Ended up killing my battery in like 4 hrs today at work because of the data roaming popup window. Allow data access for this trip only or allow data access for all trips, never seen this actual data roaming in a trip format. Pops up every few minutes or so even after I have enabled all data roaming settings, all networks, automatic, and when I select the allow data access from the top data roaming menu in settings under mobile data as soon as I go back to it it's back on deny data access. Only seems to be an issue on Badseed's RLS1 4.3, but no other 4.3 roms are giving me the issue. Any suggestions would be awesome! Thanx !
I'm in Australia, and with Telstra on their regular GSM network (no 3G). I don't have a data plan, so I don't want my phone to ever use data. Up until recently, I didn't have Telstra's APN programmed into my Dream, but I discovered that I couldn't read MMS without it in there, so I put it in. I now ocassionally see the icon with the 2 up/down arrows and the 'E' in my notifications bar when I don't have WiFi connectivity, and I can only assume that means it's using Telstra to check emails, etc. which I don't want...
I've gone in to the wireless controls and ticked "Use 2G networks only", but that doesn't seem to help it. It's going to end up costing me a lot if it keeps using data through my mobile provider. I have WiFi in 90% of the places I go, so I have no need for a data plan!
try to adjust your apn so that the username and password sections are blank. to see if that works just try and connect to a webpage without wifi on.
david1171 said:
try to adjust your apn so that the username and password sections are blank. to see if that works just try and connect to a webpage without wifi on.
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try downloading APNdroid. It disables all but non data apn's i think (make sure you test your phone to see if you do receive the MMS)
Also make sure data roaming is disabled ( Settings > Wireless Settings > Mobile Settings )
Recently, even with "background data" disabled, my Nexus One randomly use EDGE data while it sleeps. This become the problem since when there is ongoing data transfer, I won't be able to receive calls. I didn't notice this until my friends told me that they couldn't reach me.
Is there an app or an option in Android/Nexus One that I can completely turn off mobile data access until needed? I tried APNDroid, but after I turn it back on, mobile data access won't be available until the phone is rebooted.
You can't use data and voice calls at the same time? That's strange. What carrier are you using?
I'm not actually sure if there is an easy way to turn data on and off completely, but you might be able to turn syncing off and then go through all of your applications and make sure they don't automatically update or stay logged in like g-chat. I think disabling syncing only has an effect on the stuff listed under Accounts & sync settings in the Settings menu, (Google and Facebook on the stock ROM).
I'm on T-Mo.
When you're on GSM network, unless BOTH carrier & handset supports some special feature (don't remember the name), concurrent voice/data is impossible. To date, I've only seen one Nokia phone supports the feature.
Going through every single app to make sure that it doesn't use data is a pita and not guarantee that no data will be used.
Since N1 WCDMA reception is crappy, I have to rely on GSM quite a bit. Since day 1, I had background data & auto sync disabled (only enabled when needed). --- For some reason, "background data" seems to apply to system/google-related app, but doesn't apply to 3rd-party app.
This sucks big time since it is phone first, computer second, so it kind of annoy me that background GSM data prevents me from receiving calls.
I found a way to completely disable/enable mobile data access on N1. It's a bit clumsy, but it works.
Go go Phone, dial "*#*#4636#*#*" to get into N1 Testing app.
Tap "Phone Information"
Tap menu -> more -> "Disable data connection"
Tap menu -> more -> "Disable data on boot" (just to make sure it's not enabled after you reboot the phone)
then... "GSM disconnects" should read "State: inactive ...... fail because No Error"
Some would suggest changing APN name manually or using widgets. But according to Testing app, you will still be connected to data network. Connection attempts will be made over mobile data network, but they won't go through. This doesn't guarantee 100% no data requirement. It just prevents you from hopping on the internet.
Seems like a lot of work to turn off data I agree. I'm just lucky I'm on a carrier that uses another carrier's net so it's roaming all the time. All I have to do is disable "data roaming" and data is off.
Toggle data is what i'm using - it's a free widget button to turn 3G (mms optional) on and off just like the Power widget. I've also seen another widget with a different name, but that was a black button and Toggle data is white.
Thanks. This seems to have the same effect as disabling data via Testing app.
wind0zer said:
Toggle data is what i'm using - it's a free widget button to turn 3G (mms optional) on and off just like the Power widget. I've also seen another widget with a different name, but that was a black button and Toggle data is white.
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try juice defender from the market. it can stop apn connections periodically or totally stop it
On my phone I use 3G Watchdog to count the 3G data I use.
Jelly Bean has a built in counter and it can warn me when using known mobile hotspots that large downloads are going to happen.
Does anyone know if there is a Data Counter that will count on known networks?
i.e. On wifi network `blah` you've used 500MB this month?
It would be handy, as I received a txt to the device that when I checked said "Outstanding £2874.."
I nearly wet myself but read the whole thing and realised it was injury spam
When you go to data usage hit the menu button and there's a mobile hotspot option that allows you to designate a wireless access point a hotspot. It will restrict background data on that access point. Not sure if it keeps a data count because I haven't used it yet.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
I have a Galaxy Note with 4.0.4 rooted. Life mobile (EE)
I have a 1gb data plan, I have had a problem with this for the last 4 months, I only use my data plan when away from home and no access to wifi,but all other times i turn it OFF, but lately at 2400hr or 0:00hr midnight something turns on my data plan and upload/download data, no way of telling large amounts of data sometimes as big as 199mg at one time..
I have gone through 1gb of data within 1wk of limited data use,facebook,mail,whatsapp,most of the time using Wifi.
It seem i am not the only one this is happening to (check your data usage via your provider phone account),there are many cases on the internet, but no one has found the real reason,a lot has pointed to the sim provider ???
Can someone throw some light on this..
I never knew that Data plan can be automatically be turn on then off by app on a phone...
Data conection always OFF
WiFi when I can get it On
thanks you
I'd guess a rogue app, turning on data
Not sure if this will work as don't have the N7000 in front of me & not even 100% sure "data" will show in Android 6 due to app permission changes in Marshmallow, it might be under device or something.......
Go to settings>apps>gear wheel>app permissions
then look for data permission touch it to see & change which apps have premission to turn data on & off
So, I knew updating to Marshmallow 6.0.1 would do this, and, I was purposely holding off until I could find an answer on how to restore the Data Toggle option.
But, AT&T and or Samsung are trying to be like M$, and low and behold, they ninja-updated my phone without my explicit agreement........
SO..... Now I'm stuck with this crap situation of not having a Data Toggle option.
Anyways, Now I noticed the following behavior:
When I have WIFI on, I then turn it off.
Doing this should automatically kick in my mobile provider data service.
Yet, it takes forever to kick in. Up to 10minutes!
There's like not way to force it to be enabled instantly once I disable WIFI.
I reset my network settings and still has the same issue.
It seems for some reason the phone just doesn't want to immediately initiate attempting to connect to my mobile network after I disable WIFI.
Anyone else notice this? and or can provide some pointers to get that data toggle back?
Just an additional note:
Anyways, there isn't any pattern I can find that determines why the phone won't try to initiate the mobile network immediately after WIFI is turned off.
This doesn't ALWAYS happen.
(I do know it never was an issue when I had the Data Toggle option prior to the Marshmallow update)
Well, At this point, I've tried this a few times and it works. If the Mobile Network doesn't kick in:
Go to Settings > Connections > Mobile Networks > Access Point Names (( Then choose your access point (Which is your APN to the mobile carrier) (Yes, it is already selected, but choose it anyways) ))
Once I do that and back out of the settings the mobile network kicks in.
*hands in the air on this*..
BlueCider said:
Just an additional note:
Anyways, there isn't any pattern I can find that determines why the phone won't try to initiate the mobile network immediately after WIFI is turned off.
This doesn't ALWAYS happen.
(I do know it never was an issue when I had the Data Toggle option prior to the Marshmallow update)
Well, At this point, I've tried this a few times and it works. If the Mobile Network doesn't kick in:
Go to Settings > Connections > Mobile Networks > Access Point Names (( Then choose your access point (Which is your APN to the mobile carrier) (Yes, it is already selected, but choose it anyways) ))
Once I do that and back out of the settings the mobile network kicks in.
*hands in the air on this*..
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Factory reset, install Samsung good lock. Problems solved.
Sucks that the mobile data toggle switch doesnt work, this is the best alternative I've found. Bonus is that stupid warning about turning data off doesn't pop up anymore with the good lock
Why do you have to do the factory reset?
Avail211 said:
Factory reset, install Samsung good lock. Problems solved.
Sucks that the mobile data toggle switch doesnt work, this is the best alternative I've found. Bonus is that stupid warning about turning data off doesn't pop up anymore with the good lock
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I am unable to find Good Lock on Galaxy store! :\
I pulled down the Good Lock apk from the apk mirror site, but, the data toggle STILL didn't work.
At least half the time, I have to to this in order to get the Mobile Data reconnected..:
Go to Settings > Connections > Mobile Networks > Access Point Names (( Then choose your access point (Which is your APN to the mobile carrier) (Yes, it is already selected, but choose it anyways) ))
This is extremely annoying. Can anyone else verify?
BlueCider said:
I pulled down the Good Lock apk from the apk mirror site, but, the data toggle STILL didn't work.
At least half the time, I have to to this in order to get the Mobile Data reconnected..:
Go to Settings > Connections > Mobile Networks > Access Point Names (( Then choose your access point (Which is your APN to the mobile carrier) (Yes, it is already selected, but choose it anyways) ))
This is extremely annoying. Can anyone else verify?
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Simple, go to the USAGE MANAGER app, there is data toggle switch in it.
Xa33M said:
Simple, go to the USAGE MANAGER app, there is data toggle switch in it.
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OK...... Figured this out.
Firstly, I had Multiple APN set up on the phone. I don't know why, but they ended up being there.
However, I only had selected the proper APN out of all of those for the Mobile Data.
The phone at this point didn't care if it was selected, and when switching off my WIFI, the Mobile Data wouldn't come on, and I had to do the following:
Go to Settings > Connections > Mobile Networks > Access Point Names > Choose THE ALREADY CHOSE proper APN and exit out of settings
After this, the Mobile Data would come on...
I removed all APNs that were defined in the 'Access Point Names' section, keeping only ONE APN (The proper one).
After this, the phone would switch on Mobile Data automatically.
SO.... In Conclusion, it looks like this build won't switch to the Mobile Data of a selected APN if multiple APNs are defined in the 'Access Point Names' section...
BlueCider said:
Why do you have to do the factory reset?
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I've found thru the years that when upgrading to major OS changes, factory resetting helps prevent a plethora of issues. I've rarely ever had any issues with updates across all OS systems (Windows, MacOSX, BlackBerry, Android) because I factory reset. I wouldn't be able to tell you how many posts I've seen across all OSs where a factory reset fixed the problems. To prevent the hassle and headache, I just factory reset. Backing up my messages/phone logs is really the only thing I have to do; all my pictures are automatically backed up to Google Photos and my WD MyCloud, everything else syncs/connects/updates in the cloud (GDrive, GNotes, GMail, etc...) so as soon as I login I'm back to 95%. Downloaded SMS Backup and Restore (Play Store) and my messages/phone logs were restored in a couple min. Setup the APN for mobile data and I'm back to 100%. From there it's just setting up Nova, changing the factory theme, and reorganizing my icons into folders.