Ive been running a custom notifcation bar (ClearBar)
i just used metamorph to revert to stock, using the devs clear-to-stock theme
phones now stuck in a loop whereas it boots, freezes and restarts over and over
ive run restore factory = no joy
i dont have a custom rom to flash using an and wasnt sure if firmwares came as i dont think they do.
I have to leave the house right now but will be back in 5 hours, please can someone post a solution for my problem!
thanks guys
you serious? no reply to this ???
sometimes it does needs a little bump to become visible again
you know the high volume of postings we get here, so don't be surprised if no one noticed after it moved to page 2 or beyond.
ClockworkMod Recovery have ROMs that will work with the
but only if you have the Full version of the ROM
if you created a backup before the skin changes with the ClockworkMod, then you can also restore that one.
Last resolt if you did not create any backup before getting... loopy... is to use Odin with any Firmware you choose.
yea i paniced and posted before i went to work, with no reply ive been doing some more researching over the last hour and pretty much figured that out. So hopefully ill be fine flashing a different firmware.
The best resource imo which i havent seen posted enough! Galaxy S/?key=AfzUZSU4SpKU
just needs a couple more firmwares i think, you recon JM1 or JM2 ? guessing they are newer than JG5 , and JM1 was released over kies and was what i was using before.
I will use clockwork this time around! as i plan on making more graphical changes in the future, will be doing them myself this time tho!
well if you are going to be using custom ROMs in the end, then any Euro version of the i9000 ROMs will work for you, just to get you back on your feet, and then you can reload another custom ROM of your liking.
no i doubt i will be using custom roms, as i prefer installing things to my liking not someone elses. after reading the 19 page thread about the JM6 firmware, i think im going to stick with JM1 as its most highly rated and was officially released to UK through Kies so must be nice and stable
thanks for your replies yet again!
hey all gamer, im flashing a firmware i found, JM1
code, pda and csc are all XX, odin is stuck at File analysis, is it ok to disconnect USB and try again ?
i just got back, i was at the movies watchin The Expendables
yeah it's safe to abort, and reflash with Odin again, as long as your phone can go into the download mode via the 3 button key press
Hiya guys.
I've searched the forum as much as I can to try and solve my problems and it's got me so far but I can't find any more information to get my phone back working properly so though I'd bite the bullet and make a thread. If the information I require is actually lurking out there then I apologise just please point me in the right direction.
Here is my story.
Right I rooted my device through some video I followed on youtube (I cant post the link)
I think it successfully (as far as I know) rooted my SGS.
So with my newly rooted SGS I downloaded Darky's ROM and followed the instructions in the guide to flash it onto the device.
In the end it failed and the phone powered off and wouldn't power back on.
Panic Ensued.
I have since got my phone back into the download mode and flashed froyo 2.2 (I downloaded from some link on this site) it said it was successful but now it won't boot past the Samsung Galaxy S logo.
Please help?
Thanks alot in advance.
try to do a factory reset in recovery (sometimes it works)
and another thing, it may be that the froyo rom you downloaded was bad or something..
try to use this one with odin if the factory reset wont work. i know this one works.
Flash as PDA using Odin with repartition enabled and 512 pit
that one fixed my friend phone when something slimier happened to him.
Right thanks alot mate don't know what the hell happened but left it off and just turned it on and now it's working fine!
Scared me a little that I nearly bricked it but I really wanna try installing a new rom but don't wanna break it again :S
Just read the flash instructions and you won't have any problems.
Sent from hell to take your soul
When you flash it can take up to 10 minutes for the 1st boot, so go have a cup of tea and be patient!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Ah right that was my first time so it might have just been me being impatient and thinking it wasn't working because it had been broken.
Also just wondering, the link I downloaded this Froyo ROM from (from another thread on here, can't find it now) is it custom or stock?
Heres some details...
Firmware version
Kernel version
[email protected]#36
The phone feels much snappier than before!
I'm new to all this ROM/flashing bees wax so just wondering.
Thanks muchly!
If its from some thread on here its custom some how some way (unless you just changed the kernel - which is speedmod - a very popular one - from your details.
Yeah it's off here from a thread I was reading on how to sort my phone being stuck in download mode.
Is it alot faster than the original rom I was running then?
Thought I wasnt such a noob but appearantly I am.
Went from stock 2.1 on Captivate to Serendipity 5.x then later to 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 No hickups, havn't messed with it since. Finally decided to upgrade to slim ICS.
after a ton of hickups, finally got CM7 on the phone just to get stuck in a bootloop. Tried wipes (Dalvik, system, cache) as recommended on forums and got stuck on splashscreen. After trying tons of stuff ended up with stock 2.3.4. , which is now rooted. and after scouring the forums have no idea where to go from here.
I tried Rom Manager & RM Premium (I selected i9000 as I am guessing that is the corrrect one for captivate) to get CWM but the CWM flash install failed, so I just refunded it
Where am I now?
Rooted stock 2.3.4.
Kernel ver.-
Build Number- Gingerbread.UCKH3
Odin won't see my phone
I have no CWM Recovery (looks like stock samsung recovery)
Where should I go from here?
bimbim18 said:
Thought I wasnt such a noob but appearantly I am.
Went from stock 2.1 on Captivate to Serendipity 5.x then later to 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 No hickups, havn't messed with it since. Finally decided to upgrade to slim ICS.
after a ton of hickups, finally got CM7 on the phone just to get stuck in a bootloop. Tried wipes (Dalvik, system, cache) as recommended on forums and got stuck on splashscreen. After trying tons of stuff ended up with stock 2.3.4. , which is now rooted. and after scouring the forums have no idea where to go from here.
I tried Rom Manager & RM Premium (I selected i9000 as I am guessing that is the corrrect one for captivate) to get CWM but the CWM flash install failed, so I just refunded it
Where am I now?
Rooted stock 2.3.4.
Kernel ver.-
Build Number- Gingerbread.UCKH3
Odin won't see my phone
I have no CWM Recovery (looks like stock samsung recovery)
Where should I go from here?
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try to install drivers again and first open odin after that connect device then odin will recognize the device
Im about to try ICS on my cappy. Im on GB 2.3.5. I will try slim or Turk's V5. However, if I dont like it, would a simple one click ODIN bring me back to GB easily? or is there more to it (because of kernals, or do a double flashing, etc etc)
dhlalit11 said:
try to install drivers again and first open odin after that connect device then odin will recognize the device
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I'll try that, to get CWM , just a flash of Boog's KH3 should work correct?
bimbim18 said:
Odin won't see my phone
I have no CWM Recovery (looks like stock samsung recovery)
Where should I go from here?
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Depending on how you ended up at 2.3.4, you may need different drivers in order for Odin to see your phone.
I used Heimdall after an unsuccessful update from Slim 2.7 to 2.8 and had to use Heimdall to get out of a similar bootloop. It left me without CWM and a computer that cannot detect my phone.
Since Heimdall worked but I knew I needed CWM, I found a Heimdall package from Apex that contained CWM (post #3,
Not sure this address your needs but hopefully it will help
captican said:
Depending on how you ended up at 2.3.4, you may need different drivers in order for Odin to see your phone.
I used Heimdall after an unsuccessful update from Slim 2.7 to 2.8 and had to use Heimdall to get out of a similar bootloop. It left me without CWM and a computer that cannot detect my phone.
Since Heimdall worked but I knew I needed CWM, I found a Heimdall package from Apex that contained CWM (post #3,
Not sure this address your needs but hopefully it will help
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actually I think Heimdall was what actually got my phone working again, I'll go with that. thanks. what driver did you end up using if you remember? I probably need the same one
bimbim18 said:
actually I think Heimdall was what actually got my phone working again, I'll go with that. thanks. what driver did you end up using if you remember? I probably need the same one
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This is where I found it:
Once you open the package, it flashes the ROM the first time through and then gives you the option of flashing gingerbread bootloaders on a second flash. I did not flash bootloaders since I was already on gb. The ROM itself, Apex 12.4, is actually pretty good.
Based on my experiences recently, ending the bootloop, solving a softbrick, and upgrading to CWM (thanks AdamOutler!, I actually am less nervous about using Heimdall than I am Odin but it just does not seem to be as popular as Odin. The major drawback of Heimdall is the different drivers.
Good luck.
OMG i got the biggest scare, after attempting to flash the kernel it got stuck in the 'establishing connection' stage. After 30 mins I pulled the plug to make another attempt. I got a screen I have never seen before:
had a computer and a phone pic with big yellow letters:
"Upgrade attempt Failed. Try recovery mode"
no problem. Hold volume buttons, power on.... same screen. 3 times same thing. OK no problem lets try download mode, same thing. After some googling I finally found a similar poster that basically said the screen actually serves AS a download mode, and that he tried 6 times before the flash took. I got mine after 3 more attempts.
Tried to flash slimICS from there, failed and aborted..
So, from here I guess it is mandatory to flash CM7? or do i have to go to 2.3.5 first?
bimbim18 said:
OMG i got the biggest scare, after attempting to flash the kernel it got stuck in the 'establishing connection' stage. After 30 mins I pulled the plug to make another attempt. I got a screen I have never seen before:
had a computer and a phone pic with big yellow letters:
"Upgrade attempt Failed. Try recovery mode"
no problem. Hold volume buttons, power on.... same screen. 3 times same thing. OK no problem lets try download mode, same thing. After some googling I finally found a similar poster that basically said the screen actually serves AS a download mode, and that he tried 6 times before the flash took. I got mine after 3 more attempts.
Tried to flash slimICS from there, failed and aborted..
So, from here I guess it is mandatory to flash CM7? or do i have to go to 2.3.5 first?
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I cannot answer that question about needing CM7 or 2.3.5.
I know that I went to Slim ICS from Fusion ICS without any problems. The procedure for Fusion seemed tailored to their ROM ( I remember being a little nervous about "pull battery at android and triangle screen..." but it worked out fine.
I have to decide whether or not to go the Fusion route or this way (
OK, I finally got it installed, OMG it's amazing ^^
To answer my own questions for anyone else it may help.
No, you don't need to go to 2.3.5. I just went to CM7 (build 16) and that gave me the rest of the updates I needed to jump to slim ICS 2.8
Thank you for all your help ! to spend the next week going through settings lol
bimbim18 said:
OK, I finally got it installed, OMG it's amazing ^^
To answer my own questions for anyone else it may help.
No, you don't need to go to 2.3.5. I just went to CM7 (build 16) and that gave me the rest of the updates I needed to jump to slim ICS 2.8
Thank you for all your help ! to spend the next week going through settings lol
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Just wait until you discover the addiction of trying a new ROM. Because it "might"be better, or faster, or have cool options or themes... ...... ..... aaaaahhhhh I needed help!!
Sent from my GT-I897 using xda premium
shaker2k said:
Just wait until you discover the addiction of trying a new ROM. Because it "might"be better, or faster, or have cool options or themes... ...... ..... aaaaahhhhh I needed help!!
Sent from my GT-I897 using xda premium
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I am not the one who has a problem with this. My wife, on the other hand...
bimbim18 said:
OK, I finally got it installed, OMG it's amazing ^^
To answer my own questions for anyone else it may help.
No, you don't need to go to 2.3.5. I just went to CM7 (build 16) and that gave me the rest of the updates I needed to jump to slim ICS 2.8
Thank you for all your help ! to spend the next week going through settings lol
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If you had read my instructions, would hav e been simpler. It said, coming from GB rom, flash TeamHacksung build 16, then mine. done.
I attempted to root my SGS (which had stock Gingerbread Value 2.3.6) using a guide on the Snappyguides blogspot page (the system won't let me, as a newbie, post the URL).
Odin did its thing and then the Samsung Galaxy screen came up (just the white lettering, not the multicoloured animated S) and then... nothing. It just stayed like that for about five seconds, then the white Samsung Galaxy S came up again, then the blank screen ad infinitum.
I can access the download screen and I can access the recovery screen (which does seem to indicate that ClockworkMod v2.5.1.0 has been installed). The trouble is that none of the options seem to do anything.
I have tried searching the forum for similar problems and have read the sticky. The only answers I seem to have been able to find so far suggest flashing a new Rom.
Before I go this far, is flashing a new Rom really necessary in this instance? I have never done this procedure before, so I'm wary of messing things up even further. But obviously if the phone is past the point of no return as far as the stock Rom is concerned, then that'll be what I have to do.
I'd appreciate some advice before doing anything else to my phone though.
I now seem to be able to get the recovery menu options to respond, so maybe all is not lost. Have set it to root and it's currently converting to EXT4 and is about halfway through that.
I'm hoping once that's done, it'll be bootable.
If not, what do I need to do to make the SGS boot again? Is there any way of getting back to stock or can I only flash a stock rom back on?
Nope, still not booting. It just keeps going to the Samsung I9000 white lettering, stays there for five seconds, goes blank for five seconds, then the white lettering goes back and on, off like that forever.
So... anyone willing to help?
have a look in this thread
Lexrsk said:
have a look in this thread
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Thanks for responding.
Sorry for being a n00b but I can't find anything in there that helps me. All I see is a lot of jargon about various roms, kernels and something called Voodoo.
I had a working phone with Gingerbread 2.3.6 Value. I added Clockworkmod via Odin. Now I can't get the phone to boot beyond the splash screen. It doesn't even get as far as the animated S, all I get is the splash screen going on and off every few seconds.
All I want is to get my phone working again, I really couldn't care less about custom roms etc.
If anyone can help this poor n00b, I'd be very grateful!
Incidentally, I've downloaded what I understand to be the factory rom for JW4 from - this is a 171MB zip file with just two files inside - a tar file called JW4_JW5_JW4 and a dll file called SS_DL.dll. I'm not really sure what to do with these to restore my phone via Odin. This is the kind of thing I need help with - the threads I've read so far don't make much sense to a poor confused n00b I'm afraid.
evilcartman2 said:
Thanks for responding.
Sorry for being a n00b but I can't find anything in there that helps me. All I see is a lot of jargon about various roms, kernels and something called Voodoo.
I had a working phone with Gingerbread 2.3.6 Value. I added Clockworkmod via Odin. Now I can't get the phone to boot beyond the splash screen. It doesn't even get as far as the animated S, all I get is the splash screen going on and off every few seconds.
All I want is to get my phone working again, I really couldn't care less about custom roms etc.
If anyone can help this poor n00b, I'd be very grateful!
Incidentally, I've downloaded what I understand to be the factory rom for JW4 from - this is a 171MB zip file with just two files inside - a tar file called JW4_JW5_JW4 and a dll file called SS_DL.dll. I'm not really sure what to do with these to restore my phone via Odin. This is the kind of thing I need help with - the threads I've read so far don't make much sense to a poor confused n00b I'm afraid.
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I'll help u, I went through this when I was a noob and because I didn't know about xda I had to just figure a way out, I am sorry to say but u have soft bricked your phone, luckily its not hard to unbrick, here's a link to a post i made the other day with proper guides that I use often and they are noob friendly, the files u need to download are there but it 2.3.3 and it JW4 but it will be a start to get ur phone back to life,
If you like my posts hit thanks
Here the link
If you like my posts hit thanks
OK, thanks for that. I'm supposed to be asleep right now, so I'll come back to this later but thanks for helping.
But just to clarify for now - this will restore the phone to a working version of 2.3.3 and from there I can get back to the latest stock rom (2.3.6) via Kies, yes? I need to get into Kies anyway to restore my contacts from backups (as I haven't yet seen a way of restoring the backups except via Kies).
Thanks once again.
evilcartman2 said:
OK, thanks for that. I'm supposed to be asleep right now, so I'll come back to this later but thanks for helping.
But just to clarify for now - this will restore the phone to a working version of 2.3.3 and from there I can get back to the latest stock rom (2.3.6) via Kies, yes? I need to get into Kies anyway to restore my contacts from backups (as I haven't yet seen a way of restoring the backups except via Kies).
Thanks once again.
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Yip I guess that is right. I have never tried it but yes it should work
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Well, I did get it working again in the end by using a factory rom. Thanks for your help anyway, W1nst0n.
I do intend to attempt to root it again but this time I intend to do it properly.
Any suggestions on what may have caused the boot problem I had? Perhaps using a version of ClockworkMod that was incompatible with 2.3.6 Value?
evilcartman2 said:
Well, I did get it working again in the end by using a factory rom. Thanks for your help anyway, W1nst0n.
I do intend to attempt to root it again but this time I intend to do it properly.
Any suggestions on what may have caused the boot problem I had? Perhaps using a version of ClockworkMod that was incompatible with 2.3.6 Value?
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Yeah that or the wrong root file for ur baseband
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evilcartman2 said:
Well, I did get it working again in the end by using a factory rom. Thanks for your help anyway, W1nst0n.
I do intend to attempt to root it again but this time I intend to do it properly.
Any suggestions on what may have caused the boot problem I had? Perhaps using a version of ClockworkMod that was incompatible with 2.3.6 Value?
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Check in about phone for the kernel version. for example mine is
The important part is the bold text.
search the link that i posted earlier for a odin version and flash as PDA
Good luck
Evilcartman, when u wanna get me help find me on the I9000 q&a-ask me anything I got the answer thread, it where I spend most of my time.
If you like my posts hit thanks
OK before anyone flames me I already searched... and searched.... and searched & couldn't find the information I needed. I am only asking for assistance/input from members who are knowledgable on flashing ROMs & Kernals. Unfortunatly XDA is growing at a rate that makes searching almost unbearable.
OK to the reason for the post. I am finally looking to flash my AT&T Samsung Captivate to a custom ROM. No I don't need help flashing, got that covered. I am looking to upgrade to CM9 (Stable). I was also looking at maybe flashing the Devil Kernal also. I had originaly upgraded to ICS from Samsung via kies & rooted my phone. It ran fine with no problems for several months. Sometime a few weeks ago it started to random reboot or crash & reboot for no apparent reason. It finally locked up completly & could only use the 3 button to get it to move. I previously posted trying to get help with that here ( The only way I could get it to come back was to go into recovery, do a factory reset & wipe everything. So now I am back to 2.3.5 ( Also my phone is currently not rooed as a result of the wipeout. My phone is running like crap now after all that & what I consider fuctioning minimally.
So now the assistance/input portion of the thread. Because of the problems I had prior & the current state of the phone how should I proceed? Because of what I am looking to do with both the ROM & Kernal & being unrooted. Is there some app or PC program I should run to check my phone to make sure its not a hardware issue? Also should I get to a state & flash the kernal first then go to CM9? Do I need to flash the kernal at all? Forum posts are like a spiders web & some say yes, others no. My head feels like it is going to explode!
I am just looking to do this in the best way possible to achieve the best success. I unfortunatly don't have a lot of time to keep flashing ROMs all the time & funds are tight with family so buying a new S3 isn't going to happen either. Im hoping that someone knowledgable with the android system can help me do this right.
Thanks in advanced!
OK so I took the plunge & screwed my phone up. I tried piecing info from about 20 different threads & somewhere it went wrong. If anyone actually reads this please take the 2 seconds to help. Another sites members already pissed me off with their "oh a noob" crap. I swear as much crap as people give the i-freaks its seeming more and more that the android community is becoming just as bad.
So here is where I am. I wiped my phone & tried to install CM9 (cm-9.1.0-captivatemtd). I installed it on the SD card via my pc/USB, booted into recovery, tried to install & got error. So I tried again using speedmod kernal (speedmod-kernel-i897-k13e-500hz) & got same results. The I flashed the corn kernal (CornKernel_UCKK4_v705) & made 100% sure was rooted, tried again, error. So I read yet ANOTHER thread that said to flash ICS CM9 you need a compatible kernal. So I flashed Devil (Devil3_1.1.3_ICS_cappy_CFS_BLN_CMC_20120807). There were actually 2 & ZERO info as to which of the 2 you were supposed to use. Well after I flashed it I got stuck on a boot loop & could not get into recovery after that. So I tried flashing back to Corn, now I am just stuck at the boot screen. I can though boot into recovery still.
So now I have no idea what to do. I have spent my whole day trying to get this done. I tried & I failed. Apprently easy for some, not for others. Someone please help me!
When u first flash the CM9 Rom it should reboot into the CM9's recovery within a few seconds. Then from that recovery just select install the CM9 Rom and it will do the full install of that rom. Should be good after that.
And what error are u getting when u have tried the install and it failed ??
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
Thank the gods I got a response! First off thank you 4-2ndtwin for even taking the time.
OK so I am still on the Corn Kernal which uses "SystemsCorps CwM- Based Recovery v5.1.0.7". Using the 3 button I selected I did the following
- Install zip from SD card
- Choose zip from SD card
- selected "
- selected yes "Install"
Then it says finding updates.... then opening updates...
The error flashes on the screen so quick I cant even read it before it goes back to the select location for zip. I did it several times and I did see something that said "E:Can't open sd card...." , "bad!". I had to do it like 20 times to get that much from it.
I am lost. I have been looking high and low & cant seem to figure this out.
If you can't help no worries. I am starting to price out new phones but really dont want to. But if you can that would be awesome!
R u copying the rom onto ur internal sd card and not the removable sdcard ?
Maybe a bad download of the Rom...Try fresh download or even a different Rom.
Have u ever seen the "Encryption Unsuccessful" error on ur phone ?? -- it is the cause/result of the internal sdcard gettin messed up. But people with that error are able to flash Roms from their external sd.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
i installed it via usb/pc to the main sd, dont have a removable installed. its in the same spot as the "" is located from the ota/kies upgrade. I checked and apparently I am dislexic. the file size was wrong. I cant get my phone to boot anymore though. gets stuck on the corn start up & never goes past it. I tried using the odin3 one click & now my phone no matter what I do says "firmware upgrade failed" "try using recovery mode". so now I cant do anything.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda app-developers app
*** Update ***
I finally got the Odin3 one click to work. I am now back to 2.1-update1, kernal is 2.6.29 [email protected] #2.
So I moved the CM9 zip file and verified 3 times the file size is correct.
So now do I just flash the kernal & then install from recovery or do I need to update to 2.3?
Im learning as I go, but damn its a painfull process! LOL
Shoktronic said:
Thank the gods I got a response! First off thank you 4-2ndtwin for even taking the time.
OK so I am still on the Corn Kernal which uses "SystemsCorps CwM- Based Recovery v5.1.0.7". Using the 3 button I selected I did the following
- Install zip from SD card
- Choose zip from SD card
- selected "
- selected yes "Install"
Then it says finding updates.... then opening updates...
The error flashes on the screen so quick I cant even read it before it goes back to the select location for zip. I did it several times and I did see something that said "E:Can't open sd card...." , "bad!". I had to do it like 20 times to get that much from it.
I am lost. I have been looking high and low & cant seem to figure this out.
If you can't help no worries. I am starting to price out new phones but really dont want to. But if you can that would be awesome!
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This problem is solved simply by booting into recovery and flashing the zip a second time.
You can flash from 2.1, but I recommend you be on Gingerbread bootloaders.
Well I am on the 2nd update & then should hopefully be able to try it all again. After this update I am going to flash the new kernal, root & then try the update again.... hopefully!
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda app-developers app