XZ start up hangs - Xperia Z Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i have a problem i have a xz and was pretty happy with it but after the last time i rooted my device it got realy slow on startup this is hard to explain but its not the initial phone startup but its when i press the on button while it is in standby mode.
you know when your phone is on and you press the on/off button to turn it off then put it in you pocket after 5 min you get an text message you pull your phone out and press the on/off button and after that it takes about 2 a 3 seconds to react and give me a screen where i can input my code to unlock my phone
the backlite is on when i press the on/off key but no picture for 2 a 3 seconds
i have updated my rom using the normal way from a t-mobile phone to an unbranded BE rom 4.2.2. and after that i rooted using the v15 doomlord kit
i hope anyone can help me out


Htc Tytn 2 Screen problem

Hi everyone,
I got a HTC Tytn 2 and i have a problem with it.
When i boot the phone it starts up and goes into windows like every windows mobile phone.
But when i press the standby button my screen wont go out of standby.
Only when i reset the phone it will work again.
Anyone got idea's ?
Oke, since no one responded.
Is there any way how i can make the Power Button replaced with the Speed Dial Button.
Because i think my power button is broke.
WGN88 said:
Oke, since no one responded.
Is there any way how i can make the Power Button replaced with the Speed Dial Button.
Because i think my power button is broke.
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Have you at least tried backing up your data and doing a hard reset first ?
Yes, and i have also tried to put on a new rom and even updated the radio.
Iam a little bit out of idea's...
here are some more ideas:
1. how to test the power button: you say pressing the power button does not wake up the device once it goes to sleep. conversely, does pressing the power button put the device to sleep while the screen is on? if the power button is unable to make the device go off->on as well as on->off, then the power button is likely broken. if pressing the button achieves on->off, then the power button is probably ok and some software issue becomes more likely.
2. how to enable wake on pressing ANY hardware button: look for an option in Settings. i can't tell you the exact option because the ROM i am using does not have a link for this option, but this option does exist 100% in stock ROM and in lots of other ROMs. it contains settings like "Lock all buttons except power button" and "Keep all buttons unlocked" or something similar. by using the second option, pressing ANY hardware button while the screen is off will wake up the device.
3. you can use AE button plus to perform even more advanced button (re)mappings.
4. just to be sure that your device is really working correct, does the screen wake up when you call the phone or when you receive a text message? if it does not wake up even then, then search for "sleep of death".
Thanks for the response.
I think its a Service of Death problem.
Because when i try calling/smsing it, it wont go on
The buttons do work then...hopefully there's a fix for this problem...
Oke, i tried switching to 2G or 3G only but that didn't fix my Standby of Death.
I also bought a new sim card of vodafone so i wont get a No Sim error.
But what can i do now about it...it hangs like every 5 min...
Okay, after a will testing, the phone hangs every time its almost like when iam on the road with my tytn 2 and placing it upside down, it hangs.
But when iam putting it in the leather holder it doesn't hang.
Any had the same problems ?
WGN88 said:
Okay, after a will testing, the phone hangs every time its almost like when iam on the road with my tytn 2 and placing it upside down, it hangs.
But when iam putting it in the leather holder it doesn't hang.
Any had the same problems ?
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Maybe it's hardware and something is coming loose

[Q] Samsung or Android flaw?

Ive discovered this by accident but while the phone is in standby modus and and the screen is locked, when you press the powerbutton for ~5sec the phone reboots.
In my opinion the "reboot" function mapped to the power button should only be working when the phone is screen unlocked.
Is this a samsung or android thingy?
what do you mean by stand by mode ? when screen is off and not being used ? this doesnt happen on my device...
just dont press the power button for 5 seconds and hey presto !!! job done lol
isn' tthis good feature?
It may help a little when
a. not able to 'wake-up' a sleeping phone
b. upon waking-up , force close message keeps on appearing
In b, i have to take out battery and when using my case-mate barely there cover, it's inconvenient to pry it open.
oops.. I didn't answer your actual question.
Sorry, dunno if this is Samsung thingie or Android thingie. But I can "reproduce" the effect on my phone.
It's not reboot though - it goes to "switch off" mode
SquirtingCherry said:
Ive discovered this by accident but while the phone is in standby modus and and the screen is locked, when you press the powerbutton for ~5sec the phone reboots.
In my opinion the "reboot" function mapped to the power button should only be working when the phone is screen unlocked.
Is this a samsung or android thingy?
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mine comes up with a message to shut down the phone or enter flight mode or silent mode or data network mode if you hold down the power button for 5 secs in stand by mode.
If your not getting that message first its possible that your firmware is faulty or if its not a stock firmware it may have not been added correctly.
same here i get message.. stock jpy with speedmod kernel
No i meant like for example you put the phone in your pocket like you normally do and the powerbutton gets pressed for ~5sec while your bent down or another position the button gets pressed it would reboot. Im not really happy with that happening would you.
Im on stock js3 onlything i mod was putting the voodoo kernel on it.
Its a good thing
You'll be happy when the phone freezes and you don't need to take it apart to reboot it (pull battery)... Its just like a power button on a PC, if you hold it long enough it shuts the device down. I've never done it by accident though. Just get a $.99 plastic case and your problem will be gone but you'll still have the feature.

No responding M7

Hi all,
This morning i check if my bootloader was unlocked, because i wan't to give it a try to root it.
I found out it was unlocked (holding down volume and press the power button)
After that, i rebooted my phone and everything worked normal.
Until a couple of hours later, my screen didn't wake up when i pushed the power button.
The homebutton and the backbutton where flickering (going on and off)
So, i waited for a couple of minutes, but nothing changed.
After (i think) 10 minutes, i hold the power button for a couple of seconds and the flickering buttons stopped.
Since then my phone doesn't repsond anymore. I tried the powerbutton for a while, and with the combination of holding the vol. up and down.
So far nothing helped.
Does anyone know what's wrong, and what i can do to wake my phone from its coma?
Thanks in advance!
Enjoy your weekend. Ben
Did you press the power button for a few second before the soft keys started going on and off? Does your phone show a green battery animation when you connect it to a charger?
If the soft keys started flashing on their own, and if your phone doesn't show any signs of life even when you attempt to charge it, I'm afraid this is a hardware problem which no one can fix online.
let's wait and see what more experienced members have to say.

X Performance Dual DEAD!! Help Please!!

So I have an X Performance Dual, today as I woke up in the morning I used my phone a while, I then went for a run I leave the phone unplugged and when I came back the phone wasn't turning on I managed to turn it off using the power button + Volume up key, after that it booted to the Xperia screen after that it turned off by itself and now is now charging, not being recognized by the pc on flash mode nor fastboot mode. what can I do?
I have the same. Bootloader unlocked. Upgrading XZ rom and now not woring hopefully I can reset somewhere but no led/usb signals at the moment... Hopefully power will trigger a reset deep in the hardware....
press power button and hold volume up button same time for several seconds. You will feel it vibrate 3 consecutive times. This is a sort of reset with does not delete anything. It just seems to fix boot issues. Try it and see if this helps..
nickcaper said:
press power button and hold volume up button same time for several seconds. You will feel it vibrate 3 consecutive times. This is a sort of reset with does not delete anything. It just seems to fix boot issues. Try it and see if this helps..
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I sent it to my local sony repair center, after 5 days sent returned no issue thank god... now new motherboard

note 5 turns off automatically - help

Hello Guys
I have Note 5 SM-920G single sim unlocked version indian
This phone automatically turns off sometimes (3-4 times a day)
this usually happens when a call comes. like i hear a ringtone for a 1 sec. then i check , phone is complete blank
i have to press power key , then it turns ON .
other time , when i pull device from pocket , press home key to use , it vibrates little bit , and complete blank. then i have to press power key to turn ONN
i also installed latest STOCK ROM 7.0 via Odin , but still issue not resolved.
can anyone guide what exactly this issue can be?

