I have done all the reading and want to be sure I am understanding correctly.
My first install was CM9 which works great.
After using ACMEUninstaller I have on different occasions installed CM 10 and 10.1 using ACMEInstaller3.. Had issues both times so I reverted to my CM9 nandroid backup, can't say enough about how important that is.
My Question: Can I now safely FLASH CM10 and CM10.1 and gapps and not have to do the pc/tp transfer process?
Thanks for your assistance!
What issues did you have with the 10 and 10.1 flash? Is there a reason you're using acme instead of recovery to flash?
bananagranola said:
What issues did you have with the 10 and 10.1 flash? Is there a reason you're using acme instead of recovery to flash?
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Playstore issue on 10 and bootloop on10.1
Per thread instructions I used ACMEUinstaller to do clean install and ACME3 to set partition size on initial install of 10.
Can I now safely flash?
ChiefsTP said:
Playstore issue on 10 and bootloop on10.1
Per thread instructions I used ACMEUinstaller to do clean install and ACME3 to set partition size on initial install of 10.
Can I now safely flash?
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I haven't tried to flash yet at all.
Yeah, you can try flashing with recovery. Make sure you full wipe.
How to install Android 4.2 and 4.3 Builds on the HP TouchPad
ChiefsTP said:
Playstore issue on 10 and bootloop on10.1
Per thread instructions I used ACMEUinstaller to do clean install and ACME3 to set partition size on initial install of 10.
Can I now safely flash?
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Hey, I have a thread that could help you out, i'm updating it now People are having issues with this. Checkout it out for full info. Follow the instructions in the video, Happy Flashing:good:
[ROM GUIDE] How to install Android 4.2 and 4.3 Builds on the HP TouchPad
i bought a used hp touchpad with webos and cm10 is installed but i want cm9 and to keep webos.
Can somebody show me which guide to follow and if there is something extra/diffrent i need to know?
thanos2014 said:
i bought a used hp touchpad with webos and cm10 is installed but i want cm9 and to keep webos.
Can somebody show me which guide to follow and if there is something extra/diffrent i need to know?
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CM9 -> CM10 can require repartitioning, but CM10 -> CM9 is just like any other ROM flash. Backup, download the ROM and save it on the sdcard, boot into recovery, full wipe, and flash. It only affects the Android partitions; WebOS won't be affected.
bananagranola said:
CM9 -> CM10 can require repartitioning, but CM10 -> CM9 is just like any other ROM flash. Backup, download the ROM and save it on the sdcard, boot into recovery, full wipe, and flash. It only affects the Android partitions; WebOS won't be affected.
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Don't forget the correct gapps as well 04/29 both of which are available in the first post of the nightly thread in the developers section.
Have fun .
The full wipe/factory reset is needed to go back from cm10 to cm9. I also include formatting system but that might be overkill. Going from cm9 to cm10 doesn't require more than clearing caches. It's the downgrade that is nasty. You do need the correct Gapps for cm9. Enjoy.
I have CM9 and CWM on my touchpad, I wanted to upgrade to a jelly bean rom (SCHIZOID). Can anyone help me on how to update to this rom? Not too sure myself and I don't want to mess things up...
soulja786 said:
I have CM9 and CWM on my touchpad, I wanted to upgrade to a jelly bean rom (SCHIZOID). Can anyone help me on how to update to this rom? Not too sure myself and I don't want to mess things up...
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I would do a completely clean install. Run acmeuninstaller, then in webos, run 'remove android'. I f you don't have it, download it from preware. If you don't have preware, install it using WOSQI. Then install cm10 using acmeinstaller3. As long as you're at it might as well upgrade cwm and moboot. They'll install with acmeinstaller3. Here's the link for recovery :http://goo.im/devs/jcsullins/cmtouchpad/recovery
Use the 12/15 version. Here's the link for acmeuninstaller and acmeinstaller3. http://goo.im/devs/jcsullins/cmtouchpad/tools
Here's the link for the gapps: http://goo.im/gapps
Use the 4/29 gapps for cm9 and the 10/11 for cm10.
There are several good how to's here and over at the webos nation forum. Just follow one and you'll be fine.
add one more thing::
backup the cm9 you have now.. my daily is cm9.
AFAIK, it will be complete when dorregaray is satisfied w/ his gyroscope..which i dont really care about acuz i dont play any of those games.
who knows when its fixed, i might play something tho.
i do have a current working cm10 installation backedup ..
there are couple things i want to see fixed before i make cm10 my daily..
I assume you can restore app data by backing up to titanium backup. I use it with my phone when changing ROMs.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
ludvball said:
I assume you can restore app data by backing up to titanium backup. it with my phone when changing ROMs.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
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I just installed CM9 using acmeinstaller 3 and moboot 0.3.5 and new cwm. Do I still need to do a clean install as described above if I want to try schizoid?
Can I just do a full erase data, /cache, and Dalvik Cache partitions.... and install schizoid zip via cwm?
This is pretty comprehensive: http://rootzwiki.com/topic/31548-ho...with-sound-camera-microphone-updated-1302013/
After this, just use CWM to flash new rom.
fun4stuff said:
I just installed CM9 using acmeinstaller 3 and moboot 0.3.5 and new cwm. Do I still need to do a clean install as described above if I want to try schizoid?
Can I just do a full erase data, /cache, and Dalvik Cache partitions.... and install schizoid zip via cwm?
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I would recommend you to use CWM6 and moboot 0.3.8 at the very least. If you just want to check out the speed of cm10 for a little while, I would suggest using Oat's one off CM10 Christmas gift. I was mixing CM9/10 CWM5/6 boot.5/.8 and I had to webOS doctor it eventually. So be careful
Oats ROM is good because it could work even over a ACME2 instance
Hey guys. Currently using CM9 Nightly build 9/29 with Moboot 0.3.5, CWM and I'm pretty sure I used ACMEInstaller2 to do all of this.
I wondering if I need to update moboot or cwm or repartition with acmeinstaller3. Or should I just stay on this until I decide to do a CM10 or CM11 (future) ROM. Thanks. Also, if you do suggest I update, would you mind providing either a link or just drop a few lines running through quickly? Thanks
shadowscott said:
Hey guys. Currently using CM9 Nightly build 9/29 with Moboot 0.3.5, CWM and I'm pretty sure I used ACMEInstaller2 to do all of this.
I wondering if I need to update moboot or cwm or repartition with acmeinstaller3. Or should I just stay on this until I decide to do a CM10 or CM11 (future) ROM. Thanks. Also, if you do suggest I update, would you mind providing either a link or just drop a few lines running through quickly? Thanks
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I believe, at minimum, you may need to repartition. I was running CM9, but in preparation for newer Android releases I opted to perform a full reset back to stock WebOS, used Tailor to re-partition, then re-install Android. You can use WebOS Quick Install to install both Preware and Tailor, or just install Preware and use that to install Tailor.
I used the following software versions for my Android re-install:
ACMEInstaller3 (http://d-h.st/GMi)
moboot 0.3.8 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2151987)
ClockWorkMod (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2111734)
Android 4.2.2, CyanogenMod 10.1 nightlies from @milaq (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2290346)
I recommend reviewing the guides linked in the following index thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=29261108
For the partition sizes in Tailor, I searched for suggestions and went with the following custom layout for my 32GB TouchPad:
USB (media): 20,000 MiB (19.531 GiB)
Android (system): 512 MiB
Android (cache): 512 MiB
Android (data): 7,168 MiB (7 GiB)
Unused Space: None
You should read this. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2147284
I was in the same spot a few weeks ago. I stayed with moboot 3.5, updated cwm to 6.0xx, updated my partition to 512mb. I went with evervolv 4.3. I would have stayed with CM but for the 4.3 update they require a repartitioning of space and I did not want to do that yet. I dont use blue tooth so Im ok with that.
You can see your options from this link. Everythig else is pretty much a link off it.
Thanks everyone.
So if I just want to stay with what I have, which is CM9 with CWM 5-whatever, just keep it the way it is?
But if I want to move up I should uninstall everything, use acme3 with moboot 0.3.8 and CWM6 and then install jellybean or newer?
jrv331 said:
I was in the same spot a few weeks ago. I stayed with moboot 3.5, updated cwm to 6.0xx, updated my partition to 512mb. I went with evervolv 4.3. I would have stayed with CM but for the 4.3 update they require a repartitioning of space and I did not want to do that yet. I dont use blue tooth so Im ok with that.
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Is there a detriment to staying with current partition size and just using a different CWM? I heard that CWM6 fixes some sort of bug? You repartitioned, but that's because you went to a JellyBean Rom right?
shadowscott said:
Thanks everyone.
So if I just want to stay with what I have, which is CM9 with CWM 5-whatever, just keep it the way it is?
But if I want to move up I should uninstall everything, use acme3 with moboot 0.3.8 and CWM6 and then install jellybean or newer?
Is there a detriment to staying with current partition size and just using a different CWM? I heard that CWM6 fixes some sort of bug? You repartitioned, but that's because you went to a JellyBean Rom right?
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This is a 3 part response.
1) If your fine with your current settings then dont do anything. Maybe flash cwm 6 at the most. Why mess with what works.
2) If you want to move up to CM 10.1 or higher then you have to flash the 512mb mod. That just takes the data partition(think that what its called) to 512 for the larger roms. Then your ok installing a 4.1 rom , just down load the rom and gapps. Boot into cwm, wipe data, cache,davlink and install the zips.
3) If you want to go to CM 4.3, then you have to also flash a second partitioning mod. This messes up your partition and you have to run another zip if you ever want to go back. Not as hard as it sounds but I didnt want to do it. The Evervolve 4.3 doesn't require the second mode. I basically kept moboot 3.5, flashed cwm6, flashed the 512mb zip. Booted to recovery and wiped everything, flashed evervolv and gapps and was good to go. I don't use bluetooth so Im good. You really have to look at the roms and see what meets your needs.
There's not much difference between 4.1,4.2 and 4.3 but I figured Id go to the latest stable for now. Sometimes Id like to go back to CM9, had the best camera for me.
Let me know if you need any help.
I'm running 10.1.3-galaxysmtd. When I try to update from the CyanogenMod updater it downloads 10.2, but when I try to apply it, the phone boots and gets to about only 20% on the progress bar before it restarts and then boots normaly into 10.1.3
Does anyone know what is the problem?
pandronic said:
I'm running 10.1.3-galaxysmtd. When I try to update from the CyanogenMod updater it downloads 10.2, but when I try to apply it, the phone boots and gets to about only 20% on the progress bar before it restarts and then boots normaly into 10.1.3
Does anyone know what is the problem?
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Do it manually without using the updater, meaning flash CM10.2 as you flashed CM 10 and follow guide in developer thread.
Check this out! Links to useful Guides and " Banned " Documentaries ​
I was hoping I wouldn't have to reinstall everything
pandronic said:
I was hoping I wouldn't have to reinstall everything
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from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2385178
- Upgrading from another CM10/CM10.1/CM10.2 prior to 20130816 Build?
Do a Nandroid Backup!
Install the ROM from internal sdcard using ClockworkMod Recovery
Optionally restore /data from Nandroid Backup (the update will wipe your /data)
Optionally install the Google Addon
- Upgrading from another CM10.2 Build?
Do a Nandroid Backup!
Install the ROM from internal sdcard using ClockworkMod Recovery
Note: The partition layout of CM10.2 (beginning from 20130816 nightly) differs of that of CM10/CM10.1. The first install will wipe your /data to switch to the new layout, but after that you may use CWM to restore/backup data of CM10/10.1/10.2. More about repartitioning​
Did you get it, @pandronic ?
Xsenman's posts explained all you need.
Yes, thank you.
I am having a Galaxy Tab P-1000 with stock 2.3.3 rooted and CWM installed
I want to install Cyanogen Mod 11 on it but I am confused
1.Do I need to install a kernel before flashing ROM and backup efs folder (how)
2.Steps to flash CM11 (if factory reset+wipe cache+dalvik then reply "yes")
mukul2259 said:
I am having a Galaxy Tab P-1000 with stock 2.3.3 rooted and CWM installed
I want to install Cyanogen Mod 11 on it but I am confused
1.Do I need to install a kernel before flashing ROM and backup efs folder (how)
2.Steps to flash CM11 (if factory reset+wipe cache+dalvik then reply "yes")
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To answer your questions, 1. No need to install a kernel first. You are rooted.
To back up efs folder use es file explorer from google play. Save the copy to the desktop computer. Flashing can erase this folder. It is extremly important.
2. Do a full wipe-- cache, dalvik, factory reset.
3. Follow the instructions in the roms op.
Sent from the Galaxasaurous tabalonicus Rex
Thanks @Deep Nox
Will install @terenceng's CM11 tomorrow
mukul2259 said:
Thanks @Deep Nox
Will install @terenceng's CM11 tomorrow
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I've been running terenceng's rom on my other tab. The rom runs very smoothly. Especially if you go to art. Just know there are a few bugs. Camera, video, gps and mobile data are not working. Just read the OP for specific device install instructions and follow them. You might have to flash the rom 3 times for it to work.
Sent from the Galaxasaurous tabalonicus Rex
Camera ,GPS and Video seems to be working I guess on P-1000
And for ART we have to resize cache partitions if I am not wrong
(Both for latest builds)
Are these working in latest official Cyanogen Nightlies
mukul2259 said:
Camera ,GPS and Video seems to be working I guess on P-1000
And for ART we have to resize cache partitions if I am not wrong
(Both for latest builds)
Are these working in latest official Cyanogen Nightlies
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The camera and video can be worked around by downloading a app off google play. But, there will be no video out. FC. There is no GPS or data, due to the kernel being highly experimental. If you have the p1000 gsm version, i think you have to resize the cache partitions to flash the rom. Kit kat is too big for any Gapps to fit in. You have to resize to make room for both.
Check the OP for instructions.
Sent from the Galaxasaurous tabalonicus Rex