The next Big Thing since all things i - Off-topic

Ok. One of the points I meant by this WHOLE thread was NOT about how you can improve iOS or iPhone. Frankly there are way too many people who already postulated that on the whole of XDA and the interwebs.
I want to encourage people replying to this thread to put on their thinking caps, and think of what sort of futuristic product they can think of that may very well be a potential innovation from Apple. Not a phone, nor an iPad, nothing about iOS. Break free from that shackle. Steve always said that there is no way you can make a great product buy surveying the market and asking them what they want as consumers never know what they want until they see it and so you should think what will be the next revolution....
The idea of this thread is this: (which got lost due to my frankly poor OP)
What would you say the next innovation is.
(P.S: I mention Apple in this thread a lot because traditionally they really where the pioneers of most major trends in electronics - Mac for GUI, then iPods then the in thing - smartphones with great GUI).
Soooooo, commence the scuffle!
Original OP (which was badly written and distracted from my main idea) can be found here:

Actually Apple is doing very well for itself right now. It might backfire in the future but for now they are raking in money.

lol @ some random dude on xda saying he could run the most profitable company in the history of this planet better than they could. Man if they'd only found you sooner...

apple is the most valuable stock in NSE,
so its feeding off the rich isheeps

veeman said:
Actually Apple is doing very well for itself right now. It might backfire in the future but for now they are raking in money.
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The point is not that Apple is making losses now. The point was not really about profits. The point was making innovative products that they used to do on a regular basis (iPods, then the iPod nano when they first came) and then the iPhone/iTouch. But now they are just not innovating - either by making cool new products Or improving the existent one.
So, what would u do to give us the "wow" factor from Apple. The resounding wow that everyone said when the iPhone debuted. What would that be?

litetaker said:
The point is not that Apple is making losses now. The point was not really about profits. The point was making innovative products that they used to do on a regular basis (iPods, then the iPod nano when they first came) and then the iPhone/iTouch. But now they are just not innovating - either by making cool new products Or improving the existent one.
So, what would u do to give us the "wow" factor from Apple. The resounding wow that everyone said when the iPhone debuted. What would that be?
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wow = overpriced gadget + mass media advertising + huge battalion of rich dumbas*es

orangekid said:
lol @ some random dude on xda saying he could run the most profitable company in the history of this planet better than they could. Man if they'd only found you sooner...
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Steve Jobs when he first started off, was really into making products that "wow" people. He was also very business minded but still he did heavy investment and caused smaller profits because he spent a lot of time, effort and money on innovation. Same thing at the company "Next". I know I can't make Apple make MORE money than it does now, on its current line up. I am not a marketing or business guru...
I think you fail to see the point I make, oh good sir. What I am saying is Apple lost all innovation and is now purely gaining success on past success and marketing things to people.
And I claim I can and probably you can come up with "better" innovations than Apple does.
And so my question remains: What will you do at Apple as a CEO/Chief Designer that makes us WOW.
Because, if you feel "wow-ed" by Apple's current products, you probably have set a very (keyword: "very") low bar.

litetaker said:
Steve Jobs when he first started off, was really into making products that "wow" people. He was also very business minded but still he did heavy investment and caused smaller profits because he spent a lot of time, effort and money on innovation. Same thing at the company "Next". I know I can't make Apple make MORE money than it does now, on its current line up. I am not a marketing or business guru...
I think you fail to see the point I make, oh good sir. What I am saying is Apple lost all innovation and is now purely gaining success on past success and marketing things to people.
And I claim I can and probably you can come up with "better" innovations than Apple does.
And so my question remains: What will you do at Apple as a CEO/Chief Designer that makes us WOW.
Because, if you feel "wow-ed" by Apple's current products, you probably have set a very (keyword: "very") low bar.
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That doesn't make any sense. You are saying that if you ran this specific corporation you would not be in it for profit but you would basically just have crazy R&D going to "innovate"
You don't need a corporation or a logo or to run someone else's company for that, you just need money.
Your title is misleading, this is basically just "If you had 20 billion dollars in capital, what would you spend it on as far as R&D goes without trying to attain the most profit but just to be 'innovative'?"
In which case I would say Google Glass is basically what I'd be into, like set up a full AR network as picture in the awesome as hell sci fi book 'Daemon" by Daniel Suarez, and integrate that into your cell phone/communications and stuff.
And as to your claim that you can "run Apple better than Apple does" what you're actually saying is "In my opinion if I had all that capital made from not being original except maybe the very first iteration of the iPhone, I would spend it all not on what has made profit for me but on in what my opinion would be more "innovative" than what I consider the latest rendering of the iPhone to be"
It's the most arbitrary and subjective statement ever. I could just as easily say "If I ran McDonald's I would introduce hormone free big beef patties and sugar free buns because that is much better for you and not just about cheap profit like the current management, like the old days when it was about making burgers, not money"
i mean you could say that about any aspect of any company. Bottom line is you would probably run that company into the ground within 2 years.

orangekid said:
That doesn't make any sense. You are saying that if you ran this specific corporation you would not be in it for profit but you would basically just have crazy R&D going to "innovate"
You don't need a corporation or a logo or to run someone else's company for that, you just need money.
Your title is misleading, this is basically just "If you had 20 billion dollars in capital, what would you spend it on as far as R&D goes without trying to attain the most profit but just to be 'innovative'?"
In which case I would say Google Glass is basically what I'd be into, like set up a full AR network as picture in the awesome as hell sci fi book 'Daemon" by Daniel Suarez, and integrate that into your cell phone/communications and stuff.
And as to your claim that you can "run Apple better than Apple does" what you're actually saying is "In my opinion if I had all that capital made from not being original except maybe the very first iteration of the iPhone, I would spend it all not on what has made profit for me but on in what my opinion would be more "innovative" than what I consider the latest rendering of the iPhone to be"
It's the most arbitrary and subjective statement ever. I could just as easily say "If I ran McDonald's I would introduce hormone free big beef patties and sugar free buns because that is much better for you and not just about cheap profit like the current management, like the old days when it was about making burgers, not money"
i mean you could say that about any aspect of any company. Bottom line is you would probably run that company into the ground within 2 years.
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You are making hasty conclusions and clubbing different sentences of mine out of context! Oh my gawd! How is it difficult for people to understand the following simple point I am making!?
Let me break it down for you, Internet style:
1) Do you think Apple is making the best and most innovative product every year?
A) NO.
2) Why?
A) Clearly there isn't one feature on iPhone 5 that isn't already there elsewhere. They just caught up with others. No innovation, and I am a sad panda.
3) Do you think spending some money in a multibillion dollar company for innovation is a good idea?
A) Yes. It will help differentiate their product and add value to it so people find it worth buying.
4) Do you think that will reduce profits?
A) In the long term definitely not. In the short term, may be but given the size of the company it is clearly worth investing for R&D.
5) Did other companies make interesting innovations THAT APPLE hasn't made?
A) Hell yes.
And (5) is my point people! Stop blindly trying to defend a corporation you like and just hear me out once. All I am saying is, and I bet you will agree, is that Apple didn't improve upon their OS/product in certain aspects thereby leading to not the best of the breed. I agree it is subjective, but still it is probably agreeable to a lot. The whole UI is still the same as before. They use a single button to accomplish 10 different things. Press the button one way and you get the homescreen, another way and you get access to task manager, another way and voice control. that is not particularly a fun thing to do. And then the homescreen is near useless for productivity.
For the first few generations of iOS, they were fine. But as the OS refines, it should try to change some of the ailing aspects of it. But they aren't doing that. And I bet even people like you and me can come up with those things. Most improvements to iOS that were "cool" came from the Jailbreak community (the stuff on the lockscreen giving info about various things - they hired a Jailbreaker to code it into iOS)
So, give me a break when you defend a company. When an ordinary developer on XDA or elsewhere can themselves come up with an idea that seems obvious (I mean, right from day one I was frustrated that my iPod touch did nothing on the homescreen other than just show me a wallpaper) I think I have justified what I mean by even I can do better than Apple.
It is a figure of speech, damnit! Why don't you see that and take it at face value and instead think of me as arrogant. I am just a frustrated ex-iOS user who understands both sides and kinda hates seeing Apple dig its own grave, slowly.... Marketing can take you only so far when people realize that they aren't getting what they want from their phone... and of course, there are iSheep as well... anyway point made. See y'all!
Side note: So as a consumer, you rather have a company MAKE the MOST profit out of you rather than they innovate? Are you telling me you are a billionaire and you wish for these greedy corporations to take more of your hard-earned money and rip you off more easily? Doesn't sound look good advice to me.

litetaker said:
You are making hasty conclusions and clubbing different sentences of mine out of context! Oh my gawd! How is it difficult for people to understand the following simple point I am making!?
Let me break it down for you, Internet style:
1) Do you think Apple is making the best and most innovative product every year?
A) NO.
2) Why?
A) Clearly there isn't one feature on iPhone 5 that isn't already there elsewhere. They just caught up with others. No innovation, and I am a sad panda.
3) Do you think spending some money in a multibillion dollar company for innovation is a good idea?
A) Yes. It will help differentiate their product and add value to it so people find it worth buying.
4) Do you think that will reduce profits?
A) In the long term definitely not. In the short term, may be but given the size of the company it is clearly worth investing for R&D.
5) Did other companies make interesting innovations THAT APPLE hasn't made?
A) Hell yes.
And (5) is my point people! Stop blindly trying to defend a corporation you like and just hear me out once. All I am saying is, and I bet you will agree, is that Apple didn't improve upon their OS/product in certain aspects thereby leading to not the best of the breed. I agree it is subjective, but still it is probably agreeable to a lot. The whole UI is still the same as before. They use a single button to accomplish 10 different things. Press the button one way and you get the homescreen, another way and you get access to task manager, another way and voice control. that is not particularly a fun thing to do. And then the homescreen is near useless for productivity.
For the first few generations of iOS, they were fine. But as the OS refines, it should try to change some of the ailing aspects of it. But they aren't doing that. And I bet even people like you and me can come up with those things. Most improvements to iOS that were "cool" came from the Jailbreak community (the stuff on the lockscreen giving info about various things - they hired a Jailbreaker to code it into iOS)
So, give me a break when you defend a company. When an ordinary developer on XDA or elsewhere can themselves come up with an idea that seems obvious (I mean, right from day one I was frustrated that my iPod touch did nothing on the homescreen other than just show me a wallpaper) I think I have justified what I mean by even I can do better than Apple.
It is a figure of speech, damnit! Why don't you see that and take it at face value and instead think of me as arrogant. I am just a frustrated ex-iOS user who understands both sides and kinda hates seeing Apple dig its own grave, slowly.... Marketing can take you only so far when people realize that they aren't getting what they want from their phone... and of course, there are iSheep as well... anyway point made. See y'all!
Side note: So as a consumer, you rather have a company MAKE the MOST profit out of you rather than they innovate? Are you telling me you are a billionaire and you wish for these greedy corporations to take more of your hard-earned money and rip you off more easily? Doesn't sound look good advice to me.
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My point is that from a business standpoint with that type of attitude you would run the company into the ground.
From an "innovative" standpoint those are your opinions on iOS, which mirror everyone who doesn't like iOS's opinions. We've heard it a million times from every user on these forums.
You disagree with how Apple is run, that's fine. But this is all arbitrary and subjective. There plenty of "intelligent" people who could provide a good argument for iOS 6 being better than JellyBean, starting with the malware ratio for one.
Every one of your questions/answers is arbitrary. That's why we have choices. Don't like iOS? buy Android. Don't like either? Buy WP8. Don't like one of those 3? Tough ****.
Let's go thru your checklist as an Apple fan would (you can see from my signature which phone I currently love to rock).
1) Yes, they always have the fastest CPU/GPU, the best battery life, the best DPI (except maybe a couple crazy ass Japanese phones), arguably the best camera only to be compared with PureView, and the best form factor.
2) Let's talk features. There was already no competitor for Siri on the 4S. S Voice utterly sucks and doesn't recognize what I say half the time. Google Now is kinda cool but doesn't talk back the same way as Siri does, now with iOS 6 update it takes it to a new level. The form factor is the best. Not cheap Samsung plastic, Aluminum + Glass on the back, squared form factor with a new elongated 4" screen that you can STILL easily hold and type with one hand. The A6 processor out benches even the new exynos quad core.
3) They have an R&D department...
4) If you spend too much on R&D and not enough on other things, then yes, you have to have the perfect balance like Apple.
5) Yes, just like Apple has made innovations that others haven't made. Hence choices...
You see, it can be argued either way.
Your opinion is that Apple isn't "innovative" same as most of the people on XDA, you're not bringing anything new to light. You're just saying you don't think Apple is "innovative"
That's fine, you can have your opinion, but that's all it is, opinion.
side note;
all of your side note is conjecture. You think Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt aren't in it for the money you are insane. But they also want to make cool **** I'm sure, just like Apple does.

orangekid said:
My point is that from a business standpoint with that type of attitude you would run the company into the ground.
From an "innovative" standpoint those are your opinions on iOS, which mirror everyone who doesn't like iOS's opinions. We've heard it a million times from every user on these forums.
You disagree with how Apple is run, that's fine. But this is all arbitrary and subjective. There plenty of "intelligent" people who could provide a good argument for iOS 6 being better than JellyBean, starting with the malware ratio for one.
Every one of your questions/answers is arbitrary. That's why we have choices. Don't like iOS? buy Android. Don't like either? Buy WP8. Don't like one of those 3? Tough ****.
Let's go thru your checklist as an Apple fan would (you can see from my signature which phone I currently love to rock).
1) Yes, they always have the fastest CPU/GPU, the best battery life, the best DPI (except maybe a couple crazy ass Japanese phones), arguably the best camera only to be compared with PureView, and the best form factor.
2) Let's talk features. There was already no competitor for Siri on the 4S. S Voice utterly sucks and doesn't recognize what I say half the time. Google Now is kinda cool but doesn't talk back the same way as Siri does, now with iOS 6 update it takes it to a new level. The form factor is the best. Not cheap Samsung plastic, Aluminum + Glass on the back, squared form factor with a new elongated 4" screen that you can STILL easily hold and type with one hand. The A6 processor out benches even the new exynos quad core.
3) They have an R&D department...
4) If you spend too much on R&D and not enough on other things, then yes, you have to have the perfect balance like Apple.
5) Yes, just like Apple has made innovations that others haven't made. Hence choices...
You see, it can be argued either way.
Your opinion is that Apple isn't "innovative" same as most of the people on XDA, you're not bringing anything new to light. You're just saying you don't think Apple is "innovative"
That's fine, you can have your opinion, but that's all it is, opinion.
side note;
all of your side note is conjecture. You think Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt aren't in it for the money you are insane. But they also want to make cool **** I'm sure, just like Apple does.
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Alright, I can agree with you here. Hmm... anyway, I really should think of a better topic to discuss on off-topic @xda. I kinda suck at picking good and "fun" things to argue about. Not even 3 pages, and already the debate here became heavy and I guess will eventually become pointless. Anyway, good to hear ur points too... I'm off to cooking up more light-hearted and probably more fun topics!
Up and away!

I'm only going to dispute one thing with you: the HTC Rezound has a higher PPI than the iPhone, and it certainly isn't some crazy Chinese phone lol.
iPhone 5 = 326PPI
Rezound = 342PPI
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using XDA Premium HD app.

litetaker said:
Alright, I can agree with you here. Hmm... anyway, I really should think of a better topic to discuss on off-topic @xda. I kinda suck at picking good and "fun" things to argue about. Not even 3 pages, and already the debate here became heavy and I guess will eventually become pointless. Anyway, good to hear ur points too... I'm off to cooking up more light-hearted and probably more fun topics!
Up and away!
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lol, every thread in this forum is pointless, and I argue just to argue half the time. Your topic was fine, I kinda just ran in a totally other direction with it.
If you just opened a thread saying "if you had a bagillion dollars what would you develop?" without using buzzwords like "iPhone" you'd do fine.
SteveG12543 said:
I'm only going to dispute one thing with you: the HTC Rezound has a higher PPI than the iPhone, and it certainly isn't some crazy Chinese phone lol.
iPhone 5 = 326PPI
Rezound = 342PPI
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using XDA Premium HD app.
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Word. Forgot about the 4.3" 720p.
BUT I said Japanese, not Chinese. I win!!

Original crappy OP
The New OP was taken from this post. The original OP is here and the New OP from this post went to the OP making it the current OP
Well, it is a ballsy statement to say that one could run Apple better than someone experienced in the industry, especially since it is a multibillion dollar company. I say that smells.
Even I can run that company better and I have never, ever worked in an industry so far (unless you call interning at a company work experience).
It is not hard to see why. They are doing no innovation and 100% litigation. And all I see in their various products is upping the specs and prices and that's it. That is NOT innovation. It may be challenging to squeeze in more pixels in the same area, but guess WHAT. Apple didn't make that! It was hardworking other companies that manufacture better displays, better processors and chips that made that happen. Apple merely puts things together. In the light of this realization, we can clearly see that Apple did zilch, nada, शून्य, zéro, 零, нуль. No matter what language you speak, it will translate to "absolutely nothing". They did not improve the OS, just did minor tweaks or introduced features no one cares about (Siri, iMessages is a failure in implementation, facebook integration that I can do without, more facebook in my life != better life). Oh they added a new row of static and boring icons. If you see the jailbreak community, a good chunk of iOS users hate the interface and still stick with it. Beyond my understanding.
Oh, did I say absolutely nothing? My bad, I meant yes they did something alright - slow down an entire industry via litigation because "they couldn't come up with a new idea, boo-fricking-hoo!" It makes me think of the spoiled brat in the sandbox who fell down and wants to make others fall down too as he got hurt.
Side note: I never really thought Steve Jobs was involved in all the decisions made for the iPhone, but now it looks like he may have spear-headed the iPhone division after all. After he passed away, looks like the hard work he put in and the company he built is gonna die again (sad in some ways but also serves them right for bringing bad karma by suing Android and the Android device manufacturers).
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Long story short, I want this thread to be innovative, wacky, weird and funny ideas for the following question:
What would you do differently, if you were the CEO of Apple?
Try to think without fanboy-ism. Imagine you were suddenly given control to this powerful corporation, you need no longer think about Android and all, so let your answer NOT be to destroy iOS and let Android win. Though that would be awesome. I want to see if we can come up with better products AND features in existing ones to warrant the name of this topic (which is we can run Apple better than Apple).
commence the scuffle!
orangekid said:
lol, every thread in this forum is pointless, and I argue just to argue half the time. Your topic was fine, I kinda just ran in a totally other direction with it.
If you just opened a thread saying "if you had a bagillion dollars what would you develop?" without using buzzwords like "iPhone" you'd do fine.
Word. Forgot about the 4.3" 720p.
BUT I said Japanese, not Chinese. I win!!
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Well, frankly they are Taiwanese! Whoops, you lose again!

+1 for the शून्य thing!

This forum has been overrun with Apple/iOS/iPhone threads lately. For the Android fan boys some of you claim to be, you seem extremely obsessed with Apple. I am not talking about any one person or group, just in general. js

litetaker said:
Ok. One of the points I meant by this WHOLE thread was NOT about how you can improve iOS or iPhone. Frankly there are way too many people who already postulated that on the whole of XDA and the interwebs.
I want to encourage people replying to this thread to put on their thinking caps, and think of what sort of futuristic product they can think of that may very well be a potential innovation from Apple. Not a phone, nor an iPad, nothing about iOS. Break free from that shackle. Steve always said that there is no way you can make a great product buy surveying the market and asking them what they want as consumers never know what they want until they see it and so you should think what will be the next revolution....
The idea of this thread is this: (which got lost due to my frankly poor OP)
What would you say the next innovation is.
(P.S: I mention Apple in this thread a lot because traditionally they really where the pioneers of most major trends in electronics - Mac for GUI, then iPods then the in thing - smartphones with great GUI).
Soooooo, commence the scuffle!
Well, frankly they are Taiwanese! Whoops, you lose again!
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lol touche.
Well to answer you, I think Google Goggles used with AR in a sort of virtual world in plain site like that book Daemon would be pretty awesome.

is there a thread for "Why i hate android?" around here

deathnotice01 said:
is there a thread for "Why i hate android?" around here
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Yes..should be somewhere around!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2

first thing that needs to b done is make it open source
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app


Vote For Kaiser ... Gadget of the Year

I know what problems everyone is facing... Due to Improper Video Drivers and all but despite being laggy on some Video Playback and all... i Love my Kaiser and i already voted for it ...
Go ahead Support This device ... I know many of you Love this device.. so go ahead vote for it ... NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED
Gadget of the year
Smart phone of the year
Sticky this thread please.
I know we all have had issues with the Kaiser but its still a good phone and with HTC now coming alongside with a possible solution it should beat the Nokia N85!!!!!!
I wont vote for it without drivers..
Are you kidding me? Yeah. Let HTC think we're all happy with this phone! (sarcasm)
Sure, I'll admit the phone works great for my uses, but they still dropped the ball.
No surprise, the iPhone wins even though it doesn't qualify as a smartphone (engadget knows that). Also voted for Apple TV as worst.
bshakil said:
I know what problems everyone is facing... Due to Improper Video Drivers and all but despite being laggy on some Video Playback and all... i Love my Kaiser and i already voted for it ...
Go ahead Support This device ... I know many of you Love this device.. so go ahead vote for it ... NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED
Gadget of the year
Smart phone of the year
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Certainly, just after they provide drivers that utilized the MSM 7200 on die ATI hardware acceleration with direct draw functions, and NOT a debugged version of the current 3D implementation of the software that runs on main processor.
"You can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat... How can you have your pudding if you don't eat your meat...?"
That entire contest is one big collective circle-jerk for the engadget readers to confirm to themselves how superior they think apple is. Key word being "think". In every category that an apple product is nominated for, apple is winning. EVERY one. It doesn't matter if there are other products that are better, the voters are ignorant.
Example: For Peripheral of the year, the apple keyboard is winning. There are at least 3 other peripherals on the list that are more innovative and better products. I think the Belkin network USB hub should win, but bc apple puts out a thin keyboard, everyone bends over.
marm0lade said:
That entire contest is one big collective circle-jerk for the engadget readers to confirm to themselves how superior they think apple is. Key word being "think". In every category that an apple product is nominated for, apple is winning. EVERY one. It doesn't matter if there are other products that are better, the voters are ignorant.
Example: For Peripheral of the year, the apple keyboard is winning. There are at least 3 other peripherals on the list that are more innovative and better products. I think the Belkin network USB hub should win, but bc apple puts out a thin keyboard, everyone bends over.
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Thats because most people don't realize the capablities of what PPC's can do man.. It's honestly not their fault. As normal default our phones vs Iphone, no offense mate. Iphone rips this **** to shreds..
And I am only talking about OUT OF THE BOX default...
But if we're talking about people like us, who know about technology, and understand the capabilities of what a PPC can do. Then yes, obviously the PPC kills, crush, destroys any other phone..
You gotta remember, majority of people don't know **** about technology.. You shouldn't hold it against them, honestly they can't be bothered to learn, it isn't their hobby. its ours.
Nooo don't do it!
Whilst I love my Kaiser, I can only see this being detrimental to all of the good work over at htcclassaction.
I'm not one of these people who state they wouldn't ever buy another HTC phone, the video issue doesn't really bite at me that much and personally, it's the best phone I've ever owned. I'd never admit that to HTC because it's not all that it should be. Now if they release proper drivers, I'll vote for it
marm0lade; said:
That entire contest is one big collective circle-jerk for the engadget readers to confirm to themselves how superior they think apple is. Key word being "think". In every category that an apple product is nominated for, apple is winning. EVERY one. It doesn't matter if there are other products that are better, the voters are ignorant.
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That depends on who is voting really, if it's consumer, then they bought the product, they experienced it and felt one way or another about it. If they feel inclined to vote it as best 'whatever' of the year and apple wins, then surely apple is superior, their product may or may not be but thats just a matter of opinion really.
I apple is like Marmite, you either love it or hate it (and if you really feel strongly about that go here ).
Thats just my two pence worth anyway
Kepela523 said:
You gotta remember, majority of people don't know **** about technology.. You shouldn't hold it against them, honestly they can't be bothered to learn, it isn't their hobby. its ours.
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LMAO, true, true. I don't know about can't be bothered though, don't need to I think is more accurate. For most people these things do just what they want them to. They look flashy and all of their mates go "Wow, thats cool. I want one of those", another Happy customer.
bshakil said:
I know what problems everyone is facing... Due to Improper Video Drivers and all but despite being laggy on some Video Playback and all... i Love my Kaiser and i already voted for it ...
Go ahead Support This device ... I know many of you Love this device.. so go ahead vote for it ... NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED
Gadget of the year
Smart phone of the year
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Why should I vote for something that is slower than my old 8125?
The only advantage of the kaiser is the gps...
marm0lade said:
. It doesn't matter if there are other products that are better, the voters are ignorant.
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Sounds like you describe the voting system in the U.S.! ;-)
I agree, Apple's products always have a cult following and Apple always shows up as #1. Perhaps they are #1 for buyers, but the products never seem to align with my needs. A locked phone that requires jailbreaks and other underhanded tactics to use is nothing but a pretty brick to me.
Also the Asus EEEPC or whatever, that looks like a small factor laptop not a mobile phone. Does that thing even support GSM networks? Why is that in there?
I'm unhappy with my Kaiser performance, but still happy I have it. I voted for Kaiser, because the iPhone and that EEEPC is a brick for me.
jon_k said:
I agree, Apple's products always have a cult following and Apple always shows up as #1. Perhaps they are #1 for buyers, but the products never seem to align with my needs. A locked phone that requires jailbreaks and other underhanded tactics to use is nothing but a pretty brick to me.
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Does that apply to SIM/CID unlocking, ROM ripping too? How many of us on here are actually using stock unmodified phones?
Oooh... it was tough deciding between my Asus eee and my Tilt... but I voted for tilt XD
Only downside is Engadget (as much as I love it and read it everyday) is Apple-Fan Center. Good Luck fighting them fanboys :S
Every apple product is leading "positive" awards =S
Is there a category for "Fraud of the Year"? If so, I vote for the Kaiser.


JUST KIDDING!!! I will NEVER own an iPhone of any generation - PERIOD!!
Hyperplasia07_from_youtube said:
I have bought all three generations of iPhones on launch day, but I cannot take it any longer.
In the end, it was rejection of Google Voice from the App Store that drove me to this point, but that was just the tip of the spear. Whether it is their refusal to let other gadgets such as the Palm Pre interface with iTunes, or their Draconian App Store procedures...I simply cannot support them with a clear conscience, which is why I chose to end the life of my iPhone in this manner instead of selling it--after all, who would want to pass on a cancer to another person?
Apple may have fooled the world with their witty commercials and bright t-shirts, but they will no longer fool me. Their approach has helped them gain a sizable chunk of the PC market, but as their popularity grows, people will begin to see them for what they really are--a corporation far more "evil" than Microsoft would ever dream to be.
Apple is turning consumerism into communism. Any entity that enforces such anti-competitive practices and dictates what their paying population can and cannot have without any explanation, consistency, or reason is communistic. It's wrong and I will no longer support it.
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Haha well, i dont mind spreading the "cancer," im reselling my iphone
And i dont hate the iphone, i just dont like it or apple anymore...
You know, it actually held up better than I thought it would in that video
Da_G said:
You know, it actually held up better than I thought it would in that video
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Ha! I know right? I would have figured the first round would have blown it to pieces but no.... It took 4 before the phone even broke in half!
Went on the rounds not so long ago via faceplant/twit the music really sets the scenario
Congrats, must feel good
Insane...LoL...but great stress relief
Seriously, I hope this guy doesn't take this to another step...and start shooting a apple store or even worst
Now I'd like to see "50cal V. iPad"
Those Foxconn workers may be suicidal, but the build a tough phone
AGAIN!!! AGAIN!!! The iphone does make a good target.
Thought this was brilliant when I watched it, music really does set the scene!
How many times do you reckon the guy missed? Or is he a better shot then I would be if I ever touched a gun....

Displeased with the cult yuppie social status symbolism of the iPhone...

I admit that I was a formerly proud owner of the first iPhone (2G) but have disliked the gradually cultish nature of iPhone users over the years. I have met a lot of iPhone users nowadays and strangely enough, a lot of them express a particular self-absorption and lack of interest in the well-being of others for some odd reason.
I know that there isn't a scientific reason/explanation for a device affecting the personality of the iPhone owners or the culture of them as a group, but how can such a device have an impact on the lifestyles of these people. So my question is why are such people who are iPhone users tend to be ego-obsessed, yuppie-like, megacapitalist, arrogant, etc. etc. blah blah?
Case in point: I was on a recent date with lady who owned an iPhone and she couldn't keep her eyes off her iPhone all the time. After all, I would be hoping that I would have a word in straightedgewise once in awhile...?
(Btw, I myself am mostly a Palm Pre Plus and Android user mostly. I do use an iPad and iPhone for my art studio work so I am probably guilty of some of these qualities too?)
Anyways, regardless of political orientation, what is the sociological explanation for the cult yuppish nature and type A personalities of the iPhone owners? Feel free to flame on, but I'm actually interested in reasoned explanations of this mystery.
I think yuppie implies some sort of exclusivity or poshness. In an era where every man and his dog has an iphone i see it more as a commoners device
Actually, in my mind i see it as iphone=girls, Android=lads, Blackberry=Business, Anything Nokia=Simpletons, Palm=Non-conformist loners.
Yuppies, aka, hipsters. They are invading my neighborhood, which used to be a nice quiet Polish area.
They don't like anything mainstream (that's why they dress like **** and listen to ****ty music) but LOVE anything apple. They are one of those people that if an Apple worker takes a crap, names it iCrap, they will buy it. I really think there is nothing special about an iPhone, well maybe except ending the call by touching the side of it. There is nothing my G2 can't do that an iPhone can.
Don't get me wrong, I own an iPad, but I barely use it, and I was thinking of using it for my photo biz, and used it for that a few times already. I only bought it because iPad competitors were nowhere to be found, except the Gtab
DirkGently1 said:
I think yuppie implies some sort of exclusivity or poshness. In an era where every man and his dog has an iphone i see it more as a commoners device
Actually, in my mind i see it as iphone=girls, Android=lads, Blackberry=Business, Anything Nokia=Simpletons, Palm=Non-conformist loners.
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Most people on this planet are "non-tech-savvy". They don't know the difference between 1080p and 720p, RDP and VNC, what's a "VPN", etc. The folks from Apple perfectly know this - that's why they make the most straightforward devices I've ever seen. Total lack of design (I mean c'mon - a button and a screen?) + an elementary user interface (considered revolutionary) = the iPhone. It's for people who want "high tech" and ""usability"" (notice the doubled quotation marks), who wouldn't probably ever want to know what makes their device tick, or even if it's working correctly, because "they simply won't understand it". That actually makes the iPhone something I would gladly give to my 75-year-old grandpa, whose knowledge of modern computer hardware and software is on about the same level as my cat's. I guess this is the primal reason Apple managed to create an enormous fan base of people, who would buy everything with a bitten apple engraved on it and, of course, Steve Jobs has praised for ~2 hours straight (in their presentations) with hundreds of five-dollar words like "this time we exceeded ourselves" or "it's truly amazing, MAGICAL even". People, who would so fiercely protect Apple's creations, it's scares me.
Its not the device changing the people, its just the type of people and the demographic that actually considers using an iPhone over a different device. The device has not shaped them but the device has changed our perception of the device and who uses it
DirkGently1 said:
Actually, in my mind i see it as iphone=girls, Android=lads, Blackberry=Business, Anything Nokia=Simpletons, Palm=Non-conformist loners.
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iphone users are idiots , they pay about 4 times more for the same or less processing power , functions and ease of use that i can get from ebay
I don't think that that's the case unless all the people I see on the buses, subways, streets and schools tend to be "ego-obsessed, yuppie-like, megacapitalist, arrogant, etc. etc. blah blah."
Almost every person I see on a phone outside is on the iPhone 4, of course that's just NYC at the moment.
I always think of that Steve Mobs scene in the Simpsons every time i'm in a room full of people checking their iphone4's.
True that although what to do if you use both Apple and Android?
qipengart said:
True that although what to do if you use both Apple and Android?
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then you are a troubled man , with a bizarre dilemma to figure out , and need to find yourself

[APPz] Steve Jobs Timeline 1.0.0

Current Version:1.0.0
Requires Android:2.1 and up
V1.0.0 update:
initail version;
Thank you Mr. Steve Jobs, for making this world a better place. RIP Steve Jobs
This is a tribute to Steve Jobs from us. It contains all the fascinating facts from his birth to beyond.
Steve Jobs is the greatest visionary of modern times, we hope this would inspire you as it did to us. For those who doesn’t know Steve Jobs, he is the Co-Founder of Apple and responsible for creating Apple Computers, iPod, IPhone, iPad, Macbooks and possibly future products from Apple. He has also produced and inspired several Pixar Movies such as Toy Story, Up, Cars, Wall-E and more.
Steve Jobs’s time line includes founding of Apple, founding of Next, founding of Pixar, exit of Pixar and return to apple. Steve Job’s personal information is not being disclosed inside this application. Feel free to find more information on wikipedia at
The memorial page for Steve Jobs is located at Please feel free to pay your respect.
RIP Mr. Steve Jobs, you will be remembered
All photo credits goes to and
Trivia, what does app icon look like?
Can I just ask why? We use an ANDROID powered phone. We don't really like Apple around here...
miztaken1312 said:
Can I just ask why? We use an ANDROID powered phone. We don't really like Apple around here...
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He is a legend of technology! ... not just Apple or Android!!!
Yeah. He was an icon of our time. RIP.
We can still torment the OCD technophobe cult nutjobs though. It's our right, no trollin.
miztaken1312 said:
Can I just ask why? We use an ANDROID powered phone. We don't really like Apple around here...
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Just because we use android products does not mean we don't like apple. You might not but a lot of products apple created are great and did change technology. the phone you use right now is because of apple!
Glitch kernel let me OC to 1.4!
I'm greatful for all Steve Jobs inventions except for the last one , Patents
fuloplori said:
I'm greatful for all Steve Jobs inventions except for the last one , Patents
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That right!
The man and his people developed a technology that indirectly was the cause for the fevored development of Android. If it weren't for the desire to find a product that could compete with the iPhone/iPod, Android may not be what it is today.
He was a visionary, who was hand in hand with Bill Gates and Windows, his path took him in a different direction than Windows. He did what he did, very well, and just because his iOS was locked down, didn't mean he had an inferior product.
We, in our own way here in XDA have become our own version of snobs. "If it's not open source so we can do what we want/when we want; it's no good"
I think we need to remember that there is a whole different world of folk who just want to use their devices, not hack the crap out of it; and that's ok too.
His products may not be for me, and like all things, have their own set of faults. But in the end his work has made a enormous impact on the development of hardware/software, which has impacted all of us.
Agree or not with him or his beliefs, I think we would all be best served to honor the impact anyone has on our lives
kangi26 said:
The man and his people developed a technology that indirectly was the cause for the fevored development of Android. If it weren't for the desire to find a product that could compete with the iPhone/iPod, Android may not be what it is today.
He was a visionary, who was hand in hand with Bill Gates and Windows, his path took him in a different direction than Windows. He did what he did, very well, and just because his iOS was locked down, didn't mean he had an inferior product.
We, in our own way here in XDA have become our own version of snobs. "If it's not open source so we can do what we want/when we want; it's no good"
I think we need to remember that there is a whole different world of folk who just want to use their devices, not hack the crap out of it; and that's ok too.
His products may not be for me, and like all things, have their own set of faults. But in the end his work has made a enormous impact on the development of hardware/software, which has impacted all of us.
Agree or not with him or his beliefs, I think we would all be best served to honor the impact anyone has on our lives
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R.I.P Steve Jobs
I've never liked Apple products, never owned a single one, but even I see what Steve Jobs did for technology and the world. R.I.P.,, Mr. Jobs.
Sent from a state of Serendipity
kangi26 said:
and just because his iOS was locked down, didn't mean he had an inferior product.
We, in our own way here in XDA have become our own version of snobs. "If it's not open source so we can do what we want/when we want; it's no good"
I think we need to remember that there is a whole different world of folk who just want to use their devices, not hack the crap out of it; and that's ok too.
His products may not be for me, and like all things, have their own set of faults. But in the end his work has made a enormous impact on the development of hardware/software, which has impacted all of us.
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That's actually the reason for Apple's success with a large demographic, just not all. Every detail is designed with fewer things to think about. Locked down OS, fewer settings (what you hear as "cleaner interface"), no replacable battery or SD card, one mouse button (older Macs), etc. The out of sight out of mind philosophy flows throughout. I often joke about them being better for OCD/ADD and such, which actually has some truth to it.
People come in all shapes and sizes. Some want or even need simplicity and some want (and need) flexibility, expandability and programability. It's just hard for many to understand that what's good for them is not for good someone else.

I don't hate Apple, I just love the free market
Here is a nice article for everyone who thinks that all of Apple's ideas are original and should be protected by lawsuit. Very ironic that Apple can "borrow" without any of that pesky remorse or guilt that they want everyone else to feel for them.
Just to be clear, I don't hate Apple in any way and anyone who says one OS is better than another is a moron. People are different and want different things. I've even recommended that my mom get an iphone due to its simplicity, it fits her-not me. I like to do things manually and their OS 'feels' inexact to my exacting and logical nature. That means Apple and their Intuitive-Automatic products don't do anything for me.
As a Capitalist Pig, I want Apple to succeed, not to mention Windows 8. The more competition that exists, the better the product they will be forced to deliver to us. If only Apple existed, and some people actually live in that world, then we would only get what they give us and nothing more. That's communism.
Very nicely put.
Actually, that's Fascism. But good try.
What Apple does in some areas, forces other companies to raise their own standard in order to match it. And vice versa.
Nuenjin said:
Here is a nice article for everyone who thinks that all of Apple's ideas are original and should be protected by lawsuit. Very ironic that Apple can "borrow" without any of that pesky remorse or guilt that they want everyone else to feel for them.
Just to be clear, I don't hate Apple in any way and anyone who says one OS is better than another is a moron. People are different and want different things. I've even recommended that my mom get an iphone due to its simplicity, it fits her-not me. I like to do things manually and their OS 'feels' inexact to my exacting and logical nature. That means Apple and their Intuitive-Automatic products don't do anything for me.
As a Capitalist Pig, I want Apple to succeed, not to mention Windows 8. The more competition that exists, the better the product they will be forced to deliver to us. If only Apple existed, and some people actually live in that world, then we would only get what they give us and nothing more. That's communism.
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Screw them with a rusted spoon.
There are 0 original idea's in the universe.
after 6 months of having a idea there is a 90% chance someone has already had the same idea.
I-phone is a great device let down by locked down closed source BS!!!
You can tell they are full of **** due to the amount of patents they complain about... if they had their fu$%ing way no android would have multitouch.
I bet apple would even stoop so low as to brain wash all it's fanboys into thinking that.
Cellular phone was our idea originally.
Screw the fact that we are also using stolen tech.
Never mind that we think rainbows shoot out of our butts.
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davidnowak said:
Actually, that's Fascism. But good try.
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If that is the best you can offer then you probably shouldn't post just to increase your post count.
I chose communism due to the desire for a shared consumer experience of the part of iPeople, since we here at XDA are consumers. From Apple's point of view, I suppose they might buy into Facism as long as they can be the united authority with no individuality.

