DND and Auto Sleep MOD - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

any one share\suggest mod similar to 'Do not disturb' and 'Auto Sleep' like from MIUI.
Its very helpful to me....Plz

Not; only plain solution is using Airplane mode when you dont want to be disturbed

sabertooth777 said:
any one share\suggest mod similar to 'Do not disturb' and 'Auto Sleep' like from MIUI.
Its very helpful to me....Plz
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This should help u


[ROM oSerX] brightness problem.

I would like to set the display brightness permanently in oSerX ROM. When I move the slider it does not change anything. Brightness is the same, at a low level illumination.
I'm using Semaphore 2.5.0.
How to fix it.
Sorry for my english
not a huge problem, go in there semaphore.apk and tick the auto you want and then go to settings, display and then you check and uncheck the auto correct function. good luck
Great! It' works. Thanks a lot.
c0c05 said:
not a huge problem, go in there semaphore.apk and tick the auto you want and then go to settings, display and then you check and uncheck the auto correct function. good luck
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hey thanks but this is a temporary workaround.
is it not possible to permanently change this? everytime i turn off-on my phone i have to go to semaphore and disable auto-brightness first and then i have to go to settings and disable auto-brightness. please suggest something

[Q] Stamina mode using tasker?

Is there a way to use stamina mode using tasker?
Any intent or any other way that can used while screen off?
mnsk said:
Is there a way to use stamina mode using tasker?
Any intent or any other way that can used while screen off?
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gjjh25 said:
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If you want Tasker to work while stamina mode is on you can go to Stamina settings and add it to exceptions
Yes I can do that OK thanks, I am looking to control stamina via Tasker
I found an answer
I found a way to toggle STAMINA mode with Tasker.
In Tasker, just create a new task of type "Send Intent". Then in "Action" field, enter :
Then exist Task.
Now, when you enter this Task with a profile, STAMINA mode is toggled on or off. You can check this by adding the STAMINA widget on your home, or by looking at the "+" sign near the battery indicator.
Hope this helps !

[Q] Help with Ambient Display and CM12

Hello Guys! I installed one of the CM12 bases ROMs for our device (Candy), and I like it a lot, everything worked super... BUT...
After fidgetting around with the phone, Ambient Display no longer seems to work. I've tried to un-do all the changes that I did, but to no avail. Ambient Display just quit working. And yes, the setting is of course marked as "On" on Lights and Display Settings.
Any help on how to fix this? I suspect it may be something very silly...
Thanks in advance.
EDIT - Solve the problem. I somehow disabled the lockscreen without noticing, and Ambient Display doesn't work when the lockscreen is disabled. This is so silly that this here should probably be deleted. Thanks.
Charlie.igg said:
Hello Guys! I installed one of the CM12 bases ROMs for our device (Candy), and I like it a lot, everything worked super... BUT...
After fidgetting around with the phone, Ambient Display no longer seems to work. I've tried to un-do all the changes that I did, but to no avail. Ambient Display just quit working. And yes, the setting is of course marked as "On" on Lights and Display Settings.
Any help on how to fix this? I suspect it may be something very silly...
Thanks in advance.
EDIT - Solve the problem. I somehow disabled the lockscreen without noticing, and Ambient Display doesn't work when the lockscreen is disabled. This is so silly that this here should probably be deleted. Thanks.
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Same problem here, did you figured out a solution?
The post has the answer in it..
k44mos said:
Same problem here, did you figured out a solution?
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//EDIT - Solve the problem. I somehow disabled the lockscreen without noticing, and Ambient Display doesn't work when the lockscreen is disabled. This is so silly that this here should probably be deleted. Thanks. //
nijom said:
//EDIT - Solve the problem. I somehow disabled the lockscreen without noticing, and Ambient Display doesn't work when the lockscreen is disabled. This is so silly that this here should probably be deleted. Thanks. //
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Thanks for you replay, maybe can help someone out but not me unfortunately. I already hear about this problem, i tried with pin and slide lock and still not working.
sorry for that
k44mos said:
Thanks for you replay, maybe can help someone out but not me unfortunately. I already hear about this problem, i tried with pin and slide lock and still not working.
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I haven't tried CM12. I thought may you didn't notice that part of the post....
Good luck. There will be a fix...
check if you have turned on Ambient Display in Settings/Display&lights.
k44mos said:
Thanks for you replay, maybe can help someone out but not me unfortunately. I already hear about this problem, i tried with pin and slide lock and still not working.
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I had the same problem and i was tinkering around in the settings and i turned on user aware display in settings > gestures and it started working. I then went ahead after testing ambient display worked and turned off user-aware display but left pick-up and wave on and it works now.
idk why this. happend. it is very odd but hey it works
Krishna563 said:
I had the same problem and i was tinkering around in the settings and i turned on user aware display in settings > gestures and it started working. I then went ahead after testing ambient display worked and turned off user-aware display but left pick-up and wave on and it works now.
idk why this. happend. it is very odd but hey it works
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Thanks for your suggestion but i can't find your path. Where is: user aware display or gestures?

Any way to reprogram the slider without root?

Hi, like the title says. I tried Notification Slider by Seveilith, but it doesn't seem to work on the 3T. More specifically i just want completely silent on one (excluding alarms), vibrate (excluding alarms) on another, and normal ringing on the last. I don't care about priority settings or those kinds of things. But I don't really want to root (I don't miss much), since I'd lose OTA.
What all allows you to do this with root? And not needed xposed? I am rooted but do not want to install xposed
I'm rooted with exposed and tried many ways to modify this annoying slider with zero success. It's the only thing I dislike about this phone. Custom Roms will eventually fix it even if OnePlus doesn't.
Delta 32 said:
Hi, like the title says. I tried Notification Slider by Seveilith, but it doesn't seem to work on the 3T. More specifically i just want completely silent on one (excluding alarms), vibrate (excluding alarms) on another, and normal ringing on the last. I don't care about priority settings or those kinds of things. But I don't really want to root (I don't miss much), since I'd lose OTA.
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Isn't that exactly what you have now? This is how mine works:
Upper: Vibrate only.
Middle: DND, alarms only.
Lower: Normal, ringtone + vibration.
mekanismen said:
Isn't that exactly what you have now? This is how mine works:
Upper: Vibrate only.
Middle: DND, alarms only.
Lower: Normal, ringtone + vibration.
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Upper is not viable only. It's silent
c_86 said:
Upper is not viable only. It's silent
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Well you can change that pretty easily by going to the slider settings.
Settings > Alert Slider > Silent > Enable Vibration
I miss vibrate mode only too. I hope there is coming a app or xposed module.
Schrotty35 said:
I miss vibrate mode only too. I hope there is coming a app or xposed module.
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Yes and no
Sure you can turn in vibration but everything else is silent then. Example. If I put my slider in upper I get NO notifications to my android Wear. None at all.
c_86 said:
Yes and no
Sure you can turn in vibration but everything else is silent then. Example. If I put my slider in upper I get NO notifications to my android Wear. None at all.
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That's kind of strange. I feel like that's more what DND is supposed to do. I guess you could always enable the "silence phone when watch is connected"-setting in Android Wear as a workaround.
mekanismen said:
Isn't that exactly what you have now? This is how mine works:
Upper: Vibrate only.
Middle: DND, alarms only.
Lower: Normal, ringtone + vibration.
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When I set the middle one, it seems like it can't turn down ring to zero, the lowest it will go is one step before. This leads me to think they don't want it to be completely silent/only vibrate. I can't take a screenshot because it keeps disappearing when I do the three finger swipe, but try it.
Delta 32 said:
When I set the middle one, it seems like it can't turn down ring to zero, the lowest it will go is one step before. This leads me to think they don't want it to be completely silent/only vibrate. I can't take a screenshot because it keeps disappearing when I do the three finger swipe, but try it.
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That's only because it defaults to changing the alarm volume in DND mode.

Lock Hardware/Capacitive Buttons

Hey guys,
I'm running oos beta and it appears the status bar toggle for locking hardware button is gone. I googled and can't find a module or setting that I'm missing. Anybody aware of a module or developer option to get it back?
It's been renamed to Gaming Do Not Disturb Mode
Anova's Origin said:
It's been renamed to Gaming Do Not Disturb Mode
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Ahhhh don't I feel silly. Thanks for the info! Exactly what I needed.
Is there any way to get this any other roms? Such as LOS ? Im really missing this one now

