[Q] Hardbrick 'QHSUSB_DLOAD' - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My device got bricked when flashing boot.img,it can't boot now.I've tried to use PCC but it didn't work.When I plugged it on my computer,the system required 'QHSUSB DLOAD' Driver.
Sorry for my poor English.

Was your bootloader unlocked? If not you may have now an expensive papeweight. Try using flashtool,if not...well, I guess you may have to call a service shop

My phone is unlocked.Unfortunately Flashtool is not working.


Help me please, this is my 2nd brick

I bricked my phone while trying to change the framework. Now i don't have xrecovery or cwm. This is my second brick, two weeks ago i sent my phone to sony.
The problem is that when I connect my phone in "flash" mode, my pc doesn't recognize it.
PD: I'ts not a driver problem.
I use to have the same problem like that my pc dont recognized my phone with pccpmpanion and then i start SE update service and its recognized it...so try with SE Update Service
Use flashtool
x8 rocks!
bxmx666 said:
Use flashtool
x8 rocks!
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what about your Kernel friend??
sorry just want to know how about your phone?

Bricked while flashing bootloader (twice)

Few days ago I bought my girlfriend an X8.
Since I have too an X8 with all the root and such things done I though it might be a good idea to do that on girlfriend phone.
BUT, second day after buying that phone, and trying to get exact modifications I did on my X8 , her phone got hard bricked and I couldn't boot it up, not even to recovery mode since computer usb didn't recognize it anymore...
I think i was in phase while trying to get root access..
So, I went to the shop to get my replacement phone wich they did gave me...
Soon after I got home, I was trying again to make same modifications, and it was sucesfull... I installed custom rom, with root access and that was it...
BUT here comes the problem - while trying to use Titanium Backup , i was constatly getting the message that my phone isn't rooted so I downloaded root checker from market and yes, it said that i'm not rooted... Funny thing, busybox and superuser worked just fine...Then i though it might be a problem cause I didn't update superuser on latest version, so I did it, and now the superuser told me i'm not rooted...
To make long story short, i came up to flash stock rom, and then back to custom rom to make clean install again, this time I wanted to unlock bootloader too to put a custom kernel for that rom, but after the process, phone quickly restarted 2 times and from then it doesn't want to boot up, just like the first phone, doesn't react on power button not even to usb...
I'm so frustrated because on my X8 everything went fine, and i did on her exactly what I did on mine, but I bricked her 2 new phones and I don't know what to do next
Is there any way to back it up to life again??? (i think they won't replace my phone again at the shop)
alenal5 said:
To make long story short, i came up to flash stock rom, and then back to custom rom to make clean install again, this time I wanted to unlock bootloader too to put a custom kernel for that rom, but after the process, phone quickly restarted 2 times and from then it doesn't want to boot up, just like the first phone, doesn't react on power button not even to usb...
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what custom room you using to unlock bootloader?
You can't even use the Repair section of the PC Companion?
what ROM do you use when you try to unlock bootloader?
I was using stock rom (Elcair) when i tried to unlock bootloader...
and none of the usb methods works cause it doesn't get recognized by PC...
Uff...to any hard brick,your phone should get flash mode with fleshtool or seus/pcc..maybe its some mistake..to root phone,easier way is with fleshtool..
Sent from my E15i using XDA App
Do you have install PC Companion?
Sent from my X8 using XDA Premium App
have you tried installing ggsetup- and trying on another usb slot? the file is in FlashTool_0.2.9.1 package
Yes, i've installed Gordons Gate, but phone wont go into recovery mode anymore and it doesn't flash led when I plug the charger into phone (i've left it last night on charger but no success)...Complete deadly now cause of bootloader unlock, strange...
alenal5 said:
Yes, i've installed Gordons Gate, but phone wont go into recovery mode anymore and it doesn't flash led when I plug the charger into phone (i've left it last night on charger but no success)...Complete deadly now cause of bootloader unlock, strange...
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this is strange.. not reacting on usb..
when u turn off the phone then plug usb cable + pressing back button i call that downloading mode.
I don't know how to help u anymore..
btw what rom u're installed when the phone restarted twice? is it overclocked?
just curious
It was stock rom -> Eclair 2.1
No overclocking modules were installed...
I've came upon some similar thread on the internet, the guy had same problem, and someone suggested him that the only way to restore the device is to put it on RIFF JTAG box
Links are here:
So, my question for now is - Can I buy JTAG box from ebay, and soldered PCB for X8 from here ( multi-com.pl/index.php?itlskel_lang=en_US&itlskel_pgid=details&id_pr=8466 )...
Will that work it out ? Question goes to JTAG users hopefully.
Please modify URL's since I can't put full URL's yet
you just bought the phone rite? send it to service.
no need to buy anything to do it yourself. That riff box costs around $150 and there are people in various cities who might be able to repair your phone (check website of riff box) with fees but try with SE service centre first. You might get it done for free.
If you have followed the steps it really should not end up like that. It is really discouraging to read posts like yours. It makes me ponder twice whether I should go and try the unblock my bootloader myself.
vientito said:
you just bought the phone rite? send it to service.
no need to buy anything to do it yourself. That riff box costs around $150 and there are people in various cities who might be able to repair your phone (check website of riff box) with fees but try with SE service centre first. You might get it done for free.
If you have followed the steps it really should not end up like that. It is really discouraging to read posts like yours. It makes me ponder twice whether I should go and try the unblock my bootloader myself.
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I think SE center won't cost $150 (and if cost that much rather than buying those tools or pay SE i will buy another x8 it cost cheaper than that).
I agree with you, send it back to SE center and tell them u're upgrading phone software but the the power or internet down in the middle of process and your phone dead.
No, the thing is, i've already told them I was upgrading my software and phone crashed when I swaped my first phone, so if I send them back another phone in that short time I'll become suspect, and I highly doubt they'll accept my warranty
btw. I really don't know what could be the reason for bricking
Basebands versions were xxx015 on the both devices...
men try again with seus
just turn your pc/windows on safe mode with networking
ive experience that
do this like i said in other thread
try it again with this steps
open pc companion (dont plug your phone)
choose support zone click start
select phone software update
click start
and that its you know the next step
you will see initializing AND downloading the phone software
Will try it tonight but I higly doubt since phone doesn't react with LED anyhow
Thank you for your tip anyway
xpraken said:
men try again with seus
just turn your pc/windows on safe mode with networking
ive experience that
do this like i said in other thread
try it again with this steps
open pc companion (dont plug your phone)
choose support zone click start
select phone software update
click start
and that its you know the next step
you will see initializing AND downloading the phone software
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No led respone when usb connected and press back button...impossible you can run pc companion or seus..
alenal5 said:
No, the thing is, i've already told them I was upgrading my software and phone crashed when I swaped my first phone, so if I send them back another phone in that short time I'll become suspect, and I highly doubt they'll accept my warranty
btw. I really don't know what could be the reason for bricking
Basebands versions were xxx015 on the both devices...
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There's nothing wrong trying right?
Besides if they're not accepting your warranty you will pay anyway...
And if SE center tell you to pay ask them how much in front before doing any reparation.
Maybe $10, $20 etc i doubt it will cost as high as new phone.
help... i am also in the same situation..my phone bricked when i was bootloading , now its completely black and it cant on ...when i connect to pc , pc cant detect ..help please..i just bought my w8 about 3weeks only ..my dad's present ...hlp please

[Q] xperia z dosent work/charge/or read on pc

i have xz and tried to flash Rom and when i finish(i use cwm recovery) i marked -stop recovery fix-and that's was my biggest problem the mobile is now dead and working when i try to run it its just don't work its can not charge-no led light-and when i connect it to my pc its just not read and nothing happen i have unlocked boot loader
i need help plzz :crying::crying::crying::crying:
alimohmmed said:
i have xz and tried to flash Rom and when i finish(i use cwm recovery) i marked -stop recovery fix-and that's was my biggest problem the mobile is now dead and working when i try to run it its just don't work its can not charge-no led light-and when i connect it to my pc its just not read and nothing happen i have unlocked boot loader
i need help plzz :crying::crying::crying::crying:
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Flashing your phone can't damage it physically, the problem must be another thing, tro to restore it with Sony Update Service, also i don't understand your charging problem but if it's not charging maybe you damaged your phone or it's not correctly detected on windows. try to reinstall all drivers just in case.
QualQuek said:
Flashing your phone can't damage it physically, the problem must be another thing, tro to restore it with Sony Update Service, also i don't understand your charging problem but if it's not charging maybe you damaged your phone or it's not correctly detected on windows. try to reinstall all drivers just in case.
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thanks for the replay,my mobile is not charging and when i press the power button and vol+ its not working at all
i cant use sus because it cant be recognize and i tried to reinstall the drivers and nothing happen
alimohmmed said:
thanks for the replay,my mobile is not charging and when i press the power button and vol+ its not working at all
i cant use sus because it cant be recognize and i tried to reinstall the drivers and nothing happen
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Ok so maybe it's your USB cable, have you tried with another one?
If it's the same with another USB cable i have bad news for you...
alimohmmed said:
i have xz and tried to flash Rom and when i finish(i use cwm recovery) i marked -stop recovery fix-and that's was my biggest problem the mobile is now dead and working when i try to run it its just don't work its can not charge-no led light-and when i connect it to my pc its just not read and nothing happen i have unlocked boot loader
i need help plzz :crying::crying::crying::crying:
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unfortunately similar to hard-bricked
and u cannot easily repair it unless u be so lucky
take to professional service center
x102x96x said:
unfortunately similar to hard-bricked
and u cannot easily repair it unless u be so lucky
take to professional service center
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Even a hard-bricked phone should charge no?
QualQuek said:
Even a hard-bricked phone should charge no?
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No charge
No USB connectivity
Hard-Brick (if i m correct) is some problems both in software and hardware
maybe problem on kernel, bootloader, recovery or in hardware part problem in power & etc.
x102x96x said:
No charge
No USB connectivity
Hard-Brick (if i m correct) is some problems both in software and hardware
maybe problem on kernel, bootloader, recovery or in hardware part problem in power & etc.
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Yep you're right, brick is a literal term, it turns your device into a paperweight, AKA A brick.
Bricking a device goes beyond the actual components. You can brick ANY electrical device through MANY means. Bricking, in short often relates to some process that will often permanently destroy your device software-wise. It is often unrepairable except for that usual rare method that MAY save the device.
Bricking usually involves the firmware of a device and the very hidden memory that is often carried over through hard resets and such. Think of it like the "Brain" of your device. If it gets ever so slightly tampered with in the wrong way (such as a flash, which would be the equivalent of brain surgery here) it can be permanently damaged forever.
then what should i do
then what should i do
if i send it to sony service center will they know if it unlocked
and i left it for a full night on charging i have tried every thing i know but still not working
what should i do :crying::crying::crying:
alimohmmed said:
then what should i do
if i send it to sony service center will they know if it unlocked
and i left it for a full night on charging i have tried every thing i know but still not working
what should i do :crying::crying::crying:
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Many stores offer to repair hard-bricked phones for some bucks, jut take a look in google...

[Q] My Xperia T bricked Help me please

My divice is bricked. I don't know how unbrick my phone. I have a Sony Xperia T with JB 4.1.2 and frimware .411
I try a many solution but don't work. I'm so bad....
DestroyTP said:
My divice is bricked. I don't know how unbrick my phone. I have a Sony Xperia T with JB 4.1.2 and frimware .411
I try a many solution but don't work. I'm so bad....
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First of all, did you try to modify it? Did you try do unlock the bootloader? Did you try to root it?
If it is just a softbrick you can easily repair it (don't worry, it's really simple). Open Sony PC Companion, Power off the phone, on Pc Companion go to "update phone/tablet" (sorry, don't have it installed in english, so it may differ). There should be an option to repair the phone. Just follow the steps it shows you
St.Jimmy90 said:
First of all, did you try to modify it? Did you try do unlock the bootloader? Did you try to root it?
If it is just a softbrick you can easily repair it (don't worry, it's really simple). Open Sony PC Companion, Power off the phone, on Pc Companion go to "update phone/tablet" (sorry, don't have it installed in english, so it may differ). There should be an option to repair the phone. Just follow the steps it shows you
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I try a custom rom after my device don't work.... My device is rooted and I don't know if my xperia have a bootloader unlock or lock...
I try already pc compagnon and service update but don't work because my laptop don't find . And my cell phone charger don't work too...
Hold volume up and power together until it vibrates a total of 4 times. Then open update service and select your phone then follow the instructions
Sent from my LT30p using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
DestroyTP said:
I try a custom rom after my device don't work.... My device is rooted and I don't know if my xperia have a bootloader unlock or lock...
I try already pc compagnon and service update but don't work because my laptop don't find . And my cell phone charger don't work too...
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Which custom rom did you try? If you tried Cyanogenmod, or any other which requires an unlocked bootloader, and you didn't unlock your bootloader you'll have a problem
DestroyTP said:
My divice is bricked. I don't know how unbrick my phone. I have a Sony Xperia T with JB 4.1.2 and frimware .411
I try a many solution but don't work. I'm so bad....
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There us very little we can advise you to do with such limited information you have given us...
Please tell us exactly what you did, exactly what you flashed and exactly what the symptoms are. The more information the better,
flash ftf file
you flash stock rom ftf via flash tool is ok. Sorry i not enough 10 post because not see link for you

[Q] Proces system not responding + bootloop

I need a help with my sony xperia Z. After normal using all the suddenly my xperia frozed. After a reboot the real problem started. I got the message that proces system is not responding, than after 1 minute the phone automaticly reboot.
Some informations:
I live in Europe, the phone was bought in USA in offical sony web store.
The warranty is still on, but I must send it to USA, but that is over 70$ of costs for oneway shipment.
ANdroid version: 4.2.2
model: c6602
Thing that i allready did:
Red a lot of forum pages till now, without help.
Used PC companion to "repair" phone; things got only worse (no menu, black screen, still rebooting, ...)
I tried to unlock bootloader but i didn't succeeded, i can't even look if I can unlock the bootloader in the hidden menu.
I don't know a lot about flashing the device or other things. I will appreciate your help.
Sorry for bad english.
ravoksel said:
I need a help with my sony xperia Z. After normal using all the suddenly my xperia frozed. After a reboot the real problem started. I got the message that proces system is not responding, than after 1 minute the phone automaticly reboot.
Some informations:
I live in Europe, the phone was bought in USA in offical sony web store.
The warranty is still on, but I must send it to USA, but that is over 70$ of costs for oneway shipment.
ANdroid version: 4.2.2
model: c6602
Thing that i allready did:
Red a lot of forum pages till now, without help.
Used PC companion to "repair" phone; things got only worse (no menu, black screen, still rebooting, ...)
I tried to unlock bootloader but i didn't succeeded, i can't even look if I can unlock the bootloader in the hidden menu.
I don't know a lot about flashing the device or other things. I will appreciate your help.
Sorry for bad english.
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Try it with Sony Update Service(SUS). But you will loose your datas!
Or with flashtool, but try it first with SUS.
Quote me if you tryed it(you will become faster help by me). I become only notification if someone quotes me
gripfly said:
Try it with Sony Update Service(SUS). But you will loose your datas!
Or with flashtool, but try it first with SUS.
Quote me if you tryed it(you will become faster help by me). I become only notification if someone quotes me
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No luck with sus. Tell me more about flashtool, I don't know a lot about it.
you need to download flashtool. its here in the xperia forum or googling "xperia flashtool" should give you what you need. then you need an ftf file of the firmware for your phone. again you should be able to find it here. go to c:/flashtool/drivers (on your pc) to install the adb drivers for your phone. use flashtool (from power off holding volume - anf plugging in to usb) to flash the ftf for your phone (67 fw preferred) and if you used the right ftf file for your phone (shoot download a few so you can play Round) it should reset like brand new.
aethervagrant said:
you need to download flashtool. its here in the xperia forum or googling "xperia flashtool" should give you what you need. then you need an ftf file of the firmware for your phone. again you should be able to find it here. go to c:/flashtool/drivers (on your pc) to install the adb drivers for your phone. use flashtool (from power off holding volume - anf plugging in to usb) to flash the ftf for your phone (67 fw preferred) and if you used the right ftf file for your phone (shoot download a few so you can play Round) it should reset like brand new.
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Thanks. Is there any global stock rom to find it? Because I live in Slovenia (Europe) and I dont think that i'll find the rom for my country.
I have a question about stock roms: can i flash any stock rom that i find? There are also diffenrent model numbers (C6602, C6603, ...)?
I somehove succed to flash my phone and now i have one further problem. It says no sim card inserted, but sim card is placed in a slot. I have new sim card and it word on other devices. I allready tried different stock roms. My phone was bought in US, do you think that i must flash the US stock rom? Any other sugestions?
ravoksel said:
I somehove succed to flash my phone and now i have one further problem. It says no sim card inserted, but sim card is placed in a slot. I have new sim card and it word on other devices. I allready tried different stock roms. My phone was bought in US, do you think that i must flash the US stock rom? Any other sugestions?
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I think now.you lost your.IMEI nummer dont.know.how.to get it back though
Sent from my C6603 using xda app-developers app

