I observed that whenever i connect my phone to PC,it gets connected as MTp but cant i connect it as if it acts as a Pendrive where data transfer speed is high when compared to MTP.
I dont like MTP progress bar and all and it is very slow in response.
In phone settings you can change it to msc or mtp
Sent from my C5303 using xda premium
zolaisugly said:
In phone settings you can change it to msc or mtp
Sent from my C5303 using xda premium
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Can you please let me know the excat path where i would get this option because im unable to find it.
sabertooth777 said:
Can you please let me know the excat path where i would get this option because im unable to find it.
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Xperia connectivity
Usb connectivity
Usb connection mode
Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk
dipesh1502 said:
Xperia connectivity
Usb connectivity
Usb connection mode
Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk
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Settings > Xperia > Usb Connectivity > Usb connection mode > MTP/MSC
Yeah. The patch os right.
mrjraider said:
Settings > Xperia > Usb Connectivity > Usb connection mode > MTP/MSC
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But in MSC you will no longer be able to access the internal memory, only the External memory.
When conecting my Note to a Winows PC via USB, on some computers I get 2 Removable Disks (i.e. E: & F, and in which to enable these drives to be viewed, I have to go to the alert screen on my Note and select enable USB.
Other times when connecting the Note to a PC, I get a Samsung Note listed un My Computer, and in that case I can just click on it and it will allow me to view contents of Note without having to enable it via the phone.
Any idea why this is?
do you have usb debugging enabled?
The first Option called Mass Storage (Faster file transfer)
And the second one called MTP (Media Transfer Protocol).
Richy99 said:
do you have usb debugging enabled?
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ranjan.alva said:
The first Option called Mass Storage (Faster file transfer)
And the second one called MTP (Media Transfer Protocol).
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When I have USB Debgging on I get the the Mass Storage (phone shows up as removable disk) and when I have USB Debugging off I get the MTP (phone shows as GT-N7000)....
Thanks to you both!
Was searching for the same..glad you have posted...thanks guys!!!
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Advantage of MTP is, while trying to copy some media files it ll ask you to "convert and copy". so that Note can play that media file.
To add to it!! MTP mode is slower than usb mode and while on MTP mode u can access the card on phone and computer simultaneously!!
SHOT from my LOADED GT-N7000!!
This is not the case for me
I have USB Debgging enabled, since I use adb for some stuff, however, usb will always be in MTP mode!
i disabled USB Debgging and tried it then enabled it again but it is always in MTP.
does anyone know why?
i am using rooted stock rom.
fduraibi said:
This is not the case for me
I have USB Debgging enabled, since I use adb for some stuff, however, usb will always be in MTP mode!
i disabled USB Debgging and tried it then enabled it again but it is always in MTP.
does anyone know why?
i am using rooted stock rom.
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Before you connect the cable open settings> wireless and network > usb utility > connect usb storage then it will ask you to connect the cable. Connect the cable and it should mount the phone as usb storage...
Hit thanks if it helped
Peave out!!
SHOT from my LOADED GT-N7000!!
geo.samuel said:
Before you connect the cable open settings> wireless and network > usb utility > connect usb storage then it will ask you to connect the cable. Connect the cable and it should mount the phone as usb storage...
Hit thanks if it helped
Peave out!!
SHOT from my LOADED GT-N7000!!
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"wireless and network" OMG, i remember seeing the usb setting somewhere then i looked all over but of course not inside "wireless and network" !! why here, should be under storage or something more related...
anyway, thanks for the help
I think i have similar problem here. The only thing is that i could not connect to Samsung Kies. When I try to troubleshot it, connection error occurs.
What would I possibly do about it?
Good day fellow Galaxy tab users! My problem is that when I connect my tab to a PC with the USB cord it does not do anything.It does not say click here to copy files from SD CARD to PC in notification bar.Just nothing. It happened when I upgraded my tab to build 35 of AOKP.pleasehelp. thanksss!
I would suggest checking the settings (developer options) make sure USB debugging is unchecked, which seems to put the device into mass storage mode
Awology said:
I would suggest checking the settings (developer options) make sure USB debugging is unchecked, which seems to put the device into mass storage mode
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i already tried that but.... nothing
I also had the same problem......
Try all USB ports u have on your PC
One of them will surely work as it worked for me....
If it works keep that USB port reserved for tab...do not use any dial up or something like that.....
Try it .....
Hit thanks if I've helped
Sent from my GT-P1000 using xda app-developers app
My Droid3 won't connect to USB.
When I connect my Droid 3 to computer,The phone has no response(nothing in status bar) and in the computer's Device Manager,
there are many unkonwn devices:
Diag Interface
Modem Interface
MUX Interface
NMEA Interface
TCMD Interface
After search on Internet,I think I may turn the phone into Diag Mode ,
but how to disable diag mode?
and there is other problems?
Anyone can help me? thank you!
Have you tried to disable/enable USB debugging in settings?
yukinok25 said:
Have you tried to disable/enable USB debugging in settings?
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When I Switch USB Debug(turn on or turn off) when USB is connected, the staus bar will show USB option(PC mode,USB mass storge,charge,etc..)
But no matter what I choose,It does't work.
And when I run adb command(usb debug on) , It shows "device not found".
yukinok25 said:
Have you tried to disable/enable USB debugging in settings?
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Install the drivers from the SBF thread.
MrObvious said:
Install the drivers from the SBF thread.
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What driver??
I have installed Motorola_End_User_Driver_Installation_5.7.0
Change ports and/or USB cable
Sent from my XT860 using xda app-developers app
AragornPE said:
Change ports and/or USB cable
Sent from my XT860 using xda app-developers app
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I had changed ports ,and USB cable
And windows xp and win 8.
But It's the same.
are you using the stock usb cable?
are you running a rom?
what recovery are you using?
if you have a custom recovery hook your phone up to your computer and boot your phone into recovery either cwm or safestrap
go to mounts and storage and try to mount sdcard and see if that works
make sure usb debugging is enabled and check mass storage in the drop down
Was there ever a solution found? My droid 3 for some reason the usb debugging isn't working, the computer sees it and I can access my files, but debugging won't enable. I turned it on and off in settings a bunch of times and tryed a few different drivers
trying for almost one week............but can't get the solution:crying:
my device cannot connect to usb.........while usb debugging is ON:crying:........
my pc shows [no device found].....but the drivers are installed....help me
right now i m using cm10(official)
os :win 7 sp1 64 bit
rv0000s said:
trying for almost one week............but can't get the solution:crying:
my device cannot connect to usb.........while usb debugging is ON:crying:........
my pc shows [no device found].....but the drivers are installed....help me
right now i m using cm10(official)
os :win 7 sp1 64 bit
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Go to apps, push menu button, choose either camera or massstorage mode. And enable usb debugging and enable root access for apps and adb. This should solve it. If not, reinstall your cm10 with all wipes.
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
N00BY0815 said:
Go to apps, push menu button, choose either camera or massstorage mode. And enable usb debugging and enable root access for apps and adb. This should solve it. If not, reinstall your cm10 with all wipes.
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
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thanks NOOBY0815.....
this method works like charm..............
what now I did is ...changed the USB connection type to camera(PTP) and then re-checked the usb debugging.....and then i thanked you.....
N00BY0815 said:
Go to apps, push menu button, choose either camera or massstorage mode. And enable usb debugging and enable root access for apps and adb. This should solve it. If not, reinstall your cm10 with all wipes.
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
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don't understand why you wrote "go to apps" - in my CM10 on my p970 the USB options are in storage menu :
settings->storage->[press menu]->USB computer connection
then after choosing Mass storage i can finally debug using ADB
sharp80 said:
don't understand why you wrote "go to apps" - in my CM10 on my p970 the USB options are in storage menu :
settings->storage->[press menu]->USB computer connection
then after choosing Mass storage i can finally debug using ADB
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Sorry for mixing up ROMs... and btw this is not the only question i was answering that day... anyway you found your solution and my suggestion was partially right if you hadnt been lazy before, you had found out about it on your own, cause around 10 ppl already asked about it...
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
Turn off your phone and battery get out...wait for while. Put battery in, turn on your phone and try to connect via USB
My Nexus 6 wont connect with MTP...only PTP.
It shows on the connected media but it doesnt show up on My Computer.
It doesnt matter if i turn debug on or off, still doesnt show.
If i switch to PTP, it shows up but i cant add or edit the folder and it only
shows 'Pictures' and DCIM folders
Im trying to add zip files.
how do i fix the MTP problem?
collinjm01 said:
My Nexus 6 wont connect with MTP...only PTP.
It shows on the connected media but it doesnt show up on My Computer.
It doesnt matter if i turn debug on or off, still doesnt show.
If i switch to PTP, it shows up but i cant add or edit the folder and it only
shows 'Pictures' and DCIM folders
Im trying to add zip files.
how do i fix the MTP problem?
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Do you have TWRP installed?
Evolution_Tech said:
Do you have TWRP installed?
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Yes i have TWRP installed. Newest Version
collinjm01 said:
Yes i have TWRP installed. Newest Version
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Boot into TWRP and connect to PC. See if you can mount MTP that way. Not a fix but could get your files transferred. Also may prove if more than a ROM issue.
I have the same issue? An it still is not coming up with TWRP? I tried the DEV M preview, it's good. But will not connect to PC as MTP?
Usb debugging off, selected mtp in dev options, reboot phone. works now?
I'm actually on stock rooted and unlocked, so idk what's up
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
collinjm01 said:
I'm actually on stock rooted and unlocked, so idk what's up
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
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Have you tried a different cable? Different USB port?
I tried different ports but the phone will connect adb and ptp so I assumed it was the phone. When I connect using mtp, it makes the connection sound but nothing happens.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app