[Q] Custom ROM - headset not work - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi folks,
I tried use CM 10.2, Pacman and now dyrt unicorns, but always my headset not work well. I can't never use the headset button or sometimes the button not work very well.
I tried to use the fix but without sucess:
Open up /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl
Find key 226 and 256. 226 is HEADSETHOOK and 256 is BUTTON_1
Just swap them Make 226 BUTTON_1 and 256 HEADSETHOOK.
ROM stock it works fine.
Someone can help me?

I have the same Problem
That problem is tha button is only in the orginal source code


Please HELP ( XDA IIs )

i have a big problem. I tryed to install Xda_IIs_v131139_upgrade and then the message error shows :'' error 114 : radio rom update error ''
after that screen shows : serial and at bottom v2.07. i tryed to install again but the same problem shows up
What can i do ? xda iis is from UK ( O2) !!!!!!!!
i also have card reader and 1gb sd card if that helps to fix my problem
i have a big problem. I tryed to install Xda_IIs_v131139_upg
u have to edit the "RUU.conf "open it with notepal & add in "[CHECKCEID_TYPE]=1 " after the "[RADIO_FLAG]=1".
i have a big problem. I tryed to install Xda_IIs_v131139_upg
u have to edit the "RUU.conf "open it with notepal & add in "[CHECKCEID_TYPE]=1 " after the "[RADIO_FLAG]=1".
I have the exact same problem on a SX66. Added [CHECKCEID_TYPE]=1 like you said and still have the problem. During the update there is a long pause at 1% then it goes up somewhat quickly, skips 10% goes right to 11 and then to 12%, long pause and then the 114 error. I've tried many different radio files and get the same on all of them.

Problem Upgrading to WM2005 Stuck on coloured stripes

I am following the instructions for the upgrade to WM2005 from this location: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=BA_5.1.1700_build_14343_Upgrade however I am at this stage
When you are done, remove your device from the cradle.
Press Power + Softreset, and when the colored stripes (well, this is the bootscreen )shows on the screen.
If you have a PH20B device such as MDAIII, QTEK 9090, XDAIIs, PDA2K etc.
* Quickly press Record+Camera before the versions appears at bottom right
* OR, press Power+Softreset+Camera+Record at the same time.
I can not get the 3 options to come up on the screen and I'm just left with the device showing the coloured stripes.
Can anyone give anymore advise??
My device data is as follows prior to update PH20B 0 BENG G T-MOB005 1.06.00 0 0 1.06.160 1.10.00 10.00
hoping for good news
Decided to go back!!
Decided it would be best to go back to old version.
Ran the Official MDA update which changed the radio, ex rom and rom back
However on hard reset none of the extended rom is loaded. Ran the extended rom unlocker. I can see cabs in the extended rom but am unable to copy any of them, if i click on unlock i get the following error.
FL_IOCTL_BDTL_HW_PROTECTION - A device attached to the system is not functioning.
Is this because I did this in the attempted upgrade to 2005?
Setup the Storage size to get a full 60MB and not 43 MB
* Copy Repart_DOC.exe from the "Preparation\DOC repartitioning tool" folder to your device and launch it.
* Set size of Extended ROM to 128 kb
I set it to 128 as suggested, do i need to run this again but change the value???
Any help would be great
Most extended roms are 16mb+, so I recommend instead of 128kb, i put it to 16000kb ;-) = 16mb or known as like 15.58mb
If you reset, press AND HOLD the camera and record button, then you will get the 3 options.
you can navigate through them with the record (down) and camera (select) buttons. if your done you can press mail, to "save".
Thanks everyone for the advise.
I could not get the 3 options no matter how hard I tried. I then reflashed with the origional T-Mobile rom radio and extend rom.
I just could go without WM2005 so i tried again, flashed and hey presto the options appeared!!!.
The only thing I can think of and that should be added to the tutorial is to reboot after installing ActiveSync V4 as this was on the only difference, flashed 3 times with WM2005 before reboot and no joy yet after PC reboot all worked first time!
Just some feedback

Wifi Adhoc connection problem in X8i GingerDX v14

Hi, I installed GingerDX v14 7 days back into my Xperia X8i. This ROM is working fantastic and with all function. One problem I found that my phone can not connect with Adhoc Wifi connection with my laptop. When I try to connect the cell tries for 5 to 8 mins and reboots automatically. But with my Wifi router it has no problem. Can some one help me?
dipusen said:
Hi, I installed GingerDX v14 7 days back into my Xperia X8i. This ROM is working fantastic and with all function. One problem I found that my phone can not connect with Adhoc Wifi connection with my laptop. When I try to connect the cell tries for 5 to 8 mins and reboots automatically. But with my Wifi router it has no problem. Can some one help me?
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same i am having the exact same problem i have the ginger dx 014 but i ahve stock kernal waht about you
Flypants101010 said:
same i am having the exact same problem i have the ginger dx 014 but i ahve stock kernal waht about you
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@Flypants101010 : yes sir, I also have stock kernel with GingerDX v14. Still now we dont have any option to solve. I searched forum for the solution but I didnt find any. If you get some I request you to remember me please and share.
i have an idea we could change the tiwlan.ini in /system/etc/wifi like in the mod for faster
wifi (N standard mod) it says that the mod enables n standard and wifi adhoc im going to try it!
i use gingerdx 017 and i had try your sugestion, i change to faster mode wifi (n standard mode), but the problem was not solved.
I think gingerDX not yet support wifi hotspot. Can try app like Barnacle from market (saw somewhere in this forumn work well, haven't tried yet).
Well you're luck cuz I don't have any wifi or bt now (after installing GDX v17)
anyway, if you want to connect your phone with laptop I can help there is app called connectify (it's cool really) give it try.
I hope I helped
guys, nothing helped me. the problem remains same. ugraded to v17
do a clean install make sure u do a full wipe and all your wifi problems and bluetooth problems should have disappeared ive never had any problems with wifi or bt when using the method i just told you
Even after clean install of GDx V019, then full wipe, X8 fails to connect to Ad-hoc N/w on my laptop. It fails to get the IP address. But there is absolutely no problem in connecting with wifi.
try connecting to other wifi networks ? maybe its your laptop ?
leingod0923 said:
try connecting to other wifi networks ? maybe its your laptop ?
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no dude, I also have exactly same problem as nima7 says. So both of our laptos have same problem?
I have same problem, phone reboot after screen timeout while connected to ad-hoc network but it doesn’t happen when I am charging my phone?? Any cure?
just installed gingerDX v021, and the problem goes on...
When connected with adhoc, when screen turns off, it reboot...
Any solutions?
AdHoc Problem
I found out the solution, it worked gem for me. All new custom ROMs comes with Wifi N standard enabled and as per developers N standard does not support Adhoc connectivity. So simply we need to disable the N standard if you frequently use Adhoc or you don’t have N standard routers.
Follow this steps:
- Launch Root Explorer.
- go to: /system/etc and find a file named tiwlan.ini(Path for miniCM RC1 or CM6). For CM7 based ROMs the path may be /system/etc/wifi. And copy this file to SD card??
- Now copy(tiwlan.ini) file to your computer via USB cable. And open the file using Notepad.
- Look for these below mentioned lines and change them from 1 to 0 (use ctrl+f to search in notepad)
HT_Enable=1 ---> HT_Enable=0
BurstModeEnable = 1 ---> BurstModeEnable = 0
Single_Dual_Band_Solution = 1 ---> Single_Dual_Band_Solution = 0
- Now copy the edited tiwlan.ini from your computer to your SD card, and then copy this to its original location by using root explorer with mount R/O enabled and replace the original file, and exit from root explorer without any further changes.
- Go to settings from menu and go to wireless & network>Wi-fi setting and clear all the network(SSID) name you used before by long pressing the name and then select forget network.
- Restart your phone and enjoy??
If useful pls hit the thanks button.
thanks dude worked charm for my friend x8
it worked for me after I unlocked my bootloader and flashed alfs 07 ics kernal and used gdx 22 and it works perfectly and better performance
Great to hear this some people successfully connected to Adhoc wifi.
GingerDX v29
Wasif_F1 said:
I found out the solution, it worked gem for me. All new custom ROMs comes with Wifi N standard enabled and as per developers N standard does not support Adhoc connectivity. So simply we need to disable the N standard if you frequently use Adhoc or you don’t have N standard routers.
Follow this steps:
- Launch Root Explorer.
- go to: /system/etc and find a file named tiwlan.ini(Path for miniCM RC1 or CM6). For CM7 based ROMs the path may be /system/etc/wifi. And copy this file to SD card??
- Now copy(tiwlan.ini) file to your computer via USB cable. And open the file using Notepad.
- Look for these below mentioned lines and change them from 1 to 0 (use ctrl+f to search in notepad)
HT_Enable=1 ---> HT_Enable=0
BurstModeEnable = 1 ---> BurstModeEnable = 0
Single_Dual_Band_Solution = 1 ---> Single_Dual_Band_Solution = 0
- Now copy the edited tiwlan.ini from your computer to your SD card, and then copy this to its original location by using root explorer with mount R/O enabled and replace the original file, and exit from root explorer without any further changes.
- Go to settings from menu and go to wireless & network>Wi-fi setting and clear all the network(SSID) name you used before by long pressing the name and then select forget network.
- Restart your phone and enjoy??
If useful pls hit the thanks button.
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It was a good advice at the time of the writing, but GingerDX v29 already contains these modifications.
I tried wifi hotspot function using two X8 phones, both running GingerDX v29. As I also had "error" always when I tried to start it. Interesting thought my X10 mini Pro (also running GingerDX v29) was working as a hotspot using the same menu item.
Then I realised what is written in the first post:
GingerDX v029 (29-09-2012) - huuuuuuuuge update:
Based on MiniCM shakira device tree
CM nightly dated on 28/09/2012
New devices officially supported from now (Xperia X10 Mini, Xperia X10 Mini Pro, Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-5830 - thanks to CallMeVentus)
Updated Google Play Store to 3.8.17
Removed Nemus Launcher
Added Holo Launcher 1.2.4
Added Google Authenticator
Spare Parts/Dev Tools
Ultra-brightness power toggle
Native WiFi tethering (custom kernel only)
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Which was the problem the X8's had. As custom kernels require unlocked bootloader and they should be produced before 11w29 as the guide says:
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So this can also be the reason. HTH

[Q] Repeating letters HW keyboard

I've had this problem for a while, but I always managed to "fix" it by using Milestone 2 Debounce.
Now that I've rolled back to CM 7.2.4b (I was using CM10), I can't seen to use it. My HW keyboard keep repeating letters, and when I try to load the module inside Milestone 2 Debounce, I get the error: "Problems executing shell commands as root! Is this device rooted and are insmod/rmmod binaries available?". My device is rooted (obviously) and I had granted M2 Debounce root privileges. I've googled for insmod / rmmod but couldn't find anything useful.
Isn't anybody else having this problem with Milestone / CM7? Any idea on how to fix it? Maybe kadablan could enable debounce natively in CM7
guaycuru said:
I've had this problem for a while, but I always managed to "fix" it by using Milestone 2 Debounce.
Now that I've rolled back to CM 7.2.4b (I was using CM10), I can't seen to use it. My HW keyboard keep repeating letters, and when I try to load the module inside Milestone 2 Debounce, I get the error: "Problems executing shell commands as root! Is this device rooted and are insmod/rmmod binaries available?". My device is rooted (obviously) and I had granted M2 Debounce root privileges. I've googled for insmod / rmmod but couldn't find anything useful.
Isn't anybody else having this problem with Milestone / CM7? Any idea on how to fix it? Maybe kadablan could enable debounce natively in CM7
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it happend to me, when i moved back to milestone (after using xperia mini pro for 3 months) and flashed 7.2.3, and it still happend even on 7.2.4. havent been using the hw keyboard since then but today i used it, and to my surprise, it worked fine. now, i did notice that it also happens when on openrecovery console (the last one, with 2ndboot) and i tried flashing froyomod, and it didnt happend there (but the rom was unusable compared to 7.2.x) so, i moved back to 7.2.4b and used the virtual kb instead... dont know how it got fixed (dont know IF it is fixed)
im gonna check that debounce app, didnt knew it existed
sorry for my english

[Q] Problem in Namelees Rom

Hello. I want to install an app, for example Anreboot, to boot in recovery, because i tried to enter in it with combination of keys, but doesn't opened.
When i start to install, it seem appear to the sceen "Cannot open file". What to do?
rinzller said:
Hello. I want to install an app, for example Anreboot, to boot in recovery, because i tried to enter in it with combination of keys, but doesn't opened.
When i start to install, it seem appear to the sceen "Cannot open file". What to do?
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This doesn't work?
androcraze said:
This doesn't work?
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No. Doesnt work. It seems to do a full wipe with installing stock rom with lg flash tool.
rinzller said:
No. Doesnt work. It seems to do a full wipe with installing stock rom with lg flash tool.
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"To get into Recovery mode :
Press and hold Volume down + Home key
then press and hold the above combination and also press and hold power button for a while"
I don't have my P970 in front of me right now, but that always seemed to work with CWM.
androcraze said:
"To get into Recovery mode :
Press and hold Volume down + Home key
then press and hold the above combination and also press and hold power button for a while"
I don't have my P970 in front of me right now, but that always seemed to work with CWM.
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Doesnt work. I want to install Anreboot. It is more easy. But when i start to install app, it seem appear to the sceen "Cannot open file". What to do?
Go to settings, developer options and tick advanced reboot.
few days ago i decide to try namelessROM. So far i was using IZS v2 (Android 4.0.4) baseband v30. I have some time to test it and want to share my experience.
Version 20140629-p970-WEEKLY
- Flight mode, if you deactivate flight mode mobile network wont connect automaticly, wifi will normaly connect (workaround is to switch mobile network mode). catog:View attachment 2014-06-29-flightmode.txt
- USSD code, if i try to check my credit status by executing USSD code it will stuck in progress forever with no resul. catog: View attachment 2014-06-29-ussdcode.txt
- SuperSU, stop working (supersu stopped working dialog) after update from 20140627 to 20140629, reboot wont help. catog: View attachment 2014-06-29-supersu.txt
- Mass storage, SD card file writing speed is only 2 MB/s (class 10 SD card with writing speed in PC reader 14MB/s), reading speed is OK about 16 MB/s (in PC reader 18 MB/s)
- Time and Date network synchronization not working properly, time is shifted 2 hours back, but this is propably related to v30 baseband when recomended is v20
- Blue LED press feedback of touch buttons is fixed in 20140629, now working even when the backlight turns off. It would be good to have adjustable buttons backlight, it burning my eyas at night
- In default camera there missing 5Mpix photo resolution, screen rotating in camera is laggy.
- Overal UI performance is smooth and other things woking good so far
I would like to thank developers, they done great job.
KM7ECZ said:
few days ago i decide to try namelessROM. So far i was using IZS v2 (Android 4.0.4) baseband v30. I have some time to test it and want to share my experience.
Version 20140629-p970-WEEKLY
- Flight mode, if you deactivate flight mode mobile network wont connect automaticly, wifi will normaly connect (workaround is to switch mobile network mode). catog:View attachment 2824172
- USSD code, if i try to check my credit status by executing USSD code it will stuck in progress forever with no resul. catog: View attachment 2824173
- SuperSU, stop working (supersu stopped working dialog) after update from 20140627 to 20140629, reboot wont help. catog: View attachment 2824174
- Mass storage, SD card file writing speed is only 2 MB/s (class 10 SD card with writing speed in PC reader 14MB/s), reading speed is OK about 16 MB/s (in PC reader 18 MB/s)
- Time and Date network synchronization not working properly, time is shifted 2 hours back, but this is propably related to v30 baseband when recomended is v20
- Blue LED press feedback of touch buttons is fixed in 20140629, now working even when the backlight turns off. It would be good to have adjustable buttons backlight, it burning my eyas at night
- In default camera there missing 5Mpix photo resolution, screen rotating in camera is laggy.
- Overal UI performance is smooth and other things woking good so far
I would like to thank developers, they done great job.
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Post your comment in this thread please http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2525397 or in Nameless thread of development section [emoji4]

