thread:
Q: It just keeps rebooting, what can I do?
A: The exploit may panic the kernel and reboot your device. If the data is off, same could happen as well. When issue happens, try these:
a. Clean up background process before running root.
b. Turn on airplane mode after clicking "Download Data".
c. Backup your data and run factory reset.
d. Definitely avoid doing anything else when "wait!!!" appears
Make sure to try that.
_Dennis_ said:
Ok beta 5.1 does not have hot data then. What is your device? Check settings>about device>baseband
Also from the Q&A in pingpong root thread:
Q: It just keeps rebooting, what can I do?
A: The exploit may panic the kernel and reboot your device. If the data is off, same could happen as well. When issue happens, try these:
a. Clean up background process before running root.
b. Turn on airplane mode after clicking "Download Data".
c. Backup your data and run factory reset.
d. Definitely avoid doing anything else when "wait!!!" appears
Make sure to try that.
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I have the G925AUCU1AOE2. I've tried all of those aside from the reset
Muscle Nerd said:
I have the G925AUCU1AOE2. I've tried all of those aside from the reset
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Alright. Best bet. Is reboot. Let settle. Set screen timeout to 10 mins. Turn off all apps you have running in the background. Open pingpong. Download data. Turn on airplane mode. Place on desk. Run root. Don't touch until hopefully it says your rooted. Of course you'll need to I stall beta 6 again before you do the above.
If trying that 5 times doesn't work you'll have to head over to the pingpong thread cause I'm fresh out of ideas lol.
_Dennis_ said:
Alright. Best bet. Is reboot. Let settle. Set screen timeout to 10 mins. Turn off all apps you have running in the background. Open pingpong. Download data. Turn on airplane mode. Place on desk. Run root. Don't touch until hopefully it says your rooted. Of course you'll need to I stall beta 6 again before you do the above.
If trying that 5 times doesn't work you'll have to head over to the pingpong thread cause I'm fresh out of ideas lol.
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Haha, no worries! I will give that a go.
Yay or nay towards a reset? I have a feeling I'll go through the hassle of resetting my phone & I'll have the same error.
Back up with smart switch. Reset but do not download any app but pongpong. That should help with the error, as it's cause by apps in the background running usually. After root restore via smart switch. All your apps come back, just not the app data unfortunately
_Dennis_ said:
Back up with smart switch. Reset but do not download any app but pongpong. That should help with the error, as it's cause by apps in the background running usually. After root restore via smart switch. All your apps come back, just not the app data unfortunately
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Dennis, you are a legend! Finally got my S6 rooted after 2 long days.
Decided to go ahead and backup everything on my phone and do a complete factory reset. I did like you had said and only installed PingPong. Booted up the application, got a shut down like I did previously. Tried again, but closed all my running apps and when I was prompted to install SuperSU (even though it was installed when I ran it the first time) I went ahead and installed it once again. And voila, the root went successfully!
Muscle Nerd said:
Dennis, you are a legend! Finally got my S6 rooted after 2 long days.
Decided to go ahead and backup everything on my phone and do a complete factory reset. I did like you had said and only installed PingPong. Booted up the application, got a shut down like I did previously. Tried again, but closed all my running apps and when I was prompted to install SuperSU (even though it was installed when I ran it the first time) I went ahead and installed it once again. And voila, the root went successfully!
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Glad to hear, now you just have to restore all your apps and stuff. I'd suggest titanium backup, back everything up and transfer to your computer. That way if you ever have to Odin you have all your apps set up and such for when you reroot after. Store them off the phone as Odin will wipe your phone completely usually.
_Dennis_ said:
Glad to hear, now you just have to restore all your apps and stuff. I'd suggest titanium backup, back everything up and transfer to your computer. That way if you ever have to Odin you have all your apps set up and such for when you reroot after. Store them off the phone as Odin will wipe your phone completely usually.
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Will do, thank you!
Tom Dsgn said:
Dennis, you are a legend! Finally got my S6 rooted after 2 long days.
Decided to go ahead and backup everything on my phone and do a complete factory reset. I did like you had said and only installed PingPong. Booted up the application, got a shut down like I did previously. Tried again, but closed all my running apps and when I was prompted to install SuperSU (even though it was installed when I ran it the first time) I went ahead and installed it once again. And voila, the root went successfully!
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How do i root my s6 been trying for weeks
I successfully installed Android M, and things were mostly okay. Titanium Backup won't load. It force closes, and having a problem with Dolphin Browser flashing a handful of times and then erroring out...unable to use. Other than that, everything seemed to be working perfectly. However, I needed to be able to restore my app settings, and I know Titanium Backup needs root. So, I thought maybe that's why it was force closing. So, I decided the easiest way to root would probably be using the Nexus Toolkit. I used that, which seemed to go normally, but the phone won't boot now. It just goes black. ADB seems to be able to communicate with it in this black screen state (via Nexus Toolkit, for example), but I can't get anywhere. I tried re-flashing the boot and bootloader, but it didn't help. I am seeking the wisdom of the elders.
YOu are going to have to start all over. SO factory reset. to clear out everything and get a fresh M load.
The toolkit is for Android L. So it overwrote things that Android M needed.
Once you have a fresh install. Go here http://www.androidauthority.com/android-m-root-613760/ and root.
all you need to do os flash a m kernel(despair kernel) and the latest SuperSU, and youll have root. flashing the latest supersu with a m kernel will not work.
Thank you for the feedback. I am mostly in business. I can't get BusyBox to install, though. The app runs fine, but actually installing it from within the app does not work...says it was not successful. I have tried the other location, which didn't work also. Any thoughts? Thanks much; greatly appreciate the assist.
mystik1 said:
Thank you for the feedback. I am mostly in business. I can't get BusyBox to install, though. The app runs fine, but actually installing it from within the app does not work...says it was not successful. I have tried the other location, which didn't work also. Any thoughts? Thanks much; greatly appreciate the assist.
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I'll do some more research and get back to you on this one. Not exactly sure how busybox is running on the new file structure.
I have an n910t running 5.1.1., dok2. I tried rooting several times with chainfire for 5.1.1. through Odin. It goes through the process okay (or at least it seems to), and appears to work at first, but then I lose it. Root Checker verifies root, as does SuperSU, but after a few minutes it's gone. Ive installed Titanium Backup, AdAway, and AdBlock. For the most part, they don't recognize root. If they do (it takes a long time to recognize) they lose it shortly thereafter. Rebooting doesn't help. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Anyone have any ideas??
Just looked now. For one example, SuperSU acknowledges AdAway, but when I try to fire up AdAway, it won't work, saying it doesn't have access.
Did you install twrp and did it ask after you booted to twrp if you wanted to root the device.. if so this was a no no.. your already rooted twrp just get a little confused with the new kernels... you must remove root and reinstall supersu and when it ask when you load twrp do not root but reboot do not swipe... unless there is an easier way this worked for me...
I had the same or a similar problem. I didn't lose root completely but at times various apps were unable to gain root (after previously getting it successfully). The phone would freeze while Titanium or Root Explorer for example were waiting fruitlessly for root to be granted. It was haphazard. One time the app would work and next time it wouldn't, or another wouldn't.
Finally it got so frustrating that I installed my favorite rom on it (Tekhd). Now all is stable. I was hoping to keep it stock rooted until mm came out but I couldn't figure out what was going on so I blew it away. I had twrp on it too and would always be prompted "root not detected" but if I allowed it to install SuperSu it would loop.
Sent from my SM-N910T3 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Thanks for the replies. I tried to install twrp once, but it kept freezing. Then I tried without it. Similar behavior outcomes either way.
I'm leaning toward just swapping out ROMS as this is very annoying. Isn't that a dangerous thing to attempt if root is so unstable though?
Eric618 said:
Thanks for the replies. I tried to install twrp once, but it kept freezing. Then I tried without it. Similar behavior outcomes either way.
I'm leaning toward just swapping out ROMS as this is very annoying. Isn't that a dangerous thing to attempt if root is so unstable though?
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you need to odin the firmware for your phone and then restart fresh
without root twrp won't install rom you will get error..
Thanks. I did start fresh with stock firmware. Tried three times. Same result each time. I just reflashed to stock this morning. I'm actually using my old GS3 until I can figure this out. I'm on AT&T's network. I bought the T-Mobile variant just so I could root and possibly test drive a few custom ROMs. I'm ticked that even root has been elusive so far!
Any other suggestions?
Eric618 said:
Thanks. I did start fresh with stock firmware. Tried three times. Same result each time. I just reflashed to stock this morning. I'm actually using my old GS3 until I can figure this out. I'm on AT&T's network. I bought the T-Mobile variant just so I could root and possibly test drive a few custom ROMs. I'm ticked that even root has been elusive so far!
Any other suggestions?
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Make sure your using a none corrupt download and when flashing root and twrp never let the phone restart to android screen... after you root and cf autoroot reboots hold down the buttons to boot into download mode and flash twrp.. make sure to get the .tar for 3.0 twrp.. if you need it i can post and once in DL mode flash twrp and then again do not boot the phone fully boot to twrp before and make backup if needed and when it ask after your done in twrp if you wanna root do not root in twrp... if this does not work i'm not sure what else it could be ... i have rooted my note 4 five times in the last month tring different things and it has happan one time to me and i had to odin firmware...
Thanks! I'll give that a try when I get home today.
S5Sickness said:
Make sure your using a none corrupt download and when flashing root and twrp never let the phone restart to android screen... after you root and cf autoroot reboots hold down the buttons to boot into download mode and flash twrp.. make sure to get the .tar for 3.0 twrp.. if you need it i can post and once in DL mode flash twrp and then again do not boot the phone fully boot to twrp before and make backup if needed and when it ask after your done in twrp if you wanna root do not root in twrp... if this does not work i'm not sure what else it could be ... i have rooted my note 4 five times in the last month tring different things and it has happan one time to me and i had to odin firmware...
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You rock!! It seems that took care of it. I went through the process last night, but wanted to wait a bit to see if any issues surfaced. So far, it's been perfect. Thank you!!
Eric618 said:
You rock!! It seems that took care of it. I went through the process last night, but wanted to wait a bit to see if any issues surfaced. So far, it's been perfect. Thank you!!
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Your Welcome...
Eric618 said:
I have an n910t running 5.1.1., dok2. I tried rooting several times with chainfire for 5.1.1. through Odin. It goes through the process okay (or at least it seems to), and appears to work at first, but then I lose it. Root Checker verifies root, as does SuperSU, but after a few minutes it's gone. Ive installed Titanium Backup, AdAway, and AdBlock. For the most part, they don't recognize root. If they do (it takes a long time to recognize) they lose it shortly thereafter. Rebooting doesn't help. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Anyone have any ideas??
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Or as is the case with some roms, if an app takes to long to get supersu permission, especially after a reboot, all u have to do is open the supersu app then open the app u want root for.
Sent from my SM-G935F using XDA-Developers mobile app
marseillesw said:
Or as is the case with some roms, if an app takes to long to get supersu permission, especially after a reboot, all u have to do is open the supersu app then open the app u want root for.
Sent from my SM-G935F using XDA-Developers mobile app
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I had tried that. It was very sluggish, and would frequently drop root access altogether. Since following S5Sickness's advice it's been solid, however.
Sent from my SM-N910T3 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Has anyone else had a problem where you no longer have root after about 3 reboots after using the sprint userdebug package to gain root?
After investigation, it seems that something changes permissions to /system/etc/init.sec.boot.sh
Or perhaps because nothing sets permissions on this file itself after setting up /system/etc/launch_daemonsu.sh the contents of this file and not the context or permissions are transferred to /system/etc/init.sec.boot.sh
I performed the operations that are done to launch_daemonsu.sh prior to its duplication to init.sec.boot.sh and executed it, I was then able to get a supersu prompt to grant root priveleges. I have to re-run this script every boot to get a prompt otherwise all root requests immediately fail.
I used adb root shell to make changes since it does not require supersu to manage its root privileges.
I am not sure if I needed to change permissions, but I doubt I'll be re-flashing the userdebug firmware to find out. (I was preparing to odin back to stock anyway.)
I do not know how to make this script execute during boot. I specialize in more desktop flavors of linux and Android is not quite that.
same thing happened to me just now.
not sure what to do, not sure if i have to reinstall everything again
fmkilo said:
Has anyone else had a problem where you no longer have root after about 3 reboots after using the sprint userdebug package to gain root?
After investigation, it seems that something changes permissions to /system/etc/init.sec.boot.sh
Or perhaps because nothing sets permissions on this file itself after setting up /system/etc/launch_daemonsu.sh the contents of this file and not the context or permissions are transferred to /system/etc/init.sec.boot.sh
I performed the operations that are done to launch_daemonsu.sh prior to its duplication to init.sec.boot.sh and executed it, I was then able to get a supersu prompt to grant root priveleges. I have to re-run this script every boot to get a prompt otherwise all root requests immediately fail.
I used adb root shell to make changes since it does not require supersu to manage its root privileges.
I am not sure if I needed to change permissions, but I doubt I'll be re-flashing the userdebug firmware to find out. (I was preparing to odin back to stock anyway.)
I do not know how to make this script execute during boot. I specialize in more desktop flavors of linux and Android is not quite that.
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Note 7 v2 Root Sticking
I exchanged my v1 for the v2 yesterday and did not insert my sim card. I brought it home and went through the OP steps. I inserted the sim after step 5. I was able to successfully root my Note 7 and ran Titanium to uninstall some apps but then I lost root after Samsung + updated. I don't know if it was a coincidence but I decided to retry all the steps and I immediately froze the Samsung + update then proceeded to uninstall the bloat I didn't want(including Samsung+) and my phone has maintained root since then. I have rebooted several times to test it and it has been successful every time. ROM is performing well and I have added Adaway and it too is working great.
JokersWild0075 said:
Note 7 v2 Root Sticking
I exchanged my v1 for the v2 yesterday and did not insert my sim card. I brought it home and went through the OP steps. I inserted the sim after step 5. I was able to successfully root my Note 7 and ran Titanium to uninstall some apps but then I lost root after Samsung + updated. I don't know if it was a coincidence but I decided to retry all the steps and I immediately froze the Samsung + update then proceeded to uninstall the bloat I didn't want(including Samsung+) and my phone has maintained root since then. I have rebooted several times to test it and it has been successful every time. ROM is performing well and I have added Adaway and it too is working great.
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Listen up folks. Do not and i repeat do not update any of samsungs apks. Until we can find out whats going on. It seems that samsung is now pushing updates thru their apks to check and get rid of SU. They are getting sneaky. So for now do not update any samsungs apk, not even thru google. Also do not update SU, this is another way to lose root. We are working on it. Please do not ask if we found anything, if a fix is found we will post our findings.
If you need shealth, iris scanner, samsung pay, android pay, or any other samsung apk, then you need to stay on stock firmware and not use root.
Also if anyone is having issue with files or odin not flashing, make sure you are not on the new PI4 stock ROM, if you are then odin will fail everytime and at this moment there is no way to root or down grade to the older firmware.
Otherwise Try to redownload all files as it seem that afh is/was having alot of issues with uploads and downloads. This not something that we can fix as we dont host or own that site.
Can you guys break down the steps to regain root without reinstalling the OS? Mine also lost root on v2.
It looks like my S-Health was automatically updated to the latest version, which has been reported to be a root of the cause.
Make sure that once you do all tje steps to get root. Make sure you turn wifi off. Once you turn wifi on, it will start auto updating apps in the play store which includes s health and other saamsung apps. Install package disabler and disable all samsung apps. Samsung pay, samsung+, s health, and any others. Also make sire you go back to the play store and into settings and disable auto updating of apps, jist to be on the safe side.
What i would like to know is: am i able to still use samsung cloud? Themes? Etc... because i have been avoiding them since i had to reroot yesterday....please advise.
elite-fusion said:
Make sure that once you do all tje steps to get root. Make sure you turn wifi off. Once you turn wifi on, it will start auto updating apps in the play store which includes s health and other saamsung apps. Install package disabler and disable all samsung apps. Samsung pay, samsung+, s health, and any others. Also make sire you go back to the play store and into settings and disable auto updating of apps, jist to be on the safe side.
What i would like to know is: am i able to still use samsung cloud? Themes? Etc... because i have been avoiding them since i had to reroot yesterday....please advise.
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Try them and see if you can use those services. If you lose root then you have your answer. Some of us dont use those stuff, so it is hard to answer. This is why you folks are here. Test things out. Try different things to see what works for you. Trying those things will not void your warranty. The only thing that might happen is that you might lose root.
galaxyuser88 said:
Try them and see if you can use those services. If you lose root then you have your answer. Some of us dont use those stuff, so it is hard to answer. This is why you folks are here. Test things out. Try different things to see what works for you. Trying those things will not void your warranty. The only thing that might happen is that you might lose root.
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I am currently logged into the Samsung account and have been for about 2 days now with no ill affects so far, downloaded a couple themes is all...that is with all the Sammy stuff froze and functional root.