I am facing touch screen problem when ever I install CyanogenMod (not happening with Stock Rom) my touch screen has become over responsive.
As i press any key (or not) the phone detects key press. It is mostly happening in lower left (where * key is present)
Please some buddy solve the problem
sbajpai.bajpaisukrit said:
I am facing touch screen problem when ever I install CyanogenMod (not happening with Stock Rom) my touch screen has become over responsive.
As i press any key (or not) the phone detects key press. It is mostly happening in lower left (where * key is present)
Please some buddy solve the problem
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cyanogenmod 7.2 or 7.1 ?
right now, i am using ics final (cm 7.2) and the touch is working fine
i faced similar issues before though. dont know if it helps, but go to /system/etc/init.d
and there maybe some scripts and tweaks. try to remove them and see.
amrith.28 said:
cyanogenmod 7.2 or 7.1 ?
right now, i am using ics final (cm 7.2) and the touch is working fine
i faced similar issues before though. dont know if it helps, but go to /system/etc/init.d
and there maybe some scripts and tweaks. try to remove them and see.
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in both 7.1 & 7.2.
Please explain in detail as i am a newbie
i also have the same problem, esp. when i flashed a new kernel its has become more over responsive which gives me a headache
try flashing another custom rom?
sbajpai.bajpaisukrit said:
in both 7.1 & 7.2.
Please explain in detail as i am a newbie
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i am not sure what the solution is, but u can try once.
use root explorer (or similar file manager)
go to /system/etc/init.d
now usually (if no tweaks and scripts are enabled) there will be some files.. like 00banner,01sysctl....20userinit
if there are any other files after 20userinit, delete them.
then reboot. see if its any better.
clarkleal said:
i also have the same problem, esp. when i flashed a new kernel its has become more over responsive which gives me a headache
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so, how do you fix the sensitivity issue? i am also having the issue which is really annoying.
To all:
I'm 99% percent sure the problems you guys face are because of the OC kernel in the CM. Can you try flashing a non-OC kernel and determine whether the results differ?
In my case with non-OC kernel the problem still occurs. The only solution is underclock processor to 735MHz. Any ideas?
connect phone to the charger solve the problem too ;X WTF? even if i overclock to 850MHz, touchscreen works perfectly!
xfamo7z said:
restart your phone it should fix
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Lolz. You must be kidding.
All : Even i am facing same issue after flashing Gingercrutz (only 2.3),ICS SUNDAY and Infinity rom. Still no solution for that.
Touchscreen Problem Fix
i had the same problem of multiple touches...b'coz of over sensitivity while using cm7.2 with oc kernel.
after flashing a non oc kernel either from ketut's or an0nym0us u can fix the prob.
thats how i fixed it.
Note:- Don't compare ur processor with other's(thinking other's can do oc without ny prob but not mine ..) b'coz every processor is different in some sense.
That's why some of them oc to even 960MHz and remain stable while some can't even take 820MHz(no wonder i belong to this category )
k so here u go :
ketut's thread : and flash this kernel using cwm (rem to mount system b4 flashing)
an0nym0us_ thread: : flash this using cwm (mount system b4 flashing)
Note:- v1.1 is also thr but v1.0 is more stable (can find out in thread)
Plz press thanks if I have helped
I no longer know what to do. Non-oc kernel help a liittle but not completely solve the problem. Still helps me only underclock MHz to 735.
adinq said:
I no longer know what to do. Non-oc kernel help a liittle but not completely solve the problem. Still helps me only underclock MHz to 735.
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which rom and kernel are u using?
if u r on zImage Mod kernel then flash ketut's kernel and see.
dm08b002 said:
which rom and kernel are u using?
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CM7.2 rc0 on KT7 , zImage , clock set to 735MHz and the touchscreen works OK, but I lose a few MHz
dm08b002 said:
if u r on zImage Mod kernel then flash ketut's kernel and see.
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this doesn't help
dm08b002 said:
i had the same problem of multiple touches...b'coz of over sensitivity while using cm7.2 with oc kernel.
after flashing a non oc kernel either from ketut's or an0nym0us u can fix the prob.
thats how i fixed it.
Note:- Don't compare ur processor with other's(thinking other's can do oc without ny prob but not mine ..) b'coz every processor is different in some sense.
That's why some of them oc to even 960MHz and remain stable while some can't even take 820MHz(no wonder i belong to this category )
k so here u go :
ketut's thread : and flash this kernel using cwm (rem to mount system b4 flashing)
an0nym0us_ thread: : flash this using cwm (mount system b4 flashing)
Note:- v1.1 is also thr but v1.0 is more stable (can find out in thread)
Plz press thanks if I have helped
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Thanks Machi.. It worked.
YA non oc kernel worked !!!solved!!!
adinq said:
I no longer know what to do. Non-oc kernel help a liittle but not completely solve the problem. Still helps me only underclock MHz to 735.
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i have search many thread in SGA section and finally find this thread and your solution.. thanks bro it's worked !!
i'm facing same problem with custom rom with OC or nonOC kernel.. i have try firekernel but problem still there.. then i set my cpu to 729, reboot, and touchscreen feel better !
this is my galaxy ace and cym 7.2 stable
I am using CM10.1 nightlies, with Semaphore 2.9.5 kernel.
I would like to have more RAM so I Want to install the 2.9.5s kernel BUT (here i need your help):
1. Which bigmem patch is compatible with CM10.1?
2. How can i install it? (Flash bigmem patch and then flash kernel? or restart between?)
3. Pros: I know i'll get more RAM but what is the cost? (What are the Cons? it can not be all perfect isn't it? otherwise all the ROMs will come already patched... and all the Kernels would be compatible to bigmem libs)
Thank you very much in advance.
*Sorry for bad english
VIP1 said:
I am using CM10.1 nightlies, with Semaphore 2.9.5 kernel.
I would like to have more RAM so I Want to install the 2.9.5s kernel BUT (here i need your help):
1. Which bigmem patch is compatible with CM10.1?
2. How can i install it? (Flash bigmem patch and then flash kernel? or restart between?)
3. Pros: I know i'll get more RAM but what is the cost? (What are the Cons? it can not be all perfect isn't it? otherwise all the ROMs will come already patched... and all the Kernels would be compatible to bigmem libs)
Thank you very much in advance.
*Sorry for bad english
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The better way is to flash a ROM with all the Patches, try FISHEARS ROM or CYANAOSP ROM for Bigmem option
Secondly, If you are using BIGMEM , then it will break 720P video recording and it will go to 480P
And might increase UI response little bit, !
PS- I am not using it !
rahul93 said:
The better way is to flash a ROM with all the Patches, try FISHEARS ROM or CYANAOSP ROM for Bigmem option
Secondly, If you are using BIGMEM , then it will break 720P video recording and it will go to 480P
And might increase UI response little bit, !
PS- I am not using it !
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Thank you,
BUT I Would like to use semaphore because the 720p sppose to work even after (thats what i read at the Sema OP)
and i do not like to swich ROM for this...
So if someone can assist, How do i install it? and what Files do i need?
A brief review of what i learnt about this for others who might need it
1. The bigmem patch that one needs to patch to hugemem libs is:
2. Installation is install this zip and then install a patch-compatible Kernel as Semaphore 2.9.7s (it was recommanded to install superSU either the same time)
3. only cons.. except that it *might* break 720p video recording as anyone could tell.
any comments anyone?
I'll try this after exams when I'll have the time bacause now i'm a little timeless and if something will go wrong it will be a problem.
Thanks to Fenvarien, rahul93, jugster, bejda.
Hi, i have a samsung galaxy S i9000 and i'm kinda new with it
all i want is to make it faster because it runs very slow , i've seen youtube videos about testing some games on the same phone but some of them won't even open up. i got more interested in upgrading it and started searching around on how to. So here is what i want to do:
I want to upgrade it by changing my Rom in Cyanogen 9 and kernel Devil 3. I don't even know if it is good but i'm sure its better than gingerbread.
Can some1 help me out with it , maybe post a little tutorial how to do it.
Aditional info :
-I don't want so save anything from it
-It's rooted
-Firmware version: 2.3.6
-Kernel version: [email protected] #2
TheInfamous. said:
Hi, i have a samsung galaxy S i9000 and i'm kinda new with it
all i want is to make it faster because it runs very slow , i've seen youtube videos about testing some games on the same phone but some of them won't even open up. i got more interested in upgrading it and started searching around on how to. So here is what i want to do:
I want to upgrade it by changing my Rom in Cyanogen 9 and kernel Devil 3. I don't even know if it is good but i'm sure its better than gingerbread.
Can some1 help me out with it , maybe post a little tutorial how to do it.
Aditional info :
-I don't want so save anything from it
-It's rooted
-Firmware version: 2.3.6
-Kernel version: [email protected] #2
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CyanogenMod (CM) 9 is really outdated. If you want a good, fast ROM I can recommend Slimbean. It's largely based on CM. You can find more info here:
Detailed instructions can be found in that thread and on the slimrom website.
Coming from Gingerbread you'll need to install CM10 first, otherwise you will lose your IMEI, which will render your phone unable to make or place calls. Once on CM10 you can then flash Slimbean.
Or using an newer version of CM
fizzefazze said:
CyanogenMod (CM) 9 is really outdated. If you want a good, fast ROM I can recommend Slimbean. It's largely based on CM. You can find more info here:
Detailed instructions can be found in that thread and on the slimrom website.
Coming from Gingerbread you'll need to install CM10 first, otherwise you will lose your IMEI, which will render your phone unable to make or place calls. Once on CM10 you can then flash Slimbean.
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fizzefazze said:
CyanogenMod (CM) 9 is really outdated. If you want a good, fast ROM I can recommend Slimbean. It's largely based on CM. You can find more info here:
Detailed instructions can be found in that thread and on the slimrom website.
Coming from Gingerbread you'll need to install CM10 first, otherwise you will lose your IMEI, which will render your phone unable to make or place calls. Once on CM10 you can then flash Slimbean.
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is this video good to follow?
i'm about to follow the whole description in next secs
thank u guys
thanks a lot i just installed cm 10 and it runs smooth as hell .
Perfect when we could help!
So now you can try different Roms or newer versions when you want...
TheInfamous. said:
thanks a lot i just installed cm 10 and it runs smooth as hell .
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there is something i need to know
freakymod2120 said:
Perfect when we could help!
So now you can try different Roms or newer versions when you want...
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Like i said in the original post i wanted rom cm9 with devil 3 kernel but still didnt know what that means...( the kernel part)
Now that i got the cm10 ive searched around videos on youtube and seen lot of ppl kinda overclocking it with diferent kernel...
I want to do it like with semaphore or some kernel thing... can someone explain to me how it is done and if it is good for the phone?
Some infos:
Android version: 4.2.2
Baseband vers: I9000xxJVT
Kernel version: 3.0.76-gc0a8d45
Memory: 369 mb
Cm vers: 10.1.2-galaxysmtd
Okay different kernel i have no experience with it ,sorry...
But overclocking is available with the stock-kernel in CM 10 about 1200mhz in the performance menu under your settings ...have you activate developer options and you know how to do it???
TheInfamous. said:
Like i said in the original post i wanted rom cm9 with devil 3 kernel but still didnt know what that means...( the kernel part)
Now that i got the cm10 ive searched around videos on youtube and seen lot of ppl kinda overclocking it with diferent kernel...
I want to do it like with semaphore or some kernel thing... can someone explain to me how it is done and if it is good for the phone?
Some infos:
Android version: 4.2.2
Baseband vers: I9000xxJVT
Kernel version: 3.0.76-gc0a8d45
Memory: 369 mb
Cm vers: 10.1.2-galaxysmtd
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freakymod2120 said:
Okay different kernel i have no experience with it ,sorry...
But overclocking is available with the stock-kernel in CM 10 about 1200mhz in the performance menu under your settings ...have you activate developer options and you know how to do it???
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i just overclocked it to 1200mhz and zram to 18(default) and now everytime i boot it , it just freez and shuts down.... what can i do now?
TheInfamous. said:
i just overclocked it to 1200mhz and zram to 18(default) and now everytime i boot it , it just freez and shuts down.... what can i do now?
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Your clock isnt stable go download semaphore kernel or devil kernel and flash it in recovery and try then over clocking with their kernel managers.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
darkknigh_t said:
Your clock isnt stable go download semaphore kernel or devil kernel and flash it in recovery and try then over clocking with their kernel managers.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
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well i just got it back at default no shut downs
some Qs
TheInfamous. said:
well i just got it back at default no shut downs
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Thats good so now if you want to speed up your phone and overclock it download semaphore or devil kernel and flash in recovery
Some Qs
darkknigh_t said:
Thats good so now if you want to speed up your phone and overclock it download semaphore or devil kernel and flash in recovery
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Some Qs:
Do i flash semaphore kernel same way i installed ROM?
Will semaphore replace current ROM (cm10)??
Did some1 had any problems with semaphore kernel ? like bricking the phone? is it stable?
Is anyone at the current time having cm10 with smaphore kernel overclocking at 1.2ghz ?
Does Sgs i9k support the overclock stable?
TheInfamous. said:
Some Qs:
Do i flash semaphore kernel same way i installed ROM?
Will semaphore replace current ROM (cm10)??
Did some1 had any problems with semaphore kernel ? like bricking the phone? is it stable?
Is anyone at the current time having cm10 with smaphore kernel overclocking at 1.2ghz ?
Does Sgs i9k support the overclock stable?
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You flash semaphore the same way you flashed your rom and it will replace stock cm kernel your rom will stay the same make sure you flash the right version to avoid any bricking. It makes cm run better. Overclock depends on your phone some people can overclock high some not so much. Download semaphore changer governor to sio and liveoc to 110% and set min frequenci 400Mhz. That should be enough to make it supper smooth
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 12:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 AM ----------
darkknigh_t said:
You flash semaphore the same way you flashed your rom and it will replace stock cm kernel your rom will stay the same make sure you flash the right version to avoid any bricking. It makes cm run better. Overclock depends on your phone some people can overclock high some not so much. Download semaphore changer governor to sio and liveoc to 110% and set min frequenci 400Mhz. That should be enough to make it supper smooth
EDIT: make sure after flashing to download semaphore manager from the playstore its like a control panel for semaphore where all the settings are and i repeat make sure you flash the right version for your android version and phone i9000.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
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darkknigh_t said:
You flash semaphore the same way you flashed your rom and it will replace stock cm kernel your rom will stay the same make sure you flash the right version to avoid any bricking. It makes cm run better. Overclock depends on your phone some people can overclock high some not so much. Download semaphore changer governor to sio and liveoc to 110% and set min frequenci 400Mhz. That should be enough to make it supper smooth
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 12:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 AM ----------
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
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Just making sure i won't brick it...
i got 4.2.2 that means i can use the 3.0.0 semaphore version? right?
I'm asking again did anyone else did this to their Sgs i9000 with cm10 rom?
And it's 10.1.2 galaxysmtd
TheInfamous. said:
Just making sure i won't brick it... i got 4.2.2 that means i can use the 3.0.0 semaphore version? right? I'm asking again did anyone else did this to their Sgs i9000 with cm10 rom? And it's 10.1.2 galaxysmtd
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I don't get it why do you want to flash another kernel? Aren't you happy now with smooth CM10.1x? Here on this forum are many flashing freaks who flash and overclock their phones until the device completely crashes.
CM10.1x is excellent already way it is, if you want to even improve it (first of all to get about double battery life) just upgrade it to the newest nightly version of CM10.2 tomorrow (build 20130828), it will finally have all bigger bugs fixed. Very soon, stable CM.10.2 build will be released out of this nightly. This is the thread:
If you want to do it, just mind that the developer (pawitp) doesn't mention anymore installing gapps, so this would be the workflow from your present ROM:
Do a Nandroid Backup of your CM10.1.2 build before the upgrade!
Go to CWM recovery mode and check first in "install zip" if your zips of the CM10.2 and Gapps for 4.3 are visible on your internal SD card
Wipe data/factory reset
wipe cache
wipe dalvik cache (under "advanced")
Install the nightly ROM zip from internal sdcard using ClockworkMod Recovery
Install Gapps for CM10.2 (Android version 4.3) while still in recovery
Restore /data from Nandroid Backup (the update will wipe your /data) while still in recovery
Reboot system
The partition layout of CM10.2 (beginning from 20130816 nightly) differs of that of CM10/CM10.1. The first install will wipe your /data to switch to the new layout, but after that you may use CWM to restore/backup data of CM10/10.1/10.2 (in CWM recovery under "advanced restore" then "restore data" from your CM10.1 nandroid backup)
This way done, you should have all data, wallpaper, widgets and apps like in your CM10.1 right after the reboot. And wait until tomorrow, when the 20130828 nightly gets released. I've been using "buggy" builds (nightlies between 24 and 27 Aug) without any problems, but some people had problems with them.
I was just checking if there is a latest version of devil kernel or just let me know which one was the last release with a download link if possible.
However, i am really new with such stuff . I am currently using CM 11 based AVATAR rom with CWM 6 recovery . my Phone has been really sloppy these days and came to know that Devil kernel will overclock the the processor and will have more ram . currently i am using "speedmod kernel "
from here
Will appreciate if you share a link for walk through .
byazid said:
I was just checking if there is a latest version of devil kernel or just let me know which one was the last release with a download link if possible.
However, i am really new with such stuff . I am currently using CM 11 based AVATAR rom with CWM 6 recovery . my Phone has been really sloppy these days and came to know that Devil kernel will overclock the the processor and will have more ram . currently i am using "speedmod kernel "
from here
Will appreciate if you share a link for walk through .
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Actually, you are using the CM kernel. Speedmod gets overwritten when flashing CM (also, speedmod only runs on 2.2 based ROM).
Now that being said, Devil kernel does allow you to overclock (OC) but it is not recommended. If you phone feels sloppy, chances are that it's cause of something else (too many apps/widgets, low internal memory, etc.).
Devil has their own thread: ; Easily found with a little search
BWolf56 said:
Actually, you are using the CM kernel. Speedmod gets overwritten when flashing CM (also, speedmod only runs on 2.2 based ROM).
Now that being said, Devil kernel does allow you to overclock (OC) but it is not recommended. If you phone feels sloppy, chances are that it's cause of something else (too many apps/widgets, low internal memory, etc.).
Devil has their own thread: ; Easily found with a little search
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Thanks Buddy
Hi there. I have a question at title and need help. Becase mini 2 is too lag and less free ram so i wonder: is there any ways to make my s6500d more smooth and fast. Thaks a lot ^^
sontran_vietnam said:
Hi there. I have a question at title and need help. Becase mini 2 is too lag and less free ram so i wonder: is there any ways to make my s6500d more smooth and fast. Thaks a lot ^^
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Most custom roms for mini 2 like cyanogenmod does not support overclock. Will just unlock the stock processor speed 1Ghz. I said that, because if you select an higher value phone will crash or reboot.
Just stock rom can be overclocked up to 1,12 Ghz and cm9 at 1,1 Ghz.
Also brian kernel can be installed on stock rom (but camcorder will not work) and cm10.1 but wifi and camera will not work. Brian kernel have 411 mb Ram avaiable for OS.
Also, to make this phone fast you should be rooted and deodexed and rom should be zipalligned with int.d scripts. To boost OS speed use squadzone kernel. To improve rom stability flash lastest 2014 rom from samsung (branded movistar). /Or another rom, but you will also need to de-bloatware it (deleting useless apps/files)
If you need more help just tell me
Sent from my GT-S6500D using Tapatalk 2
MaDaLiNoSt said:
Most custom roms for mini 2 like cyanogenmod does not support overclock. Will just unlock the stock processor speed 1Ghz. I said that, because if you select an higher value phone will crash or reboot.
Just stock rom can be overclocked up to 1,12 Ghz and cm9 at 1,1 Ghz.
Also brian kernel can be installed on stock rom (but camcorder will not work) and cm10.1 but wifi and camera will not work. Brian kernel have 411 mb Ram avaiable for OS.
Also, to make this phone fast you should be rooted and deodexed and rom should be zipalligned with int.d scripts. To boost OS speed use squadzone kernel. To improve rom stability flash lastest 2014 rom from samsung (branded movistar). /Or another rom, but you will also need to de-bloatware it (deleting useless apps/files)
If you need more help just tell me
Sent from my GT-S6500D using Tapatalk 2
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Oh, thaks for your help. I wonder that: is CM 10.1 stable and less lag than stock rom. And how to fix whitescreen ?
MaDaLiNoSt said:
Most custom roms for mini 2 like cyanogenmod does not support overclock. Will just unlock the stock processor speed 1Ghz. I said that, because if you select an higher value phone will crash or reboot.
Just stock rom can be overclocked up to 1,12 Ghz and cm9 at 1,1 Ghz.
Also brian kernel can be installed on stock rom (but camcorder will not work) and cm10.1 but wifi and camera will not work. Brian kernel have 411 mb Ram avaiable for OS.
Also, to make this phone fast you should be rooted and deodexed and rom should be zipalligned with int.d scripts. To boost OS speed use squadzone kernel. To improve rom stability flash lastest 2014 rom from samsung (branded movistar). /Or another rom, but you will also need to de-bloatware it (deleting useless apps/files)
If you need more help just tell me
Sent from my GT-S6500D using Tapatalk 2
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One more question. I want to overclocked mini 2 stock rom (rooted), how could i do that ?
Thaks for your help
sontran_vietnam said:
One more question. I want to overclocked mini 2 stock rom (rooted), how could i do that ?
Thaks for your help
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sontran_vietnam said:
Oh, thaks for your help. I wonder that: is CM 10.1 stable and less lag than stock rom. And how to fix whitescreen ?
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1)To root mini 2 is enough to install clockworkmod recovery and reboot phone. If you're not rooted it will ask you if you want to write su (superuser) binary.
To overclock stock rom you will need to install squadzone's kernel from an custom recovery like cwm or twrp.
2) Mini 2 does not have full working custom roms like stock rom. Cyanogenmod 10.1 rom have problems with fm radio and whitescreen. Well, all mini 2 cm have that problems.
If you decided to use cm10.1 and you want to boost it , delete useless apps (not neessary apps), like voice dialer or vpn config, gmail, dev tools, and other apps that you don't use.
Also, I need to mention here that all mini 2 custom roms have a problem with camcorder performance. It will lag while you rec. a video. I noticed , the bad video performance on cm10.1 and higher like cm10.2, cm11 (games have graphical issues instead stock rom) .
Else I don't know what to do to boost cm...
Playstore promoted apps in app or ads will just clear ram, and tell you to delete useless user apps.
There are 2 kind of apps:
-user apps (installed from playstore, sdcard, ext. sdcard, adb...)
-system apps (preinstalled rom apps, like phone , internet browser..., this apps can be deleted from rom .zip , before you flash it/ or if you're rooted, download root browser and go to system/app and delete what you want.)
Just search on internet (google) squadzone kernel mini 2 s6500, and flash it.
Tell me if you don't found it. I have it saved on my sdcard, and I will upload it. :thumbup:
Sent from my GT-S6500D using Tapatalk 2
Sent from my GT-S6500D using Tapatalk 2
So if i flash that custom kernel using only for stock rom (rooted), does it have any bugs ??
And one more thing, if i dowload some game like gta vice city, play it stable on what? CM 10.1 or stock rom (rooted and overclocked)
Thaks alot
MaDaLiNoSt said:
1)To root mini 2 is enough to install clockworkmod recovery and reboot phone. If you're not rooted it will ask you if you want to write su (superuser) binary.
To overclock stock rom you will need to install squadzone's kernel from an custom recovery like cwm or twrp.
2) Mini 2 does not have full working custom roms like stock rom. Cyanogenmod 10.1 rom have problems with fm radio and whitescreen. Well, all mini 2 cm have that problems.
If you decided to use cm10.1 and you want to boost it , delete useless apps (not neessary apps), like voice dialer or vpn config, gmail, dev tools, and other apps that you don't use.
Also, I need to mention here that all mini 2 custom roms have a problem with camcorder performance. It will lag while you rec. a video. I noticed , the bad video performance on cm10.1 and higher like cm10.2, cm11 (games have graphical issues instead stock rom) .
Else I don't know what to do to boost cm...
Playstore promoted apps in app or ads will just clear ram, and tell you to delete useless user apps.
There are 2 kind of apps:
-user apps (installed from playstore, sdcard, ext. sdcard, adb...)
-system apps (preinstalled rom apps, like phone , internet browser..., this apps can be deleted from rom .zip , before you flash it/ or if you're rooted, download root browser and go to system/app and delete what you want.)
Just search on internet (google) squadzone kernel mini 2 s6500, and flash it.
Tell me if you don't found it. I have it saved on my sdcard, and I will upload it. :thumbup:
Sent from my GT-S6500D using Tapatalk 2
Sent from my GT-S6500D using Tapatalk 2
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Could u give me that kernel. Link on intenet is died @@
sontran_vietnam said:
Could u give me that kernel. Link on intenet is died @@
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sontran_vietnam said:
So if i flash that custom kernel using only for stock rom (rooted), does it have any bugs ??
And one more thing, if i dowload some game like gta vice city, play it stable on what? CM 10.1 or stock rom (rooted and overclocked)
Thaks alot
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Squadzone kernel does not have bugs till MD1 PDA verdsion.
If you flash MK1 ROM, wifi will be broken. A fix for that is avaiable on dev forum.
Last summer I've tried to flash squadzone's kernel into CyanogenMod 10.1 but I had a bootloop!
MaDaLiNoSt said:
Squadzone kernel does not have bugs till MD1 PDA verdsion.
If you flash MK1 ROM, wifi will be broken. A fix for that is avaiable on dev forum.
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thaks a lot.
In case of when i flash this kernel, after that i want to flash CM 10.1, is that just go to recovery, wipe all and flash CM10.1 or anything else?
Can u give me some ROM smooth and fast. less heavy than stock rom ?
Thanks for yoir help
Antox97 said:
Last summer I've tried to flash squadzone's kernel into CyanogenMod 10.1 but I had a bootloop!
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squadzone kernel can be used only on stock rom.
MaDaLiNoSt said:
squadzone kernel can be used only on stock rom.
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After flashed kernel, i cant turn on wifi ( help me please
sontran_vietnam said:
After flashed kernel, i cant turn on wifi ( help me please
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wifi fix is here : click
direct download : click
zip is not flashable, you will need to replace that file with root explorer!
MaDaLiNoSt said:
wifi fix is here : click
direct download : click
zip is not flashable, you will need to replace that file with root explorer!
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Thaks alot, my wifi is normal again.
sontran_vietnam said:
Thaks alot, my wifi is normal again.
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Thanks button? :laugh:
MaDaLiNoSt said:
squadzone kernel can be used only on stock rom.
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Yes, now I know.. I was trying 'cause I was courious lol :cyclops:
Cm10.1 without bugs
You could flash the cm10.1 improved by bleached without bugs which comes with 410mb RAM and other bugs fixed and it works fine
Davi9d said:
You could flash the cm10.1 improved by bleached without bugs which comes with 410mb RAM and other bugs fixed and it works fine
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Yep man! I have this ROM right now and it's very stable!
Sent from my GT-S6500 using XDA Free mobile app
But you can't overclock your sgm2 if you do that you get bluescreen and reboot. For me the squadzone kernel is very awesome and smooth in games. Even in higher games im running on custom rom with squadzone kernel 1.1overclock
Sent from my GT-S6500D using XDA Free mobile app