Ever since I bricked my phone and revived it with just a little bit over 8GB, rooting and running Jellybean Ultimate 5.1 Android 4.1.2 has never been a good experience. I followed all the instructions given by others such as formatting factory reset, cache, system, data, preload, and so forth, except formatting the emmc before flashing the Jellybean ROM, but it will work for a while then the upper right corner will be hot and then force-closes either itself or with an application freezing. I don't know my explanation is good enough, but it's been painful to flash jellybean, but it closed itself and never woke up until I reflash it or just PC Odin it with the original ICS. Any idea please.
Brick revived phones struggle to run stock roms as they are huge. try a slim rom like CM9,CM10 (try slim bean)
Wondering how to run the Jellybean.
That's probably right, but the ICS stock roms are still the same size as Jellybean. At first, it is smooth like liquid, but then I can never start it up again from its force-close. After having tried the Ultimate Jellybean XXLSC 5.1, being back on ICS is just so boring. Even games like Asphalt 7 runs smoother on Jellybean too. But like I said it closes itself after using it a while. If you guys have any tip instead of having to try CMs because CM is the one that I had my device bricked even with safe Kernal on it, please let me know. I really want the stable Jellybean that won't close itself and that I can always restart again. Or I am stuck with slow boring ICS. By the way, I use SD card to store all the big programs.
nokiamodeln91 said:
Brick revived phones struggle to run stock roms as they are huge. try a slim rom like CM9,CM10 (try slim bean)
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Try this...
Download a Gingerbread ROM from Dr. Ketan's Thread.
Flash it using PC-ODIN.
Then install an ICS ROM (try Kingdroid). Do a factory reset.
Then you can follow all instructions mentioned on the OP of Ultimate JB ROM v5.1.
I had bricked my NOTE a few weeks back by mistake. I tried lots of things to go back to JB Roms....But kept getting stuckat some point or the other. Then finally I started with Gingerbread, then went to ICS and then to Ultimate JB ROM.
All is fine now
Just my 2 cents
With so many horror stories being posted, I don't know what to believe. When will it be relatively safe for us to update to ics?
I came from an HD2, and that was a treasure for flashing different roms. But it seems like the note is so easy to brick.
Edit: All I've done so far is root my note using Dr. Ketan's method.
It's mainly horror stories. Dozens, if not more already flashed to ICS without any problems. Of course there is occasionaly someone with bad luck, but that is also on the OTA updates. Every now and again something goes wrong, but it's a small chance and usually you are still able to fix it afterwards.
So just stick closely to the manual, don't cut corners and you'll probably be okay.
Otherwise, just wait for the OTAs. That's what I'm doing, but that is mainly because I'm a little lazy. However when I got the ICS kernel I'll put vanilla ICS over it.
I've flashed dozends of ROMs on my old HTC desire including ICS. At the end it worked always fine.
1. Backup
2. Wait after flashing - some roms need their time. After 10 min I've sometimes put out the battery to restart...
3. Enjoy
So don't fear!
I'm waiting for ICS OTA also. There have been lots of mixed reports with the previously leaked ICS ROMS - some bricked and some not. I've had a great run with flashing GB ROMs and Kernels but will wait for more official versions.
BTW - A colleague has a Note about four weeks old bought via the web. It turned out to be a German handset and he was successfully able to flash via KIES. I'm jealous - my Note 6 months old and I am still waiting for official ICS !
If you dont have any crazy combination of rom with custom kernel and cwm then is fine
Just dont wipe before flashing
And wipe after flashing
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The fact that we have had ANY bricks at all suggests to me that this is not safe to flash, and even though I have been able to successfully flash LPY and run it, (not without problems), the bit that concerns me is the bricking due to large file copying which has been mentioned by various people.
Since I regularly copy large files to and from the device, I do not plan to subject my device to testing the theory.
I flashed ics yesterday and everything went fine, Iam always paranoid when comes to flashing but research before actual flash is vital! SEARCH button overheats and Iam ALWAYS following instructions!
Dont know what would I do without xda and those so capaple devs!
Galaxy Note!!!
I have flashed LPY a total of 3 times so far without any problems. I have wiped/deleted cache etc etc. The Bricks are all related to modified kernels and CWM. If you you use the stock LPY kernel then all will be fine.
I have also flashed CM9 several times and had no issues what so ever.
If you need root on LPY best method is to flash a GB rom and get root, then use mobile odin with the everoot option to flash LPY.
DO NOT flash the CF Root kernel, This is where problems may start. Keep it Stock and all should be fine.
nandihno said:
Just dont wipe before flashing
And wipe after flashing
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Why is it safe to wipe after flashing and not before? I thought it was the other way around?
neos_83 said:
Why is it safe to wipe after flashing and not before? I thought it was the other way around?
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It is the other way around.
Anyway, I fear this might be another superbrick in the making...
And another one...
vetchems said:
I have flashed LPY a total of 3 times so far without any problems. I have wiped/deleted cache etc etc. The Bricks are all related to modified kernels and CWM. If you you use the stock LPY kernel then all will be fine.
I have also flashed CM9 several times and had no issues what so ever.
If you need root on LPY best method is to flash a GB rom and get root, then use mobile odin with the everoot option to flash LPY.
DO NOT flash the CF Root kernel, This is where problems may start. Keep it Stock and all should be fine.
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This is exactly what I did...
Mobile Odin Pro inject SuperSU and everroot......NO CF ROOT had a good GB ROM and Kernel. Only wipe done was done by Mobile Odin Pro
No I am 100% stock IPY with root...The fun will start when I begin flashing custom ROMS. Will need to flash CWR for that.
to answer the original question... no... because i thoroughly read as much as i can find before i flash anything...even google it to see if there are problems ... hence i have ics rumming and running without any strange issues...
tbong777 said:
This is exactly what I did...
Mobile Odin Pro inject SuperSU and everroot......NO CF ROOT had a good GB ROM and Kernel. Only wipe done was done by Mobile Odin Pro
No I am 100% stock IPY with root...The fun will start when I begin flashing custom ROMS. Will need to flash CWR for that.
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I decided I did not want to "tip toe" around my normal processes with this device and went ahead and flashed CF Root with CWM. Going to need CWM to flash Roms and the LPY kernel has nt proven to be all that safe either. There is at least one case of a Superbrick wiping from Stock Recovery.
I bought these devices to mess with. I have a back up S2 and the s3 is out....Worst that can happen is I sell for parts.
well i am lucky so far as i dint have any issue with my note even after flashing lpy somany times from cwm may b me lucky till now
I'm terrified of flashing any roms on now after all the horror stories. I honestly don't even really care if I have ICS. I just hate how slow the stock ROM is. I would be very very happy with CM7 with SPen functionality.
This kind of sucks coming from an LG G2X which had so many stable roms and kernals to choose from
I thought a Samsung phone would have had even more but I guess not.
Probably like everyone else, I read Entropy's thread and became SUPER paranoid. He said there's no way to tell if you're slowly degrading the emmc or not unless you're on a 100% safe kernel / rom. I'm confused about the rest of the details. Apparently cm9 is 100% safe, but even the official ics can brick our note if we still have reminants of a leaked ics rom / kernel?
People alot more knowledgable than me have been bricking their note, so I will wait for an idiot proof method.
I would luv to see a step by step guide on video.
Also still dont grasp the fact that even if we put an official ics from Germany will won't get upgrades.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
I've been using lpy since release, and although I've had no problems so far, don't have cwm just root, but the more posts IM reading about people experiencing bricks from many different methods is definitively scaring me.
Chasmodo is a very reputable developer as is Entropy. I heed their words and will flash back to GB today, it's just not worth the risk.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Thijsvr said:
It's mainly horror stories. Dozens, if not more already flashed to ICS without any problems. Of course there is occasionaly someone with bad luck, but that is also on the OTA updates. Every now and again something goes wrong, but it's a small chance and usually you are still able to fix it afterwards.
So just stick closely to the manual, don't cut corners and you'll probably be okay.
Otherwise, just wait for the OTAs. That's what I'm doing, but that is mainly because I'm a little lazy. However when I got the ICS kernel I'll put vanilla ICS over it.
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I also initially thought it was all speculation and anecdotal evidence. However, it appears that at least one user who has upgraded a brand new Note via Kies to LPY and wiped immediately thereafter has bricked his device.
That being said, I updated via PC Odin, rooted with temp CWM and full wiped from stock recovery thereafter without any issues (so far, been 3-4 days now). The performance improvements that ICS brings are significant, IMHO.
Basically, update if you really want to and refrain from wiping if possible (i.e. if you are not facing any FCs etc).
First of all, sorry for the absurd title. Couldn't think of anything else.
Anyways, since the time I've got my GN, I've flashed CheckROM (GB), TeamRocket's ICS, Imilka's AOSP, Stunner and I don't remember the others. Now, as discovered, there have been tons of issues with all these repacks and what not. I am on stock GB for now, tried the official ICS, couldn't get root somehow. My question is if there is any way by which I can make my note "brand new". Like nothing ever has been done to it. I don't think just flashing the stock ROM with PC Odin does that, or does it!?
flashing a stock rom, providing its a wipe rom should set it back to factory settings
Richy99 said:
flashing a stock rom, providing its a wipe rom should set it back to factory settings
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I flashed a stock GB ROM (wipe version) through PC Odin over the stock ICS. Rebooted like a 100 times and always getting FC messages. All my apps are crashing, gapps crashes all the time. Had to reflash the stock ROM like 5 times, working fine for now..
dr ketan has a nice how to... follow it and you should be fine...
I love playing around with my Note N700 and trying every rom, but I have become a little worried of late with bricking it. So am I right to think (after reading things said all over these forums) that no rom based on either ICS 4 is safe from bricking?
Also is it true that even if you do it right and have the one rom on it and it runs well your phone can still brick at any time?
belveder69 said:
I love playing around with my Note N700 and trying every rom, but I have become a little worried of late with bricking it. So am I right to think (after reading things said all over these forums) that no rom based on either ICS 4 is safe from bricking?
Also is it true that even if you do it right and have the one rom on it and it runs well your phone can still brick at any time?
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The only safe ICS Roms at the moment are:
1. official CM9
2. Asylum
3. Paranoid
All other ICS Roms contain LP1, LP5, LP6, LPY or LPF kernels, which are known to be able
to brick phones after doing a wipe/format/flash from CWMR.
So, does that mean if you:
Are like me, never flashed anything other than kies rom updates,
Never used CWM, never wiped, never modded the rom.
Updated to ICS using Kies, then used the cwm method to root
the rom....and I've never wiped after the update, or anything else...
Phone runs fine, NO issues, then I'm "safe"?
I appreciate the cooks for doing what they do, but I pretty much stick
with release roms from the manufacturer. My days of spending all evening
tweaking the computer to get .5% better performance along with modding
build.prop files etc are over. My computer & phones are just "toaster ovens".
I turn them on and use them LOL. At the end of the work day, I"m just too
tired to screw with it.
p51d007 said:
So, does that mean if you:
Are like me, never flashed anything other than kies rom updates,
Never used CWM, never wiped, never modded the rom.
Updated to ICS using Kies, then used the cwm method to root
the rom....and I've never wiped after the update, or anything else...
Phone runs fine, NO issues, then I'm "safe"?
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You should be safe, yes.
Greetings to all,
I am new to these forums as well as the curious world of rooting, flashing ROMS, etc, it is all very interesting to me. After simply scouring and reading for many months I have chosen to do a bit of tinkering with my new N7000. A few days ago I followed Dr. Ketan's guide here ----> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1424997 and used Odin to flash LPY (Open Germany). Everything was fine, however after reading a few posts about hardbricking, specifically this one by Entropy512 ----> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1633943 I realized that LPY was unsafe and heeded the warning to switch off of that version. Using the same steps I used before in Dr Ketan's guide I used Odin to go back to GB, specifically version N7000XEULA1 (Europe) which to my knowledge is the version my Note would have come with out of box living in Ireland.
After reverting back to GB I have been getting this warning "The process android.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly" with the option to Force Close. My instincts tell me to do a factory reset but I have read many posts about not doing any factory resets from recovery. Here lies my question: What is my next move if I wish to revert back to the currently available version of GB that would be available to me before I started tinkering? I realize now that maybe I need to do a little bit more research before venturing down the dark path of flashing ROMs as I have no interest in bricking my phone...eeek!
I am in Ireland running on the Meteor network. Current Kernal version is [email protected]#2 I never rooted my phone throughout this process to my knowledge.
Any assistance would be very appreciated and certainly rewarded with a "Thanks"
Good to wipe now you're on GB.
Thanks for the response Towserspvm2000, much appriciated. I did as you suggested and all looks fine. I guess it is only dangerous to wipe from recovery while on ICS ROMs then? Are you only at risk of hardbricking if you are rooted and using LPY ICS or is unrooted LPY ICS dangerous as well? I went the unrooted route because I thought it was safer and more simple as I am new to this and trying to learn something. I appreciate what all you guys do. Thanks again.
Justinbuckley said:
Are you only at risk of hardbricking if you are rooted and using LPY ICS or is unrooted LPY ICS dangerous as well?
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That is the 64,000 dollar question. Just don't wipe from any of the ICS roms. If i'm on ICS and something goes wrong, I always PC Odin back to GB before doing anything else. I've always had root too.
I much preferred ICS to GB, but I'm sticking to GB for now, until the delvelopers on here and/or samsung know where the problem lies exactly.
Yeah I much prefer ICS as well. I was on the HTC One X (a beast of a phone when it works, very powerful) which comes with ICS out of box but after having to return 2 of them because of hardware issues I came over to the Note. I love it but the lack of ICS is killing me, it's just a superior OS and the few days I had it on the Note were great but can't risk breaking such an expensive device. I'm with you on waiting until a more stable version is out so I'll cheer from the sidelines until I learn more. The amount of info on these forums is great but for a noobie like me it's a bit overload and no matter how much you read you still have questions (and I even work in IT so I'm not 100% lost)
@Justinbuckley I read somewhere in the forum a signature line which basically inspired me to venture into 'dark world of roms'.. The line was "Its not important which phone you have, what matters is how much you can mod it"
And ya, I think since you are on GB, you should go ahead and do a flashing again for any custom stable rom of GB first. I would suggest Rocket ROM or Check ROM.
This android.process.... Problem should get solved first
Thanks for the encouraging words. I didn't mean to suggest that I was put off of flashing ROMs and learning more about development, I just realized that maybe I bit off a bit more than I can chew initially. I will continue to read and learn from the big guys but maybe stick with GB based ROMs for now as they seem to be more safe. I will do some more scouring and perhaps try Rocket but isn't that also an LPY kernal which is what we have been advised to stay away from? Is it valid to say that ROM flashing while unrooted is generally "safer" than flashing ROMs you need to be rooted for? Or are you limited to what you can flash if you are not rooted? Learning more by the day!
I will reply soon when I wake up.. and its alright. :beer:
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Justinbuckley said:
Thanks for the encouraging words. I didn't mean to suggest that I was put off of flashing ROMs and learning more about development, I just realized that maybe I bit off a bit more than I can chew initially. I will continue to read and learn from the big guys but maybe stick with GB based ROMs for now as they seem to be more safe. I will do some more scouring and perhaps try Rocket but isn't that also an LPY kernal which is what we have been advised to stay away from? Is it valid to say that ROM flashing while unrooted is generally "safer" than flashing ROMs you need to be rooted for? Or are you limited to what you can flash if you are not rooted? Learning more by the day!
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Alright. Here is the ROCKETROM GINGERBREAD version(which I was talking about ):
The GB version is pretty stable and good working. I always keep it as a backup GB ROM whenever I revert from ICS to GB.
Well, I would say that there are two types of ICS ROMs which I found and was quite ambiguous at the first time when I was a beginner. Here are the both:
1. RocketROM ICS V2: Based on LPY ROM. (Recommended*)
Link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1654838
2. TeamRocket : which I believe is based on chinese leak.
*If you want desperately the TouchWIZ based rom then go for RocketROM than TeamRocket.
Aye, RocketROM is ICS based on LPY (Boooo ! ) kernel. And it is risky. All LPY, LPF kernels are risky at the moment.
So if you want to move to ICS safely and also desperate to get the 'so far' best features out of your Note, then go for AOSP based roms. They are not cooked in a kitchen. They are properly developed. I suggest you should go for Asylum ICS or ParanoidAndroid or MIUI 2.0 etc. All these are based on CM9 Build which is safe.
About: Is it valid to say that ROM flashing while unrooted is generally "safer" than flashing ROMs you need to be rooted for?
Ahh, see rooting doesn't have any effect on bricking as far as I believe. Its the bootloader which is acts as the bomb. And that slacky emmc bug in ICS is the trigger to make that bomb go off. So more than rooting and unrooting, the technique of install should be precise to what the Dev has prescribed. They surely know a gazillion more info than what any of us know
About: Or are you limited to what you can flash if you are not rooted?
I guess PC Odin should do its job for flashing phone without root. If you want to know more, refer to Dr. Ketan's Guide on how to flash the firmwares using Odin.
So, this is give you the crux of what's happening in the sea! xD
Always, think twice & read thrice before flashing any ROM.
Also remember, samsung knows how many flashes you have made till now
Good luck!
---------- Post added at 09:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 AM ----------
badjaguar007 said:
Alright. Here is the ROCKETROM GINGERBREAD version(which I was talking about ):
The GB version is pretty stable and good working. I always keep it as a backup GB ROM whenever I revert from ICS to GB.
Well, I would say that there are two types of ICS ROMs which I found and was quite ambiguous at the first time when I was a beginner. Here are the both:
1. RocketROM ICS V2: Based on LPY ROM. (Recommended*)
Link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1654838
2. TeamRocket : which I believe is based on chinese leak.
*If you want desperately the TouchWIZ based rom then go for RocketROM than TeamRocket.
Aye, RocketROM is ICS based on LPY (Boooo ! ) kernel. And it is risky. All LPY, LPF kernels are risky at the moment.
So if you want to move to ICS safely and also desperate to get the 'so far' best features out of your Note, then go for AOSP based roms. They are not cooked in a kitchen. They are properly developed. I suggest you should go for Asylum ICS or ParanoidAndroid or MIUI 2.0 etc. All these are based on CM9 Build which is safe.
About: Is it valid to say that ROM flashing while unrooted is generally "safer" than flashing ROMs you need to be rooted for?
Ahh, see rooting doesn't have any effect on bricking as far as I believe. Its the bootloader which is acts as the bomb. And that slacky emmc bug in ICS is the trigger to make that bomb go off. So more than rooting and unrooting, the technique of install should be precise to what the Dev has prescribed. They surely know a gazillion more info than what any of us know
About: Or are you limited to what you can flash if you are not rooted?
I guess PC Odin should do its job for flashing phone without root. If you want to know more, refer to Dr. Ketan's Guide on how to flash the firmwares using Odin.
So, this is give you the crux of what's happening in the sea! xD
Always, think twice & read thrice before flashing any ROM.
Also remember, samsung knows how many flashes you have made till now
Good luck!
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And ya I woke up
Just a great post, I think I am going to go for one of the CM9 build ROMs as I think I should stay away from LPY for now. I know many of the ICS roms don't have s-pen capability which is really a deal breaker for me, I'll do some more research now to se if the CM9's do. ICS was promised in Q2 (and in Q1) so that should be by today if I'm not mistaken. What's the deal with Samsung? Sheesh!
Seems that there really is no added danger in rooting your phone and that there is a lot to gain from doing it. I may have to do this.
Glad you woke up from your beer coma! lol
i did the same thing
in my brothers phone we went from LPY TO ALC1
follow these instructions... there are for safely change any rom , go in ICS and back etc
the files you need are in a rar in my public drop box.. you have there ANYTHING you need without reading post after post and getting confused..
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/43609376/Steps for a Rooted GB/Steps for a safe rooted rom.exe
1. i connect the phone to the pc (while i have ticked in my phone
the "usb debuging " option ) you find it in "applications" -> development -> usb debuging
i wait for the pc to install the phone drivers
and i open Odin 1.85
thourgh odin i use the files of the folder
with the order showed in the pic "odin file order"
i press start .
the phone is now rooted and i just need CWM
i choose in the folder
the file "already-rooted.bat"
i follow the pc screen instructions and let the program do it's thing. when it's finished
it will tell me to reboot ...
now i have a safe rooted phone with CWM , (the program i need to have in my boot menu for endless custom roms)
3. for ANY custom rom .. GB or ICS ,that i want to install
Four steps to installing any rom for galaxy note
a. put the file abyss 4.2 into your phone reboot to recovery
choose install zip and then choose the file... now you have Abyss kernel.
b. press reboot to recovery ( just to be sure )
c.chose wipe Data, cache and in advanced the dalvike cache wipe
d. if you want to be extra cool reboot to recovery one more and
chose the custom rom of your choise (the one you have downloaded allready and placed inside the phone waiting
as a zip file..
This is the universal instructions for any ics rom installation.
No brick and maintain root.
Justinbuckley said:
Just a great post, I think I am going to go for one of the CM9 build ROMs as I think I should stay away from LPY for now. I know many of the ICS roms don't have s-pen capability which is really a deal breaker for me, I'll do some more research now to se if the CM9's do. ICS was promised in Q2 (and in Q1) so that should be by today if I'm not mistaken. What's the deal with Samsung? Sheesh!
Seems that there really is no added danger in rooting your phone and that there is a lot to gain from doing it. I may have to do this.
Glad you woke up from your beer coma! lol
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Haha. Chuckles! And ya I would say one more thing. Always before wiping and switching to any ICS, I made a policy to revert back to stable GB. Even though I don't expect you to follow that (I know its a tiresome process), but at the times of flashing risky kernel make sure you do go back to a GB
Must I be rooted to flash a CM9 ROM like Paranoidandroid?
Also, just to be clear, is this installation process different than when I flashed LPY using ODIN because that is the only kind I have done thus far. Haven't done the flash from the sd card yet.
Visit the Thread of Asylum ICS or ParanoidAndroid. I guess you should use search button. You will get it. And ya make sure you find the ROM under your phone's development section only Else many have wrongly flashed Samsung S2 ROMs
I really have been using the search button, and have scoured that thread, I find the instructions for install to not be very beginner friendly which is why I asked. The fact many have flashed the SGS2 ROM is probably evidence of that I'd say. I'll keep looking though.
I own a Galaxy Note GT-N7000.
I never rooted it, just used two official updates provided by Samsung and then flashed the original 4.1.2 using Odin.
I have rooted my older Android phones (San Francisco) and used to try all kinds of ROM's on many Windows Mobile phones - I am not a exactly a noob, I just did not mess with my Note, because I am happy with it just like it is and because it is my work phone, which needs to be 100% working.
However, battery life is getting shorter (so I just ordered a new original Samsung battery) and, worse, the phone is getting more and more unresponsive.
This is the real problem: whenever I want to do something, it takes like 1-2 seconds, if not longer, before the phone reacts. This is very annoying. I don't have that many apps installed (I just stick with my preferred ones, instead of betting on sheer quantity). Still, the other day, the phone complained that there is no free space to install upgrades of some apps.
To make it short: how can I install a clean original 4.1.2 as if my phone was just purchased, i.e. with a clean flash?
Before you flame me and tell me I should spend the next month reading the forum: I already did!
I am afraid of the brick bug, so I guess that doing a wipe of the flash is not an option, as i guess that the bug has not been fixed by Samsung on 4.1.2. On the other hand, I do not want to root my phone, to install some custom kernel, to then wipe the flash and revert to the official ROM, risking to activate the counter, etc. Not that I don't know my way around flashing, soldering, building the flash dongle or even JTAG - I just don't have the time and nerve.
So my simple question: How do I securely wipe the flash and install a clean official 4.1.2 ROM on my phone, getting rind of 2 years of garbage files and God knows what else is slowing down my phone.
Many thanks for those guiding my way - I don't want to believe that there is a planned obsolescence in course, like Samsung building a timer that makes the phone get slower and slower...
If you really want to enjoy the speed of your phone, IMO, you should go ahead and try CM /AOSP roms. They will give you some time out of the "slowness".
Just saying. On the other had if you want to be on the stock TW 4.1.2 rom, then doing a factory reset from the recovery will do the job. JB kernels for 4.1.2 seems to be safe to do a reset as there has not been cases of bricking on stock JB kernel.
But what my method would be to...
1. Install Philz kernel for JB using recovery and boot into recovery again... to get CWM recovery this time
2. Choose wipe data/factory reset ----> Clean for new rom install. (this will delete the current rom, data and cache)
3. Mounts and Storage -> Format Internal storage.
4. Mount USB storage and connect to PC... delete all files
5. Go to advanced menu and choose reboot download.
6. connect to PC and flash stock rom JB using odin,
Thanks for your reply.
However, you say:
nokiamodeln91 said:
On the other had if you want to be on the stock TW 4.1.2 rom, then doing a factory reset from the recovery will do the job. JB kernels for 4.1.2 seems to be safe to do a reset as there has not been cases of bricking on stock JB kernel.
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While in another post it says:
"Warning :
Don't wipe anything from stock ICS recovery
Don't factory reset/Hard reset on stock ICS.
Don't flash any Wipe version of ICS ROM"
This is what I don't get... Is it safe or not? Does this warning only apply to ICS, while JB is safe?
Its applies only to ICS stock kernels. There is no evidence to prove that JB is safe. but Samsung seems to have suppressed the bug on JB kernels.
nokiamodeln91 said:
Its applies only to ICS stock kernels. There is no evidence to prove that JB is safe. but Samsung seems to have suppressed the bug on JB kernels.
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Thank you for your kind help!
I will probably work on my Note this weekend.