[Q] Just got it back... And dropped it. Life hates me. - Xperia Z Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I recently lost my precious XZ... I was at a tennis match had began to hyperventilate due to a medical problem... When I got off the bus, I was so dizzy, I didn't grab it. Thankfully, the bus driver had it.
Today, right after I got it back, it slipped out of my hand onto the front porch. It landed right on it's face. Luckily, only the back glass cracked.
My question is, is it at all waterproof anymore? I've cracked the sides before and pieces chipped off, but it was still waterproof... If it's not anymore, would it be possible to have the back replaced and restore the water resistance?


Shoots, I finally dropped my Tilt on the ground.

Was at a football game last Sunday & dropped my phone on the ground. It must of fell out of my lap when I jumped up to cheer. Now that hurts! I've been babying it too. Oh well, it was bound to happened sooner or later.
Now my Tilt has scratches on the left & right bottom corners. I was thinking about taking a fine grade of sandpaper & sanding it down. Has anyone tried smoothing out a ding on there phone before. If so, what did you use?
I just recently found a small nick on the top corner of my Tilt. I'm assuming I got it the same day I dropped it. That means my phone must of cart wheeled before falling on its back! *OUCH, That hurts literally!*
Sorry to hear that bud,
Check out this site, they carry the housing for our lil toy
Hope it helps,
farhanali_ said:
Sorry to hear that bud,
Check out this site, they carry the housing for our lil toy
Hope it helps,
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Thanks for the link! It's good to know that they sell the OEM casing. It's not cheap though.
I dropped mine for the first time on Saturday night. I almost cried, haha. I have one ding on the bottom corner, towards the back, by the stylus.
I've been doing really well, considering that I usually drop a new device a day or two after getting it.
Last week, however, I was showing off the camera album feature to my sister-in-law and she just had to have a go herself.
Cue my lovely Vario III hitting the ground a second later.
No damage at all though, so I've forgiven her!
gtdRR said:
I dropped mine for the first time on Saturday night. I almost cried, haha. I have one ding on the bottom corner, towards the back, by the stylus.
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That's when it's time to call AT&T......
"If the phone is all of a sudden not working the way it's supposed to... they replace it, free if it's still under warranty".
gtdRR said:
I dropped mine for the first time on Saturday night. I almost cried, haha. I have one ding on the bottom corner, towards the back, by the stylus.
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How funny that's where mine got scuffed up too, right next to the stylus. I was hoping the stylus was the one that substained the damage so I can chage it out. Mine also got scuffed up on the bottom left hand side. It bounced around first before laying on the ground. For the weight and size of this phone I was expecting more damage from the fall.
I guess the more your carefull not to drop the phone the more prone it is to happened.
rdr408 said:
How funny that's where mine got scuffed up too, right next to the stylus. I was hoping the stylus was the one that substained the damage so I can chage it out. Mine also got scuffed up on the bottom left hand side. It bounced around first before laying on the ground. For the weight and size of this phone I was expecting more damage from the fall.
I guess the more your carefull not to drop the phone the more prone it is to happened.
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ATT warranty exchange..... that's all i have to say.
nimda0 said:
ATT warranty exchange..... that's all i have to say.
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I thought they gave you refurbs when using warranty exchange.
I dropped mine couple of weeks ago... I was doing a research paper for my university, and papers were all over the place... and sadly my TyTN II was between two papers... so when I pulled one of them... the device flew in the air and landed on the floor... fortunately there was a thick carpet on the floor... thus no harm is done... but during the next five min while I was checking if my phone is still working... I was so pale and scared :s
Man! I hope this does not happen to any of you guys...
dropped mine after 2 weeks of having it - i was jogging to the bus at the time - fumbled it out of my belt ouch and dropped it - i accidentally stamped on it at the same time, on rough knobly tarmac, face-down - i skidded a bit on it too, sort of like a sktebaord - i was like 'omgomgomg' picked it up and by some sort of miricle the screen was untouched - fascia is a bit knacked but it all works just fine, only thing is the tilt mechanism is a bit loose now though its still sturdy (ie i can push the top right side and the screen bit will angle slightly against the body, but only by a few millimetres)
Coming Soon...
This will cover any damage to the case and protect it.
I was running into work in a heavy rain carrying a large laptop bag, so I was running fairly spastic, and my Tilt popped out of the case, slid face down on the sidewalk into a puddle. The battery popped out, as well as the stylus. I grabbed all I could find (had to go back later to find the stylus) and shook it out. Then I used a heat gun to gently warm the unit up. after 2 hours, I put the battery back in and it powered up fine, except the touchscreen was dead.
I then left it on my desk on charge with bluetooth, 3g,Wlan and screen full bright on, to generate as much internal heat as possible. After another 2 hours, the touch screen would randomly activate items on the today screen, every minute or so. After watching that for an hour with no real response from the touchscreen yet, I power cycled the phone, and to my surprise, the touch screen worked. Been working ever since.
Luckily the battery poped out otherwise I would think the device would have got fried?
Well, as idiotic as it may sound, I did put the battery back in and power up the phone while it was wet. It seemed to boot up just fine, but I pulled the battery after 15 seconds as to not push my luck.
My Drop . . .
I was running up stairs in my office building (concrete with metal stairstep edging), when something (my Tilt OMG!) suddenly clattered onto the stairs - apparently I had not made sure the magnetic flap on my case was firmly connected - it popped open and the SIM card holder popped out - I fearfully picked it up and inspected - can't find a scratch on it! and it works fine, and nothing seems loose! I'm shocked, surprised and pleased, but will be more careful in the future, obviously (in almost 2 years with my Wizard, I never once dropped it!).
Try to burnish the scuffed areas with a smooth piece of plastic. Start slow and it might kind of fill in by smoothing the rough edges. Kind of like a good paint job on an auto, get it flat as possible and it will shine like a diamond in a goats A*s.
Dropped my 8525 a couple of times and fixed it as mentioned above. Dropped my tilt the first day and it missed the concrete by a fraction of an inch and landed on carpet. Lucky for me only the back flew off and my great little toy is unmared so far.
The older I get the less my hands seem to be actually connected to my body and under my control...
Did I mention I love my tilt and this site?
Ositohbi said:
Try to burnish the scuffed areas with a smooth piece of plastic. Start slow and it might kind of fill in by smoothing the rough edges. Kind of like a good paint job on an auto, get it flat as possible and it will shine like a diamond in a goats A*s.
Dropped my 8525 a couple of times and fixed it as mentioned above. Dropped my tilt the first day and it missed the concrete by a fraction of an inch and landed on carpet. Lucky for me only the back flew off and my great little toy is unmared so far.
The older I get the less my hands seem to be actually connected to my body and under my control...
Did I mention I love my tilt and this site?
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What kind of plastic are you using?
I tried using some Brasso Metal Polish, but it didn't do anything for it. The Brasso would work on scratches, but I have chunks missing from the plastic on my Tilt & dings. I'm willing to try anything as long as I don't harm my baby! I already feel like she's been abused! LOL!
Ositohbi said:
Try to burnish the scuffed areas with a smooth piece of plastic. Start slow and it might kind of fill in by smoothing the rough edges. Kind of like a good paint job on an auto, get it flat as possible and it will shine like a diamond in a goats A*s.
Dropped my 8525 a couple of times and fixed it as mentioned above. Dropped my tilt the first day and it missed the concrete by a fraction of an inch and landed on carpet. Lucky for me only the back flew off and my great little toy is unmared so far.
The older I get the less my hands seem to be actually connected to my body and under my control...
Did I mention I love my tilt and this site?
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I was lucky like you before & dropped it ion carpet, but this time my luck ran out! I guess you can say it was bound to happened somtime.
nimda0 said:
ATT warranty exchange..... that's all i have to say.
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Does AT&T do exchanges on accidental drops. What about if its passed the 30day window from the say you pruchased it?

Stupid question (Kaiser the stunt)

Do you have any experience with Kaiser falling on the ground from - let's say 1.5 meters?
Every of my prevous phones hit the ground at leas one time (happens!). They were simple cellphones, not smart- or palm- ones. Single fall meant nothing for these devices.
What about Kaiser and its keyboard? I'm scared that first fall will be the last (death).
(Please don't answer with suggestions like "try not to drop it", ok?)
Hate to admit it but I've dropped mine a number of times. Once on cement, that scratched up the sides a bit but that's all. Other times the battery cover has come off but that's all.
Much stronger than the Blue Angel was. I dropped that phone and that was the end of it. In my mind this phone gets an A in structural design.
I like your answer very much.
dropped it numerous of times.. but only when i had it seated in its leather pocket belt.. while running, while lifting stuff, etc.
yep, mine has wacked the sideway a few times, just surface scraches. i bet if i really tired i could fill the divits in with some plastic modeling compund, sand and touch up with paint and you would nver know the diffrence.
Only dropped it once, from about waist height onto concrete. It stayed together, and only suffered a few scratches.
My old HTC Universal was dropped several times, it never suffered more than cosmetic damage.
I think it would be more likely that either phone could suffer more damage from a drop than a normal cell phone, simply because of the larger screen. But I went through several Ipaq's that seemed to self destruct from 30cm drops onto carpet. The total lack of cosmetic damage meant i managed to get away with having them replaceed under warrenty from the big name shop I bought them from since they couldn't 'see' any damage. In comparison, the Kaiser seems a like a Sherman tank...just don't go out trying it!
I'm kind of worried about this... My k750i survived numerous drops onto concerete, followed by being kicked as it fell, causing it to cartwheel accross the floor. The Kaiser doesn't seem *that* robust, to the extent that I bought a payg sim to put in the k750i to take out with me when excessive alcohol consumption will be involved.
I haven't dropped mine once. I don't know but I protect this more than the iPhone I had. . . I almost dropped it but I caught it and it was like 3-4 feet. Seems structurally strong and not the empty plastic feeling.
Would any know where we can get the replacements parts for HTC Tilt 8925 without the front camera?
I dropped mine also. The sad thing is that I dropped it with the HTC case. HTC case does not provide protection on the sides, so I have a good indentation on the bottom right corner of the front face plate. It is right below the OK key.
It bothers me, but the phone is still good as new after the drop.
I have a bunkbed here at school, knocked it off of that a couple times, which is a good 5 foot drop. i've also fallen on it a few times while freelining. (look it up) not a scratch on it, other than from the crap NuShield screen "protector".
dropping it seems ok but dont twist it I had mine in my suit breast pocket when I took it out the screen was broken had to replace the screen the tech said it was probly from bending over and putting pressure on the screen

On Kaisers and Washing machines

Two days ago i washed my pants because i stepped in poison oak and in my caution to keep from further exposing myself to the poison i forgot to remove my phone from my pocket.
When i pulled it out it looked totally ****ed. the back plate flew off and the screen was shattered senseless. I wrote it off, but just in case, i left it out to dry and didn't try to start it (i've heard that this can cause shorts to an otherwise undamaged waterlogged phone). Today i booted the thing and everything except the digitizer (touch screen) works. Holy **** are these things durable (minus the glass screen). anyhow the point of my post was to marvel at the fact that these phones are practically waterproof and the part of the screen that breaks can (hopefully) be replaced for $13. Amazing.

How durable is our HD2?

Got my HD2 couple months back and using it with silicon cover since beginning but now I want to take the cover off and show the real beauty of the phone to everyone but I am too scared to take the silicon cover off because I am clumsy and I drop my phone way too frequently.
I know the phone looks very durable but exactly how durable is it??? can people share some experiences like oh I dropped it from 5ft and it was intact or oh I dropped it from 2ft and the screen broke etc etc.
I used to have HTC Kaiser/tilt and I dropped it way too my times without any covers but it never gave up on me.
PS: I know there is no real way to define durability of a cellphone but u know there are some cellphones which are really delicate and u have to handle them with extra extra care. While there are some like the kaiser who are made for rough use. Just want to know which category our HD2 belongs to?
not very. i've cracked my screen twice.
Osca said:
not very. i've cracked my screen twice.
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oops!!! sorry about that!!!
did you drop it screen facing down? or on some corner of the phone?
I've used mine without any sort of protection since the day it was released in US (end of March). It does not have a single scuff, mark, or scratch anywhere. I just dropped it for the first time a week ago from a counter roughly 2.5 feet onto a hard tile floor and still no scuff, mark, or scratch (I don't know how it fell as it was dark when it happened and I was looking in a different direction; turned my head while headphones were plugged in so it pulled it off the counter).
I'm extremely happy with the durability of the HD2.
Since Nov
Ive had my HD2 since Nov last year...
No cover no protection.. and it looks like new.. I dont know how you managed to break the screen twice.. you probably throw that phone in some weird angles.. but really does last well!
dropped mine from my lap getting out of my low car onto the bitumen and fell back down perfectly flat. absolutely smashed the screen but 2 months later its still working fine and waiting for it to die before replacing the screen. i work installing solar panels (PV) on roofs, crawling though ceilings, etc. sees alot of abuse so while the screen smashed the components inside are well placed. had it before america could get it (in australia)
i got it since 10 months now, without any cover. screen is absolutely clean, but the rest looks a bit used, but not that bad
a friend is using it without respect. throwing it over the table and such things, he never broked something on the phone.. the screen stopped working one time and he needed it to replace cause that, but it didnt break xD
another friend broke his screen when his hd2 fellt on a freakin spoon on the floor (WTF did that spoon on the floor?)
Had it 2 1/2 weeks, no scratches, no scuffs. Just annoying dust under the screen
I have mine almost a year now.
A few weeks ago he started acting weird. Screen flipped sideways and putted speaker on.
I've send it to repair and they replaced the motherboard. Everything is ok now again.
No scratches after such a long time with no screen protector.
ive dropped mine once from about 3 fet and it only made a slight scuff on the corner
ive always had a screen protector but never any other protection and it looks great for the past 4 months
very happy with it
rr5678 said:
Had it 2 1/2 weeks, no scratches, no scuffs. Just annoying dust under the screen
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If you get dust under the screen, then it is a factory defect. Since the screen is glued to the LCD, somewhere around the edge it's not completely sealed. I have had mine for 7 months now and I do not have even ONE spec of dust under the screen, and I carry it in my pocket without any protection at all, all the time.
Halle said:
If you get dust under the screen, then it is a factory defect. Since the screen is glued to the LCD, somewhere around the edge it's not completely sealed. I have had mine for 7 months now and I do not have even ONE spec of dust under the screen, and I carry it in my pocket without any protection at all, all the time.
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When I say dust, I mean there were a couple of hairs in the screen when I got it. They don't affect any viewing pleasure so I didn't return it

Cracked my digitizer

So after about 4 weeks of this glorious phone, I've managed to crack my digitizer. I was working on my car (lying on my back under the car) and the phone slipped out of my pocket and onto the concrete. Maybe a 6 inch drop at best and got a nice long diagonal crack.
Anyway, I'm going to cut my losses and get a new digitizer. I have the AT&T model... but figured this section gets more responses. The digitizer should be the same right? Would this work: http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-OEM-HTC...e_Replacement_Parts_Tools&hash=item19dcd8fae5
Any idea how to pop off the digitizer and put the new one on? Out of my 20+ smartphones I've gone through, this is the first time I've ever cracked the glass
r34p3rex said:
So after about 4 weeks of this glorious phone, I've managed to crack my digitizer. I was working on my car (lying on my back under the car) and the phone slipped out of my pocket and onto the concrete. Maybe a 6 inch drop at best and got a nice long diagonal crack.
Anyway, I'm going to cut my losses and get a new digitizer. I have the AT&T model... but figured this section gets more responses. The digitizer should be the same right? Would this work: http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-OEM-HTC...e_Replacement_Parts_Tools&hash=item19dcd8fae5
Any idea how to pop off the digitizer and put the new one on? Out of my 20+ smartphones I've gone through, this is the first time I've ever cracked the glass
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Changing digitizer / glass on the HTC One is similar to iPhone 3GS...
use a heatgun (hair blower) to heat up the glass and pry it away using a plastic tool of some sort... be careful around the edges not to damage electronics under it.
the glass you've found should work fine . there is currently only one revision of the glass part..
one problem though would be adhesive to glue on the new glass.
Yah I'm just worried about what adhesive to use to stick on the new glass. Don't want something that will fall off after daily use.. nor do I want something that can't be removed in case I crack it... again.

