Windows phone 8 file ZIP - HTC Desire C

Would you mind giving me the file ZIP of windows phone8 ??
If you can??

here is ancm10 based rom


how to upgrade cooked rom .rar?

All the cooked roms end with .rar. After I downlod the cooked rom (bepe) the file ends with rar. According to the trinity giude it should have ended with zip so that I would be able to extract the files (see section 4, upgrade rom - Open the folder where you unzipped the files and click on ‘ROMUpdateUtility.exe’). However, there is no exe file but only rar. How do I upgrade then? I m a beginner in this and I need your help!!!!!
Download WinRAR and extract the Files.
RAR is like ZIP only other compression
thanks a lot!

How flash ROM (nk.nbf)

How can I flash ROM in to my HTC Wizard if I have only nk.nbf file ???
Use this
unzip the attachment file callued RUU, then copy your nk.nbf file into the folder RUU with all other file and execute the file XP ruu. Highly recomended do it with Windows XP.
hei doesn t work..i downloaded the rom for my phone (htc blue angel) and at the 3 rd step says that this rom is not ment from my device.why that?where i do wrong?
hi, use the italy ruu, and then change name o file with ROM to *.nbf

Invalid CE setup file error on windos 7

I have one desktop installer which install a desktop application and as well as a CAB file to attached windows mobile. This installer installs CAB file successfully on Windows XP but it shows Invalid CE setup file on windows 7. Can you please help me in this regards.
Its shows me once error 2303 also while installing. After 2 unsuccessfull attempt it was able to install desktop application but still showing Invalid CE Setup file.
I am creating .msi file in VS 2005. after getting msi file i m converting it in .exe by using a free utility (Chilkat) .
Installer project is in VS 2005 and XP SP3.
why convert to exe from msi ?
My client need an exe in place of msi. so i simply created msi file and converted it into an exe.
Steps for creating exe are :-
1) Create msi file
2) make zip file from msi
3) Convert zip into exe by using chilkat.

open .ffu files in Windows 10

Hey there. Is there any way to open .ffu files on Windows 10 PC ... IMGmount doesnt work.
I just want to extract some files. :good:
ImgMount works for me on windows 10
Windows 10 home edition, cant open imgmount.
WP Internals
You can create a custom rom with the .ffu file - (open, edit and flash)
If you Enable Root Access by the interface, you can't update the phone. But you can enable root manually.
Attention --- Do not use SBL3 if your device is not compatible!!!
Good luck
titi66200 said:
ImgMount works for me on windows 10
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It doesnt for me :/

How to flash stock rom

Hey guys im new on the huawei procedures to flash and i need some help here, the thing is that ive changed the cust to c432 and then i've flashed android 7 via dload method (placing the folder on the sdcard and leting the device flash normally).
My problem is that i just downloaded this rom EVA-L19C432B378 and when i decompress the zip file i've got The update app file (wich is used to flash the rom placing that file into the dload folder) and also meta inf folder and version among other files.
My question is: how to flash the rom?, should i put the update app into the dload folder on the sdcard and flash normally (ignoring the other files in the zip? or in this case with this rom file theres a different flashing process caused by the other files included in the zip file.
Thanks by advance, I know that i should try by myself ( with error and essay) but currently i dont have enough time to mess up with my phone and I rather ask someones that already knows this.

