C5303 is detected by PC Companion as C5302 - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Any idea guys on why my SP LTE is detected as an ordinary SP?.. Could it be with the kernel or any system apps?
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Its to do with build prob.
Look in system for file called build prob
Open with text viewer and see if it says c5302.
It might be because you flashed a c5302 ROM instead of c5303.
I think you can change build prob with editor with out probs but best do a backup before you change anything.
To change build prob you need to be rooted.
Sent from my C5303 using xda premium

zolaisugly said:
Its to do with build prob.
Look in system for file called build prob
Open with text viewer and see if it says c5302.
It might be because you flashed a c5302 ROM instead of c5303.
I think you can change build prob with editor with out probs but best do a backup before you change anything.
To change build prob you need to be rooted.
Sent from my C5303 using xda premium
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But everything is C5303 on my build.prop.... Aside from build.prop, I think there is some other files that affect this...
Thanks for the tip btw..

Did you find a solution to this problem?

unable USB debugging, connect to PC (now it should say C5303) and re enable USB debugging

Nanostray said:
unable USB debugging, connect to PC (now it should say C5303) and re enable USB debugging
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Did not work, I am using the existenz rom 1.3.7


[Q] Help, Can't update my baseband + rom

I have a problem with the Smartflash tool, i'll have downloaded te files for update my baseband to 606 and my version to 10c, only i won't do it.
Because my english is not very well, i have make some pictures, maybe you can understand it better.
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He said:
Flashtool is disconnected with target.
Then he gives after three seconds this:
My settings are:
I have tried everything, reinstall the driver, reinstall nvflash, unroot, stock rom.
Can someone help me with this problem?
The v10b with baseband update was no problem.
ps: Sorry for my bad english.
Weird stuff.
Did you try other usb port?
Did you enter recovery mode on your phone?
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
xmoo said:
Weird stuff.
Did you try other usb port?
Did you enter recovery mode on your phone?
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App
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I have tried both, but same problem.
Go ahead and try my guide!
Optimus2XPrime said:
Go ahead and try my guide!
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I've tried but i'ts not working.
Please can somebody give me a solution, because my smartphone is a mess.
problem is solved, i have updated the driver.
De1v3c1o said:
problem is solved, i have updated the driver.
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What driver you update ?
I have the same issue

Alternative to Sony PC Companion

Sometimes we need to restore the original values ​​in our x8, for something that went wrong in updated kernel or rom.
It happened to me and when I tried to repair my phone with Sony PC Companion got this error​
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I managed to solve my issue alert by Sony Update Service
which can be downloaded here: http://www.sonymobile.com/br/tools/update-service/[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
I leave here some screen shots of every step.​
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
There is always flashtool as an alternative to your alternative to pccompanion
Sent from my X8 using xda premium
stamatis said:
There is always flashtool as an alternative to your alternative to pccompanion
Sent from my X8 using xda premium
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This is for another day when I have more time
Using flashtool flash stock .tft file.
It's a easy offline tool to restore
Officially corp via W8 using ixperia
SEUS never worked for me in Windows 8
leecorp said:
Using flashtool flash stock .tft file.
It's a easy offline tool to restore
Officially corp via W8 using ixperia
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It's very important to those who don't have internet connection in PC
like me
Sent from my X8 using xda app-developers app
Facepalm , you made a tutorial with pictures but that pictures are not in english :|
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium

[Q] Why doesn't Flashtool flash my Xperia?

I just got an used Xperia Z I and I immediately wanted to root it. I has the newest firmware and so tried this guide by DooMLorD. The thing is I can't get past the second step. This is what I get:
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As you can see, the Wipe option is empty and pressing the flash button won't flash it anyways. Unknown sources and usb debugging is turned on
and it's connected in flash mode. Can you help me out?
Firstly, just to make sure that you have everything setup properly and are following the correct procedure - How to flash stock roms with Flashtool
Next; the wipe option is not supposed to be there, as the FTF doesn't contain /data (or anything but the kernel).
And finally, I do not connect my phone in flashmode until after pressing the 'Flash' button and being prompted to. Give that a try.
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk 4
kingvortex said:
Firstly, just to make sure that you have everything setup properly and are following the correct procedure - How to flash stock roms with Flashtool
Next; the wipe option is not supposed to be there, as the FTF doesn't contain /data (or anything but the kernel).
And finally, I do not connect my phone in flashmode until after pressing the 'Flash' button and being prompted to. Give that a try.
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk 4
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Thank you for the reply. It was like you said. Connect in flash mode after Flashtool prepped the kernel. Silly me, but I am happy now
Looking forward to tinker with the phone with the help of this wonderful community :laugh:
Happy to have helped.
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk 4

[Q] Can't upgrade to 2.254 via OTA

Hi, i have Xperia SP (C5302) with stock 245 firmware and kernel, rooted, locked BL and trying to upgrade my phone into 254.
I've downloaded the updates via OTA and ready to install. When i press "install", my phone is rebooted and install the updates. But in a half way, it stopped and it booted into the system. I thought it was finished but it wasn't. It said "couldn't install" :/
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What's wrong with my phone? I'm indonesian. Isn't my country supported with OTA upgrades?
Sent from my C5302 using Tapatalk 2
For ota to work you need a unmodded phone try hidding root with apps like hide my root.
Also if you have modded any part of the system files ie deleted, added,deodexed,it will fail.
You need phone to be in completely stock in untouched condition
Sent from my C5303 using xda premium
i have the same problem. mine is deodexed, thats why i think. is there a way to odex the rom again?
zolaisugly said:
For ota to work you need a unmodded phone try hidding root with apps like hide my root.
Also if you have modded any part of the system files ie deleted, added,deodexed,it will fail.
You need phone to be in completely stock in untouched condition
Sent from my C5303 using xda premium
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Ah okay i got it! It's because my phone's deodexed hahaha. Thanks zolaisugly for the answers
Sent from my C5302 using Tapatalk 2

[Q] what it the safetest way to upgrade 870a from 4.4.2 to 5.0?

the reason i want to upgrade is because i can't do wi-fi tethering at 4.4.2
and the camera app crash everytime , and i need to restart everytime to fix it
this is the info of my phone (unrooted)
i was read a lot of things here but can't get final decision ...
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no one know ?
i don't want to flash my phone and find out i bricked him...
i made a mistake and bought at&t phone while i am live international , there is no at&t here
then i can't use FOTA
and as i said, i can't do wi-fi tethering at 4.4.2
and the camera app crash everytime
any help please?
Post 1 and 2 both helped. The link in post 2 has all the files.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
stew1411 said:
Post 1 and 2 both helped. The link in post 2 has all the files.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
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but it just more confuse me...
many talks about soft bricks
and 4.4.4
no talking about 4.4.2 that this is my situation now
You would have to flash all the files in succession. Download a file, rename to update.zip, place on phone sd card, flash via recovery. Download the next and repeat the steps. They must be flashed in a certain order though.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using Tapatalk
thank you

