Soooo my bionic somehow would not want to turn on anymore. I get a white led when i plug it via USB to my computer. I ordered the TBH factory adapter and it still does not turn on the phone. After trying everything im guessing it might be a hardware default. It all started when i popped in a new sim card from At&T and my phone started getting hot! i was switching batteries to test it out (all OEM) and thats when it wouldnt boot up anymore. I got it boot up 1 time after that and after that i got it to turn on for a couple of seconds. Anyone have any insight? Thanks!
volcomnator999 said:
Soooo my bionic somehow would not want to turn on anymore. I get a white led when i plug it via USB to my computer. I ordered the TBH factory adapter and it still does not turn on the phone. After trying everything im guessing it might be a hardware default. It all started when i popped in a new sim card from At&T and my phone started getting hot! i was switching batteries to test it out (all OEM) and thats when it wouldnt boot up anymore. I got it boot up 1 time after that and after that i got it to turn on for a couple of seconds. Anyone have any insight? Thanks!
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With the battery out, try to plug the factory adapter cable to the phone first, then plug in the adapter to the computer. See if that helps. If you have no luck, press and hold the VOL+ and VOL- keys while plugging in the phone into the computer... Good luck!
danifunker said:
With the battery out, try to plug the factory adapter cable to the phone first, then plug in the adapter to the computer. See if that helps. If you have no luck, press and hold the VOL+ and VOL- keys while plugging in the phone into the computer... Good luck!
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hey danifunker,
I tried both of the things you mentioned with no response. I also tried different combinations and nothing. The TBH adapter was my last hope
My Tilt was low on battery so I went to plug it into my computer. Turns out my brother took my USB cable, so I went to my room and found a USB power plug for an old iHome.(Only after plugging it in did I realize it wasn't standard USB voltage, it was 9v) Well I plugged it in, and my phone immediately turned off, and now it constantly reboots to the Smart Mobility boot screen, vibrates, and restarts again. I left it with the battery/microSD card/ SIM card out for 24 hours, but still nothing. I've tried Hard Resetting, and re-flashing through the microSD card, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?
erik29gamer said:
My Tilt was low on battery so I went to plug it into my computer. Turns out my brother took my USB cable, so I went to my room and found a USB power plug for an old iHome.(Only after plugging it in did I realize it wasn't standard USB voltage, it was 9v) Well I plugged it in, and my phone immediately turned off, and now it constantly reboots to the Smart Mobility boot screen, vibrates, and restarts again. I left it with the battery/microSD card/ SIM card out for 24 hours, but still nothing. I've tried Hard Resetting, and re-flashing through the microSD card, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?
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Have try another battery?, probably your battery was the one that really got smashed with those 9v.
I don't think its the battery, because it still holds a charge, and can boot into the boot loader and hard reset screen fine. Is it possible that the battery just can't provide enough power for the full OS? Is there anyway to boot off of USB alone? I don't have another battery (currently) so I can't really test that.
erik29gamer said:
I don't think its the battery, because it still holds a charge, and can boot into the boot loader and hard reset screen fine. Is it possible that the battery just can't provide enough power for the full OS? Is there anyway to boot off of USB alone? I don't have another battery (currently) so I can't really test that.
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Try to reflash, since you can get in bootloader and see if that solves the problem.
erik29gamer said:
I don't think its the battery, because it still holds a charge, and can boot into the boot loader and hard reset screen fine. Is it possible that the battery just can't provide enough power for the full OS? Is there anyway to boot off of USB alone? I don't have another battery (currently) so I can't really test that.
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Same thing happened to me, it had enough power to get and remain in bootloader but not enough to boot OS. Put in a new battery and has run perfect ever since. 3 mon.
denco7 said:
Same thing happened to me, it had enough power to get and remain in bootloader but not enough to boot OS. Put in a new battery and has run perfect ever since. 3 mon.
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Agree with mate
Sorry for reviving my own post, but i finally got a replacement battery and it still just vibrates, smart mobility screen, then repeats. I just tried flashing it with the stock att rom and the only difference is att screen instead of smart mobility. Any other suggestions?
EDIT: Also tried flashing android but does the same thing, vibrates, flashes boot screen, repeats
I have a very strange issue.
A friend of mine gave me a Dell Streak 7 that he said would not boot. I got it from him and have started looking at it.
When I hold the power button down, the nav buttons light up, but the power light flashes red 5 times and it all shuts off.
I am assuming that it has done this for a while for the guy so I am not thinking that the battery is dead.
I have hit the reset button with a pin, (felt it click) but that did nothing.
Any ideas?
Try recovery boot, fastboot, connect to pc
nicolay.n said:
Try recovery boot, fastboot, connect to pc
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Tried recovery (vol up and power?) and have the same issue... Nav buttons light up, power light flashes 5 times, and it shuts off....
Also, it is not recognized by a PC...
What charger are you using? Is it the Dell one?
It needs to charge for a long time.
giveen said:
What charger are you using? Is it the Dell one?
It needs to charge for a long time.
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Yep the OEM one... from what I see though, I get no indication that it is charging (no lights when plugged in....)... might be a bad charger....
istrait said:
Yep the OEM one... from what I see though, I get no indication that it is charging (no lights when plugged in....)... might be a bad charger....
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If you leave it on for hours the back of it will get warm enough to feel with your hand.
Figured it out... It is either the charging cable or the slot for the charger.... If you get the cable in just the perfect slot, it will charge.....
Thanks all for the help.......
I have an LG Revolution that will not enter emergency download mode, infact I can't even get the screen to turn on no matter what I do. What happened was the battery was alot less charged than I had thought during a restoration using LGNPST; and it seems that the battery died right in the middle of the restoration.
had this happen once, try leaving it wall charging for a while then plug it in via usb, while plugged in via usb after chargin remove and replace batt do hard reset with phone completely off (pow + vol down) lgnpst should start then.
That didn't work. The phone won't even charge.
bloodyblade said:
That didn't work. The phone won't even charge.
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Good job man.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
You may have already tried but just in case try to enter emergency download mode by taking out the battery, then plug in usb to computer, then hold power and volume UP -- not down, and then while continuing to hold the buttons insert battery.
nasaiya said:
You may have already tried but just in case try to enter emergency download mode by taking out the battery, then plug in usb to computer, then hold power and volume UP -- not down, and then while continuing to hold the buttons insert battery.
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Tried it a million times.
Any luck yet? I'm curious how this turns out...
Anyway just a random thought I had... maybe you could take it in to a store and have them charge the battery for you. It might respond better with a full battery.
Just a total guess but you never know...
nasaiya said:
Any luck yet? I'm curious how this turns out...
Anyway just a random thought I had... maybe you could take it in to a store and have them charge the battery for you. It might respond better with a full battery.
Just a total guess but you never know...
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I've tried to charge the battery using a USB cable connected directly to the negative and positive on the battery, but I'm not quite sure if it charged the battery as the phone still doesn't respond. I'm going to take this phone and a hardbricked HTC Thunderbolt I've got into a Verizon store some time today or tomorrow. Thanks for the input.
My Touchpad does not seem to do anything at this point. I have had it plugged it in, with the stock charger, for a couple of days. I even tried the charger and cable on my other touchpad to make sure they both work. If I plug it in to my computer I see nothing happening, there is no device detected. I am at a loss as to what to do next.
smolz said:
My Touchpad does not seem to do anything at this point. I have had it plugged it in, with the stock charger, for a couple of days. I even tried the charger and cable on my other touchpad to make sure they both work. If I plug it in to my computer I see nothing happening, there is no device detected. I am at a loss as to what to do next.
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Try holding the power button and the home button together for at least 10 seconds, maybe a little longer. Hope it works.
Good luck.
I bought a Moto G 2014 Dual Sim XT1068 back in November and hadn't had any issues with it until today. I bought an anger 3000MaH portable battery pack and was amazed at how quickly it charged my phone. I used it yesterday and charged it overnight. I used it throughout today. I turned it off around midday and plugged it into my charger. When I attempted to turn it on later nothing happened. No, please charge, no **** has crashed, just nothing. The screen just stays dark. My computer no longer recognises it as a device and my portable charger will no longer recognise it as a phone to be charged, I know this because it worked with a friends phone, but not mine, and it still has battery (the charger)
What should I do?
Do I use ADB, ask Anker, return it, what is my best course of action?
If anyone knows what to do please reply as until this is fixed I do not have any ideas.
PS; No rooting, bootloader unlocking, or use of custom ROMs has occurred, the phone is completely using stock android.
Motogsecondgen2014 said:
I bought a Moto G 2014 Dual Sim XT1068 back in November and hadn't had any issues with it until today. I bought an anger 3000MaH portable battery pack and was amazed at how quickly it charged my phone. I used it yesterday and charged it overnight. I used it throughout today. I turned it off around midday and plugged it into my charger. When I attempted to turn it on later nothing happened. No, please charge, no **** has crashed, just nothing. The screen just stays dark. My computer no longer recognises it as a device and my portable charger will no longer recognise it as a phone to be charged, I know this because it worked with a friends phone, but not mine, and it still has battery (the charger)
What should I do?
Do I use ADB, ask Anker, return it, what is my best course of action?
If anyone knows what to do please reply as until this is fixed I do not have any ideas.
PS; No rooting, bootloader unlocking, or use of custom ROMs has occurred, the phone is completely using stock android.
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I soft-bricked mine yesterday because TWRP kept crashing when I flashed my ROM. During my search for a solution I ran into a post from a guy with a similar problem of yours. His phone wouldn't charge at all.
He solved his problem by pressing PWR+VolDwn for 3 minutes. Then plug it in to a charger and leave it be. And make sure to use a proper charger (cable straight from the wall preferably)
Give that a try. Try ruling out a hardware problem. And return it as a last resort. Good luck
Ogglord said:
I soft-bricked mine yesterday because TWRP kept crashing when I flashed my ROM. During my search for a solution I ran into a post from a guy with a similar problem of yours. His phone wouldn't charge at all.
He solved his problem by pressing PWR+VolDwn for 3 minutes. Then plug it in to a charger and leave it be. And make sure to use a proper charger (cable straight from the wall preferably)
Give that a try. Try ruling out a hardware problem. And return it as a last resort. Good luck
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TRY this plug in charger and hold power for 2 mins+ to force a reset and forced boot up - holding for 120 seconds + is the key and repeat charger cable must be plugged in.
- power and volume down is normally to get to AP fastboot flash mode, agreed a good wall charger is needed not usb port power.
reefuge said:
Searching google
Cant remember but i thought it was plug in charger and hold power for 2 mins+ to force boot up - power and volume down is normally to get to AP fastboot flash mode, agreed a good wall charger is needed not usb port power.
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Okey, you are probably right. I was quoting from my foggy mind