Root acces on Project AOSP rom... - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I flashed DoomKerneL and Project AOSP ROM and im very happy
Everything works smooth and looks nice, but I want to have full colored nav bar, not like it is in this rom.
So i downloaded Gravity Box but it didnt worked for me, because i havent root acces
Bootloader unlocked but noo root.
How can i fix it? Rooting need to flash .247 kernel but i cant flash that kernel on aosp coz it is running on .254 kernel :/
How can i fix it?

Try to reflash the ROM. I am sure that the ROM is prerooted so it should work.


[Q] What's wrong?

Well I've been using Froyo 2.2 v23b and I wanted to test some roms.
I installed CM 7.1 and when I wanted to go back on the Ginger-DX v17 the first time was good and I replaced the official CM 7.1 kernel for the FXP 030.
The problem is when I had to reinstall the GDX rom for some bugs and now it gets stucked on FXP logo and don't run the rom but I still have acces to the CWM menu.
I attempted to put some kernels (stock version, CM 7.1 official and the FXP 030) but no one works
Would you guys help me?
Nice way to start posting >.< I'm sorry
Full wipe after you change rom or stuck in boot loop.
You'd better go back to stock kernel, the FXP kernel is actually only for their Rom.
Because their kernels are not tested on other roms... I think.
Well I have to say thanks for your support for you.
What I have done is flash the latest SE firmware with flash tool and at the moment it's working.
Thread closed

About MiniCM9-3.0.4 on STOCK KERNEL

I want to clarify if it ever works in stock kernel? because mine is not possible to unlock bootloader, I want to change my CUSTOM ROM from CM7 to ICS ROM. Many also ask if it ever works on STOCK kernel.
jepoy25 said:
I want to clarify if it ever works in stock kernel? because mine is not possible to unlock bootloader, I want to change my CUSTOM ROM from CM7 to ICS ROM. Many also ask if it ever works on STOCK kernel.
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i dont think nAa will develop stock version
minicm 9,10 on stock kernel is impossible.
Its impossible to run CM9+ with stock ROM. it requires swap(I guess) and some tweaks + libs that requires with custom kernel.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
-HuntDX- said:
Its impossible to run CM9+ with stock ROM. it requires swap(I guess) and some tweaks + libs that requires with custom kernel.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
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Yes you guess !
Man on stock it's just 165mb of ram,so we can't made cm9 for stock rom! On custom is 184mb!
Sorry bro, if u want ICS for stock kernel,
there is a one, but it has so many bugs. You can try that if u really want.
Good Luck
Sorry dude it wont.....our kernel dont really support wont..
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda premium
If you want rom for stock kernel, only Gb not isc. :<

New Bugfree KitKat Rom?

Hey there is a New bugfree build of an KitKat Rom.
anyone tested it? is it totally bugfree, i mean good for daily use like phone (call volume) SMS and all the other things? and whats about the battery? and works wifi? i mean in all other KitKat Roms are the wifi Start bug and thats ****ty and the reason why i dont flash KitKat ^^
and my last question... i have the stock JB 4.1.2 Rom , can i flash it or i need to do other things like New kernel?
sorry guys for my english im german. and my autocorrecture (keyboard) Try to change all words into an german word
OP is a technic guide. Flashing ROM is up to you if you want KitKat install and see what happens.Because you can always re-install stock firmware with Odin software. A lot of AOSP ROMs has Samsung's signature you don't have to root your phone (or install a custom kernel) BUT if you edit the zip the signature will be broken or if you just want to make sure do these;
Now for installing you don't have to install kernel. You should root and install temporary recovery with stock recovery. Then you can do whatever you wantbut CWM is temporary you should re-flash everytime if you don't want to install custom kernel otherwise with custom kernels you will have permanent recovery.

[Q] How to uninstall DIRT unicorn 4.3.1 (v4.0) ?

Like the question, im using DIRTY unicorn, i want to flash another ROM, after i flashed the ROM ( for example Existen ) it got bootloop, cant get into home screen. Can any1 help me?
linh3799 said:
Like the question, im using DIRTY unicorn, i want to flash another ROM, after i flashed the ROM ( for example Existen ) it got bootloop, cant get into home screen. Can any1 help me?
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From my understanding dirty unicorn is a asop rom like cyanogen mod correct? If so then that requires a modified kernal, for that specific rom
If your wanting stock kernal then flash 266 kernal, it should be in the existenz thread
Cloud1989 said:
From my understanding dirty unicorn is a asop rom like cyanogen mod correct? If so then that requires a modified kernal, for that specific rom
If your wanting stock kernal then flash 266 kernal, it should be in the existenz thread
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can you show me? im not very good at this, now if i want to flash Existen, what i have to do?
one more thing, i flashed many ROM before, like: Existen, pureXPS...after i flashed, the theme from the ROM doesnt show up, do you know why?

[Q] Query regarding Arya Mod V5.5

i am currently using CM 11 on my Galaxy Note. but i have quite a heavy requirement for the camera in the phone and the camera that comes with CM is not that good. everything else is amazing. i found this Arya Rom based on TW and 4.1.2 JB and i can use the stock camera app i guess which was great when i used to have the stock rom. now the question is that thisnrom requires first reverting back to stock. i installed custom rom quite some months ago. so i dont rememeber any info abt the stock rom.i first used Asylum and the omni and then CM. so if i download the stock firmware now how would i know which one to download for my phone. i dnt remember that DDLSC or DDLS6 thing. Or does that code matters only while downloading Philz Recovery. And lastly can i flash Arya directly through my current recovery CWM Please help
sas2013 said:
i am currently using CM 11 on my Galaxy Note. but i have quite a heavy requirement for the camera in the phone and the camera that comes with CM is not that good. everything else is amazing. i found this Arya Rom based on TW and 4.1.2 JB and i can use the stock camera app i guess which was great when i used to have the stock rom. now the question is that thisnrom requires first reverting back to stock. i installed custom rom quite some months ago. so i dont rememeber any info abt the stock rom.i first used Asylum and the omni and then CM. so if i download the stock firmware now how would i know which one to download for my phone. i dnt remember that DDLSC or DDLS6 thing. Or does that code matters only while downloading Philz Recovery. And lastly can i flash Arya directly through my current recovery CWM Please help
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to flash arya, first with cwm flash this kernel : PhilZ-cwm6-XXLTA-ATL-5.15.0-signed and reboot back to recovery (not to system) and flash arya rom, that's all.
albatron34 said:
to flash arya, first with cwm flash this kernel : PhilZ-cwm6-XXLTA-ATL-5.15.0-signed and reboot back to recovery (not to system) and flash arya rom, that's all.
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Well. Thats simple. Now i got the way to do it.Thanx a lot bro. :good:

