Google just announced that Google Play Store officially begin upgrading to the new version 4.0 progressively from today on all devices with Android 2.2 or higher during the next weeks.
The most important of Google Play Store 4.0 is its new design, a new interface much simpler, cleaner and faster in which content is displayed now style cards Google Now.
In the new design shows the larger images and a new way to organize and display applications, games, music, books, movies and other content. It gives much more priority to recommendations to always discover new content to download, and have also simplified the buying process.
Now domestic purchases within applications and games you will see a new popup for purchase to not have to exit the application. The process is now faster to complete the transaction and return to the same place where we were.
wis1152 said:
Google just announced that Google Play Store officially begin upgrading to the new version 4.0 progressively from today on all devices with Android 2.2 or higher during the next weeks.
The most important of Google Play Store 4.0 is its new design, a new interface much simpler, cleaner and faster in which content is displayed now style cards Google Now.
In the new design shows the larger images and a new way to organize and display applications, games, music, books, movies and other content. It gives much more priority to recommendations to always discover new content to download, and have also simplified the buying process.
Now domestic purchases within applications and games you will see a new popup for purchase to not have to exit the application. The process is now faster to complete the transaction and return to the same place where we were.
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thanks wis
and before everyone from outside the usa starts complaining about things not showing up in the new playstore
its because it hasnt been activated in some countrys yet
Cheers wis, this is quite nice. I like the look but at the same time it doesn't seem as functional as before since you can see half as many apps at a time.
Thanks my friends for the news
Only one question. It is necessary to install this new playstore with file manager, or is necessary to put this in system/app, set a permission and reboot a device?
g.andy said:
Thanks my friends for the news
Only one question. It is necessary to install this new playstore with file manager, or is necessary to put this in system/app, set a permission and reboot a device?
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Just install it as a normal app
Sent from my GT-i9100 using Tapatalk 2
i'm new to android and i've been waiting this since CES n now i've got it in Singapore!
However, when I switched on my 2X i found there's no any preloaded games that mentioned in the gsmarena review, the spiderman and shrek kart, tegra zone as well.The set comes with a HDMI cable too.
Anyway, that doesnt matter a lot but I dont understand why i can't buy paid apps? and market not even show those paid apps too.
ROM and stuff i'm learning now too but if there's anyone who kind enough u can simply post here, starting from the basics =D
much appreciated!
go to the appdrawer, then press on the icon named "preinstalled apps" and a list of apps will appear, including the games you mention - click on the ones you want to have installed. The apps are delivered as installation packages on the phone, but not preinstalled - LG leave it up to you to deside which of these you want to install.
erm. I cant see any appdrawer? but i clicked on the application thr's folder called preloaded apps but only 4 useless apps inside, like the compass apps etc.
and i just realise my location are not support paid apps. so if i root my hp will i able to purchase paid apps?
I wrote already similar question on Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000 thread, but didn't got right answer. Got only one answer: go menu/ my apps. LOL. It shows the apps, what you have installed on your phone..
I am looking a way how to find my paid apps on Google Play market. Early days, when Google Android OS FroYo was hard stuff and market had name Android Market, there was a way find your paid apps. Not anymore. Even with this brand new Google Play market.
I am not talking now about custom ROM's and problem to find paid apps; or market enablers. No no. I can see all my apps if I just remember the name or have took a list with App Dragon or similar app collector. But if time runs on, you have change to forgot some your paid apps. Like I had bought Minecraft pocket edition when Google Market celebrated 10 000 000 0000 downloads and the price was only 10 cent. Etc.
Problem would be solved if there is a similar value than File Managers on PC have: name, modified, type, size, or it have advanced search for your paid apps. Or there is own tab for your paid apps.
Now I am looking your help. Have you met an app, what can search your paid apps or how you search them? In my case if I go with my PC browser to Google Play market, I can see first my installed apps for current AndroidOS. In this case Mackay v4.2.2 Jelly Bean custom ROM. Below I see other larger list of apps from early days and it start from first day I used my Android phone. There are all apps what I have installed and then uninstalled. Becouse the list is so huge, it can show only from letter A to E. So, if I have one hour time to browse all list, I can find some paid apps there, but if my paid app start letter F - Z, then I can see it never again. I have lost them forever, if I cannot remember the app name.
This forum is for qualifying members to release their paid applications. Please follow up on your original thread in the appropriate forum.
Hey all. Lately I've been on a mission to "cut the Google" cord and have now worked my way down to my Nexus 4. I was wondering if anyone else in the Nexus 4 community runs a Google free device.. Maybe we can share our setups and suggestions.. Android for me isn't what it was when I first got involved.. More and more Google seems to want to dig deeper and deeper into tying everything on a phone into their servers.. I'm sorta over it and Google itself at this point with their hamfisting of their apps and services .. I love the OS, not the company.. Hence.. AOSP without Gapps..
My Google free setup right now is the following
ROM: Raskat (without any Gapps or Google Play Services obviously)
I use the following as my software sources.. Main one being 1Mobile Market which is one of the largest (and legal) Play Store alternatives.. Even has Chrome, Maps, Play Services etc if you actually want Google apps. (which would defeat the purpose but they are there)
Amazon App Store
1Mobile Market
Slide Me
Mail: I haven't ditched gmail yet as I have 3 gmail accounts and it's going to be the largest move away from Google and saving it for last. I connect with the AOSP email IMAP client for now though.
Browser: Cleared all my saved bookmarks and passwords off Googles Dashboard and manually create a list of bookmarks saved locally only in AOSP browser. Passwords all saved locally in KeePass
Contacts: I exported my contact list from the Google servers as a Vcard (then deleted them all from Google) and imported it to my contacts app. I keep a backup on a cloud service and locally if I update them.
Maps: I use MapQuest as it doesn't rely on the Google Maps API.
Calendar: is my only missing link right now as most all calender apps I found rely on Google Calenders framework to sync etc.
So far I'm enjoying it. I lost a lot of payware from the Play Store I've bought over the years but I'm learning to live without it. I'm thoroughly enjoying knowing my device is truly Google free at this point.
styckx said:
Hey all. Lately I've been on a mission to "cut the Google" cord and have now worked my way down to my Nexus 4. I was wondering if anyone else in the Nexus 4 community runs a Google free device.. Maybe we can share our setups and suggestions.. Android for me isn't what it was when I first got involved.. More and more Google seems to want to dig deeper and deeper into tying everything on a phone into their servers.. I'm sorta over it and Google itself at this point. I love the OS, not the company..
My Google free setup right now is the following
Raskat (without any Gapps obviously)
I use the following as my software sources.. Main one being 1Mobile Market which is one of the largest (and legal) Play Store alternatives.. Even has Chrome, Maps, Play Services etc if you actually want Google apps. (which would defeat the purpose but they are there)
Amazon App Store
1Mobile Market
Slide Me
Mail: I haven't ditched gmail yet as I have 3 gmail accounts and it's going to be the largest move away from Google and saving it for last. I connect with the AOSP email IMAP client for now though.
Browser: Cleared all my saved bookmarks and passwords off Googles Dashboard and manually create a list of bookmarks saved locally only in AOSP browser. No more syncing.. Passwords all saved locally in KeePass
Contacts: I exported my contact list from the Google servers as a Vcard (then deleted them all from Google) and imported it to my contacts app. I keep a backup on a cloud service and locally if I update them.
Maps: I use MapQuest as it doesn't rely on the Google Maps API.
Calendar: is my only missing link right now as most all calender apps I found rely on Google Calenders framework to sync etc.
So far I'm enjoying it. I lost a lot of payware from the Play Store I've bought over the years but I'm learning to live without it. I'm thoroughly enjoying knowing my device is truly Google free at this point.
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I, too, have cut off most of my links to Google. I would like to know if there are any more alternatives out there....
Scheherez said:
I, too, have cut off most of my links to Google. I would like to know if there are any more alternatives out there....
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Nice to see I'm not the only one here so far.. There are a lot of options out there and 100% completely possible to run a 100% completely Google free device.. AOSP is beautiful without Googles apps and Play Services hamfisted into it data mining god knows what. I also don't miss the Play Store and everything and anything having a price tag attached to it regardless of quality.
It's nice looking into the accounts section and not seeing Google or them even being an option.
Another great Maps alternative is OsmAnd Maps and Navigation
Is there also an increased battery life using your phone this way without all the processes running in the background?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Probably but I haven't really focused on that so I can't give any sound feedback. Running your device this way is more of a personal choice to get rid of "big brother Google". I liken it to dumping Ubuntu for pure Debian instead.
Sent from my Nexus 10
I have thought about doing this many times but for me it is all about the ease of the items I use from Google that make my life easier. Also, the play store has me hooked in because I have spent quite a bit on there.
Yeah I'm in the process of doing the same thing. I'll be honest Google wanting to access more and more of my data has gotten to me a little. It's okay for them to manage my mail (I've come too far), but when I get notifications about flight itineraries it goes from being convenient to conveniently creepy. To be frank, I have no doubt that Google is as responsible as any other company is with my information. And given their user base, the occasional slip up is to be expected. But the bottom line is I don't really enjoy a multinational corporation having that much access to my personal data. And no, they're not harvesting all my information and selling it to other companies to spy on me, like some think.
I just feel like they ought to be reined in a bit. And F Google+ and uploading my photos without me having ever asked. Do you, Google. Just do it without me.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
1Mobile Market? Don't they take your information too?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Nope.. I never created an account. it is optional or sign in with your Google account. Nothing to buy there really anyway. Has everything I need that is normally carried on the Play Store. Just the freeware versions.
Sent from my Nexus 10
You mentioned you use the aosp browser. Just so you know, that is a google app, and if you allow it, it will sync to your google account.....just sayin' I personally think firefox would be the first choice if you don't want anything google. It allows firefox account syncing, plugins, etc. And the plugings aren't cheesy like dolphin's. They have real ones like ab+, and all.
AOSP Browser without Google Services Framework will not sync to anything, it can't. It's Impossible. It is a plain as day web browser with local bookmarks being the only thing available. If I go to add an account in settings there isn't an option for Google because nothing Google related is on my build. It's AOSP as AOSP gets.
Sent from my Nexus 10
styckx said:
AOSP Browser without Google Services Framework will not sync to anything, it can't.
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Click to collapse gapps package. I forgot
hp420 said: gapps package. I forgot
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No problems. This has been fun and not something most actually do so.. It's out of the typical routine of things. :laugh:
Sounds interesting to try cuz I don't understand why android system is always searching for location in app ops although I have all location off
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Do not forget the article on the XDA main page:
Remove the Google from CyanogenMod with Freecygn
I would mostly/only miss Google Maps.
user822 said:
Do not forget the article on the XDA main page:
Remove the Google from CyanogenMod with Freecygn
I would mostly/only miss Google Maps.
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Thanks but. No way..
I refuse to touch Cyanogenmod with someone elses devices let alone my own devices. Cyanogenmod has been dead to me for years.
styckx said:
Thanks but. No way..
I refuse to touch Cyanogenmod with someone elses devices let alone my own devices. Cyanogenmod has been dead to me for years.
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Mind elaborating as to why? Purely curious lol. I personally only do AOSP builds, myself, but I'm interested in why you are so anti-CM? I assume nowadays it has to do with Cyanogenmod, Inc.?
EnMod said:
Mind elaborating as to why? Purely curious lol. I personally only do AOSP builds, myself, but I'm interested in why you are so anti-CM? I assume nowadays it has to do with Cyanogenmod, Inc.?
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Since you asked and I'll keep it short.
What Cyanogen Inc is now isn't a surprise to many.. Most purist (read: Fans of AOSP) Android users after CM7 saw the direction CM was heading and abandoned ship at ICS/CM9. I've said many times.. Cyanogenmod 7 was the last good Cyanogenmod. Instead of just making a cool AOSP based ROM with features they started trying to make Cyanogenmod a "thing". It all started with that terrible File Manager they shoehorned in and snowballed from there. It's laughable at best to pitch Cyanogenmod on the "AOSP Derived" line that so many still use.. At this point it's like saying the Ford Fusion is derived from the Model T (ok, that's an extreme example but you get my point). Add in everything they did when the Cyanogen Inc company was formed.
I could never imagine doing this.. I use Google for contact and calendar sync and email, bookmarks etc... even on my Lumia 520.
MameTozhio said:
I could never imagine doing this.. I use Google for contact and calendar sync and email, bookmarks etc... even on my Lumia 520.
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Yeah.. It's a personal thing. It hit me just how much data Google hoards when I randomly looked at my Google Dashboard one day and saw the Chrome Sync stats. Seeing in pictures just the sheer amount of data they have on me was a "moment". Then I started just piecing everything together about how many sectors of technology they've got their hands in all based around "providing services" over the internet. I just decided that was the end for me. I deleted all my dashboard data, went back to Firefox, deleted my Google+ accounts. I'm just going back to the old school days.. Limiting what is given to companies and lowering my online profile. For now keeping Google just for email and nothing more. It's just not per-say Google.. It's just the current trend of everything "needing" to be online and "synced" in some cloud. I don't need my entire livelihood and trends online.. No one should.. But... That's just my opinion. I can't stay away from everything (I mean I have a Facebook account) but I can do a lot to minimize what is given.
So... I've searched for a similar thread, but I didn't found any so I decided to make a new one.
As I don't want to use any google services on my telephone I had to purge Play Store also. I've searched for alternatives. I came across Fdroid - actually the store I've searched for. The only problem I've faced is there are no proprietary apps. I try to reject using of proprietary software as much as possible, but many of my friends use proprietary chat apps like WhatsApp, Viber etc.
So I've searched a solution to get this proprietary apps without much tricks...just keep it simple. I came across Aptoid - another android store, but I didn't liked the idea behind very well - you can find lots cracked apps etc. and that is not what I am looking for. Second point is - all apps are outdated - so you are missing the new version of the apps and their security and performance fixes. It didn't suited my needs so I decided to purge Aptoide.
So... after a bit of research I founded another two solutions:
APKmirror - it is a website - there is no app for it. So If you want to use it you have to go to the website and download and install .apk manually (you also need to enable Untrusted Sources in your security settings). The website has very nice interface and it looks exactly as a normal appstore. I've bookmarked it and placed it on my homescreen - so it is usable - no pain in the *** at all. The packages seems to be "trusted" as the packet signature is checked with the one of the original developer. All apps are updated - you can even download beta versions (before they hit PlayStore) and if it goes wrong... you can easily downgrade to previous verions - very nice feature. This site is related to Android Police - as it is a good source in my opinion, I think the packages there are trust-able. Is there anyone who has additional info about APKmirror?
APKpure - the second solution I came across. I wasn't able to find any additional information about this source or any review so I really have no idea who is standing behind this project. Anyway... I downloaded several apps and I checked the app signature and it seems fine - every app I checked matched the original signature of the developer. There are also "Trusted" marks same as APKmirror. All of the apps are updated. It looks pretty much like APKmirror - there is no app, just website. You can easily update your applications too so it suit all my needs. Anyway... I would like to get some additional information about it... it seems to me like mirror of PlayStore but... anyone who knows more maybe?
Apkpure has a app that you can download. Just have to watch certain apps such as play games will update to the 038 version when I am completely updated to the 030 version in the play store. Apkmirror describes this on their website when you download certain apps. Just though you should know about the app.
One thing I miss Fromm the Google play store is Google games for backup of games data and achievements. When cyanogen finishes partnership with the social gaming network, play games or whatever it's called, I'll hopefully be able to get away from the Google play store. Course devs would have to enable those servers for achievements etc, which is a long shot. Till then helium is my best friend I guess.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
I was hesitant to buy P40 Pro (I had P30 pro) because of a lack of GMS. But I am spontaneous and had a birthday... and both one
My first observations:
+Great camera - especially zoom one!
+video is better
+Has double tap to wake up, boy how I missed this I disabled it - too many self unlocks
+UFS 3 is a lot faster internal storage than 2 on P30 - downloading pictures is 2x faster over WiFi
-the screen is a bit darker than P30's?
-this huge cutout on a screen for useless (for me!) 3D camera
-has pre-applied screen protector I removed it and now is fine
-The wide camera is 18mm instead of 16mm in P30 Pro
- battery last shorter time
more + and - will come as I use it from 5 h
Now about missing services - phone clone app is by far the best cloning solution I ever used - in 5 minutes I had an almost exact copy of my P30!!! Minus Google Chrome and something else, I can't remember I miss Chrome but for now, with some minor hiccups, FireFox is filling the gap! Chrome is the best I installed it
All apps I use are up and running for the moment - future updates I need to figure it out how to backup calendar? - The internal backup app is doing the job remain to be seen restore if needed
In General, I am happy with it, only time can prove me wrong
Thanks for sharing your experiences! Still doubting to buy this phone. Chromecast and lack of Strava are the only things really holding me back at the moment.
Chrome I never use anyway (Firefox preview is nice!), I suppose Brave Browder doesn't work either? Or does it?
MajestyZ said:
Thanks for sharing your experiences! Still doubting to buy this phone. Chromecast and lack of Strava are the only things really holding me back at the moment.
Chrome I never use anyway (Firefox preview is nice!), I suppose Brave Browder doesn't work either? Or does it?
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Today using apkmirror I instaled chrome and google gallery - they work thou cant make chrome sign in with my account
Aha alright. Have you tried APKPure already? This app keeps your apps up to date as well. Or AuroraStore, it's kind of similar I believe. Same goes for the Amazon AppStore, or AppGallery of course. I just hope developers will make apps for AppGallery as well, so we can enjoy Netflix in HD instead of SD, hehe.
MajestyZ said:
Aha alright. Have you tried APKPure already? This app keeps your apps up to date as well. Or AuroraStore, it's kind of similar I believe. Same goes for the Amazon AppStore, or AppGallery of course. I just hope developers will make apps for AppGallery as well, so we can enjoy Netflix in HD instead of SD, hehe.
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I tried APKPure installing google Duo but Duo can't connect for some reason (GMS? )
pesho00 said:
I was hesitant to buy P40 Pro (I had P30 pro) because of a lack of GMS. But I am spontaneous and had a birthday... and both one
My first observations:
+Great camera - especially zoom one!
+Has double tap to wake up, boy how I missed this
-the screen is a bit darker than P30's?
-this huge cutout on a screen for useless (for me!) 3D camera
-has preaplied screen protector
-Wide camera is 18mm instead of 16mm in P30 Pro
more + and - will come as I use it from 5 h
Now about missing services - phone clone app is by far the best cloning solution I ever used - in 5 minutes I had almost exact copy of my P30!!! Minus Google Chrome and something else, I can't remember I miss Chrome but for now, with some minor hiccups FireFox is filling the gap!
All apps I use are up and running for the moment - future updates I need to figure it out how to backup calendar?
In General I am happy with it, only time can prove me wrong
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check this guide
you may be suprised how much more alternatives you can get and sometimes even much better
MajestyZ said:
Aha alright. Have you tried APKPure already? This app keeps your apps up to date as well. Or AuroraStore, it's kind of similar I believe. Same goes for the Amazon AppStore, or AppGallery of course. I just hope developers will make apps for AppGallery as well, so we can enjoy Netflix in HD instead of SD, hehe.
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As I know from my friend, Netflix can stream HD on P40 Pro. Check again please
Huaweifans said:
As I know from my friend, Netflix can stream HD on P40 Pro. Check again please
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Where did he get the APK for Netflix? I can't find one on APK pure that works.
hpsauce37 said:
Where did he get the APK for Netflix? I can't find one on APK pure that works.
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Latest Apk on Apkmirror
Huaweifans said:
Latest Apk on Apkmirror
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Says not compatible with my device. I assume you need play services installed?
hpsauce37 said:
Says not compatible with my device. I assume you need play services installed?
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Show me the DRM Info on your P40 Pro please
Huaweifans said:
Show me the DRM Info on your P40 Pro please
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Of about 120 apps there's only 1 that i really need which I can't get to run (parklio, they rely on google for the login it seems).
I can easily replace the weather apps that won't work without google, a couple of apps like Banking keep complaining about missing google play services but still work.
Somehow it feels really good to be able to get rid of google in one way or another.
After some time of usage - updating apps seems to be an issue - I played Clash of clans for some years (nursing children accounts too ) and when moved to P40 everything seems to be ok BUT new version seems to be a problem - found the game in Amazon store - when tried to install it sais uninstall first - I'll lose all accounts after new version arrived tried again this time Amazon Instaled the game as e second version without accounts ....
I have all my apps and games without GMS. Just Sparkasse Bank in Germany haven't but in the future I believe that it will be solved.
And I'm happy without GMS. And my Handy is also happy without Googles devil in my phone.
Is there a chance to run the store and other applications without pop-up notifications? I have tried several articles but none of them remove notifications about the lack of certificates. After 30 minutes of attempts, google frimework id returns, I delete the old gsm application and install v2 but notifications like that are still there. Anyone have any idea or know the solution?
The P40 Pro has been a blessing in disguise. Challenging at first, it has been a great exercise to eliminate my reliance on Google services. The only Google app that I have installed (other than Android lol) is YouTube Vanced. I just wanted the player instead of the website, and I'm not even logging into it.
I'm also using Waze which apparently is owned by Google, but it does not rely on GMS at all. I do miss Google Maps a little, especially my custom maps and pins everywhere. Time will tell if I really need to come up with a workaround, but I'd rather not pollute my phone
Using mainly APKPure and APKMirror, I got all my apps back. Some apps throw Play Services error when trying to access some features, but overall they've retained all the functionality that I care about. I was never much of a "digitally connected/synced" person to begin with. I don't like logging into apps left and right or having them store my activity online, so maybe this switch is easier for me than others. I also never really used GMail for anything but Android related stuff, and I stopped using Microsoft/Outlook accounts in favor of Protonmail, once again trying to reduce my reliance on the tech giants.
Can we live without Google if they do not want us?
We can use the best phone without Google
My advise:
install Microsoft New Edge browser to notebook and sign in with your microsoft account. Do the same on P40 Pro. For Install, I use AppGallery, when app is not there I use APKPure. Some apps did not work if I used some other Store.
OneDrive - not only one of the best cloud drive, with this app you can upload photos to notebook and then forward to google photos from notebook.
Outlook - it can superb handle gmail AND google calendar. I have shared google calendars with my wife and kids. Outlook can do this. I do not know any other app that can do that.
Here we go - Excellent navigation. I have allways used Google Maps. It is the best. Period. But, as I daily drive 300+km, Maps often do not find the address. I then used app Here, wich did the job. We still can use Google Maps App, you only can not sign in to the app. In that case i have browser bookmark at home screen. So, with maps we are good covered. (there are more apps that are great, but this is enough)
Problem is with our Bank Apps.
I have accounts at 2 Banks, I am forced to have two, not big deal. My point here: One Bank work great over my browser. Confirmation number I get to SMS. It is not ideal, but it works.
Another bank use app that produce onetime code. There is not workaround with the browser.
I have solved that another way: my another Huawei (P smart Z). This phone can use GMS. I installed AirDroid to PsmartZ and all APPS that do not work on P40 Pro. Then, I installed AirMirror to P40 Pro. When needed, I can connect to P smart Z from anywhere, use that app and then close the connection.
Apps that do not work:
-Google apps where you have to sign in
-Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator
-SmartRemote Bosch (unbelivable)
-Lidl, Lidl Plus (unbelivable)
-ChargeMap, ABRP
-DEŽ - simple but great rain radar picture here in Slovenia
What we need fast is ability to pay wih phone. Huawei must do more here.
But my bank have send me email, they are working on their banking app to work with new Huawei Phones, YESSSS!!
I will write more, I have run out of tint
I still do not understand, why google do not sell GMS online?
Google can not work with Huawei, but can sell software to me, or not?
Outook is really great app. It can sync google contacts!!!!!!
Good to know, If anybody need this.... I DO!!!!!
I posted some of this elsewhere but this feels like a good thread to put useful non GPS info into. I got my P40 Pro yesterday and am hoping to avoid GPS as it seems to be quite a complicated process that does not always stick and needs repeating regularly. Also the opportunity to de-google is actually quite tempting. Here is what I have found so far:
- My Lastpass, PayPal and banking apps work totally fine as before. What is interesting though is I saw some info that said that these work ok if you transfer using Phone Clone but may stop working if you then update them using other sources. I have another droid so will likely manage updates for these by Phone Clone
- Outlook seems to work ok for notifications but I am not sure they come through as regular as they should. I think it would be good to start a list of apps that do not rely on GPS to push notifications. Sadly Newton mail does
- Google photos is the hardest to replace seamlessly, Amazon photos should be a good alternative (if you have prime) but just seems to crash constantly. I have OneDrive but am still considering if I want to carry on using Google photos as my main photo repo, such a shame that DropBox stopped carousel as that was great!
- Chrome actually seems to work, you just cannot login.
If there are any fellow non-GPS people out there shared experiences appreciated!