[Q] Wifi Modules - how to find the right one? - HTC Vivid, Raider, Velocity

Fellows gurus..
First let me say that i have been using the search button and google for more than 1 week and all the answers let me to nothing.. so this is it.. time
to ask for help from the people that really know about this..
After cyanongenmod 10 my wifi/bluetooth never starts, keeps in "Turning Wi-Fi on." .
I have already try to flash a new kernel (KangBang-Kernel-v2.0) but still same results.
I think that the problem is with the wifi module, because after cyanongenmod the " /modules" folder disappears, already download tons of bcm4330.ko, bcmdhd & bcm4329.ko push it via abd into /modules restart with no results..
in dmesg i see
"bcmdhd: version magic '3.0.53-g6ac6fc4 SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 ' should be '3.0.38KangBang-Kernel-g816ca3b SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 '
seems like I need modules from 3.0.38 KangBang-Kernel, but i couldn't find it anywhere.
Any help is appreciated.
HTC Raider x710e (korean version)
Room: cyanogenmod 10 ( cm-10-20131006-NIGHTLY-holiday )
Kernel: KangBang-Kernel-v2.0

Today I make a full restore, RELOCK > flash RUU from original room and wifi still stuck in "turning on"..
any help?

Did you use fastboot to flash the boot.IMG?
If you use cm11 or aokp/PAC in the 4.4.2 flavor.. The WiFi modules are built into the boot.IMG...
And the kangbang kernel is for ICS... And maybe cm10... But not cm10.1 or cm11
Sent from my Vivid 4G using Tapatalk

rignfool said:
Did you use fastboot to flash the boot.IMG?
If you use cm11 or aokp/PAC in the 4.4.2 flavor.. The WiFi modules are built into the boot.IMG...
And the kangbang kernel is for ICS... And maybe cm10... But not cm10.1 or cm11
Sent from my Vivid 4G using Tapatalk
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Yes, I flash the boot.img before the room, but nothing happends..
But CM11 is Good idea, i will try it!
confirm me please this so i can continue,
Remember I'm S-ON
CM11 get it from this post -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2524934 (download main ZIP + gapps)
1 - flash the room + gapps in recovery (TWRP) - (this installs room + kernel)
2- flash boot.img (boot.img file extracted from cm11 zip, ok?)
3- Reboot & enjoy
do I wipe caches or something before flash the room?
many thanks!

nemesys1024 said:
Yes, I flash the boot.img before the room, but nothing happends..
But CM11 is Good idea, i will try it!
confirm me please this so i can continue,
Remember I'm S-ON
CM11 get it from this post -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2524934 (download main ZIP + gapps)
1 - flash the room + gapps in recovery (TWRP) - (this installs room + kernel)
2- flash boot.img (boot.img file extracted from cm11 zip, ok?)
3- Reboot & enjoy
do I wipe caches or something before flash the room?
many thanks!
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From the OP for CM11 Unofficial:
Do NOT use superwipes
Wipe data, cache, and dalvik cache
** (if you are simply applying an update to this rom base this might not always be required)
*** ((but do not report bugs if you didn't full wipe))
Flash ROM
Flash GAPPS (in 2nd post)
If you are S-ON you MUST flash boot.img in fastboot or other method EVERY ROM FLASH or you will have issues

cmerlyn said:
From the OP for CM11 Unofficial:
Do NOT use superwipes
Wipe data, cache, and dalvik cache
** (if you are simply applying an update to this rom base this might not always be required)
*** ((but do not report bugs if you didn't full wipe))
Flash ROM
Flash GAPPS (in 2nd post)
If you are S-ON you MUST flash boot.img in fastboot or other method EVERY ROM FLASH or you will have issues
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CM11 installed, unfortunately wifi still not working..
using root explorer i can see that \modules folder doesn´t exist..
maybe my wifi hardware is not working and that why is not installed??
is there any log where i could see if its a hardware problem??

yesterday I try to install [SENSE3.6/ICS] HolicsROM V1.3 Official with Holics Kernel (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1585373)
But after flash room and kernel, phone doesn´t boot.
BAck to CM11 backup.

nemesys1024 said:
yesterday I try to install [SENSE3.6/ICS] HolicsROM V1.3 Official with Holics Kernel (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1585373)
But after flash room and kernel, phone doesn´t boot.
BAck to CM11 backup.
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Today I get S-OFF .install [SENSE3.6/ICS] HolicsROM V1.3, wifi problem still
Please anybody??????

OK... What hboot version is your bootloader?
Sent from my Vivid 4G using Tapatalk

rignfool said:
OK... What hboot version is your bootloader?
Sent from my Vivid 4G using Tapatalk
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hboot- 1.85.0029
I have no more ideas ;P

nemesys1024 said:
hboot- 1.85.0029
I have no more ideas ;P
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Update: I update the Hboot to 1.85.2525, reinstall CM11, same result.. NO WIFI..
I can´t understand why in CM11 the "/modules" folder doesn´t exist.

nemesys1024 said:
Update: I update the Hboot to 1.85.2525, reinstall CM11, same result.. NO WIFI..
I can´t understand why in CM11 the "/modules" folder doesn´t exist.
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OK... I'll tell you again...
Albinoman incorporated the WiFi module into the kernel
Sent from my Vivid 4G using Tapatalk

rignfool said:
OK... I'll tell you again...
Albinoman incorporated the WiFi module into the kernel
Sent from my Vivid 4G using Tapatalk
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OK, I understand that, but in dmesg i get "wifi driver not loaded" ...
I´m still thinking that is a driver compatibility issue..


Wifi Error...

Hi I was using NIK's Project X v4.1 on INCS for quite some time, on which the wifi was working properly, than I changed the rom to Sabsa Prime v14.0 after which my wifi stopped working and showing me an error sign and not starting... so than i went to ViperVIVO_2.1.4 and there also the wifi shows the same error message. Thus to check I restored to my backup of NIK's Porject X 4.1 where my wifi started working, so I again went back to ViperVIVO_2.1.4 in which still the wifi error is showing. I read somewhere that this due to kernel issue, so I flashed Redux_0.3_ProjectX kernel and after that Kernel_Redux_0.8_ViperIncS_boot.img but still wifi is not working. please help... I am on Android Version 4.0.4, HTC Sense version 4.0, with kernel 3.01 16-g693e8e9 [email protected]#1 PREEMPT with baseband version 20.4802.30.0822U_3822.10.08.28_M. I have rooted the phone with HTC dev unlocked with S-on. Thanks in advance
andzy said:
Hi I was using NIK's Project X v4.1 on INCS for quite some time, on which the wifi was working properly, than I changed the rom to Sabsa Prime v14.0 after which my wifi stopped working and showing me an error sign and not starting... so than i went to ViperVIVO_2.1.4 and there also the wifi shows the same error message. Thus to check I restored to my backup of NIK's Porject X 4.1 where my wifi started working, so I again went back to ViperVIVO_2.1.4 in which still the wifi error is showing. I read somewhere that this due to kernel issue, so I flashed Redux_0.3_ProjectX kernel and after that Kernel_Redux_0.8_ViperIncS_boot.img but still wifi is not working. please help... I am on Android Version 4.0.4, HTC Sense version 4.0, with kernel 3.01 16-g693e8e9 [email protected]#1 PREEMPT with baseband version 20.4802.30.0822U_3822.10.08.28_M. I have rooted the phone with HTC dev unlocked with S-on. Thanks in advance
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Because your phone is s-on you need to fastboot flash boot boot.img
When you flash a zip you are installing wifi drivers/files but the kernel cannot call upon them because it is not the right one for that kernel.
Reflash whatever rom you have, then take out the boot.img from the rom zip and flash it via fastboot (google fastboot flash boot boot.img and it should tell you)
Basically you are flashing everything but the kernel. HTC unlock doesn't let you flash the kernel in recovery. I know this because your kernel version should say something like 3.0.46-redux or something like that
Hey Mark, thanks for the quick reply, when I was on NIK Project X 4.1 my kernel was 3.0.16-g693e8e9 [email protected]#1 and now its 3.01 16-g693e8e9 [email protected]#1 PREEMPT. Can you please explain as what I should flash first than what and when to wipe the cache and dalvik cache???
andzy said:
Hey Mark, thanks for the quick reply, when I was on NIK Project X 4.1 my kernel was 3.0.16-g693e8e9 [email protected]#1 and now its 3.01 16-g693e8e9 [email protected]#1 PREEMPT. Can you please explain as what I should flash first than what and when to wipe the cache and dalvik cache???
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That would be right.
1. go to recovery and flash the ROM of your choice
2. Wipe cache and dalvik cache
3. From recovery after you flash it, boot it to bootloader
4. Using fastboot, whilst in bootloader mode flash your boot.img (from the ROM you flashed). If you don't know how to do it, google it cause there is plenty of information about that
5. Reboot
Thanks once again Mark. I know how to flash the img file. For the past 10 minutes I am stuck at sending the recovery files on my computer as I was flashing the recovery img, thus going from CWM to 4ext... is this normal i.e. does flashing take such a long time, as I dont remember flashing taking such a long time...
andzy said:
Thanks once again Mark. I know how to flash the img file. For the past 10 minutes I am stuck at sending the recovery files on my computer as I was flashing the recovery img, thus going from CWM to 4ext... is this normal i.e. does flashing take such a long time, as I dont remember flashing taking such a long time...
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Why are you sending recovery? You only need to flash boot.img from your computer. You flash the ROM from your phone in recovery
markj338 said:
Why are you sending recovery? You only need to flash boot.img from your computer. You flash the ROM from your phone in recovery
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Once you manually flash using the computer it will send something to flash the boot.img.
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using xda premium
Reflash boot.img for the ROM plz...
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using xda premium
Thanks to all the people who helped me and also the moderators and this forum... got my problem solved... the problem was with the HTC drivers had to uninstall them and reinstalled them and lo i could flash my files and now my wifi is back working.... Great and thanks once again...
Thanks for the tip :good:
Helped me too.
andzy said:
Thanks to all the people who helped me and also the moderators and this forum... got my problem solved... the problem was with the HTC drivers had to uninstall them and reinstalled them and lo i could flash my files and now my wifi is back working.... Great and thanks once again...
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I have exact problem
How did you uninstall and reinstalled drivers of HTC ?
Mitan, firstly i uninstalled the htc sync manager from the computer, than downloaded the htc drivers from the net and lo got everything working....
uprockin said:
Thanks for the tip :good:
Helped me too.
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andzy said:
Mitan, firstly i uninstalled the htc sync manager from the computer, than downloaded the htc drivers from the net and lo got everything working....
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I just upgraded again to 4.04 (viper ROM) and flashed boot.img but still wifi doesn't turn on? any suggestion ?
its a kernel problem... if i remember correctly there is a thread in the viper vivo section wherein someone has mentioned how to get the wifi working.. you just need flash the kernels... please check that thread and it wifi will work...
All the best!!
Wifi error
Many a time this error occurs because people don't format the system, due to Kernel issue.
Make sure you always format /system in advanced in recovery. (Especially when coming from a Sense Rom)
Also, S-on guys make sure you push the boot.img file manually everytime you flash a new rom.
This is definitely a kernel problem. I always format the system and have had this problem with some kernels, in particular the z13 kernel. Z14 is out now and it doesn't occur.

[Q] Vivid with CM 10.1 Stops

I've installed the CM 10.1 to my vivid, I flashed the boot.img using fastboot usb, and installed the rom via TWRP before any install i used the all the wipe functions im suppose too.
When it finally boots it works for like maybe a 1 sec and then reboots. What did I do wrong?
XxnubzxX said:
I've installed the CM 10.1 to my vivid, I flashed the boot.img using fastboot usb, and installed the rom via TWRP before any install i used the all the wipe functions im suppose too.
When it finally boots it works for like maybe a 1 sec and then reboots. What did I do wrong?
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Update: The start screen works until i select my language and press start.
XxnubzxX said:
Update: The start screen works until i select my language and press start.
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Use wcx recovery in version 2.2 of hasoons toolkit. Wipe system, dalvik, cache, data, and do a factory reset all in wcx recovery then flash the rom then flash the correct gaps for cm10.1 or android 4.2.2 then go into the bootloader (advanced option) then flash the boot.img (fastboot flash boot boot.img)
bilibox said:
Use wcx recovery in version 2.2 of hasoons toolkit. Wipe system, dalvik, cache, data, and do a factory reset all in wcx recovery then flash the rom then flash the correct gaps for cm10.1 or android 4.2.2 then go into the bootloader (advanced option) then flash the boot.img (fastboot flash boot boot.img)
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Still having the the issue, I took a video.
Too new of a member to post links.
I'll paypal anyone who can help fix this some money, amount depending on how hard the problem is.
XxnubzxX said:
Still having the the issue, I took a video.
Too new of a member to post links.
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Says video is private
bilibox said:
Says video is private
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Public now, I fixed it.
XxnubzxX said:
Public now, I fixed it.
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Your device mobo is probably going bad and needs more power than usual to run it. Sorry. If i can get linux to boot I'll send a kernel your way to flash and see if it fixes the problem
Try overvolting the CPU, with an init.d script, that should stop it freezing up, init.d because you won't have a chance of doing it with an app
Sent from my One using xda app-developers app
In the bootloader boot a recovery if you are s-on
"fastboot boot recovery recovery.img"
Sultans thread (android12345*) his kernel thread has details on how to do it
If you are s-off just flash this. This has higher voltages. Maybe itll help ya
bilibox said:
Your device mobo is probably going bad and needs more power than usual to run it. Sorry. If i can get linux to boot I'll send a kernel your way to flash and see if it fixes the problem
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Please send a kernal. Also, how would I flash it without S-off. Could this also cause digitizer issues? i've been seeing like a 10% line in my phones that spams touch now.
Please do I need to download any kernel to flash my HTC with cyanogenmod 10?
Sent from my HTC Velocity 4G X710s using xda app-developers app
tybaba08 said:
Please do I need to download any kernel to flash my HTC with cyanogenmod 10?
Sent from my HTC Velocity 4G X710s using xda app-developers app
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Flash the boot.img in the rom.zip
---------- Post added at 09:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 AM ----------
XxnubzxX said:
Please send a kernal. Also, how would I flash it without S-off. Could this also cause digitizer issues? i've been seeing like a 10% line in my phones that spams touch now.
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Last post of the first page I already attached the kernel. With a recovery.img in fastboot do "fastboot boot recovery (nameofimgfile).img" Its in android1234567's sultan kernel thread in the vivid development. all instructions are there


Hello guys,
i have succesfully flashed the new RemICS rom. It's works fine. When i will install the new addonpack, it's still show the bootanimation. I wait for 30 min but nothing happened. I try it 3 times but nothings change. I come from ICS 4.3. Can anyone please help me out?
And yes... I follow the installation steps.
Rom link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2427514
PS: Sorry for my bad english.
Did you try to do a full wipe?
Sent from my GT-I9001 using xda app-developers app
KiLLAH89 said:
ICS 4.3
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4.3 is Jelly Bean (JB), not ICS (..."I scream sand witch"....) could it be that you 've flashed wrong Gapps version?
käsebr0t:45552591 said:
Did you try to do a full wipe?
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Yes everytime i flashed it.
tetakpatak said:
4.3 is Jelly Bean (JB), not ICS (..."I scream sand witch"....) could it be that you 've flashed wrong Gapps version?
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No, thats not possible, see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2427514. I flashed all this yesterday on it's release. Its run now, i install no performance tweaks from the AIO.
KiLLAH89 said:
Yes everytime i flashed it.
No, thats not possible, see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2427514. I flashed all this yesterday on it's release. Its run now, i install no performance tweaks from the AIO.
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It is just name of the ROM, and the developer writes you clearly in the first blue field, in the first text line:
Android Base CM10.1.3. RC1 JellyBean
JellyBean is not ICS (ICS is 4.0.x) so you need Gapps for CM10.1x / Android 4.2.x
CyanogenMod 9 is based on ICS
HELP needed for RemICS Odin installation
Not sure whether to start a new thread or not so for the sake of making xda a little less cluttered i will first post my query here:
It refers to the RemICS ROM thread already mentioned
This looks like a great ROM and i would like to do a one time flash using Odin
Are there any install methods using Odin. I see there is a full download on the page but it appears to be for a I9003. Have searched all over and not seen anything as yet
FYI: I am currently running DarkysROM JVQv10.2 Extreme Edition, firmware 2.3.4
Kernel Version
thx in advance :good:
[email protected] said:
Not sure whether to start a new thread or not so for the sake of making xda a little less cluttered i will first post my query here:
It refers to the RemICS ROM thread already mentioned
This looks like a great ROM and i would like to do a one time flash using Odin
Are there any install methods using Odin. I see there is a full download on the page but it appears to be for a I9003. Have searched all over and not seen anything as yet
FYI: I am currently running DarkysROM JVQv10.2 Extreme Edition, firmware 2.3.4
Kernel Version
thx in advance :good:
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This isn't meant to be flashed via Odin.
Download the rom + addons + gapps + CM9 (you don't need CM9 gapps). You can download the rom + addons from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2075058
1.) Backup everything you need to- call logs, SMS, bookmarks, etc with Titanium or other methods of your choice
2.) Reboot into recovery. Perform the three wipe combo (data, cache, Dalvik)
3.) Flash CM9. You'll probably have to flash it twice- once for the kernel, another time for the rom. Let it boot.
4.) Once CM9 has booted, check that you still have reception.
5.) Reboot into recovery again and do the wipe combo. This time choose to flash the base rom. You'll need to flash it three times- once due to the incompatible partition (first flash overcomes this), another time for the kernel, a third time for the rom.
6.) Once the base rom's finished flashing, reboot. Check you still have your IMEI- you'll know if you still have reception.
7.) Reboot to recovery, flash addons (flash Addons then Addons_V1)
8.) Reboot
9.) Back to recovery (AGAIN), flash gapps.
Unfortunately a one-time flash with Odin isn't possible. But the endless flashes you have to do for RemICS V6 is well worth it
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk HD
thx for reply
thx for your reply and apologies for getting back to you late.
If only i could do it the way you suggested but for some reason (me) i have messed the phone so that it now no longer is able to mount the external SDCard so putting the relevent zip files on the ext card is useless because in recovery mode using CWM these files fail to show.
I note that via CWM it shows the card as unmounted. If i try and do a mount it fails.
any ideas?
Soryuu said:
This isn't meant to be flashed via Odin.
Download the rom + addons + gapps + CM9 (you don't need CM9 gapps). You can download the rom + addons from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2075058
1.) Backup everything you need to- call logs, SMS, bookmarks, etc with Titanium or other methods of your choice
2.) Reboot into recovery. Perform the three wipe combo (data, cache, Dalvik)
3.) Flash CM9. You'll probably have to flash it twice- once for the kernel, another time for the rom. Let it boot.
4.) Once CM9 has booted, check that you still have reception.
5.) Reboot into recovery again and do the wipe combo. This time choose to flash the base rom. You'll need to flash it three times- once due to the incompatible partition (first flash overcomes this), another time for the kernel, a third time for the rom.
6.) Once the base rom's finished flashing, reboot. Check you still have your IMEI- you'll know if you still have reception.
7.) Reboot to recovery, flash addons (flash Addons then Addons_V1)
8.) Reboot
9.) Back to recovery (AGAIN), flash gapps.
Unfortunately a one-time flash with Odin isn't possible. But the endless flashes you have to do for RemICS V6 is well worth it
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk HD
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[email protected] said:
thx for your reply and apologies for getting back to you late.
If only i could do it the way you suggested but for some reason (me) i have messed the phone so that it now no longer is able to mount the external SDCard so putting the relevent zip files on the ext card is useless because in recovery mode using CWM these files fail to show.
I note that via CWM it shows the card as unmounted. If i try and do a mount it fails.
any ideas?
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What about your internal storage?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk HD
Here is where my noob-ness kicks in.
What internal storage is available by default on the Note1? Is it just the internal sdcard?
what puzzled me when I last flashed with odin (repeated it a number of times as I was trying to get the device to recognise ext sd card) to get the current Darky Extreme rom on (which is working fine no problem at all) is that there was still some relic directory structure left over. These were all empty folders visible when navigating within CWM. Didn't matter what type of formatting I did they wouldn't go. To summarise: much confusion and something got twisted.
So questions arising are:
-How to nuke the internal disk/card properly so there are no remnants prior to me doing another darky reinstall?
-Then, how to copy a zip file to internal card but still have it remain after the format and wipes that would precede a zip install?
-How to fix the device to mount the ext sdcard? FYI other sdcards can't be mounted either. I have tried 4 different ones. And here's the kicker-once booted I go to file manager and there I can see and access all the files/folders on the external card!!! So it's definitely a phone problem as opposed to a sdcard problem. Something got flagged along the line.
Soryuu said:
What about your internal storage?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk HD
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Pure Stock 4.4.3 F2FS version Flashable Zip

Hello peeps...
This is Pure Stock Image 4.4.3 from deodexed it and Converted to F2FS..​
Lets first understand,
What is F2FS?
F2FS (Flash-Friendly File System) is a flash file system created by Kim Jaegeuk at Samsung for the Linux operating system kernel. The motive for F2FS was to build a file system that from the start takes into account the characteristics of NAND flash memory-based storage devices (such as solid-state disks, eMMC, and SD cards), which are widely used in computer systems ranging from mobile devices to servers.
What is All-F2FS?
We used F2FS only for /data. It was simply because we have only to flash a compatible Kernel and Format /data partition. With All-F2FS we use F2FS for all partitions and we need a compatible ROM
Instructions :
Download compatible ROM
Download FormatPartitions.zip
Download "special" TWRP for All-F2FS: openrecovery-twrp-
(This is different for that of simply F2FS)
Copy FormatPartitions.zip and ROM on Phone
Flash "special" TWRP with Fastboot
Flash FormatPartitions.zip with new Recovery
Reboot Recovery
Flash ROM with new Recovery
(Flash GApps with new Recovery)
Go to Wipe Menu and press Format Data (The Big BUTTON!) (You will LOSE all your Data! Music, Movies etc!!)
Note : If you already on F2FS directly flash the zip and then Supersu from below link
Tested it..
All working fine..
Need to flash Supersu to retain root..
Link : Flashable Zip Folder - All Files
Flashable Zip - ROM
Mirror Link :
Supersu : http://download.chainfire.eu/446/SuperSU/UPDATE-SuperSU-v1.99r3.zip
Wifi Fix : Wifi Fix
F2FS 4.4.3 Kernel : d-h.st/t34
Credits :
@is0l4ted - creating the F2FS version
@My Nexus 4 whatsapp group members..
@CallMeAldy : Wifi Fix
Changelogs : ​
2014/06/03 : Initial Release
2014/06/04 : Fixed bootoop for some users. Fix zip included in the new link. (Old link removed)
Rohit02 said:
Hello peeps...
This is Pure Stock Image 4.4.3 from deodexed it and Converted to F2FS..
@My Nexus 4 whatsapp group members..
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There's a Nexus 4 WhatsApp group?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
Rohit02 said:
Hello peeps...
This is Pure Stock Image 4.4.3 from deodexed it and Converted to F2FS..
Tested it..
All working fine..
Need to flash Supersu to retain root
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I'm on stock with root, recovery and Xposed. Can I just flash the zip and root again without lose anything?
is there a big difference in speed with F2FS? any problems??
Gr8 work @is0l4ted and @Rohit02 and all the Whatsapp Group members !! Really short on time but if possible will try flashing it tomm evening !!
ronakchavan said:
There's a Nexus 4 WhatsApp group?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
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Hmm yes an amazing group
ttheodorou said:
is there a big difference in speed with F2FS? any problems??
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Many threads out there about f2fs its advantages and disadvantages !! Its faster in opening apps and boot times and improved io performance especially on dalvik !!
NABENDU1 said:
Many threads out there about f2fs its advantages and disadvantages !! Its faster in opening apps and boot times and improved io performance especially on dalvik !!
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so in short it is a good upgrade for the phone. i think i will try it at some point
ok I flashed without wipe and now it's in bootloop. Uff I don't want to wipe everything
Is it compatible with TWRP only or can I flash it via CWM ?
Sorry Bro
gajira said:
ok I flashed without wipe and now it's in bootloop. Uff I don't want to wipe everything
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Sorry Bro for the inconvenience.. here is the fix for your problem hope you didn't wiped again!!!
Hit Me to fix bootloop!! or Me!!
---------- Post added at 02:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 AM ----------
spfc_jcp88 said:
Is it compatible with TWRP only or can I flash it via CWM ?
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Only TWRP F2FS Version. To confirm that the back button on TWRP should be red in color.
is0l4ted said:
Sorry Bro for the inconvenience.. here is the fix for your problem hope you didn't wiped again!!!
Hit Me to fix bootloop!! or Me!!
---------- Post added at 02:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 AM ----------
Only TWRP F2FS Version. To confirm that the back button on TWRP should be red in color.
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thanks, I had a nandroid backup
Maybe that's the problem, I need a F2FS TWRP.
OP updated..
Can't seem to get my wifi working :/ Installer says it should be activated to view networks, but i cant activate it. If i skip the first install screen where you need to log into your google account etc, and then try to activate wifi in the settings menu nothing happens when i flip the switch :/
Did a clean install multiple times, but it just keeps on not working any fixes for this?
mumaster20 said:
Can't seem to get my wifi working :/ Installer says it should be activated to view networks, but i cant activate it. If i skip the first install screen where you need to log into your google account etc, and then try to activate wifi in the settings menu nothing happens when i flip the switch :/
Did a clean install multiple times, but it just keeps on not working any fixes for this?
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Same here. Cannot activate wi-fi.
Can I have to install the new radio?
sychim said:
Same here. Cannot activate wi-fi.
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flash new modem and baseband. If you change to the new android version google provides new binaries. If you haven't then maybe you're wifi won't work. Look in general section for modem baseband flashable.zip
or here:
carepack said:
flash new modem and baseband. If you change to the new android version google provides new binaries. If you haven't then maybe you're wifi won't work. Look in general section for modem baseband flashable.zip
or here:
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Already got the new .02 baseband installed :/
To install this "special" recovery, which one of these commands is right?
fastboot flash boot filename.img
fastboot flash recovery filename.img
Many thanks before...
omegahanggara said:
To install this "special" recovery, which one of these commands is right?
fastboot flash boot filename.img
fastboot flash recovery filename.img
Many thanks before...
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fastboot flash recovery filename.img
is the right way...
carepack said:
fastboot flash recovery filename.img
is the right way...
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You're my hero.... :highfive:
omegahanggara said:
You're my hero.... :highfive:
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no problem man

[ROM][Lollipop 5.0.1]Pure Stock LRX22C

In response to a lot of guys for having a flashable stock image of latest android 5.0.1 for mako
- Please flash this zip file like other regular ROMs founded in xda
- To get the flawless flash also this is recommended to use latest Recoveries ( I personally use TWRP )
- First boot will takes more than 10 minutes , so please be patient.
For root access you can use " CF-Auto-Root-mako-occam-nexus4"
Download Link:
Feel free to make mirror
This flashable zip overwrites our custom recovery after flashed?
Coz a custom recovery (like TWRP/CWM) prevents me from using a PC,
If these zip flashes also the recovery back to stock, then we cant go back/revert back from Nandroid without a PC..
Just a simple question, but I put mu reasons why.. Heheh.
Thanks by the way for sharing the ROM..
Device: Google Nexus 4 (LG-E960) 16GB (MAKO)
ROM: SimpleAOSP-L-ROM (Stable Build 7)
Kernel: Stuxnet v4.5 (3.4.105)
Gapps: PA-Gapps-5.0.1-BETA4 (MINI)
yethz said:
this flashable zip overwrites our custom recovery after flashed?
Coz a custom recovery (like twrp/cwm) prevents me from using a pc,
if these zip flashes also the recovery back to stock, then we cant go back/revert back from nandroid without a pc..
Just a simple question, but i put mu reasons why.. Heheh.
Thanks by the way for sharing the rom..
device: google nexus 4 (lg-e960) 16gb (mako)
rom: simpleaosp-l-rom (stable build 7)
kernel: stuxnet v4.5 (3.4.105)
gapps: pa-gapps-5.0.1-beta4 (mini)
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no, it does not
Can we get a different host? Its asking me to sign in through facebook/twitter/instagram etc if I want to download.
Thanks for the making it flashable though!
aidinvm_ultimate said:
no, it does not
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I think it is necessary to remove recovery-from-boot.p from system
pincher65 said:
I think it is necessary to remove recovery-from-boot.p from system
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this is safe to flash rom even without "recovery-from-boot" but all in all this Rom does not rewrite your current recovery
Hey, do I just need to flash this by doing a wipe data/factory reset in TWRP---Flash this zip and im good to go...Is this right?
theo28 said:
Hey, do I just need to flash this by doing a wipe data/factory reset in TWRP---Flash this zip and im good to go...Is this right?
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Yes, as you said
aidinvm_ultimate said:
In response to a lot of guys for having a flashable stock image of latest android 5.0.1 for mako
- Please flash this zip file like other regular ROMs founded in xda
- To get the flawless flash also this is recommended to use latest Recoveries ( I personally use TWRP )
- First boot will takes more than 10 minutes , so please be patient.
For root access you can use " CF-Auto-Root-mako-occam-nexus4"
Download Link:
Feel free to make mirror
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Click to collapse
Works exactly as mentioned and it took me about 9 minutes to reboot and maybe another 10 to do CF root. Good job!
Can I flash a custom kernel over this?
GorfDroid said:
Can I flash a custom kernel over this?
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Yeap, you can treat It like any other rom, but for safty always do nandbackup of system before.
Hi, thank you for this ROM. Can I flash it over CM11 without factory reset? Is the radio module updated too?
i'm getting battery usage data not available when i check the battery status in notifications
Many thanks
Planning on trying the CM12 kangs. This zip will allow me go from CM12 to stock through a simple flash.
swimma said:
Hi, thank you for this ROM. Can I flash it over CM11 without factory reset? Is the radio module updated too?
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No,there is no radio included, you have to flash it desperately
mynickname said:
Planning on trying the CM12 kangs. This zip will allow me go from CM12 to stock through a simple flash.
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you're welcome bro
ankuzero said:
i'm getting battery usage data not available when i check the battery status in notifications
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plz do wipe cache (or even factory reset if you come from custom rom), every thing is Ok here
Wiped and install, however after one reboot the back/home buttons are missing and the notification bar isn't showing either.
Did a factory reset and still nothing.
SilentSummer said:
Wiped and install, however after one reboot the back/home buttons are missing and the notification bar isn't showing either.
Did a factory reset and still nothing.
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Strange, this is pure stock with Zero modification.... I have no such issue here and think no one niether has this! Did you flash any seperate mod?
aidinvm_ultimate said:
Strange, this is pure stock with Zero modification.... I have no such issue here and think no one niether has this! Did you flash any seperate mod?
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I tried the other stock Lollipop floating around and had the same issue. Ended up having to pull the image directly from Google. It's good to go now.
No other mods were flashed.
SilentSummer said:
Wiped and install, however after one reboot the back/home buttons are missing and the notification bar isn't showing either.
Did a factory reset and still nothing.
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I had the same issue.
I updated to the latest TWRP, I then factory wiped. cleaned cache, and dalvik.
Then installed this stock rom from scratch with the instructions here and it fixed the issue.
Give it another go...
I am trying to remember the exact details. But this was almost 2 weeks ago, and I might be missing a step?
Hope not...

