Re: Droid 3 Update Soak Begins TODAY!
Just got an e-mail from MFN (Motorola Feedback Network) indicating that the Droid 3 Soak Test will be starting today. With the subject line stating "Motorola Feedback Network - Droid 3 test starting", the e-mail said "Thanks for signing up for the Droid 3 software test. The software will begin to be pushed out later this afternoon; however, it may take several hours for all targeted devices to receive the update."
So, keep an eye out everyone!
More info please, is it ICS ?
m4nu4l said:
More info please, is it ICS ?
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It's downloading on my phone now...
No, it's not ICS, it is more than likely the .906 update (bug fixes) as the leak thread has......we'll see.
Can u provide a link ? i dont see any updates on my phone, and im on the 5.7.905
tcrews said:
It's downloading on my phone now...
No, it's not ICS, it is more than likely the .906 update (bug fixes) as the leak thread has......we'll see.
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Can you verify it's the .906 update after you download/install please?
m4nu4l said:
Can u provide a link ? i dont see any updates on my phone, and im on the 5.7.905
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Are you part of the SOAK test?
Latest "official" version is 5.6.890 which you would need to be on to get this pushed to you.
---------- Post added at 10:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 AM ----------
aross6 said:
Can you verify it's the .906 update after you download/install please?
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will do.
bout time
Looking at the file the build.prop signature matches the .906 leak.
Installing now..
Yep...."The Installation was successful. Your phone has been upgraded to xxxx.906.en"
Isn't this a confidential test? Aren't you supposed to not publicize that you are part of the test? I remember when I received the email a few weeks ago promoting this the confidentiality was mentioned quite clearly.
I think these updates are to prep the system for ics, like what the razrs and d4 got the past weeks. They had this update months ago but probably added ics prep and it finally passed verizons testing now.
ssinisterss said:
I think these updates are to prep the system for ics, like what the razrs and d4 got the past weeks. They had this update months ago but probably added ics prep and it finally passed verizons testing now.
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I doubt it.
Somehow my feeling says this will be the last update for D3
DoubleYouPee said:
I doubt it.
Somehow my feeling says this will be the last update for D3
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I believe there will be one more, it will update any bloatware we have on the phone, if we don't have any it will add it. This will be in about 6 months.
My question is... the 906 leak was a test build. Is the 906 official any different?
jesusishere said:
I believe there will be one more, it will update any bloatware we have on the phone, if we don't have any it will add it. This will be in about 6 months.
My question is... the 906 leak was a test build. Is the 906 official any different?
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How was the 906 leak a test build. It has release keys. Just like the 5.6.890 "leak" that eventually became the OTA release......the 5.7.906 "leak" has become the OTA soak test...which will most likely become the final release.
Any guesses on how long it takes for release after soak test?
DoubleYouPee said:
Any guesses on how long it takes for release after soak test?
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From my experiences, it usually is about a week after the soak test that the update starts getting pushed to all.....if nothing major crops up during the test....
Since the .906 leak has been used for so long by many without complaints, I don't see the soak testers reporting any "update stopping" issues.
tcrews said:
How was the 906 leak a test build. It has release keys. Just like the 5.6.890 "leak" that eventually became the OTA release......the 5.7.906 "leak" has become the OTA soak test...which will most likely become the final release.
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Verizon says that they are officially releasing the 905 build... People are saying they are getting the 906 but the morons at Verizon say its the 905.
Alright well I happened to look over this thread; thought I would clear some things up.
Motorola says that any soak test is a confidential test -- hardly anybody listens to that though. The OTA update was scheduled to roll out in February, and the support document for the 905 update was created in February, but Motorola placed it on hold to make room for the 5.9.902 update for the DROID BIONIC and the 6.12.173 update for the DROID RAZR series. Both rolled out and did good on completing during February.
Motorola is just now getting a chance to remember that the DROID 3 exists to all of us. Verizon posted a early labeled document that showed 5.7.905 as the release. Verizon has corrected this error -- a support document for the 5.7.906 update is up now.
The leak has all the same signatures. Everything is the same from the soak test to the leak. If you cannot wait, installing 5.7.906 from me will not hurt your phone, nor will it remove you from the upgrade path.
The long-forgotten DROID X2 is also seeing an update, I am happy for them too since I was a previous owner of the DX2. Ive upgraded my devices to 5.7.906, I got the official soak update. If upon request I will post a link to download the update that came with the soak update and not the leak ONLY ON REQUESTS!!
That's all for now.
yes, please post the link
droidian1441 said:
Ive upgraded my devices to 5.7.906, I got the official soak update. If upon request I will post a link to download the update that came with the soak update and not the leak ONLY ON REQUESTS!!
That's all for now.
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Would very much appreciate it, if you did post the soak update link. Thanks in advance......
Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
found on Droidforums and Rootzwiki
getting ready to install now
Wtf really? We're never gonna get any roms at this rate lol
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
I cant wait for the official OTA.... I am on the .230 right now I just will stay on here until the official one comes out.. Unless the the .232 is a significant update.
Sent from my BionicBeast
greeneink said:
found on Droidforums and Rootzwiki
getting ready to install now
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The File you have posted there seems to be the .905 GB download if I'm not mistaken.
you're mistaken.
That is the OS you need to be on to update to the new update. That's how Moto numbers their OS's. Where you're coming from.
I'll post back after I make sure razr edge roots it and I wanna see if you can fxz back to .902.
I was happy with .230 except for the email issue I had with apostrophes.
I thought it was going to be another boring Friday night :laugh:
My Bad
Seems you are right. My Bad.
Downloading now.
Didnt mean to come off as an azz. Was just playin' I'm so excited.
I was able to root with razrs edge and read a report that you can FXZ back to .902.
I have successfully FXZ'd back to .902
You're good.
Any idea of changes from .230 to .232?
greeneink said:
Didnt mean to come off as an azz. Was just playin' I'm so excited.
I was able to root with razrs edge and read a report that you can FXZ back to .902.
I have successfully FXZ'd back to .902
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Dude. I used another method to root I saw in a different forum. You root with motofail after you accept the 905 ota. Then backup root with voodoo app. Undo root. Install ics update. Then restore root with voodoo. Works really easily. I'm still on 2233 running aokp nightly and no problems whatsoever.
Sent from my XT875 using xda premium
AUGH. I just put 230 on my phone last night. But I did it with moto-fastboot and no data loss, so I may just update now. Why not?
And the ICS root method for mac doesn't seem to work, so I downloaded the windows version, opened up the batch file, and copy-pasted the adb commands into terminal.
Can someone please post another download link please all the ones i have seen don't work anymore?
twinkyz1979 said:
Can someone please post another download link please all the ones i have seen don't work anymore?
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+1 please please please!
Working on it. Remember, the thanks button isn't broken.
Btw, Verizon FiOS has brought you this download in under 3 minutes.
Ugh, dev-host is giving me trouble.
Mirror for .232 download
Click to download 905 to 6.7.232 ICS Leak
5thAgent said:
Working on it. Remember, the thanks button isn't broken.
Btw, Verizon FiOS has brought you this download in under 3 minutes.
Ugh, dev-host is giving me trouble.
Mirror for .232 download
Click to download 905 to 6.7.232 ICS Leak
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Thank you so much!!!
I hope you don't mind but i shared this across some other sites as well and gave you props for doing this.
I've gone to every forum i know and googled it...cannot find a working link anywhere! Help!
5thAgent said:
Working on it. Remember, the thanks button isn't broken.
Btw, Verizon FiOS has brought you this download in under 3 minutes.
Ugh, dev-host is giving me trouble.
Thank you! Thank you! Thanks!
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twinkyz1979 said:
Thank you so much!!!
I hope you don't mind but i shared this across some other sites as well and gave you props for doing this.
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You're welcome, and I appreciate the credit.
5thAgent said:
Working on it. Remember, the thanks button isn't broken.
Btw, Verizon FiOS has brought you this download in under 3 minutes.
Ugh, dev-host is giving me trouble.
I've clicked "thanks" but being told my "thanks action denied" ??? Anyone know why?
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Really?... Or is that a joke that I don't understand because it came through the internet.
Screenshot? :/
And I managed to get this mirror online before I finished the partial 902 restore. (Then again I had to do that "by hand" with moto-fastboot, per the RootzWiki thread's instructions that now have a strike through them for some reason)
5thAgent said:
Really?... Or is that a joke that I don't understand because it came through the internet.
Screenshot? :/
And I managed to get this mirror online before I finished the partial 902 restore. (Then again I had to do that "by hand" with moto-fastboot, per the RootzWiki thread's instructions that now have a strike through them for some reason)
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What i did was try to thank you twice. The first one showed fine, then the second time i hit "thanks" it said the "thanks action denied". Then my first one disappeared. So it was like i didn't hit it at all. But after i signed back in again it shows the first one. I'm using tapatalk on my RAZR. I'd do a screenshot but its a pop up message that only appears for a second. At least you know i was trying to be grateful! Lol
First of all, sorry if the question has already been posted, but I didn't find anything.
I got OTA update to Jelly Bean 4.1.2 few days ago. I am looking now into rooting my Razr I.
I saw a few threads about it and I found (this post) but I do not want CWM. I want to keep the stock recovery for OTA updates. So is it possible to root without CWM ?
AW: [Q] Root without CWM ?
You can always flash the Stock Recovery back, in case of an OTA.
Sent from my BataKanged XT910
yeah i have that question too, is it posible to root JB with locked bootloader?
Deshabilitado said:
yeah i have that question too, is it posible to root JB with locked bootloader?
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No, at the moment, that doesn't seem to be possible.
It's possible on RAZR M. Why can't be done on RAZR i?
OneOfTheMost said:
It's possible on RAZR M. Why can't be done on RAZR i?
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By all means go for it. But you must realize there are major differences to the internals for the devices and not just being 1 letter off in name means they will necessarily work on both.
Intel x86 and ARM7 are quite different.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
You could just try that RAZR M JB root and see...I'm due to get my RAZR i in a few days so can't do it yet...
mattlgroff said:
By all means go for it. But you must realize there are major differences to the internals for the devices and not just being 1 letter off in name means they will necessarily work on both.
Intel x86 and ARM7 are quite different.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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I meant they modified the ICS-exploit to be working on JB. I didn't say that we should use the same version, of course our version (for RAZR i ICS - should be modified in the same way. Is it so difficult?
OneOfTheMost said:
I meant they modified the ICS-exploit to be working on JB. I didn't say that we should use the same version, of course our version (for RAZR i ICS - should be modified in the same way. Is it so difficult?
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Is it difficult to make new root exploits? Sure. Ask anyone who has made their own true exploit if its easy....
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
mattlgroff said:
Is it difficult to make new root exploits? Sure. Ask anyone who has made their own true exploit if its easy....
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Have you read the link I posted before? Germanese said it wasn't so difficult - just replacing two apk's. But if the vulnerability used by the exploit is specific only for RAZR M ROM then it's clear that writing a new exploit for RAZR i isn't an easy task. But in this case it's strange that Motorola fixed this vulnerability for RAZR M and didn't for RAZR i.
OneOfTheMost said:
Have you read the link I posted before? Germanese said it wasn't so difficult - just replacing two apk's. But if the vulnerability used by the exploit is specific only for RAZR M ROM then it's clear that writing a new exploit for RAZR i isn't an easy task. But in this case it's strange that Motorola fixed this vulnerability for RAZR M and didn't for RAZR i.
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If you tried it and it didn't work, that's just the way it is. You have no reason to be sad, you have no idea how many people on the XT912 and XT910 would kill for an unlockable bootloader and understand its necessary to root.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I am one of them, who have lost root after jelly bean OTA update. I was tired of waiting for the root, so I decided to email Mr. Dan Rosenberg, the master of root exploits. And they replied me as following:-
Hi Samrath,
On 04/21/2013 02:13 PM, Samrath Bhatia wrote:
> Recently Verizon has rolled out jelly bean for Motorola Droid Bionic.
> I was happy with my rooted ICS Bionic, but after the update, I am
> unable to root my phone by ANY METHOD.
No kidding. Installing updates always removes root access unless you
take steps to preserve it (OTA RootKeeper, etc.).
> I request you to make a root exploit for Droid Bionic. I would be very
> thankful to you. Every Bionic owner is waiting for your contribution.
I think you mean "every Bionic owner who rooted their device and didn't
know enough to not preserve root through an update".
> Please, at least reply me if possible.
I might have a solution for you in the next few days, but I'm getting
tired of this game. Don't expect every build of every device to be
rootable. If you have root, make sure you take steps to ensure you can
keep it before installing an update.
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This could mean that we could see Root Exploit for jb droid Bionic. But don't expect much, as written above. Fingers Crossed..
Dear Mr. pray for root))
solemnly promise never updated if I get root)))
I hope Dan Rosenberg is serious about this.
Sir_Eagle said:
I hope Dan Rosenberg is serious about this.
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Dan Retired!
Now we have the only hope from Dan, Let's see what happens.
All I can say is that since you had the balls to email him about root after he said he was going to retire, you'd better pony up a few dollars to donate to him when/if he does come through with Bionic JB Root.
projektorboy said:
All I can say is that since you had the balls to email him about root after he said he was going to retire, you'd better pony up a few dollars to donate to him when/if he does come through with Bionic JB Root.
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Dan shouldn't have to help no one for nothing. And the only people he should ever consider helping is another dev so that his knowledge and skills lives on. For this person to email him is utter disrespect. Let the man be ffs.
Sent from my XT910 using xda premium
I'm not counting on him to do it because he doesn't have to. I'm just curious as to how many people are halfway rooted and don't know it because root checker says they aren't but don't actually try any root apps. Root checker says I'm not but I'm still able to do many root activities.
But if someone was going to email home about it, they should have at least mentioned that voodoo was only working for some people and not for others.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC2 using Tapatalk 2
Giant big balls to put it out there to him, so kudos for that. Very kind response all things considered. SamuriHL had a bit of a work around posted in another forum recently, that involved a hybrid flash using the House of Bionic suite. Wonder if it's based on that somehow. But I'll pony up dough for a root, no doubt.
Well, I wouldn't have emailed him direct (I'm sure he's busy with other things), but I'm also one who plans on donating if we get another exploit.
mjcampy said:
Well, I wouldn't have emailed him direct (I'm sure he's busy with other things), but I'm also one who plans on donating if we get another exploit.
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Or you might do as I did and proactively donate. He definitely is deserving.
Just curious. I've had my Bionic for some time now and it is completely stock with the new JB OTA. I was thinking about rooting it for the first time. But, from what I am reading it seems like this would be impossible. Is this true?
Currently for you, yes. However in a few days there could a method to root jb released.
danielrm2457 said:
Just curious. I've had my Bionic for some time now and it is completely stock with the new JB OTA. I was thinking about rooting it for the first time. But, from what I am reading it seems like this would be impossible. Is this true?
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That's true, at this point. There is a root exploit that's currently being worked on that will hopefully make it possible in the near future. Be patient and read a lot.
The exploit had been confirmed by a trustworthy source, Samurai, he helped test it and was able to root his phone.
The exploit will be available later... Tonight?
Sent from my XT875 using Tapatalk 2
k.caleb.cole said:
The exploit had been confirmed by a trustworthy source, Samurai, he helped test it and was able to root his phone.
The exploit will be available later... Tonight?
Sent from my XT875 using Tapatalk 2
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Exploit is for Linux only, which shouldn't be a problem for most.
k.caleb.cole said:
The exploit had been confirmed by a trustworthy source, Samurai, he helped test it and was able to root his phone.
The exploit will be available later... Tonight?
Sent from my XT875 using Tapatalk 2
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Did it myself last night. Can't post a link yet, but search for "Motoshare 2: Old Bug, New Exploit" and you should find it.
youngdc said:
Did it myself last night. Can't post a link yet, but search for "Motoshare 2: Old Bug, New Exploit" and you should find it.
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I can confirm this worked for me too, I even dabbled in putting ubuntu on my netbook, fun stuff!
In this comment, is a procedure to get root on ATT S5 Lollipop. I haven't tried it myself, might do it in a few hours. You do need to be rooted beforehand.
I wish I would've know this before I updated
I think that may be rooting it on a SS rom slot,not the actual OS on the phone.
It seems hes just replacing the backup's system partition with the Lollipop one, restoring and wiping, so wouldn't that be the stock slot?
EDIT: Screwed up the quote my bad
It seems the commenter was confused on devices. I was reading the s4 forums and they restore a backup of rooted lollipop, which we don't have. Maybe someone brave can try with rooted 4.4.4 and flash ota over Odin like the post
122ninjas said:
It seems the commenter was confused on devices. I was reading the s4 forums and they restore a backup of rooted lollipop, which we don't have. Maybe someone brave can try with rooted 4.4.4 and flash ota over Odin like the post
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Already done:
Is this a possible root method?
jrocx said:
Is this a possible root method?
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Try it and let us know...100% doubt it
Don't know how true that one click root method is. We've never had a one click root besides towelroot. I'd also say give it a try and see what happens. If you soft brick it,just flash the Downgrade tar in Odin.
PS4AndroidHacker said:
Don't know how true that one click root method is. We've never had a one click root besides towelroot. I'd also say give it a try and see what happens. If you soft brick it,just flash the Downgrade tar in Odin.
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It says device can't be rooted at this time
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Free mobile app
jrocx said:
Is this a possible root method?
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This is an old, old, old method and I believe only worked on the original Android version shipped when the S5 was first released if at all.
is there a ss version for the lollipo?
CAG-man said:
This is an old, old, old method and I believe only worked on the original Android version shipped when the S5 was first released if at all.
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So I'm unrooted running 5.0 so theres no way for me to root if im on 5.0 already right??
ryan0720 said:
is there a ss version for the lollipo?
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Not yet. There is this news though. from muniz_ri
Joehen873 said:
So I'm unrooted running 5.0 so theres no way for me to root if im on 5.0 already right??
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As far as I know, there is no way to root an unrooted OC4. But it has been done to downgrade to root, but not successfully repeated the last I read. It has been said many time for this and prior OTA updates. Don't apply the update until root is confirmed. I like to download the update and upload the .cfg file to help those who work on rooting processes. I think Muniz noted that they advanced the Qfuse in this bootloader so it is near impossible to downgrade in order to root. ( I say near impossible because of the 1 report of a successful downgrade)
I updated from NCE to rooted 5.0. Here is the link. Follow the steps to the T:
Hackers have been defeated
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using XDA Free mobile app
The title of this thread should be "root FOR lollipop" instead of "Root ON Lollipop". There is no root once your phone is ON Lollipop you needed to be rooted beFORe upgrading to Lollipop. Buying the phone new with Lollipop or taking the OTA renders it unrootable.
Well seems like the hackers have been DEFEATED
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using XDA Free mobile app
stonecold36067 said:
Well seems like the hackers have been DEFEATED
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using XDA Free mobile app
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no way. i have total faith hackers will prevail.
Its been a while many people on here say this phone is already too old and nobodys trying to figure out a way to root it
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using XDA Free mobile app