Hello people !
Since I'm living in Tokyo, I'm the happy owner of a Galaxy S, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be exactly the same like the other devices.
Anyway, since 2 days ago, I had some fun (and cold sweat also) trying to root it, unbloat it, etc... Some difficulties and questions left without answers, so if anyone has a guess, please be my guest !
My phone as I got it :
SC-02B, with OMJJ1 firmware (Froyo 2.2)
1) Rooting
The easiest thing ever.
The SuperOneClick pack did a wonderful job.
2) Getting a "safe" firmware
Just in case anything would go wrong, I wanted to be able to flash back to an official firmware.
The ones from this post work without any problem so far.
However, problem 1 : I couldn't get Heimdall flash my device. Since I'm mainly working on Linux and OSX, that would have been of a great help.
But the "handshaking with Loke" step is always failing...
Actually, I even though I had bricked the phone, since I was stucked with a black screen (1PC and 1GSM in orange) and it took me ages to figure out how to get rid of that.
Solution : get myself a Win 7 computer at office and use Odin. No problem so far with this one.
Problem 2 :after flashing with the official update, I get complains in the recovery mode (when unpacking the apps I think), saying that /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 cannot be mounted, because it does not exist.
After searching on japanese sites, it seems that there is a 3rd partition in addition to the one for /sdcard and /data that is used (as far as I know, only for that) by an app called DioDict (japanese / english dictionary).
Not that this is a great loss, but I don't know where and why this 3rd partition was deleted. I tried to restore one, but after a while I just gave up, since I don't have any dump of the data that was there anyway...
Could anybody confirm/infirm this ???
3) Recovery 2e
Since I wanted to test to other roms, I needed to get back to the recovery 2e.
I gave a try to CF-root, which included that also.
Once again, Odin was the only one that could do the job, Heimdall still ignores me.
Problem : the update is successfully done, but for a reason I ignore, I lose my SIM card in the process.
Flashing back an official ROM makes it available again, but CF-root won't allow me to phone in Japan.
How did you people handle that ? Unfortunately I couldn't afford staying too long without a working phone, so I didn't investigate much further, but did other people have the same kind of problem ?
Conclusion :
As of now, I have a rooted device, and am pretty happy with it.
However, I wish I could give a try to the nice work I've seen around (CyanogenMod on Galaxy S seemed very yummy), while still being able to use my SIM card here.
Any feedback is welcome !
I haven't played around that much with DioDict to tell you right away how to solve this, but maybe there's some answer getting the first firmware:
SC02BOMJJ1 (10/10/13) :
thanks a lot for this link ! just a question, where did you guys find them ??? the site itself seems very dummy
but as far as I could read on japanese threads, that seems to be some prefab settings
in my case, that third partition has been deleted, so I think I would have to recreate again beforehand.
as for the "how", I must confess I don't know... I' had somehow succeeded in running parted to create one, but for a reason I ignore couldn't assign it to the block
I could install a Cyanogen Beta3 today, and though everything is alright, still got no 3G.
SIM card is not recognized, and it seems impossible to input the appropriate APN information. Could it be that the modem embedded in the SC-02B is different from the mainstream one ?
EDIT : seems that indeed the SC-02B has a different modem. At least the firmware has a different size, hence the need of a different PIT file when you flash from an "international" ROM.
I'm starting to wonder whether I'll see the end of it someday >_<
things that seem to work
Now that we have the capability to recover after we trash our ROM what can we do.
Super Oneclick root - works
Z4Mod "because we all have the need for speed" -works after you use titanium backup to remove some of the bloat-ware from /system
Z4Control works if you use Z4Mod to patch the kernel and convert /data to ext2 first.
The UOTKitchen will work to change the battery icon and other status bar icons if after you have completed these steps you extract the framework-res.apk from the resulting zip file and use adb to push the new framework-res.apk to /system/framework/framework-res.apk followed by an adb reboot recovery command before you do anything with the phone. From the recovery menu wipe cache and then reboot now. If you don't do this last step it could lead to having to reflash the factory firmware happened to me about 6 times this weekend. DO NOT TRY THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T CLEARED ENOUGH SPACE ON /SYSTEM BECAUSE IT WILL KILL YOUR PHONE!!!!!
For all those who want a pit file, here I leave you a custom pit file created for the sc-02b.
I must make this clear, this PIT file was made for those who flashed their devices with a rom for some other galaxy s version and want to reflash their devices back to the original SC02BOMJJ1 rom. I cannot ensure you it will be useful or that it will work for anything else.
Also, when using this PIT file with odin, be sure to check the "Re-partition".
@shikigamild :
is this PIT file the same that came from ?
at the same time, could you tell me how you got the stock rom file links please ?
@dejanet :
so you say that with the Z4mod you have a fully working device ?
has anyone tried the CF-root package ? after applying it I lost my SIM card, so I wonder if you experimented the same kind of inconvenient there
Oh yes went through all of the fun of trying the various kernels everyone leaves you with sim not recognized.
Sent from my SC-02B using XDA App
Aaarghh,that sucks donkey balls...
Guess that means we won't get any, custom rom any time soon will we?
I'm new to all this stuff, so apologies for the noob questions.
I rooted my SC-02B using the tool in this thread. I was able to install and use the Barnacle Wi-Fi tethering app from the market, so I know it was a successful root. Now when I go to install and use Titanium Backup from the market, it tells me I don't have root access or don't have BusyBox installed. When I go to install BusyBox from the market it shows my phone as being rooted, but when I tap install it gives me a failed message saying my phone isn't NAND unlocked.
How do I do that? Once I get that problem solved, what are the next steps for installing the Z4Mod?
So far I've never installed BusyBox through the market. Just install it with Titanium and it should work fine (click the "Problem ?" button).
Then, I suggest that before doing ANYTHING involving a custom initramfs (like ClockWorkMod), you dump somewhere your mmcblk0p3 partition, in case you want to restore your phone exactly to the same state you got it.
If your not that paranoi, you can skip this part, but as I wrote myself a dozen times here, I forgot it and would be interested also ^^
Ok, thank you for the info. Does Z4Mod cause any problems with this phone? I read in dejanet's signature that the lagfix seems to cause problems. Z4Mod is the lagfix he's talking about right?
bnr32jason said:
Ok, thank you for the info. Does Z4Mod cause any problems with this phone? I read in dejanet's signature that the lagfix seems to cause problems. Z4Mod is the lagfix he's talking about right?
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z4mod is just a rooting app. There's no lagfix. He's probably referring to OCLF which is made by the same developer. It's obsolete now, so do not use it.
About the rom problem, can't you just flash the modem from a Docomo rom after installing the custom rom?
No, z4root is only for rooting, but z4mod is a lagfix application. As far as i know, it will convert your phone system to ext2. However, i scare it will affect the DioDict application in SC-02B, so i haven't tried it yet.
Trojan,if you fear losing diodict,you can still dump your mmcblk0p3 partition.
It is the one containing diodict data.
I would actually be very grateful for an upload of that one (^-^)/
Sent from my SC-02B using XDA App
trojan111 said:
No, z4root is only for rooting, but z4mod is a lagfix application. As far as i know, it will convert your phone system to ext2. However, i scare it will affect the DioDict application in SC-02B, so i haven't tried it yet.
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Opps. Didn't realise there are two apps with similar names.
Still, wouldn't suggest it. EXT2 is unstable.
Hi, bebert218. Actually, i am a noob, i don't know how to do it. Can you tell me how to view the partitions in the internal memory? I suppose DioDict application contains a database file somewhere in the internal memory, but i don't know where and what the file name is. Appreciate if you could give me a hand on it. Thanks.
Custom Kernel and Roms
From reading through the forums it seems custom roms present issues with the either the sim card or modem on the sc-02b. Are custom kernels causing issues as well on this phone?
Yes it is the kernel that causes the problem. I think a couple of us have tried them all.
Sent from my SC-02B using XDA Premium App
disappointing Other than rooting and using Galaxy tuner to do some tweaks there isn't really much else to do. At least the upgrade to omka5 showed much improvement from 2.2
so i have this question. I have a Galaxy Tab bought in the philippines. when i bought the tab it was already able to take in any carrier here in our country, i dont know if it was correct to say that it was already jail broken. (able to handle any carrier's sim) Im still new to the android world and tried upgrading my tab already.
as of today, I am now using the MODACO rom for the galaxy tab. only issue though the 3g is not working anymore after upgrading (or maybe downgrading) from the stock rom. before i upgraded my tab, The gps is working, 3g working, gallery working, camera working, practically everything is working smoothly without noticeable lags. then now, after upgrading to modaco, the gallery is not working, gps still working, 3g not working, camera working, now experiencing some lags when multiple applications are running like, music + browser and causes me to force close. At start up, i noticed a pixelated flash resembling the recovery menu but it was only like a 1/2 a second flash and would start normally but sorry im a perfectionist, I don't like little things bothering me but if all else fail, I just stick to what I have and bare with it.
browsing the forums i saw that CM7 (cyanogen mod 7, correct me if im wrong) is better than modaco but with camera feature being down, I wouldn't like my camera to be disabled especially when my cousins like to take ALOT of pictures of themselves and other people coz they're vain little buggers. so, which ROM/OS/MOD is the best of the best out there.
I'm thinking of returning my Gtab to the store where i bought it and claim my act of god insurance just to replace my gtab and stay using official everything just for the sake of undoing my "mistake" of upgrading to a Custom Rom even though im still very very veeryy noob at the android world.
How do you flash/reflash?
What is Flashing? (and i dont mean the naughty kind)
What is a ROM?
What is a MODEM? How to know your MODEM version?
How to know your PDA and CSC?
What are PDA and CSC?
What is a KERNEL?
What is a BASEBAND?
What is a NANDROID BACKUP? Is it different from a Titanium Backup /w root?
What is the most updated custom rom as of today?
Your opinion, What custom rom are you using and think that its best for you.
What custom rom is best used just for occasional use?
What custom rom is best used for heavy using? i.e. Texting, Web Browsing, MP3, Video recording, Camera, Gaming, Office Editing(word, excel, ppts.)?
Thanks to those who would answer my noob questions
anybody ? any answers ?
I'm guessing you've done some research... Forum rule #1: Search before posting. Also, you are missing one important question, rooting. Unless you already know this. Anyhow..
Most of the answers are here:
and here:
and here:
and here:
and here:
and here:
What is/How do youFlashing? - Flashing is basically replacing a phone's Kernel/ROM/OS. (see above links)
What is a ROM? - Read only Memory: operating system (OS) and all the drivers and software that comes with the phone.
What is a MODEM? How to know your MODEM version?
see here:
What are/How to know your PDA and CSC?
These are codes to get Firmware version information:
*#*#4986*2650468#*#* PDA, Phone, H/W, RFCallDate
*#*#1234#*#* PDA and Phone
*#*#1111#*#* FTA SW Version
*#*#2222#*#* FTA HW Version
*#*#44336#*#* PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, Changelist number
What is a NANDROID BACKUP? - used to backup ROM
Is it different from a Titanium Backup /w root? - used to backup system and user-installed apps.
Rooting - gives you "administrative privelege" on your tab. It gives you the ability to open all folders, hidden and system, delete any file, render your tab useless , as well as install many apps that really rock!
What is the most updated custom rom as of today? Depends. The purpose of ROM customization is to have a phone that works the way you want it to, and not the way the vendors (e.g. samsung) do.
Your opinion, What custom rom are you using and think that its best for you.
Overcome (see above). Also, gingerbread will be out shortly, which means, if you want to try the latest official GB on your tab, you have to re-flash the stock (orig) rom.
What custom rom is best used just for occasional use? stock! Overcome! This really depends on your personal preference.
What custom rom is best used for heavy using? i.e. Texting, Web Browsing, MP3, Video recording, Camera, Gaming, Office Editing(word, excel, ppts.)?
Same as above.
Thanks to those who would answer my noob questions.
It took me a good 10 minutes to answer these.. Please click the thanks button as many times as you can. After all, you had a LOT of questions.. See my other posts and thank them too!
well, i just wanted a quick answer or just a database or a list of what i can search about lol, searching through heavy content could be a hassle when you see lots of results but not the ones you wanted. so yea. hehehe.. i pressed the thanks button. thanks for answering my questions XD
btw, if you back up before editing your tab on kies and try to restore it from kies also, will it revert back to your original ROM when you do it. just want to know, also, will it remove the root after doing so ?
also, you didn't answer the NANDROID BACKUP and TITANIUM BACKUP correctly, I mean please elaborate more on this.
how are they different from each other. XD sorry for being so naggy about this, lol. needed some intelligent answers from people sculpted to my needs. lol!
btw, if you back up before editing your tab on kies and try to restore it from kies also, will it revert back to your original ROM when you do it.
Kies will only back up content such as contacts, images, and videos.. and of course can only restore the same. There is no way of using kies to backup or modify roms. To backup roms, you use nandroid. Search tha market for ROM manager for that. Kies cannot backup applications as well. That's where you use Titanium. One more thing Titanium does is removing vendor installed apps that you don't use (bloatware).
just want to know, also, will it remove the root after doing so ?
Rooting will not affect backup in kies. similarly, restoring contacts, pics and videos will not remove root. HOWEVER, it is reported that some rooted device will not upgrade its firmware in kies. This is a different thing from kies backup.
Kies is for contacts and pics/vids back up. It is also for official phone updates.
Nandroid backup is for ROMs.
Titanium backup is for system and user applications.
XD sorry for being so naggy about this, lol. needed some intelligent answers from people sculpted to my needs. lol!
Don't be sorry, I don't know anyone who wasn't a noob at one time, including myself. Thanks button is always appreciated!
Read this one pre.. but make sure your tab is rooted. Use Superoneclick. I gave you the link to this in the first reply.
This is CWM for flashing ROMS and doing Nandroid back ups. This is one of the easiest guides out there.
Hit thanks if I helped!
Wow. Thanks dude. Now i have a one stop referrence easily found via bookmarking. Hahaha. Now, i just have to find a micro sd card large enough for backung up via nandroid. Just found out today that nandroid is actually just clockworkmod and choosing the backup from the backup and restore menu. Thought that it was a completely different app. Hehehe
Hi all,
been reading with interest this forum and was very pleased when Kies finally told me there is an update to my UK unbranded Tab's firmware (didn't want to go down the DIY update route...)
Just have a couple of questions about it though, which I am hoping someone may be able to answer: so here goes:
- what happens to user data (settings mostly, as photos/music/etc are backed up anyway)
- what happens to installed apps? Will these be automatically re-installed as part of the update process?
- what about rooting under 2.3? I am using the excellent z4root to get temporary root privileges so I can run my backups with Titanium (which I guess is the answer to the first two questions) - will z4root work in 2.3? If not, any equivalents so I can restore with Titanium and not worry all settings/data will be lost?
Many thanks in advance
Note I would like to go the "normal" (Kies) way of updating...
1. Home screen settings are not saved.
2. Apps are retained
3. You lose root and only way so far to root is CF root
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
Thanks bongski
There is a one click root that will work on stock gb too. It's not perfect, and you really have to read the instructions, but it works, and remember to donate.
Advice for restoring apps with titanium - be sure to restore apps, but no data, as this is the cause of so many problems on upgrades.
rangercaptain said:
There is a one click root that will work on stock gb too
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And it's called?
If you are talking about super one click root the latest kies update cannot be rooted as the exploit had been patched/closed.
I am also interested in other rooting method.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
What's your current software?
Mine is PDA: JMI
I also have an unbranded UK Tab
With Titanium backup you can backup applications.Contacts you can backup with gmail and you can even backup sms with the application ' restore and backup sms '
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
smahmood143 said:
With Titanium backup you can backup applications.Contacts you can backup with gmail and you can even backup sms with the application ' restore and backup sms '
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
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Be careful with titanium backup when restoring data FROM OLD FIRMWARE. Restore only the app on a new firmware to avoid problems.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
Make sure the back up folder is on your external sd card, or your back up will get wiped when you repartition.
I too use Titanium currently, but it requires root privileges, so if rooting is not yet available for Gingerbread, then presumably it won't be able to restore after the update anyway?
The apps will re-install anyway as I understand it, providing one gives the same gmail account to the device after the update, since they will appear in "my apps" on the market?
My current firmware is FROYO.XWJJ7? (whee can I find the CDA, PHONE etc?)
The rest of the firmware info is on Kies, on the general tab. But it looks like you're on a different build to me... My build is JMI. I'll just have to wait, maybe...
Sent from my sleek Samsung Tab using Tapatalk.
the1madsailor said:
I too use Titanium currently, but it requires root privileges, so if rooting is not yet available for Gingerbread, then presumably it won't be able to restore after the update anyway?
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Gingerbread can be rooted. After you install your gingerbread rom, you flash a kernel into the rom that has the root.
In the development section look for CF-Root v3.3. You flash that kernel using odin3 1.7 in the phone section. It takes ten seconds, the the tab reboots, and is rooted.
Then set up your google account, go to the market, get titanuim and install it, and in titanium change the backup folder to your external sd card, and restore your stuff.
Go for it!
The version of your phone (=modem) you will find in settings -> about device, under "Baseband version".
The CSC-version can be found if you enter *#272*YOURIMEI# in the phone-app. Your IMEI can be found in settings -> about device -> status under "IMEI".
Have fun with Gingerbread.
Or does he mean what goes into blank lines in odin?
rangercaptain said:
Or does he mean what goes into blank lines in odin?
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the1madsailor talks about updating via Kies. He specifically mentions this in the first post, too.
Odin was just brought up when the question of rooting by installing CF-Root arose.
By the way: in Odin kernels need to be inserted under "PDA", not "PHONE". "PHONE" is just for the modem.
Really? :^?
Some days later still haven't upgraded...
Been reading about CF-Root and how to get back to the stock ROM after rooting for a Galaxy S II which recently landed on my hands, which I assume is the same (if not identical) process for the Tab?
Not taken the plunge yet with the Tab as I'm dreading having to re-do all the customisation of all the apps, settings etc...
Out of curiosity, what's Samsung's liability if a "proper" upgrade goes south and one looses all data? Given Kies is not backing up anything worth backing up, surely they (Samsung) have some share of the blame?
Might just go for it in the end and hope for the best (the proper upgrade). From the GSII I can confirm all *paid* apps appear in my account, the free ones need to be manually located and re-installed.
Thanks for your help so far!!
the1madsailor said:
Some days later still haven't upgraded...
Been reading about CF-Root and how to get back to the stock ROM after rooting for a Galaxy S II which recently landed on my hands, which I assume is the same (if not identical) process for the Tab?
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You can upgrade to the stock gingerbread (I recommend the JQ1 GB) then root using the CF-Root v3.3.
I don't know about the sgs2 process, but if you go to the overcome rom thread, you can download a perfect step-by-step guide. Start at the beginning of the guide, and stop at the end of the CF-Root step. Why put it off? Gingerbread is a hundred times nicer than froyo.
Go to the market and get the appsaver app, and back up everett app you are concerned about.
I will be free all day tomorrow. Pm me, then we can exchange email adresses. It is a faster way to discuss things if you get in trouble. I have calouses on my hands from holding many hands of people as they learn to do these things.
Many thanks rangercaptain and thanks for the offer too!!!
I will not be able to do much before the weekend anyway, but what I was thinking is the following (please correct me if I'm wrong):
0. Backup apps, data and market links (where available) with Titanium (using z4root at the mo - wish there was something like it for 2.3 - so simple and easily reversible!!!) - DONE!
1. Let Kies do it's thing (whether that's just an update to 2.2 or the whole thing through to 2.3), making note of all versions (PHONE, PDA, CSC)
2. If I get the 2.3, get ODIN and CF-Root 3.3 and run the rooting process
2(a). Get the Overcome ROM and follow the instructions (not sure about this as it doesn't seem to have the modem included so not sure what that means)
2(b). If I do 2(a) above, get a copy of my stock ROM from somewhere for reverting to stock if needed
3. Get Titanium installed again from the market and restore everything (apps, data and market links) from the backup folder
What I really want is to upgrade to Gingerbread through the "official" channels but be able to restore everything as it is at the moment with regards to the apps and their settings/data. The Overcome idea is simply because I wouldn't mind having a slightly improved version of Gingerbread with things like Ad-hoc WiFi capabilities (am I right in understanding that OC has this embedded instead of me having to copy the wpa_supplicant file?)
Am I missing something?
Thanks again!
I decided to root my Galaxy S I9000 the other day to delete some of the really annoying bloatware and free up some space.
Knowing my n00bie, idiotic self, I didn't back up any of the things I deleted and now my Android App Store no longer downloads anything.
After some research I came to the conclusion that the reason was because I deleted the "DownloadsProvider.apk" app. I've tried re-downloading the files off the internet but when I put it back into that same system files folder and change its permissions to match all the other apps, I find that my problem is still not solved.
I figured this may be due to an Android update around last year which gave a "Downloads" application at the devices application menu. But after replacing the file, this "Download" application is not there like it use to be (before I made changes) so I figured it may be an outdated version.
I also forgot if it had an ".odex" file previously along with the the ".apk" file and each time I try to get the files from random sources of the internet, the file size is always different.
Maybe someone could provide a full set of stock apps for this version of Android? Not sure if that's how to fix this but I really am struggling and need some serious expert help.
I'm on Android 2.3.6 and Baseband I9000XXJVU if that's helpful.
Thanks in advance.
I really need help, no one has replied. Great.
I think that your best bet would be to back up important data and restore to a stock rom. But I'd say wait till someone else confirms this before actually doing it
I'd be happy to do that but I can't find any source that offers a full set of up-to-date stock roms. Either that or they aren't compatible with Galaxy S/Android 2.3.6
Greatdude said:
I'd be happy to do that but I can't find any source that offers a full set of up-to-date stock roms. Either that or they aren't compatible with Galaxy S/Android 2.3.6
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An other option.could be a.custom ROM. Or try and actually install the download manager apk.
Sent from my GT-I9001 using XDA App
I've managed to get Android Download Manager.APK on my phone but the Android Market still crashes when I try to download something and the problem is not solved.
I've also tried clearing the data/cache of the Market and that hasn't helped either.
Maybe I could solve the problem by updating the firmware? I don't know, I'm out of ideas...
Updating or reinstalling will deffo fix this will lose everything thats not backed up. Back important stuff up. Download stock rom that you want and install using Odin. Or try updating through KIES.
Sent from my GT-I9001 using XDA App
Hello Guys, I was thinking to root my phone and install JellyBlast Rom. Can you please tell me ALL the precautions I should take before rooting my phone (with tutorial link)? I heard that we have to flash a file to make a FULL backup and other things. And will it be safe to install JellyBlast Rom? Is it working?
Sahaj Jain said:
Hello Guys, I was thinking to root my phone and install JellyBlast Rom. Can you please tell me ALL the precautions I should take before rooting my phone (with tutorial link)? I heard that we have to flash a file to make a FULL backup and other things. And will it be safe to install JellyBlast Rom? Is it working?
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See the first post in this thread for all the instructions and files you will need:
If you are thinking of flashing custom ROMs then yes, I would personally make a "Full backup with CWM to ODIN format" of your firmware. This will back up everything including your IMEI number which can sometimes go missing.
If you wish you can also make a partial backup with Clockwork Mod Recovery and use the Galaxy Toolbox app, available in Play Store, to make a backup of your IMEI number. These are easier and more convenient when it comes to restoring.
Just follow the instructions carefully and the rooting will go just fine, its not that risky. Which JellyBlast Rom, there's two now? They're both quite new so you may want to wait a short while for others to give their feedback. You almost certainly won't hard-brick (unrecoverable) your phone by flashing a ROM for the correct model of phone but soft-bricks can sometimes happen.
Thanks a lot, Bro. I will make both backups to be safe. I didn't like the Simpilicity Jellyblast, But I liked the JellyBlast V3.0.3 one, But which firmware is better XXLI (In Simpilicty) or VJKL4 (In V3.0.3), I think XXLI is better because it is the latest firmware in my Country (India). What do you think? Can you suggest any other Rom? Is Pimp My Rom mod safe to use on our phone? It makes phone faster right?
EDIT: I made a Full backup. Now I have 6 Files on my SDCARD that made:
Now if I soft brick my phone can I use these files? If yes then which of these? Because ODIN Has only 4 option and here are 6 files.
No problem. I would have thought you would have been OK with either firmware but someone else might be able to give you a better answer on that. Yeah XXLI is the latest firmware available anywhere.
I'm using the AceCream v1.4 ROM at the moment, its stable, very fast and stylish but I'm not sure whether its still being actively developed. It depends what you're looking for, take at look here and follow the links:
Yeah you can use these files to restore via Odin in Download Mode:
I think CSC_S5830C_clean.tar is a generic, possibly empty CSC image, not an actual backup, you can probably swap this for CSC_5830C.tar if you ever want to clear your Consumer Software Customization data.
bml15_EFS.img contains your IMEI and network/region lock info. You can't flash this with Odin, you would have to do it manually via command line but you're better using Galaxy Toolbox to be honest.
I think Pimp My Rom works but may not work straight 'out of the box', Adrenaline Engine also works and is included in some of the custom ROMs. For both of those you'll want/need the [email protected] S5830i custom kernel (search XDA).
Thank You a million times! I had so much confusion... Thanks again :laugh:
yes thanks to
yes thanks to