Sometimes we need to restore the original values in our x8, for something that went wrong in updated kernel or rom.
It happened to me and when I tried to repair my phone with Sony PC Companion got this error
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I managed to solve my issue alert by Sony Update Service
which can be downloaded here:[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
I leave here some screen shots of every step.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
There is always flashtool as an alternative to your alternative to pccompanion
Sent from my X8 using xda premium
stamatis said:
There is always flashtool as an alternative to your alternative to pccompanion
Sent from my X8 using xda premium
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This is for another day when I have more time
Using flashtool flash stock .tft file.
It's a easy offline tool to restore
Officially corp via W8 using ixperia
SEUS never worked for me in Windows 8
leecorp said:
Using flashtool flash stock .tft file.
It's a easy offline tool to restore
Officially corp via W8 using ixperia
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It's very important to those who don't have internet connection in PC
like me
Sent from my X8 using xda app-developers app
Facepalm , you made a tutorial with pictures but that pictures are not in english :|
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Cant install chainfire 3d
Here my problem :
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Can somebody solve this Problem or help me?
scharbel said:
Cant install chainfire 3d
Here my problem :
View attachment 953394
Can somebody solve this Problem or help me?
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Click to "install" nop?
I thinks that I have do this.
I have to click on install now. Right?
On my last Rom minicm 2.1.9 i have click on install then my x8 not Reboot.
Now i have xperience v5 and When i click on install then my x8 not Reboot, or not?
scharbel said:
On my last Rom minicm 2.1.9 i have click on install then my x8 not Reboot.
Now i have xperience v5 and When i click on install then my x8 not Reboot, or not?
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I think you have to do that.
But I am not responsible for anything, I think that I did that
A greeting!
Ok When i make a back up before i click install
I can restore it again?
Sent from my E15a using xda premium
scharbel said:
Ok When i make a back up before i click install
I can restore it again?
Sent from my E15a using xda premium
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Stop worrying so much. It says it 'may' reboot. It's not supposed to. Read it carefully.
If it makes you happy make a backup, but there should be no problem installing it.
Sent from my E15i using xda premium
Hi guys! After flashing a stock firmware with flashtool today, I got a screen that I have never heard about before.
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If anyone knows what this screen means, please enlighten me as I'm new to the Xperia flashing scene ( came from a Samsung phone haha)
Sent from my C6603 using xda app-developers app
Pr4aveen said:
Hi guys! After flashing a stock firmware with flashtool today, I got a screen that I have never heard about before.
View attachment 2066529
If anyone knows what this screen means, please enlighten me as I'm new to the Xperia flashing scene ( came from a Samsung phone haha)
Sent from my C6603 using xda app-developers app
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Try to reflash... flashtool/pcc / repair option for ppc
Thanks for your comment.It's not that it's not working. It's just that the screen always comes when I flash a new rom. The phone works normally though. I'm just wondering what that screen is
Sent from my C6603 using xda app-developers app
don't know why that screen shows up but I flashed stock rom twice in my live and everytime that screen came up - just pressed "turn off" and then switched the phone again and everything was ok.
It's normal.
Sometimes happens after the latest NFC firmware update.
Thank you!
Sent from my C6603 using xda app-developers app
Hey guys.
I am absolutely new in Android hacking/rooting/rom things. I could do the rooting and I could flash the TWRP recovery (after really stressfull and long hours). So know I want to flash tonyp's rom (T-Bulid).
And my question is what (new or old) bootloader is my o2x (p990) using right now? Any help? Thank u so much and sry for the grammar iam not native English.
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda app-developers app
sziszo said:
Hey guys.
I am absolutely new in Android hacking/rooting/rom things. I could do the rooting and I could flash the TWRP recovery (after really stressfull and long hours). So know I want to flash tonyp's rom (T-Bulid).
And my question is what (new or old) bootloader is my o2x (p990) using right now? Any help? Thank u so much and sry for the grammar iam not native English.
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda app-developers app
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If you are with a new device with ics loaded...then all chances that you are with new boot loader as stock is with new boot loader but not locked....
Use the all in one tool kit by spyrosk, check it in development thread....and then root it, flash the recovery, then download the correct ROM and kernel....flash it
Search is a good option my friend
If you have recovery....while rebooting to logo is new boot loader and grey is old
If you need any more support other than me...
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda premium
As my man Sree said.
If still confused...
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guys thank you so much you both saved my life
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda app-developers app
Hi, i have Xperia SP (C5302) with stock 245 firmware and kernel, rooted, locked BL and trying to upgrade my phone into 254.
I've downloaded the updates via OTA and ready to install. When i press "install", my phone is rebooted and install the updates. But in a half way, it stopped and it booted into the system. I thought it was finished but it wasn't. It said "couldn't install" :/
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What's wrong with my phone? I'm indonesian. Isn't my country supported with OTA upgrades?
Sent from my C5302 using Tapatalk 2
For ota to work you need a unmodded phone try hidding root with apps like hide my root.
Also if you have modded any part of the system files ie deleted, added,deodexed,it will fail.
You need phone to be in completely stock in untouched condition
Sent from my C5303 using xda premium
i have the same problem. mine is deodexed, thats why i think. is there a way to odex the rom again?
zolaisugly said:
For ota to work you need a unmodded phone try hidding root with apps like hide my root.
Also if you have modded any part of the system files ie deleted, added,deodexed,it will fail.
You need phone to be in completely stock in untouched condition
Sent from my C5303 using xda premium
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Ah okay i got it! It's because my phone's deodexed hahaha. Thanks zolaisugly for the answers
Sent from my C5302 using Tapatalk 2
Any idea guys on why my SP LTE is detected as an ordinary SP?.. Could it be with the kernel or any system apps?
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Its to do with build prob.
Look in system for file called build prob
Open with text viewer and see if it says c5302.
It might be because you flashed a c5302 ROM instead of c5303.
I think you can change build prob with editor with out probs but best do a backup before you change anything.
To change build prob you need to be rooted.
Sent from my C5303 using xda premium
zolaisugly said:
Its to do with build prob.
Look in system for file called build prob
Open with text viewer and see if it says c5302.
It might be because you flashed a c5302 ROM instead of c5303.
I think you can change build prob with editor with out probs but best do a backup before you change anything.
To change build prob you need to be rooted.
Sent from my C5303 using xda premium
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But everything is C5303 on my build.prop.... Aside from build.prop, I think there is some other files that affect this...
Thanks for the tip btw..
Did you find a solution to this problem?
unable USB debugging, connect to PC (now it should say C5303) and re enable USB debugging
Nanostray said:
unable USB debugging, connect to PC (now it should say C5303) and re enable USB debugging
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Did not work, I am using the existenz rom 1.3.7