Hi guys, I did some searching and couldn't find a fix so here goes:
Often when I put my phone to sleep (tap power-button) the screen turns black, then green again for half a second or so after the "screen off visuals".
I did some searching and it is similar to this "common issues" post:"Screen turns unusual colors / flickers colors when going to sleep or waking." http://code.google.com/p/ice-cream-sandwich-sgs/wiki/CommonIssues
The only thing is, Voodoo control app is now Voodoo sound plus and doesn't have a "Gamma offset" option anymore.
Does anyone know a tool that has Gamma Offset options, or any other fix to this issue for that matter?
It's not a big thing, as my phone is working fine, but I wanted to research it a bit further.
It has happened to me through many different ROMs, mainly ICS roms, but I am currently running ICS333 v.2.0.1 ICS 4.0.4, with the newest Devil Kernel for ICS.
*BUMP* in hope of info/help
- sorry mods if this is unacceptable.
Hey guys quick question
Me and my girlfriend both have the SGS but I noticed today that he screen has a weird yellow colour when compared to mine.
Like my blacks are black, where hers just seem off from mine even at low, medium and full brightness, power saving lcd thing off on both.
We are both running JPU.
Is her screen dying or is it faulty? if so should i contact samsung for a replacement model?
I have an issue where my screen is much darker than those of friends of mine, both with brightness set to full on all phones or with auto brightness on. I didn't notice it at first but now that I did it bugs me like hell. Maybe its related.
Depending on country and service center it shouldn't be too much of an issue to get a replacement screen / device. It goes without saying you have to roll back from JPU to the original froyo for device.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Running any custom kernel with colour fixes etc? I think some roms/kernels tweaked the settings
I think its possibly some variance in the manufacturing process. Mine has a blueish tint which i find quite annoying, but only appears when looking at it from the left hand side
Thanks for the responses guys, we are both running stock JPU roms but ive contacted samsung and they said they will have a look at it :/
I played with my NC nearly one week and I like it. But I want to know dose anyone notice the screen of NC is flickering. If you couldn't understand what I mean, please refer to below video,
it is not so obvious in real world as in video, but it is noticeable and uncomfortable. I have ipad with IPS LCD but never find this kind of issue. It like some kind of low fresh rate issue in early PC screen, so I want to know whether it is possible to fix it via adjust screen refresh rate in OS level.
Your comments are welcome!
Mine does that but only on the gray background, otherwise I don't see any flickering.
I exchanged my first NC because of this issue. The salespeople thought I was nuts until I demonstrated it for them. My new one still does it but MUCH more faintly and not all the time. I do believe that Barnes & Noble is aware of it (or at least that's something I read in another thread here somewhere..).
It seems to only happen at middling levels of brightness. My first NC exhibited the issue under very specific settings and times, the brightness had to be set between 20%-40% and I had to be displaying a solid area of mid-range colors. I saw it all the time when the screen would dim to display a menu.
From personal experience, you MIGHT be able to get a unit that's better if you exchange. It does seem to be a very common issue, though. Rumor has it that it might be fixable through a firmware update.. we shall see.
I had a pocket pc with this problem many moons ago...The fix was to adjust a trim pot on the display...
No idea if anything like that would apply here, but just wanted to mention it.
I do have similar problem, could any people advise on how to check the refresh rate and increase it?
Many thanks.
Are you planning on rooting or installing another ROM on your Nook? The overclock kernels fix this issue.
from what I see there in the video, if that is what you are seeing...not refresh rate. Rather it looks like a cycling in the backligt control. Almost looks like the PWM duty cycle is out of wack...would explain why it happens at mid range of the brightness.
My first nook color had this problem, I solved it by leaving the brightness up all the time which seemed to prevent it. I got it replaced for other display issues, and my new one doesn't flicker at any brightness, so yeah it sounds like a defect.
Not a defect. It's a problem with stupid coding in the backlight driver.
They set the PWM (pulse width modulation) rate too low, at 40Hz if I remember right. It's easy to fix by setting it up to 60Hz in the driver, which I did in my old Quickie kernel. Totally gets rid of the flicker, and I've seen no side-effects, nor have any been reported to me.
I don't have the time to keep up with the kernel anymore, and for some reason no other kernel dev has pulled my driver fix into theirs. You might talk to Dalingrin or one of the other devs if you really want it, and put them in contact with me at [email protected] and I can help them get it integrated into their kernel.
Can you link to the github commit?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Hmmmm.... my Nook definitely had the flicker issue on most gray colors, especially at dimmer brightness settings. I'm not using your kernel, but I am using Dalingrin's. I haven't seen flicker in months. Could this issue be limited to the stock ROM only?
911jason said:
Hmmmm.... my Nook definitely had the flicker issue on most gray colors, especially at dimmer brightness settings. I'm not using your kernel, but I am using Dalingrin's. I haven't seen flicker in months. Could this issue be limited to the stock ROM only?
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It appears that way from my experience. I was running the dual boot package with stock and CM7 nightly.
The stock rom flickered very noticeably on greyish type backgrounds. Using CM7 and now Phiremod, the flickering has totally gone away.
Actually the fix is already in init.encore.rc:
write /sys/devices/omapdss/display0/timings 68000,1024/70/200/40,600/10/11/10
That said, it's going into the driver too.
I bought my galaxy 6 months ago. Not long after I noticed a minor issue with my AMOLED display. I could see blue "artefacts" in some bright areas of the screen from time to time. Nothing serious, just blue dots and stripes, subpixels. I even posted a picture of it on reddit (second attachment) more out of curiosity than anything but was later convinced it was probably a software issue. I did have some suspicions something might be wrong with my phone but it actually happened so rarely and the issue was so minor that I just got used to it because it didn't bother me that much.
I recently flashed dark core 2.2 along with rc6 and it got *significantly* worse. I could see blue subpixels all over the screen wherever there's bright white, generally on the lowest brightness setting. Now, I believed that the hardware got worse and it's time to ask for a replacement. So before doing so I obviously had to flash stock firmware and guess what - it all disappeared. So I flashed just the dark core again to go back to rc6 - and it was back again.
The thing is, I really love this ROM and I love the voodoo improvements that come with it. I don't think I can live without them any more. On the other hand, it might be difficult to convince people from samsung that there's actually something wrong with my phone - since it happens so rarely on stock ROM. And I think that this display defect is intensified by the screen improvements from voodoo/dark core.
My only idea is to somehow make it show up on stock ROM and send it to them just then. But is this even possible without rooting my phone? Does anyone has an idea why would these blue subpixels show up in white areas? Is it something they check with specialized equipment or do they boot the phone first to see what's wrong?
Anyway, guys if you could point me in the right direction or had any better ideas... Seriously, It would be helpful even if you said that I should just return my phone and hope for the best. I'm a student and I can't really afford to be charged for returning - what they think is - an operational phone
I attached two pictures
1. a picture of how my screen behaves after flashing the latest dark kernel
2. a picture of how my screen sometimes behave on stock kernels
I'd appreciate any help or advice
i have Onecosmic ics rc1 and everything works fine,but i notice that the colors aren't as bright as they should be.. is a little yellowish even when brightness at 100%.. is there a fix for that or that's the way it should be ??
Did you flashed Fugu kernel with VoodooColor or without?
I suggest you to try both, to see difference.
i flashed all of them and i dont see any difference.. ive flash the one with voodoo color and sound and the one with color only, but still the same.. i dont even get the voodoo app..
ICS with bluish low colour
I Have the same issue, mine shows bluish low colour. i flashed both kernels with same results more so...
Model = i9000
Android Version = 4.0.3
BB = I9000UGKG3
Kernel = 3.0.8-FuguMod
any suggestions please? :|
Okay here is a little update. (Its not a complaint as i know it'll be resolved hopefully)
I flashed the Voodoo Color Kernel and there was a significant difference.
The "Yellowish" tint was gone.
But while at 0% Brightness, the screen is Darker than usual ... Its just as Dark as it is on a SpeedMod Kernel ... which is, lets just say ... NOT GOOD FOR EYES AND BATTERY.
The screen looks satisfactorily better above 0% Brightness. I have noticed that if you keep the Brightness Level in/around 10% ... you will feel the difference.
EDIT: My Apologies
Yellowish Tint is STILL THERE
It took me a while to notice it.
But this time (i mean after flashing the Voodoo Color Kernel), the Yellowish Tint was quite less than before.
However, while using the "Flash Light Utility" ... it displays a 100% WHITE, which makes me assume this Yellowish Tint has something to do with "Theming" as the Phone Itself (after flashing OneCosmic's ICS) is display the colors just fine.
well i think ill have to wait for the next onecosmic's release or kernel fix or something like that..
I haven't used Voodoo a lot, but you should download Voodoo app from market and try to figure colors with that.
I am using voodoo app but not able to see the colors option in that...
I have checked and the kernel I downloaded was the one with voodoo sound and voodoo colors..
Am I missing something?
ishangoyal said:
I am using voodoo app but not able to see the colors option in that...
I have checked and the kernel I downloaded was the one with voodoo sound and voodoo colors..
Am I missing something?
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same here...
flash with kernel+colors+vodoo and it will be ok
All problem solved with the new rc2 and new kernel.. Thanx
Hello guys,
i'm new to the Galaxy Note and the Forum, start by thanking everyone for the great job you have done and are doing.
- Before:
I bought a Galaxy Note, I am fine and i love him like a son (maybe because I have no children).
There was the original version of Android 4.1.2 firmware N7000XXLSA with NO brand.
I flashed from the original recovery kernel that is here (forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1901191) to be precise "Philz-cwm6-XXLSA-DBT-v3.99" (I do not know why I chose this among others, perhaps because it reminded me of the original LSA final XXLSA and makes me wonder: the "Philz-cwm6-ZCLS8-CHN-v3.99" is newer than the one I flashed?).
From ClockworkModRecovery I installed, after fullwipe, the last Nightly of CyanogenMod 10.1 and the gapps (as I did on other phones like Nexus S and Nexus 7 and it is always gone smoothly).
- The problem:
Everything works fine (apart from a phenomenon of Battery Drain, but I have to recalibrate it and recharging from consuming it all off for at least 4 hours and then delete the stats etc ...), but there is one thing wrong: the monitor.
The icons on the desktop can be seen very well, ultra bright and the text looks really HD! (I come from Nexus S and I also have the Nexus 7, bright colors and blacks amazing!) But the background, some photos appear, or the shades of black phone menus you see badly.
If I use MXPlayer to see a video all blacks are pixelated, gradients are sheared.
As if it was in safe mode, type windows xp in safe mode that NOT loaded the video card drivers.
I read around on the issue and there was talk of color banding, 16bit software compared to 24bit monitors hardware, but in essence what?
Depends on the kernel?
I have to go in customer care to replace the monitor (which also occasionally changes almost imperceptibly color, for example while navigating, then on the white background of the pages, from white light turns yellow, then brown, and so on).
What do you recommend? Does anyone have or have had the same problem?
This morning I tried the phone around, the street outside and the problem seems to disappear.
I set auto brightness. So maybe with strong light, increasing the brightness of the blacks are softened better.
Now I'm recovering from the last original software Samsung Kies, the much-hyped premium suite, see what happens and if the problem remains.
Thanks in advance to all.
I recommend go back to a non leak firmware which is not buggy like this one. Then see if you can reproduce. Remember those JB roms are buggy leaks. Best to use the kernel phills made explicitly for the rom version you are running.
Regarding colour changes this usually is due to powersaving apps or settings. Remove and/or disable those. especially the one in the stock browser. This a known old issue not necessary caused by hardware.
battery drain issues van best be analysed according to ahalfords sticky on wakelocks.