[DISCUSSION][Q] How we can help improve CM - Galaxy Ace S5830i General

As you guys now our phones' chance to get a full working CM is growing each day thanks to biel. But the main problem is he doesn't have our phone so he can only work with testers. This takes a lot of time cause he can't check what he did right after what he did.
He said that he is saving the money from the donations to Buy our phone. So I think there's a lot of people who has this phone and don't want to or can't sell it but they want to make it better. What if all of us donates* to him just 1 euro (or az he/she feels)? Or every person who asks "when ics and jb..?" Rememeber this is not a command to send money to biel. This is just and idea of how WE can help!
*His donation page: http://bieltv3.blogspot.com.es/p/donations.html
If you've done it maybe u can write in the comment section below or whatever if people will see this working they will join.
And just to be clear donating means give something NOT expecting to get back!

Really good idea of making this thread.....I will definately try to give my token of appreciation.....
Sent From Devil's Cave

As Biel mentioned few times i think the people has done what they can. And posting a topic like this makes people more demanding. And if Biel cant make CM stable or without bugs. The people will start to shout i give money why dont you do it.
No offence but let people donate what they want when they want. Sorry if i seem like against this but i try to did best i can and dont want any extra pressure on Biel. Thanks.
:: Broke my leg. Not in the mood of talking. ::

ChelebiTech said:
As Biel mentioned few times i think the people has done what they can. And posting a topic like this makes people more demanding. And if Biel cant make CM stable or without bugs. The people will start to shout i give money why dont you do it.
No offence but let people donate what they want when they want. Sorry if i seem like against this but i try to did best i can and dont want any extra pressure on Biel. Thanks.
:: Broke my leg. Not in the mood of talking. ::
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Thats why I cleared the concept of donation in the post. I understand your concern about biel i have it too, I tried to create the thread to make people understand that he is doing us a Favour and above the donation all we can do is to be Thankful for him nothing else He already made the job to deserve the donations!

wolverinemaister said:
Thats why I cleared the concept of donation in the post. I understand your concern about biel i have it too, I tried to create the thread to make people understand that he is doing us a Favour and above the donation all we can do is to be Thankful for him nothing else He already made the job to deserve the donations!
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Yes you are right. But no one can control the thougts of people especially newbies and noobs. And my concern is if people starts to write abnormal then Biel or the ones helping CM lost their Will to work. Just saying....
:: Broke my leg. Not in the mood of talking. ::

ChelebiTech said:
Yes you are right. But no one can control the thougts of people especially newbies and noobs. And my concern is if people starts to write abnormal then Biel or the ones helping CM lost their Will to work. Just saying....
:: Broke my leg. Not in the mood of talking. ::
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True, but maybe it can be the opposite too i mean for him to see how many people stands behind him. All of the danger you're telling is true I was thiking for weeks to create this thread. If it is going bad within a few days i delete my thread or whatever

Ok guys, first of all thanks for make this thread. You both are right, I mean, donations can be better for developing or worser. That depends on donators, they are donating me his money, because they think I'm doing a good work for free / to get the device.
Here it comes the misunderstandings: People usually think that, if they donate me some money, I work for him, so I must fix all bugs, release things when he want... and if not? They will argue against me.
Donators must now a few things, I think most of devs know, but not noob/newbies that donate to me. Improving CM is really dificult because of lack of sources, that won't change even if I have the device. So we maybe never get a 100% CM, but we can make a daily one, which that can be good challange.
Remember too, I'm from Galaxy Ace community, and I've my projects there too, CM 10.1 is my major one, so I can not abandon those projects just because a guy donate me the money. I think everyone could understand that.
I don't want to force people doanting me, donations are from people that appreciate my work, and they are voluntary! I'm not obligation anyone, and I won't do that ever. And if you donate, don't spect to be recompensed, maybe you won't, and that must be in your head while you are doanting me.
This thread for me is okey (as moderator asked me), but remeber if that causes some problems on me, or on XDA rules, this thread must be closed, but for now is okey.
Thanks, Biel.

Thread Closed with permission of the OP.


Hey You! Yeah You! Check This Out...

Please DONATE to ITJE for his hardwork and contribution to your devices. It is my understanding that I am the ONLY person who's donated to him, and that's very sad, considering what he does for you, and for free on a daily basis here.
For the longest time, ITJE refused to take donations, and people convinced him to ... now nobody is donating to him... That's ridiculous.
Keep in mind, that without ITJE, none of the other cooks would have even known where to start... and it was ITJE who made the How to build your own Rom tutorial ... and he has answered questions to everyone who was trying to learn how to make roms.
Many of you probably have no idea how long it takes to build roms on here... so even if you only send $5 or $10 ... please show your support and appreciation.... that way ITJE knows he's appreciate when he's getting screamed at by his wife for spending countless hours on the computer working for free to make YOUR phone work better.
duprade said:
Keep in mind, that without ITJE, none of the other cooks would have even known where to start... and it was ITJE who made the How to build your own Rom tutorial ... and he has answered questions to everyone who was trying to learn how to make roms.
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Hey, I didn't learn to cook from him. But I did learn how to decompile a ROM from that post.
It's sad to hear that he's not cooking anymore, but I don't blame him. He's not the only cook that feels like cooking is not worth our time. We put our life on hold to cook and I think it's time for a new generation of cooks to take over. (Which thankfully, there are some starting to now.) I may have a few new ROMs left in me, though.
Unfortunately, we can never control those people who wish to make a profit out of our sweat, so things like that will always happen. If they want to steal, they will steal. :-/
well.. i think i do the correct thing by contact him coz i've seen the post in eBay (ive searching for a Herald/T-mo wing device cuz herald that i have here is bricked) and appears his rom and i feel bad cuz he spents a lot of time by researching and creating that for us, the xda-dev community and isnt good seeing a boy that earns money for that.. its quite bad, sometimes i felt bad by that, but i think i do the correct thing
I think im responsable by the action of ITJE... sorry
@ duprade
second that... this **** that happend at the moment is very sad
@ itje
(usually i dont wrote to who i donate) but just to make it clear, the 3Euros you mention in the other threat was from me... i know its not much but that was all i´ve got on the acount at the moment... next week i make an another donation for a bigger candybar
by the way... here a still people that estimate the good work from a good cook!
sorry for my bad english... i hope its enough


I have experienced growing tensions in this part of the forum for a while. People flaming each other here and there because of things that is best left ignored or easily solved. I'm not perfect but here's my way of thinking and I think this forum would thrive if all flamers would stick to it.
Be positive. Have a gentle mindset when it comes to reporting bugs/issues you might have. If someone tells you to search, try yourself, ask them for a search term or just explain what you searched for and how you could not find it. It someone asks you something, don't go hating on the person for asking a dumb question, you have the choice to either ignore or help. Flaming should not be an option. DO NOT FLAME AND USE DOWNGRADING WORDS, PLEASE.
Today, someone expressed their feelings about itje's Touch IT 9.0 ROM and this has led to Touch IT being a closed ROM only availible to those who is friends with itje or those who he chooses to take part of his release group. This could have easily been avoided if certain words hade not been put into use. Please, think for a second before posting you negative answers. It has effects on other cooks and forum members.
I am very new to this forum. This is only my second post. But i have been here for 1 month now and i agree with you.
I have been on many forums that has users who uses negative answers and forgive me if i sound little harsh to itje and all others who coock ROM's. But this is the internet. There will always be someone who don't like what you or me are doing.
Sure i would also be sad if too many say they don't like what i am doing but this would aspire me to do better.
If i could coock ROM's like you in this forum could then i would do so even if someone doesn't like it.
Sorry if someone doesn't like what i'm saying but i have been on many forums where people have left because someone doesn't like what they are doing.
And i don't understand that. I'm sorry but i don't.
That's all for me. Hope itje will release his ROM's to the public again becuase i like his work.
felixkry said:
Be positive. Have a gentle mindset when it comes to reporting bugs/issues you might have. If someone tells you to search, try yourself, ask them for a search term or just explain what you searched for and how you could not find it. It someone asks you something, don't go hating on the person for asking a dumb question, you have the choice to either ignore or help. Flaming should not me an option. DO NOT FLAME AND USE DOWNGRADING WORDS, PLEASE.
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just incase its difficult for someone to read
funny that! i have been saying this all along! look at my post in the old thread 'everyone is a cooking master these days'. now there is a thread that should never have been started but which highlighted they way things have gone on here! some people who have been on here longer than others for some reason class themselves as above others and feel they have the right to make assumptions about people by their posts!. some might have seen my post in the touch-it 9 thread re the sms issue that was plaguing latest rhodium manila. if ya look you will see fards response to me posting my issues in that thread! basically he assumed that he knew about who i was by that and told me that i needed to get married etc to understand how itje felt about people posting probs over and over again. now i got offended by that cause one he doesn't know me and 2 what gives him the right to address me like that! NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE has the right to disrespect anyone's opinion or choice to do what they want on here within the regs. i will not stand any **** from anyone who thinks they have the right to chat to me like they know me! i try roms in fact i try all the roms posted on here just to see how they work! i hooked up wid WC because he respects me and vice versa. this place is about sharing and helping others and unfortunately we must have been like that once - a noob! remember your 1st flash and somethign went wrong! how panicky you felt and ya just posted without searching as ya may have felt ya broke ya phone etc. we all do it and thats what make us human! i respect everyone and i have no bad vibes wid anyone........... WC I love ya man. took me on face value and showed me love!
shingers5 said:
funny that! i have been saying this all along! look at my post in the old thread 'everyone is a cooking master these days'. now there is a thread that should never have been started but which highlighted they way things have gone on here! some people who have been on here longer than others for some reason class themselves as above others and feel they have the right to make assumptions about people by their posts!. some might have seen my post in the touch-it 9 thread re the sms issue that was plaguing latest rhodium manila. if ya look you will see fards response to me posting my issues in that thread! basically he assumed that he knew about who i was by that and told me that i needed to get married etc to understand how itje felt about people posting probs over and over again. now i got offended by that cause one he doesn't know me and 2 what gives him the right to address me like that! NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE has the right to disrespect anyone's opinion or choice to do what they want on here within the regs. i will not stand any **** from anyone who thinks they have the right to chat to me like they know me! i try roms in fact i try all the roms posted on here just to see how they work! i hooked up wid WC because he respects me and vice versa. this place is about sharing and helping others and unfortunately we must have been like that once - a noob! remember your 1st flash and somethign went wrong! how panicky you felt and ya just posted without searching as ya may have felt ya broke ya phone etc. we all do it and thats what make us human! i respect everyone and i have no bad vibes wid anyone........... WC I love ya man. took me on face value and showed me love!
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You have the right as much as anyone to get angry, but this is not what this thread is about. I am, through this thread, asking everyone to reconsider the things they have written before they post it so that we can avoid leaving cookers, hurt feelings and sold devices. Simply a request.
felixkry said:
You have the right as much as anyone to get angry, but this is not what this thread is about. I am, through this thread, asking everyone to reconsider the things they have written before they post it so that we can avoid leaving cookers, hurt feelings and sold devices. Simply a request.
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misunderstood mate as always! i totally agree wid what you said and was listing an example of how i have experienced what ya chat about! never angry mate as words dont bother! just dont like assumptions being made about me by what i have posted! rememba i am cool, live cool and dont stress anything!
so you are suggesting that 'cooks' have sold devices because of what people post without thinking? come on man i assume we are all mature on here and have some form of tolerance level for the things we expect to get on here be it negative or positive! in life we have take the good and bad in everything and everyone! you need to know what to ignore and what ya take on board! it is all about choice mate everything in life is about that!
shingers5 said:
misunderstood mate as always! i totally agree wid what you said and was listing an example of how i have experienced what ya chat about! never angry mate as words dont bother! just dont like assumptions being made about me by what i have posted! rememba i am cool, live cool and dont stress anything!
so you are suggesting that 'cooks' have sold devices because of what people post without thinking? come on man i assume we are all mature on here and have some form of tolerance level for the things we expect to get on here be it negative or positive! in life we have take the good and bad in everything and everyone! you need to know what to ignore and what ya take on board! it is all about choice mate everything in life is about that!
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Exactly - choice. Many people choose to flame when the mature thing is to just help or ignore, or simply search or ask again nicely. I'm sorry I missunderstood you post as angry.
To further answer, what I suggest is that fards sold his X1 for a Touch HD, if it was because he was tired of the mood in this part of the forum or not I do not know. itje has chosen to not make his ROMs public and as a result of this I read that one person was planning on selling their X1. It all has a domino effect. If it is right of these persons to react like they do is debatable, but they are entitled to their own reaction. The thing is that I don't think that people are aware of the consequences of being rude.
That is why I started this thread - so that people can avoid to piss each other off and so that we can have a helpful and productive forum.
felixkry said:
Exactly - choice. Many people choose to flame when the mature thing is to just help or ignore, or simply search or ask again nicely. I'm sorry I missunderstood you post as angry.
To further answer, what I suggest is that fards sold his X1 for a Touch HD, if it was because he was tired of the mood in this part of the forum or not I do not know. itje has chosen to not make his ROMs public and as a result of this I read that one person was planning on selling their X1. It all has a domino effect. If it is right of these persons to react like they do is debatable, but they are entitled to their own reaction. The thing is that I don't think that people are aware of the consequences of being rude.
That is why I started this thread - so that people can avoid to piss each other off and so that we can have a helpful and productive forum.
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do you think that requesting donations has some part to play with the way people post? i think that no money is free and certain people donate and expect something in return! if they don't get that then they seem to get angry and it reflects in post! i am not saying that only people who donate do that in any way. i honestly think that donations should only go to the people who started this whole xda thing and keep it running! also the people who release the kitchens as they make rom building possible! i just feel that when you take from people even if its donated there is a certain amount of pressure and expectancy that comes with that! when it is not delivered the reaction can be severe thus the recent backlash in certain threads! only my opinion!
@ your response to my question - people change their phones all the time as i get bored wid phones so quickly thats why i got so many! 2 weeks max and i need something else to play with! so if i get em all then i can use a diff one everyday! i am sure the people who suggested that they may sell their phones or who already have done are mature enough to recognize that it was not this forum or anything said in it that caused that to happen! any way i'm out! said ma peice and thats that!
shingers5;3867296if ya look you will see fards response to me posting my issues in that thread! basically he assumed that he knew about who i was by that and told me that i needed to get married etc to understand how itje felt about people posting probs over and over again. now i got offended by that cause one he doesn't know me and 2 what gives him the right to address me like that! [/QUOTE said:
do we need to go over that all over again?
ah f*ck it I give up!
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What about to set some report thing that would make like a % warn except it would say % flamer and than people would wach their reputation?
Also you could click report flame/spam post and if enough people would think it is spam it would tag the user and make that post fade.... (like on thottbot http://thottbot.com/i13262 you can see the good comments are yelow and comments with rating lower than 5 arent even shown (but you can change the treshold)
Maybe a filter "do not show post from users marked flamers more than 30 times"
This is a developers forum; I'm sure there is some folks who can write a thing or two to make the forums better
Just throwing ideas here, because I belive people can't change based on one post (specialy the flamers and spammers don't), so why not a more direct approach...
fards said:
do we need to go over that all over again?
ah f*ck it I give up!
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stop being so damn melodramatic and no need to swear. bottom line is ya had no right to say it and instead of being a mature and apologize ya try to make it look like i am dragging it out! i find this hilarious all this!
Time and time again the same problems occur,
I've been on this forum for years.
and to be honest it is getting boring (this is meant in general and not aimed at anyone)
how much skill has this forum lost because of this *****iness.
im sorry, this has got to stop,
I Love the roms and support the likes of (but not limited to) ITJE and fards contribute to the forum, and respect the work that they do, as such i would never flame them, everyone should have this level f respect and in return the cooks and specialist should return the favor
this is why i have suggested in the past that cooks have read only release threads, this way, found faults, fixes updates etc can be kept together. a seperate thread can then be made to discuss faults.
I dunno just rambling now and adding no value, please ignore me
rosebud said:
Time and time again the same problems occur,
I've been on this forum for years.
and to be honest it is getting boring (this is meant in general and not aimed at anyone)
how much skill has this forum lost because of this *****iness.
im sorry, this has got to stop,
I Love the roms and support the likes of (but not limited to) ITJE and fards contribute to the forum, and respect the work that they do, as such i would never flame them, everyone should have this level f respect and in return the cooks and specialist should return the favor
this is why i have suggested in the past that cooks have read only release threads, this way, found faults, fixes updates etc can be kept together. a seperate thread can then be made to discuss faults.
I dunno just rambling now and adding no value, please ignore me
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I think that made perfectly good sense man Thanks for understanding what I meant with this thread.
I dont know, but flaming goes both ways in this forum or any other forum as a matter of fact.
a. A newbie comes in and asks a question, some chefs flip out and be like read the bloody first page or other works I did in a not so mild manner. True I believe that they should have read the instructions on the first page in highlighted color, but no need to come off as an asshat towards anyone.
b. a newbie flashes their rom to one of the customs, I believe that the guy who flashed their rom have no right to be like this is **** i lost some of my features. That is a serious slap in the face for the chef who put in their hard work to create this rom. Remember chefs are doing this for us for free, we are not obligated to flash ... we flash by our own accord and have to agree to some sort of disclaimer about device performance when flashed. So if you flash, and have some issues, take a look at the first page for their bugs, if not do an in thread search for the exact same problem that you are having, chances are you would find the solution.
c. This one is a classic ... someone asks a question, quickly some guys reply, do a damn search, stating comments that people are idiots or something to the sort ... basically flaming the question poster hard making it seems that the question poster wasted this amount of time or bandwidth on their part. I swear some flamers are extremely melodramatic, waiting for every chance to get off on someone and secretly high five someone in their society.
bottom line is guys, chill out take it easy. this here isnt a life or death situation, you wont die if you do a quick search on something, nor you wont die if you just help someone in a polite manner or maybe just ignore them.
ahhhhhh, the irony
tincmulc said:
This is a developers forum
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that's the problem. Imho this isn't anymore a developer forum. In the last 2 year as winmobile widely spreads up (because of carriers, mode, prettier devices and so on) this has become a 50% dev and 50% leech forum. 20% of leech are going to become future devs and want to "learn", the last 30% are only noobs who wants "free lunch" and pretend to be 100% assisted to make their device cooler. I often read "sorry but I can't read 50 pages of thread..." WHAT?!?!?!?! Someone has spent dozen of hours to cook a rom or develop a program and you deserves yourself the right to don't read?!?!!?
we have to try to resist
guap said:
that's the problem. Imho this isn't anymore a developer forum. In the last 2 year as winmobile widely spreads up (because of carriers, mode, prettier devices and so on) this has become a 50% dev and 50% leech forum. 20% of leech are going to become future devs and want to "learn", the last 30% are only noobs who wants "free lunch" and pretend to be 100% assisted to make their device cooler. I often read "sorry but I can't read 50 pages of thread..." WHAT?!?!?!?! Someone has spent dozen of hours to cook a rom or develop a program and you deserves yourself the right to don't read?!?!!?
we have to try to resist
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well said..or written
guap said:
I often read "sorry but I can't read 50 pages of thread..." WHAT?!?!?!?! Someone has spent dozen of hours to cook a rom or develop a program and you deserves yourself the right to don't read?!?!!?
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Itje, I agreed. And this one is the quote of the today.
guap said:
. I often read "sorry but I can't read 50 pages of thread..." WHAT?!?!?!?! Someone has spent dozen of hours to cook a rom or develop a program and you deserves yourself the right to don't read?!?!!?
we have to try to resist
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so because someone writes this does it give anyone the right to disrespect them and talk down to them! what right has anyone on here got to talk down to anyone because of what they wrote! no one has the right end off! can you imagine your reaction if someone spoke to you in a similar fashion because of a stupid post! so called devs need to understand that because of the quality of work they produce they have amassed a following. that in its pure sense is a compliment to their work! learning to embrace whats pure and shun whats not is they key! in life there is good and bad in everything and people never remember you for the good you do in life. they only ever remember that one time ya slipped up, fuked up or didnt live up to expected standards! thats human nature and we all have done it at one time or another in our lives! ignoring the stupid posts, pm etc is the key! block dem of your messenger etc.

!!!!! Discussion and opinions Thread !!!!!

First of all I open this new thread so that the users who have need to discussion about everything they will; that they can do it in this thread!!!!!!
I'm a person who live in a free country so I don't have the intention to ask to stop giving your opinion; but I find that if you need to change your opinion you must also respect the creator from the thread you do it in!!
I don't find it courteous to do it in a thread from someone else!!
So have respect to the people who have open his thread to give something to us and don't fill it with your opinions and discussions, and let his thread clean!
I open this thread so we can discuss about everything you want!!
@ the moderators!!
Sorry that I opened this thread but I was sad to see in several thread more posts about discussions with opinions from a work!! If you are not agreement with me, you can this thread!
[Mod edit] Thread has been close by request of the OP.
Thank god
I'm starting to get bored with dinik vs the world that appears to be taking hostage of others peoples thread.
I'm not backing any sides I see both points of views but to hijack someone else's thread isn't fair on the originator.No doubt its still going to happen but at least they can now slag each other off in this thread opposed to stealing the limelight from others who decide to share in a public forum like this.
I'll shut up now and let the *****ing commence
Cheers kurt
I guess I will start it off with this then...
Happy Fathers day everyone!!!
wolfee said:
I guess I will start it off with this then...
Happy Fathers day everyone!!!
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i'm David and i have a problem!!!!
is not long time i'm addicted , but yes i'am ....
huggy_72 said:
i'm David and i have a problem!!!!
is not long time i'm addicted , but yes i'am ....
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trying to remove dink from my phone but even when i change it by JWD but it still show in my quick link ant suggestion
Sorry but I don't really see the need for this thread. The mature route would be to handle
disagreements via pm rather than publically flaming and humiliating them. I would rather see the moderators putting a stop to this behaviour and not allowing it to go on at all.
Pandemoniumone said:
Sorry but I don't really see the need for this thread. The mature route would be to handle
disagreements via pm rather than publically flaming and humiliating them. I would rather see the moderators putting a stop to this behaviour and not allowing it to go on at all.
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I agree, but a lot of people DO comment in the open, for different reasons. This may help to alleviate off-topic discussion in other threads, it may not.
This does not have to be a Flame war thread, opinions can be shared with civility.
EDIT: Happy Father's Day!
rickyjune said:
trying to remove dink from my phone but even when i change it by JWD but it still show in my quick link ant suggestion
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no chance you can only destroy your phone, sorry
Ok, I'm sick of all this arguing and anger that is being caused on xda over my work, lets sort it out...
I started skinning for myself, and for fun, but when everyone seemed to like my work, I was happy to share what I do with everyone on xda, as that is what this community is all about, sharing. Also i have posted some rules, as i wanted to stay the set high quality. And i think the rules where fair for all.
However, since the success of Anastasia, I feel things are getting out of hand.. I didn't mind when people used some of my work, it made me feel proud and so I kept devleloping Anastasia for both me and xda... However the reason I teamed up with Miri in making the rom was because I thought people would like all my work in one easy to get to place, and it gave Miri's rom a nice, INDIVIDUAL theme.
HOWEVER, now DJC has suggested people rip my rom's files to put my work onto other roms, I am quite angry as I have specifically said that the files are exclusive.
But people went against my will and took my work, when I said not to do, and so I understandably got annoyed, however it seems I have become everyones enemy, when all I set out to do was have fun skinning different aspects of my phone....spending countless hours to give you all something unique and nice for FREE.
I don't see what is wrong with my decision? I provided a fair amount of cabs to skin alot of the phone on my thread that can be found [Here] and then said that any extra bits are exclusively for my rom, What is wrong with that? If there was nothing exclusive, then all the rom's would be the same, and Rom flashing could get boring for some people...
So here is what I have decided...
I will continue to do my work, as long as it doesn't start any more arguments, and I shall follow the rules I set out already. If anyone breaks them, or if another argument starts again, I will very likely stop skinning on xda all together, as it is starting to feel like more of a chore than a hobby...
So please, do not release my work, or any modification of my work, anywhere, You are free to modify what I do for personal use, but just don't release it. Also please dont re-upload my work anywhere else, please always just provide a link to where you originally found it on my thread, this way I can keep a better track of how many people download it.
Ah and btw...i decided not to post any cabs only because of some users hear...that again only anger abot me and my works...and ignored my wishes by copying my works without asking for permission...and without puting any credits! So now that people are forcing me again to do a next decision that i dont want (quit posting everything).
@Dinik, I can respect your position. I just find that it is one that is not commonly taken here.
Of course, you are entitled to credit and respect, you have earned it many times over. I certainly have a high respect for your abilities.
But, to be honest seems wierd to have to avoid the use of certain elements because of exclusivity. We hack, slash, and decompile stuff as a rule of thumb around here.
Don't take this the wrong way, I will follow your rules. I would just like to try to convince you that exclusivity is not the way to go.
You have had issues with only a very small percentage of your users. No need to be upset and punish everyone. No one wants to see you fail.
dinik said:
Ok, I'm sick of all this arguing and anger that is being caused on xda over my work, lets sort it out......message truncated
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with you my friend...this is unfair!!
dinik said:
Ok, I'm sick of all this arguing and anger that is being caused on xda over my work, lets sort it out.....message truncated..
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i am with you
Just so you all know that this thread has been reported and is being watched.
Have a wonderful day (Fathers Day for all those that it applies to).
Justice for Dinik
vgunmanga said:
@Dinik, I can respect your position. I just find that it is one that is not commonly taken here.
Of course, you are entitled to credit and respect, you have earned it many times over. I certainly have a high respect for your abilities.
But, to be honest seems wierd to have to avoid the use of certain elements because of exclusivity. We hack, slash, and decompile stuff as a rule of thumb around here.
Don't take this the wrong way, I will follow your rules. I would just like to try to convince you that exclusivity is not the way to go.
You have had issues with only a very small percentage of your users. No need to be upset and punish everyone. No one wants to see you fail.
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exclusivity should be there for certain elements for certain period ,so that the originator gets due credit for his hard work in this community.
No one should just hijack someone else hard earned work without permission.
Really unfair.
Hope Dinik gets Justice and due credits for his hard work soon.
quinckekorotkoffqk said:
exclusivity should be there for cetain elements for certain period ,so that the originator gets due credit for his hard work in this community.
Really unfair.Hope Dinik gets Justice and due credits for his hard work soon.
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I can totally dig it if there is a exclusivity period. I have not heard a time frame discussed. I've only read that cabs will be no longer distributed and only HD2 owners on one ROM will get to use the theme.
I can handle that, but not without at least asking first. Call me a fan.
vgunmanga said:
I can totally dig it if there is a exclusivity period. I have not heard a time frame discussed. I've only read that cabs will be no longer distributed and only HD2 owners on one ROM will get to use the theme.
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i have posted i already somewhere...but again...
Originally it was planed to be 1st exclusive for rom and after some period of time...i wanted to post cabs.
But then it came to this:
i decided not to post any cabs only because of some users hear...that again only anger abot me and my works...and ignored my wishes by copying my works without asking for permission...and without puting any credits! So now that people are forcing me again to do a next decision that i dont want (quit posting everything).
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dinik said:
i have posted i already somewhere...but again...
Originally it was planed to be 1st exclusive for rom and after some period of time...i wanted to post cabs.
But then it came to this:
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Cheers, missed that post. I only hope time will change your mind. Peace.
dinik said:
Ok, I'm sick of all this arguing and anger that is being caused on xda over my work, lets sort it out...message truncated...
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yes i have help another user and have say if he wants your files he can find them in miri's rom and he must extract them for personal use to not break the rules,your own rules(before your addition) to avoid discussion like this but you can't resist,you must have this child reaction like you have them all the time.
its clear we all know your rules today....
your crying all the time for respect but you never had respect for anyone here until you have a win situation...is this in first place not disrespect to others?
and no im not jalous but i think on all the other skinners here,with your rules and requests applyed today for each skinner then in each rom threads there will be more rules,names,donate buttons as info about the creation,i think all posts must be changed here and in the roms thread.
now you don't have made the new rule 12 that you use so much but im thinking if this rule is not made to avoid your problem that you have create here in the biginning.is this a good idea, yes but it does not and will not give you more right, that would be wrong for others.
I also think you should listen instead of always getting mad you do not even leave you time to think so that you act quickly!
so i ask you to calm down and on moderators to think about it and enforce the rules but all the same.this must stop because where is fun today on xda?
the truth is that I have never seen such situations before!
i dont get what you wanna say djc...if you read my post once again...you gonna see that i dont want much...but give much back.
the truth is...
we artists spend time...effort...and put even love in developing our projects...for free...just to share
we deserve some rights for our projects...files...images...or what ever
but lately...i have been attacked...by some people...and they wher forcing me to go their way...or else they just didnt stopped to attack me and what im doing
i dont think that its fair...to get such responses for hard work.
its nothing wrong...if i as developer wish some small and fair rules...no rules doesent means that its the best way.
i know 90% of users like what i do...and have no problems with me and my rules...but this few people...just dont stop to anger me.
there is one ultimate rule over all others.
but this few people dont want to do that...why? because they love my work...and they use it all the time...so why do they anger me...dont know...jealous...or they want copy me to get also good responses...i dont know that.
i just wished that the moderators would more react on such post...because i didnt do nothing bad...to no one!
btw...my icon set was downloaded over 15 000x times...that tells how many people are ok with me and what im doing...and how many are screaming against me...5 or 10?

Support Legend Developers?

Hi all,
This is my first post, although I have been following the group for a long time. My post is motivated by the observation that a massive imbalance exists, particularily in the Legend development community.
There is a huge mass of non-contributing users badgering a small group of hard-working developers, whilst free-loading off the many hours they spend trying to improve the Legend for all of us. (BTW - I'm not pointing any fingers that don't equally apply to myself!) The value of the hours they are putting in is huge, and the return amounts only to the occational humble click of a thanks button.
I have written to the XDA owners and proposed that they implement a system whereby users can donate to a specific thread, and that each month the proceeds of thoses donations are distributed to posters according to the distribution of new "thanks" clicks to them. Unfortunately I have not heard anything in reply, so in the meantime I propose that we start here in the Legend development forum in a less systematic way.
For example; all of us eagerly following ogo2's thread on his Alpha rom should support how we can. We have all heard BlaYO's hesitance to get too involved in that he needs another Legend to do development work on, as he can't render his own out of service for days on end. Absolutely fair point. I would suggest that all active developers in here create a donation account somewhere so that the rest of us ungrateful, free-loading scavengers (again, myself included, and meant in the most positive way! ) can contribute.
Let's get BlaYO a second development Legend, or ogo2 some resources on Linux compilation etc. It's the least we can do, even if we are just selfishly offering to help them, help us
It would not take much, and I am quite certain that anyone who can afford a Legend can also afford to donate $10-20 now and then. What a small price to pay for all the hours that our devs spend working to bring all of us the latest and greatest. Let's give something back!
There were a bunch of users that actually donated to my PayPal account (a few months ago I didn't believe this could happen by the way).
I'd personally object to such a system for various reasons, the main one being complication of something which is a pretty simple in fact: You like the work of someone, you donate (or buy).
Moreover, there are a few CM developers whose work on their device (which happens to use an msm7227 chipset) directly influences the Legend too and therefore my work as well. They are not active in the Legend forum though.
So what I basically want to say: There's a lot of work going on – not hours but weeks – which you might never see because these almost unmoderated boards here are full of you-name-it and every CM developer I know pretty much dislikes XDA for that very reason.
You don't see us (40+ developers) working, but that doesn't mean we aren't.
Ah, and by the way, I've been busy too, so tiwlan on 2.6.35 is almost finished.
ali ba said:
Ah, and by the way, I've been busy too, so tiwlan on 2.6.35 is almost finished.
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Is this meaning that the new CM7s will have the new kernel?
By the way, what was modified in the kernel source so the tiwlan didn't compile normaly?
I don't need a new Legend, I just need some peace...
There you go
BlaY0 said:
I don't need a new Legend, I just need some peace...
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Peace be with you
Hmmm... OK, I get that my proposal could have some shortcomings, however the intent is good. It's great to hear that users donated to your Paypal, Ali Ba, perhaps other devs should just publish Paypal details too, and users can direct donations to where they feel they are most deserved?
It is not meant to be fair compensation for the numerous hours spent, as the basic principles of community development should still be the driving force. It could, however, be a token of appreciation from those unable to contribute in any other way.
I can't help but feel that there would be more devs involved with more and faster progress as a consequence, if only there was a little reward in there too. Surely that would be in everybodies interest.
In any event, I offer my thanks to all the devs here, and I would be happy to back that up with a contribution, should you decide to go that way
ali ba said:
Ah, and by the way, I've been busy too, so tiwlan on 2.6.35 is almost finished.
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I was working on getting wl12xx driver working with 2.6.32 kernel but I didn't succeed yet. Is there a reason not to switch to wl12xx driver instead? It also provides soft AP support int the same driver.
Regarding donations, it would be nice if I could donate you via Google checkout.
Yea leave Blay0 alone man, He's getting enough hassle on the Alpha thread as it is! people say they'd like to help then just request more things like a2sd,overclocked kernel etc.If you know anything about linux try helping by trying to build drivers for the last 2 bits (i.e Bluetooth,wifi)
I must say also that there were individuals who offered me donations which I respectfully refused and instead apoint those guys to their nearest charity. I'm not doing this for money (I make money doing other things) I'm just doing it coz I like to know how things work and I always like to learn new things. So if I become bored those donations definitely won't convince me to keep on doing it.
Don't you guys ever think that I'm doing all this for you! Noooope! I'm doing it for me and my own satisfaction. Yes, that's right I'm actualy a selfish, egoistic basterd but in a process of achieving my own goals (which are also inspired by some of your suggestions) I'm really happy if someone else learn something from me. They are few but it doesn't matter... they will definitelly pass on their knowledge and that's important coz I believe knowledge is universal and must be available to anyone willing to accept it and you cannot charge for that.
Don't kidd yourselves, this Legend thingie will be among us at most for another year and then it will get its successors and its community will become even smaller and eventually it will be disbanded and some of us will find new projects, learnig new thing and again passing on all the gained knowledge.
BlaY0 said:
Don't kidd yourselves, this Legend thingie will be among us at most for another year.
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A whole year is an optimistic approach
The main problem in the development of the HTC Legend is the device itself. It's a rare phone, and pretty much a very small group of people is using it. That also makes the group of talented developers thinner. Look at the Hero or SGS forums topic/post count. Sure - most of them are retarded, and previously answered questions, but still folks in the dev section are coding some crazy and amazing stuff. That's because those devices where popular and successful. The HTC Legend was ment to be the successor of the HTC Hero, but this ain't gonna happen. Nobody will remember this phone in a year or two. That's of course HTCs fault, not ours.
Also mentioning all the request, demands and stupid questions in the dev forum - this forum is not that bad
Go check the Nexus S section. For example the NexusSense topic (my girlfriend got a Nexus so I'm somewhat interested). Now that's pure fukcin massacre out there
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA Premium App
cyRq said:
A whole year is an optimistic approach
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Agreed, I thought Legend was a kickass sucessor, but very few people actually bought it...I've deserted to Desire S, but I think that's a very similar case so far anyways...
But back on topic: The thing is, everyone has an interest in what he's doing and unless he has a gain from that work he wouldn't be doing it But the idea of donating is noble ofcourse
Let's support our developers by not asking stupid and obvious questions, using search button, hitting that freakin' "thanks" button as often as we can, and most importantly by using our own brains to gain even more from their work
Dr.Romca said:
Let's support our developers by not asking stupid and obvious questions, using search button, hitting that freakin' "thanks" button as often as we can, and most importantly by using our own brains to gain even more from their work
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Amen! (10char )
Agree with the great Dr!
PLUS This is a General thread so should be in the general section.....Threads should go into the right forums for a start! Hate to think how many threads there are in the wrong place :/


hey Maclaw where the is ROM/kernel for mini? u said u buy a galaxy mini today? 25 July 2012
We know we have TheWhisp & Rohan007 working for our device, but now, as what u promised, we must get what u promised.(official)
i got some thought that you just using TheWhisp & Rohan007? or is it you just crazy to get the title for the best Samsung Galaxy low-end devices developer?
How about MINI USER that DONATE to you until now or long time ago, and STILL waiting for the ROM, and the device for u to fix??
@Maclaw, respect others rights, don't simply giving hopes to people and u just leave them,
lesson : don't promise or make it "official", if you know u can't make it real
onnira said:
hey Maclaw where the is ROM/kernel for mini? u said u buy a galaxy mini today? 25 July 2012
We know we have TheWhisp & Rohan007 working for our device, but now, as what u promised, we must get what u promised.(official)
i got some thought that you just using TheWhisp & Rohan007? or is it you just crazy to get the title for the best Samsung Galaxy low-end devices developer?
How about MINI USER that DONATE to you until now or long time ago, and STILL waiting for the ROM, and the device for u to fix??
@Maclaw, respect others rights, don't simply giving hopes to people and u just leave them,
lesson : don't promise or make it "official", if you know u can't make it real
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MAD_psycho_Zz said:
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TheWhisp is developing for Mini/Fit. We're supporting him. I don't think it's making sense to develop other ROM is he's there.
And which right? We planned to use every $ from donations for Mini, but in last 2 months I received 25$ only. I planned to use my own money, but for WHAT if TheWhisp is there. As I said, I'm supporting him, yesterday I fix'd browser on CM10 for Mini.
And I didn't received any donation for Mini from a looooooong, loooooong time...
And if you want to explain something, write to me first. If you think that's thanks to this topic I'll buy Mini, you're wrong. Why should I do this now?
Ok, I can buy Mini, but I won't develop something. It doesn't make sense to create two similar ROMs at the same time. TheWhisp is great dev and he have my full support, in words and in practic - I respect him.
And: MINI USERS WANTS RIGHTS... but Mini users can't help developer, when he says he want to help them...
Macław said:
TheWhisp is developing for Mini/Fit. We're supporting him. I don't think it's making sense to develop other ROM is he's there.
And which right? We planned to use every $ from donations for Mini, but in last 2 months I received 25$ only. I planned to use my own money, but for WHAT if TheWhisp is there. As I said, I'm supporting him, yesterday I fix'd browser on CM10 for Mini.
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"How about MINI USER that DONATE to you until now or long time ago, and STILL waiting for the ROM, and the device for u to fix??"
so this means, u waiting for donation? you do have community right now after what u did, and u have the responsibilities towards them
it is same method for artist, if you willing to get fan, and u willing to be responsible towards them?innit?
and i know about TheWhisp, but if like that, there is no other ROM for each devices? one ROM for one device?
onnira said:
"How about MINI USER that DONATE to you until now or long time ago, and STILL waiting for the ROM, and the device for u to fix??"
so this means, u waiting for donation? you do have community right now after what u did, and u have the responsibilities towards them
it is same method for artist, if you willing to get fan, and u willing to be responsible towards them?innit?
and i know about TheWhisp, but if like that, there is no other ROM for each devices? one ROM for one device?
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I won't create copy of his ROM in 1:1 scale. Where's the sense?
Macław said:
TheWhisp is developing for Mini/Fit. We're supporting him. I don't think it's making sense to develop other ROM is he's there.
And which right? We planned to use every $ from donations for Mini, but in last 2 months I received 25$ only. I planned to use my own money, but for WHAT if TheWhisp is there. As I said, I'm supporting him, yesterday I fix'd browser on CM10 for Mini.
And I didn't received any donation for Mini from a looooooong, loooooong time...
And if you want to explain something, write to me first. If you think that's thanks to this topic I'll buy Mini, you're wrong. Why should I do this now?
Ok, I can buy Mini, but I won't develop something. It doesn't make sense to create two similar ROMs at the same time. TheWhisp is great dev and he have my full support, in words and in practic - I respect him.
And: MINI USERS WANTS RIGHTS... but Mini users can't help developer, when he says he want to help them...
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i didnt ask you to buy, but asking for you responsibilities, thats all
I don't want to be against of you or anyone but why did you stop doing CM9 ,Where we have an incomplete cm9 rom and I heard you have the camera working then why don't you implement them and update the CM9.
Guys, this time Maclaw is right. If you want the kernel, I can try to continue Squadzone's work.
Vasishta Reddy said:
I don't want to be against of you or anyone but why did you stop doing CM9 ,Where we have an incomplete cm9 rom and I heard you have the camera working then why don't you implement them and update the CM9.
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TheWhisp said:
Guys, this time Maclaw is right. If you want the kernel, I can try to continue Squadzone's work.
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+1. its not logical to build another copy of the rom if one's already building it. and besides, maclaw is supporting Whisp now. give respect man. maclaw is not a robot to order around just because you liked to.
onnira said:
"How about MINI USER that DONATE to you until now or long time ago, and STILL waiting for the ROM, and the device for u to fix??"
so this means, u waiting for donation? you do have community right now after what u did, and u have the responsibilities towards them
it is same method for artist, if you willing to get fan, and u willing to be responsible towards them?innit?
and i know about TheWhisp, but if like that, there is no other ROM for each devices? one ROM for one device?
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Hey, you talk about donation so much.
I think someone will donate to developer because that developer have already done something great. I think someone who give their money to the developer, should be give their money with whole-hearted, honest, sincere.
They should know that with donating, doesn't mean they 'buy' something, because the developers isn't selling anything.
It's true that Maclaw promise something that isn't good for himself, I think. I don't know what really happened. But creating a thread to him like this is too offensive, I think.
Maclaw removed his CM9 ROMs due to uncompliance with GPL license, which is good (not for us and the devs, but for Maclaw's understanding that he shouldn't play with those kind of things).
Current CM10 is using his kernel, and i will believe him about helping TheWhisp this time. A little bit of respect is needed now.
@Maclaw - just don't so the same thing all over again, leaving users with expectations and then dumping them away like nothing is just not right!
i 'm not the one,everyone else did felt the same
just don't be a pathetic because u wanna feel neutral
i just wanna know, whats the responsibilities towards mini user?that all.
and actually he should post something, maybe let the mini user know he didnt make it ( the rom or anything ) not just easily post,
something like, the rom will transfer to the other hand,that easy?
and maybe he can continue the cm9 for mini..
i dont want to argue or get fight, but just for the rights
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1769488 ( i don't mean to drag anyone else, but here's the proof )
domcale said:
Maclaw removed his CM9 ROMs due to uncompliance with GPL license, which is good (not for us and the devs, but for Maclaw's understanding that he shouldn't play with those kind of things).
Current CM10 is using his kernel, and i will believe him about helping TheWhisp this time. A little bit of respect is needed now.
@Maclaw - just don't so the same thing all over again, leaving users with expectations and then dumping them away like nothing is just not right!
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that's what i mean, thank you
musashihatred said:
+1. its not logical to build another copy of the rom if one's already building it. and besides, maclaw is supporting Whisp now. give respect man. maclaw is not a robot to order around just because you liked to.
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+1 guys really it makes no sense in making the same rom again and again whats the use man you will have cm9 and also you will have aokp both are based on the same thing and as far as camera goes i agree with the others maclaw if you have working camera then please update but still even if maclaw promised mini it isnt compulsory for him to buy it he felt whisp is working on the same thing maybe he has a mini so whats the sense in wasting money and time on something that is just going to be the same thing under a different label
What a load of Spam! Get this straight - Users of any mobile have only "rights" from their seller, manufacturer and service provider. You have No rights from developers on xda at all (even if you donate thousands of Euros, Dollars or Pounds). I'm shocked that a moderator has not stepped in yet to explain that as a member of xda you have absolutely no "rights" whatsoever.
themountig said:
What a load of Spam! Get this straight - Users of any mobile have only "rights" from their seller, manufacturer and service provider. You have No rights from developers on xda at all (even if you donate thousands of Euros, Dollars or Pounds). I'm shocked that a moderator has not stepped in yet to explain that as a member of xda you have absolutely no "rights" whatsoever.
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There is a misunderstanding here.
Donating upfront is not allowed. Maybe some did that, if so they are at loss.
Nothing can be done now.
musashihatred said:
+1. its not logical to build another copy of the rom if one's already building it. and besides, maclaw is supporting Whisp now. give respect man. maclaw is not a robot to order around just because you liked to.
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TheWhisp and Maclaw working together?? Galaxy Mini will become the luckiest device in the world! I support both of you but ya, if Maclaw made a promise he should at least try to do something about it.. :fingers-crossed: But i dont care until and unless Maclaw is doing something for our Mini!
Thanx to both Maclaw And TheWhisp :good: Wish u good luck!
Do you know what donation means? No? Let me explain that
Wikipedia said:
A donation is a gift given by physical or legal persons, typically for charitable purposes and/or to benefit a cause. A donation may take various forms, including cash offering, services, new or used goods including clothing, toys, food, and vehicles. It also may consist of emergency, relief or humanitarian aid items, development aid support, and can also relate to medical care needs as i.e. blood or organs for transplant. Charitable gifts of goods or services are also called gifts in kind. The largest form of gifts in kind is created in many nations by the donation of aging automobiles with the item donated being picked up, sold and the proceeds given to the charity or non-profit (type or named) which was the target of the donor's generosity. One standard way of obtaining donations is the use of raffles for the accumulation of funds.
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So. In short - you can't demand something because you paid for that. In short this means, that you are freely give Macław and his team some money to use it for their own purpose.
Android wasn't involved for making money - it's Linux adapted to run on mobile devices. Linux is a GPL OS, so you are not paying a damn cent to receive anything. Android is the same. Don't exepect the developers to spend all their time to improve the OS. They have to earn some money too. Nothing is for free, especially food or flat.
Politics of companies is brutal - release the device, give one or max. two updates and pretend that this device is dead. That's normal - it's all about the money. Even biggest companies doesn't give a damn about their old devices/products.
You should appreciate that you have something more than plain GB. It took a lot of work to adapt all of the libs to run CM9/10.
You don't owe anything to Macław and he doesn't owe you anything as well.
I don't appreciate TeamICS politics, but I'm not the one to judge them. Developers are always welcome, especially here on XDA.
So please hide your grudge under the pillow and move on.
hp_vercetti said:
TheWhisp and Maclaw working together?? Galaxy Mini will become the luckiest device in the world! I support both of you but ya, if Maclaw made a promise he should at least try to do something about it.. :fingers-crossed: But i dont care until and unless Maclaw is doing something for our Mini!
Thanx to both Maclaw And TheWhisp :good: Wish u good luck!
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No. He just fixed the Browser issue. That's all, the rest of the work is done by me and Rohan007. He helps us, we help him.

